"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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arcinsi | really is | 還真是
cidkvoaf pvoarcid | unimportant official post | 一官半職
hoarciøh | fossil; petrifaction; fossilize | 化石
hoarciøqhak | petrifactology; paleontology | 化石學
iarcien | to loathe, to reject with contempt | 厭踐
kamciarciab | sugarcane juice | 甘蔗汁
karciaux | driver's license | 駕照; 駕駛執照
khvoarcieen-khvoarau | to look at front and back | 看前看後
khvoarcincyn | identify clearly | 看真真
naarcih | tongue | 吶舌
narcih | stick out the tongue; put out the tongue for a moment (in wonder or fear) | 探舌; 伸一下舌頭
oaqhoarciøh | living fossil | 活化石
parciaxm thofte | infringe on territory; occupy territory; encroach | 霸佔土地
parciaxm | take possession by force; to seize; to forcibly occupy; usurp by force; intrude; infringe on; occupy or take by violence | 霸佔; 霸占
phoephvoarciar | critic | 批判者
phvarciim | crab with no roe | 冇蟳
phvarciøh | porous type of stone | 鬆石; 鬆石頭; 多孔石
phvarciøqar | porous type of stone | 鬆石仔
pvoarciaqgø | starve; hungry | 吃無飽; 半吃半餓
pvoarciøzhoa | seek son-in-law who will live in wife's family and his son have same surname as wife's family | 半招娶; 生兒須繼承女家的姓
pvoarzhuy pvoarciu | be half willing (at heart) and half unwilling (in appearance) ─ often referring to price haggling or girls being seduced | 半推半就
siarciaux | imperial pardon, royal pardon | 赦車; 赦詔
siarcid | off-duty | 卸職
siarcie | pardon | 赦旨
soarciab | connect; continue | 續接; 接續
svoarcie | slugs; bird shot | 散彈; 獵槍
tim pvoarciwzuie | wine and water each in part | 酒水各一半來燉

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