"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ak

Bisengbudhak | microbiology | 微生物學
Cikakøf | Chicago | 芝加哥
Engkog bunhak | English literature | 英國文學
Gak | Joel (Catholic) | 岳; 岳厄爾
Harnhak | Chinese study; Chinese classics | 漢學
Hayviuu taixhak | University of the Sea | 海洋大學
Hoakiaau | overseas Chinese | 華僑
Hoakii-ginhaang | Citibank | 花旗銀行
Hoanteakofng | Vatican | 梵蒂岡; 梵蒂崗
Hongzeakog Hoe | Franciscans; OFM (Catholic) | 方濟各會
Hudhak | Buddhist study | 佛學
Huojintaixhak | establish one's virtues, the Catholic University in Taipei | 輔仁大學
Iøqzehak | pharmacology | 藥劑學
Juhak | teaching of Confucius | 儒學
Kakhexng | celebration | 嘉慶
Khappakog | Habacuc (Catholic) | 哈巴谷
Kokseakiok | IRS | 國稅局
Koksoeakiok | IRS | 國稅局
Ladmakaux | Lamaism | 喇嘛教
Lampaktiaau | the South and North dynasties | 南北朝
Larmakaux | Lamaism | 喇嘛教
Lefpae'lak | Saturday | 禮拜六
Lienpafng tiauzakiok | Federal Bureau of Investigation; FBI (of the United States) | 聯邦調查局
Lømar Teakog | Roman Empire | 羅馬帝國
Nakhao | a city in Taipei County | 林口
Pae'lak | Saturday | 拜六; 星期六
Pak'aw | northern Europe | 北歐
Pak'haan | North Korea | 北韓
Pak'hae | the Gulf of Chili; Arctic Regions | 北海
Pak'haytø | Hokkaido; Japan's northernmost island | 北海道
Pak'hoee kuisvoax | Tropic of Cancer | 北回歸線
Pak'iog zocid | NATO | 北約組織
Pak'oat | North Vietnam | 北越
Pakbie | Northern America; North America | 北美
Pakbyciw | North America | 北美洲
Pakbykoarn | North America Pavilion | 北美館
Pakisutharn | Pakistan | 巴基斯坦
Pakjixkøf | The Second Freeway in Northern Taiwan | 北二高
Pakkafn | a city in Lienchiang County | 北竿
Pakkarng | a city in Yunlin County | 北港
Pakkeghae | Arctic Ocean | 北極海
Pakkegkhiern | Eskimo dogs | 北極犬
Pakkegkhoaan | Arctic Circle | 北極圈
Pakkegzhvef | Polar Star | 北極星
Pakkek tharmhiarm | Arctic expedition | 北極探險
Pakkek | North pole | 北極
Pakkviaf | Beijing; Peking | 北京
Pakkviahix | Peking opera | 北京戲; 平劇
Pakkvialaang | Pekingese | 北京人
Pakmngg | a city in Tainan County | 北門
Pakpeeng | Beijing | 北平
Pakpof | a city in Hsinchu County | 北埔
Pakpvoarkiuu | Northern Hemisphere | 北半球
Paktaau | Beitou District, Taipei | 北投
Paktaioaan | Northern Taiwan | 北台灣
Paktao | a city in Changhua County; Big Dipper; the Plough | 北斗
Paktawchitchvy | Big Dipper | 北斗七星
Paktawzhvef | the Great Bear; the Big Dipper; North Star | 北斗星
Paktuxnkhw | Beitun District | 北屯區
Palakuy | Paraguay | 巴拉圭
Seakaix ginhaang | the World Bank | 世界銀行
Seakaix uxntoxnghoe | Olympic Games | 世界運動會; 世運會
Sengki'lak | Saturday | 星期六
Sexng Hongzeakog Hoe | Order of St Francis (Catholic) | 聖方濟各會
Taipakchi | Taipei city | 台北市
Taipakkoan | Taipei county | 台北縣
Taipaksviaa | Taipei city | 台北城
Tawlak | a city in Yunlin County | 斗六
Texjixzhux Seakaix taixciexn | the Second World War; World War II | 第二次世界大戰
Zeakofng | monk who helped the poor | 濟公
Zhengteakog | Qing Empire | 清帝國
Zhorngseakie | Genesis (Catholic) | 創世紀; (創)
Zhorngseakix | Genesis (Protestant) | 創世記
Zoakhafng thaux niawchysiu | bureaucrats shield each other | 官官相為
Zokkiern-zuxpak | silkworm to be imprisoned by its cocoon; to tie one's own hands; to get into trouble by one's own schemes | 作繭自縛
aigak | music of lament; funeral music | 哀樂
ak'ag`leq | drench a bit | 澆澆水
ak'ho | be caught in the rain | 淋雨; 沃雨
ak'hoef | water flowers; water flowers | 澆花
akchiuo gienhoafn | shake hands and converse cheerfully | 握手言歡
akchiuo | shake hands; shake hands; a hand shake | 握手
akim | aunt (mother's brother's wife; aku's wife) | 阿妗; 舅媽; 舅母
akiong`ar | (abbreviation for) Chinese communist (party; regime; etc.) | 阿共仔
akioxng'ar | (abbreviation for) Chinese communist (party; regime; etc.) | 阿共仔
akkoaan | be in the power or authority; be in command; hold the reins | 握權
aklegkex | gripping gauge; hand dynamometer | 握力計
akof | aunt (father's sister); aunt (father's sisters) | 阿姑; 姑母; 姑媽
akofng | grandfather | 阿公; 祖父
akpiet | shake hands at parting; shake hands in parting; say goodbye | 握別
akpuii | apply fertilizer; water plants with liquidized night soil | 施肥; 沃肥; 澆肥
aktaam | be wetted by sprinkling; drench | 澆濕; 沃澹; 淋濕
aktiøqho | past participle of 'ak-hoo7' | 淋著雨
aku | uncle (mother's brother); uncle (mother's brothers) | 阿舅; 舅父; 舅舅
akviar | kids | 阿囝
akwn | second place in a contest; in second place; second prize | 亞軍
akzag | upset; in disorder; disorderly and inconveniently crowded with articles; narrow; small and dirty | 齷齪; 煩躁; 狹窄
akzuie | watering; water things like flowers | 沃水; 澆水
akøf | elder brother | 阿哥; 哥哥
amlaang nybak | deceive others | 掩人耳目
angbak | pinkeye; bloodshot eye | 紅目; 紅眼
auxkhakwn | Achilles' tendon | 後腳筋; 後跤筋
bagkakciafm | pointed tip of eye's corner | 目角尖
baibak | prospect of a solution | 眉目
bak zhefng bii siux | handsome | 目清眉秀
bak | ink-stick or ink; wood; eye; jasmine; desert; wood; trees | 墨; 目; 節; 茉; 木; 漠
bak'iuu | touch oil | 沾油
bak`nih | in one's eyes | 目裡; 眼中
bakaf | dishonest; unreasonable | 無老實; 不講理
bakbag taktag | miscellaneous | 沾沾觸觸; 零零碎碎
bakchiuo | (vi) meddle; meddle in another's affairs | 沾手; 參與; 干涉
bakciukhafng | eye-socket | 目睭眶
bakkhaf bakchiuo | can't do much | 沾手沾腳
bakkhaf-bakchiuo | get one's feet; hands wet | 沾手沾腳
bakku | the back, the background, a backer, a supporter | 背景
bakkuq | reversing | 倒車; 源自日語バック(bakku)
bakkvoa | soak with sweating; stain with perspiration | 沾汗; 沾到汗
baktaam | get web; soil by wetting | 弄濕; 沾濕
baktafng baksay | covered with all sorts of filth | 沾東沾西; 沾這沾那
baktag | troublesome; bothersome; confusing | 沾觸; 細煩; 煩瑣; 煩碎
baktiau | moist with; wet to; soak with; be stained with; touch | 沾住
bakzhuix | touched it by mouth; food around mouth | 染嘴; 沾嘴
bakzuie | touch water; dabbling in water | 弄水; 沐水; 玩水; 沾水
baxngbak | mesh; net | 網目; 網眼
baxnhoakviax | a triangular prism | 三稜鏡; 萬花鏡
bebak | superficially attractive; dizzy; teeny-weeny eyes | 目眩; 金玉其外; 咪目
behak | charm, deceive, seduce, anesthetize | 迷惑
bexcviuxbak | I cannot set a high value on this kind of person (thing). | 這種人 (東西) 我看不起 (不上眼)
biefnhak | encourage someone to study | 勉學
binkafn bunhak | folk literature; popular literature | 民間文學
binkafn imgak | folk music | 民間音樂
binzoghak | ethnology | 民族學
bixnbak | facial expression; facial features; facial appearance; countenance; personage; face; feature; appearance; countenance | 面目; 容貌
boabak | grind Chin; inkcake on slab; prepare liquid ink from an ink stick | 磨墨
boafnhak | late learning | 晚學
boakhvaf | grinding bowl | 磨坩
boakviax | polish bronze mirror | 磨鏡; 磨光銅鏡
boghak | animal husbandry, zootechny | 木學; 木斛; 蘭花
budlie hoarhak | physical chemistry; physics and chemistry | 物理化學
budlyhak | physics | 物理學
buhoakør | fig; fig | 無花果
buibak | barely close the eyelids | 瞇目; 微瞇眼
buky hoarhak | inorganic chemistry | 無機化學
bunhak kekbeng | literary revolution | 文學革命
bunhak phoksu | Doctor of Literature | 文學博士
bunhak seksu | Master of Arts; MA | 文學碩士
bunhak | literature; literature; letters | 文學
bunhak-vi | college of arts | 文學院
bwhak | study for martial arts | 武學
byhak | esthetics | 美學
bythaibak | a kind of rice noodle | 米篩目; 米食名
bøkhaksit | uncertain, unsure, unreliable | 無確實
bøo khaksit | unreliable, uncertain, unsure | 無確實
bøo svakaang | is dissimilar | 無相共; 無一樣
bøo thak`tiøh | have never read it | 沒有讀過
chiabak | to look down on somebody | 斜目
chiachiakurn | bustling | 戕戕滾; 熙來攘往
chiahbak | envious, annoyed | 刺目; 赤目; 眼紅
chiak | hasten; hurry | 蹦; 嚓; 跳動; 催促
chiak`cide | kacha | 擦一下
chiakafng | a lathe worker; transportation expenses; sewing expenses | 車工; 運費; 針線工資
chiakag | oblique angle | 斜角
chiakex | car price | 車價
chiakhag | car body | 車殼
chiakhie | teeth of gear | 車齒; 齒輪齒
chiakhoarn | car model | 車款
chiakhox | garage; garage | 車庫; 車房
chiakofhix | Taiwanese Drama | 車鼓戲
chiakor | car drump | 車鼓
chiakulaxng'axng | make a mess of a room; (Lit. to overturn every box and basket- to make a thorough search) | 翻東翻西
chiakuy | turning-lathe | 車床; 車規; 旋轉車床
chiapthviakhix | bugging device | 竊聽器
chiaxngkhakef | hop | 獨腳跳; 跳房子(兒童遊戲)
chiebak | offending to the eye | 剌眼
chiefnhak | not deep in learning; shallow learning; little formal schooling; have little knowledge or experience | 淺學; 學淺
chiegiam luxnlyhak | experimental logic | 試驗論理學
chiezhak | satire; irritating; offensive; provoking; unpleasant | 刺鑿; 無順眼; 不悅; 瘋刺; 刺激
chimbak | sunken eyes | 深目; 凹眼
chinbak | with one's own eyes; personally; with one's own eyes | 親眼; 親目
chincviakafn | among one's relatives | 親戚間
chiokbak | eye-catching, attractive | 觸目; 醒目
chiuxbak | tree; arbor; trees (in general) | 樹木
chiwbak | the joints of hands | 手目; 手關節
chiøf kiakkiag | very energetic and vigorous; to be full of vitality (of males) | 精力旺盛
chiørphoax paktofphoee | overwhelmed with laughter; rock with laughter | 笑破腹肚皮
chviakeg | Decoration | 成革; 裝潢
chvibak | unfamiliarly eyes ? | 生目
chviebak | strike the eye; markedness; spotlight | 醒目
chvybak | (n) glamorization | 醒目; 顯眼
chykhakkoea | salted turtle cake made by sticky rice | 鼠麴粿
chykhakzhao | some type of herb | 鼠麴草
ciah y koeakoex | have the upper hand; be able to overcome him with the utmost ease; hold a person cheap; undervalue | 吃他過過; 吃定了他
ciah-kaki | meals supplied by oneself | 食家己; 吃自己; 領乾薪水
ciaqbak | cite | 食目; 引目
ciaqkaki | lost job | 食家己
ciawar-bak | bird's eyes | 鳥仔目
ciawluixhak | ornithology | 鳥類學
ciaxmjip kakerng | to be better gradually | 漸入佳境
cidbak | a glance | 一眼; 一目
cidkakgiin | a dime | 一角銀
cidkyn zablak niuo | six of the one, half a dozen of the other; tweedledum and tweedledee | 一斤十六兩; 半斤八兩
cidpak | one wrap | 一綁
cidpak'hoea | very angry | 一腹火; 一肚子氣
cidseakie | a century | 一世紀
cidtakkwar | a while | 一觸久仔
cinzaai sidhak | truly learned; solid learning | 真才實學
ciofnghak | education encouragement | 獎學
ciofnghak-kym | scholarship, fellowship | 獎學金
cioksu imgak | jazz music | 爵士音樂
ciu'iuu seakaix | Travel round the world | 週遊世界
ciuxhak | school enrolment; go to school | 就學
ciuxthak | enroll | 就讀
ciøqbak | black ink; graphite | 石墨
ciøqiuu hoarhak kanggiap | petrochemical industry | 石油化學工業
cviakef | set up a home, become a family | 成家
cviakhafng | very hollow; wound | 很空; 成洞; 有傷口; 破孔
cviakhoarn | to become a presentable or decent person | 像樣
cviakirn | before long; soon; in no time | 很快
cviakoaan | very high | 很高; 誠懸
cviakofgoeh | almost one month | 成個月; 將近一個月
cviakuo | for long; for ages | 很久
cviakuun | form a group | 成群; 成羣
cviakviar | to become a useful person | 成器; 成囝
cviarbak | right eye | 正目; 右眼
cviuxbak | up to one's standard; to one's taste; think well of | 上眼; 上目; 看得起
cybunhak | dactylography | 指紋學
egthea toxngleghak | hydrodynamics | 液體動力學
egthea zexngleghak | hydrostatics | 液體靜力學
egzernghak | epidemiology | 疫症學
eng'iofnghak | dietetics | 營養學
erng'iong-hoarhak | applied chemistry (science) | 應用化學; (科學)
erng'iong-khøhak | applied science | 應用科學
erng'ioxnghoarhak | applied chemistry (science) | 應用化學 (科學)
gaau-keakaux | like to assert one's right | 會計較
gafnbak | the eye; spy who reports to someone what he sees | 眼目
gaixbak | glare; dislike; unsightly | 礙目; 礙眼
gak | mountain peak; prison | 獄; 岳; 嶽; 樂
gamciøqhak | petrology | 岩石學
gaxmbak | useless eyes | 笨眼; 眼光遲鈍
gaxmkao siaosviu tikvoakud | hope against hope; a prize beyond one's reach; unattainable goal (Lit. A stupid dog thinks about pig liver bones.) | 憨狗哨想豬肝骨; 癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉
gebak | be an eyesore; hurts to look at | 礙眼
gexsut-hak | art scholarship; creative art scholarship | 藝術學
giak | malaria | 瘧
giakafng | centipede | 蜈公; 蜈蚣
giakag | alert? | 舉覺; 鵝鵤; 雄鵝
giakee | to feel hopelessly worried or get in trouble for imaginary fears; wear a cangue | 抬枷; 夯枷; 負枷; 自找麻煩; 帶腳鐐
giaqbak | survey; overlook | 舉目
gien'gyhak | philology, linguistics | 言語學, 語言學
gienguo-hak | philology | 言語學
giengwhak | philology; linguistics | 言語學; 語言學
ginhanghak | banking (as a course of study) | 銀行學
ginkak'ar | coins | 銀角仔; 銅幣; 硬幣; 輔幣; 銅板
goxahsiaplak | good fortune which one doesn't deserve, illegal gains | 伍仔肆陸; 伍百肆拾陸
goxgak | the five sacred mountains | 五嶽
goxkak'heeng | pentagon | 五角形
goxngbak | useless eyes | 憨目; 笨眼; 眼光遲鈍
gukak'hoef | sweet acacia | 牛角花
gunkak'ar | coins | 銀角仔
guu khankhix kaux Pakkviaf iao si guu | unchangeable; remains the same; character is difficult to improve (Lit. If you lead a cow to Beijing; it is still a cow.) | 牛牽到北京還是牛; 永遠改無掉壞習慣
gvafgak | ceremonial music (in ancient China); Chinese classical music | 雅樂
gvexkhakefng | several persons force to do something | 硬腳經; 幾個人合力苦撐
gviakoafn | receive a coffin | 迎棺
gvofgek takekvoaf | disobedient to one's father-in-law and mother-in-law | 忤逆公婆; 忤逆乾家官
gvofkaktaixha | pentagon | 五角大廈
gw'ym-hak | phonetics, phonology | 語音學
gwgieen-hak | Linguistics | 語言學
gwgienhak | Llinguistics | 語言學
gwgoanhak | etymology | 語源學
gwhak | linguistics | 語學
gybunhak | study of written languages | 語文學
gygieen simlyhak | linguistic psychology | 語言心理學
gygieen-hak | linguistics | 語言學
gygienhak | language teaching method | 語言學
gygoanhak | etymology | 語源學
gyhak | linguistics | 語學
gyhoat'hak | syntax | 語法學
gyiehak | semantics | 語意學
gyimhak | phonology; phonetics | 語音學
hak buu cykerng | There is no limit to what we can learn. We can always learn. You never know enough | 學無止境
hak ie tieiong | study for the purpose of application | 學以致用
hak iuo zoantiorng | have acquired a specialty from study | 學有專長
hak juu gegsuie hengciw | Move ahead or be pushed backwards. (Learning is like sailing a boat up stream.) | 學如逆水行舟
hak | learn; imitate; to practice so as to learn; school | 學; 礐; 屎坑
hak'hag`leq | buy in bulk | 購購咧; (大量)
hak'hoex | purchase big goods | 購貨; (大量)
hak'høex | purchase big goods | 購貨; (大量)
hakhiaxm | yawn | 呵欠
hakkeazngf | dowry | 蓄嫁粧
hakofng | golden sunlight | 金光; 霞光
hakuun | wear skirt | 穿裙; 繫裙子
hakzhaan | farmland; cropland | 購田; 買田地
hakzhux | buy a house | 蓄厝
hambak | swell eyes | 腫眼
harngak | Chinese music | 漢樂
haulak | exaggerate; fail to keep one's word; make glib promise; speak irresponsibly; tell a lie | 詨六; 撒謊; 說謊; 荒唐; 虛假; 失實
hayviuhak | oceanography; oceanography | 海洋學
heakhoarn | payment | 貨款
heakui | container | 貨櫃
henghak | set up a school | 興學
hengthaehak | morphology | 形態學
hengthaix-hak | morphology | 形態學
hexthorng hunluixhak | phylogenetics; study of the evolution or development of a kind or type of animal or plant; racial history | 系統分類學
hiakorng | leg of the boots | 雨靴; 靴管
hien'gak | string music | 弦樂
hiengak | string music | 絃樂; 弦樂
hiet'eghak | hematology | 血液學
hietkak | throw away | 丟掉; 丟棄; 拋棄; 擲棄
hiexntai bunhak | modern literature | 現代文學
hiornghak | study | 向學
hiuhak | quit; leave of absence for a considerable period of time from school | 休學
hoadudhak | jurisprudence | 法律 (學)
hoafnpak | hands tied on the back | 反綁
hoahoaf seakaix | hedonistic and material world | 花花世界
hoahoaf-seakaix | the gay and material world | 花花世界
hoahoakongzuo | playboy | 花花公子
hoakaq | a cycle of sixty years in traditional reckoning; 60 years old person | 花甲
hoakef-liwhang | streets of ill fame | 花街柳巷
hoakerng | peduncle | 花梗
hoakhix | gone out (said of fire or light) | 花去; 熄了
hoakhoef | the most popular courtesan; a famous prostitute | 花魁; 名妓
hoakhvoax | a rough calculation in mind | 花看; 概算
hoakiaau | overseas Chinese | 華僑
hoakii | the Stars and Stripes | 花旗; 美國
hoakoafn | corolla; gaily decorated hat or cap | 花冠
hoakoaxn | corolla | 花冠
hoakoef | red-light district | 花街
hoakongciøh | granite | 花崗石
hoakonggan | granite | 花岡岩
hoakuix | elegant; magnificent | 華貴
hoaky ciautiern | beautifully dressed women (a flowering branch attracting people's attention) | 花枝招展
hoakøef-liwhang | the red-light district | 花街柳巷
hoanphak | turn-over to expose to sunlight | 翻曝; 翻曬
hoansoakafng | a foundry worker, a foundryman | 翻砂工
hoarciøqhak | petrifactology; paleontology | 化石學
hoarhak chiam'uii | synthetic fiber | 化學纖維
hoarhak hoafn'exng | chemical reaction | 化學反應
hoarhak hongthengseg | chemical equation; chemical formula | 化學方程式
hoarhak hunkae | chemical decomposition | 化學分解
hoarhak hunseg | chemical analysis | 化學分析
hoarhak kanggiap | chemical industry | 化學工業
hoarhak kangtheeng | chemical engineering | 化學工程
hoarhak pengheeng | chemical equilibrium | 化學平衡
hoarhak piernhoax | chemical change | 化學變化
hoarhak piexnsor | septic tank | 化學廁所
hoarhak sidgiam | chemical experiment | 化學實驗
hoarhak zok'iong | chemical action | 化學作用
hoarhak | chemistry | 化學
hoarhak-hoafn'exng | chemical reaction | 化學反應
hoarhak-kanggiap | chemical industry | 化學工業
hoarhak-korzøxseg | chemical structural formula | 化學構造式
hoarhak-pengheeng | chemical equilibrium | 化學平衡
hoarhak-seg | chemical formula | 化學式
hoarhak-serngcid | chemical property | 化學性質
hoat'hak phoksu | Doctor of Law | 法學博士
hoat'hak | law | 法學
hoat'ihak | legal medicine; medical jurisprudence; forensic medicine | 法醫學
hoat'imhak | phonetics | 發音學
hoat'ym-hak | phonetics, phonology | 發音學
hoatlyhak | jurisprudence | 法理學
hoatsefng simlyhak | genetic psychology | 發生心理學
hoaxnzoe simlyhak | criminal psychology | 犯罪心理學
hoeabak | ruins of a city; castle; etc | 廢墟
hoeakex | price of a commodity | 貨價
hoeakhafn | an abolished publication | 廢刊
hoeakhiebut | abandon as useless things; to discard things; give up things | 廢棄物
hoeakhix | unlucky; to discard; to junk | 晦氣
hoeakhoarn | money for buying; selling goods | 貨款
hoeakui uxnsw | container shipment; container transport | 貨櫃運輸
hoeakui | container for transportation | 貨櫃
hoeakuixchiaf | container trailer | 貨櫃車
hoeakvoaf | an abolished officer | 廢官
hoeakøx | to repent, to feel remorse | 悔改; 悔過
hoebak | ornamental flowers and trees | 花木
hoexkeakhøx | accountant | 會計課
honghayhak | maritime navigation | 航海學
honghøefbak | an eye inflammation | 風火目
hongkhofng kangthenghak | aeronautic engineering | 航空工程學
hoo-svakag | reuleaux triangle, spherical triangle | 弧三角; 勒洛三角
horngsiaxsvoax ihak | radiotherapeutics | 放射線醫學
hoxhak | students of the younger generation | 後學
hu'guii-zeakhuxn | help those in danger and relieve those in distress | 扶危濟困
hunkakkhix | protractor | 分度器; 分角器
huosiok-siøfhak | primary school affiliated with an educational institution of higher level; an attached primary school | 附屬小學
huosiok-tionghak | middle or high school affiliated with a college or university; a prep school | 附屬中學
hvakøex | to step across; step over | 跨越; 跨過
hvi'ar phakphag | ears standing out so much as almost to cover the opening (like a pig's) | 耳仔趴趴; 垂耳
hviafbak | (n) glamorization | 顯目; 惹眼; 搶眼; 起眼; 炫目; 顯眼; 奪目; 亮麗; 醒目; 眩目; 耀眼
hviakøf | elder brother; older brothers | 兄哥; 哥哥
hviarbak | conspicuous; glamorization | 顯目
hvoahvoakiøx | snoorning | 鼾鼾叫
hvorhak | fond of learning and scholarship; be fond of studying; diligent in the pursuit of knowledge | 好學
hwnbak | cosmetics | 粉墨
høeakex | price of goods | 貨價; 貨架
høeakheq | customers of goods | 貨客
høeakui | cargo; container | 貨櫃
høfkakaux | good family training; domestic discipline; good upbringing | 好家教
høfthak | easy to read or study | 好讀; 易讀
hør-kakaux | good family manner | 好家教
iarmseakoafn | pessimistic view of life, pessimism | 厭世觀
iaukoeaky | hungry for too long a time | 餓過飢; 肚時間越過
iaukwngak | rock n roll music | 搖滾樂
iaxhak | night school | 夜學; 夜校
ichii seakaix høpeeng | maintain or preserve world peace | 維持世界和平
iedbak | pleasant to the eyes | 悅目
iernkhix-ierntak | very embarrassed | 很難為情
ihak | medical science | 醫學
ihak-phoksu | Doctor of Medicine; M.D | 醫學博士
ihak-suo | history of medicine | 醫學士; 醫學史
ihak-vi | medical school | 醫學院
im'uxnhak | phonology | 音韻學
imgak haghau | music academy; a music school | 音樂學校
imgak | music | 音樂
imgak-boafnhoe | evening concert | 音樂晚會
imgak-cyhuy | direct; conduct (chorus; orchestra) | 音樂指揮
imgak-hoe | concert | 音樂會
imgak-iefnzaux | musical performance | 音樂演奏
imgak-kaf | musician | 音樂家
imgak-kaosw | music master (mistress); music-teacher | 音樂教師
imgak-lauxsw | music master (mistress); music-teacher | 音樂老師
imgak-pysaix | musical contest | 音樂比賽
imgak-thviaf | music hall | 音樂廳
iong huy sor hak | be engaged in an occupation not related to one's training | 用非所學
isit kakmoh | cornea transplantation | 角膜移植
iubak | printing ink; ink | 油墨
iuchiakefng | old-fashioned press | 油車間; 油坊
iuhak | to study abroad; to pursue advanced study far away from home; study in a foreign country | 遊學; 留學
iusenghak | eugenics | 優生學
iwky-hoarhak | organic chemistry | 有機化學
iøchiuo nihbak | give secret signals by waving the hand and winking | 搖手眨目
iønakheg | cradle song; lullaby; nursery song | 搖籃曲
iønakoaf | lullaby, cradle song | 搖藍歌; 搖籃歌; 搖籃曲
iøqbudhak | pharmacology | 藥物學
iøqbut-hak | pharmacology | 藥物學
iøqhak | pharmacology; science of medicines | 藥學
iøqlyhak | pharmacology | 藥理學
jiabak | to block light from direct shining on the eyes | 遮目
jiakhaxm | cover over (a matter); conceal | 遮蓋; 隱藏
jiakkuq | zipper; チャック | 拉鍊; 源自日語チャック(chakku)
jiakngf | to shield from light; block light | 遮光
jibgak | be imprisoned; be put behind bars | 入獄
jibhak | start going to school; enter school | 入學
jibhak-khøfchix | entrance examination of a school | 入學考試
jiedbak | inflamed eyes | 熱目; 眼睛紅腫
jiedleghak | thermodynamics | 熱力學
jiedleghak-hegjienlut | thermodynamic probability | 熱力學或然率
jiedmngg-imgak | rock music; rock and roll | 熱門音樂
jinciofnghak | ethnology | 人種學
jinkafn-texgak | pandemonium; a hell away from Hell | 人間地獄
jinkhawhak | demography | 人口學
jinlui-hak | anthropology | 人類學
jinluixhak | anthropology | 人類學
jinsefng-tiet'hak | philosophy of human life | 人生哲學
jinsiornghak | physiognomy | 人相學
jinthea-kayphørhak | study of human anatomy; anthropometry | 人體解剖學
jintix-hak | anthroposophy | 人智學
jiog`køeakhix | outstrip; outrun; pass | 追過去; 越過
jitoong-bunhak | literary writings for children; tales for children | 兒童文學
jitoong-simlyhak | child psychology | 兒童心理學
juhak | the teaching of Confucius | 儒學
jvybak | ears and eyes, one's subordinates or spies | 耳目
kafmkaklun | sensationalism (philosophy) | 感覺論
kafnghak | teaching; lecture | 講學
kahbak | desirable | 合目; 看合意
kahkhaklui | crustaceans | 甲殼類
kak'ar | pieces of lumber that are square like 4x4's orx2's | 角仔; 方形口徑之木材
kak'hoax | become horny skin | 角化; 變成角質皮膚
kak'huun | soul | 覺魂
kak'id | eleven cents | 角一; 一角一分
kakaf-hoxho | every family and household | 家家戶戶
kakaf`leq | make summation | 加加咧; 鉸鉸咧
kakafng | process; extra work; manufacturing; to process | 加工
kakafng-phirn | finished material, processing, processed product | 加工品
kakafng-zhutkhawkhw | export processing zone | 加工出口區
kakanggiap | processing industry | 加工業
kakanghuix | cost of manufacturing | 加工費
kakangphirn | processed goods | 加工品
kakaux | family education; a tutor to the home; home discipline | 家教
kakchvie | rouse; disillusion; awakening | 覺醒
kakciafm | point of a corner or of a horn | 角占; 角尖
kakeapho | household account book | 家計簿
kakerng | family financial situation; domestic economy; financial condition of a family | 家境
kakex | family livelihood | 家計; 加價
kakgo | Original meaning ─ roused to a comprehension (of one's failing). Be prepared (ready) for; be resolved to do; make up one's mind to do; be resigned | 覺悟
kakgvo | Original meaning ─ roused to a comprehension (of one's failing). Be prepared (ready) for; be resolved to do; make up one's mind to do; be resigned | 覺悟
kakhiim | poultry; poultry; fowl | 家禽
kakhoafn | broaden | 加寬
kakhu | furniture | 傢具; 傢俱
kakhuxhaang | furniture store | 傢具行; 傢俱行
kaki | one's self alone | 家己; 自己
kakiarm | more or less | 加減
kakib | promote | 加級
kakii | wedding day; happy occasion | 佳期
kakioong | strengthen; reinforce; emphasis; enhance; strengthen; reinforce; invigorate | 加強
kakixlaang | family memebers | 家己人
kakkag | many corners, not round | 角角
kakkhie | cuspid; canine tooth | 角齒; 犬齒
kakkngx | angle steel | 角鑽; 角鋼
kakkor | a ritual instrument used when performing rituals | 角鼓
kaklek | wrestle; try the strength | 角力
kakløh | corner; angle; nook; location (within an area) | 角落
kakmoh | cornea | 角膜
kakmoh-isit | cornea transplantation | 角膜移植
kakmoqiam | inflammation of the cornea | 角膜炎
kakoafn | cap a boy as a symbol of his coming of age (at 20) | 加冠
kakoafn-cirnlok | may you rise to high rank | 加冠晉祿
kakoaxn | wife and children | 家眷
kakpvoax | fifteen cents; one dime and a half | 角半; 一角五分
kakseg | role; character; casting; occupation; a class; the classification of actors | 角色
kaksix | area; place; region | 角勢; 所在
kakthaau | head of gang; place; location; position | 角頭; 角落; 地方
kakthaau-ciøh | cornerstone | 角頭石; 房角石
kakthiq | angle iron, angle bar | 角鐵
kakthngg | cubic sugar | 方糖
kaktid | feel, sense | 覺得
kakto | angle; angle; measurement of an angle | 角度
kaktoxngliong | angular momentum | 角動量
kaku | furniture | 傢具; 家具; 傢俱
kakux | great sentence; good writing | 佳句
kakuxhaang | furniture store | 傢具行; 傢俱行
kakuy | family rules | 家規
kakw | home | 家居
kakzhad | detect; awake; keep an eye on; understand; become aware of; discover; realize | 覺察
kakzhvea | awake from; be disillusioned | 覺醒
kalak'ar | pulley (as at a well); a windlass | 加轆仔; 滑車; 轆轤
kangge-hak | technology | 工藝學
kanggiap-hoarhak | industrial chemistry | 工業化學
kanghak | engineer | 工學
kanghak-phoksu | Doctor of Engineering; D. Eng | 工學博士
kanghak-vi | engineering school, college of engineering | 工學院
kangtenghak | engineering | 工程學
kangtheeng-leghak | practical dynamics | 工程力學
kaohak | teaching | 教學
kaohak-hoad | teaching method | 教學法
kaoioghak | pedagogy | 教育學
kaoioghak`ee | pedagogic | 教育學的
karmgak bogleeng | prison pastoral work (Catholic) | 監獄牧靈
karmgak | prison; jail | 監獄
kauhiofnggak | symphony | 交響樂
kauhiorng-gak | symphonic music | 交響樂
kauhiornggak | symphonic music | 交響樂
kawsviakym | ninety percent pure gold | 九成金
kayphørhak | anatomy | 解剖學
kazak | choking on food | 咳逆; 嗆到食物
kazernghak | home economics; domestic science | 家政學
ke'afbak | night-blindness | 夜盲症; 雞仔目
keabak | price; quotations | 價目
keafbak | night blindness, corn on the foot | 雞仔目
keakaux | fuss about; haggle over; dispute; complain about trifles | 計較
keakeg | price, value | 價格
keakeq | price | 價格
keakhaf | price difference | 差價; 價差
keakhie | rebuild | 過起; 改建
keakhix | the past | 過去
keakhuix | pass away | 過氣
keakiong | grand total | 計共; 共計; 總共; 總計
keakoafn | pass | 過關
keakvia-kangzw | wages paid on piece work basis | 計件工資
kebak | corns on the foot. | 雞眼
kefngkaksexng | vigilance; alertness; watchfulness | 警覺性
keglok-seakaix | Paradise (in Buddhism) | 極樂世界
kekak'afchiaf | baby walker | 雞鵤仔車
kekak'ar | small cock | 雞角仔; 小公雞
kenggiam-simlyhak | empirical psychology | 經驗心理學
kenghak | Confucianism | 經學
kengzeahak | economics; political economy | 經濟學
kengzeakaix | financial circles; economic world | 經濟界
kengzeakhøf | department of economics | 經濟科
kengzex-hak | economics | 經濟學
kepaklai | chicken's internal organs | 雞腹內; 雞內臟
kerngthak | read with respect or reverence | 敬讀
khabak | ankle | 腳踝; 跤目
khaihak | start classes at the beginning of a semester | 開學
khaihak-tiefnlea | ceremony held to signal the beginning of a school semester | 開學典禮
khaizhak | dig (a well; canal); to drill | 開鑿
khak | a click; cough; expectorate; spit | 咯; 清喉嚨; 咯,咳; 咳
khak'afhieen | instrument made from coconut shell | 殼仔絃
khak'ar | shell; hard surface; housing | 殼仔
khakchied | definite; exact; precise | 確切
khakee | wooden stocks for the feet | 跤枷
khakgieen | guarantee | 確言; 保證
khakhaux | fetters | 腳鐐
khakhiaw | knee | 跤曲; 膝蓋
khakhiepve | beriberi | 腳氣病
khakhix | beriberi; beriberi | 腳氣; 跤氣; 腳氣(病)
khakhoaan | beriberi; ornamental ring worn around the ankle | 腳環
khakiusaix | football game | 足球賽
khakiutui | a football team | 足球隊
khakiutviuu | football stadium | 足球場
khakiuu | football; soccer; soccer ball | 足球; 跤球; 腳球
khakjim | verify; confirm; acknowledge | 確認
khakjin | affirmation; certify; confirm | 確認
khaklin | confirm | 確認
khaklip | entrench | 確立
khakoong | wooden stocks for punishment | 腳梏
khakpør | ensure, guarantee, maintain | 確保
khaksi | positively; absolutely | 確是
khaksidsexng | reliability, authenticity | 確實性
khaksit | positivity; indeed; definite; certainty; certain; trustworthy; surely | 確實
khaksiuo | carefully obey | 恪守
khaksixn | be confident, be convinced | 確實; 確信
khakteng | confirm; definite and sure; decision; make a definite decision | 確定
khakty | know for sure | 確知
khakud | shinbone; foot; leg; leg bone | 腳骨; 跤骨
khakwn | an ankle | 腳筋; 跤筋
khakyn | Achilles tendon | 腳筋
khakzaan | (electronic) shell (phys.) | 確層; 殼層
khakzexng | ironclad proof conclusive evidence; convincing proof | 確證
khakzhag | conclusive; definite | 確鑿
khangkhakciphiøx | bounced check | 空殼支票
khangsviakex | nobody left behind to guard the house; a bluff | 空城計
kharnhoxhak | Nursing | 看護學
kheakud | chew bones | 囓骨; 啃骨頭
kheakux | written agreements | 契據
kheakviar | formally adopted child (see khe-bu) | 契囝; 乾兒女
khefngthak | study hard | 肯讀; 肯用功
khefsi-bunhak | apocalyptic | 啟示文學
khehbak | close eyes | 閉目
khiak | hit with knuckles | 手指彎曲而打
khiakhafng | to pick fault; look for trouble | 騎孔; 故意出難題; 找麻煩
khiakhafng-khiaphang | create difficulties | 騎孔騎縫; 諸多刁難
khiegak | instrumental music | 器樂
khiehauxhak | climatology | 氣候學
khienzeakiuu | feint (in baseball) | 牽制球
khiesiong-hak | meteorology | 氣象學
khiesioxnghak | meteorology | 氣象學
khiethea-leghak | aerodynamics | 氣體力學
khiethea-toxngleghak | aerodynamics | 氣體動力學
khinhak | study hard; diligent; study diligently | 勤學
khinthak | deligent in study; study diligently | 勤讀
khipbak-zoar | blotting paper | 吸墨紙
khiwkhiuo-laglak | lay hold of so violently as to injure | 揪揪扯扯; 拉拉扯扯
khiwkhiwlaglak | one party is holding on to it, while the other is trying to break free | 搝搝搦搦
khiwlak | pull; draw | 拉扯; 揪扯
khiøhkak | utterly useless (child, utility) | 抾捔; 不中用; 沒出息; 拾捔
khoafnhak | encouraging learning | 勸學
khoafnpak | pack and tie up | 款落; 綑扎; 收拾
khoakhao | brag; bluster; boast; be boastful | 誇口
khoakog-kongsy | a transnational corporation, multinational corp | 寬國公司
khoakøex | to stride, to bestride, to step over | 寬過
khoan'iuu seakaix | take a round-the-world tour; circle the globe | 環遊世界
khoarnhak | to urge someone to study hard | 勸學
khoeakhaf | rest the leg (on a chair; footstool; table) | 擱腿
khoeakviar | adopted son | 契囝
khofhak | grind away at; learning or studying in a difficult condition; work one's way through school | 苦學
khofngkhakhiaux | the table lack of a leg; unable to stand firm | 抗腳翹; 桌椅缺一腳無穩
khofthak | study with much toil; pain; difficulty; exhaustion or hardship | 苦讀
khorngbudhak | mineralogy | 礦物學
khorngbut-hak | mineralogy | 礦物學
khornghak | to neglect one's study; to play truant | 曠學
khoxngkhakhiaux | on somebody's head; furniture not sitting level; it totters | 鞏腳翹; 四腳朝天; 桌椅無穩
khuikhakhefng | bowlegged | 內彎腿; O型腿; 開腳框
khuikhakhorar | the pants that young kid wears with a hole in seat to facilitate going to the bathroom | 開腳褲仔
khuikhakhox | crotchless pants | 開跤褲
khuisviakhaux | cry with a loud voice | 開聲哭
khunthioong-hak | entomology | 昆蟲學
khvoakhvoa'ar kviaa | walk slowly (leisurely) | 寬寬仔走; 款款仔走; 緩緩仔走
khvoakhvoa'ar si | take one's time; Take it easy. Don't hurry! | 寬寬仔是; 款款仔是; 緩緩仔是
khvoakhvoa'ar | do leisurely | 寬寬仔; 款款仔; 緩緩仔
khvoarcviuxbak | think well off; to respect | 看上眼
khvoarkoeakoex | despise; slight | 看過過; 看透; 看無順眼
khvoarmxcviuxbak | despise, look down on | 看不上眼
khvoax y køeakøex | have the upper hand; be able to overcome him with the utmost ease; hold a person cheap; undervalue | 看他過過; 吃定了他
khvoax-bøexcviuxbak | cannot set a high value on; look down on | 看無上眼; 看不起
khvoax-køeakøex | look down upon; despise | 看過過; 看無起; 看穿
khwnpak | to tie up; to bundle; bind | 綑縛; 捆縛; 捆綁
khøbak | subject, item, course | 科目
khøeakhaf | serve as a stepping-stone | 架腳; 墊腳
khøeakviar | formally adopted son | 客囝; 契囝; 乾兒子
khøehbak | close eyes | 閉目; 瞌目
khøfkiehak | textual research | 考據學
khøfkofhak | archaeology | 考古學
khøfzernghak | textual criticism | 考證學
khøhak | science | 科學
khøhak-gikhix | scientific instruments; apparatus | 科學儀器
khøhak-hoax | scientifically, scientific | 科學化
khøhak-kaf | scientist | 科學家
khøhak-kaoiok | science education | 科學教育
khøhak-koarn | science building | 科學館
khøhak-sitai | scientific age | 科學時代
khøhak-tieseg | scientific knowledge | 科學知識
kiakhw | rugged; rough | 崎嶇
kiapgak | break into jail and rescue a prisoner | 劫獄
kiarthak | attend as an extra student; be boarding student | 寄讀; 借讀
kiernhak | learn by observation, visit to observe and learn | 見學; 觀摩
kierntiok-hak | architecture | 建築學
kiet'hap-kakto | bond angle | 結合角度
kiexnkied-kakto | bond angle | 鍵結角度
kikhiehak | mechanical engineering | 機器學
kimhibak | protruding eyes | 金魚眼; 凸目
kimsiaksiag | golden shining | 金鑠鑠
kinkinkeakaux | haggle over every ounce; be calculating | 斤斤計較
kinkyn-keakaux | haggle over every ounce; be calculating | 斤斤計較
kiongzeakoaan | power of compulsion or coercion | 強制權
kiubien-kyhøhak | spherical geometry | 球面幾何學
kiuhak | to receive education; to study | 求學
kiuoseakwn | Salvation Army | 救世軍
knghak | optics | 光學
koafngak | wind music | 管樂
koafnhieen-gak | symphonic music | 管絃樂
koafnhien'gak | orchestral music | 管弦樂
koafnhiengak | orchestral music | 管絃樂
koakad | melon vines--a multitude of relatives; connected; involved; related; complications | 瓜葛
koakek | opera | 歌劇
koakheg | popular song | 歌謠; 歌曲; (曲)
koakiok | opera | 歌劇
koakoaf | tough (of vegetables) | 瓜瓜; 比較老 (菜類)
koakør | apple | 瓜果; 蘋果
koeabak | look over list so as to check or approve | 過目
koeafbak | night blindness like chicken eyes | 雞仔目
koeakaix | pass over the border | 過界
koeakeahak | accounting | 會計學
koeakeahoad | the accounts law | 會計法
koeakeanito | fiscal year | 會計年度
koeakef | pass from house to house gossiping | 過家; 串門子
koeakelo | cross the street | 過街路
koeakerng | pass through; in transit | 過境
koeakerng-chiamzexng | transit visa | 過境簽證
koeakerng-lykheq | transit visitor | 過境旅客
koeakex | accounting; accountant; paymaster; treasurer | 會計
koeakhieseg | past tense | 過去式
koeakhix ee taixcix | past events; things of the past; things that have come to pass | 過去的事
koeakhix | go across | 過去
koeakhix-hunsuu | past participle | 過去分詞
koeakhix-oansengseg | past perfect tense | 過去完成式
koeakhuix | breathe one's last | 斷氣
koeakiamzuie | travel far overseas | 過鹽水
koeakii | overdue; expired | 過期; 過限
koeakiøo | go across a bridge | 過橋
koeakoafn | go through a checkpoint; pass a critical test; weather a crisis with success; run the gauntlet with flying colors | 過關
koeakoex | look down on; unpleasing to the eye | 過過; 無過如此; 不順眼
koeaky | excessive hunger | 過飢
koekak'afchiaf | toy for toddler to learn how to walk | 雞鵤仔車
koepaklai | chicken giblets | 雞腹內
kofbunhak | classical literature | 古文學
kofgak | loud music; drum music; ancient music; Chinese classical music | 鼓樂; 古樂
kofhak | ancient studies | 古學
kofsengbudhak | paleontology | 古生物學
kok'hak | national literature; classical literature; the study of the national classics | 國學
kokbiin-siøfhak | primary school | 國民小學
kokbiin-tionghak | junior middle school (from the seventh to ninth grade) under the nine-year free education system introduced in Taiwan in 1968 | 國民中學; 國中
kokgak | the traditional Chinese music | 國樂
kokkaf khøhak uyoanhoe | National Science Council | 國家科學委員會
koksoeakiok | tax bureau | 國稅局
konghak gikhix | optical instruments | 光學儀器
konghak | optics; optical | 光學
kotak | unneighborly and unfriendly; e.g.; unwilling to lend a hand or do a favor; selfish and disobliging | 孤各; 孤獨; 癖吝嗇
kox-kaki | egotistical, selfish | 顧自己; 只顧自己
kuipak'hea | full of rage | 規腹火
kuipak'hoea | full of rage | 規腹火
kuipakhoea | belly full of anger/fire | 閤腹火; 暴怒
kukak'hoef | name of poisonous snake (viper) | 龜殼花; (毒蛇名)
kukhak'hoef | name of poisonous snake (viper) | 龜殼花; (毒蛇名)
kungak | martial tune | 軍樂
kut'hak | osteology | 骨學
kutsiornghak | phrenology | 骨相學
kutsioxng-hak | phrenology | 骨相學
kvagak | prison; jail | 監獄
kvakefng | prison cell | 監禁; 監牢
kvakixm | to confine; to imprison; to immure; throw into prison | 監禁
kviakang'oo | wander from place to place among the common people | 走江湖
kviakang'oo`ee | traveling quack | 走江湖的
kviakaux | to walk to (a place) | 走到
kviakefng | to pass (a place; store; ect.); one's conduct or behavior; a path; a trail | 行經; 來月經
kviakhix | die (kia* doesn't change it's tone) | 行氣
kviakhuy | walk away | 行開
kviakiernsiaux | afraid of being laughed at; shy | 驚見羞; 害羞; 怕羞
kviakii | to be surprised; to marvel; amaze; play chess for draughts | 驚奇; 行棋; 下棋
kviakngf | photophobia | 驚光; 畏光羞明
kviakuun | to do shadow boxing | 行拳
kviakviaa`leq | walk around | 行行咧
kviakviaf | a little bit scared | 驚驚; 有點害怕
kviakviaf-hviahviaa | trembling with fear; very cautious | 驚驚兢兢
kviakviahviahviaa | trembling with fear; very cautious | 驚惶驚惶; 戰戰兢兢
kviakøex | to pass by ( a place); to pass through (a place) | 行過
kvialaai-kviakhix | walk about | 走來走去
kvoakaf | the emperor; the government authorities | 官家
kvoakaix | officialdom | 官界
kvoakay | rank (of a military officer or a civil servant) | 官階
kvoakhix | official airs; bureaucratic airs; chilly air; cold air | 寒氣
kvoakhuix | impressive style or manner | 官氣
kvoakib | rank or grad of a government official | 官級
kvoakoarn | hepatic duct | 肝管
kvoakor | stocks held by the government | 官股
kvoakuy | rule of government | 官規
kvoakvoaa | a little bit cold or chilly | 寒寒
kvoakwn | government troops | 官軍
kyhøo-hak | theory of geometry | 幾何學
køe'ar-bak | clavus; corns on the foot | 雞仔眼
køeabak | glanced | 過目
køeakarng | transit | 過港
køeakeg | excessive | 過激
køeakex | adopt | 過繼
køeakhao | ford | 過口
køeakheq | a traveler; passenger | 過客
køeakhiafm | overly humble | 過謙
køeakhiao | overly clever | 過巧; 過度小聰明
køeakhix | pass; be gone | 過去
køeakhuix | to die | 過氣; 逝世
køeakhøef | cross the stream | 過溪
køeakiab | robbery | 過劫
køeakii | expiration; overdue | 過期
køeakiøo | cross the bridge | 過橋
køeakngf | overlight | 過光
køeakoafn | go through a critical period | 過關; 得逞
køebak | callus | 雞眼
køkib-tionghak | senior high school | 高級中學; 高中
lagkak'heeng | hexagon; hexagonal | 六角形
lagkakheeng | a hexagon | 六角行
lagtak | farm tools for pressing soil and grass | 磟碡
laixkakkiuu | inside (ball); an insider (baseball) | 內角球
laixsvakhox | underware | 內衫褲
lak taixciw | the six continents (of the world) | 六大洲
lak | six | 六; 搦; 掠
lak'exhoaai | dislocate the jaw, boast falsely | 落下頦
lak'hiøh | shed leaves; shed leaves (in fall) | 落葉
lak'hiøh-chiu | deciduous tree | 六葉樹; 落葉樹
lak'hoef | flowers falling (so as not to produce fruit) | 落花
lak'høex | pick up the merchant | 落貨
lak'iah | sifx pages | 六頁
lak`gøeh | June | 六月
lak`khylaai | catch from above and lift up; pull up to keep from falling; hold up (legs of trousers or skirt); pull up (a sleeve); grasp (a handful of sand) | 抓起來
lak`laai | grab | 轆來; 抓取而來
lakbin | lose face | 落面; 失面子
lakieciexn | a see-saw battle; a see-saw game; stalemate | 拉鋸戰
lakkaw | (v) drop off; shed; fall off | 落溝; 脫落
lakke | drop, fall to be lower | 落低; 降下
lakkeq | lose the reputation, lose one's social position | 落格
lakkex | price fall; fall in price | 跌價; 落價
lakkhafng | to carve wood; drill a hole; perforate (by drilling a hole with an auger) | 彔空; 鑽孔
lakkhag | hatch; shed shells | 落殼
lakkhie | tooth fall off | 落齒
lakkhieahlaq | fell | 落去矣啦
lakkhix | lost | 落去
laklag | not tight | 落落
laklakkhix | lost | 落落去
lakliao | lost all | 落了
lakliawliao | lost all | 落了了
laklieen | 6 in Taiwanese finger-guessing game | 六漣
lakliern | lose face; lose face; lose one's reputation; to fall low; be in reduced circumstances | 落臉; 丟臉; 笨; 失勢; 落輪; 脫輪
lakløqlaai | fell | 落落來
lakmngg | shed hair; lose hair from the head; falling hair | 落毛; 脫毛
lakmof | shed hair; lose hair from the head; falling hair | 落毛; 脫毛
lakphie | shed off dry skin; scabs falling off (after smallpox) | 脫痂; 結痂脫落
laksag | desert | 丟棄
lakseg | fade | 落色
laksiaux | reckon accounts; to square a grudge | 落數
laksoan | bit (tool); iron auger | 鐵鑽
laksoef | come down in the world; be washed out | 落泊; 落衰; 落穗,衰落
laksurn | fit mortise and tenon; joints become loose (furniture) | 落榫; 榫頭鬆掉
laksuy | come down in the world; be washed out | 落泊
laksøef | declined | 落衰
lakte | pocket | 橐袋; 口袋
lakte'aflai | in the pocket | 橐袋仔內
lakte'aftea | in the pocket | 橐袋仔底
lakte'ar | bag; pocket in any kind of garment | 橐袋仔; 口袋; 荷包; 袋子
laktear | pocket in a garment | 橐袋仔
lakthngf-køef | all wet; drenched through; like drowned chicken | 落湯雞
laktiarm | disgraceful | 落點; 失體面
laktiau | lose; lost; come off | 脫落; 掉落
lakuociexn | a seesaw battle | 拉鋸戰
lakzhad | acrylic paint | 落漆
lakzngx | drill (by a string) | 鐵鑽; 戮鑽
lampak'hioxng | north and south direction | 南北向
lampak'høex | grocery | 南北貨
larm-khakud | embrace blackmailed | 攬腳骨
latak | type of harrow used instead of a plough for wet fields | 滾手器 (農具)
lauxakofng | old man | 老頭子; 老人
lauxhoea'afbak | long sighted- old people vision | 老歲仔目
lauxlaang bak | old man's eye sight; eyes of the old; presbyopia | 老人眼; 老花眼
lauxlaang-bak | farsightedness | 老人眼
lauxlangbak | old people | 老人目
lefgak | rites and music | 禮樂
lefpaelak | Saturday | 禮拜六
leghak | mechanics; study with diligence; dynamics | 力學
legswhak | science of history; historiography | 歷史學
lenghunhak | pneumatology | 靈魂學
lengzvoakvii | | 龍泉墘
liah-soakyn | massage sand tendon | 捉沙筋
liamkhakviaa | walking softly so as to avoid making a noise | 躡足走
liamsvakuun | one-piece dress | 連衫裙
liaqsoakwn | massage tendons | 掠痧筋
liaqsoakyn | massage tendons | 掠痧筋
liauzhakeng'ar | timber room | 撩柴間仔
liauzhakoarn | timber shop | 撩柴館
liaxm hietkak | pinch off and throw away | 捏掉
libgak | in jail | 入獄
libthea hoarhak | stereochemistry | 立體化學
lieen tefng hoakaq | complete the cycle of sixty years | 年登花甲
liexn'gak | Purgatory | 煉獄
liexngak lenghuun | souls in Purgatory | 煉獄靈魂
liexngak | purgatory | 煉獄
lililaklag | loose and untidy | 離離落落
lily-laklag | crumbling; lacking in cohesion; be rickety (as an old chair) | 稀鬆無牢
limzhngg ihak | clinical medicine | 臨床醫學
lioxngzuo-hoarhak | quantum chemistry | 量子化學
lioxngzuo-leghak | quantum mechanics | 量子力學
liuhak | study abroad; study in a foreign country | 留學
liuhaksefng | students sent abroad to study | 留學生
liuthea-leghak | hydrodynamics | 流體力學
liwafbak | button-hole | 鈕仔目; 鈕扣眼
liwlak | deal or cope with; handle; do something perfunctorily; make do | 扭搦; 應付
loaxnlak | random grab | 亂抓
loaxnthak | desultory reading; read at random | 亂讀
loexzoxnghak | Splanchnology | 內臟學
logkak'hii | trigger fish | 漉角魚; 曳絲單棘魨
logkakjioong | oung antlers; the budding antlers of the deer; soft core of the young antlers of the deer (used for tonic) | 鹿角茸
longgexhak | agronomy | 農藝學
longgiap hoarhak | agricultural chemistry | 農業化學
longgiap sengbudhak | agrobiology | 農業生物學
longgiap thofjiofnghak | agrology | 農業土壤學
longgiap-sengbudhak | agrobiology | 農業生物學
longhak | science of agriculture | 農學
longhak-vi | agricultural college | 農學院
luikekgvofgak | hit by thunder | 雷擊五嶽
lunlie sinhak | moral theology | 倫理神學
lunlie-hak | moral philosophy, ethics | 倫理學
lunlyhak | ethics; moral philosophy | 倫理學
luxnlie-hak | moral philosophy, ethics | 論理學
luxnlyhak | logic | 論理學
lwhak | female school | 女學
lyhak phoksu | Doctor of Science (D. Sc.) | 理學博士
lyhak seksu | Master of Science (M. Sc.) | 理學碩士
lyhak | the moral theories of the Neo-Confucian scholars | 理學
lyhak-hagsu | Bachelor of Science | 理學學士
lyhak-phoksu | Doctor of Science | 理學博士
lyhak-seksu | Master of Science | 理學碩士
lylun khøhak | theoretical; pure sciences | 理論科學
lylun-khøhak | theoretical or pure sciences | 理論科學
løgak | a prison | 牢獄
løqbak | to start writing or painting | 落墨
løqkhakhix | beriberi | 落跤氣
m-cviuxbak | not impressed with | 無成目; 不在眼裡
m-køeabak | won't look | 無過目
masatbak | milk fish | 虱目魚
memekakkag | essential details | 鋩鋩角角
miakaf | logicians | 名家
mng'exphak | under the door | 門下栿
mngkhakhao | doorway; gate; (n) vestibule; entrance (hall) | 門腳口; 門跤口; 門口
moaa laang ee bak | deceive other's eyes with some tricks | 瞞人的眼
moabak | throw dust in the eyes of; deceive other's eyes with some tricks | 瞞目
moakhaxm | to hide; to conceal | 瞞勘; 隱瞞; 隱藏
moakin'ar | small eels; hoodlum | 鰻巾仔; 小流氓
moakyn | cape; shawl | 披肩
moakør | dried peeled hemp stalks | 麻莖; 麻桿
moar-seakaix | whole world | 滿世界; (全世界)
moasatbak | milk fish | 麻虱目
moasvelangbak | practice deception | 騙人耳目
moseakngr | a capillary | 毛細管
mosøeakngr | capillaries | 毛細管
mxcviakaau | amazing; terrific; extraordinary; ugly (doesn't look like a human being) | 毋成猴; 想不到; 真了不起; 不像人樣
mxcviakviar | scrawny looking child; mischievous child | 毋成囝
mxcviakw | amazing; terrific; extraordinary | 毋成龜; 真了不起
mxternglangbak | bad-looking (thing; action) | 毋頂人目; 不順眼
nakefng | blue whale | 藍鯨
nakhefng | basket frame | 籃框
nakhuy | separate (quarrelling parties) by using the hands | 拉開; (勸架)
nakiuee | basketball shoes | 籃球鞋
nakiusaix | basketball game | 籃球賽
nakiutui | a basketball team | 籃球隊
nakiutviuu | basketball court | 籃球場
nakiuu | basketball | 籃球
nakiuu-tviuu | basket-ball court | 籃球場
nakiuøee | basketball shoes; sneakers | 籃球鞋
natak | type of harrow used in wet fields | 滾手機; (農具)
neakhuy | open the eyes | 躡開; 張開
neakoaan | lift one's feet on toes | 墊高
niawchyafbak | small; protruding eyes | 貓鼠仔目; 眼睛小
niawchytak'ar | mousetrap | 鳥鼠觸仔
niawluixhak | ornithology | 鳥類學
niawzhwtak'ar | mousetrap | 鳥鼠觸仔
nihbak | blink; wink; signal with a wink; to twinkle | 眨眼; 𥍉目; 瞬目; 霎眼
nngx`køeakhix | creep or rush through | 鑽過去
nngxlangsvakhaf | two persons with 3 feet | 兩人三跤
nngxsvakang'ar | two to three days | 兩三工仔
noakhuy | separate (combatants) | 攔開
o'axm-texgak | dark hell | 黑暗地獄
oadgak | break out (escape) from prison | 越獄
oakae | crumble; breakup; crash; disintegrate | 瓦解
oan'ge-hak | horticulture | 園藝學
oangak | a miscarriage of justice; miscarriage of justice | 冤獄
oaqoaqbea pak ti sie-zhengchiu | A live horse tied to a dead banyan tree--to tie up resources and (personnel) in a useless project | 活馬綁在死榕樹; 埋沒人才
obak | black ink; Chinese ink; ink stick | 黑墨; 墨汁
oexsefng-hak | Public Health | 衛生學
oexsenghak | hygienics | 衛生學
og-khiagkhiak | radically bully | 惡確確
og-tagtak | radically bully | 惡確確
ogak | black jail | 烏獄
okkhiagkhiak | violent person; overbearing (man) | 兇巴巴; (男人)
paelak | Saturday | 拜六
pafhak | well-versed; learned | 飽學
paglak | size and bind | 綁聯; 逮捕
pagpak | tight | 緊緊; 無寬鬆
pak zaxng | making rice balls | 縛粽
pak zhanhngg | hold a field by lease | 租田地
pak | tie; to bind | 綁; 贌; 縛; 包租
pak'Taai | northern Taiwan | 北臺
pak'aw | (n) Scandinavia; Northern Europe | 北歐
pak'hayhvoa | northern seashore | 北海岸
pak'hieen | northern string | 北絃
pak'hngf | the North; in the north; northern regions | 北方
pak'hoat | the Northern Expedition | 北伐
pak'hoee | North-link line | 北迴
pak'hofng | north; the northern part a country; northern regions | 北風
pak'hui | north latitudes; northern latitude | 北緯
pak'hvoa | northern shore | 北岸
pak'hvoaai | North cross | 北橫
pak'hvoaikonglo | North Cross Highway in Northern Taiwan | 北橫公路
pak'høex | grocery | 北貨
pak'untaix | north temperate zone | 北溫帶
pak'viuu | northern sea | 北洋
pak'ym | northern tunes | 北音
pak-kikud | to setup the frame | 綁肢骨
pak`khylaai | tube ligation | 綁起來
pak`laang | to contract out | 綁人
pak`zhutkhix | to contract out | 包出去; 包給人家
pakbin | North | 北面
pakbykoarn | North America Pavilion | 北美館
pakied | flatter; insinuate; ingratiate oneself; aggressive; curry favor; to toady; exert oneself for advancement; ingratiate oneself with a superior by flattery | 巴結
pakkaw | north outskirts | 北郊
pakkeghiim | polar bear | 北極熊
pakkegkngf | northern lights; the aurora borealis | 北極光
pakkeglaang | Arctic people | 北極人
pakkek | North Pole; arctic | 北極
pakkek-chvy | Polaris; the North Star | 北極星
pakkhag | to shell; to shuck | 剝殼
pakkheq | guests from the north | 北客
pakkhuy | strip; flay | 剝開; 拆開
pakkhw | northern district | 北區
pakkiarm | northern District Prosecutor | 北檢
pakkngf | to strip | 剝光
pakkoafnthoaan | a Taiwaneseorthern wind instruments group that influenced Taiwan in a big wave | 北管團
pakkoarlo | a meaze | 八卦路; 迷陣
pakkoarn | northern wind instruments; northern style orchestration | 北管; 北管曲
pakkoax | the Eight Diagrams in Chinese mythology | 八卦
pakkoef | northern squash | 北瓜
pakkud | to remove bones | 剝骨
pakkviagie | mandarine | 北京語
pakkviaoe | mandarine | 北京話
paklai | inside the belly; entrails; viscera; the interior; abdomen; used in many figurative senses (as for everything on the inside of one; in the esophagus region; guts; entrails) | 腹內; 內臟
paklaixbøkøf | lack of knowledge | 腹內無膏
paklengciao | lark | 百靈鳥
pakløh | to come off; to peel off | 剝落
pakmngg | NorthGate | 北門
pakmoh | the peritoneum | 腹膜
pakpag`leq | peal all off, tear off | 綁綁咧
pakpee | a plucked string instrument with a fretted fingerboard | 北琶; 北管用琵琶
pakpeeng | northward | 北邊
pakperng | turn the stomach; upset stomach; feel like vomiting | 嘔吐; 反胃
pakphee | peel | 剝皮
pakphoee | skin; to rind; pare; flay; peel off the skin | 剝皮
pakphøee | to peel off the skin; flay | 剝皮
pakpo | northern area; northern regions | 北部
pakpvy | northern Side | 北邊
paksiab | fleece employees, empty and uncomfortable stomach, poor and wretched | 剝涉; 剝削
paksiaq | squeeze; exploit; fleece; cut down (wages); exploit (people); squeeze money out of a person | 剝削
paksiax | have diarrhoea, have dysentery | 腹瀉
paksiong | proceed northward; go north | 北上
paksit | to erode; o corrode; to wear away | 剝蝕
paksix | the northern region; on the north | 北方
paksvaf | take off the clothes; peel off one's garments; to strip and plunder of garments | 剝衫; 脫衣服
paktao | the Big Dipper (constellation) | 北斗
paktao-chvy | the Big Dipper; the Plough | 北斗星
paktek | the wild tribes of the north | 北狄
pakthaau | the North | 北頭; 北方
pakthee | north embankment | 北堤
paktiau | peeled off | 剝掉
paktngg | inside the belly; entrails; viscera; disposition of the heart (good-hearted or bad-hearted) | 腹腸; 度量
pakto | the range; a breadth; a margin | 幅度
paktoat kongkoaan | deprive of civil rights | 剝奪公權
paktoat | to deprive of; deprive or strip one of (rights; property) divest | 剝奪
paktofbea | lower abdomen | 腹肚尾
paktofboea | lower abdomen | 腹肚尾
paktofiaw | hungry | 腹肚枵
paktofkuy | stomach | 腹肚胿
paktoflai | in the stomach | 腹肚內
paktoflai`loq | in the stomach | 腹肚內囉
paktofphoee | belly | 腹肚皮
paktofpvy | soft part of the side below the ribs | 腹肚邊
paktoftea | in the stomach | 腹肚底
paktofthafng'ar | stomach | 腹肚桶仔
paktoftharng | stomach | 腹肚桶
paktofthviax | stomachache | 腹肚疼
paktor iaw | empty stomach; hungry; get hungry | 肚子餓
paktor khuikhoaq | be large-minded; be generous; be magnanimous | 有度量
paktor leksuun | the abdomen flabby and flapped | 肚子皺紋
paktor pehchiaq-pehchiaq | feel unpleasant in the stomach | 肚子悶澀; 反胃
paktor thviax | belly ache; stomach pain; colic | 肚子痛
paktor tioxng | abdominal swelling | 肚子脹大
paktor tuhtuq | lie heavy on one's stomach; feel heavy in the stomach | 肚子脹脹的
paktor tviuotviux | belly overloaded or swollen; bloated (intestinal gas) | 肚子脹脹的
paktor tviux | feel heavy in the stomach | 肚子脹氣
paktor | belly; abdomen; inside; inner | 腹肚; 肚子
paktor-tharng | big belly | 腹肚桶; 大肚皮
paktor-tngg | intestines, bowels | 腹肚腸; 腸子
paktor-toax | belly band, girdle | 腹肚大; 腰帶
paktor-zuie | ascitic fluid | 腹斗水; 腹水
paktøexphøee | heavy tax | 剝地皮; 惡官; 課重
pakzaai | umbilical | 腹臍
pakzao | take off and carry it away | 剝走; 拆走
pakzuun | stripping ship | 剝船
parngbak | close one's eyes to; feign stupidity or ignorance; pretend didn't see someone doing something wrong | 無看; 放目; 裝傻; 睜一隻眼閉一隻眼
pathiongluixhak | Herpetology | 爬蟲類學
patkoarsvoakhaf | bottom of Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山跤
paupak | business undertaking; long term business renting | 包贌
pawhak | well learned, scholarly | 飽和; 飽學
paxng khakyn | cut the tendon of a man's heel | 放腳筋; 斷人腳筋
paxng-hietkak | discard | 丟擲棄
paxnhak | run a school | 辦學
peakog | my (self-depreciatory term); our country | 敝國
peazeakiok | early republican government agency in charge of the minting of coins; issuance of banknotes and other related matters | 幣制局
pefpak | bind, enslave, bound | 把縛; 捆綁
pegbak | idiot; dull looking; stupid | 白癡
peh-siaksiag | glittering white | 白爍爍
pehkak'heeng | octagonal (figure) | 八角形
pengbin svakag | plane trigonometry | 平面三角
penghak | military science | 兵學
peqbak | be undiscriminating; idiot | 白目; 看無懂好壞; 白癡
peqkhak'ar | white hulled rice | 白殼仔; 在來米(白殼); 白糙米
peqliaksiag | very white | 白皚皚
peqpak'ar | empty stomach | 白腹仔
peqsiaksiag | brilliantly white | 白皚皚
perng-peqbak | look askance at; look cold at; frown upon; turns the supercilious look | 翻白眼; 反白目
phagphak | expose | 曝曝
phagphak`leq | dry them in the sun | 晒晒咧
phahnakiuu | play basketball | 打籃球
phak iaam | expose to sunlight to obtain salt | 曝鹽
phak of`khix | get browned; tanned; blackened by the sun | 晒黑去
phak zheg | un drying millet | 曝粟
phak | dry in the sun; expose to sunlight; to sun | 曬; 曝
phak'voar | flip a bowl | 覆碗
phak-hof taf | dry in the sun | 晒乾
phakboo | the 40th radical | 漢字部首之一
phakchiøx | a bending or lifting of the head; a simple move or action | 覆笑; 俯仰
phakhix | abandon | 拋棄
phakiliin | lateral somersault | 拋麒麟
phakixnlo | take a shortcut | 拋近路
phakpaix | rotate oneself in worship or adoration | 趴拜; 膜拜
phakphag | head down | 趴趴
phakphakphag | head down completely | 覆覆覆
phakte | lie down with face down | 趴地
phaktviar | flip a wok | 俯鼎; 將炒鍋反扣
phakuxnlo | take a shortcut | 拋近路
phakzhaeaq | duck meat with vegetable | 覆菜鴨
phakzhaix | pickled vegetable | 覆菜
phakzuysiuu | freestyle; Front Crawl | 覆水泅
phakzøo | head down | 俯嘈
phalaai-phakhix | toss about in one's sleep | 翻來覆去; 輾轉難眠
phaq-nakiuu | to play basketball | 打籃球; 拍籃球
pheagak | soundtrack | 配樂
pheakag | assistant actor/actress | 配角
pheakib | quota | 配給
pheakor | allotment | 配股
pheakvia | accessories | 配件
phiagphiak thiaux | leap up and down frantically (e.g | 跳動無停
phiagphiak tvoa | palpitate | 跳個無停
phiak | dash on a wall; hit | 抨; 擗; 炸起來; 劈; 射(打)
phiak`cide | hit | 擊一下
phiak`laang | hit someone | 擊人
phienkoeakhix | fooling people | 蹁過去
phihphak'vax | turn one's face downward | 趴伏俯; 躄覆向
phiphak | expose | 披曝
phiørbin keakeg | face value (of a stock) | 票面價格
phoeagak | soundtrack | 配樂
phoeakag | a supporting role; supporting role (in a drama or movie); supporting actor or actress; supporting player | 配角
phoeakerng | decorate; decoration; decorative; ornamental | 配景; 裝飾
phoeakib | to ration; to allocate; distribution ratios | 配給
phoeakipbie | rationed rice | 配給米
phoeakipphirn | rationed goods | 配給品
phoeakipzexng | ration cards; ration coupons | 配給證
phoeakor | allotment | 配股
phoeakvia | fittings; mountings; replacement (parts); accessories; accessories | 配件
phoehuhak | dermatology | 皮膚學
phok'hak | well-read; erudite; well read; erudite; well versed in a wide range of learning; erudition; deep and wide education | 博學
phokbudhak | natural history; natural science | 博物學
phoxkiehak | bookkeeping (as a course of study) | 簿記學
phuiehietkak | spit | 呸㧒捔
phuix-hietkak | spit it out | 吐擲棄
phukhakyn | varicose veins | 靜脈瘤
phunkhakud | pubic | 盆跤骨
phurnbak | ink jet | 噴墨
phurnkhakhefng | run hurriedly | 噴腳框; 急逃
phvae-paktor | have a stomach disorder; have a weak digestive system; diarrhea | 拉肚子; 消化無好
phvaybak | roving eye; a lustful look | 歹目; 邪眼; 色瞇瞇的眼
phvaybaktor | stomachache | 歹腹肚
phvayliwlak | hard to cope | 歹扭搦
phvaypaktor | running stomach ache | 歹腹肚
phvaythak | hard to read; hard to study | 難讀
phviakikud | rib cage | 骿支骨
phviakud | rib cage | 骿骨
phvialaai-phviakhix | throw around indiscriminately | 丟來丟去; 丟這丟那
phviavoar siakti | throw down bowls and chopsticks in a sulk; pet; or rage | 丟碗丟筷; 發怒; 使性子。
phvixbak | nose and eyes | 鼻眼
phynbak | items | 品目
phynhak kiam'iw | excel in moral as well as academic performances; excellent not only morally but also academically | 品學兼優
phøeagak | to accompany music | 配樂
phøeakag | a minor role, a supporting actor or actress | 配角
phøeakib | allocation; allotment; ration | 配給
phøeakib-zeato | ration system | 配給制度
phøeakvia | accessories | 配件
phøtong-leghak | wave mechanics | 波動力學
piak | fried | 爆; 啪一聲打下
piak'høea | slap fire | 啪火
piak'iuu | make oil from fat meat | 煏油
piak`cide | fried | 啪一下
piakkhafng | (of a plot; etc.) fall through and stand exposed; reveal; lay bare | 爆空; 出紕漏; 敗露; 事情暴露
piakkhuy | burst; crack; burst; to crack; to split up and fall apart (e.g.; things that had been glued or joined together) | 逼開; 爆裂; 裂開; 迸開
piakkofti | drumsticks | 煏鼓箸
piakkor | drum | 煏鼓
piaklih | split open | 破裂; 裂開
piakpaf | dry (food so as to preserve it) | 焙乾
piakphoax | burst; crack; break (a pot; glass) by cracking | 爆破; 裂破; 破裂; 繃裂; 爆裂
piakpiag | like to burst open, open with sounds | 壁角
piaktøq | too many guests show up in a dinner party | 煏桌
piejiøxhak | urology | 泌尿學
piernthaix simlyhak | abnormal psychology | 變態心理學
pitbak | pen and ink; words; writing; pen and ink ─ stationery | 筆墨
pngxkvoakhørsex | Clinging to the power of others | 傍官靠勢
pngxkvoakhørsix | Clinging to the power of others | 傍官靠勢
poeako'ar | plaster paste | 塗糊仔
porbak | squares between the longitude and latitude lines of the cloth | 布目
puhiakhog | wooden scoop shell | 瓠桸觳
puihiakhok'ar | gourd shell ladle | 瓠桸觳仔
puttiputkaktiofng | unconsciously | 無知不覺中
putty seakox | ignorant of the world | 無知世故
pvebin svakag | plane trigonometry | 平面三角
pvexlyhak | pathology | 病理學
pviahviesak | throw away | 拚擲棄
pvialaai-pviakhix | throw around indiscriminately | 丟來丟去; 丟這丟那
pviax-hietkak | clear out useless things; to throw away; to cast off | 拼擲棄; 倒掉; 丟掉
pvoakhafng | move everything out | 搬空
pvoakhie | move up | 搬起
pvoakoex | climb over | 翻過
pvoakvii | pan qian | 盤墘
pvoalaai-pvoakhix | carry hither and thither; carry; move here and there | 搬來搬去
pvoapvoakhix | move | 搬搬去
pvoarkafng-pvoarthak | work while studying at school | 半工半讀
pvoarmesvakvef | midnight | 半暝三更
pvoasvoakeaniar | long journey | 盤山過嶺
pvoasvoakoeaniar | over the ridge | 盤山過嶺
saipak'ho | heavy shower; sudden rain shower | 西北雨; 陣雨
saipak'hofng | northwestern wind | 西北風
saipakpeeng | northwestern side | 西北爿
saipakphaix | northwestern group | 西北派
saipakpo | northwestern | 西北部
sak'oar | push a door shut; push things close together | 推近
sakchiaf | push a cart, push-cart | 推車
sakchiakafng | push-cart labor | 捒車工
sakcide | push | 捒一下
sakhafn | lead | 相牽
sakhix | grab away | 捎去
sakho | push responsibility on to others | 推護
sakkhie | push | 推起
sakkhix | grab away | 捒去
sakkhuikhix | grab away | 捒開去
sakkhuy | push away something; shirk one's responsibility | 推開
sakkhuy`khix | push away | 推開去
sakløh | thrust | 推落
sakoex | already boiled | 煮過
saktør | push over; to push and cause to fall | 推倒
sakzao | push away | 推開
sakzhud | punch out | 捒出
sakzoeatuy | put together | 捒做堆
sakzørhoea | push together | 推作夥
sakzørtuy | collect several elements into one whole; consummate a marriage between a son and a sim-pu-a | 送做堆; 圓房
sakøf | casserole; tureen; earthenware saucepan; casserole | 砂鍋; 沙鍋
satbak | milkfish (Chanos chanos) | 虱目
sayhak | a laboratory latrine, a privy, a water closet, a toilet | 屎礐; 茅坑,廁所
sayhak-khafng | a privy | 屎礐孔
saykoeakhix | drive past | 駛過去
saykoeakoax | drive through | 駛過掛
scream, screech, squeak | 叫
seakaeid | the greatest in the world | 世界一
seakaekib | world class | 世界級
seakaekoafn | world view ─ the big picture | 世界觀
seakaepoef | world cup | 世界杯
seakaesexng | world-wide | 世界性
seakaesiong | the world | 世界上
seakaesuo | universal history | 世界史
seakaf | old and honorable family | 世家
seakaf-tøea | family | 世家底
seakafn | on earth; the public; people; the world (as distinguished from Heaven) | 世間
seakafn-tiofng | in the world | 世間中
seakafng | world | 世間
seakaix boadjit | the Last Day; Doomsday | 世界末日
seakaix chixtviuu | world markets | 世界市場
seakaix høpeeng | world peace | 世界和平
seakaix itciw | round-the-world trip | 世界一週
seakaix kieliok | world record | 世界紀錄
seakaix taixtoong | universal brotherhood; Utopia | 世界大同
seakaix tiauliuu | world trends; trend of the times | 世界潮流
seakaix zwgi | cosmopolitanism | 世界主義
seakaix | the world; the earth | 世界
seakanlaang | human | 世間人
seakansiong | the world | 世間上
seakansu | world affairs | 世間事
seakantai | world | 世間代
seakaw | friendship of many generations; friendship of families through several generations | 世交
seakerng | world situation | 世景; 情況
seakhof | skinny | 細箍
seakhurn hagciar | bacteriologist | 細菌學者
seakhurn | bacteria; germs; microbe; bacteria; germs; microbes | 細菌
seakhwnciexn | bacteriological warfare | 細菌戰
seakhwnhak | bacteriology | 細菌學
seakhwntaan | bacterial bomb | 細菌彈
seakhwntvoaa | bacterial bomb | 細菌彈
seaki'ar | skinny | 細枝仔
seakie | century | 世紀
seakim | wife of wife's younger brother | 細妗; 內弟媳
seakim'ar | the youngest sunt on the mother side | 細妗仔
seakiok | the world situation | 世局
seako'ar | the youngest aunt on the father side | 細姑仔
seakox | the ways of the world; shrewd; worldly | 世故
seakviar | an infant; a baby | 世囝; 嬰兒
seakym | tax | 稅金
seapauhak | cytology | 細胞學
seaseakeng'ar | little room | 細細間仔
seaseaki'ar | little | 細細支仔
sefsvaky | washing machine | 洗衣機
segak | western music | 西樂
segthak | read thoroughly, thoroughly acquainted (book) | 熟讀
sehak | western learning | 西學
sekkhiakør | sweetsop; sugar-apple | 釋迦果
sengbudhak | biology | 生物學
sengbudhoarhak | biochemistry | 生物化學
sengbut-hak | biology | 生物學
senggak | vocal music | 聲樂
senghak khøfchix | entrance exam for a higher school | 升學考試
senghak | to advance to a higher school; advance to a higher school | 升學; 星學
senglie-hak | physiology | 生理學
senglyhak | physiology | 生理學
sengpurn koeakex | cost accounting | 成本會計
sengsioxnghak | astrology | 星象學
siaftvakhix | make a mistake in writing | 寫錯去
siak | silicon | 矽
siak'ie-siaktøq | throw furniture around in anger | 摔桌摔椅
siak'voar-siakti | throw down the bowls and chopsticks; very angry | 摔碗摔筷; 很生氣
siakag | oblique angle | 斜角
siakaux | false religion; paganism (obsolete) | 邪教
siakbeh | thresh wheat | 賒麥; 摔麥
siakhiaxm | be in debt for goods bought on credit | 賒欠
siakhiog | clicked, immoral | 邪曲; 狡滑
siakhix | evil aura; noxious influence; perversity | 邪氣
siakløqlaai | fell down | 摔落來
siakphoax | dash to pieces (a dish); break something by dashing it on the ground | 摔破
siaksie | fall to one's death; be dashed to death | 摔死
siaktharng | tub for threshing rice | 摔桶; (脫穀用的大木桶)
siaktiu | thresh rice in a barrel | 賒稻; 摔稻子
siaktoaxbiin | deep sleep | 摔大眠
siaktør | person to fall down; throw the opponent to the ground | 摔倒
siakuie | demon, devil, evil spirit | 賒鬼; 魔鬼
siakzheg | throw millet | 摔粟
siangbak | binocular; both eyes | 雙目
siaobak | details of accounts; accounts | 帳目; 數目; 賬目
siarm`køeakhix | creep stealthily past | 閃過去
siaxhoe khøhak | social science | 社會科學
siaxhoe simlyhak | social psychology (as a science) | 社會心理學
siaxhoe tiet'hak | social philosophy | 社會哲學
siaxhoexhak | sociology | 社會學
sibbut-hak | botany, botanical | 食物學; 植物學
sidbudhak | botany | 植物學
sidbut hoarhak | photochemistry | 植物化學
sidbut hoat'ioghak | vegetable embryology | 植物發育學
sidbut hunluixhak | classificatory botany | 植物分類學
sidbut phoeakib | food rationing | 食物配給
sidbut pvexlyhak | phytopathology | 植物病理學
sidbut senglyhak | physiological botany | 植物生理學
sidbut sengthaehak | vegetable ecology | 植物生態學
sidbut-hak | botany | 食物學; 植物學
sidcien lunlyhak | practical ethics | 實踐倫理學
sidcien siaxhoexhak | practical sociology | 實踐社會學
sidgiam simlyhak | experimental psychology | 實驗心理學
siekak'heeng | quadrangular | 四角形
siekakbø | 4 corners hat | 四角帽
siekaktøq | 4 corners table | 四角桌
sienkakciar | person of foresight; person of vision | 仙覺者
siesiekakkag | neat and tidy | 四四角角
siesykakkag | 4 corners- imply tidly and near | 四四角角
sikeakør | passion fruit | 百香果; 時計果; 四季果
simbak | the understanding, the heart, what I know | 心目
simbak-tiofng | in one's mind, in one's eyes | 心目中
simkvoakhut'ar | pit of the stomach; region between the ribs | 心肝骨仔
simkvoakor | heart drum | 心肝鼓
simlenghak | psychics; spiritualism | 心靈學
simlie-hak | psychology | 心理學
simlyhak | psychology | 心理學
simzong-hak | cardiology | 心臟學
simzoxnghak | cardiology | 心臟學
sin'oe-hak | mythology | 神話學; 神話(學)
sinhak phoksu | doctor of divinity (DD) | 神學博士
sinhak | theology; theology | 神學
sinpakchi | New Taipei City | 新北市
sinpakchixtiorng | New Taiepe City Mayor | 新北市長
sinpaktaau | a town in northern Taipei | 新北投
sinsiuhak | study of ascetics | 神修學
siogbunhak | popular literature | 俗文學
sit'hak | uneducated | 失學
sitkakzhad | unconscious | 失覺察
siuhak | quick school | 修學
siuoihak | veterinary medicine | 獸醫學
siusuhak | rhetoric (as a subject of study) | 修辭學
six-kakthaau | four corners | 四角頭; 四個角
siøfbak | small wood | 小木
siøfhak | elementary school; primary school | 小學
siør-tøebak | a smallsmal subject | 小題目
siøtaktee | trip over; stumble over | 相嘖題; 絆腳 [*]
soakaw | sand shark, sand tiger, ragged tooth shark | 鯊鉤; 砂鮫
soakhud | a hollow in sand | 沙窟
soakhvef | sand pit | 沙坑
soakhw | sand dunes | 砂丘
soakvii | shachang | 沙墘
soakym | gold dust | 沙金
soakyn | tendon on the back | 沙筋
soanthak | read a proclamation | 宣讀
soeakheq | lobbyist | 說客
soeakhoarn | tax money | 稅款
soeakhurn | bacteria | 細菌
soeako'ar | younger sister-in-law on the husband side | 細姑仔
soeakoafn khefzengzhux | tax office | 稅捐稽徵處
soeakoafn | taxes and surtaxes | 稅捐
soeakym | tax; geld | 稅金
sokkakoax | plastic cover | 塑膠蓋
sokkakorng | P.V.C. pipe | 塑膠管
sokkiehak | stenography | 速記學; (術)
sokpak | tie; bind up; bondage; bound; imprison; bind; to tie; to control; restraints; restrictions; bondage | 束縛; 束縳
somlimhak | forestry | 森林學
sorbak | number | 數目
sorhak | mathematics; mathematics | 數學
sorhak-kaf | a mathematician | 數學家
suhoan taixhak | normal university | 師範大學
suhuix liuhak | Study abroad using personal funds | 私費留學; 自費留學
suisyn ee svakhox | clothes for change one takes along on a trip | 隨身衫褲
sutbak | wink with eyes | 摔目; 霎眼
suxnhofng saktør chviuu | Lit. take advantage of the wind and push down the wall ─ best a person by taking advantage of his adversity | 趁風勢推倒牆; 順水推舟
svaka | bite, fight, harm one another | 相咬
svakaang | be the same; be like the same thing | 相同; 相仝
svakab | put together to share (food; the same house); collaborate with; (to work) together | 相合; 相佮; 合夥; 一起
svakag koanhe | love triangle; triangular relationship (as USA; USSR and China) | 三角關係
svakag loan'aix | love triangle | 三角戀愛
svakag | trigonometry; trigonal; thirty cents | 三角
svakag-bø | biretta | 三角帽
svakag-heeng | triangular shape | 三角行; 三角形
svakag-kwn | triangular bandage | 三角根; 三角巾
svakag-ky | deltoid (anatomy) | 三角巾; 三角肌
svakak'ar | triangule | 三角仔
svakak'heeng | triangle | 三角形
svakakchiøq | triangule ruler | 三角尺
svakakkefng | triangule shoulder | 三角肩
svakakkhox | women's panties | 三角褲
svakaklagkefng | on person who has good shape | 三角六肩
svakakpafng | plywood | 三角板
svakakthafng | corner house | 三角窗
svakang | do together, help each other, mutually helping | 相共; 相弄
svakaq | share | 相佮
svakaw | copulate (animal), be friendly | 相交; 性交(動物)
svakaxn | intercouse | 相姦
svakea'ar | shirt frame | 衫架仔
svakeg | attack or provoke one another | 相激; 相擊
svakeh | opposite | 相逆
svakeng | compete | 相勁
svakeng'ar | shirt bow | 衫弓仔
svakeq | be separated | 相隔
svakexng | respect each other | 相敬
svakha'ar | deceitful; (n) lackey; running dog; a person who helps someone harm people | 三腳仔; 台奸; 走狗
svakhab | mutual respect | 相磕
svakhabea | tripod; a saw horse | 三腳馬; 三腳架
svakhaf | deceitful | 三腳
svakhaniaw | three feet cats- implied those tractors | 三跤貓
svakhap | knock against one another | 三磕; 相毆打
svakhatuo | placed in a triangular form (three things; persons; places) | 三腳抵; 三角置放; 鼎立
svakhatviar | tripod | 三角鼎
svakhatw | placed in a triangular form (three things; persons; places) | 三腳抵; 三角置放; 鼎立
svakhazø | tripod | 三腳座; 三跤座
svakhiehiaam | dislike; disdain | 相棄嫌
svakhiuo | twisted each other | 相扭
svakhngx | exhort one another | 相串; 相規勵
svakhof | three dollars | 三箍
svakhox | coat and trousers; clothes | 衣褲; 衫褲
svakhvoax | stare or look at one another | 相看
svakhy | deceive | 相欺
svakhøeq | be crowded together | 相擠; 相𤲍
svaki | taboo | 相忌
svakib thiao'oarn | hop skip and a jump (athletic event) | 三級跳遠
svakib | (3-kib) the third class, tertiary | 三級
svakichiuo | 3 hands | 三肢手
svakin | hold close relationship each other | 相近
svakiux | help each other | 相救
svakoaix | blame each other | 相怪
svakoan'oong | triple crown (only used in baseball) | 三冠王
svakox | take care of each other | 相顧
svakun | hold close relationship each other | 相近; 彼此接近
svakuun | coat and skirt | 衫裙
svakvef | three am | 三更
svakvef-pvoarmee | late at night (usually after midnight) | 三更半夜
svakvemepvoax | midnight | 三更暝半
svakvepvoarmee | midnight | 三更半暝
svakvipvoarmee | midnight | 三更半暝
svakvipvoarmii | midnight | 三更半暝
svakvix | meet together | 相見
svakvy | midnight | 三更
svakvy-pvoarmii | late at night (usually after midnight) | 三更半夜
svaky | shirt | 衫裾
svakøx | accuse each other, engage in litigation | 相告; 相互控訴
svaoesvakhoeq | squeeze each other | 相挨相擠
svesyhak | life and death | 生死學
sviagak-kaf | vocalist | 聲樂家
sviahak | acoustics | 聲學
sviakag | corner of city wall | 城角
sviakhaf | at the foot of the wall; near the wall | 城腳; 城下
sviakhix | allure away | 唌去
sviakhw | urban area | 城區
sviakii | kinosaki | 城崎
sviakngf | sound and light | 聲光
sviakngr | larynx | 聲管; 喉管
sviasviakuokux | each word | 每一句話
svibak | born | 生目; 生來
sviupak | too tight (e.g.; a dress) | 太緊
svoagak | gak | 山獄
svoakafn | in the mountains | 山間
svoakao | wild dog | 山狗
svoakau'ar | ravine | 山溝仔
svoakaw | a gully | 山溝
svoakef | pheasant | 山雞
svoakerng | mountain view | 山景
svoakhaf | the foot of a hill or mountain | 山腳; 山跤; 山下
svoakhafng | mountain cave | 山孔; 山空; 山穴
svoakhaxm | hill; precipitous bank (on a shore or at a stream) | 山崁; 山崖; 山嵌
svoakhefng | Taiwan sapium (tree) | 山框; 山桕
svoakhi'ar | Morris persimmon, red-flowered persimmon | 山柿仔; 油柿
svoakhia | mountain niche | 山徛
svoakhiaq | mountain crevice | 山隙
svoakhiim iafsiux | wild birds and beasts | 山禽野獸
svoakhiim | mountain birds, wild birds | 山擒; 山禽
svoakhinzhaix | mountain celery | 山芹菜
svoakhiw | hills | 山丘
svoakhud | valley; gorge | 山坑
svoakhve'ar | valley; gorge | 山坑仔
svoakhvef | valley; gorge | 山坑; 山谷
svoakhvy | mountain dent | 山坑
svoakhw | mountain area | 山區
svoakiab | a ravine | 山峽
svoakiok | Japanese farfugium | 山菊; 山花粉
svoakog | valley; daie; hollow; ravine | 山谷
svoakoklai | In the valley | 山谷內
svoakvii | mountain | 山墘
svoakviw | Japanese horseradish (plant) | 山薑
svoakw | Reeve's turtle | 山龜; 金龜
svoakøef | Swinhoe's Blue peasant (hen) | 山雞
swhak | history (as a science) | 史學; 史學,歷史學
sybak | bad eyesight; dead person’s eyes | 死目
syn seakie | new century | 新世紀
søeakhaf | tiny feet | 細腳
søeakhafng | tiny hole | 細孔
søeakhurn | germ, bacterium | 細菌
søeakhøex | registered deed | 細契; 稅契
søeakikud | slender | 細筋骨; 小筋骨
søeakim | wife of wife's younger brother | 細妗; 內弟媳
søeakoafn | customs house | 稅關; 稅捐; 海關
søeakviar | child; children | 細囝; 小孩; 小兒
søeakym | tax | 稅金
søeapaw-hak | cytology | 細胞學
søefsvaky | washer; washing machine | 洗衫機; 洗衣機
sørpiagpiak | love deeply | 愛極了
taglefpaelak | every Saturday | 每星期六; 每週六
taixchiefn seakaix | a universe of many universes (Buddhism) | 大千世界
taixcioxng bunhak | literature for the masses | 大眾文學
taixhak | university | 大學
taixseakaix | big world | 大世界
taixtoong seakaix | a world where harmony; equality and justice prevail; universal brotherhood; political utopia | 大同世界
tak ee | everyone, each one, everybody | 逐个
tak | each; each one; every | 每; 逐; 各; 逐各,每
takcih | click of tongue | 觸舌; 嘖嘖; 稱讚
takef | mother-in-law; mother-in-law; husband's mother | 婆婆; 大家; 乾家
takef-simpu | mother-in-law and daughter-in-law | 乾家媳婦; 婆媳
takekvoaf | husband's parents | 乾家官; 大家官; 公婆; 公公婆婆
takhix | dry | 焦去
takhog | dry | 焦涸
takhokkhog | very dry | 焦涸涸
takhør | dry | 焦洘
takkhao | have a slight altercation | 觸口; 爭吵; 爭論
takkhee | hinder; block; impede; bar obstruction; obstacle; hindrance | 阻礙
takliwar | button | 觸鈕仔
taksiaux | make a rough calculation on account, make a memorandum on the account, jet down an item | 觸數; 彈賬
taksie | kill with the horns; gored to death | 觸死; 觝死
taksngrpvoaa | use abacus- well calculated with plan | 擉算盤
taktiøh ciøqthaau poaqtør | stumble over a stone | 踢到石頭跌倒
taktiøh | to stumble or strike against unintentionally | 硌到; 踢到
taktvii | troublesome; inconvenient; trouble somebody; bother | 觸纏; 麻煩; 糾纏
takuix | dry season; drought | 乾季
takvoaf | father-in-law; husband's father | 公公; 大官; 乾官
taky | withered branch | 乾枝
takzhuix | quarrel | 觸嘴; 爭論
takør | dried fruit | 乾果; 焦果
tangpak'hofng | northeast wind | 東北風
tangpakkag | northeast corner | 東北角
tangpakpeeng | northeast side | 東北爿
tangpakpo | northeast | 東北部
tangpaksix | northeast | 東北勢
tangsailampaklo | | 東西南北路
taosvakaarng | sorting and grouping | 鬥相共
taosvakang | assist one another; give a hand | 鬥相共; 幫忙
taosvakaxng'aq | sorting and grouping | 鬥相共矣
taqkhakhiaw | walking on stilts | 踏跤蹺
tarnhietkak | throw away | 擲㧒捔
tarnhviekak | throw away | 擲挕捔
tatakiøx | boast; brag; talk big | 呱呱叫; 亂吹牛
tauxkvoakag | small fried tofu like Japanese tempeh | 豆乾角
teakied | conclude (treaties; agreements) | 締結
teakiøxau`ee | previous marriage’s children | 綴轎後的
teakog zwgi | imperialism | 帝國主義
teakog | an empire; monarchy | 帝國
teakwn | title of reverence added to the names of Taoist's gods | 帝君
tebak | the subject or title of a composition or speech; theme; heading; question; problem (especially in a test) | 題目
tefngkag svakak'heeng | equiangular triangle | 等角三角形
tefngpakkoax | chest | 頂腹蓋
tefngpvy svakak'heeng | equilateral triangle | 等邊三角形
tekbak | bamboo joints | 竹節
texbak | classification of land | 地目
texcit'hak | geology | 地質學
texcynhak | seismology | 地震學
texgak | hell; Hades | 地獄
texlie-hak | geography; geomancy; good or bad luck of graves | (學); 地理
texsvaf teakog | the Third Reich; Nazi Germany | 第三帝國
texzanhak | stratigraphy; study of stratified rocks | 地層學
thagthak | read; study | 讀讀
thaisenghak | embryology | 胎生學
thak mxcviaa zheq | make little progress in studies owing to hindrances; go to school but not graduate; not study diligently | 讀無成冊; 讀不成書
thak mxtiøh | mispronounce (a word) | 讀錯
thak syzheq | to read books character by character without understanding the meaning | 讀死冊
thak zeabuun | read sacrificial prayers | 讀祭文
thak | read aloud; recite; read silently; to attend school; read; to study | 讀
thak-bøo zheq | not making progress in study | 讀無成冊
thak-hof sek | read until one can recite from memory | 讀熟
thak-kaq sek | read until one can recite from memory | 讀熟
thak-thaothaux | to read right through | 讀遍了
thaksngrpvoaa | caculated move | 擉算盤
thapbak | sunken eyes | 塌目; 凹眼
thaubak | a chief; a leader; chief; headman | 頭目
thaukhak'heeng | head shape | 頭殼型
thaukhak'hiaqar | forehead | 頭殼額仔
thaukhak'voafkud | skull | 頭殼碗骨
thaukhak'voar phoax`khix | skull fracture | 頭蓋碗破去
thaukhak'voar | skull; cranium | 頭蓋骨; 頭殼碗
thaukhakboefterng | on top of head | 頭殼尾頂
thaukhakhiaqar | forehead | 頭殼額仔
thaukhakkud | skull | 頭殼骨
thaukhaklai | In the head | 頭殼內
thaukhakphoee | scalp | 頭殼皮
thaukhakphøee | scalp | 頭殼皮; 頭皮
thaukhaksym | the central point of the head; from which the hair radiates | 頭殼心; 腦心
thaukhaktea | in the head | 頭殼底
thaukhakterng | on top of head | 頭殼頂
thaukhakthviax | headache | 頭殼疼
thaukhakzhea | brain | 頭殼髓
thaukhakzhoea | brain | 頭殼髓
thaukhakzhøea | brain | 腦殼髓; 頭殼髓; 腦子
thawpak | untie | 敨縛
theahak | drop out of school | 退學
theakhoarn | to return (an original payment or part of it) | 退款
theakhuy | step aside | 退開
theakhuy`khix | step aside | 退開去
theakied | conclude (treaties; agreements) | 締結
theakor | withdraw one's shares from a company | 退股
theakwn | retreat | 退軍
theakør | rejection | 退稿
thenghak | to drop out of school temporarily (for a year or more) | 停學
thiaokakoafn | the person who wears lucky mask during festival | 跳加冠
thiaq-hietkak | tear up and throw away | 拆丟掉; 撕掉
thienbunhak | astronomy | 天文學
thienbuun-hak | astronomy | 天文學
thiensiakuie | devil | 天邪鬼
thiokboghak | animal husbandry; zootechny | 畜牧學
thngrbaktheq | upper body naked | 褪腹裼
thngrpaktheq | nudity; unclothe; bareness; naked to the waist; topless; shirtless | 褪剝裼; 赤裸; 袒胸露背
thngx-hietkak | take off one's clothes and threw away | 脫丟棄
thoaf`køeakhix | put off (a payment when it falls due); to tide (a patient) over (the critical moment) | 拖過去; 渡過去 (脫險)
thoahbak | strabismus, squint | 拖目; 斜眼
thoahkoeakhix | put off (a payment when it falls due), to tide (a patient) over (the critical moment) | 拖過去, 渡過去 (脫險)
thoakafng | day workers; procrastinate intentionally | 拖工
thoakhiaxm | to delay in paying a debt; to to fall in arrears; to delay too long in paying a debt | 拖欠
thoakhie | to draw up, to pull up | 拖起
thoakhuy | drag away | 拖開
thoakoex | dragged | 拖過
thoakuo | delay for a long time | 拖久
thoakøeagøeh | dragged over this month- such as delay rent | 拖過月
thoatli sokpak | escape from bonds | 脫離束縛
thofbagthofbak | eyes popped | 吐目吐目
thofbak | protruding eyeball | 凸目
thofng-seakafn | whole world | 通世界
thofng-seakaix | whole world | 通世界; (全世界)
thofngkeahak | statistics (as a science) | 統計學
thojiorng-hak | pedology | 土壤學; 塗壤學
thokakzhux | house made of soil blocks | 塗墼厝
thonghak | communicated study ( go to school by bus from other county); commute daily to school; be a day student | 通學
thonghak-sefng | non-resident students | 通學生
thongsiok bunhak | light (popular) literature | 通俗文學
thorbak | have protruding eyes | 凸眼; 吐目
thornghoeakefng | the act of contrition | 痛悔經
thun paktor | do with difficulty in order to warm dressed and well fed | 填飽肚子
thveakoaan | prop up; to raise slightly higher with a prop; prop up and keep from falling | 托高; 頂高
thviakag | audio; acoustic; audition; auditory; ear; the sense of hearing | 聽覺
thviakarng | listen to a lecture; speech | 聽講
thviakhie | sounds; have heard | 聽起
thviakhvoax | listen to see whether | 聽看
thviakhøx | attend class or a lecture | 聽課
thviakoaf | listen to songs | 聽歌
thviakoex | have heard | 聽過
thviakorng | It is reported that...; according to unconfirmed reports | 聽說; 聽講; ...
thviakvix | hear; hearing; to hear (Lit. perceive by listening); can hear (have the faculty or power to hear); hear something without the express purpose or intention of listening to it | 聽見
thvoakhao | mouth or foot of rapids | 攤口; 灘口
thvy ti thaukhakterng | Heaven is above my head; I am speaking all truthfully; Heaven sees and will punish me if I speak falsely (said as a sort of oath) | 天在頭殼上
thøeahak | quit school; drop out | 退學
thøeakafng | a substitute worker | 退工
thøeake | ebb, recede | 退低
thøeakhiin | go off duty, leave work | 退勤; 下班
thøeakhuun | go off duty, leave work | 退勤; 下班
thøeakhuy | step aside, make way | 退開
thøeakngf | lose brilliance, become dim or dull | 退光; 朦朧
thøeakorng | speak for someone else | 退講; 替講; 代講
thøfzeakviar | spendthrift son | 討債囝; 敗家子; 浪費
tiahthak | select parts to read | 摘讀; 選讀
tiak sngrpvoaa | do abacus - budget wisely | 擉算盤
tiak | catapult | 擉
tiaksngrpvoaa | abacus | 擉算盤
tiaubak | account; list of articles | 條目
tidbak | stupid eyes | 直目; 笨的眼睛
tidkag svakak'heeng | right angled triangle | 直角三角形
tidlaksag | very straight | 直落推
tiedhak | philosophy | 智學
tiedhak-ciar | philosopher | 智學者
tiekaktiøh | awakening | 致覺著
tiet'hak phoksu | Doctor of Philosophy; PhD | 哲學博士
tiet'hak | philosophy | 哲學
tiet'hak-ciar | philosopher | 哲學者
tiexnhak | learning of electricity | 電學
tiexnkhiehak | science of electricity; electrology | 電氣學
tiexnkhix-hak | learning of electricity | 電氣學; 電學
tiexnleghak | electrodynamics | 電力學
tiexnzuhak | electromagnetism; as a science | 電磁學
tiexnzuo-hak | electronics | 電子學
tiexnzwimgak | electronic music | 電子音樂
tikhakhof | pig's leg tendon | 豬跤箍
tikvoakud | pig liver bone | 豬肝骨
tionghak | middle and high school; middle school; high school | 中學
tiongseakie | middle Ages | 中世紀
tiongsiøfhak | elementary and middle school | 中小學
tiøh kazak | be choked or suffocated with (tea) | 嗆到
tiøqkazak | got cough | 著咳嗾
toa paktor-thafng'ar | a woman's stomach protrudes either before or after pregnancy; a man or woman has dropsy; undernourished or starving child with big belly | 大肚仔 (病態的); 小腹大
toahbak | big eyes; strabismus, squint | 大目
toaxbak | large eyes | 大目
toaxbaktor | pregnant | 大腹肚
toaxpaktor | pregnant; be pregnant; be (big) with child | 大肚子; (懷孕)
toaxseabak | eyes of different size; partial | 大小眼; 私偏
toaxsoeabak | view others unfairly | 大細目
toaxsøeabak | view others unfairly | 大細目
toaxtebak | great theme ─ an important matter; a long passage given out as a text | 大題目
toeakiøxau`ee | steps kids | 綴轎後的
toexgak | hell | 地獄
togkakchiahkaw | single horn red dragon | 獨角赤蛟
togkakguu | single horn cow | 獨角牛
tok'hak | a supervisor of schools | 獨學; 督學
tonghak | a fellow student; schoolmate | 同學
toxngbudhak | zoology | 動物學
toxngbut hunluixhak | systematic zoology | 動物分類學
toxngbut-hak | zoology | 動物學
toxngleghak | dynamics | 動力學
tuiekaksvoax | diagonal (line) | 對角線
tuix guu tvoakhiim | play a lute before an ox ─ speak to someone about something completely incomprehensible to him | 對牛彈琴
tuixkhakhix | beriberi | 墜跤氣
tukhakhof | pig leg tendon | 豬跤箍
tuxnbak | blunt eyes | 鈍目
tvakafng | workman | 打工; 擔工; 苦力
tvakefng | Taoist funeral rites; carrying Taoist scriptures on a slender pole | 挑經
tvakhie | lift; carry | 擔起
tvakhix | carry away | 擔去
tvaxbak | mistake in looking | 重錯; 看錯
tveakhofng-tveagong | pretend to be an ignoramus; make a fool of oneself; play the fool; act in a foolish way; making people laugh | 詼諧滑稽; 裝瘋賣傻
tveakhongkhofng | play dumb | 佯悾悾
tvialaai-tviakhix | be staggered; to reel | 搖搖晃晃
tviebak | to gaze at; to stare at; fasten one's eyes on | 盯目; 盯
tvoakag | horns of the altar | 單角; 壇角
tvoakhachiuo | having no assistants; only one born (no brothers and sisters) | 單跤手; 獨自一人
tvoakhaf | foot of an altar; single foot | 單腳; 壇腳
tvoakheg | single song | 單曲
tvoakhiim | to play; play piano; play (string instruments not with a bow but with a plucking action); play the piano or organ; play the harp | 彈琴
tvoakux | a note, a bill, a receipt | 單據
tøebak | topic; problems; subject | 題目
tøexcid-hak | geology | 地質學
tøexgak | underworld; hell | 地獄
tøexkiuu-budlyhak | geophysics | 地球物理學
tøexlak | sixth | 第六
tøexlak-karm | sixth sense, hunch | 第六感
tøexlie-hak | geography | 地理學
tøhak | play truant | 逃學
tøkak'heeng | polygon | 多角形
tøkak'hoax | diversification | 多角化
tørhietkak | pour out; throw away | 倒擲角
tørtheakviaa | go or walk backwards | 倒退行
tøxhak | teaching of Confucius, study of Taoism, Theology, theological | 道學
tøxhak-phoksu | doctor of divinity (D.D.), doctor of theology (Th.D.) | 道學博士
u koakad | have relations; have complications | 有瓜葛
u-khaksit | certain, sure, reliable | 有確實
uithoanhak | study of heredity; genetics | 遺傳學
uxhoong-ihak | prophylactic medicine | 預防醫學
vakhix | carried away | 偝去
viafbak | conspicuous; showy | 顯眼
viakhw | military post or camp | 營區
viakiao | win at gambling | 賭贏; 贏錢
viakiuu | win | 贏球
viakoarn | operation management | 營管
viakoex | won | 贏過
viuafbak | eye which does not close completely when the person is asleep | 羊眼目
viukaktauar | type of bean smaller than green bean | 羊角豆仔
voaytng khakud | lose one's footing and break a leg bone | 扭斷腳骨
wntaktag | steady | 穩觸觸
wtiu-hangkhofng-hak | astronautics | 宇宙航空學
zaai sof hak chiern | wanting in ability and little learning (a self deprecating expression said by oneself to be polite and humble about one's talent) | 才疏學淺
zablak | sixteen | 十六
zabpøeq-texgak | the eighteen hells where the souls of evil persons are tortured (Buddhism) | 十八地獄
zadbak | very close together (of bamboo or sugar cane) | 塞目; 很密; (有節植物)
zaibiin kiuozeakym | relief fund | 災民救濟金
zaihak | knowledge; intelligence and scholarship | 才學
zaixhak | be in school; while in school | 在學; (中)
zaixhak-tiofng | be in school; while in school | 在學中
zak | choking or suffocating sensation from drink or food caught in the throat | 嗾*; 嗾; 嗆
zak`sie | choke to death | 嗾死
zak`tiøh | against | 逆著
zakefng | study the Bible | 查經
zakefng-hoe | Bible class, Bible meeting | 查經會
zakefng-pafn | Bible class | 查經班
zakengpafn | Bible class | 查經班
zakhaux | seize | 查扣
zakhaxm | examine; investigate | 勘查; 查勘
zakhiin | make the rounds and check officers to see if they are doing their duties during office hours | 查勤
zakhor | study with references | 查考
zakhvoax | look into a matter | 查看
zakhør | investigate; examine; ponder | 查考
zakiarm | check up; inspect | 查驗
zakixm | prohibit or ban after investigation (usually said of pornographic books; immoral shows; gambling) | 查禁
zakoaxn | look into official files to find something for reference | 查卷
zaksie | choke to death | 齪死
zaksym | distracted | 心煩
zakzag | messy | 齪齪; 促促
zakzø | to disturb; to bother; to trouble | 打擾; 齪嘈
zaogak | perform music; play music at solemn ceremonies | 奏樂
zaokhakefng | kitchen | 灶跤間
zaux aigak | play funeral music | 奏哀樂
zawsvoakef | walking pheasant | 走山雞
zaxm`køeakhix | shortcut | 抄近路; 捷徑
zaxmkoeakhix | shortcut | 捷徑, 抄近路
zeakae | sacrificial reform | 祭改
zeakekchviuo | tannery | 製革廠
zeakhix | sacrificial utensil | 祭器
zeakhoaan | debt | 債權
zeakhongkoaan | air supremacy | 制空權
zeakhu | sacrificial utensil | 祭具
zeaki | sacrifice | 祭忌
zeakib | aid in urgent need | 濟急
zeakngx | bond | 債券
zeakoaan | right of creditor; right of claim; rights of creditor; right of claim | 債權
zeakoaan-ciar | creditor | 債權者; 債權者(人)
zeakoaf | sacrificial song | 祭歌
zeakoanciar | creditor | 債權者; (人)
zeakoaxn | bonds issued by a government; debentures or corporate bonds issued by a company | 債券
zeakof | sacrifice | 祭孤
zeakuie | How many months over one year of age? | 肚祭; 一週歲又幾個月
zeakøx | sacrifice | 祭告
zeaseakiuoliin | save the world | 濟世救人
zefngthauafbak | finger joint; knuckle | 指頭仔目; 關節
zengsiin budlyhak | psychophysics | 精神物理學
zengsiin khøhak | mental science | 精神科學
zengsinpvi-hak | psychiatry | 精神病學
zengsinpvixhak | psychiatry | 精神病學
zerngkhaklut | correct rate | 正確率
zerngkhaksexng | accuracy; correctness | 正確性
zerngtixhak | science of government; political science | 政治學
zexgak | be in prison | 坐獄; 坐牢
zhabak | knot in a log or piece of wood | 木節; 柴目; 木節瘤
zhadafbak | thief | 賊仔目
zhadbak | one's eyes look like a thief; sharp eyed; eyes with an evil glint | 賊眼
zhaekapbak | dumbo | 菜鴿目; 痴鈍的人
zhagbak | dazzling; blinded by bright light; dazzling; an obstacle to the view; an eyesore | 刺目; 鑿目; 無順眼; 刺眼
zhagzhak | stinging; irritating | 刺刺
zhak | chisel | 鑿; 刺,; 扎
zhak-thaokøex | make a hole clear through | 鑿透過; 鑿穿
zhak`phoax | gouge | 鑿破
zhak`tiøh | be pricked of stabbed | 鑿著
zhakag | wood corner | 柴角
zhakangsvef | coarse and awkward looking (as a large boned person) | 柴工生; 高大而遲鈍
zhakangtviuu | firewood workshop | 柴工場
zhakaw | bamboo pole to pull branches down | 柴鉤; 鉤子
zhakeng'ar | firewood room | 柴間仔
zhakeq | hatchet | 柴鍥
zhakex | wooden framework | 木架; 柴架
zhakhatharng | wooden bucket | 柴跤桶
zhakhaux | seize | 查扣
zhakheg | woodcut | 柴瓢; 柴刻
zhakhidar | wooden stake; pile or post | 柴樁仔; 木樁
zhakhit | wooden post; tent peg | 柴樁; 柴杙; 木栓(樁)
zhakhof | large diameter log whether long or short | 木頭; 柴箍
zhakhoterng | firewood hoop top | 柴箍頂
zhakhør | investigate, search into, examine, study, look up | 查考
zhaki | difference | 差距
zhaki'ar | firewood | 柴枝仔
zhakiah | wooden clogs or wooden shoes worn in Taiwan | 柴屐; 木屐
zhakixm | ban | 查禁
zhakiøo | wooden bridge | 柴橋; 木橋
zhakoeq | hatchet | 柴鍥
zhakof | useless and poisonous mushrooms growing on trees | 柴菇; 木菇
zhaku | gap, difference, discrepancy | 差距
zhakui | wooden container | 柴櫃; 木櫃
zhakurn'ar | wooden stick | 柴棍仔
zhakvoaf | pork liver (tough not tender) | 柴肝; 質粗硬的豬肝
zhaky | wooden stick | 柴枝
zhamkakoex | participated | 參加過
zhaozhveakuar | stinky bug | 臭腥龜仔
zhawbak | grass and trees; vegetation | 草木
zheakhi | hard, crunch persimmon | 脆柿
zheakhuix | sign | 短嘆
zheakhuy | to tear away, to tear asunder | 扯開; 扯後腿
zheakoe'ar | crispy melon | 脆瓜仔
zheakud | cartilage | 脆骨; 軟骨
zhekkakkhix | a goniometer | 測角器
zhekliong-hak | surveying | 測量學
zheklioxnghak | surveying | 測量學
zhektexhak | geodesy; the branch of applied math that tracts the exact position of geographical points; curvature; shape and dimensions of the earth | 測地學
zhexng-koakoaa | arrogant | 譀呱呱
zhexngkhakef | hop | 單腿跳
zhngsvoakaq | pangolin | 穿山甲
zhoafbak | oblique eyes | 斜目
zhoansvoakaq | anteater, pangolin | 穿山甲; 食蟻
zhoaq hietkak | pull out and throw away like gray hair or ends of threads | 拔掉; 扯掉
zhohak | begin to learn; beginning stage of studying a subject; a beginner | 初學
zhohak-sinsw | novice master | 初學神師
zhohak-siuluo | novice (female) | 初學修女
zhohak-siusu | novice (male) | 初學修士
zhokib tionghak | junior middle school | 初級中學
zhuhbak | didn't pay attention; did not see it | 覷目
zhuokakciao | sparrow | 厝角鳥
zhuokakciaw'ar | sparrow | 厝角鳥仔
zhuokakciawar | sparrow | 厝角鳥仔
zhuokakthaau | house corerns | 厝角頭
zhutgak | get out of jail | 出獄
zhvefbak | easy on the eye; neat and clear | 醒目
zhwkhakkea | Taiwanese glutinous rice cake | 鼠麴粿
zhwkhakkoea | Taiwanese glutinous rice cake | 鼠麴粿
zhwkhakzhao | Taiwanese glutinous rice cake | 鼠麴草
zhøfkakkoea | Taiwanese herbal cake | 草麴粿
zhøfkhakkea | Taiwanese herbal cake | 草麴粿
zngrgukakciafm | stubborn | 鑽牛角尖
zoadhak | lost art or learning; unique and matchless art or learning; discard conventional or worthless learning | 絕學
zoafnhak | transfer to another school | 轉學; 轉校
zoakhafng | snake pit | 蛇洞
zoakhag | left out shell of snake; slough of a snake | 蛇殼
zoakoef | snake gourd | 蛇瓜
zoakviar | baby snake | 蛇囝
zoakw | snake turtle | 蛇龜
zoanseakaix | whole world | 全世界
zocit'hak | histology | 組織學
zoeabak | be a carpenter | 做木
zoeabak`ee | a carpenter | 做木的
zoeakaf | the best; the superlative | 最佳
zoeakafng | work | 做工
zoeakafng`ee | worker | 做工的
zoeakang'ar | as a worker | 做工仔
zoeakanglaang | worker | 做工人
zoeakao | be a dog | 做狗
zoeake | most recent; nearest; recently | 最低; 最少
zoeake-kex | the lowest price, the minimum price | 最低價
zoeakex | make a price | 做價
zoeakhaf | be a worker | 做腳; 當工人
zoeakhafng | conspiracy | 做孔; 陰謀
zoeakheq | be a guest | 做客
zoeakhie | start | 做起
zoeakhiernsngr | punishment; scold | 做譴損
zoeaki | worship and feast on the anniversary of a person's death | 做忌; 忌日祭儀
zoeakin | most recent; nearest; recently | 最近
zoeakoaan | the supreme, the highest | 最高; 最懸
zoeakofng | became a grandfather | 做公
zoeakuie | play a ghost | 做鬼
zoeakun | most recent; nearest; recently | 最近
zoeakuo | at the longest | 最久
zoeakviar | be a son | 做囝
zoeakvoaf | to become governmental officials | 做官
zoeakøf haghuo | highest seat of learning | 最高學府
zoeakøf haxnto | the upper limit; the maximum | 最高限度
zoeakøf hoat'vi | the Supreme Court | 最高法院
zoeakøf jiedto | maximum heat | 最高熱度
zoeakøf kaizaan | the top level | 最高階層
zoeakøf kikoafn | the highest level of organization | 最高機關
zoeakøf koanlek | supreme power | 最高權力
zoeakøf sokto | maximum speed | 最高速度
zoeakøf thofngsoex | supreme commander; commander in chief of the armed forces | 最高統帥
zoeakøf tongkiok | the highest authorities | 最高當局
zoeakøf | highest; supreme; maximum | 最高
zoeakøf-tiarm | the peak, the climax, the culminating point | 最高點
zoeakøhofng | summit; climax; orgasm | 最高峰
zoeakøkex | maximum price | 最高價
zoeakøtiarm | highest point or mark | 最高點
zoeakøtiaw | climax; culmination; orgasm | 最高潮
zoeakøto | the highest degree | 最高度
zokgak | play music | 作樂; 奏樂
zongkaohak | religious studies | 宗教學
zoxthviakhix | hearing aid | 助聽器
zukhiehak | magnetics | 磁器學
zuobak | pay attention eyes | 注目
zuxhak | self-study, to study on one's own | 自學
zuxhuix liuhak | Study abroad using personal funds | 私費留學; 自費留學
zuxiuu seakaix | free world | 自由世界
zuxjieen khøhak | natural sciences | 自然科學
zuxpak | silkworm to be imprisoned by its cocoon, to tie one's own hands, to get into trouble by one's own schemes | 自縛
zuybak | ink | 水墨
zuyleghak | hydraulics | 水力學
zuysafnhak | fishery science | 水產學
zøe-simpu gøxsie takef | when there are many daughters in law the mother in law starves to death | 濟新婦餓死乾家; 媳婦濟餓死婆婆
zøeabak | be a carpenter | 做木; 做木工
zøeakafng | work | 做工
zøeakek | perform in a drama | 做劇; 演劇
zøeakheq | be a guest, return home as a guest, marry off a daughter | 做客
zøeakhiøx | play tricks | 做竅; 玩魔術
zøeaki | observe an anniversary of relative's death | 做忌; 做忌日
zøexbak | many tree knots | 濟目; 濟節的
zørbak | be a carpenter | 做木; 做木工
zørbak`ee | carpenter | 做木的
zøxbak | japann | 塗墨
øeakhøeq | crowded | 擠缺
økhak'ar | oyster shells | 蠔殼仔

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