"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: afky

ciamkhafng liap'viafky | surveillance camera | 針孔攝影機
hm'afkyn | roots of the gramineous | 茅草根; 茅仔根
hogsiafky | copier; copy machine or press | 複寫機
horng'viafky | projector | 放影機
iafkym | metallurgy | 冶金
mi'afky | cotton candy | 棉仔枝
moaafkyn | linen towel | 麻仔巾
niafkyn | muffler; scarf | 領巾
se'afkyn | veil | 紗仔巾
seafkyn | gauze | 紗仔巾
sefsvaafky | wash machine | 洗衫仔機
si'afkyn | silk scarf | 絲仔巾
sng'afky | popsicle | 霜仔枝
sva'afky | hem of a dress; border of a garment | 衫仔裾
svaafky | hem of a dress, border of a garment | 衫仔裾
tek'afky | bambook stick | 竹仔枝
zhaafky | firewood | 柴仔枝
zhaw'afky | blade of grass, stalk | 草仔枝; 草木
zhawafky | blade of grass, stalk | 草仔枝
zoafkyn | paper napkin | 紙巾

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Checking Front with the search term "zab" will show all the vocabularies start with with "zab" such as "zabor".

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