"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: afng

Bafngkaq | outrigger canoe which is Taipei's oldest district | 艋舺
Cietkafng | Chekiang; a province of China | 浙江
Iongzwkafng | Yangtze River | 揚子江
Kafng | surname Jiang; Chiang | 江
Kafngbuxkiok | Harbor Bureau | 港務局
Kafngkhw | Minato, Japan | 港區
Kafngkiuo | Hong Kong and Kowloon | 港九
Katafng | a city in Pingtung County | 佳冬
Kiafng | surname Jiang; Chiang | 姜
Kngftafng | Guangdong; Canton; Kwang-tung | 廣東
Kongkaux Citkafng Zhenglienhoe | Y.C.W. (J.O.C.); Young Catholic Workers Association | 公教職工青年會
Laau Pafng | Gaozu of Han | 劉邦
Lienpafng tiauzakiok | Federal Bureau of Investigation; FBI (of the United States) | 聯邦調查局
Lienpafng-tiauzaf-kiok | Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States | 聯邦調查局
Liongkafng | Lunkiang | 龍江
Logkafngkhviw | peculiar brogue of Lok-kang area, similar to Choan-chiu-khiu* | 鹿港腔調
Logkafngtixn | a town in middle-Taiwan | 鹿港鎮
Løkafng kiogtviuo | The head of Labor bureau | 勞工局長
Niawchykhafng oea-kaq cviaa oankongmngg | hollow out a rat hole until it becomes an arch ─ make a trifling matter become very serious; make a mountain out of a molehill | 鳥鼠洞挖成拱門; 小事變成大事。
Oliongkafng | Heilungkiang Province, the Amur River | 黑龍江; 烏龍江
Svoatafng | Shantung | 山東
Svoatafng-iu | Shantung pumelo | 山東柚
Svoatafng-peqzhaix | Shantung cabbage | 山東白菜
Taitafng | a city in Taitung County | 台東
Taitafng-koan | Taitung County | 台東縣
Taxmkafng | a college in Taipei | 淡江
Tektafng | a city in Hsinchu County | 竹東
Tiongkafng | Yangtze River | 長江
Tiongtafng | Middle-east | 中東
Zoakhafng thaux niawchysiu | bureaucrats shield each other | 官官相為
afng | husband; old man; husband | 夫; 翁; 丈夫
afnglarng | obstinate, ill-tempered, grumpy | 頑固; 聬儱; 乖戾
ahkafng | drake | 鴨公; 公鴨; 雄鴨
amkhafng | underground sewer; subterranean drain | 涵洞
angbeftafng | | 紅尾冬
angboeftafng | Taiwanese red-tailed fish | 紅尾冬
anpafng texngkog | give peace and stability to the country | 安邦定國
armchiafng | private prostitute | 暗娼
armkhafng | hidden passageway | 暗孔; 暗溝
auxafng | husband (remarried after the death of one's previous husband) | 後翁; 再嫁之夫; 後夫
auxpafng | next time; another time; the next train; bus; etc. | 後幫; 下回; 下次; 下班車
auxtafng | the year after next; If you have poor harvest, there is still hope for the next harvest. If you have a bad wife, it is for life. | 後年
bafng | nest | 網
bafng'afhviw | sort of drug burned to drive away mosquitoes | 蚊仔香
bafng'afhwn | sort of drug burned to drive away mosquitoes | 蚊仔燻
bafng'afzuie | pesticides | 蠓仔水
bafng'ar texng gukag | doesn't feel it; only slightly affected; remains unperturbed (Lit. a mosquito to stings a bull's horn) | 蚊仔螫牛角; 無在乎
bafng'ar | mosquito; mosquito | 蚊仔; 蠓仔; 蚊子
bafng'ar-hviw | mosquito coil | 蚊仔香
bafng'ar-hwn | mosquito-repellent incense | 蚊仔燻; 蠓仔薰; 蚊香
bafng'ar-zuie | mosquito spray | 蚊仔水; 蠓仔水; 殺蟲液
bafng'azuie | insecticide, mosquito spray | 蚊仔水
bafng`khix | being caught by a nets | 網去; 抓走了
bafnghviw | mosquito-repellent incense | 蚊香
bafnghwn | a kind of incense to relegate mosquito | 蚊香; 蚊薰
bafngsut'ar | flapper for hitting mosquitoes | 蚊拂仔
bafngtarlii | ornamental cloth round the top of a mosquito curtain | 蚊帳簾
bafngtaux | a mosquito net | 蚊帳
bafngtax | mosquito net; mosquito net | 蚊罩; 蠓罩; 蚊帳
bafngthaang | mosquito; bugs; insects | 蚊蟲; 蠓蟲; 蚊子
bagciukhafng | the socket of the eyes | 目睭孔
bagciw-khafng | eye socket | 目睭孔; 眼眶
bagkafng | carpenter; woodwork; carpentry | 木工
bagkhafng | eye socket | 目空
bakciukhafng | eye-socket | 目睭眶
baktafng baksay | covered with all sorts of filth | 沾東沾西; 沾這沾那
bang'ar-thafng | window-screen | 網仔窗
bangbafng | very small (as rain) | 細小; 濛濛
bangtafng | some kind of vegetable | 芒苳; 蘆葦
bauqkafng | bid a task; contract a job | 包工; 貿工; 包下工程; 承攬工
bauxkafng | contract | 貿工
baxkhafng | look or hunt for a hole | 覓孔; 找職
baxngkhafng | mesh; net | 網孔; 網眼
baxngtafng | expect winter; sparrow; finch | 望冬; 台灣鷦鶯; 灰頭布袋鳥; 燕雀
baxnpafng | numerous countries; numerous nations | 萬邦
baxntafng | tardiness; very slow; late winter; the second rice harvest | 慢冬; 慢吞吞; 二期作
be titthafng | the negative of e-tang; expresses physical or moral impossibility | 未得通; 無能
befkafng | male horse | 公馬
befzafng | horse's mane | 馬鬃
bengpafng | allies; allied country; allies | 盟邦
beqzhafng | Ledebar's garlic | 麥蔥
bexkhafng befkhafng | speculate on stock market | 賣空買空
bextitthafng khix | cannot manage to go | 未得通去; 無能去
bextitthafng | not allow to | 袂得通
bidphafng | honey bee; honey bee | 蜜蜂
binzhngg-pafng | headboard | 眠床板
binzhngpafng | bed platforms | 眠床枋
bixnthafngkex | basin stand | 面桶架
boafngiah | filled to capacity; places all taken | 滿額
boafngoat | full month; baby's completed first month | 滿月
boextitthafng | unable to go through | 袂得通
bogkafng | carpenter; woodworker; carpentry | 木工
bogsimpafng | plywood | 木心枋
bongtafng bongsay | always at work at various things; so as to have no leisure | 摸東摸西
burnkhafng | go into a hole | 瀵空; 穿洞
busiafng | one and the only | 無雙
buxn poxngkhafng | go through the tunnel | 穿過隧道; 瀵磅空
bwphafng | queen bee | 母蜂; 女王蜂; 蜂王
bykafng | art | 美工
byphafng | puffed rice; rice crispy; confection made from puffed rice; rolls made of puffed rice sweeten with sugar | 米香; 米芳; 米花餅; 爆米花
bø'engkafng | very busy; no leisure | 無閒工; 非常忙碌
bøefkhafng-bøexkhafng | cheating behavior in business | 買空賣空
bøexthafng | not possible to | 無能; 袂通; 未通; 未可
bøextid-thafng | impossible | 無能夠; 未得通
bøextitthafng | cannot | 未得通; 無能
bøkafng | fully occupied, busy | 無孔; 沒有空
bøkhafng bøsurn | not important; of no consequence or significance | 無孔無榫; 無關緊要的
bøkhafng | have no money; stingy | 無孔; 沒錢; 吝嗇; 無是辦法
bøkhafng-bøsurn | is bored; no hole and tenon; useless | 無孔無榫; 無聊
bøo bin thafng kvix laang | feeling ashamed to see others because of some awkward; inconvenient; or shameful state of matters | 無臉見人
bøo iøh thafng kiux | incurable; beyond hope; incorrigible | 無藥可救
bøo oe thafng korng | having nothing to say; unable to say anything | 無話可講
bøo thafng ciah | having nothing to eat | 無得吃
bøo zhaykafng | wasted effort, in vain | 徒勞
bøtex-thafng | no way | 無處可
bøthafng hør | not very good | 無太好
bøthafng | not tolerate; not allow; not brook; not admit; hate to do; hate to part with | 無可; 無通; 沒…可
bøzafngthaau | have no clue | 無線索; 無頭緒
bøzhaykafng | futile; not valid; ineffective; in vain; waste of effort; in vain; wasted effort | 無彩工; 白費工夫; 徒勞
chi phafng | keep bees | 養蜂
chiafng | guns; pistols | 鎗
chiafngkex | factory price | 廠價
chiafngkhaf | lame leg | 跛腳
chiafngkholee | kid’s game hopping a circule | 蹌箍螺
chiafngmiaa | call out names | 唱名
chiafngpaang | factory building; workshop | 廠房
chiafngsiefn | ride before the hounds; ride before the hounds | 搶先
chiafngsiofng | manufacturing business firm | 廠商
chiafngtø | advocate, read with a new idea | 搶道
chiahzafng | sea bream | 赤鬃; (魚)
chiahzafng-hii | red sea bream | 赤鬃魚
chiakafng | a lathe worker; transportation expenses; sewing expenses | 車工; 運費; 針線工資
chiapafng | run; trip (of bus; train) | 車班
chiathafng | car window | 車窗
chiautafng chiausay | turn over everything in a room | 移東移西; 亂翻東西
chienkafng | delay in progress | 遷工; 拖延進度
chiezhafng | prickly-ash; angelica-tree | 莿蔥; (一種樹名)
chin'afng | one's own husband | 親翁; 親夫
chipafng | lay down boards so as to make a level surface | 持板; 舖木板
chitkhafng | seven holes | 七孔
chitkharpafng | a seven-piece puzzle; a Chinese puzzle | 七巧板
chiuafngr | the shade of a tree | 樹仔蔭
chiutafng | spring, summer, autumn, winter | 秋冬
chiwkafng | handiwork; handmade; handiwork | 手工
chiwphang lafng | one who is not thrifty (Lit. the spaces between the fingers are wide) | 手縫鬆; 手指縫寬; 流財
chixphafng | raise bees | 養蜂
chviarkafng | to hire worker; hired laborer; hire a workman | 僱工; 雇工
ciaf thafng zhøe | can be find here | 此可尋
ciafng | to praise; name of a river in Fukien Province | 彰; 漳
ciafng'ab | to control | 掌握
ciafng'ag zerngkoaan | hold the reins of government | 掌握政權
ciafng'ag | under control; grasp | 掌握
ciafnghuun | palm prints | 掌紋
ciafngkoaan | to control | 掌權
ciafngkoarn | to be in charge of; to administer; to command; control; oversee | 掌管
ciafngkui | a shopkeeper; a manager (of a shop); accountant | 掌櫃; 出納
ciafngkui`ee | manager; shopkeeper (respectful term of address) | 掌櫃的
ciafngkym | a prize; a reward; an award; a bonus; bonus | 獎金
ciafngle | bonus | 獎勵
ciafnglie | manage | 掌理; 掌管
ciafngmngjiin | director of a Kung Fu school | 掌門人
ciafngphirn | prize; award; spoil | 獎品
ciafngsiong bengzw | beloved daughter | 掌上明珠
ciafngsviuo | give a reward | 獎賞
ciafngtiofng | in hand; in one's hand | 掌中
ciafngtiongzw | one's beloved daughter | 掌中珠
ciafngtuu | to cook | 掌廚
ciafngzng | citation of meritorious service | 獎狀
ciahthafng | possible | 才通; 才可
ciamkhafng liap'viafky | surveillance camera | 針孔攝影機
ciamkhafng | pinprick; hole made by a needle | 針孔; 針空
ciaokhykafng | according to the rules | 照紀綱; 按規矩
ciaqkafng | requiring much time and (or) work; take a lot effort to accomplish | 吃工; 費工
ciaqtafng ciaqsay | eat any thing | 吃東吃西; 吃這吃那
ciaux khykafng | follow the rules, SOP | 照紀綱
cidbea koax liafng'voaf | a woman with two husbands (Lit. a horse with two saddles) | 一馬掛兩鞍; 一女配兩夫
cidkafng | one day | 一工
cidkhafng-cidkhiaq | lot of small holes; many small faults | 一孔一隙; 很多小洞; 小毛病多
cidpafng | one trip on the schedule table | 一班; 一幫
cidsiafng | a couple of; a pair of; pair | 一雙
cidtafng | one year | 一冬
ciekafng | volunteer | 志工
citkafng | worker; weavers; officers and workers (in a plant, company etc.) workers with permanent jobs | 職工; 織工
citpafng | this time | 此回; 這回; 這幫
citsiafng | this pair of | 這雙
ciuokhafng | cavity; holes eaten by insects; cavities in decayed teeth | 蛀孔; 蛀洞
ciø'afng | to adopt a husband | 招翁
ciøafng | take a husband | 招翁
ciøqkafng | stone worker | 石工
ciøqkhafng | stone holes | 石孔; 石洞
ciøqpafng | slab; flagstone; slate | 石枋; 石板
ciøqthaukhafng | hole in the rock | 石頭孔; 石洞
cviaa-khinsafng | very confortable, fresh, relaxed, free | 很輕鬆; 誠輕鬆
cviakhafng | very hollow; wound | 很空; 成洞; 有傷口; 破孔
cviasiafng | twinned | 成雙
cvikhafng | The opportunity for making money | 錢孔; 賺錢機會
cytafng kofngsay | irrelevant; mislead with talk; talk nonsense; try to avoid the main theme by talking about something else (Lit. point to east and talk west) | 指東話西
e-pvoartafng | second half of the year | 下半冬; 下半年
engkafng | leisure; leisure time work | 閒工; 閒工夫; 閒暇
exngkafng | to use labor and time | 用工; 用功
extafng | next harvest; next year; fall harvest (generally the tenth month rice harvest) | 下冬; 下一年; 下一期的作物
exthafng | to be able to; to be capable of | 可以
extid thafng | able to...; it can be.. | 可…
gegkafng | jade worker | 玉工
giafng | cool; ring; good | 爽; 鈃; 好; 按鈴; 鈴
giakafng | centipede | 蜈公; 蜈蚣
giamtafng | harsh winter | 嚴冬
gianggiafng`leq | let the bell clang | 鈴鈴咧
gixkafng | a voluntary worker, a volunteer | 義工
goaxpafng | foreign country; ; foreign nations | 外邦; 外國
goaxpafng-laang | gentile | 外邦人
goaxzek løkafng | foreign laborers | 外籍勞工
goxngkafng | kind of work that you don't have to use brains to do; to work but employer cheats you out of your pay | 憨工; 沒有成就的工作; 工作拿無到錢
goxzafngthaau | the most important part; the why and wherefore of a thing (Lit. where the plant connects to the root) | 五蔥頭; 植物接近根部處
gukafng | steer | 牛公; 公牛; 去勢牛
guphafng | hornet | 牛蜂
gvofhiafng | a mixture of various spices | 五香
gyn'afkafng | child-labor | 囝仔工; 童工
gøkafng | gander | 鵝公; 公鵝
hae-katafng | black mangrove | 海加冬
hafng | toast; dry out at a fire; warm at a fire; bake; warm up | 烘; 烤; 取暖
hafngheg | terrify by threats | 哄嚇; 恐嚇
hafngheq | to threat | 哄嚇; 嚇唬
hafnghoaq | intimidate; make threats; to threaten; to menace | 哄喝; 喊嚇
hafngphiexn | to defraud; to swindle; to cheat | 哄騙
hafngsex | position to threat someone | 哄勢; 虛喝
hafngsut | to cheat by a hoax | 哄術; 又嚇又騙
hafngthaau | bluff | 哄頭; 嚇人的態度
hauxkafng | school worker; school janitor | 校工
hauxtafnghoe | board of directors or trustees of a school | 校董會
haxkafng | leave after the work | 下工
hay'afng | whale, dolphin, porpoise | 海翁; 鯨魚
hayafng | whale | 海翁; 鯨魚
haypafng | maritime nation | 海國; 海邦
hayzhafng | a kind of sedge | 海茢
hefthafng | stove | 火熥
hengkafng | start construction work | 興工
hiafng | village; the country as contrasted with a city or town; rural; a small administrative unit comprising several villages; one's native place or birth place | 鄉; 香
hiafng'exng | echo in support; respond favorably; rise in support | 響應
hiafng'iong | enjoy the use of | 享用
hiafng'iuo | possess; have in possession | 享有
hiafngbea | robber; bandit | 響馬; 土匪
hiafngboefzoaa | rattle snake | 響尾蛇
hiafngbøea-zoaa | rattlesnake | 響尾蛇
hiafngcin | enjoy all of; enjoy fully | 享盡
hiafnghiarng | resonating well | 響響
hiafnghog | enjoy happiness; have blessings | 享福
hiafngkvix | enjoy looking at | 享見; 悅目
hiafngliang | loudness; loud and clear | 響亮
hiafnglok | seek pleasure; make merriment | 享樂
hiafnglok-zwgi | hedonism | 享樂主義
hiafngløo | strike loud of a gong | 響鑼
hiafngnii | natural span of life of one who dies old | 享年; 享壽
hiafngsiu zheng'eeng | enjoy an easy and comfortable life | 享受清閒
hiafngsiu | natural span of life of one who dies old | 享年; 享受; 享壽
hiafngsviaf | sound; an echo; a noise | 響聲
hiafngtø | act as guide; lead | 嚮導
hiamtafng-hiamsay | criticise everything of no exact | 嫌東嫌西
hiaxkafng | people who makes the tiles; bricks | 瓦工
hiernkafng | offer one's labor or time | 獻工; 奉獻(時間
hikhafng | vain, empty, meaningless | 虛空; 空虛
hiongkafngkhaf | Hong Kong foot; athlete's foot | 香港腳
hitkafng | that day | 彼工
hitkhafng | that hole | 彼孔; 那件
hitpafng | that schedule of a airline, bus, or train | 彼班
hixkhafng khyn | light ear- easy to be convinced | 耳孔輕
hixkhafng | ear hole | 耳孔
hiøhkafng | stop work for a time | 停工; 歇工
hiøhtafng | winter break | 歇冬
hoafngek | rebellion; treason; revolt against | 背逆; 反逆
hoafnguo | an irony | 反語
hoan'afzhafng | onion | 番仔蔥
hoanpafng | barbarian state | 番邦
hoansoakafng | a foundry worker, a foundryman | 翻砂工
hoarhagpafng | beaver board | 化學板
hoarkafng | chemical industry; chemical engineering; Nature's work | 化工
hoeflafng | small charcoal stove for warming the hands or putting under one's clothes | 火籠; 竹製小火爐
hoefthafng | small stove for hands warming | 火熥
hoehpafng | menorrhagia; excessive menstrual discharge | 血崩
hofthaau-phafng | hornet | 虎頭蜂; 黃蜂
hofthauphafng | wasp | 虎頭蜂
hogkafng | resume work | 復工
hongkhafng | blowhole; draft | 風孔; 通風口
hongtafng | to prevent winter trouble | 防冬; 冬防
hongthafng | storm window | 風窗
hongzhafng | allium genus liliaceae for medicine | 風蔥
huiekafng | take a lot of time or work; labor consuming | 費工
hukhaf-safngchiuo | to serve; attend to comforts of parents; receive guests very graciously (Lit. support by the hand by the foot) | 扶腳扶手; 誇大的招待; 奉侍
hukhafng | vain, empty, meaningless | 虛空; 空虛
hun'afng | big cloud | 雲尪
hunkafng habzog | perform a task by division of labor; division of labor | 分工合作
hunkafng | division of labor | 分工
huotafngsu | vice-executive | 副董事
hux chiapafng | rush to catch bus; train | 趕車; 赴車班
huxbiør-cy-pafng | one's own country; one's native land | 父母之邦
huypafng | a gang of bandits | 匪幫; 匪幫(匪邦)
hvehkafng | stop work for a while | 停工
hviuphafng | small bag of incense worn as a talisman on the 5th of the 5th month | 香包; 香香
hvixkhafng e ky | have a ringing in the ears | 耳孔會機; 耳鳴
hvixkhafng khyn | gullible; ear food; the ear is soft; credulous; credulousness; readily believed | 耳孔輕; 耳食; 耳根子軟; 輕信
hvixkhafng kuyar | eardrum (slang) | 耳鼓膜
hvixkhafng lai | good hearing; sharp ears | 耳孔利; 聽力敏銳
hvixkhafng tang | poor of hearing | 耳孔重; 重聽
hvixkhafng | earhole; ear; inner ear; otic channel | 耳孔; 耳空; 耳朵
hvixkhafng-khyn | credulous | 耳孔輕; 耳空輕; 輕信的
hvixkhafng-mngg | ear opening | 耳孔毛; 耳門
høeflafng | a small stove to warm hands or body | 火爐; 火籠; 手爐
høefthafng | handy charcoal stove | 火桶; 火熥; (手提)火爐
høfafng | good husband | 好尪
høfgiah tintafng | very rich | 好額冬; 非常富有
høfkhafng | lucky; good opportunity for getting money easily, have a large income, draw a large salary, be a paying business | 好孔; 好空; 幸運; 走運; 好門路
høfnitafng | year of abundance; a fat year; bumper harvest year | 好年冬; 豐年
høftafng | good winter | 好冬
hør-nitafng | good year; year of abundance, a fat year, bumper harvest year | 好年冬
iafng | center; central; middle; to request; entreat | 央; 央求
iafng`ee | foster parents | 養的
iafphafng | wild bees | 野蜂
iahkhafng | scrape a hole | 挖孔; 搤空; 挖洞
iaxkafng | night work | 夜工
iefnkafngciar | lecturer | 演講者
iefnkafnghoe | lecture (meeting) | 演講會
iefnkafngkør | written text of a speech | 演講稿
ienpafng | lead plate stereotype | 鉛版
iongkafng | hired worker, employee | 傭工
iorng phafng | keep bees | 養蜂
irnkafng | printer, labor of printing | 印工; 印刷工人
iuokafng | skillful workman | 細工
iuzhafng | fried onions for seasoning | 油蔥
iwpafng | a friendly country | 友邦
ixpafng | foreign country | 異邦
jiafngjiarng`leq | shout aloud | 嚷嚷咧
jiafngnau | clamor | 嚷鬧
jibkafngsøex | harbor tax | 入港稅
jibtafng | beginning of winter; about November 7-21; beginning of winter | 入冬; 立冬
jidkafng | work paid by the day | 日工; 按日計酬
jinkafng | man power; man made; artificial; human labor; man-made; artificial | 人工
jinkafng-hokhib | artificial respiration | 人工呼吸
jinkafng-puxnng | artificial incubation | 人工孵卵
jinkafng-sengsit | artificial reproduction | 人工生殖
jinkafng-siuxin | artificial insemination | 人工受孕
jinkafng-siuxthay | artificial insemination | 人工受胎
jinkafng-siuxzefng | artificial insemination | 人工受精
jizhafngzharng | mixed up, confused, in confusion | 很亂, 亂七八糟
juzhafngzharng | chaotic; untidy; messy; in a mess | 亂糟糟; 亂七八糟
kabafng-hii | black croaker (fish) | 加網魚
kaepafng | beggar team | 丐幫
kafng cinkiab | work is very pressing | 工作緊迫; 工真夾
kafng | work day; day's work; day. physical labor; work; work; day; long river; the Yangtze | 工; 江; 綱
kafng'iern | oration; a lecture; give a lecture | 講演; 演講
kafng'oaan | lecturer, speaker | 講員
kafng'oafn | harbor; bay; gulf | 港灣
kafng`ee | male animal | 公的
kafngban | myriads | 講萬; 成千上萬; 無數
kafngbeeng | make (a point) clear by explanation | 講明
kafngbu-kiok | harbor bureau | 港務局
kafngcviw | written lecture or sermon | 講章; 講稿
kafnggi | lecture note; lecture; correspondence course; transcript of lectures; a discourse; explanation; deliver a lecture on; give a course in | 講義
kafnggoa | outside the port (harbor) | 港外
kafnghak | teaching; lecture | 講學
kafnghoex | imported merchandise | 港貨; 舶來品
kafnghvoa | port | 港岸
kafnghøo | negotiate peace | 講和
kafngkae | to explain (orally); oral explanation; expository sermon; explain (doctrine; literature etc.); give the sense | 講解
kafngkaux | expound religious doctrine | 講教
kafngkefng | preaching bible; expound Buddhist sutras | 講經
kafngkerng | harbor police | 港警
kafngkhaf | port; harbor | 港邊; 港腳
kafngkhao | port | 港口
kafngkhw | port area | 港區
kafngkiuu | require | 講求
kafngkiux | daintily; refined; be particular or elaborate (about something); (of dress; building; furniture) expensive or tasteful | 講究
kafngkor | tell stories | 講古; 講古,講故事
kafngkvii | riverside | 港墘; 港邊
kafngkør | manuscript of a prepared speech | 講稿; 演講稿
kafnglai | inside the port; inside the harbor; in port | 港內
kafnglie | reasonable | 講理
kafnglo | port road | 港路
kafnglun | discuss; expound | 講論; 談論
kafngmngg | port gate | 港門
kafngpex | Hong Kong money | 港幣
kafngpheeng | review (a literary work; a game; especially in speech); make critical comments on some performance | 講評
kafngpof | port side area | 港埔
kafngpvy | riversides | 港邊
kafngsek | lecture | 講席
kafngsibhoe | session (usually one of a brief series) for receiving instruction; a seminar | 講習會
kafngsibpafn | short-term course of training or instruction; a seminar | 講習班
kafngsibsor | school for short-term training or instruction | 講習所
kafngsip | training; short-term training or instruction course (class) | 講習
kafngsiu | tuition; profess; teach | 講授
kafngsut | explain and discuss (subjects; problems) | 講述
kafngsuu | teach; text of a speech (delivered before an audience) | 講詞
kafngsw | instructor; lecturer; lecturer (at a college or university) | 講師
kafngtaai | podium; rostrum; platform | 講台; 講臺
kafngtaai-tøq | pulpit | 講台桌; 講壇
kafngtee | topic (of a speech or lecture) | 講題
kafngthuun | finless-backed porpoise (animal) | 港豚
kafngtngg | schoolroom | 講堂
kafngtof | harbor city | 港都
kafngtvoaa | preaching, pulpit | 講壇
kafngtø | preachment; preach; moralise; preach the doctrine | 講道
kafngtøee | speech subject | 講題
kafngzeeng | lobby | 講情
kafngzhuix | port; harbor | 港嘴; 河口; 港口
kafngzø | a course of lectures; lectureship; professorship; a chair | 講座
kakafng | process; extra work; manufacturing; to process | 加工
kakafng-phirn | finished material, processing, processed product | 加工品
kakafng-zhutkhawkhw | export processing zone | 加工出口區
kamciarpafng | bagasse board; a board made from the refuse of crushed sugar cane fibers | 甘蔗板
kangkhafng | same hole; same problem | 同孔; 同一個問題; 同一個洞
karmkafng | overseer; foreman; supervise construction work | 監工
katafng | Autumn maple tree; Red cedar | 佳冬; 茄苳; 重陽木
kautafng | winter season about to begin | 交冬; 秋冬間; 進入冬季
kauxkafng | take a lot of time or effort; tough job; work which requires much time and energy | 厚工; 麻煩; 費事; 費時間
kawkafng | male dog | 狗公
kawkhafng | hole in a door for a dog | 狗洞; 狗孔
kaxngkhafng | same hole, same problem | 同一個洞, 同一個問題
kea'afng | marry a husband | 出嫁; 嫁翁
keaafng | marry a husband | 嫁翁
keaafzafng | wig bundle | 髻仔鬃
kefkhafng | fake hole | 假孔
keg-toaxkhafng | pretend to be rich | 裝有錢; 偽大孔
keh'impafng | acoustic tile; acoustic board | 隔音板
kehtngfkafng | the next day | 隔轉工
kekafng | do unnecessary additional work | 雞公; 加工; 做吃力不討好的事
kekkhafng | make things difficult | 激空
kelafng | chicken crate (Lit. fowl basket) | 雞籠
khafng hvoahie | fruitless joy | 空歡喜
khafng | hollow; empty; vain; false | 空; 孔
khafng-ngrbang | empty hope | 空希望
khafng`ee | empty | 空的
khaikafng | begin work on an undertaking | 動工; 開工
khangkhafng | empty; quite empty; there is nothing in it. | 空空; 空蕩蕩的,空空的
kharngkafng | stay away from work without good reason; neglect work | 曠工
kharpinchiafng | carbine | 卡賓槍
khataqpafng | footboard | 腳踏板
khazhngf-khafng | the anus, the fundament | 尻川孔; 尻川空
khek'afng | Her tenacious fate will be too much for her husband | 剋夫
khekhafng | not get along well; be on bad terms; be at | 無和; 找麻煩; 卡孔; 挑剔
khekkafng | carver | 刻工
khiafng | tinkle; deceive; fool; hoodwink; stolen | 鏘; 發叮噹聲; 騙; 清脆聲; 偷
khiakhafng | to pick fault; look for trouble | 騎孔; 故意出難題; 找麻煩
khiakhafng-khiaphang | create difficulties | 騎孔騎縫; 諸多刁難
khiatafng-khiasay | create difficulties | 騎東騎西; 諸多刁難
khiekafng | cylinders (in automobiles; motorcycles) | 汽缸
khiekhafng | air hole; pore (of skin); stoma (on a leaf); spiracle or blowhole (of a whale); vesicle (of igneous rock) | 氣孔
khiernphafng | frying; flavor with onion or mushroom before frying (something) | 譴芳; 芡芳; 爆香
khiethafng | transom; ventilation window; louvers) | 氣窗
khinkhinsangsafng | easily | 輕輕鬆鬆
khinsafng | fresh; relaxed; free; relaxed; comfortable; easy (as a job or business) | 輕鬆
khiuo thauzafng | seize a person by the hair of the head | 揪頭鬃; 揪頭髮
khiøhkhafng | to pick fault | 挑剔; 拾孔
khofbøkhafng | to feel miserable due to lack of opportunity | 苦無孔
khofkafng | toil; hard labor | 苦工
khongkhafng | a empty hole; a hollow hole | 空孔
khorngkafng | miner | 礦工
khorngkhafng | an opening of a mine | 礦孔
khoxngkhiafng | walk unsteadily | 無穩; 鞏鏘
khuikhafng | to open a hole; make a hold; button hole | 開孔; 開洞
khvoartafng | watch east | 看東
khvoartafng-khvoarsay | look all around; gawk around | 看東看西; 東張西望
khwnkafng | truck stevedores; freight-handler who travel with the truck | 綑工
khykafng | rules; customs; practices; well-behaved; set to work; commence work; lay down | 紀綱; 開工; 規矩; 起工; 常規
khykhafng | to get angry | 起孔; 生氣; 無事找碴
khymof giafng | happy; enjoy | 起毛婸
khyn-bafngbarng | very light | 輕艋艋; 很輕
kiafmthafng | whether this is proper (I am eagerly awaiting your instruction) | 減通; 是否可
kiamphafng | salty and sweet-smelling; salty and delicious at the same time | 鹹香
kiappafng | wedges; boards for supporting or pressing the sides of anything--as a fractured leg; plywood | 夾板
kikafng | craftsman; mechanic; workman; technician; skilled worker; machinist; artisan | 技工
kimkafng | goldsmith | 金工
kiørkafng | call workers to do the work | 叫工; 雇工
kngrpafng | steel plate | 鋼板
koafngak | wind music | 管樂
koea'exlafng | armpit | 過腋下
koeaafzafng | wig bundle | 髻仔鬃
koeatafng | pass the winter | 過冬
koekafng | cock | 雞公
kofngtafng-kofngsay | chat; talk about many things or about everything and anything; to gossip about others faults (often falsely) | 談天說地; 閒聊; 背後批評
kongkafng | duty; obligation; volunteer duty | 公工; 義務工
korkafng | a hired labborer; to hire a laborer | 雇工
kudkhafng | dig a pit | 掘洞
kuie kafng | how many days? | 幾工
kuikhafng | be wounded; be injured | 負傷
kuipafng | whole country | 整邦
kuisiafng | whole pair | 整雙
kuykafng | how many days | 幾工
kuyna kafng | many days | 幾若工
kuysiafng | how many | 幾步
kuytafng | how many winters | 幾冬
kvialoxkafng | money for hard work | 行路工
kvoafkafng | to hurry a work; to rush a work; hurry up to finish a job | 趕工
kvoafmekafng | hurry work at night | 趕夜工
kvoar-mikafng | work on into night | 趕暝工; 趕夜工
kvoaxthafng'ar | barrel with handle | 捾桶仔
kysex busiafng | unique; peerless; without a match in the world | 舉世無雙
køeatafng | pass the winter | 過冬
køeh'e-khafng | armpit | 腋窩孔; 胳下空; 腋下
køeh'exkhafng | armpit | 腋下空
køeh'exlafng | armpit | 腋下籠
køekafng | cock; rooster | 公雞; 雞公
køh'exkhafng | armpit | 胳下空
køh'exlafng | armpits | 腋下籠
køkafng | senior technical school | 高工
køsiafng | Senior Commercial School | 高商
lafng | loose; sparse(ly); thin(ly); scattered (here and there) | 鬆; 籠; 零零落落的; 櫳; 稀疏,零零落落的; 提; 稀疏
lafng'aflai | inside the cage | 籠仔內
lafng'aftea | inside the cage | 籠仔底
lafng'aftoea | inside the cage | 籠仔底
lafng'ar | coop; cage; hutch; cage; basket; bamboo ware | 籠仔
lafngkhoaan | hold the power | 攏權
lafngkhox | pull the pant; pull up trousers | 簍褲; 拉高褲子
lafngkoaan | hold the power | 攏權
lafnglarng | every basket | 籠籠
lafngtiautiaau | pull the pant or skirt tightly | 簍牢牢; 拉緊(褲; 裙)
lafngtiongciao | restricted and confined; without much freedom (Lit. bird in a cage) | 籠中鳥
laggeqtafng | June winter meaning summer harvest crops | 喇叭
laggoeqtafng | harvest of the sixth moon; the first harvest | 六月冬; 第一期作
lakkhafng | to carve wood; drill a hole; perforate (by drilling a hole with an auger) | 彔空; 鑽孔
langkafng | manpower; labor power; artificial; manual work; human work (labor); artificial | 人工; 人力; 工人
langlafng | puffy; few; little; scarce; rare; dispersed; scattered | 櫳櫳; 鬆鬆
laokhafng | end up in nothing; suffer loss | 落空
lapkhafng | hole; cavity | 凹孔
larngkafng | skip work; walk out on work | 曠工; 閬工; 歇工; 空閒
larngkhafng | an interval of space or time | 閬孔; 留間隔
laukhafng | leaks with holes | 流孔; 留孔
laupafng | flooring of an upper story; wooden planks used to build a floor (above the ground floor) | 樓板
lauthafng | windows of a building | 樓窗
lauxkhafng | a small hole through which air or water leaks out; small hole through which air or water leaks out | 漏孔; 漏洞
lauxzhafng | procuress; the Madame (of a brothel) | 老鴇; 老娼; 鴇母
lauxzhafng-thaau | procuress | 老娼頭; 鴇母
laxkhafng | make a hole; drill a hole | 撈孔
laxngkhafng | sparse | 間疏
lefngkafngzuun | pilot boat | 領港船
leh cidkhafng | split open; make a slit | 裂一孔
lexngkafng | another day | 另工
liafng | ring; bell | 鈴聲
liangkhiafng | sarcasm | 涼腔; 俏皮話
liawkafng | wasting effort; waste effort | 了工; 浪費工時; 白費工夫
libtafng | beginning of winter; beginning of Winter (between Nov. 7-21) | 立冬
liedpafng | all nations | 列邦
lienpafng | federal union; federation; federation of states; union of nations; confederated states | 聯邦
lienpafng-zex | federation system | 聯邦制
liern hvixkhafng | clean the ears (with a tiny brush) | 撚耳孔; 掏耳孔
limsikafng | short term worker; seasonal worker; temporary labor | 臨時工
limzhngg kafnggi | clinical lecture | 臨床講義
linpafng | a neighboring state; neighboring states | 鄰邦
linpafng-zex | federal system | 鄰邦制
liqkhafng | tear a hole | 裂孔; 裂縫
liuar-khafng | a button hole | 鈕扣孔
liw'afkhafng | button-hole | 鈕仔孔; 鈕仔空; 鈕扣孔
liwafkhafng | button hole | 鈕仔孔
lixmngthafng | aluminum doors and windows | 鋁門窗; 鋁窗
lixthafng | aluminum doors and windows | 鋁窗; 鋁門窗
logtexthafng | French windows | 落地窗
lokafng | slave-labor | 奴工
lokkhafng | bore a hole | 轆孔; 鑽孔
longkafng | farmer | 農工
lorngphoarkhafng | beak with a hole | 弄破孔; 撞破
losikhafng | screw hole | 螺絲空
luxthafng | aluminum window | 鋁窗
luzhafngzharng | take the cloak | 挐氅氅
lwkafng | female laborers; a girl working in a plant | 女工
lykafng | science and engineering; factory girl; woman working in a plant; women labor | 理工; 女工
lyoong phafng | queen bee | 女王蜂
løkafng kyliaxmjit | Labor Day (the 1st Monday of September) | 勞工紀念日
løkafng pøfhiarm | labor insurance | 勞工保險; (勞保)
løkafng | labor; factory work; laborers; workers | 勞工
løkafng-pøfhiarm | labor insurance | 勞工保險
lølafng | include; comprehend | 牢籠
løqkafng | work out | 落工
løqtafng | winter | 落冬
mekafng | night work | 夜工
miasviaf cinphafng | good reputation | 名譽很好
mikafng | overtime | 夜工
mngftafng | late winter | 晚冬
mngkhafng | hair follicle | 毛孔
mngkngfkhafng | pores | 毛管孔; 氣孔
mngpafng | door plank | 門板; 門枋
mngsviepafng | room with leaf of a door | 門扇枋
mngthafng | door and window | 門窗
mngxtafng-mngxsay | ask many questions about other people's affairs | 問東問西
mokngfkhafng | pores | 毛管孔; 氣孔
muykafng | everyday | 每工
muypafng | every trip on the schedule table | 每班; 每幫
muysiafng | every pair | 每雙
mxsi-khafng | it's no joke; precautions should be taken, powerful rival | 毋是空; 一是味兒; 不是玩兒的
mxsixkhafng | precautions should be taken; powerful rival | 毋是空; 很利害; 難纏
mxthafng | do not; must not; ought not; should not | 毋可; 毋通; 勿,不可; 勿
mxthafng`laq | don't | 毋通啦
mxzay thafng kviaf | does not realize the danger | 毋知通驚; 毋知危險
na'aau-khafng | (n) voice | 嚨喉孔; 咽喉; 嗓門
na'aukhafng | stentorian voice, very strong or sonorous voice | 嚨喉空
nafthafng | not suppose to | 哪通
nar thafng afnnef | How is it you can do it (that way)? | 怎可如此
nee bafngtax | spread out a mosquito net | 掛蚊帳
ng'iøphafng | yellow hornet | 黃腰蜂
ngf hvixkhafng | cover the ears | 掩耳孔
ngf phvixkhafng | cover or close the nostrils | 掩鼻孔
ngphafng | yellow bee | 黃蜂
niaukafng | male cat; tomcat | 公貓
niaukhafng | cable car in Taipei suburban | 貓空
niawchykhafng | rat hole | 鳥鼠洞
niawzhuo-khafng | holes where rats hide | 鳥鼠洞
nitafng | harvest (year); crop (year); harvest | 年冬; 收穫
nitafng-nisay | take up small quantities of things in the fingers; to pick at this and that | 拿這拿那
nngfphafngpharng | extremely soft | 軟紡紡
nngrcvikhafng | try to earn monty with all means | 軁錢空
nngrkhafng | go into (hide in) a hole | 穿洞
nngxkafng | two days | 兩工
nykafng | a dyer | 染工
oafng | x-ray | 嚾
oafngieen | plead with soft; tactful words; soft spoken; (to advise with) gentle and ingratiating words; speak tenderly | 婉言
oankafng | workforce; employee; employees (collectively) | 員工
obeftafng | black-tailed caesio, mountain bass, round sead | 黑鷦 [*]
obøeftafng | black-tailed caesio, mountain bass, round scad | 烏尾冬
oefkhafng | dig a pit; make a hole | 挖洞
oexkafng | a commercial painter | 畫工
oexpafng | a drawing board | 畫板; 畫枋
ofkhafng | dig (scoop out) a hole | 挖孔; 挖空; (洞)
olanglafng | dark | 烏櫳櫳
opafng | blackboard | 黑板; 烏枋
osubafng'ar | gnats | 蚋
paang liwafkhafng | hemstitch a buttonhole | 縫紉扣子孔
padkhafng | extra fortune | 別孔; 另外之財路
pafng cidkhiaq | part having fallen or have been washed away | 崩一缺口
pafng | fall into ruins; to slide down (e.g.; the earth of a dike; dam); to collapse (like a wall); wood | 崩; 幫; 板; 回; 次,; 木板; 枋
pafng`khix | to collapse | 崩去; 倒毀
pafnghuie | kidnaper | 綁匪; 綁徒
pafngkax | kidnap for ransom | 綁架
pafngpafngthngg | lollipop | 棒棒糖
pafngphiørhoan | brigands | 綁票犯
pafngphiøx huytoo | brigands | 綁票匪徒
pafngphiøx | to kidnap for ransom | 綁票
pafngtoo | kidnaper | 綁匪; 綁徒
pah'iap-thafng | venetian blind | 百葉窗
pahhiøqthafng | Venetian blind; Venetian shutters | 百葉窗
pahpahkhafng | lots of loopholes | 百百空
paktofthafng'ar | stomach | 腹肚桶仔
palafng | horse mackerel | 巴郎
parngkafng | to come or go off work | 下工; 放工
parngkhafng | to create a hole | 放空; 弄一個洞; 沒人看管; 放孔
parngsafng | relax one's attention; to ease; loosen | 放鬆
patciafngkhef | Bazhang River which is in Taiwan | 八掌溪
paukafng | contract work; job work; job or project awarded a contractor; job for which payment is calculated on the amount of work done (instead of on hourly or daily basis) | 包工
pauzhafng | prostitute | 包娼
paxkafng | walkout; go on strike (worker); go on strike; stop labor; stage a strike; labor strike | 罷工
peh-zhangzhafng | pale | 白蔥蔥
pekkafng | press or urge work | 逼工; 強迫工作
pengkafng | military ordnance | 兵工
peqliawkafng | waste time | 白了工
peqthngzhafng | sticky sugar candy | 白糖蔥
peqzhangzhafng | very white | 白蔥蔥
phaarng'phangphafng | extreamly sweet odor | 香香香
phafng texng`tiøh | bee sting | 蜂螫到
phafng | bees; hornets; wasps | 蜂; 芳; 香,
phafng-korngkoxng | smelling fresh | 香貢貢; 芳絳絳
phafngchiaf | spinning wheel; spinning wheel; spinning machine | 紡車
phafngcid kangchviuo | textile factory | 紡織工廠
phafngcid kongsy | spinning and weaving mill; textile company | 紡織公司
phafngcid | textile; spin and weave; spinning and weaving | 紡織
phafngcid-chviuo | textile mill, weaving mill | 紡織廠
phafngcid-giap | textile industry | 紡織業
phafngcit-giap | business of textile | 紡織業
phafngcitchviuo | spinning and weaving mill; textile mill | 紡織廠
phafngcitgiap | textile industry | 紡織業
phafngcitkafng | textile factory worker | 紡織工
phafngcitky | looms; spinning and weaving machines | 紡織機
phafngkafng | worker who spins thread | 紡工
phafngkoex | spinned | 紡過
phafngmii | spin cotton threads | 紡綿
phafngse'ar | spinner | 紡紗仔
phafngsechiaf | spinner | 紡紗車
phafngsef | spin thread | 紡線; 紡紗
phafngsef-citpox | spin and weave | 紡紗織布
phafngseky | spinning jenny | 紡紗機
phafngsvoax | spin thread | 紡線; 紡紗
phafngsy | spin silk threads; spin silk | 紡絲
phafngtiaxm | pastry shop | 麭店
phafngzeq | spin | 紡績
phahkafng | (going to) work | 打工
phahkhafng | drill a hole; make a hole; pierce; drill a hole | 打孔; 打洞; 穿孔
phahphafng | hit bees | 拍蜂
phahsafng | make it softer and less condensed | 打鬆
phangphafng | fragrant; scented; perfume | 香香; 香香的
phiafng | high tone noise of hitting something | 乓
phiernsiafng | movie producer | 片商, 電影商人
pho'afpafng | bed board | 箔仔板; 舖板
phoarkhafng | break open a hole; tear a hole; reveal a secret; wound; cut; hole; opening; slit | 破洞; 破空; 開孔
phoarzhux thafng'ar | small; poor house; hovel | 破厝仔; 草茅
phoea'afng | marry to a man | 配夫
phopafng | wooden floor, boards supporting tatami mats, to fashion a bed platform of boards | 鋪板
phoxngsafng | loose and bulky (parcel; dress) | 蓬鬆
phurnphafng | to diffuse fragrance | 噴香; 噴芳
phvae-nitafng | bad harvest | 歹年冬
phvayafng | bad husband | 惡夫
phvaykhafng | bad thing; evil deed; misdoing; uncanny; haunted; jinxed; tricky | 歹孔; 無祥; 壞事
phvaynitafng | tough winter | 歹年冬
phvaytafng | disastrous year | 凶年
phvixkhafng | nostril; nasal chamber | 鼻孔; 鼻空
phvixphafng | (v) enhance; beautify; embellish; adorn; do sth only for sake of show; smell; perceive the aroma of perfume; smell odors | 鼻芳; 品味; 聞香; 嚐嚐味道; 嚐鮮; 點綴
phøekafng | leather task | 皮工
phøexkhafng | bed cloths like bed bag | 被孔; 被空; 被窩裏
pi ciafng'ag | in one's grasp; within one's power; at the mercy of (used in passive voice with pi) | 掌握
piafng | sharp nose | 乓
piafng`cidsviaf | one sharp nose | 乓一聲
piahkhafng | holes on the wall; hole in the wall | 壁孔; 壁空; 牆洞; 壁洞
piahpafng | wooden wall | 壁枋
piakkhafng | (of a plot; etc.) fall through and stand exposed; reveal; lay bare | 爆空; 出紕漏; 敗露; 事情暴露
piexnsofkhafng | toilet | 便所空
pinpafng | wooden partition or screen | 屏板; 屏風(木)
pitkhafng | crack; crevice; fracture | 裂縫
poafngoat | half moon, crescent moon | 半月
poafngoat-heeng | crescent-shaped | 半月型
poahkafng | take time during the work; suspend work for a little so as to attend to something else; take the trouble to | 專程; 撥工; 撥時間; 抽空
poaqthafng'ar | water bucket | 拔桶仔
poftafng | a tonic food Chinese use at the beginning winter season; take nourishing food and medicine against the winter | 補冬; 立冬藥補
pofzhuiekhafng | filling mouth holes- meaning eating snacks | 補喙空
pokkhafng | something fall through and stand exposed (of plot) | 爆孔; 事情敗露
poxngbyphafng | puffed rice | 磅米芳; 磅; 爆米花
poxngkhafng | tunnel | 隧道; 磅空; 墜道
put'kafnglie | unreasonable | 無講理; 不講理
pvepafng | canopy; shed; shack; build one tent for show | 棚板; 戲棚的木板
pvi thauzafng | braid the hair; plait the hair; braid the queue | 辮頭髮
pvi-thauzafng | braid the hair; plait the hair; braid the queue | 辮頭鬃
pviarkhafng | empty out | 傾空
pviarmekafng | overtime | 拚暝工
pviarmikafng | overtime | 拚暝工
pviax mekafng | do night work | 拼夜工
pviekhafng | play tricks; trap somebody; to plot; to plan a practical joke | 搞鬼; 搗蛋; 搞小花樣
pvipafng | shed wood | 棚板
pvoa bafng'ar | swat away mosquitoes | 拌蠓仔
pvoakhafng | move everything out | 搬空
pvoarkafng | half-day; half a day | 半天; 半天工夫
pvoarkafng-pvoarthak | work while studying at school | 半工半讀
pvoarlafngsay | learn a thing only half well | 半調子
pvoartafng | half a year | 半年
pvoarthafngsae | half bucket of shit | 半桶屎
pvoarthafngsai'ar | half-bucket apprentice, imply the student is not there yet | 半桶師仔
pvoarthafngsay | learn a thing only half well | 半調子
pvoarthafngzuie | one who makes great display of little knowledge dabbler; only know a little but say a lot; ignorant | 半桶水; 形容只懂得一半
pwnpafng | fresh-water trout | 本; 櫻花鉤吻鮭
pøfcioxng løkafng ee seng'oah | safeguard the livelihood of the workers | 保障勞工的生活
pølethafng | glass window | 玻璃窗
pøqpafng | thin planks; lath | 薄板
pørkørpafng | bulletin board | 佈告欄
safng | pair; couple; two; double; even (as opposed to odd) | 雙; 鬆; 麵
safngiah | rate of production; output | 產額
safngiap kekbeng | Industrial Revolution | 產業革命
safngiap zerngzheg | industrial policy (archaic) | 產業政策
safngiap | estate; property; industry; industry; property; estate | 產業
safngihgiq | very lean (thin) | 瘦極了; 皮包骨
safngsarng | somewhat haughty | 瘦瘦
safngsex | proud; in vain; upper hand | 聳勢
safngsøfhw | oxygen | 氧氣
safnguu | emaciated cattle | 瘦牛
sai'afkafng | aaprentice | 師仔工
saihuxkafng | skillful workman | 師父工; 匠工
saikonggiafng | Taoist priest bell | 司公鈃
sakchiakafng | push-cart labor | 捒車工
sam'afpafng | cedar panel | 杉仔枋
sangsafng | loose; slack; not hard up; light and flaky | 鬆鬆
sathafng | window screen; screen window; screen door or window | 紗窗
sayhak-khafng | a privy | 屎礐孔
saythafng'ar | buket for dung | 糞桶仔
saythafngkhok'ar | shit ladle | 屎桶觳仔
seakafng | world | 世間
sefngkafng | save work and trouble | 省工; 省事
sefngsisefngkafng | save time and labor | 省時省工
sefsvapafng | washboard | 洗衣板
segkafng | skilled worker | 熟工
sehkhafng | wedge | 楔空
sekafng | yarn worker | 紗工
selafng | loose | 疏櫳
selangselafng | loose | 疏櫳疏櫳
sengsiafng | form a pair; to match | 成雙
serngkafng | sacred work, holy work, religious work | 聖工
setafng | eastern west | 西東
sethafng | screen door | 紗窗
siafng tøthaezex | Double Elimination Tournament | 雙淘汰制
siafng | commerce; trade; business; merchant; trader; pair; discuss; exchange views; confer; the quotient (in arithmetic) | 雙; 商
siafng-koarhø | special postal registration including return receipt | 雙掛號
siangsiafng | in pairs and couples | 雙雙
siangsiafng-tuietuix | in pairs and couples | 雙雙對對
siaxngkhafng | same hole | 同孔
siepafng | well proportioned (body) | 四邦; 四方; 勻稱
sikafng | start construction or building | 施工
sinkafngbuun | written Taiwanese created by ministre in early stage | 新港文
siongkafng | cost labor | 傷工
siorngkhafng | aiming the hole | 相孔
sirnthien'afng | albatross, short-tailed albatross, Stelleis albatross | 信天翁
siukafng | end the day's work | 收工
siutafng | crop in winter; harvest | 收冬; 收割
siuxpafng | coffin | 壽枋
siø'ofkhafng | reveal short | 相挖空
siøfkafng | unskilled laborer | 小工
siøhanghafng | toast | 燒烘烘
soafn'afng | choose husband | 選夫; 選翁
soahkafng | end the day's work | 收工; 停工
soaq thafng | How? | 煞通; 怎麼可以
soathafng | screen window | 紗窗
soefsvapafng | laundry room | 洗衫枋
sosafng | crisp | 酥鬆
su-loong-kafng-siofng | scholars; farmers; workers and merchants ─ the social castes of old China; in that order | 士農工商
suie-tangtafng | gorgeous | 媠噹噹
susiafngky | thought branch | 思想枝
suxkafng | affair; undertaking | 事工; 事業
suxnsoarkafng | little extra piece of work which can be done conveniently | 順續講; 順便講
suygianggiafng | pretty | 媠鈃鈃
suytangtafng | very beautiful; very pretty | 媠噹噹
svakakpafng | plywood | 三角板
svakakthafng | corner house | 三角窗
sviafkhafng | what? What's matter ? | 甚孔; 甚麼事
sviatafng-keksay | Lit. to make noise in the east while striking in the west; feigning tactics | 聲東擊西
sviuxkhafng-sviuxphang | try every possible means (as to injure another or get money out of people) | 想孔想縫; 想盡歪主意
svoaf pafng te lih | mountains collapsing and the earth cracking up (descriptive of sound) | 山崩地裂
svoafkafng | leave the factory after the day's work is done | 散工
svoakhafng | mountain cave | 山孔; 山空; 山穴
svoapafng | landslide | 山崩
svoarkafng | leave the factory after the day's work is done | 散工
svoazafng | Formosan sugar palm | 糖棕; 桄榔子
swnkhafng | mortise of a tenon | 筍孔; 榫空; 榫孔
søeakhafng | tiny hole | 細孔
søfsikhafng | key hole | 鎖匙空
tafng | east; eastern; winter | 東; 冬
tafng-pvoarkiuu | eastern hemisphere | 東半球
tafng-say-laam-pag | all directions | 東西南北
tafnghviaq | frighten | 懂嚇; 受驚害怕; 冒失; 莽撞
tafnghviar | hurried and careless; so as to break or spoil things | 粗心; 無穩
tafngkøef | Kora, water cock | 東瓜; 董雞; 鶴秧雞
tafnglo | carry gift when visit someone | 禮物
tafngsu | director; executive; manager; director (on the board of a school; company); trustee; members of a committee | 董事
tafngsu-hoe | board of directors, board of trustee | 董事會
tafngsu-tviuo | chairman of a board | 董事長
tafngsuxhoe | board of directors; meeting of managers | 董事會
tafngsuxtviuo | board of director; chairman of the board of directors or of the board of trustees; convener of a committee | 董事長
tagkafng | every day | 逐工
tagpafng | every trip on the schedule table | 每班; 逐幫
tagsiafng | every pair | 每雙; 逐雙
tagtafng | every winter | 逐冬
taixkafng | sit in strike; sabotage; slow down strike | 怠工
tangkafng | co-worker, to work together | 同工
taokhafng | plot together; conspire together; collude with; make secret arrangement for making profit | 串通; 鬥空; 共謀
taqpafng | footboard; footrest; foothold; treadle | 踏板
tarngsiafng | suffer injuries or illness as a result of long exposure to cold weather; frostbite; exposure | 凍傷
tasafng | dry and comfortable; as after changing clothes or wiping off perspiration; dry and mealy (potatoes) | 乾鬆
taukafng | suiside by jumping into a river | 投江
taxngkafng | begin work on an undertaking | 動工; 開工
tefkafng | person engaged for a short period of work | 短工
tefngkafng | previous day | 頂工
tefngpafng | on the former occasion | 上次; 頂幫; 上一次
tefngtafng | the last (previous) harvest time; last year | 頂冬; 去年; 上半期作
teftafng tefsay | install odds and ends | 裝雜物
tehiøqphafng | tea fragrant | 茶葉芳
tekthafng'afpng | bamboo tube | 竹桶仔飯
tekthafng'ar | bamboo tube | 竹桶仔
tengtengtangtafng | jingle | 叮叮噹噹
terng-pvoartafng | first six months of a year | 上半年
tetafng | tea season | 茶心; 茶季
thaai cidkhafng | inflict a wound | 割傷
thab cidkhafng | soil) settles; making a depression | 凹一洞
thad hvixkhafng | stop the ears and pay no heed | 塞耳孔
thad zhuiekhafng | give something to eat to a child to keep it quiet; make somebody keep a secret | 堵上嘴
thafng iar mxthafng | may or may not? Is it allowable? May it be done? May I? | 可以無可以
thafng zøx zhamkhør | assist further investigation | 以資參考
thafng | window; shutter | 窗; 通; 可以
thafng'afkafm | tankan (orange) | 窗仔框; 桶仔柑; 桶柑
thafng'afkhao | window | 窗仔口
thafng'afkhefng | window frame | 窗仔框
thafng'aflai | bottom of the bucket | 桶仔內
thafng'aftea | bottom of the bucket | 桶仔底
thafng'ar | bucket; barrel; tub; pail; bucket; pail a keg; a barrel | 桶仔
thafnggoa | be eliminated from the basket (e.g., rotten fruit) ─ omit, be left out, count for nothing | 被淘汰, 不中用之人
thafngkafm | tankan (orange) | 桶柑; 桶橘(蜜橘)
thafngkex | stretcher (for the sick or wounded) | 擔架
thafngkhof | barrel hoop | 桶箍
thafngkied | small sour tangerine | 桶桔; 桶橘(蜜橘)
thafngkoax | bucket cover | 桶蓋
thafngkvii | barrel rim | 桶緣
thafngkvoa | bucket handle | 桶捾
thafngpvoaa | tray | 托盤; 桶盤; 請客用的大盤子
thafngsurn | barrel bamboo | 桶筍
thafngtøea | barrel bottom | 桶底
thangkhafng | wormholes | 蟲空
thapkhafng | fill the hole | 塌空
thatkhafng | stop up a hole; block up a hole | 塞洞
thatzhuiekhafng | fill mouse with snacks | 窒喙空
thaukafng kiafmliau | do less work and use less or inferior materials than agreed up upon (especially in a building job); to jerry build | 偷工減料
thaukafng | to skimp on work | 偷工
thaumngg cinlafng | few hairs | 頭髮稀少
thaumozafng | hair | 頭毛鬃
thaupafng | the first train; bus | 頭班
thautafng | 1st year | 頭冬
thauzafng | hair; the queue | 頭鬃; 頭髮
thauzengthafng | front window | 頭前窗
thengkafng | stop work for a time | 停工
thetafng-thesay | refuse with excuse | 推東推西
thiaopafng | springboard | 跳板
thiaukafng laai | having come of set purpose for a special object | 刁工來; 專程來
thiaukafng | set purpose; intentionally | 刁工; 故意
thienha busiafng | unequalled in all the world | 天下無雙
thihkafng | ironworker | 鐵工
thihpafng | sheet iron | 鐵板
thihthafng | window with metal gratings; a prison; iron window; iron barred windows | 鐵窗
thihthafng'aflai | iron bucket | 鐵桶仔內
thihthafng'ar | iron bucket | 鐵桶仔
thngpafng | sugar bar | 糖枋
thngzhafng | sticky sugar candy in Taiwa | 糖蔥
thoahpafng | tart | 挩坊
thoahthafng | sewing machine | 挩窗; 斜眼; 拉窗子
thoakafng | day workers; procrastinate intentionally | 拖工
thokafng | ordinary mason | 土工; 泥瓦匠
thokhafng | hole in the earth | 土孔; 泥洞
thokhapafng | floor mat | 塗跤枋
thonghongkhafng | vent hole | 通風孔
thongkhiekhafng | ventilated air | 通氣空
thorafkhafng | rabbit warren | 兔仔孔
thorkhafng | rabbit hole | 兔孔; 兔窟
thvithafng | louver; dormer; scuttle; skylight; skylight; high windows; a fixed window in a roof | 天窗
thvoarkafng | coal miner | 炭工
thvoarkhafng | mine | 炭空
thøeakafng | a substitute worker | 退工
tiabkafng | a kind of skate fish | 喋江; 老板鯆
tiarmkhafng | hide in a hole; cave; be at home don't like to go out | 玷孔; 躲在洞內; 居家無出
tiaukafng laai | having come of set purpose for a special object | 專程來
tiaukafng | set purpose; intentionally | 刁工; 雕工; 故意
tiexnkafng | electrician | 電工
tikafng | boar | 公豬
tiongkafng | Yangtze River | 長江
tirnkafng | hinder or obstruct work | 擋工; 妨礙工作
tiuafphafng | rice smell | 稻仔芳
tizafng | hog bristles | 豬鬃
tiøhgiafng | ring a bell by pulling a rope | 拉鈴; 擢鈃; 擊鏘
tiørhi'afng | kingfisher | 釣魚翁
tiørhuafng | kingfisher | 釣魚翁
tngfcvikhafng | turnover finance | 轉錢空
tngkafng | farm laborer hired for a long time | 長工
toa paktor-thafng'ar | a woman's stomach protrudes either before or after pregnancy; a man or woman has dropsy; undernourished or starving child with big belly | 大肚仔 (病態的); 小腹大
toahthafng | open a sliding window | 大窗
toaxaukhafng | second day after tomorrow | 大後日
toaxkafng | skillful workman | 大工; 匠工
toaxkhafng | generous; elegant and composed; in good taste | 大方
toaxna'aukhafng | stentorian voice; very strong or sonorous voice | 大嚨喉孔
toaxthafng | strabismus, squint | 斜视
toaxthauzhafng | shallot (vegetable) | 大頭鬃; 大頭蔥; 分蔥
tofngkafng | the platform of a political party; political party worker | 黨綱; 黨工
tokkafng | oversee work or workmen, overseer, superviser | 督工
tongkafng | child labor | 童工
toxngkafng | kick off the work | 動工
toxngkhafng | break open a hole; lay bare; speak ill of (a person) behind his back; to backbite; inform the police on (a person) | 穿洞; 背後說人壞話
toxzaikhafng | belly button | 肚臍空
tuiekafngky | walkie talkie | 對講機
tukafng | male pig | 豬公
tuthafng | shop window | 櫥窗
tvakafng | workman | 打工; 擔工; 苦力
tvazhafng bøexzhaix | to do small business (Lit. carry onion and sell it) | 挑蔥賣菜; 比喻做小生意
tvoatafng | having only one harvest in the year | 單冬; 一期作
tøefkafng | temporary work | 短工
u kafngkiux | requiring a particular skill; has a lot of experience | 有講究
uixkafng | work of painting, ornamental painter | 畫工
uixpafng | sketchpad | 畫板
uixphoarkhafng | stomach rupture | 胃破空
uxcidkafng | one day | 有一工
uxkhafng | have a hole; to have an opportunity; be wealthy | 有洞; 有錢
uxkhafng-bøsurn ee | meaningless; useless | 無意義的
uxnkafng | carrier | 運工
uxthafng | possibly it can or it may | 有通; 能夠
vithafng | circular window | 圓窗
viukafng | he-goat (very young or castrated) | 公羊
viuzhafng | onion | 洋蔥
vixpafng | Gentile nations | 異邦
vixpafng-laang | gentile person, foreigner | 異邦人
wntafng | second rice harvest; about the tenth month | 溫冬; 第二期作
zabgøeh-tafng | winter arrived in October | 十月冬
zabgøeqtafng | second rice harvest during the tenth month | 二期稻
zabofkafng | female worker | 查某工
zabzheafkafng | handyman | 雜差仔工
zaekafng | delivery (merchants) | 載工; 運貨
zafng | low scraggy palm; fibrous bark of palm; horse's mane; topknot of a lady's headdress | 鬃; 騌; 棕
zafng`khix | take away | 提去
zafngthaau | main threads; points; trail; clue of (criminal) investigation | 頭緒
zafngzhao | bundle grass or straw | 捆草
zafpafng | morning shift | 早幫
zaftafng | early summer crop of rice | 早冬; 春耕; 早稻; 一期稻
zaikhafng | be in on the secret; know the weak points of others; happen to hear | 靈通; 懂門路
zaokhafng | stove opening (for fuel) | 灶門; 爐口
zapokafng | male worker | 查埔工
zarnpafng | duckboards; pallet | 棧板
zawafng | husband ran away | 走尪
zawtafng-zawsay | traveling all over the place; constantly on the move | 跑東跑西
ze-kaq langlafng | there are many vacant seats | 坐得鬆鬆; 坐的人零零落落
zeatafng | worship the winter | 祭冬
zeng'afng | former husband | 前夫
zengpafng | last time | 前幫; 前次; 前回
zerngkafng jin'oaan | political staff officers (military) | 政工人員
zerngkafng | political work (military) | 政工
zextafng | face east | 坐東
zextafng-varsay | face west with back to east | 坐東俯西
zhafng | green onion | 蔥
zhafphafng | seasoning | 炒芳
zhagkhafng | chip; chisel; peck at; make a mortice | 鑿孔
zhaokhafng | rotted out | 缺陷; 東西有洞
zhapafng | boards; planks | 柴板
zhathafng'aflai | inside wooden pail | 柴桶仔內
zhayhoephafng | men who have always had sex with women and then abandoned them | 採花蜂
zhaykafng | take time | 採工
zhengkhietangtafng | very clean | 清氣噹噹
zhengphafng | refreshing fragrance; gently and pleasantly fragrant; not too strong | 清香
zherngkhafng | embrasure in a fort or vessel; gun hole for firing; or made by bullet; gun muzzle | 鎗眼
zhngfkhafng | pick a hole in | 尋孔
zhngpafng | headboard | 床枋
zhoafnkhuiekhafng | panting | 喘氣空
zhoanpafng | let slip something which one has tried to conceal | 穿幫
zhoexkhafng-zhoexphang | look for an opportunity to extort money or to slander or injure others; look for trouble (Lit. Look for opportunities and place.) | 找孔找隙; 找麻煩
zhokafng | labor worker; unskilled laborer | 粗工
zhorngkhafng | plotting; set a snare | 創孔; 玩花樣; 設圈套
zhorngtafng-zhorngsay | making odd stuff | 創東創西
zhosiafng | Junior Middle Commercial | 初商
zhotafng | first winter | 初冬
zhoxng-cvikhafng | make money | 創錢孔; 搞錢
zhuiekafng | odd jobs | 碎工; 雜工
zhuiekhafng | mouth; cavity of the mouth | 嘴孔; 嘴巴; 口腔
zhunha-chiutafng | spring; summer; autumn; winter | 春夏秋冬
zhuoterng-thafng | a dormer window | 厝頂窗
zhupafng | lay down boards so as to make a level surface | 敷板; 舖木板
zhutkafng | do work; to contribute labor | 出力; 義工
zhutpafngiap | publishing business | 出版業
zhvezhafng | onion | 青蔥
zhøexkhafng | seize every opportunity | 尋工; 揣空
zngrkhafng | make a hole; bore a hole; drill; bore or make a hole like an insect or drill | 鑽孔
zoafngarn sengkhofng | in the twinkling of an eye it is gone the vanity of life | 轉眼成空
zoafngarn | soon; one moment; turn the eye; a short time after (said only of things past); an instant | 轉眼
zoafngi | a trope | 轉喻; 轉義
zoafngiap | change one's trade; change one's career | 轉業
zoafpafng | cardboard; pasteboard; cardboard | 紙板; 紙枋
zoakhafng | snake pit | 蛇洞
zoankafng | wholly for the special purpose; take the trouble to; purposely | 專程; 專工; 特地
zoea'afng | be a husband | 做夫
zoeakafng | work | 做工
zoeakafng`ee | worker | 做工的
zoeakhafng | conspiracy | 做孔; 陰謀
zoeasvoarkafng | part time job | 打線工
zofngpaxkafng | general strike | 總罷工
zongphoex-kafng | a fitter, an assembler | 裝配工
zongphøex-kafng | a fitter, an assembler | 裝配工
zongtafng-zongsay | work ambitiously | 撞東撞西; 為生計奔波
zunpafng | boat gang | 船幫
zurnkafng | finish work on building | 竣工
zuysafngiap | fishing industry | 水產業
zuythafng'ar | bucket | 水桶仔
zuythafnghvi | handle of a water bucket | 水桶把手
zuyzhafng | welsh onion | 水蔥
zuzhafng | chopped onion | 珠蔥
zøeakafng | work | 做工
zøq-jidkafng | working dates | 作日工
zørafng | be a husband | 做夫; 做翁
zørkafng | working; work; labor; do work; be a workman | 工作; 做工
zørkhafng | digging holes | 做孔
zørtafng-zørsay | do any old things | 做東做西
zøx-mekafng | do night work | 做夜工
øextafng | next year, next harvest of rice | 下冬
øexthafng | possible; maybe; to be capable of | 能處; 可以; 能夠
øextitthafng | attainable (hope, desire). can, able to (circumstances permit) | 會得通; 可以; 能
øh-phvae zuie pafng svoaf | hard to learn good thingsd and easier to learn bad things | 學歹水崩山

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