"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ahsi

Kahsiefn | a city in Kaohsiung County | 甲仙
ahsit | duck wing | 鴨翅
bahsimi | noodles with sliced meat | 肉絲麵
baxnciahsi | wait | 等一下; 慢且是
boahsiaw | erase; erase; to strike off; inform the authorities of cessation of a right | 抹消; 洗滌; 擦掉
chiahsibji | red cross | 赤十字
chiahsibji-sia | Red Cross | 赤十字社
chiahsiux | stitchwork; embroider; embroider; drawn work | 刺繡
ciahsi | that is | 才是
goxahsiaplak | good fortune which one doesn't deserve, illegal gains | 伍仔肆陸; 伍百肆拾陸
hahsiøf | to get warm near a heat source | 哈燒; 以熱氣火氣弄溫
hviahsit | flap wings from the frighten | 打翼; 嚇翼; 受驚而振翅
iahsiq | a coconut | 椰子
itpid-boahsiaw | undo something by a single stroke; all cancelled; settle an account once for all | 一筆抹消
kahsi | since ─ in the sense of circumstances | 既然
kahsimbaq | the part of meat or beef from above the forelegs to between the shoulder blades | 胛心肉
khahsioong | usually, as usual | 較常; 通常
khahsit | more attune to reality | 較實; 實在一點
koahsiofng | wound by cutting | 割傷
pahsiefn | hundred of angels | 百仙
pahsiux | all animals | 百獸
phahsiaq | tin | 打錫
phahsiaw | dispel (doubts; misgivings; etc.); give up on | 打消
phahsiax | have loose bowels | 打瀉; 使瀉
phahsid | extinguish | 熄滅
phahsie | shoot to death; strike dead; beat to death | 打死; 擊斃
phahsiofng | bruise; injure; wound; to hurt; injured by a blow | 打傷
phahsit | food hunting | 打食
phahsitløh | hit down | 打失落
phahsiøthaux | open communication (between two rooms); take out the partition | 打相透; 打通; (房子)
phoahsid | extinguish by throwing water | 潑熄
siahsiahkiøx | sharp | 削削叫
soahsiin | beast; ominous deity or malignant god who brings catastrophes | 煞神
tahsim'ar | dear | 貼心仔; 親愛的
tahsim'ee | intimate | 貼心的
tahsimbaq | intimate | 貼心肉
thiøhoechiahsiux | pick flowers embroidery | 挑花刺繡
zhahsit laan poef | completely surrounded (Lit. Even if you were given wings; you couldn't fly away.) | 插翅難飛
zhahsit | wing | 插翼

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