"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Hoea siøf khaf suilaang poea | have to take care of or protect yourself (Lit. When people's feet get burnt; everyone has to rub out their own fire.) | 火燒腳隨人拂; 自己顧自己
chviwviaa si siaux | To the victor belong the spoils; Possession is nine points of the law; Possession is proof of ownership | 搶贏算數
ciaqviaa sixsiaux | only care about one's own sustenance; not of others | 吃贏是數; 光自己吃就好
giaqgoa siujip | extra income | 額外收入
hoatgoa siwn | lenient within the limits of the law | 法外施恩
hoea siøf bagbaai | imminent crisis or emergency (fire singeing the eyebrows) | 火燒眉毛; 燃眉之急
hoea siøf koliaau | no hope; hopeless (Lit. the net house is burnt down; it's hopeless.) | 火燒罟寮; 形容無望了
høea sid`khix | the fire has gone out | 火熄去
imtøxgoa siaxzefng | coitus interruptus | 陰道外射精
khia koansvoaf khvoax bea siøthad | look on unconcerned | 豎高山看馬相踢; 袖手旁觀
ma si | too | 嘛是
na si | if it be | 要是; 如果; 假如
parnghoea siøf | burn it | 放火燒; 縱火
phvoa sinniuu | men and women who accompany the bride to the bridegroom's home | 伴新娘
texha siongtviuu | market place built below the ground; basement shops | 地下商場
zhoa simpu | get a daughter in law | 娶媳婦
zhoaxjiø voa siarmsae | The devil you know is better than the one you don't know. (Lit. the former employee used to wet the bed; this one dirtied his pants.) | 越換越糟
zwkionggoa siuxthay | ectopic pregnancy, ectopic gestation | 子宮外受孕

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