"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: arm

Chiahkharmlaau | formerly Fort Provintia in Tainan City; was built in 1653 by the Dutch during their colonization of Formosa. | 赤崁樓
Karmzhat'vi | Control Yuan (one of the Five Organs of Chinese Government) | 監察院
Kiarmkiøo | Cambridge; England | 劍橋
Larmakaux | Lamaism | 喇嘛教
Pakkek tharmhiarm | Arctic expedition | 北極探險
Sarmsw jihiø heeng | Think thrice before you act | 三思而行
Serngbør bøjiarm goanzoe | Immaculate Conception (Catholic) | 聖母無染原罪
afm'arm | thin and watery; like thin rice-water; flabby; as skin and flesh | 泔泔; 稀薄
anzoaan-karm | sence of security | 安全感
anzoankarm | sense of security | 安全感
appeg-karm | pressure | 壓迫感
arm | rice-water | 泔; 米湯
arm'arm'axm | very very dark | 暗暗暗
arm'axm | dark darkness | 暗暗
arm'ia | dark night | 暗夜
arm'iog | secret agreement | 暗約; 密約
arm'of | dusk | 薄暮
arm'øqar | night school | 夜學仔; 夜校
armbat | secret; secretly | 隱密; 秘密
armbea | secret code; secret code; secret signs used by a store to indicate the actual value of a commodity which is not known to outsiders | 暗碼
armbinbofng | very dark; deep black; pitch-black | 暗眠摸; 漆黑的
armbogbok | very dark | 暗莫莫
armbongbofng | very dark; deep black; pitch-black | 暗摸摸; 漆黑的
armbongsaf | grope 'in darkness' | 暗摸索
armboo | conspiracy; conspire; conspiracy | 暗謀; 陰謀
armchiaf | night ride vehicles; evening train or bus | 暗車; 夜車; 晚班車
armchiafng | private prostitute | 暗娼
armchiøx | laugh in one's heart; laugh behind another's back | 暗笑
armciaw | submerged reef; unseen obstruction beneath the water's surface like a shelf of rock or reef; unseen obstacle | 暗礁
armciøh | hidden stone | 暗石
armcvi | secretly | 暗靜
armcvix | an arrow shot from hiding; a secret attack; secret arrow; secret activities designed to hurt somebody | 暗箭
armcvy | secretly compete | 暗爭
armgi | secret talk | 暗議; 密談
armgie | secret language; code; password | 暗語
armguo | secret code word | 暗語
armgøeh | a dark night | 暗月
armhai | injure another secretly; assassinate or murder | 暗害
armheeng | walking in the dark | 暗行
armheng | cunning; crafty; deceitful | 暗行; 內心陰險
armhin | secretly hate | 暗恨
armho | rain in the dead of night | 暗雨; 入夜之雨
armhoe | evening gathering; meeting; party | 晚會
armhoea | a secret fire | 暗火
armhoong | secretly prevent | 暗防
armhorng | make secret inquiries; investigate in secret | 暗訪
armhun | harbor resentment | 暗恨; 懷恨在心
armhuun | dark cloud | 暗雲
armhwn | dusky; dim; twilit | 暗昏; 黑夜; 昏暗
armhø | secret sign; secret mark; sign; signal or password | 暗號
armjieen | dejected, depressed | 暗然
armjieen-sitseg | to be cast into the shade | 暗然失色
armkaw | hidden ditch; sewer; underground or covered drain | 暗溝; 陰溝
armkefng | darkroom | 暗間; 暗室
armkeng'ar | unlicensed brothel | 暗間仔; 私娼寮
armkerng | night scene | 晚景
armkex | a secret plot; calculate or reckon in one's heart; secret design or trick; conspiracy | 暗計
armkhafng | hidden passageway | 暗孔; 暗溝
armkhaxm | hide | 暗崁; 暗遮
armkhix | secret weapon; hidden weapons usually projectiles like those used in old Chinese fighting arts | 暗器
armkhuxn | sit up late; night owl; stay up late at night | 晚睡
armkhøx | evening prayers | 晚課
armkix | secret mark; memorizing; memorize | 暗記; 默記; 背念
armkoad | secret knack; secret trick | 暗訣; 秘訣
armkongciao | a night bird(owl); a guy who stays up late; owl; person who sits up late at night; night owl | 暗公鳥; 暗光鳥; 夜貓子; 貓頭鷹
armkozee | cicada; a large insect that makes a shrill sound | 庵埔蟬
armkuie | a sneaky guy; devilish | 暗鬼
armky | conspiracy | 陰謀; 暗機
armkøx | secretly inform | 暗告; 密告
armliam | recite; repeat from memory; recite from memory; recitation | 暗唸; 默記; 背誦; 背念; 默唸
armliuu | undercurrent; subterranean flow; a hidden drift or tendency | 暗流
armlo | dark road; do something bad | 暗路; 夜路
armmee | night | 暗暝; 夜晚
armmii | at night | 暗暝; 夜晚; 晚上
armmngg | secret house of prostitution | 暗門
armnaseg | dark blue | 暗藍色; 深藍色
armpaang | darkroom; dark room | 暗房
armpafn | night shift; night work | 夜班
armpangchiaf | last train or bus on the schedule for the day | 夜班車
armphef | letter in closed envelope | 暗信; 密封的信
armpng | supper; dinner | 晚飯; 暗飯; 晚餐
armpo | conspiracy; a plot | 陰謀; 暗步; 暗計
armpozee | cicada; a large insect that makes a shrill sound | 庵埔蟬
armpve | secret disease; venereal disease; undiscovered illness | 暗疾; 暗病; 性病; 花柳病
armpvoaa | price or quotation which is kept from public knowledge but made known to a selected few | 暗盤
armpøx | evening paper; evening paper | 晚報
armsad | assassinate; assassination; murder | 暗殺
armsarmlo | depraved course or way of life; dark; dirty and lonely path | 陰森路
armsarmpve | venereal disease; secret or undiscovered disease | 暗散病; 性病
armsarmpvi | hidden disease | 暗毿病
armsasaf | darkness | 暗挲挲
armsattorng | gang of assassins | 暗殺黨
armsaxm sofzai | secret place where crimes can be committed in the dark; a man's private parts | 陰穢之地; 暗散所在; 陰森之地
armsaxm | dark and disordered; dark and dirty; gloomy | 陰森; 暗散; 陰穢; 陰暗雜亂
armseg | dark color; a dark room; darkroom for developing photographs | 暗色; 暗室
armsi | give hint; to insinuate; a hint; a suggestion; hint; hint; to suggest | 暗示
armsia | shot from the hiding; allude to | 暗射; 暗中影射
armsiar | write from memory | 默寫
armsii | night; night time; at night; night time; during the night | 暗時; 晚上
armsiofng | internal; invisible injury; damage | 暗傷; 內傷
armsiong | recitation | 暗誦; 背誦
armsip | attack in the dark | 偷襲
armsngx | plot against | 暗算
armsoaxn | plot against; secret plot; to plot secretly; plot against | 暗算
armsorng | internally very happy about something but don't want to show it externally | 暗爽; 暗地高興
armsu | secret matter | 暗事
armsut | secret scheme | 暗術; 密術
armsviu | secretly wish; muse; ponder; turn over in one's mind | 暗想; 心想
armsør | secret lock; mortise lock; combination padlock | 暗鎖; 密鎖
armsøsøo | very dark | 暗趖趖; 黑漆漆
armtaf | submerged rock in the sea | 暗焦; 暗礁
armtam | dim; faded; dull and stale colors; dim business or future prospects | 暗淡
armtaux | wage a veiled strife against | 暗鬥
armte | secret bag; secretly behind one's back | 暗袋; 暗地
armte'ar | inside pocket | 暗袋仔
armtear | hiddne pocket | 暗袋仔
armthaau | at dusk; at nightfall | 暗頭; 傍晚; 晚頭
armthau'ar | nightfall | 暗頭仔; 傍晚
armthauar | sunset | 暗頭仔
armthaxm | detective | 腋窩; 暗探
armthoaq | secret drawer | 暗屜; 秘密抽屜
armtiaau | undercurrent; undercurrent | 暗潮
armtiofng mosøq | grope in the dark | 暗中摸索
armtiofng thezhvea | quietly or secretly alert someone like with a tug on the sleeve or a wink of the eye | 暗中提醒
armtiofng | in the dark; in secret; secretly; stealthily; clandestinely; privately; do something in the dark or without light | 暗中
armtngx | supper; dinner; supper | 晚餐; 暗頓; 晚頓; 晚飯
armto tinzhofng | do something under cover of doing something else; rendezvous secretly | 暗渡陳倉
armtox | veiled strife | 暗渡
armtvia | get engaged to someone | 暗定; 定婚
armtviuu | last act in play or movie | 夜場
armtøe | a dark earth; secret land | 暗地
armtøx | sSecret fight | 暗鬥
armviar | shadow | 暗影
armzaux | secretly present a memorial to the throne | 暗奏; 密奏
armzhaa | a secret inquiry | 暗查
armzhafn | supper; dinner | 晚餐
armzhaw ciexngiap | engage in unlicensed prostitution | 暗操賤業
armzhux | dark place; a secret place | 暗處
armzo | secret help | 暗助; 暗中幫助
armzoong | hide; conceal | 暗藏
armzvef | secretly | 暗青
at'arm | pour out liquid of congee | 遏泔
auxpvoarmee | after midnight; wee hours of the morning | 後半暝
bagzadchiarm | baked cuttlefish | 烏賊叉
bahkarm | voluptuous; buxom; sexy | 性感
begkarm | inspiration; inspire | 默感
beh'arm'ar | sunset | 欲暗仔; 黃昏
beng'mvoaa armphiexn | deceive and cheat | 明瞞暗騙
bengchviuo armthaw | rob openly; to steal secretly | 明搶暗偷
bengkarm | to inscribe indelibly; keep in the heart; remember with gratitude; remember with gratitude | 銘感
benglaai armkhix | secretly have a paramour (married woman) | 明來暗去
bengzaf armhorng | investigate openly and secretly | 明查暗訪
bengzefng armtaux | fight covertly (often said of intramural fights) | 明爭暗鬥
boafntiarm | full point | 滿點
boeh'arm'afsii | dusk; night-fall; toward evening | 要暗仔時; 傍晚; 黃昏
boeh'arm'ar | dusk; evening; nightfall; dusk; toward dark; evening | 要暗仔; 傍晚; 黃昏
bongtiarm | blind spot | 盲點
bulegkarm | sense of lacking strength | 無力感
bychiarm | gadget for poking rice from rice bag | 米攕
bykarm | sense of beauty; esthetic sense | 美感
bynkarm | sensitive; sensitive; susceptible; allergic | 敏感
bytiarm | good point, good quality | 美點; 優點
bøeh'arm'ar | sunset | 欲暗仔; 黃昏
bøexsiarm`tid | unable to skip | 未閃得
bøkef bøkiarm | neither too much nor too little; nothing added nothing taken away; no more; no less | 無加無減; 無多不少
bøkharm-bøzam | not rule | 無坎無站; 無規律
bølarm | acting mechanically without heart in the work; cannot keep one's mind on one's job | 無攬; 無精打采
bølarm-bølef | lazy; languid; weak | 無攬無絡; 懶洋洋
bølarm-bønef | which takes a sentence subject: in a mechanical manner; without heart or interest; lazy; languid; weak | 無攬無絡; 無攬無拈; 無氣力; 做事不專心
chiarm | fork; stab; pierce with a fork or a meat skewer | 叉; 攕; 刺叉; 刺
chiarm'oat | overstep | 僭越
chiarm`tiøh | crossed | 叉著
chiarmkoaan | to intervene somebody's affair without authorization | 僭權; 越權
chiarmtøf | tine knife | 叉刀
chiarmzhuix | to break into a conversation or statement | 僭嘴; 插嘴
chiehiarm | take a risk | 試險
chiekhvoarmai | try me | 試看覓
chimciarmzoe | offense of misappropriation (in law) | 侵佔罪
chinchietkarm | sense of friendliness; the feeling of kindness | 親切感
chizharm | miserable; tragic; heartrending; pitiful; miserable | 悽慘
chvizharm | wretched; miserable | 悽慘
chvizharm-logpheg | wretched; miserable | 悽慘落魄
ciaarm'ciamciafm | very sharp (point) | 尖尖尖
ciah armpng | eat supper | 吃晚飯
ciah armtngx | eat supper | 吃晚頓
ciap'hap-tiarm | a junction | 接合點
ciapchiog thoanjiarm | to come in contact with; to infect; communicate disease; communicable or infectious disease | 接觸傳染
ciarm'iong | possess | 占用
ciarm'iuo | to possess, to occupy, possession | 佔有
ciarm'iuo-but | something has been taken | 佔有物
ciarm'iwiok | desire to occupy; to desire to possess | 佔有慾
ciarm'iwkoaan | rights of tenure | 佔有權
ciarm'iwlut | possess percentage; share | 占有率
ciarm'oe | interrupt | 僭話
ciarm'ui | grab a place or seat ahead of others | 佔位
ciarm'urn | hold steady | 佔穩
ciarmbøe | sell it by force | 佔賣
ciarmbøea | buy it by force | 佔買
ciarmiaa | took the name by force | 佔名
ciarmkhoaan | usurpation of power; ultravires | 僭權
ciarmkuo | to occupy | 佔據
ciarmkux | lock-in; inhabit; occupation; occupy | 佔據
ciarmlefngkhw | occupied area militarily | 佔領區
ciarmlefngkwn | occupation troops | 佔領軍
ciarmlerng | occupancy; occupy; seize; occupy a foreign territory; capture or take an enemy position | 佔領
ciarmniar | occupancy; occupy; seize; capture; occupy | 佔領; 占領
ciarmsiefn | lead in a game or contest | 佔先; 佔先,領先
ciarmsvoax | be busy (of phone lines) | 佔線
ciarmte | land area | 占地
ciarmtiau | unlawful detainer | 佔住
ciarmtoe | land area | 占地
ciarmtøe | to seize a land | 佔地
ciarmzngx | alert; active; fidgety | 靈活; 機警; 活潑
ciaularm | collect; gather together; (in commerce) induce or solicit customers | 招攬
ciautiarm | focus; center of attraction; focus | 焦點
cidlaang larm | one embrace | 一人攬
cidtiarm | one point; one o'clock; one point; on dot | 一點
cietkiarm | discount | 折減
ciongtiarm | terminus; end point; end; goal; terminal; termination; terminus; terminal point; the end | 終點
cirnharm | to shock | 震撼
citiarm | a pivot | 支點
citkarm | texture | 質感
cittiarm | a dot, a point, a little | 這點
ciøf pøfhiarm | canvass for insurance | 招保險; 拉保險
ciøqkharm | stone stair | 石崖; 石階
cviarmiaa | a real name; one's own proper name as opposed to a nickname | 真名; 正名
cviarmih | real staff | 真物
cviarmngg | the front door, the main gate | 正門
cviathiarm | very exhausted | 很累; 誠忝
cviu'arm | starch clothes | 漿仔; 漿泔; 漿粥; 漿(衣服)
cviuarm | starch the cloth to make it smooth; starch with rice water | 上泔; 上漿使硬挺
cynharm | shake; shaken | 震撼
cytiarm | point out one's error; give direction or guidance | 指點
cyzhud iaotiarm | point out the essential point | 指出要點
e-pvoarmii | past midnight | 下半夜
eng'armsii | in night | 今暗時; 晚上; 今晚
expvoarmee | 12am to sunrise | 下半暝
expvoarmii | 12am to sunrise | 下半暝
gafnliarm | eyelid | 眼斂; 眼皮
garm | a bank; a ridge | 坎; 階; 刻痕
geqarmmii | a moonless night | 月暗暝
giafmgiarm | uncomfortable | 儼儼
giarm | to detest; just like; disgust | 厭; 討厭; 儼; 厭惡
gisym sefng armkuie | suspicion creates imaginary fears (Lit. suspicious heart imagines ghosts) | 疑心生暗鬼
gitiarm | doubtful or questionable point; suspicious; point | 疑點
goantiarm | origin | 原點
goeqarmmee | a moonless night | 月暗暝
goeqarmmii | moonless night | 無月夜; 月暗暝
goxtiarm | to miss appointment; to be behind schedule of transportation; run late (of trains) | 誤點
guihiarm huxnzuo | dangerous elements; undesirable elements | 危險份子
guihiarm khuhek | danger zone | 危險區域
guihiarm sirnhø | danger signal | 危險信號
guihiarm susiorng | dangerous thoughts | 危險思想
guihiarm | danger; dangerous | 危險
guihiarm-sexng | danger, possibility of danger | 危險性
gularm | sirloin | 牛腩
guxhiarm | meet an accident; accident; meet with danger | 遇險
harm | beat (downward) with a cane or a stone (see kong) | 擊; 撼; 榨; 用力打下; 砸
harm'oe | exaggerated talk | 謬話; 虛言; 諏話
harm`phoax | hammer to crash | 打破; 撼破
harm`sie | strike to death | 打死; 撼死
harmhaxm | pompous | 諏諏; 譀譀; 不實,誇誕; 浮誇不實; 無實
harmkao | people don't care | 諏狗; 無在意之人
harmkhoaxkhoa | reckless and careless in managing affairs; absurd; nonsensical | 諏掛掛; 馬虎極了; 荒謬極了
harmkoaxkoa | reckless and careless in managing affairs; absurd; nonsensical | 諏掛掛; 馬虎極了; 荒謬極了
harmkoftioxng | abdominal dropsy | 臌古帳; 肚脹
harmkor | incredible; empty; baseless stories | 諏古; 譀古; 誇大的故事; 無實之事; 荒謬
harmkviax | magnifying glass; magnifying glass | 擴鏡; 譀鏡; 顯微鏡; 放大鏡
harmphuh | swollen with a disease | 浮腫; 譀浡; 癡肥; 水腫
harmsu | things over exaggerated; ridiculous | 諏事; 荒唐事
harmtoong | absurd | 諏唐; 荒唐
haysiong pøfhiarm | marine insurance | 海上保險
hengkharm | chest; thorax; chest | 胸坎; 胸膛
hiafmhiarm | almost | 險險; 險些兒; 差一點兒; 幾乎
hiarm | dangerousness; dangerous | 險; 嶮; 獫; 差一點
hiarm'oafn | call for justice | 喊冤
hiarmguu`ee | cowboy | 喊牛的
hiarmhoaq | shout | 喊喝; 大聲叫
hiarmkhor | complain about hardships loudly; broadcast one's grievances | 喊苦; 叫苦
hiarmkiux | cry for help | 喊救
hiarmkiøx | cry out; shout | 喊叫
hiarmphaq | shout; Beat him up! | 喊打; 叫打
hiarmsviaf | shouts and screams | 喊聲
hiarmthviax | yell with pain | 喊痛
hiarmzhat | shout the thief | 喊賊
hiauhiarm | sly and crafty | 陰險; 僥險
hionghiarm | extremely hazardous; dangerous.; evil and danger | 凶險
hoafnkarm | antipathy; unfavorable feeling | 反感
hoahhiarm | to cry in distress; to shout; to howl. | 喝喊
hoantiarm | after midnight | 翻點
hoarhiarm uii ii | turn peril into safety | 化險為夷
hoarmiaa | to assume a pseudonym; anonym; anonymousness; pseudonym | 化名
hoarnlarm | to read extensively | 汎論; 泛覽
hoat'hoeftiarm | flash point; ignition point | 發火點
hoefhiarm | fire insurance | 火險
hoege tiefnlarm | flower show | 花藝展覽
hoehheeng karmteng | blood grouping | 血型鑑定
hoetiarm | spot; stain; speckle; spotted with small spots | 花點; 斑點
honghiarm | risks; hazards; danger | 風險; 危險
horngsiaxleeng ee uojiarm | radioactive contamination | 放射能的污染
horngtarm | boldly and confidently | 放膽
hoxtiarm | rain drops | 雨點
huihiarm | danger | 危險
huttiarm | boiling point | 沸點
hysyn iarmku | an expression often referring to love affairs (prefer the new and dislike the old) | 喜新厭舊
høefhiarm | fire insurance | 火險
høefzay-pøfhiarm | fire insurance | 火災保險
høfkarm | sympathy; good impression; friendly feeling | 好感
iaotiarm | a key point; gist; main (essential) point | 要點
iarm jiin nybok | deceive others | 掩人耳目
iarm | cover over; conceal; shut | 掩
iarm'og | to detest | 厭惡
iarm'ox | loath; dislike; detest | 厭惡
iarm'vox | abhor, dislike, loathe | 厭惡
iarmcien | to loathe | 厭踐
iarmciexn | war-weariness, war fatigue | 厭煩; 厭戰
iarmhoaan | to be fed up with; wearied | 厭煩
iarmhun | detest; hatred | 厭恨; 憎恨
iarmkhix | to loathe; to have a distaste of; disgruntled | 厭氣; 厭棄
iarmkoan | tiresome | 厭倦; 疲倦
iarmsex | tired of living; cynical; be disgusted with the world; become misanthropic | 厭世
iarmsien | to be tired of, to be weary of | 厭倦
iarmvox | loath; dislike; detest | 厭惡
iedlarm | perusal; inspect; to read | 逸覽; 閱覽
iedlarm-seg | a reading room | 閱覽室
iegoa-pøfhiarm | accident insurance | 意外保險
ienlarm | to invite and employ | 延攬
imhiarm | sinister; insidious; tricky; crafty; treacherous | 陰險
imzharm | gloomy, miserable | 陰慘; 暗淡的
iofngkarm tidgieen | courageously give straight talk | 勇敢直言
iofngkarm | valiant; prowess; be brave; bravery | 勇敢
iofngkarm`ee | gallant; valiant | 勇敢的
iokteng textiarm | appointed place; place agreed upon | 約定地點
iongtiarm | the melting point | 熔點
irnjiarm | printing and dying | 印染
itlarm | detailed list, detailed schedule | 一覽
ittiin-putjiarm | immaculate; spotless | 一塵無染
iu'oadkarm | sense of superiority | 優越感
iubegkarm | the sense of humor | 幽冥感; 幽默感
iularm | to go sightseeing; sightseeing | 遊覽
iutiarm | good points; points of excellence or advantage; strong points; a merit; good qualities; advantage; peculiarity | 優點
iwkarm | tempt; temptation--A Catholic term used in certain prayers. We have never found this word in any other book. Compare the Chinese characters of iu-hek | 誘感; 誘惑
ixn laang khaq-zharm khiaxm laang | You have to keep your word. (Lit. To promise someone something is more serious than for someone to owe you a debt.) | 答應他人比欠他人更嚴重
jiarm lahsab | be stained by; be contaminated | 染污; 染污穢
jiarm | dye; apply color in painting | 染
jiarm`tiøh | infected; contaminated | 感染; 染上
jibliarm | encoffin | 入殮
jinsiu-pøfhiarm | life insurance | 人壽保險
jiogtiarm | weak point; weakness; shortcoming | 弱點
kaarmsøsøf | very dark | 暗唆唆; 黑漆漆
kafmjiarm | infect; be infected with; to catch; contract (disease); infection | 感染
kafmjiarm-siofng | infected wound | 感染傷; 染毒傷
kafmliarm | Infect | 感染
kafmlo putkarm gieen | angry but not daring to speak out | 敢怒無敢言
kakiarm | more or less | 加減
kanhiarm | crafty and wicked; treacherous; crafty; traitorous; treacherous | 奸險; 陰險
karm m si | isn’t it? | 敢毋是
karm mxsi | how can it be otherwise (surely it is) | 難道無是; 感不是
karm toong syn siu | feel deeply moved by a kindness (shown to somebody else) as if one were actually the object thereof (an expression used often in letters asking favors on behalf of someone else) | 感同身受
karm u | Is there any? | 敢有
karm | Are ? How could I ? Do you ? | 敢; 感
karm'aq | keep (a person) in custody | 監押
karm'ixn | official in charge of the official seal | 監印
karm-mxsi | Is it not ~? | 感無是
karm`tiøh | catch cold | 感冒
karmbok | Prefect Apostolic (Catholic) | 監牧
karmchix | proctor an examination | 監試
karmgak bogleeng | prison pastoral work (Catholic) | 監獄牧靈
karmgak | prison; jail | 監獄
karmho | wardship; guardianship; ward ship; act as a guardian | 監護
karmhoxjiin | guardian | 監護人
karmhut | examine (a case) and make decision | 鑑核
karmkafng | overseer; foreman; supervise construction work | 監工
karmkaix | appraise boundary of piece of land | 鑑界; 鑑戒; 鑑定地界
karmkaw | supervise or witness the handover (of duties or public properties between officials) | 監交
karmkhoxng | monitor | 監控
karmkhøfoaan | proctor (for an examination) | 監考員
karmkhør | supervise an exam; proctor an examination | 監考
karmkib | take into consideration, take warning | 監級; 鑒於
karmkixm | imprisonment; prison; confinement; imprison; confine; detain | 監禁
karmkwn | supervising the armed forces | 監軍
karmlap | accept favorably, favorable acceptance | 鑒納; 笑納
karmlie | oversee; superintend | 監理
karmlysor | inspecting and licensing section of the highway department | 監理所
karmløo | a prison, a jail | 監勞; 監牢
karmpaang | prison cell | 監房
karmphiørjiin | ballot supervisor; scrutator | 監票人
karmphiøx | watch for irregularities in a voting (in election) | 監票
karmpiet | distinguish (the genuine from the imitation); judge or identify something by carefully examining it; discriminate; exercise discrimination | 鑑別
karmseg | judge; distinguish; discern | 鑑識
karmsi | spy on; monitor; keep an eye on; surveillance; keep a watchful eye on; to watch; keep under surveillance | 監視
karmsiofngkaf | connoisseur | 鑑賞家
karmsiorng | examine and appreciate | 鑑賞
karmsiuo zuxtø | embezzlement; pilfer public properties one is entrusted to safeguard | 監守自盜
karmsoarn | election monitoring | 監選
karmsu | supervisor; auditor or inspector (of a company; cooperative or organization) | 監事
karmsuxhoe | board of supervisors (of a corporation) | 監事會
karmteng | examination; examine and determine; to judge or give an (expert) opinion | 鑑定
karmtexngjiin | appraiser; (in law) an expert examiner | 鑑定人
karmtexngsw | expert opinion or appraisal in written form | 鑑定書
karmthviaf | monitor | 監聽
karmtog | oversee; supervise; overseer; supervision | 監督
karmzaf | inspection; (to) audit | 監察
karmzex | supervise the manufacture of; supervise the shooting of films; direct or supervise the manufacture of | 監製
karmzhad | supervision; surveillance; an inspection; superintend; look over | 監察
karmzhad-uy'oaan | member of Supervisory Committee | 監察委員
karmzhad-uyoaan | member of the Control Yuan | 監察委員
karmzhad-vi | Control Yuan | 監察院
karmzhat'oaan | inspector | 監察員
karmzhatjiin | auditor (in a corporation) | 監察人
karmzhatkoaan | power of control (one of the five powers of the government specified in the constitution of the Republic of China) | 監察權
karmzhatsuo | controlling inspector (appointed to help execute the power of control in the early years of the Republic of China) | 監察使
karmzhatzex | supervisory system | 監察制
kaukarm | interactive, mutually reactive, sympathetic nerve | 交感
kaukarm-sinkefng | sympathetic nerve | 交感神經
kautiarm | hook point | 鉤點
kauzhetiarm | crossing; crosspoint; intersection; crossing; point of intersection; junction | 交叉點
kefngtiarm | attractions | 景點
kegtiarm | extreme (point); climax; summit | 極點
kekiarm | more or less; either much or a little; more or less; as much as possible | 加減; 多多少少; 盡量; 多少
kekkharm | play dumb | 激憨; 假裝呆子
khafmkharm | foolish | 憨憨; 歁歁
khahkiarm | less | 較減
khahzharm | more miserable | 較慘
khaokiarm | deduct | 扣減
khaozharm | crying bitterly | 哭慘
kharm | to chop, to fell trees, to slash | 砍; 坎; 憨; 階; 家; 歁
kharm'afkvii | edge of a cliff | 崖仔墘; 崖緣; 嵌邊
kharm'afpvy | edge of a cliff | 崖仔邊; 崖緣; 嵌邊
kharm'aw | a cup with a cover | 蓋甌; 有蓋子的茶沸
kharm'ixn | to affix a seal, to stamp | 蓋印
kharm`ee | stupid person | 傻瓜; 坎的
kharmbat | cover closely; close tightly | 蓋密; 蓋緊
kharmbextiaau | cannot be hidden | 蓋無了
kharmbin | cover the face; don't see danger | 遮面; 無知險惡
kharmchiu | cut tree | 砍樹
kharmgiam | examine on the spot; officially inspect the state of a place or person (esp. as to injuries) | 堪驗
kharmgo | correct printing errors; collate; correct errors | 勘誤
kharmgoxpiør | corrigenda; errata; table of errors | 勘誤表
kharmhe | cover | 蓋下
kharmhvi | cover the ear | 蓋耳
kharmkhaf | cliff; foot of a cliff | 崖下; 嵌下; 崖腳
kharmkhaxm`leq | cover the whole | 蓋蓋咧
kharmkhør | rough; rugged; full of frustrations | 坎坷
kharmkoax | cover; cover | 蓋蓋; 崁蓋; 蓋蓋子; 蓋上蓋子
kharmngg | knock at a door | 扣門; 敲門; 扣(敲)
kharmterng | on the cliff; upper level | 崖頂; 山崖上
kharmthaau-kharmbin | don't see danger; silly; stupid | 蓋頭蓋面; 傻乎乎的; 無知死活; 把頭臉都遮住
kharmthaukharmbin | dumb-headed; ignorant | 崁頭崁面
kharmtiautiaau | cover tightly | 蓋牢牢
kharmzaf | examine; investigate | 勘查; 查勘
kharmzay | inspect a disaster-stricken area | 勘災
kharmzhad | investigate; to review; examine | 勘察
kharmzhaxng | hid | 蓋藏
kharmzhuix | to cover the mouth, to let shut the mouth | 蓋嘴; 崁喙
khef`nih bøo kharmkoax | Good for nothing. Useless lout! (Lit. The river has no cover ─ so it's easy for you to go throw yourself in.) | 溪裡無蓋蓋; (比喻人沒用可跳河死)
khekkharm | cut notches | 刻坎; 刻成凹痕
khekliarm | reduce; tighten; cut back (budget; etc) | 剋斂; 緊縮
khiarm | sorry; bashful; ashamed; insufficient | 歉
khiarm'afn | unease; indisposed; be in poor health (a polite expression) | 欠安; 微恙
khiarm'eng | require or be in need of | 缺用; 欠用; 需要
khiarm'iong | require or be in need of | 缺用; 需要
khiarm'oaan | short of help | 欠員; 欠工作人員
khiarm'ui | lacking seats | 欠位
khiarmcvii | lacking of money | 缺錢
khiarmhang | still one thing to do; not finished | 欠項; 缺一樣 (東西)
khiarmhied | anemia | 貧血
khiarmho | crops lacking rain | 欠雨; 缺雨
khiarmhoat | shortage; lack; deficiency | 缺乏
khiarmhoeq | anemia | 欠血
khiarmhuiq | anemia | 欠血
khiarmkaf | not good; not satisfactory | 欠佳
khiarmkhasiaux | be short of help | 欠腳數; 缺人手
khiarmkheq | lacking | 欠缺
khiarmkhiaxm | somehow lack of | 欠欠; 缺缺
khiarmkhoad | defect; defectiveness | 欠缺
khiarmkhoarn | owe money; amount of money owed | 欠款
khiarmkhoeq | be in want; deficient | 欠缺
khiarmkhøeq | defect; defectiveness | 欠缺
khiarmkiao | have not paid (dues; tax) | 欠繳
khiarmlaang | short of help | 欠人; 需要人手
khiarmsek | be absent, absence | 欠席; 缺席
khiarmsiaux | indebted; owe an account; buy on credit | 欠數; 欠賬; 欠帳
khiarmsoex | tax arrears | 欠稅
khiarmsyn | overdue wages; back pay | 欠薪
khiarmtang | not enough weight | 欠重; 無足重量
khiarmthøx | defective | 欠妥
khiarmtiarm | short-coming; a lack | 缺點
khiarmzeeng | owe favors; favors not returned or repaid | 欠情; 欠人情
khiarmzex | indebted; owe a debt | 負債; 欠債
khiaxm kiafmtiarm | careless; wanting in method or decorum | 欠檢點
khiaxsiarm | stay away | 站開; 豎閃
khiuo hengkharm | seize a man by his clothes at the neck or the breast | 揪衣襟; 揪胸坎
khoaekarm | agreeable feeling; pleasant sensation | 快感
khoaetøf zarm loaxnmoaa | straighten up a complicated or messy situation by taking drastic steps with dispatch; cut the Gordian Knot (Lit. chop a bunch of tangled hemp with a sharp knife) | 快刀斬亂麻
khoantiarm | to mark (a passage) with circles and dots | 圈點
khoattiarm | flaw; defect; disadvantage; imperfection; fault; a blemish | 缺點
khongkharm | stupid; idiot; silly; do or say something jokingly and thoughtlessly; stupid; absurd | 悾憨; 悾歁; 呆瓜; 狂妄; 做傻事
khongkhix-thoanjiarm | air-borne infection | 空氣傳染
khvoarm | look down on; make light of | 看無; 瞧無起
khvoarmai | to take a look at; to examine and survey; to visit or call on; to see the sights | 看覓; 試試看; 看看
khvoarmeh | take the pulse | 看脈; 把脈
khvoarmia | tell fortunes | 看命; 算命; 相命
khvoarmia-siefn | physiognomist | 看命先; 看命仙; 相士
khvoarmia-sien'ar | fortune-teller | 看命先仔; 命相師
khvoarmia-siensvy | fortune-teller | 看命先生; 命相師
khvoarmiaxsiefn | fortune teller | 看命仙
khvoarmngg | a door or gate keeper; a watchman; to watch or guard the door | 看門
khvoarmxtiøh | be deceived by one's eyes; misjudge (by sight) | 看無對; 看錯
khykarm | don't deserve such praise or honor; You flatter me; not at all; don't mention it; how can I dare (to accept so much honor?); you honor me too much | 豈敢; 無敢當
khytiarm | starting point | 起點
kiafmtiarm | to behave (oneself); to inspect and arrange; check up; roll calling; inspection | 檢點
kiarm ? | Are …? How could …? | 莫不(是)
kiarm høeasiu | have one's life shortened by Heaven on account of wickedness | 減壽; 減歲壽
kiarm | Are …? How could …? | 豈; 檢; 鹼; 減
kiarm'aq | sword scabbard or container | 劍法; 劍鞘
kiarm-bøeq | Do you want to...? | 減無
kiarm`khix | subtracted; decreased | 減去
kiarm`khylaai | to decrease; to subtract; to reduce | 減起來
kiarmchiuo | swordsman; a fencer | 劍手
kiarmhoad | swordsmanship | 劍法
kiarmkheq | a swordsman; a fencing master | 劍客
kiarmkiab | knight-errant; a swordsman who champions the cause of the downtrodden; an outlaw champion of the poor and oppressed; one who fights rather than submit to injustice ─ an ideal of chivalry and honor; popular in legend and novels | 劍俠
kiarmlaan | Gladiolus; sword lily; sword orchid; gladiolus | 劍蘭; 唐菖蒲
kiarmpvix | handle of a sword | 劍片; 劍柄
kiarmsiaux | scabbard | 劍鞘
kiarmsiefn | an immortal swordsman; shrewd man; man of outstanding ability | 劍仙; 精通者
kiarmsiux | the a sheath of a sword | 劍鞘
kiarmsurn | sword bamboo shoots | 劍筍
kiarmsut | fencing; the art of handling a sword; fencing; swordsmanship | 劍術
kiarmsw | swordsman | 劍師; 劍客
kiarmteg | sword bamboo | 劍竹
kietiarm | stronghold | 據點
kimsiafmsiarm | golden shining | 金爍爍
kiongzex-pøfhiarm | compulsory insurance | 強制保險
koankarm | one's feelings or emotional reactions after seeing or reading something; impression | 觀感
koanke-kharm | high and low stairs or steps | 高低階
koankexkharm | sudden change of level (on a road or terraced hill-side) | 高低坎
koanlarm | inspect, look carefully at | 觀覽
koantiarm | one's view on a certain matter; a point of view; point of view; one's ideas or opinion concerning something | 觀點
koanzhattiarm | point of view; view point | 觀察點
koarmi | dried noodle | 掛麵
koarmiaa ee angbor | husband and wife only in name | 掛名的夫妻
koarmiaa | in name only; nominally; titular; only in name | 掛名
kuaftharmpaang | bride’s brothers came to visis | 舅仔探房
kuohiarm | to hold strategic positions | 據險
kuotiarm | full stop, period (punctuation); [[kietiarm]]; a foothold, a stronghold | 句點; 據點
kviaa-armlo | behave very wickedly and licentiously | 走暗路; 走邪路
kviahiarm | adventurous; breathtaking; thrilling | 驚險
kviasiarm | to move away from danger | 走閃
køeatiarm | counted | 過點; 一點之後
køfkarm | determine | 果敢
lafmlarm | weak | 弱弱; 無結實
lafmlarm`leq | embrace | 攬攬咧
laixkiarmkiaxm | sharp sword | 利劍劍
laixsiafmsiarm | sharp and shining | 利閃閃
laktiarm | disgraceful | 落點; 失體面
larm sinmia | in delicate health; frail health; have a weak constitution | 身體虛弱
larm | inferior, weak | 摟; 荏; 擁抱; 攬; 弱
larm-khakud | embrace blackmailed | 攬腳骨
larm-sinmia | poor health | 弱身命
larm`khylaai | embrace each other | 抱起來; 攬起來
larm`tiøh | embrace | 攬著
larmkhud | muddy spot; a mire | 窪穴
larmlaxm | not tight; (dress) loosely; hanging too loosely about one (clothing too loose or long) | 攬攬; 寬大而下垂; 寬長而下垂
larmthoo | deep mud; mire; muddy | 泥濘
larmto | big belly | 攬肚; 肚皮而下垂
larmtor | bulging; swollen; puffy; potbelly; portly; paunch | 凸肚
larmtøe | marshy soil | 濘地
larmzhaan | muddy field | 泥田
laxmsarm ciuozoa | random or false swearing | 亂散; 發誓言
laxmsarm korng | talk at random; speak falsely | 亂散講
laxmsarm zøx | behave in an improper or disorderly way | 亂散做; 冒然而為
laxmsarm | disorderly; at random; in any way whatever; without settled plan or arrangement; false; vicious; corrupt | 亂散; 濫糝; 胡亂; 亂來
laxnghiarm | take risks; adventure; adventurous | 弄險; 冒險
leghiarm | experience adventures; undergo dangers; had a narrow escape | 歷險
leglarm | to travel and see | 歷覽
legtiarm | point of force | 力點
lengkarm | inspiration; the faculty of telepathy | 靈感
liafmliarm | not quite enough | 斂斂; 稍無足
liah-tioxngtiarm | to grasp the essential point | 捉重點
liarm | put a corpse into a coffin; coffining rites | 斂; 染; 收殮
liarmchiuo | pinch hand | 捻手
liarmliaxm`leq | pinch skin | 捻捻咧
liarmmiaa | bad fate | 斂命
liarmsy | to twist something to the point like a thin thread | 捻絲
liarmtiau | pinch off | 捻掉
liarmtng | to tear apart | 扯斷; 捻斷
liarmzhaix | pinch vegetable's bad parts | 捻菜
libthea-karm | three-dimensional effect | 立體感
libthefkarm | three dimensional effect | 立體感
lientiarm | burning point | 燃點
limhiarm | endanger | 臨險
limkaetiarm | critical point (in physics) | 臨界點
limkiarm | make an inspection of; make a search of | 臨檢
liogtiarm | weakness | 弱點
liukarm | influenza | 流感
liularm | to skim over; to read through | 瀏覽
loadtiarm | weakness, badness | 劣點
loaxnkharm | to slash | 亂砍
loaxntiarm | badness, weakness; random order; random point | 亂點
loxnghiarm | playing with risk; get insurance | 弄險
loxtiarm | dew point | 露點
lunlykarm | sense of ethics | 倫理感
luo-tiarm'oaan | salesgirl; shop girl | 女店員
luxntiarm | point under discussion, point of an argument | 論點
lyafchiarm | plum tree | 李仔攕
lykarmsu | board of directors | 理監事
løkafng pøfhiarm | labor insurance | 勞工保險; (勞保)
løkafng-pøfhiarm | labor insurance | 勞工保險
marmarhao | an infant's crying; cry and shout; loud lamentation | 哇哇哮
marmarkiøx | an infant's crying; cry and shout; loud lamentation | 哇哇叫
mixtiarm'ar | noodle shop | 麵店仔
moxhiarm ee zengsiin | spirit of adventure | 冒險的精神
moxhiarm | risk; venture; hazard; adventure; jeopardy; take a chance; take risks | 冒險
niautiarm | scar; spot; stain; speckle | 痘痕; 貓點
niawkharmtoo | bird's-eye view; view from high above | 鳥瞰圖
nngfliarm | fleshy part of man or beast (as of the upper arm) | 軟肉; 腰左右無骨之處
nngxtiarm-zuie | two dots of water | 兩點水
o'armhiin | dizzy, faint | 烏暗暈
o'armmee | very dark night | 黑暗暝
o'armmii | night | 烏暗暝; 黑夜
o'oarm'axm | dark | 烏烏暗暗
oadlarm | reading; read | 閱覽
oadsiarm | turn aside to avoid someone | 轉閃; 躲避
oarm'axm | dark | 烏暗暗
oarmhiin | dizzy, faint | 烏暗眩
oarmthvy | cloudy day | 烏暗天
oarmtiofng | in the dark | 烏暗中
of-marmax | dark | 黑嘛嘛
okkarm | ill will; unfriendly feeling; hatred; enmity | 惡感
omarmax | very dark; very black; very dirty | 黑漆漆
othvi'armte | dark and cloudy | 烏天暗地
othvi'armtoe | dark and cloudy | 烏天暗地
othvy-armte | heaven and earth dark; very dark weather; great distress and calamity | 天黑地暗
otiarm | black stain; blemish | 污點
pakkiarm | northern District Prosecutor | 北檢
pantiarm | fleck; mottle; spot; pock-mark; spotted; slightly pockmarked; specks; mottles | 斑點
paularm itzhex | make an entire monopoly of | 包攬一切
paularm | to take everything into one's hands | 包攬; 包攬,總攬
pawhøtiarm | point of saturation (chemistry.) | 飽和點
pekkarm kaucip | hundred emotions crowd into the heart | 百感交集
peng'anhiarm | safety insurance | 平安險
pengtiarm | freezing point; zero | 冰點
phahtiarm | taking care; well-thoughtful; proactive | 打點
phaq armhø | give a pre-arranged signal; give a cue | 打暗號
phaq hengkharm | pound one's chest (to show confidence; defiance; acceptance of a challenge or responsibility) | 拍胸脯; 保證
phauxkhiarm | regret; deplore; be ashamed | 抱歉
phiautiarm huhø | punctuation marks | 標點符號
phiautiarm | a punctuation mark; to punctuate; point; punctuation | 標點
phoarmih | broken object | 破物
phoklarm | to be well-read; read extensively | 博覽
phun'arm | water in which rice has been washed just before cooking (generally fed to pigs) | 餿仔
phurnhoxtiarm | get sprinkled with rain; sprinkled | 下小雨
phurntiarm | to puff; to spout; to spray; to spurt; ; fragrant | 噴點; 果料兒; 長斑點; 斑點
phvaytiarm | bad points | 難點
phøxkhiarm | be sorry; apologetic | 抱歉
phøxlarm | embrace | 抱摟
piautiarm | punctuation; point | 標點
piexnlarm | a brief guide book | 便覽
pikarm | sadness, melancholy | 悲感
pizharm | miserable; dismal; tragic; grievous; tragic; pathetic; miserable; wretched | 悲慘
poarntiarm | half an hour | 半點
putkarm | dare not | 無感
putkiarm | undisciplined, unrestrained | 無檢; 不檢
pviarmekafng | overtime | 拚暝工
pviarmia | with all one's might; risk one's life | 拼命; 拚命
pviarmikafng | overtime | 拚暝工
pvoarmear | midnight | 半暝仔
pvoarmee | midnight | 半夜
pvoarmesi'ar | midnight | 半暝時仔
pvoarmesvakvef | midnight | 半暝三更
pvoarmi'ar | midnight | 半暝仔
pvoarmia | half alive; exceedingly serious; as good as dead | 半命; 半死
pvoarmii | midnight | 半夜; 半暝
pvoarmoar | half-filled | 半滿
pvoartiarm | half an hour | 半點
pvoatiarm | make an inventory; check | 盤點; 清點
pøfhiarm kikafn | period of insurance | 保險期間
pøfhiarm kimgiah | sum for which the subject is insured; insured value | 保險金額
pøfhiarm kongsy | insurance company | 保險公司
pøfhiarm | insurance; insurance; insure; to guarantee; insure against risk; dangers | 保險
pøfhiarm-huix | insurance premium | 保險費
pøfhiarm-kym | insured amount | 保險金
pøfhiarm-sviw | safe, safety box | 保險箱
pøfhiarm-thøx | condom | 保險套
pøfhiarm-tvoaf | insurance policy | 保險單
sae armcvix | injure a man through secret plots (archaic) | 使詭計
sae armpo | injure a man through secret plots (archaic) | 使詭計
safnbut pøfhiarm kongsy | property insurance company | 產物保險公司
salarm | embrace | 相攬; 相抱
sankiarm | decrease; cut | 刪減
sarm hociøf | sprinkle pepper | 撒胡椒
sarm iøqhurn | sprinkle medicinal powder on a sore | 撒藥粉
sarm | to sprinkle; sprinkle (salt; sand; powder) | 糝; 撒; 散布
sarm'iaam | sprinkle with salt | 撒鹽
sarmhurn | to powder | 撒粉
sarmmngkuie | messy hair ghost | 鬖毛鬼
sarmpo | take a stroll; walk; promenade | 散步
sarmsaxm | messy hair | 散散; 毛髮散亂
sarmsiaau | curse roundly; scold abusively | 臭罵
sarmsw | consider carefully; reflect carefully upon; Lit. think over three times ─ think again and again | 三思
sengciuxkarm | sense of accomplishment | 成就感
senglarm | manage or undertake a task; project | 承攬
serngkarm bengsefng | movie queen; sex kitten; sex goddess | 性感明星
serngkarm | sex appeal; glamorous; sexy | 性感
setiarm | snack | 西點
siabhiarm | risk; adventure; involved in danger | 涉險
siafmsiarm | glitter | 閃閃
siahkiarm | curtail; cut down (a budget) | 削減
siarm hoxphang | take advantage of a break in the rain | 趁雨隙; 趁雨停
siarm | flash like lightning | 閃
siarm-bølo | have no way of escape | 閃無路; 無路可逃
siarm`khuy | stay away | 閃開
siarm`køeakhix | creep stealthily past | 閃過去
siarm`køex | pass without contact, escape safely | 閃過
siarm`tiøh | got hurt due to sudden movement | 閃到
siarmjiø | involuntary urination; lose control of the bladder | 遺尿; 滲尿; (無自主的)
siarmliø | urine oozing | 滲尿
siarmoe | my sister | 舍妹
siarmsae | inadvertently pass a small amount of stool | 滲屎
siarmsae-siarmjiø | incontinent (medical) | 泄屎泄尿; 大小便失禁
siarmsayjiø | diarrhea | 滲屎尿
siarmsayliø | shit | 滲屎尿
siarmthaux | penetrate; understand | 滲透
siarmui | my younger sister | 舍妹
siausiarm | escape stealthily | 消閃
sienzarm hiøxzaux | in old China order the execution of criminals before reporting the case to the emperor; (in modern sense) take action before reporting to one's superior | 先斬後奏
sikantiarm | point in time | 時間點
sinliukarm | new flu | 新流感
sintiafmtiarm | very new | 新點點
siokkiarm | reduce; lessen; to decrease | 縮減
siongkarm | sentimental; mawkish | 傷感
siongkiarm | reduce | 相減
sitgiap pøfhiarm | unemployment insurance | 失業保險
siuarm | reduce the water content of rice | 收泔
siularm jinsym | win the people's hearts | 收攬人心
siularm | collect extensively; win (the people's hearts) | 收攬
siuliarm | collect (tax; grain); draw together; to contract; become less flagrant in behavior | 收斂; 收殮
siuxhiarm | at risk | 受險
sizofng tiefnlarm | fashion show | 時裝展覽
siøfkiarmkheq | little swordsman | 小劍客
siøfsortiarm | decimal point | 小數點
siøkhiarmzex | to mutually owe a debt of gratitude (wife and husband) | 相欠債
siølarm | embrace together | 相擁
siøliarmchiuo | direct; guide; give directions in secret | 相捏手; 暗中指點
siøsiarm | pass each other on the way | 相閃; 錯身而過
svakvef-pvoarmee | late at night (usually after midnight) | 三更半夜
svakvepvoarmee | midnight | 三更半暝
svakvipvoarmee | midnight | 三更半暝
svakvipvoarmii | midnight | 三更半暝
svakvy-pvoarmii | late at night (usually after midnight) | 三更半夜
svalarm | embrace one another | 相攬; 互相擁抱
svasiarm | avoid running into each other | 相閃
sviuxkhvoarmai | let me think | 想看覓
svoarmoaa | a deep-sea eel | 線鰻
swbexngkarm | sense of mission | 使命感
swnhai pøfhiarm | insurance against loss | 損害保險
syn-tiafmtiarm | new and bright | 新點點
tafmtarm | timorous; afraid of consequences; nervous about a matter | 膽怯; 擔憂
tahhengkharm | bang on chest | 搭胸坎
tarm | gall (said to be the seat of courage); bravery; courage; audacity | 膽; 膽小
tarmke | chin down | 頕低
tarmoar | cover entirely | 貼偎; 遮滿
tarmtarmthaau | nod the head | 頕頕頭
tarmtaxm | head or branches hanging down | 低垂
tarmthaau | nod the head | 頕頭; 點頭
tarmzhvea | wake up | 頕醒
taxmsarm | pastries and sweetmeats; snacks | 零食
tefngpvoarmee | upper midnight | 頂半暝
tefngpvoarmii | upper midnight tefngpvoarsyn | 頂半年
tefngtiarm | topmost; peak; utmost | 頂點
tegtiarm | characteristics; peculiarities; special features | 特點
tekchiarm | bamboo stick | 竹攕
tengkarm | second cold | 重感; 重感冒; 二度感冒
terng-pvoarmee | before midnight | 上半夜
terngtiarm | fruit or clothes) grow black specks | 斑点
tetiarm ciauthai | entertain with refreshments | 茶點招待
tetiarm | tea cake; cake and tea ─ refreshments | 茶點
tetiarm'ar | tearoom; brothel; a teahouse | 茶室仔; 茶店仔
texlagkarm | the sixth sense; extrasensory perception | 第六感
texngtiarm | fixed point | 定點
textiarm | place; locality; site; spot | 地點
tharm | a rug; a carpet; a blanket | 毯
tharm'ar | scout; spy; detective | 探仔
tharm'oaan | detective | 探員
tharm'viaa | visit a military camp, spy on a camp | 探營
tharmbea | mounted scout; spy | 探馬
tharmbeeng | to ferret out | 探明
tharmbong | to visit | 探望; 探墓; 省墓
tharmboxngzhux | exploring the tomb | 探墓厝
tharmboxzhux | exploring the tomb | 探墓厝
tharmbun | inquiry; to inquire about or after | 探問
tharmchyn | visit one's relatives | 探親
tharmciaotefng | searchlight | 探照燈
tharmhiafmkaf | explorer; adventurer | 探險家
tharmhiafmtui | expedition team; exploration party | 探險隊
tharmhiarm | to undertake an exploratory trip; exploration; explore; set out on an adventure+E26673 | 探險
tharmhiarm-kaf | explorer | 探險家
tharmhoef | detective | 探花
tharmhorng | to investigate; visit; inquire about; pick up information | 探訪
tharmkhvoarbai | seeking out | 探探看
tharmkhvoax | investigate | 探看; 查看
tharmkiuu | to seek; hunting | 探求
tharmkiux | explore | 探究
tharmkvaf | visit a prisoner | 探監
tharmlo | pathfinding | 探路
tharmloong zhwbut | as easy as taking things out of one's own pocket | 探曩取物
tharmmng | inquire about; pick up information | 探問
tharmpaang | marriage custom in which the younger brother of the bride goes to the bridal chamber on the third day to call on and inquire about his older sister | 探房; (新娘過門後第三日; 其弟到姊姊房中探問)
tharmpvi | visit the sick | 探病
tharmsiim | explore | 探尋
tharmsofng | inquire about mourning ceremonies; condole with someone on his bereavement | 弔喪
tharmsuun | to inquire about | 探尋; 探詢
tharmsøq | to explore, exploration | 探索
tharmthaau | thrust one's head forward so as to see or hear better; drop in; visit | 伸頭; 探頭; 伸頭探看; 拜訪
tharmthviacide | snoop | 探聽一下
tharmthviaf hisit | verify the facts by inquiry | 打聽虛實
tharmthviaf | to investigate secretly; to try to find out; snoop; inquire about; pick up information; make inquiries about something; usually somewhat secretly; investigate secretly | 探聽; 打聽
tharmthør | to study; explore | 探討
tharmzaf | spy out, find out | 探查
tharmzefng | probe; burrow into | 探偵; 偵探; 探查
tharmzheg | to probe, to survey | 探測
tharmzhekkhix | detector | 探測器
thaukharm | first; primary; foremost | 頭嵌; 第一
thaulaai-armkhix | come and go secretly | 偷來暗去; 陳倉暗渡
thaulai'armkhix | secret correspondence | 偷來暗去
thaumoo sarmsaxm | hair disheveled | 頭髮散亂
thautarmtaxm | head hanging down | 頭頕頕
thefkiarm | physical exam | 體檢
thiafmthiafmthiarm | tiresome | 忝忝忝; 累累累
thiafmthiarm | tiresom | 忝忝; 累累
thiarm | very tired; avail oneself of; very severe (disease; beating); very thoroughly cooked; get tired; grow weary; be tired out; be exhausted | 殄; 忝; 疲倦; 過分; 累; 趁
thoanjiarm | to infect; to contagious; epidemic; catching; infection; contagion; to spread (disease; bad habit) to others | 傳染
thoanjiarm-pvi | an infectious or contagious disease | 傳染病
thoanliarm | infect | 傳染
thoat'hiarm | to escape from dangers; be out of danger | 脫險
thofsafntiarmpvy | native products store side | 土產店邊
thviarmiaxmia | painful | 疼命命
thvy bøkharm | no flight of stairs in heaven; means never afraid of danger | 天無階梯; (形容無怕危險)
thøx cit'ee armhø | agree on a secret sign; arrange a signal | 套一個暗號
tiaarm'tiaxmtiam | extremely quiet | 恬恬恬
tiafmkiarm | check, examine | 點檢
tiafmtiarm cyn | very reliable; everything exact | 精確
tiafmtiarm | bit by bit | 點點
tiarm bag'iøh | apply eye lotion | 點眼藥
tiarm hoehlo | strike him with the point of the finger in some part that causes great pain; weakness or sickness | 點血路; 點穴
tiarm iency | put on lipstick | 擦口紅
tiarm | point; spotdot; drop; dot; dot; spot; speck; point; drop; small amount; a little; snacks; refreshment; hours; to dot; to mark; to teach; to point out; to light; to ignite; to nod (the head) | 點
tiarm'afkhaf | asphalt | 點仔膠
tiarm'afpvy | shop side | 店仔邊
tiarm'ar | small shop; store | 店仔; 小店
tiarm'ar-kaf | a song | 點仔膠; 點膠
tiarm'au | shop back | 店後
tiarm'oaan | a shpo clerk; shopman; employees in a shop; shop clerk; salesman or saleswoman | 店員
tiarm-hof tøh | to burn; to light; kindle; light a fire | 點亮
tiarm`tøh | clicked | 點著
tiarmbi | skin diving | 站泳; 踮沬; 潛泳; 潛水
tiarmbin | a shop situated on a thoroughfare; shop front | 店面; 舖面
tiarmbu | routine work in a store or shop; matters connected with the shop | 店務
tiarmho | store; shop | 店戶; 商店
tiarmhø | the name of a business establishment | 店號
tiarmkaf | shop | 店家
tiarmkef | shop | 店家
tiarmkhafng | hide in a hole; cave; be at home don't like to go out | 玷孔; 躲在洞內; 居家無出
tiarmkhangkw | frog at the bottom of the well | 踮空龜
tiarmkhao | the outside of a shop; a store front | 店口
tiarmlai | inside shop | 店內
tiarmlie | inside shop | 店裡
tiarmmiaa | the name of store | 店名
tiarmmngg | shop door | 店門
tiarmmnggoa | shop outside | 店門外
tiarmphof | a shop; a store | 店舖
tiarmphor | store; shop | 店舖
tiarmphox | store; shop | 店舖
tiarmpør | guarantee (for a person's reliability) given by a shopkeeper | 舖保; 店保
tiarmsiu | go back to den; nest (of birds) | 回巢; (禽類)
tiarmsiøzhoe | hide and seek | 踮相揣
tiarmsøex | rent for a shop | 店租
tiarmtea | stock-in-trade | 存貨
tiarmteng'ar | shop | 店亭仔
tiarmthaau | store front; store; business shop | 店頭; 店舖
tiarmthaukef | shop boss | 店頭家
tiarmtofng | shop owner | 店東
tiarmtviuo | shop manager | 店長
tiarmzof | rent for a shop | 店租
tiarmzuo | proprietor (of a store or shop) | 店主
tiefnlarm | put on display; exhibit; show; exhibition; to display; show to the public | 展覽
tiefnlarm-hoe | exposition, exhibition | 展覽會
tiexnlarm | electric cable | 電纜
tiongsimtiarm | central point; focus point; important point | 中心點
tiongtiarm | midpoint | 中點
tioxngtiarm | focus point; point of emphasis; important point; lay emphasis on; attach importance to | 重點
tiøkhaf zarmtee | leap or dance about in an excited state; to dance with rage; get angry and stamp one's foot | 頓足跺腳; 暴跳如雷; 氣得頓足
tngrhengkharm | beat the breast | 頓胸坎
tngxtiarm hofng | not the least breath of wind | 一點風也沒有
tngxtiarm | not even a bit; not even a penny | 斷點; 一點兒也沒有
tngzharm | just now become very miserable; in the midst of misery | 當慘; 最悲慘的時候
toarmii | spend the night; stay over night | 過夜; 住宿
toextiarm | place; location | 地點
tongkarm | have the same feeling; sympathize; sympathy; same sentiment; be of the same opinion | 同感
toxtiarm | comma (,) | 逗號; 逗點
tuii hengkharm | beat one's breast with the fist in grief or displeasure; especially grief for one's own folly or on failing to use a good opportunity | 搥胸坎
tvarmi | Taiwanese noodle (Tainan local snack) | 擔麵
tøexlak-karm | sixth sense, hunch | 第六感
tøextiarm | place; point; site; situation; spot | 地點
tøfsiarm | to dodge; to ward off | 躲閃
tøsiarm | under shelter | 逃閃
tøtøsiafmsiarm | escape | 逃逃閃閃
tøxkhiarm | apologize | 道歉
tøxlarm | guided tour | 導覽
u kef bøo kiarm | increase steadily; get steadily worse or serious | 有增無減
ujiarm | pollute | 汙染
uliarm | pollution | 汙染
uojiarm | contaminate; pollution; vitiate; stain; pollute | 污染
uotiarm | blot; spot; stain; taint | 污點; 汙點
viutiarm | melting point | 鎔點
wjiarm | pollute | 汙染
ynhøeftiarm | ignition point; flash point | 引火點
zaarmthautefmia | head cut short life | 鏨頭短命
zabsvatiarm | silly (slang); acting in a stupid manner which evokes delight and laughter rather than disgust; dumb broad | 十三點; 三八
zafarmkhørkefng | morning and evening prayer (Catholic) | 早晚課經
zaftiarm | breakfast | 早點
zakiarm | check up; inspect | 查驗
zarm | cut short; shorten | 斬; 截
zarmkex | high price | 截價; 高價錢
zarmkhaf | make noise with feet | 踐腳; 跺腳; 醮腳
zarmkhapo | stumbling step | 蹔跤步
zarmphoax | break by trampling | 踩破
zarmsie | trample to death | 踩死
zarmtøee | stamp with the hoof | 頓足
zarmzuie | glutinous water | 踐水; 醮水
zawsiarm | escape, flee | 走閃; 逃避
zekjim-karm | sense of responsibility | 責任感
zekjixmkarm | sense of responsibility | 責任感
zengkarm chiongtong | emotional impulse; outburst of emotion | 情感衝動
zengkarm | feelings; emotions; sensibility; emotion; sensibility; affection | 情感
zengkiarm | increase or decrease | 增減
zengtiarm | (by) hour; hours | 鐘點
zernggi-karm | sense of righteousness, sense of justice | 正義感
zernggixkarm | sense of justice or righteousness | 正義感
zhaaftiarmhang | old ally | 柴仔店巷
zhaaftiarmkhao | firewood store | 柴仔店口
zhaetiarmzabor | prostitute | 菜店查某
zhaikiarm | reduce personnel or staff | 裁減
zham'wkarm | sense of participation | 參與感
zhantiarm | food | 餐點
zhaokharm | center of the tree is rotted out; rotten wood | 臭坎; 湊巧; 木頭心有洞
zhaotwkharm | manage to make enough quantity; unexpectedly; by chance; accidentally | 湊夠數; 湊巧
zharm buu jintø | inhuman; brutal | 慘無人道
zharm buu thienjit | said of life under a tyrannical government; so dark; or full of suffering; that it is as if the sun were not in the sky | 慘無天日
zharm putjirm tor | so tragic that one cannot bear to look at it | 慘無忍睹
zharm | miserable; wretched; unfortunate; tragic; sorrowful; tragic; cruel; brutal; gloomy | 慘
zharm`aq | Goodness! Heaven! | 慘啊
zharmgie | predict good or bad | 讖語
zharmguo | prophecy | 讖語; 預言
zharmhoea | repent of sin; repentance | 懺悔
zharmhoealiok | confessions | 懺悔錄
zharmhoefkhix | repent | 懺悔偈
zharmhoex zuxsyn | repent and turn over a new leaf | 懺悔自新
zharmhoex | repent of one's sin | 懺悔
zharmhøea | repent of sin, repentance | 懺悔
zhaytiarm | marking; scoring | 採點; 打分數; 評分
zhekkiarm | reduce | 促減; 切減
zhezharm | deplorable | 淒慘
zhoaxjiø voa siarmsae | The devil you know is better than the one you don't know. (Lit. the former employee used to wet the bed; this one dirtied his pants.) | 越換越糟
zhut'hiarm | escape from crisis; danger; accident; extricate from danger | 脫險
zhut'hoattiarm | starting place or point | 出發點
zhvehuxnkarm | unfamiliar | 生份感
zhvezharm | tragic; miserable; wretched | 淒慘
zhvezharm-logpheg | very miserable | 悽慘落泊; 慘透了
zhvoarmngg | snib; bolt a door | 閂門
zhwzarm | behead; decapitate | 處斬
zoafnlextiarm | turning point | 轉捩點
zoanhiarm | the complete insurance | 全險
zoeakøf-tiarm | the peak, the climax, the culminating point | 最高點
zoeakøtiarm | highest point or mark | 最高點
zoex tiarmbin | become a storefront | 做店面
zoexokkarm | guilty | 罪惡感
zofnglarm taixkoaan | be in full power; have full control of the government | 總攬大權
zofnglarm | monopolize; take over the entire management of an affair | 包攬; 總攬
zorng paularm | make an entire monopoly of | 包攬一切
zorng-paularm | make an entire monopoly of | 總包攬
zuxpikarm | self-humiliation; self-abasement; inferiority complex | 自卑感
zuxpy-karm | inferiority complex | 自卑感
zuxsirnkarm | self-confidence | 自信感
zuyhiarm | marine insurance | 水險
zøx tiarmbin | become a storefront | 做店面

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