"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Aikib | Egypt | 埃及
Alabi'a | Arabia | 阿拉
Angbag'uar taux lauxjiet | useless helper (Ang-bak-u-a is a person with impaired vision or a dim wit.) | 濫芋充數
Anglaubang | Dream of the Red Chamber, great Chinese novel authored by Tsau Hsueh-chin during the Ching Dynasty | 紅樓夢
Angsibji-Sia | the Red Cross | 紅十字; 紅十字社
Angsibjixhoe | Red Cross Society | 紅十字會
Angsiblixhoe | Red Cross | 紅十字會
Arab | Arabia; Arab | 阿拉伯
Athaix kengzex habzog hoexgi | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation | 亞太經濟合作會議
Aubeeng | EU | 歐盟
Aubie | Europe and America, Western, the West | 歐美
Bexngbea | Bombay | 孟買
Bexngbiør samchiefn | The mother of Mencius changed her abode three times; in order to get a better environment for her son's education | 孟母三遷
Bexngbuo | the mother of Mencius | 孟母
Bisengbudhak | microbiology | 微生物學
Boghafnbegteg | Mohammed | 穆罕默德
Butiaxm Serngbør | the Immaculate Mother (Catholic) | 無玷聖母
Bykog Sinbunzhux | United States Information Service | 美國新聞處
Bykog Zhamboo-siwtviuo Liensek-hoexgi zwsek | Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff | 美國參謀首長聯席會議主席
Byybie-kaohoe | a church name | 美以美教會
Byybyhoe | Methodist Church | 美以美會; 衛理公會
Chienjixbuun | book formerly used as a primer, It has 1,000 characters, not one of which is repeated | 千字文; 千字經
Chinbintorng | People First Party | 親民黨
Chitbie | a small island in Penghu County | 七美
Ciah koefcie bøo paix chiuxthaau | ungrateful to the benefactors | 吃果子無拜樹頭; 忘本
Cibcip | a city in Nantou County | 集集
Cibtøfkefng | Opening Prayer of the Mass (Catholic) | 集禱經
Engbie | Britain and America; Anglo-American | 英美
Engbiin pvixvi | veterans hospital | 榮民醫院
Engbuun bunhoad | English grammar | 英文文法
Engbuun | written English language | 英文
Enghioong buu ioxngbuo-cy-te | The hero has no chance to use his might.--no opportunity to use one's talent(s) | 英雄無用武之地
Enghioong lankøex byjinkoafn | Even a great hero has difficulty getting by a beautiful woman. Many heroes have been conquered by a beautiful woman. (Samson and Delilah) | 英雄難過美人關
Engkog bunhaghe | Department of English literature | 英國文學系
Engkog bunhagsuo | history of English literature | 英國文學史
Engkog bunhak | English literature | 英國文學
Engpong cibthoaan | sterling block | 英鎊集團
Giaqthaau svachiøq u sinbeeng | The gods are always near you. (Lit. Raise your head three feet and there is a spirit.) | 舉頭三尺有神明
Gobii | a city in Hsinchu County of Taiwan | 峨眉
Guthaau bøo tuix befzhuix | not to the point; unconnected; incongruous (Lit. The head of an ox does not match the mouth of a horse.) | 牛頭無對馬嘴; 文不對題
Guu bøo hiafmzhao bøe puii | If a person doesn't encounter difficulties in his life he won't be a success. (Lit. If a cow doesn't eat coarse grass it won't get fat.) | 牛無吃險草不肥。
Gvofhog limbuun | May all prosperity come to this house! | 五福臨門
Gvohong-biø | a temple | 五皇廟
Gyn'aflaang u hvi bøo zhuix | A child should be seen and not heard | 小孩子有耳無嘴; 囝仔人有耳無嘴
Gøbuun | the Russian language | 俄文
Habcioxng Kokzeasia | United Press International; UPI | 合眾國際社
Habhoafn Svoaf | Mt. Hohuan | 合歡山
Habhoansvoaf | a mountain in Taiwan | 合歡山
Habkay | Haggai (Protestant) | 哈該
Harnbinzok | Chinese race | 漢民族
Harnbuun | Chinese written language and literature; written Chinese | 漢文
Haxn Kongbuo | | 漢光武
Hayhiabhoe | ARATS | 海協會
Hiliap-buun | Greek written language | 希臘文
Hipeklaai-buun | Hebrew written language | 希伯來文
Hoabuun | Chinese language | 華文
Hoanbuun | sanskrip; sanskrit | 梵文
Hoatbuun | French; French written; reading; speaking language | 法文
Hoaxnbuun | Sanskrit | 梵文
Hofboea | a city in Yunlin County Taiwan | 虎尾
Hofbøea | a place in Yunlin CountyTaiwan | 虎尾
Hokleeng Tøxbeeng Siulie Hoe | Dominican Sisters of Funing; OP (Catholic) | 福寧道明修女會
Hongzex Serngbør Thoankaux Siulie Hoe | FMM: Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (Catholic) | 方濟聖母傳教修女會
Hudhoad bupiefn | The greatness of Buddhism is immeasurable | 佛法無邊
Huienaixbeng Sw | The Epistle of Paul to Philemon (Catholic) | 費賴孟書
Huilixbuun Sw | The Epistle of Paul to Philemon (Protestant) | 腓利門書
Høbie | a city in Changhua County Taiwan | 和美
Høbuun | Japanese written language | 和文
Ialegbyaf | Jeremiah (Catholic) | 耶肋米亞
Ialixbie | Jeremiah (Protestant) | 耶利米
Iasof si siexnbok | Good Shepherd | 耶穌是善牧
Iongbengsafn | a resort in suburban Taipei; Taiwan (Yangmingshan) | 陽明山
Itcioxng kofng seeng baxnkud kof | general achieves renown over the dead bodies of 10,000 soldiers--The achievements of a general cost thousands of lives | 一將功成萬骨枯。
Jidbuun | Japanese language | 日文
Jinbuo | a city in Kaohsiung County | 仁武
Jinzuu Serngbør Thoankaux Hoe | MMB: Miss of O.L. of Mercy (Catholic) | 仁慈聖母傳教會
Jiogbong Hok'ym | The Gospel According to John (Catholic) | 若望福音
Jubuun | scholars following Confucian thought; Confucianists | 儒門
Kafngbuxkiok | Harbor Bureau | 港務局
Kaliabtat Sw | The Epistles of Paul to the Galatians (Catholic) | 加拉達書; (加)
Kaoteeng-sinbunzhux | Holy See Information Service (H.S.I.S.) (Catholic) | 教廷新聞處
Ke'nng badbat tøf uxphang | The closest affair has some hole in it | 雞蛋密密也有縫; 紙包無住火
Kefngbea | suburban of Taipei | 景尾; 景美
Kefngboea | suburban of Taipei | 景尾; 景美
Kharkaebiaau | BCG vaccine | 卡介苗
Khofngbeeng | most famous tactician in Chinese history | 孔明
Khofngbeng | Confucius and Mencius | 孔孟
Khofngbuun | Confucianists | 孔門
Khofngzuo-biø | Confucian temple | 孔子廟
Khofngzwkofng mxkvar siw laang ee kehmii-thiab | Confucius did not dare accept an invitation for the next day. Tomorrow is very uncertain | 孔子公無敢收隔夜帖; (不知未來如何)
Khorngbuxkiok | Bureau of Mines | 礦務局
Khunbeeng | a Chinese city | 昆明
Kiaubu-uyoanhoe | Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission | 僑務委員會
Kibie | reputable enterprise in Tainan | 奇美
Kiencirn zerngbengsw | Certificate of Confirmation (Catholic) | 堅振證明書
Kiet'afciab | juice of a well-sweep | 桔仔汁
Koanbio | a city in Tainan County | 關廟
Koanteabiø | a temple of tribute to Kuan Yu (Guan Yu) | 關帝廟
Koantex-biø | a shrine dedicated to General Kuan Yu | 關帝廟
Kokbintorng | National Party; K.M.T. in the Republic of China | 國民黨
Kokbuxvi | Department of State (of U.S.A.) | 國務院
Kongbexkiok | monopoly bureau | 公賣局
Kongboexkiok | Public Sales Bureau | 公賣局
Korkiofng-phokbudvi | National Palace Museum (housing China's art treasures) | 故宮博物院
Købieen | Cambodia | 高棉
Laixbongkor | Inner Mongolia | 內蒙古
Lambie | Southern America | 南美
Legbixkie | Leviticus (Catholic) | 肋未紀
Libhoat'vi | Legislative Yuan | 立法院
Lidbuun | Japanese language | 日文
Lienhabkog anzoaan lysuxhoe | U.N. Security Council | 聯合國安全理事會
Lienhabkog hiernciofng | U.N. Charter | 聯合國憲章
Lienhabkog taixhoe | U.N. General Assembly | 聯合國大會
Lienhabkog | Allies; the United Nation | 聯合國
Lienhabkwn | Allied Forces | 聯合軍
Limbuxkiok | forest service bureau | 林務局
Liongbuun | fame; glory; Longmen (place in Guangdong) | 龍門
Lixbixkix | Leviticus (Protestant) | 利未記
Longbiin-ginhaang | farmer's bank | 農民銀行
Longbiin-hiabhoe | farmer's association | 農民協會
Losafn cyn-biexnbok | The real appearance of Lu Shan (which is often shrouded in fog) ─ the real appearance (of a thing or person in disguise) | 廬山真面目
Mafzofbiø | Matsu temple | 媽祖廟
Mobunkaux | Mormon Church; Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints | 摩門教
Mobuun-kaux | Mormon Church | 摩門教
Moekuiekefng Zabgoxtoafn | Fifteen decades of the Rosary (Catholic) | 玫瑰經十五端
Moekuix Tøxbeeng Siulie Hoe | OP: Dominican Catech. Srs. of St. Joseph (Catholic) | 玫瑰道明修女會; (瑞士)
Nihibie | Nehemiah (Protestant) | 尼希米
Ociebengchi | Ho Chi Minh City | 胡志明市
Okbea oklaang khiaa | A wicked horse can only be driven by a cruel man | 一物一剋
Pafnbuntiaxm | Banmunjeom; Panmunjom, also known as Panmunjom | 板門店
Pakbie | Northern America; North America | 北美
Pakbyciw | North America | 北美洲
Pakbykoarn | North America Pavilion | 北美館
Pasu Haykiab | Bashi Channel | 巴士海峽
Phøløbuun | Brahman | 波羅門
Pøløbunkaux | Brahmanism | 婆羅門教
Sambiin | a city in Kaohsiung County | 三民
Sambinzwgi | Three Principles of the People (nationalism; democracy; livelihood); by Dr Sun yet-sen; founding father (國父) of the Republic of China | 三民主義; (民族主義; 民權主義; 民生主義)
Samkiab | a city in Taipei County | 三峽
Satboxnykie siong | title of imperial princes; name given to a great many idols | 撒慕爾紀上; 撒上
Satbøfnie sioxngkoaxn | get at the truth step by step; often by round about way (Lit. To get a melon you have to haul in the vine.) | 撒母耳上卷
Senghongbiø | temple of the city god | 城隍廟
Serngbiør | Virgin Mary; Holy Mother | 聖母
Serngbuo | the Holy Mother | 聖母
Serngbøfgoeh | Month of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母月
Serngbøfkunkii | Banner of the Legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍旗
Serngbøfkwn Zofngpo | Concilium of the Legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍總部
Serngbøfkwn cithoaan | Praesidium of the legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍支團
Serngbøfkwn huozo-thoan'oaan | auxiliary member of the Legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍輔助團員
Serngbøfkwn kangzog-thoan'oaan | active Legion of Mary member (Catholic) | 聖母軍工作團員
Serngbøfkwn khuthoaan | Curia of the Legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍區團
Serngbøfkwn thoan'oaan | Legion of Mary member (Catholic) | 聖母軍團員
Serngbøfkwn | Legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍
Serngbøfsiong | the statue of the Virgin Mary; Madonna | 聖母像
Serngbøfvi | Notre Dame | 聖母院
Serngbør Bugoanzoe Siulyhoe | MIC: Miss Srs of the Immac Concept (Catholic) | 聖母無原罪修女會
Serngbør Bugoanzoe Thoankaux Siulyhoe | SMIC: Franc Miss Srs of the Imm Conc (Catholic) | 聖母無原罪傳教修女會。
Serngbør Hoe | Sodality of Blessed Mother (Catholic) | 聖母會
Serngbør Maflixaf | Virgin Mary | 聖母瑪利亞
Serngbør Serngsym Hoe | CICM: Cong Immac Cordis Mariae; Scheut (Catholic) | 聖母聖心會
Serngbør Serngsym Siulie Hoe | CSCM: Srs of the SH of Mary of Taichung (Catholic) | 聖母聖心修女會
Serngbør Sirnsimhoe | Children of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母信心會
Serngbør bongtiaux sengthiefn | Mary is assumed into Heaven (Catholic) | 聖母蒙召升天
Serngbør butiaxm cy sym | Immaculate Heart of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母無玷之心
Serngbør bøjiarm goanzoe | Immaculate Conception (Catholic) | 聖母無染原罪
Serngbør chitkhor | The Seven Dolors (Catholic) | 聖母七苦
Serngbør cirnkaux cy iu | Auxilium Christianorum (Catholic) | 聖母進教之佑
Serngbør niafpøx | annunciation (Catholic) | 聖母領報
Serngbør zhwkied ciamlea | Feast of the Purification (Catholic) | 聖母取潔瞻禮
Serngbør | Virgin Mary; Holy Mother | 聖母
Sexng Sibjixkex Hoe | CSC: Sisters of the Holy Cross (Catholic) | 聖十字架會
Sexng Tøbenggvor Hoe | Order of St Dominic (Catholic) | 聖多明我會
Sexng Tøxbeeng Thoankaux Siulie Hoe | OP: Miss Srs of St Dominic (Catholic) | 聖道明傳教修女會
Sexng Tøxbenghoe | OP: Ordo Praedicat Stil Dominici (Catholic) | 聖道明會
Siangsibcied | the Double Tenth; October 10; the National Day of the Republic of China | 雙十節
Sibkaix | Ten commandments | 十誡
Sinbexngkix | Book of Deuteronomy (Protestant) | 申命記
Sinbuun ciukhafn | Newsweek | 新聞週刊
Sinhai kekbeng | the Revolution of 1911 (year of 辛亥); which led to he overthrow of the Manchu Dynasty | 辛亥革命
Siogmih bøo høfhøex | Cheap articles are no good Penny wise and pound foolish | 價賤無好貨。
Sionghoe lienhabhoe | Associated Chamber of Commerce | 商會聯合會
Sitai zabcix | TIME magazine | 時代雜誌
Sitpai uii sengkofng cy bør | Failure begets success If at first you don't succeed; try; try again | 失敗為成功之母。
Sofløbuun | King Solomon | 所羅門
Swiaxmbuun | a main character in Taiwanese famous puppet show | 史豔文
Taibunhe | Taiwanese literary dept. | 台文系
Taibunkaix | Taiwanese literary circles | 台文界
Taibuun | Taiwanese | 台文
Taiguo-buun | Taiwanese writing | 台語文
Taioaan Haykiab | the Taiwan Straits | 台灣海峽
Taioaan-bunhoax | Taiwanese culture | 台灣文化
Taioaan-bøea | southwest point of Taiwan | 台灣尾
Taioanbi | Taiwanese taste | 台灣味
Taioanbinpøx | Taiwan People's Daily | 台灣民報
Taioanboea | Taiwan island end | 台灣尾
Taioanbunhoax | Taiwanese culture | 台灣文化
Taixbuo | a city in Taitung County | 大武
Taixkahbø | famous hat made in Taixka | 大甲帽
Tanbek | Denmark | 丹麥
Tekbuun | German language | 德文
Texboxteg Cieen Ho Sw | The First and Second Epistle of Paul to Timothy (Catholic) | 弟茂德前後書 (弟前; 後)
Thaebuo | a city in Pingtung County | 泰武
Thauliah køef iaxtiøh cidpea bie | You have to prime the pump. To do business you need capital. (Lit. To steal chickens you need a handful of rice.) | 偷雞也得一把米。
Thiensiong-Serngbør | a goddess | 天上聖母
Thienzuo busor putzai | God is everywhere; omnipresent God | 天主無所不在
Thienzuo zabkaix | ten precepts; the Ten Commandments of God | 天主十誡
Tiongbie | China and the United States of America; Central America | 中美
Tiongbuun | Chinese | 中文
Tiongbyciw | Central America | 中美洲
Tionghoaa Serngbør Hoe | CMRS: Congregation of Our Lady of China (Catholic) | 中華聖母會
Tiongkog bunhoax | Chinese culture | 中國文化
Tionglambie | Central and South America | 中研院
Tøbenggvor Hoe 大 | The religious order of St. Dominic; Dominicans; OP | 多明我會
Zabtiaau-kaix | the Ten Commandments | 十條戒; 十條誡
Zanbunkhef | Taiwan's 4th longest river | 曾文溪
Zhanboea | a city in Changhua County | 田尾
Zhengbeeng | Feast of Tombs; a lunar period during which the Chinese worship at or clean the grave roughly corresponding to Easter time | 清明; 清明節
Zhengbengzeq | Feast of Tombs; a lunar period during which the Chinese worship at or clean the grave roughly corresponding to Easter time | 清明節; 清明
Zhngbuo | Godness to care baby | 床母
Zhvekongkao ciah-bøo sae | things done in a hurry cannot be done well; fail in goal by being hasty (Lit. If a dog eats to fast there is nothing to turn to excrement.) | 欲速則無達。
Zoar bøe pautid høea | A secret cannot be kept forever (paper cannot wrap up a fire) | 紙包無住火
Zong-buun | Tibetan writing | 宗文; 藏文
Zonghap-zabcix | magazine of general interest | 綜合雜誌
Zongkaux-bunbeeng | religious culture | 宗教文明
Zukag Khofngbeeng | a fictional character | 諸葛孔明
Zuxbintorng | the Liberal Democratic Party (Japan) | 自民黨
Zøxbudciar | the Creator | 造物者; (主)
Zøxbudzuo | the Creator | 造物者; (主)
ab bextiaau | unable to command or exercise control over a group of people because of a lack of prestige or personal ability; (Lit. not enough pressure to hold down a compressed object which is resilient) | 壓無住
ab | repress; compel; floodgate; press; oppress; pressure; repress; crush; close in; hold a document without taking action; surpass others in ability | 壓; 押; 閘
ab'afpviar | Taiwanese engagement pastry | 盒仔餅
ab'ar | casket; little box | 盒仔; 盒子
ab`løqkhix | to subdue, to suppress | 壓落去
abuo | mother | 阿母; 媽媽
abør | mother; mama | 阿母; 媽媽
aebeq | want to, wish to | 要
aebie | fond of beauty | 愛美
aebo | adore; admire; love ardently; adore | 愛慕
aebuo | caress | 愛撫; 愛舞
aebøeq | want to; wish to | 愛要; 愛欲
aechiab | beloved concubine; beloved concubine | 愛妾
aekhaobin | cry baby face | 好哭臉
aekhaux bøo bagsae | find it hard to bring up a matter | 欲哭無目屎; 有口難言
afbøe | not yet | 尚未; 還沒有
afbøo | if not; otherwise | 仔無; 要無然
afm bextiaau | unable to cover or hide | 掩無住
afmbear | congee | 泔糜仔
afmbee | rice porridge; rice gruel | 稀飯; 泔糜
ahbaq | duck meat; duck meat | 鴨肉
ahbi | season; add flavoring | 押味; 壓味
ahbi'ar | ducking | 鴨咪仔
ahboea | last one | 殿後
ahbuo | female duck | 鴨母; 母鴨
ahbuo-tøee | flat feet | 鴨母蹄
ahbwtee | even foot; flat feet | 鴨母蹄; 扁平足
ahbwtøee | even foot; flat feet | 鴨母蹄; 扁平足
ahbøea | thereafter; bring up the rear | 押後; 殿後
ahbøftee | flat feet; having a peculiar gait, shaking from side to side, a flat foot | 鴨母蹄
ahbøfzhao | kind of motherwort; Leonurus sibiricus; Lindernia ciliata | 鴨母草
ahbøfzhuix | female duck beak | 鴨母喙
ahbør | female duck | 鴨母; 母鴨
ahbør-leh | large rain-hat | 鴨母笠; 斗笠
ahbør-tøee | flat feet | 鴨母蹄; 平底腳
aibeeng | doleful cry | 哀鳴
aibiern | lament | 哀輓
aibøeq | cry in want of | 哀欲
aikhib | weep with sorrow | 哀泣
aipexkiørbuo | screaming and shouting | 哀爸叫母
aix biin juu zuo | love the subjects as if they were his own children (said of a ruler or official) | 愛民如子
am'afm-iap'iab | secretly; try to cover up; hide | 鞍鞍掩掩
ambaq | pickle meat | 掩肉; 醃肉
ambat | close tightly | 掩密
amlaang nybak | deceive others | 掩人耳目
anbiin | sleep well; sleep peacefully; pleasant sleep; good-night!; sound sleep; to sleep well and peacefully | 安眠
anbiin-iøh | sleeping pill | 安眠藥
anbin'iøh | sleeping pill; sleep inducing medicine | 安眠藥
anbuo | pacify; pacify a hostile people | 安撫
ang'afbin | baby-faced | 尪仔面; 娃娃臉
ang'afbor | husband and wife; husband and wife | 尪仔某; 夫妻
ang'ar-bor | husband and wife | 尪仔某; 翁仔某; 夫妻
ang'ii sun oexboea | sorceress collecting ideas from the questions asked so as to give suitable answers; said of taking the cue from what someone says so as to speak to please someone | 尪姨順話尾; 順著人的語意而言; 阿諛
angbagkvii | conjunctivitis; the edges of the eyelids watery and inflamed, bleary-eyed | 紅目墘
angbaglieen | | 紅目鰱
angbagzuie | red ink | 紅墨水
angbahlie | Taiwanese plum | 紅肉李
angbak | pinkeye; bloodshot eye | 紅目; 紅眼
angbaq | red meat | 紅肉
angbeflør | cornelian; shrub or small tree that bears a small edible scarlet berry | 紅瑪瑙
angbeftafng | | 紅尾冬
angbie | red rice | 紅米
angbin | flushing; rosy cheeks | 紅面
angbin`ee | upright | 紅面的; 正直的
angbixn'aq | Taiwanese red-tailed fish | 紅面鴨
angboeftafng | Taiwanese red-tailed fish | 紅尾冬
angbofzeeng | feelings that exist between a husband and a wife | 翁某情; 夫妻情份
angbok | redwood | 紅木
angbor | husband and wife; husband and wife | 翁某; 夫妻; 夫婦
angbø | red hat; porter; red-caps, railway porters, the label of being a Communist | 紅帽; 驛夫
angbø'ar | red-cap, porter | 紅帽仔; 紅帽子; 行李夫
angbøar | red-cap, porter | 紅帽子; 行李夫
angsibjixhoe | The Red Cross | 紅十字會
angsiøbaq | pork simmered in soybean sauce and sugar | 紅燒肉
angthiab | red invitation card | 紅帖
angzaubaq | meat treated with fermented grain mash | 紅糟肉
anhiarng boafnlieen | enjoy a happy time in old age | 安享晚年
anhuithvabeng | amphetamine; stimulants | 安非他命
anjieen bu'iong | completely uninjured; completely free from trouble | 安然無恙
anjieen busu | all quiet; all is well | 安然無事
anzoaan-bø | safety helmet | 安全帽
anzoanbø | motorcycle helmet | 安全帽
aobi | a bad smell; bad odor smell | 腐味
aobin | a long face; morose and displeased face | 臭臉; 臉色難看
aosaybin | serious expression | 漚屎面
aothaau-aobin | pull a long face | 臭頭臭臉
ap'ab | feel pressed | 壓壓; 壓下
apzab | dirty | 狎穢; 骯髒
arkøq bøexbae | not so dusty; not so bad | 仔擱未醜; 還無錯
armbat | secret; secretly | 隱密; 秘密
armbea | secret code; secret code; secret signs used by a store to indicate the actual value of a commodity which is not known to outsiders | 暗碼
armbinbofng | very dark; deep black; pitch-black | 暗眠摸; 漆黑的
armbogbok | very dark | 暗莫莫
armbongbofng | very dark; deep black; pitch-black | 暗摸摸; 漆黑的
armbongsaf | grope 'in darkness' | 暗摸索
armboo | conspiracy; conspire; conspiracy | 暗謀; 陰謀
arnkhvoarbai`leq | try to press | 試按一下
aubin | concave face | 凹面
aubixnkviax | a concave lens | 凹面鏡
auxbea | back | 後尾
auxbefmngg | back door | 後尾門
auxbin | back; behind; rear | 後面
auxboea | back; behind | 後尾; 後面
auxboefmngg | back door | 後尾門
auxbor | second wife (taken after the death of one's first wife); second wife after divorce or death of the first | 後妻; 後某; 繼室
auxbuo | step-mother | 後母
auxbwbin | harsh face lik stepmother | 後母面
auxbøea | afterwards | 後尾; 結果; 後面,; 殿後
auxbøfbaa | stepmother harlot; a vile scolding | 狠後母; 壞後母; 後母貍
auxbøfbin | sour look; as of a stepmother | 後母面
auxbør | stepmother | 後母; 繼母
awbaan | dour; arrogant; haughty; break one's promise on some pretext or other; obstinately and injuriously in the wrong; e.g.; unjustly defrauding | 拗蠻; 蠻橫; 不講理
awbaan-awtag | truculent ad unreasonable | 拗蠻拗觸; 無講理
awchiwboea | table-top Indian wrestling with inner surface of wrists in contact; arm wrestling | 比臂力; 拗手尾
awcib | stubborn | 頑固; 拗執
axm buu thienjit | very dark; a nation or locality where jungle law reigns; lawlessness | 暗無天日
axm-bogbok | very dark | 暗漠漠
axmboee | a tadpole, polliwog | 暗梅; 蝌蚪
axmboekoay | a tadpole | 暗梅胿; 蝌蚪
aybi | moldy flavor | 黴味; 發臭的味
ba | one yard; close; one yard; three feet | 碼; 覓; 峇; 密; 尋找; 緊
ba'ar | a foxlike animal; mountain cat; fruit fox | 貍仔; 山貓; 果貍
ba'iøh | anesthetic | 麻藥; 麻醉劑
baa zabor | fool around with women | 泡妞
baa | numb; measles; leprosy; leopard cat; numb; paralysis | 麻; 麻木; 痲; 貍貓
baa`khix | numbed | 麻去
baai | eyebrow | 眉
baaikirn | bacteria | 黴菌; 細菌
baan | Fujian province of China; indolent; neglect one's duty; barbarous | 閩; 慢; 蠻
baang | boundless and indistinct; uncertain; busy; awn; dim; deceive; maze | 芒; 茫
baar'babaa | numb to feel less | 麻麻麻
baar'badbat | seamless | 密密密
baar'baxba | very closely tighten or joined | 密密密
baarn'banbaan | very insensible, dull | 悶悶悶; 蠻蠻蠻
baarn'baxnban | very very slow | 慢慢慢
baarng'bangbaang | quite vague | 茫茫茫
baau | lance; pike; spear | 矛
babaa | a little numb feeling | 麻麻; 麻木的感覺
babin | pock-marked face; without luster; dull; matte | 麻臉; 無光澤的
babok | torpor; coma; stupor; paralyzed; numbed; palsied | 麻木
babok-putjiin | numbed; paralyzed; unsympathetic; unfeeling | 麻木無仁
babuafkngf | the sky of dawn | 貓霧仔光
babuxkngf | the sky of dawn | 貓霧光
babuy | a little; tiny | 峇微
babwnchiøx | smile | 麻微笑
bachiog | game of mahjong; sparrow | 麻雀; 麻將
baciog | sparrow | 麻雀
bacip | collect | 覓集
bacirn | measles | 麻疹
bad bexthaux | can't know thoroughly | 識無透; 不能盡知
bad bøkaux | do not know sufficiently | 識無夠; 學得不夠
bad ciah | have the experience of eating | 曾吃
bad høfphvae | know the difference between good and evil | 識好歹; 識善惡
bad khix | have the experience of going | 識去; 曾去
bad laang ee jinzeeng | know or understand the value of being grateful; know how to show gratitude | 識人的人情; 知恩
bad laang mxbad miaa | recognize a person but not remember his or her name | 認人無識名
bad seasu | to have seen much of the world | 明世事
bad thaity ciaq zaiviar tølo | learn by experience (Idiom. He who slaughters pigs knows how meat should be cut.) | 曾殺豬才知道刀路
bad thaothaux | know thoroughly | 識透透
bad | ever; had the experience; know; recognize; discern; know; recognize; be acquainted with; understand | 曾; 捌; 知道; 曾經; 識
bad-bøexkaux | can't know sufficiently | 識未到
badbat | seamless | 密密
badciuhciuq | close; closed; secluded closely; woven; dense cloud; tight fitting | 密喌喌; 密無透風
badhuun | lots of clouds | 密雲
badpaang | small secure room | 密縫; 密室
badpiin | closely woven bamboo partition | 密屏; 隔間板
badsad | bed bug | 臭蟲
badzat | strict; tight (organization; surveillance; etc.); be airtight | 烏賊; 墨賊; 密無通風
bae bi | bad smell | 䆀味
bae | ugly; ugly; bad; difficult | 醜; 壞
bae`ee | vicious | 醜的
baf | net | 網
bafn | youngest | 屘
bafn'iøh | to gather herbs | 拔藥; 挽藥
bafn-kviar | youngest child | 萬囝; 屘囝; 幼子
bafnbarn`leq | pluck (those flowers) | 拔起來
bafnbin | face depilation; moult; pluck out hair from a woman's face | 挽面; 修面(女); 修面
bafng | nest | 網
bafng'afhviw | sort of drug burned to drive away mosquitoes | 蚊仔香
bafng'afhwn | sort of drug burned to drive away mosquitoes | 蚊仔燻
bafng'afzuie | pesticides | 蠓仔水
bafng'ar texng gukag | doesn't feel it; only slightly affected; remains unperturbed (Lit. a mosquito to stings a bull's horn) | 蚊仔螫牛角; 無在乎
bafng'ar | mosquito; mosquito | 蚊仔; 蠓仔; 蚊子
bafng'ar-hviw | mosquito coil | 蚊仔香
bafng'ar-hwn | mosquito-repellent incense | 蚊仔燻; 蠓仔薰; 蚊香
bafng'ar-zuie | mosquito spray | 蚊仔水; 蠓仔水; 殺蟲液
bafng'azuie | insecticide, mosquito spray | 蚊仔水
bafng`khix | being caught by a nets | 網去; 抓走了
bafnghviw | mosquito-repellent incense | 蚊香
bafnghwn | a kind of incense to relegate mosquito | 蚊香; 蚊薰
bafngsut'ar | flapper for hitting mosquitoes | 蚊拂仔
bafngtarlii | ornamental cloth round the top of a mosquito curtain | 蚊帳簾
bafngtaux | a mosquito net | 蚊帳
bafngtax | mosquito net; mosquito net | 蚊罩; 蠓罩; 蚊帳
bafngthaang | mosquito; bugs; insects | 蚊蟲; 蠓蟲; 蚊子
bafnhoee | restore; try to turn back an adverse tide | 挽回
bafnhoef | flower snatch; pick a flower | 挽花; 摘花; 採花
bafnhøee | to recall, to restore, to bring back | 挽回
bafnkefng | stretch shoulder | 拉弓; 端著肩膀
bafnkhie | tooth pulling | 挽牙; 拔牙
bafnkiux | rescue; save a situation or failing concern | 挽救
bafnkoaf | funeral dirges | 輓歌
bafnkoef thiutiin | trace the vine and get a melon; get a clue and follow it up step by step; so as to learn the truth of a matter | 摘瓜抽藤; 追根究底
bafnkwn | spasm; convulsion | 痙攣
bafnkøf | an elegy, a dirge | 輓歌; 挽歌
bafnlieen | a pair of sentences to honor the dead | 挽留; 輓聯
bafnliuu | urge to stay; request to stay | 挽留
bafnmef | convulsions | 痙攣
bafnmeh | shivering; cramps | 挽脈; 打顫; 抽筋
bafnpuu | to pluck a gourd | 採杓
bafnsy | elegy | 輓詩
bafntee | tee leaves snatch; pick tea leaves | 採茶; 挽茶
bafnthøo | steamed roll; steamed bun; steamed bread; steamed bun | 饅頭
bafntngr | recall | 挽返; 挽回
bafnzhaix | pick vegetables | 挽菜; 摘菜
bafsu | bus | 巴士
baftaq | butter; cream | 奶油; 源自日語バター(bataa)
bag lasaam | soil; defile | 沾污穢
bag zuie | got wet | 沐水
bag | touch; touched; stain; soil; foul; stain; dirty up | 污; 沐; 沾; 染; 污染
bag'aang | covetous; envious | 眼紅
bag'ah | an ink-box | 墨盒
bag'au | behind; at the back; in the rear; behind somebody's back | 目後; 背地裡; 背後
bag'axm | blind | 目暗; 瞎
bag'e | now; at present | 目下; 眼前
bag'iuu | tears; tears caused by cold or smoke | 目油; 眼水; 眼淚; 淚水
bag'iøh | eye-drops; ophthalmic ointment; medicine for the eyes | 目藥; 眼藥
bag'iøqkøf | eye-ointment | 目藥膏
bag'iøqzuie | eye-lotion; eyewash | 目藥水
bag'w | eye socket; eye socket | 目窩
bag'øf | eye socket | 目窩; 眼窩
bag`tiøh | contamination | 沾上; 沾到; 沾著; 碰到
bagbaai | eyebrow; the eyebrows | 目眉; 眉毛
bagbaai-bøea | eyebrow tail | 目眉尾
bagbaai-mngg | eyelash | 目眉毛
bagbaai-thaau | beginning end of eyebrow | 目眉頭
bagbaipid | eyebrow pencil | 目眉筆
bagboea jiaau | wrinkles at outer side of eyes; crow's feet | 目尾皺
bagboea | the outer corner of the eye | 目尾; 眼梢
bagbøea | tip of brow | 眉梢; 目尾; 眼角
bagchiaq | 'be' envious | 目赤; 眼紅
bagchviu | carpenter; carpenter; carpentry | 木匠
bagchviu-saihu | a carpenter | 木匠
bagchviuxsaihu | carpenter | 木匠
bagchviuxtiaxm | carpenter's shop; cabinet maker's store or establishment | 木匠店
bagciab | ink; Chinese ink | 墨汁
bagciafm | pointed eyes; sty on the eyelid | 目尖; 目針; 麥粒腫; 瞼腺炎
bagciah | feel serious | 目食
bagciahmngg | eyelashes | 目隻毛
bagciaq | feel serious | 目隻
bagciaq-mngg | eyelashes | 目隻毛; 目睫毛
bagcidniq | twinkling of an eye; a moment; just a little while (Lit. blink of an eye) | 目一眨; 一眨眼
bagciu'ang'ar | pupil of the eye | 目睭尪仔; 瞳孔
bagciuaang | blood-shot eyes | 目睭紅
bagciubøea | glance; furtive glance | 目睭尾
bagciujiin | eyeball; the eyeball | 目睭仁; 眼珠; 眼球
bagciukhafng | the socket of the eyes | 目睭孔
bagciukhof | area around the eyes | 目睭眶
bagciukhu | the socket of the eyes | 目睭眶
bagciuliin | pupil | 目睭仁
bagciumngg | eyelashes | 目睭毛
bagciumof | eyelashes | 目睭毛; 眼睫毛
bagciumoo | eyelashes | 目睭毛; 眼睫毛
bagciuphee | eyeskin | 目睭皮
bagciuphoee | eyelid | 目睭皮
bagciuphøee | eyelid | 目睭皮; 眼皮子
bagciuzeeng | before the eyes; in sight; at present | 目睭前; 眼前
bagciw buibuy | eyes half-opened (closed) | 目睭微微; 眼睛半開
bagciw buxbu | vision not clear; blurred vision | 目睭霧霧; 眼花
bagciw ee ojiin | pupil of the eye | 目睭的黑仁; 眸子
bagciw ee peqjiin | white of the eye | 目睭的白仁
bagciw hoehoef | blurred vision | 目睭花花
bagciw khie ien'ng | blurred vision | 目睭起煙秧; 眼花
bagciw lai | sharpness of the vision; clear sightedness; keen eye | 目睭利; 眼光銳
bagciw nihchiauq nihchiauq | blink in fear; amazement; loss or disappointment; blink back tears | 乾瞪眼; 望巴巴地
bagciw siab | tired eyes; eyes drooping with sleep; sleepy eyes; drowsiness | 目睭澀; 眼睛澀
bagciw tengsuun | double eyelid | 目睭重紋; 雙眼皮
bagciw thapthab | deep-set or sunken eyes; eyes with bags under them | 目睭塌塌; 眼窩內凹
bagciw tiaotiaux | eyes staring upwards (when about to die) | 目睭吊吊; 斜眼
bagciw tun | not good at recognizing things | 目睭鈍; 眼力遲鈍
bagciw | eye; eye | 眼睛; 目睭
bagciw-aang | blood-shot eye | 目睭紅; 眼紅
bagciw-cieen | now; present | 目睭前; 眼前
bagciw-hoef | blurred vision | 目睭花
bagciw-jiin | apple of the eye | 目睭仁; 眼珠
bagciw-khafng | eye socket | 目睭孔; 眼眶
bagciw-khof | item circle | 目睭眶; 眼眶
bagciw-khud | eye-socket | 眼睭穴; 目睭窟; 眼窩
bagciw-mngg | lash | 目睭毛; 眼睫毛; 睫毛
bagciw-mof | eye-lash | 目睭毛; 睫毛
bagciw-phøee | upper eye-lid | 目睭皮; 眼皮
bagciw-zeeng | in front of eyes | 目睭前
bagcvix | a girl's significant glance; to flirt | 秋波; 目箭
baghafm | swollen eyelids | 目疔; 眼皮
baghiin | dizziness | 目暈; 目眩
baghoef | dim in vision; eye dim | 目花; 眼花
baghvi | ink stone | 墨硯
baghviw | a plant of the birthwort family, Aristolochia mollis | 目香
bagjiin | eyeball | 目仁; 眼珠
bagkafng | carpenter; woodwork; carpentry | 木工
bagkag | eyes corner | 眼角
bagkakciafm | pointed tip of eye's corner | 目角尖
bagkawciafm | stye | 目狗針
bagkaxng | angry eyes | 目降; 怒目
bagkhafng | eye socket | 目空
bagkhangchiaq | covetous; envious | 眼孔赤; 眼紅
bagkheg | woodcut | 木雕; 木刻
bagkhof | around the eye | 目眶; 目箍; 眼眶
bagkhofnghii | eyefish | 目孔魚
bagkiah | clogs | 木屐
bagkngf ee laang | man who can see; not blind | 目光的人; 能視的人
bagkngf | good eyesight; eyes capable of vision | 目光; 眼亮的; 眼睛無毛病的人
bagkviarjiin | lense; eyeglass lens | 目鏡仁; 眼鏡片
bagkviarkhefng | eyeglasses frame; frame of eyeglasses | 目鏡框; 眼鏡框
bagkviarliin | lense | 目鏡仁
bagkviax ab'ar | eye glass box or case | 目鏡盒仔; 眼鏡盒子
bagkviax | eyeglasses; eye-glasses; spectacles | 目鏡; 眼鏡
bagkvii | around the eyes; the edges of the eyelids | 目墘; 眼圈; 眼睛邊緣
bagkym | eyesight vision | 目金; 眼力
bagkøf | prepared Chinese ink | 墨膏; 墨汁
baglai | (lit.); eyes; eyesight | 目內; 眼簾
bagliau | wooden material | 木料
bagni | jasmine | 茉莉
bagni-hoef | Arabian jasmine | 茉莉花
bagnih'ar | in a blink of eye; an instant | 目𥍉仔
bagniq | in the twinkle of an eye | 目瞬; 一瞬間
bagniq-kuo | in a short period | 目眨久; 目𥍉久; 目瞬
bagnixhoef | jasmine flower | 茉莉花
bagphuun | a wood tub | 木棚; 木盆
bagphøee | upper eye-lid | 目皮; 眼皮
bagpvoaa | inkstone; ordinary old type of Chinese ink stand; on which bar ink is ground and mixed with water | 硯台; 墨盤
bagsad | Stinking insect; Louse; bed-bug | 目蝨; 木蝨; 臭蟲
bagsae | tears; tears | 目屎; 眼淚
bagsae-køf | discharge from eyes | 目屎膏; 眼屎
bagsaxsi | doze | 目砂視; 微睡
bagsay | carpenter | 木師; 木匠
bagsaykøf | gum(from eye); eye mucus | 目屎膏; 眼屎
bagseg khar | quick at understanding or imitating | 目色巧; 眼力好
bagseg | (n) hint or signal given with one's eyes; expression in one's eyes indicating one's intention or wish | 目色; 目識; 眼光; 眼色; 眼力
bagsiin | (n) expression or emotion showing in one's eyes; expression of the eyes; luster or brightness of the eyes | 目神; 眼神
bagsit | good value | 木師; 合算
bagsuun | wrinkles near eyes | 目紋; 眼邊紋
bagtaai | an ink-stone, an ink-stand | 木台; 墨臺
bagtao | carpenter's ink box and line for printing guidelines; ink utensil used by the carpenter to make markings | 墨斗
bagtao-svoax | thread used in carpenter's ink box and line for printing guidelines; ink utensil used by the carpenter to make markings | 墨斗線
bagte | personality | 目地; 起眼
bagthaau katkad | frown | 目頭結結
bagthaau khar | skilful at recognizing or calculating at a glance | 目頭巧; 眼識好
bagthaau koaan | proudly looking down on people; as on poor relatives | 目頭高; 勢力眼
bagthaau | inner corner of eyes, trademark | 目頭; 商標
bagtoe | eye-catching | 目地
bagzadar | squid | 木賊仔
bagzadchiarm | baked cuttlefish | 烏賊叉
bagzat | sepia; cuttlefish | 墨賊
bagzeeng | currently | 目前; 眼前
bagzheg | measure distance with the eyes | 目測
bagzhvef bag'ngg | very anxious | 目青目黃; 十分焦急
bagzuie | ink | 墨水
bagzuie-paan | ink bottle, inkpot | 墨水瓶
bagzuie-ui | ink paint | 墨水畫
bah | dense; close; intimate; tight | 密
bah'iuu | lard | 肉油; 豬油
bah'oaan | meatball; meat balls | 肉圓; 肉丸
bah'oaan-thngf | meatball soup | 肉圓湯
bah'oan'ar | meatball | 肉丸仔
bah'va | stuffed meat | 肉餡
bahbahbaq | full of meat | 肉肉肉
bahbaq | puffy | 肉肉; 胖胖的
bahburn | give a wee smile | 肉刎; 微笑
bahburn-chiøx | give a wee smile | 含吻笑
bahbuy | happy; a little | 肉微; 愉快; 含微
bahbwn'chiøx | smile enigmatically | 肉吻仔
bahciab | meat extract; meat juice; meat broth; gravy | 肉汁
bahcid | quality of meat | 肉質; 肉的部位
bahcit'ar | pomfret | 肉鯽仔
bahcviux | meat grinded and cooked with flavor; meat pulp; mashed meat cooked with soybean sauce | 肉醬
bahhi'ar | pomfret | 肉魚仔
bahhii | Japanese butter fish, silver carp, Psenopsis anomala | 肉魚; 瓜子鯧
bahhuar | pomfret | 肉魚仔
bahhuo | shredded and dried pork; dried meat; shredded | 肉脯; 肉鬆
bahjioong | grind meat | 肉絨; 絞肉
bahkarm | voluptuous; buxom; sexy | 性感
bahkear | farm raised chicken | 肉雞仔
bahkiao | meat ravioli; meat stuffed dumplings | 肉餃
bahkiern | meat roll | 肉繭; 肉捲子
bahkix | soft flesh-colored mole; wart | 肉痣
bahkoear | farm raised chicken | 肉雞仔
bahkof | king mushrooms | 肉菇; 初茸
bahkud | pork chop; pork cutlet; spare ribs | 肉骨; 排骨
bahkud-thngf | meat bone soup | 肉骨湯
bahkvef | meat soup | 肉羹
bahkvoaf | sliced and dried meat; cured meat; dried meat | 肉干; 肉乾
bahkvy | special pork soup | 肉羹
bahkwn | tendon | 肉筋
bahkyn | muscles | 肉筋
bahlee | a kind of shellfish | 肉螺
bahliuu | tumor or goiter; fleshy tumor on neck or head; sarcoma | 肉瘤
bahlo | like to eat meat | 肉路; 肉類
bahlui | meat; different kinds of meat | 肉類
bahmi | vermicelli or noodles flavored with meat | 肉麵
bahofng | leprosy | 麻瘋
bahofng-pvi | leprosy | 痲瘋病; 麻瘋
bahongpve | leprosy; Hansen's disease | 痲瘋病
bahpaw | a steamed bun with meat stuffing; meat dumplings; steamed dumplings stuffed with meat | 肉包; 肉包子
bahphee | meat skin | 肉皮
bahphirn | meat | 肉品
bahphiøx | hostage kidnapped for ransom | 肉票
bahphoee | pork rind | 肉皮
bahphvix | slice of meat; sliced meat; meat cut in small pieces; squares or bits | 肉片
bahphøee | skin of meat | 肉皮; 豬皮
bahpor | preserved meat | 肉脯
bahpviafbin | broad fat face not good-looking | 肉餅面; 大肥臉
bahpviar | sesame seed cake; cake stuffed with meat; meat-pie | 肉餅
bahpviar-bin | sesame seed cake face | 肉餅臉
bahsab | scraps of meat | 肉屑
bahseg | color of meat; fleshed colored | 肉色
bahsimi | noodles with sliced meat | 肉絲麵
bahsof | shredded and crisp dried pork; shredded meat | 肉酥; 肉鬆
bahsud | meat chips or bits | 肉屑
bahsuq | bus | 巴士; 公共汽車
bahsvi'ar | minced meat | 肉生仔; 肉豉仔; 碎肉
bahsvoax | surgical catgut | 肉線; 羊腸線
bahsy | Shredded meat; shredded meat | 肉絲
bahsy-mi | shredded pork noodles | 肉絲麵
bahsyn | mortal body | 肉身
bahsøx | meat sauce | 肉燥
bahtau | hyacinth bean | 肉豆; 扁豆
bahtaxng | jelly of meat; coagulated pork soup or jelly | 肉凍
bahthea | body | 肉體
bahthea`ee | carnal | 肉體的
bahthngf | meat soup; gravy; consomme | 肉湯
bahtiafm | chopping block for meal; meat stall; butcher's chopping block; meat stall (in a market) | 肉砧; 肉攤
bahtiaxm | butcher shop | 肉店
bahtvoaa | sexy; buxom beauty; a woman with an hourglass figure; a siren; a bombshell | 肉彈; 豐胸美女
bahzarngkag | concrete made for protecting seashore with shape like rice ball | 肉粽角
bahzaxng | steamed rice wrapped in leaves; packet of meat and rice; glutinous rice pastry stuffed with meat and wrapped in bamboo leaves; then steamed or boiled | 肉粽; 肉棕
bai | search; try; make polite inquiries | 覓; 試試看
bai'oaxn | complain of; bear grudge against; blame; grumble; complain | 埋怨
baibak | prospect of a solution | 眉目
baibeeng | hide one's name; conceal one's name; live incognito | 埋名
baibiet | buried | 埋滅
baibut jinzaai | bury one's talent; don't use a subordinate's ability to good advantage | 埋沒人才
baibut | bury; unrecognized (talent); conceal from recognition; bury one's talents | 埋沒
baihok | ambush; lie or hide in ambush | 埋伏
baikirn | virus; ばいきん | 細菌; 黴菌
baikud pud baibeeng | intern the bones but not his name | 埋骨無埋名
baikud | bury the remains | 埋骨
baioaxn | brood over a grievance, murmur against | 埋怨
baithaau | put one's head down; duck | 眉間; 埋頭; 眉頭
baithiøo khofkaxn | work with full effort while ignoring other people's criticisms (Lit. bury one's head in a book) | 埋頭苦幹
baithiøo | put one's head down; duck | 埋頭
baixpve | visit the sick | 探病
baixsofng | inquire about mourning ceremonies; condole with someone on his bereavement | 弔喪
baizoong | conceal; hide; bury; hide; conceal; bury treasure or weapons | 埋藏
baizornglea | funeral ceremony | 埋葬禮
baizoxng | bury; inter; bury a corpse | 埋葬
baiøh | anesthetic | 麻藥
bajar | a bazaar, a charity bazaar, a fancy fair | 集市
bajiteg | a type of bamboo | 貓兒竹
bak zhefng bii siux | handsome | 目清眉秀
bak | ink-stick or ink; wood; eye; jasmine; desert; wood; trees | 墨; 目; 節; 茉; 木; 漠
bak'iuu | touch oil | 沾油
bak`nih | in one's eyes | 目裡; 眼中
bakaf | dishonest; unreasonable | 無老實; 不講理
bakbag taktag | miscellaneous | 沾沾觸觸; 零零碎碎
bakchiuo | (vi) meddle; meddle in another's affairs | 沾手; 參與; 干涉
bakciukhafng | eye-socket | 目睭眶
bakkhaf bakchiuo | can't do much | 沾手沾腳
bakkhaf-bakchiuo | get one's feet; hands wet | 沾手沾腳
bakku | the back, the background, a backer, a supporter | 背景
bakkuq | reversing | 倒車; 源自日語バック(bakku)
bakkvoa | soak with sweating; stain with perspiration | 沾汗; 沾到汗
baktaam | get web; soil by wetting | 弄濕; 沾濕
baktafng baksay | covered with all sorts of filth | 沾東沾西; 沾這沾那
baktag | troublesome; bothersome; confusing | 沾觸; 細煩; 煩瑣; 煩碎
baktiau | moist with; wet to; soak with; be stained with; touch | 沾住
bakzhuix | touched it by mouth; food around mouth | 染嘴; 沾嘴
bakzuie | touch water; dabbling in water | 弄水; 沐水; 玩水; 沾水
balii | bamboo shelter on sampan | 小船艙
baliteg | a type of bamboo | 貓兒竹
ban kek ban | hard to do | 慢極慢; (快極快)
ban | section of fruit; ten thousand; large numbers; myriad; all; very; extremely; absolutely | 瓣; 慢; 萬
ban'afkviar | the youngest child | 萬仔囝; 么仔囝
ban'afsi | just a minute | 慢仔是; 稍待
ban'ar | youngest kid in a family | 屘仔
ban'iern | tendril; vine | 蔓衍
ban-kviaa | walk carefully, goodbye | 慢走; 慢行
ban-puttek'ie | be forced to do it; to have no alternative; the last resort | 萬無得已
ban`ji | swastika | 万字
ban`khix | late | 慢去; 遲了
banbaan | insensible, dull | 蠻蠻
bancirm | youngest aunt; the wife of youngest uncle among father's younger brothers | 慢嬸; 最小的嬸嬸
bang ciawar | catch birds with a net | 網鳥仔
bang lie zafkuy | wish you come back soon | 望你早歸
bang okbang | have a nightmare | 夢惡夢
bang | dream; expect; net; hope; prospect; to hope; expect | 夢; 望; 網; 捕捉; 希望
bang'afmngg | screen door | 網仔門; 網屏
bang'ar | net | 網仔
bang'ar-thafng | window-screen | 網仔窗
bang'iorng | brave | 蠻勇
bang`kvix | to dream; to see in a dream | 夢見
bangbaang | vague; euphoric; drunk | 茫茫; 醉酒
bangbafng | very small (as rain) | 細小; 濛濛
bangbang'ar | very small (as rain) | 濛濛仔; 細小
bangbu | foggy | 茫霧
banghoef | some type of flower | 芒花
bangloan | to be busy with, to be occupied with | 忙亂
banglok | busy, engaged, in a bustle | 忙錄; 忙碌
bangtafng | some kind of vegetable | 芒苳; 蘆葦
bangzhao | grass | 芒草
banheeng | daringness; outrageousness | 蠻橫
banhofng | wild; waste | 蠻荒
banhun | hate | 蠻恨
bankviar | youngest kid in a family | 屘囝
bankøx | obstinate, stubborn | 頑固
banmoaa | cover with sack-cloth 'as shoes in mourning' | 披麻
banphee | stubborn | 蠻皮
banphesiern | stubborn ringworm | 蠻皮癬
banphoee | thick skinned; incorrigible; unruly; naughty; a whippersnapper; incorrigible, clow to respond to correction | 蠻皮; 很皮; 蹭著
banphoesiern | stubborn ringworm | 蠻皮癬
banphøee | sluggish to response; incorrigible | 蠻皮; 頑皮
banput'heng | unfortunate | 萬無幸
bansexng | chronic disease | 慢性
bao | trade; barter; exchange; monopolize; make a windfall profit | 卯; 貿; 大賺; 承包
bao-sii | 5~7 a.m | 卯時
bao`khix | windfall profit | 卯去; 貿去; 賺去
bao`sie`aq | windfalls | 卯死矣
bao`tiøh | windfall profit | 卯到; 賺到
bapiepve | polio | 麻痺病
bapiezexng | paralysis, polioa | 麻痺症; 小兒麻痹
bapix | numb; paralyzed; numb; paralysis | 痲痺; 麻痺
baq kiw`khix | muscular dystrophy | 肉縮去
baq | meat; meat; flesh; pork if not otherwise specified; pulp or edible part of fruit; blade of a knife | 肉
barn hoef | defloration | 挽花
barn koefcie | pick fruits | 挽果子; 摘水果
barn onglaai | to pick pineapples | 摘鳳梨
barn tee | picking | 挽茶
barn zhaix | to pick vegetables | 摘菜
barn zhao | pulling grass | 挽草
barn zhuiekhie | extract a tooth | 挽嘴齒; 拔牙
barn | pluck; pick; clench; pull or draw out nail or tooth; pluck fruit or flower | 挽; 摘; 採; 拔
barn`khylaai | pull out | 拔起來
barng | mosquito; small boat; boa; python; mosquito | 蚊; 蠓; 蟒; 艋
barnggaq | comic strip; cartoons; the funnies; comic books | 卡通
basia | local anesthetic | 麻射
bat | close; tightly fitting; secretly; closely | 密
bat'hex | know the goods | 捌貨
bat'hoex | know the goods; able to evaluate wares correctly, able to judge the worth of an artistic work, able to tell good from bad | 捌貨
bat'høex | able to evaluate wares correctly; able to judge the worth of an artistic work; able to tell good from bad | 識貨
bat-ciuociux | extremely tight | 密喌喌
batbad | knowing a little, somewhat acquainted | 識識; 捌捌
batbad`leq | know well, can see well | 識識咧; 捌捌咧
batbatbad | know quite well | 識識識
bathaau | mistress of a brothel | 描頭; 媌頭; 老鴇
batji | able to read; literacy; know characters; be able to read; be educated | 識字; 捌字; 徽章
batkhvoax | remembered to see it | 曾看
batkhvoax`kvix | saw it | 曾看見
batkorng | mentioned | 曾講
batlaang | know someone; know a person thoroughly | 識人; 能分辨人
batlea | polite; acquainted with the rules of etiquette | 識禮; 識大體
batli | literacy | 捌字
batlo | know the way; know the road | 識路; 認識路
batpør | know how to treasure; know the value of things; have a sense of values | 識寶; 識貨
batsu | familiar with human affairs (said of the young who understand life fast) | 懂事
batsviu | did think about it; diligent at work and regular in behavior; (as boy or lad); discerning; discreet | 曾想; 會辨別是非; 懂事
battaq | bat | 球棒; 源自日語バッター(battaa)
batthviaf | heard it | 曾聽
bau mi | cold noodles | 㴘麵
bau | contract; arm with hot water | 貿; 㴘替
bauh kangsu | contract to build public works or big projects | 貿工事; 承辦工事
bauh siogmih | buy things cheap by lot | 貿俗物; 大買便宜貨
bauh | vast profit; commerce; trade; contract a job to build or do something; contract for a piece of work; to buy the whole lot | 貿; 承攬; 包工; 大賺; 總攬; 承包
bauh`laai | bid a contract | 貿來; 包下買來; 承攬來
bauqkafng | bid a task; contract a job | 包工; 貿工; 包下工程; 承攬工
bauqsid | bid a task | 貿穡; 包下工作; 承攬工作
bauqthaau | contracter; contractor | 貿頭; 承攬頭; 包商
bauturn | inconsistency; self-contradiction; discrepancy | 矛盾
bauxkafng | contract | 貿工
bauxmi | cooking vermicelli | 泡麵; 㴘麵; 泡煮麵條
bauxthaau | contracter | 貿頭
baw | wrap; package; parcel | 包
bawchvy | Pleiades | 昴星
bawsii | the 4th period of the day: 5-7 a.m. | 卯時
bawzhvef | Pleiades | 昴星
baxba | tightly close; tightly joined | 密密; 峇峇
baxbaxsi | all over; all around | 密密是; 到處都是
baxbu | blurred; vague; indistinct; dim | 模糊; 密霧
baxbuxkngf | blurred light; vague light; indistinct light; dim light | 模糊光; 密霧光
baxciah | seeking food | 覓食
baxcvii | seed money | 覓錢
baxhiøh | eagle; kite | 鴟鶚; 鴟鴞; 鳶
baxkhafng | look or hunt for a hole | 覓孔; 找職
baxn'erngkøf | amazing medicine paste | 萬應膏
baxn'id | if by any chance; by any possibility; in case of; eventuality; if perchance; by any chance; should there be | 萬一
baxn'ieen | contagion; diffusion; spread like creeping plants; used figuratively of evils | 蔓延
baxn'iuo ynlek | gravitation | 萬有引力
baxn'iuo | all things | 萬有
baxn'iuu | roam; cruise; on one's ramble; tour without a serious purpose; travel about for pleasure | 漫遊
baxn'oe | cartoons | 漫畫
baxn'oexkaf | cartoonist | 漫畫家
baxn'og iim ui siuo | Lewdness is the worst of all sins | 萬惡淫為首
baxn'og | all the evils; extremely evil | 萬惡
baxnban putkhør | absolutely forbidden; by all means no; under no circumstance | 萬萬無可
baxnban | slowly | 慢慢
baxnban'afkviaa | walk slowly; good-bye | 慢慢仔走; 再見
baxnban'aflaai | slowly; Don't rush! Take your time! | 慢慢仔來
baxnban'afsi | slowly; cautiously; Take it easy. Take your time | 慢慢仔是
baxnban'ar | slowly | 慢慢仔
baxnban-kviaa | walk slowly | 慢慢行
baxnbie | myriameter | 萬米; 慢米; 萬用表
baxnbiin | people; all people; the people | 萬民
baxnbuitsid | foolproof; not one mistake or fault in a million | 萬無一失
baxnbut cy leeng | man (Lit. Wisest of all creatures) | 萬物之靈
baxnbut | everything | 萬物
baxnbuu itsid | freedom from all error or defect; infallibility; absolutely safe or sure; certain to succeed | 萬無一失
baxnbuu | impossible; unfocussed | 萬無; 漫無
baxnbuu-itsid | perfect, without a seingle mistake | 萬無一失
baxnchiaf | slow car(train; bus); local train or bus | 慢車; 普通車
baxnchiaf-tø | slow traffic lane | 慢車道
baxnchiatø | slow-traffic lanes | 慢車道
baxnchviafkorng | don't speak just now | 慢且講; 先別說
baxnchviafsi | Wait a minute! Don't do it right now | 慢且是; 慢著
baxnchviar | wait | 慢且
baxnciahsi | wait | 等一下; 慢且是
baxnciaq | Wait a minute! | 慢著; 等一等
baxncie chienhoong | vast array of dazzling colors (said of flowers) | 萬紫千紅
baxncioxng itsym | all for one and one for all; with one aspiration in their heart; solidarity | 萬眾一心
baxng | don't | 甭; 別; 無可
baxng'afn | a city in Penghu County | 望安
baxng'ar | net | 網仔
baxng'ar-pox | net clothes | 網仔布
baxng'iah | web paes | 網頁
baxng'iuo | netizen | 網友
baxng'iupvi | sleepwalking, somnambulism | 夢遊病
baxng'iuu | sleepwalk; sleepwalker; noctambulation | 夢遊
baxng'iuu-pvi | sleepwalking, somnambulism | 夢遊症; 夜遊症
baxng'iuzexng | somnambulism; sleep walking | 夢遊症
baxng'oe | words uttered in one's sleep; daydream; nonsense; trumpery | 夢話
baxng'uii | a wet dream, nocturnal emission | 夢遺; 夢遺精
baxngbak | mesh; net | 網目; 網眼
baxngciao | catch birds | 網鳥
baxngcie | URL | 網址
baxnggøeh | watching the moon | 望月
baxnghek | domain | 網域
baxnghiaf | net | 網瓠
baxnghii | catch fishes with net; catch fish with a net | 網魚
baxnghiofng | dreamland; asleep; dreamland; slumber | 夢鄉
baxngie | words uttered without much thought; unsupported or unfounded remarks | 漫語; 漫言
baxngieen | words uttered without much thought; unsupported or unfounded remarks | 漫語; 漫言
baxngkerng | dreamland | 夢境
baxngkhafng | mesh; net | 網孔; 網眼
baxngkiutui | a tennis team | 網球隊
baxngkiutviuu | tennis court | 網球場
baxngkiuu | tennis; tennis ball; tennis | 網球
baxngkvix | dream | 夢見
baxnglo | network | 網路
baxngmoh | retina of the eye | 網膜; (眼睛)
baxngoa | over ten thousands | 萬外; 一萬餘
baxngsef | membrane enclosing a pig's inner organs | 網紗; 漁網; 網狀的豬油
baxngsiorng | dream of; hope for (something not attainable); to have vision of | 夢想
baxngsvoax | net thread | 網線
baxngsøq | net rope | 網索
baxngtafng | expect winter; sparrow; finch | 望冬; 台灣鷦鶯; 灰頭布袋鳥; 燕雀
baxngte | bag or pocket made of net | 網袋
baxngtiofng | in the dream; in a dream | 夢中
baxngtiongjiin | sweetheart | 夢中人
baxngtui | the metal tied to the fishing net; small weights for sinking nets | 網錘
baxnguu kau sayjiø | put off work; slow to get started (Lit. A sluggish ox leaves a lot of manure and urine.) | 慢牛厚屎尿; 懶牛屎尿多
baxngzam | web site | 網站
baxngzeabaxnglo | Internet | 網際網路
baxngzex | internet | 網際
baxnhang | ten thousand items; a great many items; everything | 萬般; 萬項; 各項
baxnhea | light, slow fire | 慢火
baxnheng | luckily; very lucky (Lit. myriad felicities) | 萬幸; 幸運; 僥倖
baxnhoakviax | a triangular prism | 三稜鏡; 萬花鏡
baxnhoea | slow fire for cooking | 溫火; 慢火
baxnhog | endless happiness; endless good fortune; blessed; boundless blessings | 萬福
baxnhun | fully, wholly | 萬分
baxnhw | ten thousand men; money people | 萬夫
baxnhwn | late marriage; to marry late in one's life | 晚婚; 慢分; 萬分
baxnjinthiorng | mass burial ground or grave | 萬人塚
baxnkengcie | simple-leaf chaste-tree, Vitex rotundifolia | 蔓荊子
baxnkhaf baxnchiuo | slow in doing things; slow moving; sluggish; slothful | 慢手慢腳
baxnkhuix | very slow in doing something | 慢氣; 慢一步
baxnkinlat | full strength | 萬斤力
baxnkoaxn kazaai | very rich; wealthy | 萬貫家財
baxnkoaxn | very rich; wealthy | 萬貫
baxnkof | youngest aunt | 慢姑; 最小的姑媽
baxnkog | international; world wide; all countries; all nations; all countries; all kingdoms | 萬國
baxnkor | through the ages; forever; a very long time; eons ago; eternity; extremely ancient times | 萬古
baxnkunzhao | yard grass, Eleusine indica | 蔓筋草
baxnkviaa | walk slowly; good-bye | 慢走; 再見
baxnky | numerous affairs | 萬機
baxnkym | numerous gold; priceless | 萬金
baxnlaai | come late | 晚來; 遲到
baxnlaan | extremely difficult; well-nigh impossible | 萬難
baxnle | vivid and beautiful | 曼麗
baxnleeng phoksu | Mr. know-it-all | 萬能博士
baxnleeng | almighty; all-powerful; omnipotent; almighty; serving all purposes | 萬能
baxnleng'iøh | cure-all; wonder drug | 萬靈藥
baxnlengsør | skeleton key | 萬能鎖
baxnliam kuxhoef | completely discouraged; extremely pessimistic; totally devoid of ambition and hope | 萬念俱灰
baxnlie buhuun | cloudless | 萬里無雲
baxnlie phengtheeng | an expression used to congratulate someone or give him your best wishes; (Lit. very promising; future unlimited) | 萬里鵬程
baxnlie tiongzefng | launch a military expedition very far away; embark on a long journey | 萬里長征
baxnlie tngsviaa | the great wall of China; the wall ten thousand miles long | 萬里長城
baxnlie | ten thousand miles; ten thousand miles; an incalculable distance | 萬里
baxnlieen kiwoarn | lasting very long; perpetual; eternal | 萬年久遠
baxnlieen pid | fountain pen | 萬年筆; 鋼筆
baxnlieen | ten thousand years; forever; all ages; eternity | 永遠; 萬年
baxnlienlek | calendar designed for use over many years | 萬年曆
baxnlienpid | ink pen; fountain pen; fountain pen | 萬年筆; 鋼筆
baxnlienzhefng | Chinese evergreen | 萬年青
baxnma | abuse or slander at random | 謾罵
baxnmih | all things on earth; the whole creation | 萬物
baxnmiq | all things, everything | 萬物
baxnmøh | retina of the eye | 網膜
baxnnii | ten thousand years; a very long period of time | 萬年
baxnnikiwoarn | forever | 萬年久遠
baxnpafng | numerous countries; numerous nations | 萬邦
baxnpahhang | very many | 萬百項; 事多如牛毛
baxnpehsvix | all people of the world | 萬百姓
baxnphao | jog | 慢跑
baxnpheeng | rambling comments | 漫評
baxnpid | familiar essay | 漫筆
baxnpo | wander; traipse; jog; meander; ramble; stroll; saunter | 漫步
baxnpoe | ten thousand-fold | 萬倍
baxnput'heng | unfortunate | 萬不幸
baxnputkay | usually used in the subjunctive mood to indicate one's regret for having done something; really should not have; most emphatically not; a thousand no's | 萬無該
baxnputleeng | most impossible of all impossibilities; a metaphysical impossibility | 萬無能
baxnputtek'ie | extremely helpless | 萬不得已
baxnpvoaf | all; various; utterly; extremely; all; every; various; extremely; in many different ways | 萬般
baxnsafn phiern'iar | found everywhere (Lit. so numerous it covers the mountains and the plains) | 漫山遍野
baxnseng | ten thousand chariots; numerous chariots | 萬乘
baxnsex | forever; eternal | 萬世
baxnsexng bongtng'iam | chronic appendicitis | 慢性盲腸炎
baxnsexng | slow acting; slow to take effect; chronic disease; sluggish disposition | 慢性
baxnsexng-pvi | a chronic disease | 慢性病
baxnsie itsefng | very slim chance of keeping oneself alive; very risky; very lucky to escape death | 萬死一生
baxnsiexntoong | slowpoke; container or place for placing bones of deceased that are not picked up by relatives | 萬善堂; 做事慢半拍
baxnsiong kengsyn | all things change from old to new; a new year; (ever ancient; ever new) | 萬象更新
baxnsiong | all the universe; all things of universe; the countless aspects or forms of the world and natural phenomena | 萬象
baxnsiu | long life; emperor's birthday | 萬壽
baxnsiuxkiog | African marigold, Tagetes erecta | 萬壽菊
baxnsiuxkør | papaya, melon-tree Carica papaya | 萬壽果
baxnsix | for all ages; generation after generation | 萬世
baxnsoea'iaa | long life god | 萬歲爺
baxnsoex | long life; long live; Hurrah! Viva! Long live | 萬歲
baxnsoex-iaa | the Emperor | 萬歲爺
baxnsu ju'ix | everything succeeded just as desired- the fulfillment of every wish or desire | 萬事如意
baxnsu paethog | Please help in all matters | 萬事拜託
baxnsu | everything; all affairs; all things; everything | 萬事
baxnsuixkiog | African marigold, Tagetes erecta | 萬瑞菊
baxnsuju'ix | Everything is just as we would desire | 萬事如意
baxnsuxciog | well satisfied | 萬事足
baxnsuxhiw | all is lost for a person; all things cease at death | 萬事休
baxnsuxthofng | jack-of-all-trades | 萬事通
baxntaam | casual comment; rambling talk | 漫談
baxntafng | tardiness; very slow; late winter; the second rice harvest | 慢冬; 慢吞吞; 二期作
baxntai | ten thousand generations; throughout the ages; for all generations to come; endless generations afterward; eternity | 萬代
baxnthai | treat a guest rudely or discourteously (self-deprecating phrase often used in a polite conversation to indicate your guest deserves better treatment) | 慢待
baxnthunthwn | irritatingly slow; exasperatingly slow | 慢吞吞
baxntiau | slow movement in music | 慢調
baxntng chimkhvef | an abyss ten thousand feet deep; a very deep abyss | 萬丈深坑
baxntoafn | all kinds of matters | 萬端
baxntoxngzog | slow motion | 慢動作
baxntun | slow; sluggish | 慢鈍; 遲鈍
baxnzeg | youngest uncle among father's younger brothers | 慢叔; 最小的叔叔
baxnzoaan | perfect; extremely safe or sound; failure-proof | 萬全
baxnzok | all races | 萬族
baxnzuo cy zuo | Lord of Lords | 萬主之主
baybae | something bad, not quite pretty | 醜醜
baybaybae | very ugly | 醜醜醜
baybi | bad smell; odor; stink; bad-smelling | 臭味; 醜味; 味道無好
baychiuo | left handed | 䆀手
baychiwar | southpaw; a lefty | 醜手仔; 左撇子
bayhoex | goods of poor quality; substandard goods; bad man | 醜貨; 無良物品 (人)
bayhøex | bad products | 醜貨; 無好的貨品
baykaau | ugly; very ugly | 醜猴; 無美; 醜陋
baykaukaau | very very ugly | 醜猴猴
baykhoarn | ugly; getting out of bounds; too awful; disreputable | 醜款; 外表難看; 無像樣
baykhuix | unlucky | 醜氣; 運氣無好
baykhvoarsviux | ugly; getting out of bounds; too awful; disreputable | 無像樣; 難看; 醜看相
baykiøhsiaux | bad actor or actress; unskillful worker | 醜叫數; 無合群的
baylo | bad; bad road; ugly; violate law road | 醜路; 粗惡; 犯法的路
baytai | bad affairs | 醜代; 壞事
baytaq | hard to reason with | 難纏
bayteg zhud høfsurn | Accomplishments of a child can be greater than his parents. (Lit. a bad bamboo tree produces good bamboo shoots.) | 壞竹出好筍
bayzhef | ugly wife | 醜妻
bayzvae | ring finger | 䆀指
bayzøx | difficult to do or make | 難做
bazuiesw | anesthetist | 麻醉師
bazuiezef | anesthetics | 麻醉劑; (藥)
bazuix | anaesthetization; anesthetize; to dope | 麻醉
bazuix-sw | anesthesiologist | 麻醉師; 麻醉專家
be ansym | heart or conscience filled with remorse or trouble; devoid of peace; uneasy; insecure; anxious | 無安心
be arnsngx | unpredictable | 袂按算
be arnsngx`tid | beyond the realm of calculation; unexpected; can not be anticipated | 未按算得; 無能預料
be bengpek | incomprehensible; cannot understand | 無明白
be bøcvii | sell below cost; to sell below value | 賤價; 賣無錢
be ciah | not to be able to eat very much | 不食; 吃得很少
be ciah`tid | not fit to be eaten | 不可以吃; 不可食的
be eng`tid | improper, not alright | 不行; 不能用的
be horngsym | heart or conscience filled with remorse or trouble; devoid of peace; uneasy; insecure; anxious | 無放心
be hunbeeng | unintelligible; incomprehensible; indistinguishable; indistinct; confusion | 無分明
be jin`tid | can not recognize; can not be recognized, do not recognize | 不認得
be jinzeeng | curry favor; do someone a favor for personal consideration | 賣人情
be koarnsix | detest; to disdain | 未慣勢; 無習慣
be koeachiuo | unable to do something successfully | 未過手
be koeagiexn | insatiable taste or craving for pleasure; never satisfied; always requesting or asking for more | 無過癮
be koeazuie | impervious to water; waterproof | 未過水; 無透水
be piernseg | color will not change or fade | 無變色; 不褪色
be pinzurn | groundless; improbable; unworthy of belief | 未憑准; 無能依據
be sengkofng | it will fail (not be successful) | 袂成功
be siauhoax ee mih | indigestible things | 袂消化的物
be sixn`tid | can not be believed, can not believe, do not believe | 袂信的
be sngrtid pae | innumerable times | 未算得次; 好多次
be thaohofng | wind proof | 未透風
be theaseg | it won't fade | 袂褪色
be tiaupag | cannot retain in the stomach; cannot keep in mind | 未條腹; 吃無上胃
be titthafng | the negative of e-tang; expresses physical or moral impossibility | 未得通; 無能
be zhengzhør | cannot see distinctly | 未清楚
be | see [[boe]], [[bøe]]; expresses interior, inherent or innate capacity or incapacity, a permanent capacity or incapacity, frequently translated in English by does or does not | 袂; 賣; 未; 無會
be`laang | sell 'to' someone | 賣人
bea bexkhie | cannot afford to buy it | 買無起
bea bexseeng | not to buy something because of a disagreement about the price | 買無成
bea bextiøh | cannot buy it | 買無到
bea bextør | too expensive to buy it | 買無倒; 買不起
bea exkhie | able to afford it | 買得起
bea jinsym | craftily gain the hearts of people; win someone over | 買人心
bea | horse; buy; a yard | 馬; 買; 碼
bea-kaxkviw | bit for guiding a horse | 馬咬薑; 馬勒
bea-legsøq | reins | 馬力繩; 馬韁
bebak | superficially attractive; dizzy; teeny-weeny eyes | 目眩; 金玉其外; 咪目
bebang | delusive dream; illusion; delusion | 迷夢
bebee | feel tempted, seduced | 迷迷
bebekiøx | whine | 哇哇叫
bee | porridge; gruel; congee; tempt; charm; fascinate | 迷; 誘惑; 迷惑; 粥; 稀飯
bee`khix | addict to | 迷去; 迷走了
bee`laang | fascinating; enchanting; charming; tempting | 迷人
bee`tiøh | enamor | 迷著
beea'bebee | deeply charmed to become conciousless | 迷迷迷
beeng boarn thienha | enjoy a world-wide fame; be world-famous | 名滿天下
beeng cirn suohofng | His name was heard on all sides | 名震四方
beeng huu kii sit | name matches reality; be worthy of name | 名符其實
beeng ioong suohae | become famous all over the world | 名揚四海
beeng ioong thienha | name spread all over the world; the name is known far and wide | 名揚天下
beeng køx kii sit | have an exaggerated reputation | 名過其實
beeng liet cienmaau | head the list of successful candidates | 名列前茅
beeng lok sunsafn | fail in examination; the name is not in the list of successful candidates | 名落孫山
beeng pud hithoaan | one's reputation well-deserved | 名無虛傳
beeng suii hiøxsex | hand down a name to posterity | 名垂後世
beeng zexng gieen sun | valid in name and in reasoning; have good reason; deserve; justified | 名正言順
beeng | clear or plain; name; tea; to sprout; covenant; inscription; to sound or ring; solemn declaration before the gods; oath; covenant; alliance; contract; to swear | 明; 銘; 茗; 名; 盟; 鳴; 萌; 清楚
beerng'bengbeeng | so | 明明明
bef | teeny-weeny | 咪
befafkviar | youngest kid in a family | 尾仔囝
befar | pony | 馬仔
befau | in the end; at the end; at the rear | 後面
befbaq | horse meat | 馬肉
befbe | buy and sell; trade; business | 買賣
befbin | horse face | 馬面
befbuo | mare | 馬母; 母馬
befbøea | horsetail | 馬尾
befbøo | not to have bought because it was not on sale or not on the market; no place to buy | 買無; 買無到
befchiaf | horse wagon; horse drawn carriages | 馬車
befchiaf-bea | horse for wagon | 馬車馬
befchiuo | buyer | 買主; 買手
befcie | numerical character used by businessmen in China | 碼子
befcii | a kind of yam; water chestnut; water chestnut | 馬薺; 荸薺; 馬蹄
befcixn | buy | 買進
befgee | a banquet held by corporation in lunar Dec. as employes reward | 尾牙
befheeng | horse shape | 馬形
befhiethoaan | circus troupe | 馬戲團
befhix | circus; circus show | 馬戲
befhoex | buy or purchase merchandise | 買貨
befhofng | the buyer | 買方
befhw | horse buggy driver; stable boy; groom | 馬夫
befiah | butterfly | 尾蝶; 蝴蝶
befie | saddle; horse chair; stepladder | 馬椅; 活梯
befiuu | buy edible oil | 買油; 沽油
befjip | buy | 買入
befkaf | mackerel | 馬鮫
befkafng | male horse | 公馬
befkex | purchasing price | 買價
befkhaf | unintentionally shows; betrayed by a slip; horse foot | 馬腳
befkhao-chiu | rotund holly | 馬口樹
befkhao-thiq | tinplate | 馬口鐵
befkhawthiq | tin; tin plate | 馬口鐵
befkhox | riding breeches | 馬褲
befkhytau | broad bean | 馬齒豆
befkoax | outer jacket of Chinese dress | 馬蓋; 馬褂
befkviar | pony | 馬囝; 小馬
befkwn | cavalry | 馬軍; 騎兵隊
beflat | horsepower; horse power | 馬力
befliao | bought | 買了
befliauxsøq | horse rope | 馬繚索
befliw | tail; end | 尾溜
beflixzvae | last two fingers | 尾二指
beflo | street-road; highway | 馬路
beflofng | sort of bells on horse | 馬瓏; 馬鈴
beflong | horse bell | 馬瓏; 馬鈴
befloxcvii | pay robber gangs for protection on journey | 買路錢
befloxsoex | pay robber gangs for protection on journey | 買路稅
befløfge | cornelian | 瑪瑙牙
beflør | cornelian; agate | 瑪瑙
befng'iorng | brave; intrepidity; valiance; valiancy; valor | 猛勇; 勇猛
befng'og | fierce evil; very very bad | 猛惡
befngcioxng | brave general; fierce general | 猛將
befngcixn | a striking advance; radical reform; remarkable improvement or progress | 猛進
befnghaxn | brave person | 猛漢
befnghoea | raging inferno; blaze | 猛火; 快火; 烈火
befnghofng pøxuo | fierce wind violent rain; a storm | 猛風暴雨
befnghofng | fierce wind | 猛風
befnghor | raging tiger; fierce tiger | 猛虎
befnghøea | fierce fire | 猛火
befngkhiim | raptor | 猛禽
befngkhix | courage; valor | 猛氣; 勇氣
befngkofng | to storm; fiercely; launch a fierce attack | 猛攻
befnglek | force; violent | 猛力
befngliet | vigorous; violent; ferocious; violent; fierce; furious; heavy | 猛烈
befngsex | fierce power; fierce strength | 猛勢
befngsiux | beast of prey; wild beast; ditto; wild beasts | 猛獸
befngtuy | pursue after; give chase to; run after | 猛追
befnoaa | barn | 馬欄; 馬房
befpaang | horse stable; barn | 馬房
befpangchiaf | last bus or train | 尾幫車
befpefng | cavalry soldier; cavalry; mounted troops | 騎兵; 馬兵
befphid | horses | 馬匹
befphiøx | pari-mutuel ticket | 馬票
befpiør | stopwatch | 馬錶
befpvy | horsewhip; whip; riding crop; horsewhip | 馬鞭
befsad | horse louse | 馬蝨
befsae | horse dung | 馬屎
befsex | gesture of riding horse | 馬勢; 騎馬的姿勢
befsiin | horse bot fly | 馬蠅
befsiw | bribe | 收買; 賄賂
befsut | equestrianism; art of riding; horsemanship | 馬術
befsviaf | end | 尾聲
befsøq | rein | 馬索; 韁繩
beftangkud | sacrum | 尾胴骨
beftee | horse's hoof | 馬蹄
beftee-thiq | horseshoe | 馬蹄鐵
beftethiq | horseshoe | 馬蹄鐵
befthaau | dock; wharf; wharf; pier | 碼頭; 馬頭
beftharng | toilet; stool; commode; night vessel; western-style toilet; commode | 馬桶
befthofng | offer bribes to facilitate one's operations; obtain the collusion of officials with bribes | 買通
beftiaau | barn; horse stable; stable | 馬廄
beftng | buy without retaining any right or interest in what is bought | 買斷
beftoee | horse's hoof | 馬蹄; 痕跡
beftoong | crabgrass | 馬唐
beftui | cavalry company | 馬隊; 騎兵隊
beftviuu | horse field | 馬場
beftøee | horse's hoofs | 馬蹄
beftøee-thiq | horseshoe | 馬蹄鐵
befvoa | saddle | 馬鞍
befvoaf | saddle | 馬鞍
befzafng | horse's mane | 馬鬃
befzam | last part of a story or episode or long poem | 尾站
befzhao | straw for horse; horse fodder | 馬草
befzhat | horse thief | 馬賊
befzuo | customer | 買主
befzuu | water chestnuts | 荸薺
befzuy | bud | 尾脽
befzvae | the little finger | 尾指; 小指
befzøo | manger; manger; crib | 馬槽
beg | tapir | 貘
begbek bugieen | wordless; speechless | 默默無言
begbek putguo | silent, speechless, without a word to say | 默默無言
begbek | silently; unnoticed | 默默
beghie | tacit permission | 默許
begie | riddle | 謎語
begjim | tacit consent or approval | 默認
begkarm | inspiration; inspire | 默感
begkhea | reveal or inspire; revelation | 默示; 默啟
begkhex | tacit understanding; tacit understanding; implicit agreement | 默契
begkoafn | contemplation | 默觀; 靜觀
begkoankitør | contemplative prayer | 默觀祈禱
begliam | recite; recitation; to teach with book closed; silently think of; repeat a passage; read meditatively; silently; ponder or think | 默念
begpid | ink pen | 墨筆
begsi lok | the book of Revelation, the Apocalypse | 默示錄
begsi | reveal; revelation | 默示; 啟示
begsiar | mental writing; to write with book closed | 默寫
begsiorng | meditation; meditate | 默想
begsiuo sengkuy | stick to old rules; conservative | 墨守成規
begsiuo | guard traditional vigilantly; resist change | 墨守
begsixliok | reveal record | 默示錄
begthok | mental reading | 默讀
begtør | silent prayer; pray in secret or silently | 默禱
beh | surname Mai; Mai | 麥
beh'arm'ar | sunset | 欲暗仔; 黃昏
behak | charm, deceive, seduce, anesthetize | 迷惑
behek | bewilderment | 迷惑
behnii | what’s up? | 欲呢
behpiaq | next door, adjacent to | 隔壁
behsie | extremely v. | 欲死
behun'iøh | anesthetics; hallucinogens; like LSD; marijuana | 迷魂藥
behunsut | enchantment | 迷魂術
behuntin | labyrinth; infatuated with a woman; enticed into vice | 迷魂陣
behuun-hoad | hypnotize; hypnotism; mesmerism | 迷魂法; 催眠術
behuun-iøh | magic potion; knockout drops; a drug to hypnotize a victim | 迷魂藥
behuun-tin | a maze; labyrinth, infatuated with a woman, enticed into vice | 迷魂陣
behzay | if I knew | 欲知
bek | path between fields; pulse; vein; look for; silent; speechless; silent; quiet; still | 陌; 脈; 覓; 默
bekiofng | labyrinth; labyrinth; maze | 迷宮
belaang | charming; fascinating; enchanting | 迷人
belo | go astray; maze; lose; wrong path; path of error; lose one's way; be at fault; in error | 迷路
beloaan | to be infatuated with; to indulge in; be madly in love with; be a slave of; unable to shake off | 迷戀
beloan | confusing; perplexity; perplexed | 迷亂
beng kay juzhuo | It is ordained | 命該如此
beng putkay zoat | not destined to die (said of one who has had a narrow escape from death) | 命無該絕
beng zai tarnsek | death may come to a person any minute; dying | 命在旦夕
beng | life; fate; destiny; one's lot | 命
beng'axn | famous case | 名案
beng'ia | bright night; brilliant night; shining night | 明夜
beng'iog | treaty of alliance; promise; a pledge; a covenant | 明約; 盟約
beng'iuo | ally | 盟友
beng'mvoaa armphiexn | deceive and cheat | 明瞞暗騙
beng'oafn | make known that one is being falsely charged; redress a grievance | 伸冤; 鳴冤
beng'oe | famous painting | 名畫
beng'ongchvy | Pluto | 冥王星
beng'u | honor | 名譽
beng'ucid | honorary post | 名譽職
beng'ui | famous painting | 名畫
beng'usym | desire for fame; ambition | 名譽心
beng'uu | honor; fame; reputation | 名譽
beng'uu-hag'ui | honorary degree | 名譽學位
beng'uu-hoexoaan | honorary member (honorary president) | 名譽會員
beng'uu-phoksu | honorary doctor | 名譽博士
beng'y sokchiuo | famed physicians are powerless (said of grave illness or strange ailments) | 名醫束手; 無策
beng'y | honorable doctor | 名醫
bengbeeng pegpek | clear; clearly; obviously; evidently | 明明白白
bengbeeng | clearly; certainly; obviously; apparently; without a doubt | 明明
bengbek | clear clues | 明脈
bengbengtiofng | imperceptible but inexorably (said of divine influence) | 冥冥中
bengbi | charming, fascinating | 明媚
bengbirn | agile; clever and nimble; sharp; smart | 明敏
bengbok | reputable; name; designation | 名目
bengbong | fame; high reputation; honor; high reputation; popularity | 名望
bengboxngkaf | renown | 名望家
bengbuun kuisiux | daughter of an illustrious family | 名門閨秀
bengbuun | eminent family; world-famous; an express statement or provision; a clear statement | 名門; 名聞; 明文
bengchviuo armthaw | rob openly; to steal secretly | 明搶暗偷
bengchvy | celebrities | 明星
bengcied | reputation; honor and integrity | 名節
bengcioxng | famous general | 名將
bengcix | business card; name card; record or commemorate with an engraved inscription | 名片; 名誌; 銘誌
benggaa | bud; burgeon; germinate; sprout out | 萌芽
benggi | one's name; the name as opposed to reality or substance; the outward reason for doing something | 名義
benggieen | assert; state clearly | 明言
benggoat | bright moonlight; bright moon | 明月
benggvo | reason; intelligence or intellect (Catholic) | 明悟
benghaam | official title of a person | 名銜
benghee | shrimp | 明蝦; 斑節蝦
benghiern | obvious; prominent; evident; clearly; manifest | 明顯
benghoaan | Potassium alum | 明礬
benghoaf iuo zuo | the beauty has already been won by someone | 名花有主
benghoaf | well-known woman | 名花
benghof | promise plainly; to make a verbal bargain | 明呼; 明言; 名約
benghog | bliss in the next world (used by pagans) | 冥福
benghun | a person's obligations; duties and respect due; a person's social status; fame; reputation | 名分; 名份
benghuo | underworld; Hades | 冥府
benghux kisit | It lives up to its reputation | 明符其實
benghwn | marriage ceremony for persons already dead marriage ceremony for a couple; one of whom has already died | 冥婚
benghø | pen-name, pseudonym | 名號; 筆名
bengji | name | 名字
bengjiin | notables; an expert; a crack hand; crackerjack; man who is above board in his dealings, an upright person | 名人; 明仁
bengjit | tomorrow | 明日
bengkaf | famous author or artist; noted families; a master in an art | 名家
bengkafn | a city in Nantou County | 名間
bengkaix | underworld | 冥界
bengkarm | to inscribe indelibly; keep in the heart; remember with gratitude; remember with gratitude | 銘感
bengkaxm | clear example of history; a proof | 明鑑
bengkhae | clear and gentle | 明愷
bengkhag | clear and accurate; clear and definite; precise | 明確
bengkheg | great musical composition; masterpiece in music | 名曲
bengkhix | fame; reputation | 名氣
bengki | famous prostitute or geisha | 名妓
bengkiofng Serngthea | exposition of Blessed Sacrament (Catholic) | 明供聖體
bengkiofng | heavenly mansion | 明宮
bengkix | impress or engrave on one's mind; bear in mind | 銘記
bengkizay | obviously knew; knew perfectly well; know previously | 明知道; 早已知; 明知
bengkoaf | famous song | 名歌
bengkog | allies; united countries; allied nations | 盟國
bengkorng | states clearly; brings to light says | 明講
bengkuix | precious; valuable and rare; valuable; precious; rare | 名貴
bengkux | famous sentence; famous line of verse | 名句
bengkvoaf | officer | 明官
bengkwn | an enlightened monarch; allied armies; allied troops; allied forces | 明君; 盟軍
benglaai armkhix | secretly have a paramour (married woman) | 明來暗去
benglarng | bright and cheerful | 明朗
benglea | understand the rules of propriety; courtesy | 明禮
bengli siangsiw | achieve both fame and wealth | 名利雙收
bengli | fame and wealth | 名利
bengliaau | understand clearly; clear; distinct; perspicuous | 明瞭
bengliang | bright; clear; clear and distinct; bright | 明亮
benglie | understanding; sensible; reasonable | 明理
bengliuu | celebrity; celebrity | 名流; 社會名流
benglo | evident way | 明路
benglorng | distinct; bright and clear; bright and cheerful; sunny | 明朗
bengløo | strike a gong; strike the gong | 鳴鑼
bengmar | clear code | 明碼; 電碼
bengmoee zerngzhuo | formal wedding or marriage | 明媒正娶
bengpaai | lucky number in gambling | 名牌; 大家樂
bengpafng | allies; allied country; allies | 盟邦
bengpek ee laang | reasonable person; considerate person | 明白的人; 明理的人
bengpek | understand; clear; distinct; explicit; plain; evident; obvious | 明白; 了解
bengphaux | set off firecrackers; fire cannons | 鳴炮
bengphiexn | calling card | 名片
bengphirn | state explicitly; promise plainly; to make a verbal bargain | 明約; 明品; 明言; 明白口約
bengphvix | business card; name card | 名片
bengpien sixhuy | know distinctly what is right and what is wrong | 明辨是非
bengpien | clearly distinguish | 明辨
bengsafn | famous mountain | 名山
bengsarn | specialty and famous product of the area; noted or special product of a place | 名產; 特產
bengseapiør | specification; minute description; detailed statement | 明細表
bengseasw | specification; minute description; detailed statement | 明細書
bengsefng | a star; an impersonator; movie star; famous person | 明星
bengseg | distinct, clear, clearnesse | 明識
bengsex | in detail; swear an oath; oath or covenant | 明細; 盟誓
bengsexng | place of attraction or historic interest; famous sites; famous tourist spot | 名勝
bengsi | clearly show; issue explicit instructions | 明示
bengsia | proclaim of thanks; express thanks | 銘謝; 鳴謝
bengsiin | famous official | 名臣
bengsiorng | meditate, contemplate | 明思; 冥想; 默想
bengsirnphiexn | postal card | 明信片
bengsirnphvix | postcard; postal card | 明信片
bengsiu | birth anniversary of a person already dead | 冥壽; 陰壽; 忌辰
bengsiuo | person who administers an oath; the leader of a confederacy | 盟主; 盟首
bengsixn phiexn | post-card | 明信片
bengsu | reputable person; man of distinction; notable or distinguished person | 名士
bengsuu | noun; noun | 名詞
bengsw zhud køtoo | accomplished disciple owes his accomplishments to his great teacher | 名師出高徒
bengsw | great teacher; master | 名師
bengsym | inscribe on one's mind | 銘心
bengsøex | in detail | 明細
bengtab | wise; bright answer; clear answer | 明答
bengtat | intelligent and broad-minded; gift of knowledge (Catholic) | 明達
bengteg | highest virtue | 明德
bengthofng | Thoroughly understands | 明通
bengtied | wise; discreet; shrewd; wise; educated | 明哲
bengtix | sensible; wise; judicious; sagacious; clear wisdom; intelligence | 明智
bengtoaxn | bright; wise judgment; fair and intelligent judgment; unbiased and wise decision | 明斷
bengtux | masterpiece | 名著
bengty korbun | ask about something one already knows | 明知故問
bengty korhoan | willful offence; break a law purposely | 明知故犯
bengty | already know; know clearly; with knowledge; purposely | 明知
bengzaf armhorng | investigate openly and secretly | 明查暗訪
bengzay | know already, certainly, know clearly | 明知; 確知
bengzefng armtaux | fight covertly (often said of intramural fights) | 明爭暗鬥
bengzexng | evident proof; true testimony | 明證
bengzhad | observe clearly; be sharp and perspicacious; not to be fooled or taken in | 明察
bengzhefng | title; appellation; designation; name | 名稱; 頭銜
bengzhexng | fire rifles into the air as a warning to a mob; rioters | 鳴槍
bengzhux | position in a list of names | 名次
bengzhvef | celebrities | 明星
bengzog | masterpiece | 名作
bengzuo | head of alliance; acknowledged leader of alliance | 盟主
bengzw | bright pearl; bright pearl | 明珠
beni'ar | veneera; veneer | 單板仔
bepng | congee | 糜飯
beq | want | 要; 欲
beqafciuo | beer; beer | 麥仔酒; 啤酒
beqafhngg | wheat field | 麥仔園
beqafkhngf | bran from wheat | 麥仔糠
beqafkør | stalk or straw of wheat or barley; without the ear | 麥仔莖
beqafpng | wheat; oats meal | 麥仔飯
beqafsui | ear of wheat | 麥仔穗
beqaftee | wheat tea | 麥仔茶
beqar | wheat | 麥仔; 麥子
beqar-ciuo | beer | 麥仔酒; 啤酒
beqchiw | wheat's tassels | 麥鬚; 麥芒玉米穗
beqgee køf | malt extract | 麥芽膏
beqgee thngg | maltose | 麥芽糖
beqgee | malt; wheat-sprouts; malt; wheat gluten | 麥芽; 飴糖
beqgee-køf | malt extract | 麥芽膏; 麥芽糖
beqgee-thngg | maltose | 麥芽糖
beqgekøf | maltose (sweet syrup) | 麥芽膏
beqgethngg | malt sugar; maltose | 麥芽糖
beqhngg | wheat farm | 麥園
beqhurn | flour | 麥粉; 麵粉
beqkag | oatmeal | 麥角; 麥片
beqkoo | sweet gruel from wheat flour | 稀粥; 麥糊
beqkør | stalk or straw of wheat or barley; without the ear | 麥莖; 麥稭
beqofng | Mugimaki flycatcher, Muscicapa mugimaki | 白眉翁; 白眉黃鶲
beqphof | bran | 麥麩
beqphvix | corn flakes; oatmeal | 麥片
beqphøf | wheat bran | 麥麩
beqseh | gleanings | 麥踅
beqseq | gleanings 'of wheat' | 麥屑
beqsog | garter | 麥束
beqsud | cracked grain of wheat | 麥碎; 麥屑
beqsui | ear of wheat | 麥穗
beqsuixhoong | a kind of water-willow, Justicia procumbeus | 麥穗紅
beqthøx | wrappers worn either outside the stocking or in place of stockings as a protection from chafing with shoes | 襪套
beqtoax | garter | 襪帶
beqtoea | sole of a stocking 'sewed on' | 襪底
beqzhafng | Ledebar's garlic | 麥蔥
berng | fierce; shallow container; a surname; drunk; grasshopper; fierce; violent; courageous; cruel; inhuman; determined; brave | 猛; 蜢; 凶猛; 酩; 皿
beseg | lust | 迷色; 貪慾
besid | maze; wilder; lose one's way; stray; lost; astray | 迷失
besixn | superstition; blindly believe; superstitions; superstitious | 迷信
besw | myth | 迷思
betee | riddle; a conundrum | 謎題
betoo | wrong path; the lost way; stray path; go astray; get lost; wrong path | 迷途
betyn | wrong path | 迷津
bexbad | never, never happened | 未識
bexbae | no bad | 袂䆀
bexbiefntid | cannot avoid, is the natural result, 'it' follows | 未免得
bexbiern`tid | inevitable; essential; can't be shunned or avoided | 未免得; 難免
bexbiet | indestructible; can't be extinguished; perpetual | 未滅; 無滅
bexchiuo | seller | 賣主; 賣手
bexchiøx | work as a prostitute | 賣笑
bexchviux | street minstrel; sing along the streets for a living | 賣唱
bexciah | poor appetite owing to illness; not to be able to eat very much | 未吃; 沒有食慾
bexciaqbexkhuxn | no appetite and unable to fall to sleep | 袂食袂睏
bexcin | in-exhaustible; interminable | 無盡; 未盡
bexcviabiin | could not, unable to 'sleep' | 未成眠; 睡不好
bexcviuxgarn | not up to one's preference; detest; disdain | 未上眼
bexcyn | cannot see distinctly | 未真; 無清楚
bexe | cannot | 不會
bexeng`tid | improper; not all right; can't be used | 未用得; 無可; 不行
bexexngtid korng | must not be spoken; should not be said | 未用得講; 無可以講
bexexngtid | not allow to | 袂用得
bexge | earn a living by entertaining with skills or stunts | 賣藝
bexgiexn | unwilling | 未癮; 無願意
bexguo | riddle; charade | 謎語
bexhaokof`tid | can't eat (vulgar); bad looking | 未孝孤得; 難吃; 難看
bexhiao | do not know how to (affirmative form is e-hiau) | 未曉; 無會
bexhiawsoef | shameless | 無知恥
bexhux | too late to do something | 未赴; 來無及
bexhøo | be uncongenial; not in agreement; disunion; unprofitable; cannot make both ends meet | 未和; 無和睦; 不划算
bexhør | describes an incurable sickness; a hopeless case; work which it is not possible to finish or get done | 未好; 好無了
bexiaw | not feel hungry; not be hungry | 未餓; 無餓
bexiim | sell carnal pleasure; the profession of prostitution | 賣淫
bexiong`tid | improper; not all right; can't be used | 未用得; 無可; 不行
bexjin`tid | cannot recognize; cannot be recognized; do not recognize | 無認得
bexjixntid | cannot recognize; cannot be recognized, do not recognize | 未認得
bexkaokhuix | can't be satisfied | 未夠氣; 無夠滿意
bexkex | selling price | 賣價
bexkhad`tid | be jealous of; envy; hate | 未剋得; 嫉妒
bexkhafng befkhafng | speculate on stock market | 賣空買空
bexkhamtid | cannot bear it; unable to endure, too weak to sustain, unworthy, dare not accept | 袂堪得
bexkhie | cannot, unable to 'life, carry, climb, etc' | 不起; 不能
bexkhix | will not go (simple future); not able to; cannot because of excessive quantity) | 未去; 無會去
bexkhuy | cannot open; unable to open | 未開; 無開
bexkhøx`tid | unreliable; a person who can not be trusted | 未靠得; 靠無住
bexkiernsiaux | shameless | 未見笑; 無要臉
bexkietid | forgot | 袂記得
bexkirmtid | cannot keep from 'laughing, crying, etc' cannot stop 'sthg which is happening' | 未禁得; 情不自禁
bexkix`tid | forget | 未記得; 記無得
bexkoaix`tid | not to be blamed | 未怪得; 怪無得
bexkoex`tid | not to be blamed | 未過得; 日子難過
bexkofngtid | won’t accept criticism | 袂講得
bexkog | sell one's country; to be a traitor to one's native country | 賣國
bexkokloo | traitor who sells his country's secrets | 賣國奴
bexkokzhat | one guilty of treason | 賣國賊
bexkortid | unbearable; beyond endurance | 未顧得; 顧無得
bexkviaa`tid | road cannot be traveled; it won't do | 未走得; 無能走
bexkviezexng`tid | unfit to be looked at publicly; as man or affair all incorrect; ugly; dirty | 未見證得; 見無得人
bexkvoaa | not to feel cold | 未寒; 無冷
bexlaai | will not come (simple future); not able to; cannot because in intrinsic difficult | 未來; 無會來
bexli | cannot, unable to | 不了
bexlurn`tid | impatient; cannot be borne | 未忍得; 忍無住
bexlwntid | be unbearable 'pain, cold, sorrow, etc' | 未忍得; 受不住
bexmia | venture to a dangerous place | 賣命
bexmiaa | self-advertisement | 賣名
bexng'axn | murder case; case of murder | 命案
bexngbeeng | give a name; nomenclature | 命名
bexngbeeng-hoad | nomenclature | 命名法
bexngleng | command; order; command; order; injunction; direction; to command; instruct | 命令
bexnglexngkux | imperative sentence | 命令句
bexngmeh | the life vein; the life pulse; where life of nation depends | 命脈
bexngtee | assign a topic or subject of essay; proposition | 命題
bexngteng | destined | 命定
bexngtiorng | to hit (the target) | 命中
bexngtioxng | to hit (the target) | 命中
bexngtoee | proposition | 命題
bexngtoo | course of events in one's life | 命途
bexngtøee | a proposition, a thesis | 命題
bexngzongteg | Moso bamboo, Phyllostachuys pubescens | 毛宗竹
bexoaan | sold out | 賣完
bexoah | cannot live; will die | 未活; 活無了
bexpar | insatiable appetite; greedy | 未飽; 無飽
bexphiørzhux | box office; ticket window | 賣票處; 售票處
bexphiøx | sell tickets | 賣票; 售票
bexpie`tid | not to be compared with; not to be mentioned in the same breath with | 未比得; 無能比
bexpiexn | cannot be changed; unchangeable; immutable | 未變; 無會變
bexpvee | not fair; not smooth | 未平; 無公平
bexpvef`tid | stingy | 未摒得; 吝嗇
bexpvix | cannot be changed; unchangeable; immutable | 未變; 無會變
bexsae | not allow | 袂使
bexsaix | must not be spoken, should not be said | 妹婿
bexsaytid korng | must not be spoken; should not be said | 未使得講; 無可以講
bexsaytid | not allow | 袂使得
bexseeng | cannot do something one wishes to do | 未成; 無能成功
bexseng`tid | should not be spoiled; indulged; allowed to do as he pleases | 未盛得; 無可溺愛
bexserng`tid | unable to economize | 未省得; 省無得
bexsiaw | cannot | 未消; 無消
bexsie bexbiet`ee | immortal | 未死未滅的; 無死不滅的
bexsirnjim`tid | unreliable; untrustworthy; incredible | 未信任得; 無能信任的
bexsiusvoaf | can't bring a matter or a work to a conclusion; can't put in order; can't tidy up affairs; unmanageable | 未收山; 無法收場
bexsixn`tid | can not be believed; cannot believe; do not believe | 未信得; 無能信的
bexsorng | unhappy | 袂爽
bexsukorng | as if | 袂輸講
bexsw | not inferior to; no less than; like | 未輸; 勝於; 好像
bexsyn | sell oneself as slave; become a prostitute | 賣身
bextaux`tid | not get along well | 未鬥得; 合無來
bextaxng khix | cannot manage to go | 未當去; 無能去
bextaxng siusip | pandemonium; wild disorder or confusion; hopeless situation; out of control | 未當收拾; 無可收拾
bextaxng | the negative of e-tang; expresses physical or moral impossibility | 未當; 無能
bextehsaux | unable to satisfy | 未壓咳; 無能滿足
bexthofng | illegible writing; illogical; inarticulate; cannot make oneself understood; cut off or poor connection on a telephone; can not get through to someone; blocked; not passable | 未通; 無通
bextiaau | not firmly fixed; fastened or tied | 未條; 無牢; 不上癮
bextiau | sold | 賣掉
bextid | have not been able to; cannot | 未得; 無能
bextit | affair cannot be put straight | 未直; 無能直; 糟了
bextitkhix | unable to, cannot 'because of excessive quantity' | 未得去; 做'不完
bextitthafng khix | cannot manage to go | 未得通去; 無能去
bextitthafng | not allow to | 袂得通
bextittit | can't handle | 未得直; 無能了事
bextiøh | cannot 'achieve a desired objective'; price offered too low | 未到; 買不到
bextng | sell without retaining any right or interest in what is sold | 賣斷
bextoea | the answer to a riddle; the key to a puzzle | 謎底
bextviuu | market | 賣場
bextøea | answer to the riddle; the key to a puzzle | 謎底
bextøftng | sell without retaining any right or interest in what is sold | 賣倒斷
bextøh | cannot 'kindle a light' | 未燃
bexzeng | too early; prematurely | 還未; 未曾
bexzengbe | too early, prematurely | 未前未; 過早
bexzhaux | incorruptible; will not rot | 未臭; 無臭
bexzhud | sell | 賣出
bexzhunchiaf | unable to convince | 袂伸捙
bexzhwn | prostitute oneself | 賣春; 未剩; 無會剩
bexzuo | seller | 賣主; 賣手
bexzøx`tid | No! It can't be done! | 未做得; 不可以
bezao sinkefng | vagus nerve | 迷走神經
bezao-sinkefng | vagus nerve | 迷走神經
bi khaihoax | uncivilized | 未開化
bi | not or not yet; taste flavor; riddle | 未; 沬; 謎; 猜; 潛水; 味
bi'uo | not raining; not giving; not together | 未雨; 微雨; 未與
bi-sii | 1~3 p.m | 未時
biaau | young plant; trace; aim; trace; to draw; to sketch; describe; depict | 苗; 描; 瞄
biao | tiny; blurred; small; slight; distant; look down upon; slight; treat with contempt; small; petty | 渺; 藐; 邈
biau | wonderful; fine; ingenious; temple; shrine | 妙; 廟; 奇妙
biau'hngf | very effective prescription | 妙方
biau`zai | fun; indeed be fun | 妙哉
biau`zay | bravo | 妙哉
biauhoe | describe | 描繪
biauphor | nursery for young plants; a rice nursery; seedbed | 苗圃
biausiar | describe; depict; portray; description | 描寫
biausut | describe | 描述
biauthau'efng | the owl | 貓頭鷹
biauthiaau | slender; slender figure | 苗條
biauthiøo | early beginning; clues; some visible results | 苗頭
biautiaau | slim woman; willowy; slender and graceful; lithe | 苗條
biauxchiuo hoezhwn | the hand that cures (used to describe a good physician) | 妙手回春
biauxchiuo | admirable skill | 妙手
biauxciog | temple attendant in charge of incense and religious service | 廟祝
biauxguo | epigram | 妙語
biauxhngf | very effective prescription | 妙方
biauxhoad | excellent method | 妙法
biauxiong | wonderful application | 妙用
biauxiøh | miraculous or unusual medicine; efficacious drug; wonder drug | 妙藥
biauxjiin biauxsu | interesting person and his amusing episodes | 妙人妙事
biauxkex | brilliant scheme; clever dodge; happy suggestion; a subtle stratagem; extraordinary plan | 妙計
biauxleeng | young girls | 妙齡
biauxlie | profound wisdom | 妙理
biauxlieen | young age; childhood | 妙齡
biauxlun | ingenious comment; very clever remark | 妙論
biauxsoaxn | excellent plan | 妙算
biauzok | a minority of China(the Miao nationality) | 苗族
biauzurn | aim at; take aim; collimation; take aim | 瞄準
biawbiao | very small and distant; elusive | 渺渺
biawboong | uncertain; remote; distant and indistinct; vague | 渺茫
biawciafm | clock-hand for second | 秒針
biawjieen | uncertain; remote; distant and indistinct; vague; vast; boundless; endless | 渺然
biawsi | look down upon; despise; disregard; underrate; despise; look down upon with coldness; treat with contempt | 藐視
biawsiao | very small; lowliness; very small; tiny; infinitesimal | 眇小; 藐小; 渺小
biban | widespread; filling the sky; boundless; flood; overflow | 彌漫
bibeeng | twilight | 微明
bibi'ar chiøx | smile; a smile | 微微仔笑
bibi'ar hofng | soft wind; light breeze; very gentle breeze | 微微仔風
bibi'ar | slightly; few; lightly; gentle | 微微仔
bibiao | Illusory | 微渺
bibiau | excellent; mysterious; profound; subtle | 微妙
bibii | lightly; gentle; slight | 微微
biboarn | full of; impletion; spread all over; flood | 瀰漫
biboat | trifling, unimportant | 微末
bibok | features; looks; logic; the sign of a positive outcome | 眉目
bichiaux | give a smile; give a wee smile | 微笑
bichiøx | give a wee smile | 微笑
bicien | mean, low | 微賤
bidbea | secret code | 密碼
bidboo | intrigue; plot; polt; plan secretly; to plot; secret scheme | 密謀
bidbu | heavy fog; thick mist | 密霧
bidchied | closely connected; close; intimate | 密切
bidciab | tightly joined, close | 密接
bidcie | secret command | 密旨
bidciefn | fruit preserved in sugar | 蜜餞
bidciexn | confections made of candied or salted fruit, salted dried plum, tightly joined | 蜜餞
bidcip | to cluster together | 密集
bidgi | secret plan; secret discussion | 密議
bidgoat lyheeng | honeymoon trip | 蜜月旅行
bidgoat | honeymoon; honeymoon | 蜜月
bidguo | small talk; sweet or pleasant words | 蜜語; 密語
bidhaam | secret or confidential letter | 密函
bidhoad | charm, spell | 密法; 符咒
bidhoe | secret meeting | 密會
bidhofng | seal tightly or securely | 密封
bidhorng | secret visit | 密訪
bidiog | a secret promise, a secret treaty, a secret agreement, a covenant, a treaty | 密約
bidiu | a sort of pumelo | 蜜柚
bidju | secret order | 密諭
bidkafm | citrus; tangerine. | 蜜柑
bidkøf | dried and candied fruits | 蜜膏; 蜜糕
bidkøx | secret information; blow the gaff to the police; inform secretly against a suspicious person | 密告
bidlah | beeswax; a kind of semiprecious stone; beeswax | 蜜蠟; 蜂蠟
bidliau | honey material; sweet material | 蜜料
bidliim | dense forest | 密林
bidlo | honey material; sweet material; honey dew | 蜜料; 蜜露
bidmar | secret code; secret code | 密碼
bidngg-seg | honey yellow | 蜜黃色
bidpaang | secret room | 密房; 蜂房
bidphafng | honey bee; honey bee | 蜜蜂
bidpox | spread closely; closely or densely spread over; densely covered by clouds or with secret agents and guards everywhere | 密布
bidpviar | honey wafer | 蜜餅
bidpøo | bat | 蝙蝠; 密婆
bidsaix | secret emissary; envoy | 密使
bidseg | secret chamber; hidden room | 密室
bidsox | secret accuse | 密訴
bidsu | secret | 密事
bidsujip | secret input | 密輸入
bidsuzhud | exported secretly | 密輸出
bidsw | secret book | 密書
bidtaam | commune; private discussion; hold a confidential talk or conference; have a secret or close conversation; secret conversation; talk; conference | 密談
bidtefng | secret or private detective or agent | 密偵; 祕密偵探
bidthaxm | secret detective; secret agent; spy | 密探
bidthngg | honey; honey sugar; honey | 蜜糖; 蜂蜜
bidthofng | secretly communicate | 密通
bidto | density; density | 密度
bidtoxkex | densimeter | 密度計
bidtøzefng | Buddhist monk | 彌陀僧
bidy | unlicensed doctor | 密醫
bidzaf | secretly investigate | 密查
bidzaux | secret memorial | 密奏
bidzhaa | a secret inquiry | 密查
bidzuie | syrup | 蜜水
bie jii liaam | beautiful and cheap | 美而廉
bie | rice; beauty; hulled rice | 米; 鎂; 美; 公尺
bie-seg | ivory color | 米色
biechiw | constrained | 虌鬚
biedboong | perish; perishing; destroy; destruction; be destroyed | 滅亡
biedbuun | put a whole family to death | 滅門
biedbøo | perish totally; ruin totally; destroy totally | 滅無; 毀滅
biedcin | perish totally; ruin totally; destroy totally | 滅盡; 消滅
biedhøea | extinguish; put out a fire | 滅火
biedhøefkhix | fire extinguisher | 滅火器
biedhøefsoaf | sand for extinguishing fire | 滅火沙
biedimkhix | muffler on an engine | 滅音器; 消音器
biedkhao | kill a person to keep the person quite; silence witness of crime by killing them | 滅口
biedkhiør | kill a person to prevent him from disclosing a secret | 滅口
biedkog | destroy a country | 滅國
biedluun | destroy ethics; destroy human relations; incestuous | 滅倫
biedmngg | put a whole family to death | 滅門
biedsy | destroy remains; destroy corpse; destroy the corpse after a murder to prevent detection | 滅屍
biedterng | be drowned | 滅頂; 沒頂
biedtiaau | destroy dynasty | 滅朝
biedtii | perish | 滅除; 消滅
biedtuu | perish | 滅除
biedzerng | destroy a specie; genocide; exterminate entire race; exterminate an entire race or species; destruction of a whole race | 滅種
biedzoat | extinguish; become extinct; exterminate; annihilate; wipe out | 滅絕; 殲滅
biedzok | destroy a family including the relatives; genocide; wipe out an entire clan | 滅族
bieen | cotton; silk floss; continuous | 棉; 綿
biefn'eghoad | immunization | 免疫法
biefn'eglek | immunity | 免疫力
biefn'egsexng | immunity from infection | 免疫性
biefn'ek | immunity; become immune; immunize | 免疫
biefn'iah | exempt from military service; exempt from conscription | 免役
biefn'ngx | need not hope for | 免望; 甭望
biefn'uix | get rid of fear | 免畏
biefnbang | Don't daydream | 免望
biefnchix | admit without examination | 免試
biefncid | fire; dismiss; dismiss; dismissal | 免職
biefnciexn-paai | signal for truce(like white flag) | 免戰牌
biefncvii | free of charge | 免錢
biefncvipng | free lunch - in jail | 免錢飯
biefnhak | encourage someone to study | 勉學
biefnheeng | exempt from punishment | 免刑
biefnhii | biern fish | 鮸魚
biefnhuix | free of charge; free of charge; gratuitous; gratis | 免費
biefnhuo | official recognition, license | 免許; 官方認可
biefnhuo-zng | written permission, license, official recognition | 免許狀; 執照; 官方認可
biefnhuu | anchovy | 鮸魚
biefnhw | exempt | 免許
biefnkhix | no need to go | 免去; 無必去
biefnkib | no rush | 免急; 無用急
biefnkiorng | work hard; compel; under compulsion; forced; involuntarily; compel; constrain; forced (as an interpretation); to study; diligence; industry | 勉強
biefnkiorng`ee | loath | 勉強的
biefnkorng | not need to say; exempts discussed; indescribable; says nothing of; no need to speak; no need to talk about it; there is nothing that need be said; don't talk about it | 免講; 無用講; 不必說; 免談
biefnkviaf | do not be afraid; don't fear; don't be afraid | 免驚; 無必怕
biefnkvoaf | strip down someone's official rank | 免官
biefnle | exhortation; encouragement; exhort; encourage | 勉勵
biefnlea | be excused from usual courtesy gestures | 免禮
biefnlek | diligent | 勉力
biefnliuu | royal crown | 冕旒
biefnlun | exempts discussed; no discussion | 免論
biefnphiøx | free ticket; free pass; complimentary ticket | 免票
biefnputliao | unavoidable; no help for it | 免無了; 難免
biefnsex | duty free | 免稅
biefnsiuo taixzay | dispensed from fasting; dispensation from fasting (Catholic term) | 免守大齋
biefnsoex | duty free | 免稅
biefnsviu | Don't think about it! | 免想
biefnsøeaphirn | tax-free goods | 免稅品
biefnsøeatiaxm | duty free shop | 免稅店
biefnsøex | tax-free; duty-free | 免稅
biefnsøex-tiaxm | duty free shop | 免稅店
biefnthee | no suggestion; no necessary | 免提
biefntid | lest; so as not to; so as to avoid; save the trouble of doing something; avoid; so as not to | 免得
biefntii | give quittance; relieve from obligations | 免除
biefntuu | get rid of; dispense with | 免除
biefnzng | no petitions or statements. | 免狀
biefnzoe | pardon | 免罪
biefnzof | no lease; no rent | 免租
bieluq | beer | 啤酒
bien iuo lanseg | look reluctant | 面有難色
bien | face of a person | 面
bien'ieen | stretch | 綿延
bien'oarn | lasting, permanent | 綿遠; 永久
bien'viuu | sheep | 綿羊
bienbieen | softly | 綿綿
bienviuu | Shepard; sheep | 綿羊
biern khix | no need to go | 免去
biern siaosviu | don’t ever think about it | 免數想
biern | dismiss, reject, unnecessary to | 免; 不必要
biern`khix | no need to go | 免去
biet | destroy; disdain; clover; thin bamboo strip; perish; be destroyed; destroy; extinguish | 滅; 蔑; 苜; 篾
biet`khix | got destroy | 滅去; 滅掉口
biexnbien siongkoafn | gape at each other 'in danger, etc, unable to move' | 面面相關
biexnbok itsyn | brand new look | 面目一新
biexnbok zoanhuy | everything has changed beyond recognition | 面目全非
biexnbok | feature; facial features; face; look; countenance; appearance | 面目
biexnbuu jinseg | look extremely scared | 面無人色
biexnchix | interview; oral examination | 面試
biexnhiap | meet and talk it over | 面洽
biexnhoe | interview; meet face to face; meet face to face; an interview | 面會
biexnju | order personally; give order personally | 面諭
biexnkhu | mask | 面具
biexnku | mask | 面具
biexnkwn | meet emperor | 面君
biexnliim zoadzerng | extinction of species; i.e | 面臨絕種
biexnliim | encounter; face; meet or face | 面臨
biexnpheg | to face the wall and meditate (Zen Buddhist) | 面壁
biexnsia | thank personally | 面謝
biexntaam | face-to-face talk; interview; talk face-to-face; an interview | 面談
biexntuix | to face a person; situation; direction or object; opposite; facing | 面對
biexnzeg | area; square measure; area; surface; dimensions | 面積
biexnzuo | honor; one's face (in the figurative sense) | 面子
bigoat | a child's first full month; full month; whole month | 彌月
bih | thin bamboo strip; thin slip of bamboo used for wicker-work | 篾; 竹條
bih'afm | hide | 匿掩
bih'am | hiding neck; short neck; stodgy neck | 匿頷; 粗短脖子
bih'ngr | to cast a shad | 匿蔭; 遮蔭
bihbat | secret | 匿密
bihbihchihchiq | furtively | 偷偷摸摸
bihbiq | hiding secretly, conceal oneself | 匿匿; 小家子氣
bihchiq | concealed, secluded, unpretentious | 僻倕; 畏畏縮縮
biheeng | travel in disguise | 匿行; 微行
bihho | seek shelter from rain | 匿雨; 避雨
bihluq | beer | 啤酒
bihofng | breeze; a light wind | 微風
bihok | to travel disguised as commoner; to travel in homely garment | 微服
bihoo | tailed monkey, a member of the family Cercopithecidae 'in Taiwan only Formosan rock-monkey, Macaca cyclopsis | 獼猴
bihsiq | concealed, secluded,unpretentious | 匿閃; 畏畏縮縮
bihsiøzhe | hide and seek | 覕相揣
bihsiøzhoe | hide and seek | 匿相找; 捉迷藏
bihsyn | hide one's body | 匿身; 隱匿
bihtiq | shyness | 匿滴; 無好意思狀
bihuihkngr | capillaries | 微血管
bihzhuix | to purse up one's lips; puckered mouth; pout the lips; about to cry | 抿嘴; 覕喙; 撅嘴; 噘嘴; 無悅貌; 快哭的樣子
bii putcioktø | very unimportant | 微無足道
bii | nap; eyebrows; river bank; tiny; lintel; fill to complete; a fern with edible young leaves; mold; get into one's eye; small; minute; diminutive; trifling; little; low; mean; humble; weak; sickly; feeble; hidden; obscure | 寐; 迷; 眯; 楣; 湄; 眉; 黴; 薇; 彌; 微
bii-hoehkngr | capillaries | 微血管
bii`khix | fell to sleep | 寐去
biie'bibii | in a deep snap | 眠眠眠; 眯眯眯
biin pud liausefng | people have nothing to live upon | 民無聊生
biin | sleep; people; Min river or Mountain in China; sleep | 眠; 民; 岷
biin`cide | doze | 眠一下; 小睡片刻
bijiok | weak or feeble voice; strength or electric wave | 微弱
bikhar | thin bamboo strip | 竹蔑
bikhurn | fungus | 微菌; 黴菌狀腫
bikoafn | microscopy | 微觀
bikofng | a gleam | 微光
bila | a poster, a placard, a handbill | 瞇攪 [*]
bileghut | the Laughing Buddha | 彌勒佛
bilek | Buddha Maitreya (the “Laughing Buddha”); tiny power or strength | 彌勒; 微力
biliap | microscopic particle | 微粒
biliok | weak | 微弱
biliuu | dying but not dead; lying in a coma | 彌留
bilok | elk | 麋鹿
bimiau | subtle | 微妙
bin ee byioong zefngheeng | face-lifting | 臉的美容整形
bin iu'iw | one's face looks sad | 面憂憂; 面色憂鬱
bin lekseg | grow pale with fear; shame; lose facial color | 面慄色; 臉失色
bin niauniaw | pockmarked face | 面貓貓; 麻臉
bin peqsysad | pallor; pale | 面白死殺; 臉色蒼白
bin sitseg | turn white from fear | 面失色
bin taix chiu'ioong | sad faced; woeful look | 面帶愁容
bin thauzeeng | in front of a person | 面頭前
bin tuix bin | face-to-face | 面對面
bin zhaozhaux | unpleasant face | 面臭臭; 臉上無悅
bin | face; side; face; surface; side; direction | 面
bin'afau`jit | tomorrow or the day after tomorrow; in later days | 明仔後日; 明後日
bin'afaxm | tomorrow evening; tomorrow night | 明仔晚; 明仔暗; 明天晚上; 明晚
bin'afexpof | tomorrow afternoon | 明仔下埔; 明天下午
bin'afjit | tomorrow | 明仔日; 明日; 明天
bin'aflit | tomorrow | 明仔日
bin'aftiongtaux | tomorrow at noon | 明仔中晝
bin'afzafkhie | tomorrow morning | 明仔早起; 明天早上
bin'afzaix | tomorrow; tomorrow | 明仔載; 明天
bin'afzaykhie | tomorrow morning | 明仔早上
bin'ar auxjit | tomorrow or the day after tomorrow | 明仔後日
bin'ar expof | tomorrow afternoon | 明天下午
bin'ar zafkhie | tomorrow morning 'var [bin5-a2-chai2-khi2]' | 明早
bin'ar-expof | tomorrow afternoon | 明仔下埔; 明仔下晡; 明天下午
bin'ar-zaekhie | tomorrow morning | 明仔早上; 明仔載起; 明早
bin'ar-zafkhie | tomorrow morning | 明仔早上; 明仔早起; 明早
bin'axn | civil case | 民案; 民事案
bin'eeng hoattiexnchiarng | privately owned power station | 民營發電廠
bin'eeng iukiok | private post office | 民營郵局
bin'eeng | privately operated; privately owned | 民營
bin'enghoax | privatization | 民營化
bin'iaau | folk song; folk-songs; ballad | 民謠
bin'iuo | privately owned; of the people; of the people | 民有
bin'ix kikoafn | people's representative body | 民意機關
bin'ix taixpiao | people's representatives | 民意代表
bin'ix zhekgiam | poll taking; public opinion survey | 民意測驗
bin'ix | public opinion; popular will; public will; people's will public opinion | 民意
bin'oaxn | popular grievance | 民怨
bin'og | regular citizen house | 民屋
bin-thauzeeng | in someone's presence; now; present; in front | 面頭前; 面前; 前面
binafaxm | toworrow evening | 明仔晚
binbang | dream; dream | 眠夢; 作夢
binbiin | just before sleep; half way to sleep; doze; feel drowsy; slumber; half-asleep | 眠眠; 睡眼惺忪; 半眠的; 半睡半醒
binbin'afkia | gentle slope | 緩緩仔斜; 緩斜坡
binbong | a person's command of loyalty of the people; prestige; confidence of the people; the hope of the masses; popularity among the people | 民望; 眾望
bincioxng | populace; the people; the multitude | 民眾
bincixn | democratic progressive | 民進
bingiap | privately operated business | 民業
bingoan | public desire; people's wish | 民願
binhaang | civil aviation | 民航
binhangkiok | Civil Aeronautics Administration | 民航局
binhangky | airliner | 民航機
binheeng | shape of a face | 面型
binhoad | civil law; civil law | 民法
binhofng thofsiok | manners and customs of a place | 民風土俗
binhofng | folkways; people's customs; custom of the people; popular custom | 民風
binkaf | among the people; folk; non-governmental; people's residence; households of the people | 民家
binkafn bunhak | folk literature; popular literature | 民間文學
binkafn gexsut | folk art | 民間藝術
binkafn imgak | folk music | 民間音樂
binkafn korsu | folk tale; folklore | 民間故事
binkafn | public; social; folk; popular; civil; in non-governmental circles; among the people | 民間
binkef | among the people; folk; non-governmental; people's residence | 民家; 民間
binkoaan hoat'axn | civil rights bill | 民權法案
binkoaan | citizens right; civil rights; rights of the people | 民權
binkoaf | folk songs | 民歌
binkog | republic of; republic | 民國
binkwn | militia; the people's armed forces | 民軍
binnafaxm | tomorrow evening | 明仔晚
binnafexhngf | tomorrow night | 明晚
binnafexpof | tomorrow afternoon | 明天下午
binnafjit | tomorrow | 明仔日
binnafzaix | tomorrow | 明仔載; 明日
binnafzaykhie | tomorrow morning | 明天早上
binnar axm | tommorrow night | 明仔暗
binnar expof | tomorrow afternoon | 明仔下晡
binnar extaux | tomorrow from P.M. 12 - 2. | 明仔下晝
binnar tiongtaux | tomorrow at noon | 明天中晝
binnar zaykhie | tomorrow | 明天早起
binpaang | private house; civilian house | 民房
binpefng | people's militia; militia; militiaman; militia | 民兵
binpiexn | people's revolt | 民變
binsefng buxntee | problem of the people's livelihood | 民生問題
binsefng | welfare of citizen; the people's livelihood; ; necessities of life | 民生
binsiok | people's customs; customs and practices of the people | 民俗
binsoarn | democratically elected; popular election; elected by the people | 民選
binsu sorsiong | civil action suit | 民事訴訟
binsu | civil case; agricultural affairs; civil; civil case; suit or action | 民事
binsuxteeng | civil court | 民事庭
binsw boxngsiorng | think day and night | 眠思夢想
binsym | popular sentiment; popular sentiments; the public mind; the hearts and minds of the people | 民心
bintai | mass meeting of citizens | 民代
binti | democracy | 民治
bintiau | polls | 民調
binzeeng | how the people live and feel; condition or life situation of the people | 民情
binzerngkiok | Civil Affairs Bureau | 微弱
binzexng | department or administration of domestic affairs; domestic affairs; civil affairs or administration | 民政
binzexng-khøx | Department of Civil Affairs; civil administration | 民政課
binzhngg | bed | 眠床
binzhngg-au | behind headboard | 眠床後
binzhngg-khaf | under bed | 眠床腳
binzhngg-pafng | headboard | 眠床板
binzhngkex | back rest or bed rest | 眠床架
binzhngkvii | edge of the bed | 眠床墘
binzhngpafng | bed platforms | 眠床枋
binzhngphof | bed; berth | 眠床舖
binzhngpøo | bed goddess | 眠床婆
binzhngtø | broad board on the front of a bed; used for sitting | 眠床道; 床頭; 床沿
binzoghak | ethnology | 民族學
binzok buxntee | problem of nationalities | 民族問題
binzok ciesiong | a slogan meaning; The Nation above all! | 民族至上
binzok ee phienkiexn | racial prejudice | 民族的偏見
binzok enghioong | national hero | 民族英雄
binzok ieseg | national consciousness | 民族意識
binzok kekbeng | national revolution | 民族革命
binzok uxntong | national movement | 民族運動
binzok zengsiin | racial spirit | 民族精神
binzok zuxkoad | national self-determination | 民族自決
binzok zwgi | racialism; nationalism; the Principle of Nationalism (one of the Three Principles of the People) | 民族主義
binzok | race; people; nation; nationality; race; nation | 民族
binzuo kog | a democratic state | 民主國
binzuo teg | democratic | 民主的
binzuo torng | a democratic party, the Democrats | 民主黨
binzuo zerngthea | democratic government | 民主政體
binzuo zerngti | democracy | 民主政治
binzuo zwgi | democracy | 民主主義
binzuo | democracy; democracy; democratic | 民主
binzuo`ee | democratic | 民主的
binzwkog | democratic country or state; democratic state | 民主國
binzwtorng | the Democratic Party | 民主黨
biphøf | microwave | 微波
biphøloo | microwave oven | 微波爐
bipok | meager; slight; slender | 微薄
bipøh | very small amount, slight | 微薄
biq | be hiddenf; hide oneself; conceal one's self | 匿; 覕; 隱匿; 躲; 匿藏
biq-siøzhøe | hide-and-seek | 匿相尋; 覕相揣; 捉迷藏
biqar | strip of split bamboo | 蔑仔; 篾仔; 竹篾
biqchiøh | mat or mattress made of bamboo strips or slats | 篾蓆
biqki'ar | thin bamboo slice; thin bamboo strip | 蔑枝仔; 竹片
biqlafm | basket 'made of split bamboo, with short feet to stand on' | 竹籃
biqlarng | large bamboo basket for rice | 微薄; 篾籠; 竹籃
biqlii | bamboo screen | 竹簾; 蔑簾
biqnaa | bamboo basket | 微薄; 竹籃竹筐
biqnngg | the softer inside layer of the bamboo but not the innermost; used mostly for wicker-work but much inferior to the outside part called bih-chhe | 蔑榔; 嫩竹篾
birn | to brush; active; clever; prompt; witty; smart; earnest; diligent; hasten | 刷; 抿; 敏
bisad | Catholic mass | 彌撒
bisengbut | microorganism; microbe; microscopic organisms; germ; microbes; micro-organism | 微生物
bisengthaang | germ, microbe | 微生蟲; 病菌
bisex | very small; fine; minute; tiny | 微細
bisi | microscopic | 微視
bisi-hoad | microscopic method | 微視法
bisi-serngcid | microscopic property | 微小性質; 微視性質
bisi-zoxngthaix | microstate | 微小狀態; 微視狀態
bisiao | diminutive; very small; minute; very low voice or sound | 微小
bisii | 1~3 p.m | 寐
bisiofng | tiny wound | 微傷
bisiør | very small, unimportant | 微小
bisoex | very small, unimportant | 微小
bisøex | unimportant; very small; tiny | 微細; 微小
bit putkhøfhwn | intimate; close | 密無可分
bit | dense; intimate; close; secret; honey; sweet; honey; nectar in a flower; sweet | 密; 蜜
bitafmirn | vitamin | 維他命
bitahbirn | vitamin | 維他命
bithabirn | vitamin | 維生素
biuxlun | fallacious dogma | 謬論
bix | beer; to fill | 啤; 彌
bixbie | delicious, delicacy | 美味; 味美
bixbiern | unavoidable; rather; a bit too; truly; it must be admitted that; necessarily; unavoidably | 未免
bixbongjiin | widow; one who is unable to die yet; widow | 未亡人
bixbongliin | window | 未亡人
bixhoad | underdeveloped; not happen yet | 未發
bixhunhw | fiance | 未婚夫
bixhunzhef | fiancee | 未婚妻
bixhux | unpaid; outstanding account or debt | 未付
bixhwn | unmarried; unmarried; single | 未婚
bixjieen | before anything happens | 未然
bixkag | sense of taste; sense of taste; gestation | 味覺
bixkhaihoad | undeveloped; uncultivated land or resources | 未開發
bixkhøfty | unable to know; do not know | 未可知
bixkiexn | have not seen; have not been seen | 未見
bixkoad | undecided; unsettled | 未決; 尚未決定
bixkuie | soon after; in a short time; not much or many; shortly thereafter | 未幾
bixlaai | future; not yet arrived; the future | 未來
bixlaiphaix | futurists; futurism | 未來派
bixlek | charm | 魅力
bixliawieen | ties (connections) carried over from the previous life (Buddhist) | 未了緣
bixluie | taste buds | 味蕾
bixlør siensoef | prematurely senile | 未老先衰
bixmoar | not full; not expire; not reach to; not yet at the age of… | 未滿
bixn'ioong | countenance; face; appearance; countenance; face | 面容
bixn'iubixnkad | frown | 面憂面結
bixn'iuu | facial cream; face cream | 面油; 面霜
bixn'iw bixnkad | face wrinkled with vexation or grief | 面憂面結; 愁眉苦臉
bixnbak | facial expression; facial features; facial appearance; countenance; personage; face; feature; appearance; countenance | 面目; 容貌
bixnbea | face | 面馬; 面盤兒; 面龐
bixnbo'ar | face | 面模仔
bixnbok | facial expression; facial features; facial appearance; countenance; personage; look; face; feature; appearance; countenance | 面目
bixnboo | face model; facial contour; facial outline; facial appearance | 面模; 面貌; 面龐; 輪廓; 臉蛋兒
bixnchix | interview | 面試
bixnchviw | complexion; facial expression; countenance; appearance; shape or features of the face; the outline or contours of a face | 面腔; 面貌; 相貌; 面相; 臉相; 臉色
bixncieen | in front of | 面前
bixncviu | face; superficial; on the face of | 面上; 表面臉面; 臉上
bixnheeng | face model; facial contour; facial outline; facial appearance; face shape; shape of a face; features | 面形; 面型; 臉形
bixnhurn | face powder; facial powder | 面粉
bixnkhefng | facial outline; facial appearance; facial contour; shape of the face | 面匡; 面龐; 臉龐; 面廓
bixnkhoarn | appearance; face; features | 面款; 面貌
bixnkhorng | face | 臉孔
bixnkhu | mask | 面具
bixnkud | zygomatic bone | 面骨; 顴骨
bixnkwn | face-towel | 面巾; 毛巾
bixnkyn | facial towel; towel | 面巾; 毛巾
bixnloong | countenance, face | 面容
bixnmau | countenance; looks; face; features; one's complexion; one's appearance; appearance; features of a person | 面貌
bixnmngg | facial hair | 面毛; 臉部汗毛
bixnmof | facial hair | 面毛
bixnmoh | face | 面膜
bixnphee | face | 面皮
bixnphex | veil | 面紗; 面罩
bixnphoee jiaau | wrinkled face | 臉皮皺
bixnphoee kau | brazen faced; shameless; impudent; cheeky | 臉皮厚
bixnphoee | facial skin | 面皮; 臉皮
bixnphuun | washing basin; basin for washing hands and face; wash basin | 面盆; 臉盆
bixnphøee | feelings; emotions; facial features | 面皮; 臉皮; 面子
bixnpo | facial region; the face | 臉部
bixnpox | facial towel; towel | 面布; 洗臉毛巾; 毛巾
bixnsef | veil worn by woman in church | 面紗
bixnseg | facial color; complexion; complexion; countenance | 面色; 臉色
bixnsek | familiar; known by face; know by sight; familiar with | 面熟; 面善
bixnsiin | color and facial expression; spiritual expression | 面神; 神采
bixnsioxng | a person's features; physiognomy; person's features; physiognomy | 面相
bixntax | mask | 面罩
bixnte | countenance; personage; place to sleep | 面地; 容貌; 眠地
bixntefng | carbuncle on the face | 面疔
bixnterng | surface; face; outside; appearance; on the top | 面頂; 頂上; 上面; 上邊
bixnterng-høex | top merchandise | 面頂貨
bixnterng-svaf | exterior clothes | 面頂衫
bixnthaang | intestinal parasite; ascariasis; tapeworm; roundworm | 蛔虫; 蛔蟲
bixnthafngkex | basin stand | 面桶架
bixntharng | washing basin; basin for washing hands and face; wash basin | 面桶; 面盆; 臉盆
bixnthauzeeng | in front of; in the presence of | 面頭前
bixnthea | countenance; personage | 面體; 相貌; 面貌; 容貌
bixnthefphee | emotional sensitivity, respectability | 面體皮
bixntuix | face reality or the facts | 面對
bixntøf | razor | 面刀; 修臉刀; 剃刀; 刮鬍刀
bixnzeeng | in front of; facing; presence | 面前; 前面
bixnzeg | acreage; area; proportion | 面積
bixnzeng'oe | talk in front of person; give a straight talk | 面前話
bixnzengkhia | present a false front | 面前斜; 表面工夫
bixnzoar | tissue | 面紙
bixnzuie | honor; reputation; feelings; emotions; appearance; countenance; personage | 面水; 面子
bixnzuo | self-respect; reputation; prestige; honor; appearances | 面子
bixoaan | unfinished; not completed | 未完
bixpid cixnjieen | not always so; not necessarily | 未必盡然
bixpid | not necessarily; probably not; not always; not necessarily | 未必; 不一定
bixpien | it's not convenient to; improper; inadvisable; not in a position to | 未便
bixpitjieen | may not; not necessarily; probably not; not necessarily so | 未必然; 未必
bixpog sienty | foresee accurately; a seer | 未卜先知
bixpog-sienty | to know without consulting oracle | 未卜先知
bixseeng | not completed; not accomplished | 未成
bixsenglieen | under age; minor; not of age | 未成年
bixsengsek | unripe; immature | 未成熟
bixsi | not yet; not only | 未是; 惟是
bixsii | one to three o'clock in the afternoon | 未時
bixsioong | not known; not clear | 未詳
bixsirnciar | one who is not yet a Christian | 不信者
bixsixn | not yet believing | 未信
bixsorhurn | flavor essence; condiments used in cooking | 味素粉
bixsox | monosodium glutamate(MSG); gourmet powder; Ajinomoto; monosodium glutamate; a condiment used extensively in Taiwan cooking that is very tasty but also very hard on digestive tract | 味素; 味晶
bixsui | not accomplished; aborted; used after a verb; fail in accomplishing; attempted without success; unaccomplished | 未遂
bixsuixhoan | unconsummated crime | 未遂犯
bixteng | uncertain; not yet settled | 未定
bixteng`ee | undecided | 未定的
bixtisox | unknown quantity or number; unknown quantity or factor | 未知數
bixty lok suo suisiuo | unable to predict who will be the winner | 未知鹿死誰手
bixty | unknown | 未知
bixtø | smell | 味道
bixtøea | answer to the riddle | 謎底
bixtøee | riddle | 謎題
bixui | riddle drawing | 謎畫
bixuo tiubiuu | take precautions before it is too late; take protective measures in advance | 未雨綢繆
bixuo-tiubiu | take precautions before it is too late; take protective measures in advance | 未雨綢繆
bixzeeng | never; never yet; have not yet | 未曾
bixzefng | flavor essence; condiments used in cooking | 味精
bixzeng | never before; before | 未曾
bixzeng'iuo | never have; there never was | 未曾有; 未曾有過
bixzeng'iuo`ee | unprecedented, not previously experienced | 未前有的
bixzhay | riddle; conundrum; riddle | 謎猜; 謎語; 謎題
bixzuie | dive | 沬水; 潛水
bizek'hwn | calculus; math | 微積分
bizhefng bogsiux | handsome; beautiful | 目清眉秀; 眉清目秀
biø | temple | 廟
biø'ar | temple | 廟仔
biø'oe | to draw, to depict, to portray, to design | 描畫
biøar | smal temple | 廟仔
biøfchyn | mother | 母親
biøfciafm | second hand for clock or watch; second hand on the dial of a clock or watch | 秒針
biøfzefng | second | 秒鐘
biøhoef | to delineatea figure | 描繪
biøji | sketch writing; trace writing | 描字
biøo | trace a copy on transparent or thin paper | 描
biør | (a measure word); second | 秒
biøsiar | describe; copy by tracing | 描寫
biøsiar-zu'yn | descriptors | 描寫茲因; 描寫??
biøsut | to outline, to describe | 描述
biøxciog | temple attendant in charge of incense and religious service; temple superior | 廟祝; 廟住
biøxhoe | temple fair; temple fair on fixed days of the month | 廟會
biøxkhao | temple court or entrance | 廟口
biøxkofng | temple-keeper; temple superior | 廟公
biøxlai | in the temple | 廟內
biøxmngg | temple's gate | 廟門
biøxsi | temple | 寺廟; 廟寺
biøxtviaa | temple environs or courtyard; temple environs or courtyard | 廟埕
biøxuo | temple; temple building; temple | 廟宇
bo | grind; mill; yearn for; long for; adore; admire | 礱; 幕; 慕; 募; 墓
bo'ar | mold | 模仔
bo'gek | a treasonable plot | 謀逆
bo'gie | simulation | 模擬
boa'ar | grinder | 磨仔; 磨子
boaa hof ciafm | sharpen to a point; to point | 磨乎尖
boaa hof kym | polish smooth; brighten; burnish | 磨乎金
boaa hof lai | sharpen to an edge; hone | 磨乎銳; 磨乎利
boaa | labour; toil; grind; toil; labor hard | 磨; 勞; 辛勞
boaa`laang | humiliate a person; put through privations to a person | 磨人; 折磨人
boaan | hide; walk with limp; thoughtless | 瞞; 蹣; 顢
boabak | grind Chin; inkcake on slab; prepare liquid ink from an ink stick | 磨墨
boabiet | obliterate | 磨滅
boaboaa`leq | polish them a bit | 磨磨咧
boaciøh | millstone | 磨石
boaciøqar | terrazzo | 磨石仔
boad | plaster; wipe; rub; mop; smear; apply to | 抹
boadcioxng | the last general; the last general from previous dynasty | 末將
boadjit | the last day of the world; last day; the end of | 末日
boadkiab | the last disaster | 末劫
boadkii | the last stage; last stage; final phase | 末期
boadkog | the last nation | 末國
boadli | little profit | 末利; 薄利
boadlo | the end of the rope; end of the way; end of life; miserable end; dead end; impasse | 末路
boadsek | lower position | 末席
boadsex | last or declining years; latter part; latter days; the last years of a dynasty | 末世
boadsiaw sinkefng | peripheral nervous system | 末稍神經
boadsiaw | tip (of a branch), end (of banana); peripheral nervous system | 末稍; 末梢
boadsiok | modern customs; latter-day fashions or fads; decadent ways; bad customs | 末俗; 惡俗
boadsiw | to confiscate | 沒收
boadthaxn | little profit | 末賺; 薄賺
boadtiaau | the last dynasty | 末朝
boafn'afn | good night!; good evening!; Good evening! Good night! | 晚安
boafn'an | expire | 滿限; 滿期
boafn'ix | satisfied; satisfactory | 滿意
boafn'oaan | full house; filled to capacity with people | 滿員; 客滿; 額滿
boafn'un | a man's circumstances in old age; spell of good luck; full load | 晚運; 滿運
boafnbin | full face; whole face; all over the face | 滿面; 滿臉
boafnboafnboarn | completely fill to overflow | 滿滿滿
boafnboarn | impletion; fullness | 滿滿
boafnchid | the seven times seven days after death; forty-nine days after death; seventh day memorial for the dead | 滿七; 滿旬
boafnchiw | late autumn | 晚秋
boafnciofng | evening bells | 晚鐘
boafnciog | satisfied; satisfactory; be satisfied | 滿足
boafngiah | filled to capacity; places all taken | 滿額
boafngoat | full month; baby's completed first month | 滿月
boafnhaa | sunglow at dusk, afterglow, the glow of sunset | 滿霞; 晚霞
boafnhak | late learning | 晚學
boafnhaxn | banquet | 滿漢
boafnhoaai | heart full of enthusiasm; sorrow | 滿懷
boafnhoe | evening party; evening party; soiree | 晚會
boafnhwn | marry late in life | 晚婚
boafnjim | completion of a term | 滿任; 任滿
boafnkafn | at night | 晚間
boafnkerng | a man's circumstances in old age | 晚景
boafnkhøx | night prayers (Catholic) | 晚課; 晚禱
boafnkii | full; top full; completion of a term; expiration date; expiration of a given period | 滿盈; 滿期
boafnkoaf | elegy; funeral hymn; elegy | 輓歌
boafnkuix | late season | 晚季
boafnkvii | full up to the edge; filled up to the rim (said of any liquid) | 滿墘; 滿至上限; 盈滿
boafnlefhok | formal evening dress | 晚禮服
boafnlieen bøo zuo | three greatest misfortunes in youth to lose one's father; in middle age to lose one's wife; in old age to have no son | 三無幸; 少年喪父; 中年喪妻; 晚年無子
boafnlieen | one's old-age; old; late in life | 晚年; 輓聯
boafnluie | bases-loaded; full base; bases full | 滿壘
boafnpoex | the younger generation; younger generation | 晚輩
boafnpvoaa | overall | 全盤
boafnpøx | evening paper; afternoon paper | 晚報
boafnsefng | self-reference of student | 晚生
boafnsien | evening meal; supper | 晚膳
boafnsiong | evening | 晚上
boafnsoex | person's later years in life | 晚歲; 晚年
boafnsyn | all over body; whole body | 滿身
boafntaai | full | 滿台; 客滿
boafnthiensefng | a plant of the lettuce family, Lactuca indica | 滿天星
boafntiaau | high tide; at full sea; high tide | 滿潮
boafntiarm | full point | 滿點
boafntiu | a late crop of rice | 晚稻
boafntoong | full house | 滿堂
boafntviuu | whole assemblage; be full of people; draw a full house | 滿場
boafnzaix | full load; fully laden | 滿載
boafnzex | evening sacrifice | 晚祭
boafnzhafn | evening meal; dinner; supper | 晚餐
boafnzhud | brim over; to overflow | 溢出
boafnzhwn | late spring | 晚春
boafnzø | a packed house; full house | 滿座
boagee | grind one's teeth; be too talkative; indulge in arguments | 磨牙
boah | fine powder; powdered or small broken particles | 末; 抓; 粉末
boah'iuu | apply oil; anoint; smear with oil or grease; baste; to grease | 抹油; 敷油
boah'iøh | apply ointment to skin | 抹藥; 擦藥
boah'of | to defame, to discredit | 抹黑; 抹烏
boahbin | makeup | 抹面
boahboaq`leq | apply roughly | 抹抹咧
boahhoad | method of applying 'cream, ointment, etc' | 塗法
boahhoef | plastering | 抹灰
boahhurn | apply make-up; powder; powder one's face | 抹粉
boahkoo | smear | 抹糊
boahpiaq | paint wall; plaster a wall | 抹壁; 塗牆
boahsiaw | erase; erase; to strike off; inform the authorities of cessation of a right | 抹消; 洗滌; 擦掉
boahtaf | wipe to dry | 抹乾
boahtiaau | apply on the surface | 抹住
boahtøf | spatula(used for mixing and spreading); trowel | 抹刀; 泥水匠用之抹刀
boahzhao | a herb | 抹草; 草本植物
boakhvaf | grinding bowl | 磨坩
boakviax | polish bronze mirror | 磨鏡; 磨光銅鏡
boalat | grind | 磨力
boalien | trials and hardships for strengthening character | 磨鍊; 磨練
boan | spate for applying plaster; plaster; pave | 墁
boaq bag'iøh | apply eye ointment | 擦目藥
boaq iaam | rub salt | 抹鹽
boaq iøqar | apply a plaster (medicine) | 抹藥仔; 擦藥
boaq serng'iuu | anointing | 抹聖油; 塗聖油
boaq | apply on the surface; apply; rub on; smear; anoint; to plaster a wall | 抹; 塗; 敷
boaqar | alligator, crocodile | 鱷魚; 鰐魚
boaqboah | very fine (powder) | 末末
boaqzhao | jasmine | 茉草
boarn thienha | all over the world; everywhere | 滿天下
boarn | fill to overflow, brimful | 滿
boat | not yet; foam; jasmine; fodder; feed animals; stockings; socks; end; the last; small; mean; unimportant; finally | 末; 茉; 靺; 少; 沫; 秣
boatøf | sharpened knife; sharpen a knife; hone a knife | 磨刀
boaxnii | next year | 明年
bocid | try to find employment; hunt for a job | 謀職
boe arnsngx | unexpected | 袂按算
boe koeamngg | said of a girl not yet married although betrothed | 未過門
boe | sell; not; no | 賣; 未; 袂
boe'afho | rainy season in early summer when plums are ripening; plum rains | 梅仔雨
boe'afkvoaf | dried plums; preserved plums | 梅仔干
boe'aftee | plum tea | 梅仔茶
boe'iuu | petroleum; kerosene | 煤油; 石油
boe'uo | rainy season in early summer when plums are ripening | 梅雨
boe-siusoaq | does not have the means to wind up an affair | 沒收煞; 沒辦法收場
boea | buy; purchase | 買; 尾
boea-zefngzvae | pinky; small finger; the tail refers | 尾腫指; 小拇指; 小指頭; 尾指
boea`laai | afterwards; later | 尾來; 後來
boeaftee | plum tea | 梅仔茶
boear | plum | 梅仔
boee | plum; trap; flatter; matchmaker; decoy | 梅; 媚; 陷阱; 媒; 囮
boef'mvia | ransom a criminal | 買命; 贖出罪犯
boefafkviar | youngest kid in a family | 尾仔囝
boefar | at the end; at last | 尾仔; 後來
boefau | in the end; at the end; at the rear | 尾後; 後面
boefbin | afterwards; later | 尾面; 後來
boefboe | buy and sell; trade; business | 買賣
boefchiuo | the last hand in ownership; e.g. second hand; third hand; last hand | 尾手; 買手; 最後
boefciorng | last prize | 尾獎
boefcixn | buy | 買進
boefgee | year-end dinner for employees; 16th day of 12th month in the lunar calendar; year-end dinner given by a shop owner to entertain his employees on the 16th of the twelfth moon; during which an employee would know that he will not be hired for the coming year if the head of a cooked chicken is pointed at his seat | 尾牙
boefhoe | last member of a private lending association in which each member puts in a deposited amount of money each month and they bid on who will get the money each month. The one with the lowest bid gets the money that month | 尾會
boefiah | butterfly | 尾蝶
boefiuu | buy edible oil | 買油; 沽油
boefjit | The last day | 尾日; 最後一天
boefjixzvae | ring finger | 尾二指
boefkerng | the last setting for a dramatic production | 晚景
boefkex | purchasing price | 買價
boefkhoex | sales contract, agreement of sale | 買契
boefkhvoar | the final payment on a debt | 尾款
boefkii | final phase; last stage | 末期
boefkud | tail-bone | 尾骨
boefliw | the tail end; the end; the tip | 尾端; 尾鰍
boefpan | a comprador | 買辦
boefpangchiaf | last bus | 尾幫車
boefphiøx | buy votes | 買票
boefsiw | bribe | 買收
boefsox | odd sum; odd change; balance of an account | 尾數
boefsuii | follow close behind; to tail; to shadow | 尾隨
boefsviaf | final tone of a piece of music; final or closing stage of an activity or event | 尾聲
boefsyn | afterwards; later | 尾身; 後來
boeftangkud | tail bone; coccyx | 尾椎骨
boeftvax | final gift in a wedding procession | 尾攤; 嫁粧排列於最後之物
boefzam | last part of a story; of an episode; of a long poem (thau-cham; tiong-cham); last part of a trip; last stop on a scheduled route; after | 尾站; 終站; 後來
boefzefngzvae | the little finger | 尾種指; 小指頭
boefzngfzvae | the little finger | 尾庄指; 小指頭
boefzuo | customer; buyer | 買主
boefzuy | part of a domestic fowl where the tail feathers of attached | 尾椎
boefzvae | the little finger | 尾指; 小指
boeh | socks | 襪
boeh'arm'afsii | dusk; night-fall; toward evening | 要暗仔時; 傍晚; 黃昏
boeh'arm'ar | dusk; evening; nightfall; dusk; toward dark; evening | 要暗仔; 傍晚; 黃昏
boehbøo | otherwise; or else; or; otherwise | 要無; 否則; 要無然
boehnii | What good is it? ...; what's the matter? | 要呢; 何用; 何事
boehoelok | kind of deer with white spots | 梅花鹿
boehsi | if | 要是
boehsie boeh'oah | importune desperately; so sick a person doesn't know whether he will live or die | 要死要活
boehsie | drive someone to death; extremely; frighteningly; confoundedly; annoyance | 要死; 要命
boehthox | to hate; to loathe; strain one's heart and mind | 要吐; 作嘔; 噁心
boehtih | demand; ask; request; coerce; ; important; vital; to want; to be going to; must | 要欲; 要
boehzay | if one knows in advance | 要知; 假如事先知道
boekhoxng | coal mine | 煤礦
boeq hør`ax | just about finished; recovering sick person | 要好呀; 快好了
boeq khaux bøo bagsae | You want to cry but there are no tears. There's just no way out | 欲哭無目屎
boeq khix | you (or he) are going | 要去
boeq laikhix | I (we) am going | 要來去
boeq sie`ax | at the point of death | 要死呀; 快死了
boeq tao'ar | from about 10:00 to 11:30 | 會晝仔; 將近中午
boeq tih | to want, have need of | 要欲
boeq | just about to; to wish; want; will; sign of future This word is sometimes used to express a conditional clause | 要; 將要; 快要
boeq`bøo | want or not? | 要無; 要麼
boeq`m | want or not? | 要無; 要嗎
boeqar | socks; stockings | 襪子
boeqsog | garter | 襪束; 襪帶
boeqthøx | wrappers worn either outside the stocking or in place of stockings as a protection from chafing with shoes | 襪套
boeqtoax | garter | 襪帶
boethvoax | coal | 煤炭
boetok | syphilis | 梅毒
boexbae | not bad | 袂䆀
boexbiefntid | cannot avoid, is the natural result, 'it' follows | 未免得; 難免
boexciaqboexkhuxn | no appetite and unable to fall to sleep | 袂食袂睏
boexcviabiin | could not, unable to 'sleep' | 未成眠; 睡不好
boexeng`teq | cannot use | 未用得; 無能用
boexexngtid | not allow to | 袂用得
boexhiao | unable to | 袂曉
boexhiarng | unable to sound loud; ; will not; be unable to; be incapable to | 未響; 無會
boexhiongkefng | sperm whale, Physeter catodon | 抹香鯨
boexhux | unable to make it | 袂赴
boexjixntid | cannot recognize, cannot be recognized, do not recognize | 未認得
boexkex | selling price | 賣價
boexkhamtid | cannot bear it | 袂堪得
boexkhie | cannot unable to 'lift, carry, climb, etc’; unable to carry | 未起; 不起
boexkhix | will not go 'simple future' | 未去
boexkhuy | cannot open, unable to open | 未開
boexkiernsiaux | shameless | 袂見笑; 不要臉
boexkietid | don’t remember | 袂記得
boexkirmtid | cannot keep from 'laughing, crying, etc', cannot stop 'sthg which is happening' | 未禁得 ; 情不自禁
boexkofngtid | won’t accept criticism | 袂講得
boexkokloo | traitor | 賣國奴
boexkox`tid | be unable to | 未顧得
boexlaai | not able to, cannot 'because of intrinsic difficulty <[thak boe7-lai5]: cannot read 'because too difficult'> 'cf ' | 未來; 不會來
boexli | cannot, unable to | 不了
boexliao | cannot 'because of excessive quantity' | 未了; 不完
boexlwntid | be unbearable 'pain, cold, sorrow, etc' | 未忍得; 受不住
boexsae | not allow to | 袂使
boexsaix | brother-in-law 'younger sister's husband' | 妹婿
boexsaytid | not allow to | 袂使得
boexseeng | cannot 'do something one wishes to do' | 未成
boexsexngtid | should not be spoiled, indulged, allowed to do as he pleases | 不可溺愛
boexsiaw | cannot 'see [chiah8]' | 未消
boexsorng | unhappy | 袂爽
boexsukorng | as if | 袂輸講
boexsw | as if | 袂輸
boexsyn | prostitution | 賣身; 賣淫
boextaxng | unable to | 袂當
boexthofng | cannot pass, cannot evacuate 'bowel, bladder' | 未通
boextiaau | cannot, unable to | 未住; 不會
boextiau | sold | 賣掉
boextit | endless | 袂直
boextitkhix | cannot, unable to 'because of excessive quantity' | 賣得去; 賣不完
boextitthafng | unable to go through | 袂得通
boextiøh | cannot 'achieve a desired objective' | 未到; 買不到
boextng | sell 'without retaining any right or interest in what is sold' | 賣斷
boextviuu | market | 賣場
boextøh | cannot 'kindle a light' | 未燃
boexzeng | never before; before | 未曾
boexzexngboe | acting without waiting for something which should precede (same as boe-cheng) | 未曾未; 還未
boexzhud | sold | 賣出
boexzhunchiaf | unable to convince | 袂伸捙
boexzuo | seller | 賣主
bofar | wife | 妻仔
bofboflaang | so-and-so; what-you-call-him (often said when for some reason if it is undesirable to mention his name) | 某某人; 某人
bofbor | someone; certain others; a certain person; so-and-so; what's-his-name | 某某
bofciorng | a kind of | 某種
bofkim | the wife of wife's brother | 某妗; 妻之嫂
bofkviar | wife and children; family dependent; wife and children | 某囝; 妻兒
boflaang | a certain person | 某人
bofloo | be a slave of one's wife; henpecked | 某奴; 妻之奴隸
bofmih laang | Mr. So-and-so | 某某人
bofmih | certain things | 某物
bofmih'laang | Mr. so-and-so | 某個人; 某物人
bofmihlaang | so-and-so; what-you-call-him (often said when for some reason if it is undesirable to mention his name) | 某物人; 某某人
bofmylaang | annomous | 某乜人
bofng | touch; grope; feel; sense by touch | 摸
bofng-bølo | not to find the road in the dark, find no solution to a difficult case | 摸無路; 摸不著路; 摸無著門路
bofng-bømngg | does not trace the method | 摸無門; 摸無著門路
bofng`tiøh | touched | 摸到
bofngbofng'afsi | do what situation requires; to muddle or drift along | 罔罔仔是; 得過且過
bofngbofng'ar | barely adequate; not too bad | 罔罔仔; 還可以
bofngchi | feed with feeling lost or disconcerted; temporary feed without hope | 罔飼; 姑且養之
bofngchviar | temporarily | 罔且; 姑且; 從權; 暫且
bofnggøo | turn; move in a circle | 打轉
bofnghab | chat | 閒聊
bofnghoee | work aimlessly | 罔回; 做這做那
bofnghw | a bumptious fellow | 莽夫
bofngjieen | disappointedly, at a loss | 罔然; 惘然
bofngkhix | not too bad; can get through | 罔去; 姑且去
bofngkoex | just getting on so and so | 罔過; 得過且過
bofngkorng | talk with some reservation; talk without purpose; just talk on and on with little purpose | 罔講; 姑妄言之; 隨便說說
bofngkviaa | walk casually; walk informally or randomly | 罔行; 隨便走走
bofngkw | hanging around; no place to live | 罔居; 茍且居住
bofngkøex | not too bad; can get through | 罔過; 過得去
bofngliau | temporary conjecture; informal guess | 罔料; 暫且推測
bofnglurn | just bear it as well as you can | 罔忍; 姑且忍之
bofngløf | beg | 罔囉; 常常向人要
bofngsviu | crazy or absurd idea or ideas | 罔想; 妄想
bofngsøo | walk slowly and casually; walk slowly and informally; walk about | 罔趖; 無事走動
bofngthoaf | temporary delay | 罔拖; 暫且拖過
bofngto | informally transition; temporary transition; just getting along; put up with; be satisfied with | 罔渡; 暫且渡日; 得過且過
bofngtong | recklessly; dash or drive recklessly | 莽撞
bofngtorng | hasty; rash; impetuous; coarse; rude; hurried; reckless; careless in action; rude in manner | 糊塗; 懵懂; 鹵莽
bofngtorng-haxn | recklessly fellow; dash or drive recklessly fellow | 莽撞漢
bofngzoaa | a boa or python | 蟒蛇
bofpurn | the expenses of man to marry wife; money necessary to marry a wife | 某本; 娶妻費用; 娶妻之本錢
bofsii bofjit | certain time and certain day | 某時某日
bofsofzai | certain place | 某所在
bofsviaflaang | who is it? | 某甚人
bofsvoaf | background of wife | 某山; 妻家背景
boftafn | a city in Pingtung County | 牡丹
boftafn-hoef | tree peony | 牡丹花
boftanhoef | tree peony | 牡丹花
boftanpek'hap | tulip, Tulipa gesneriana | 牡丹百合
bofthauchyn | wife's relatives; affinity or in-laws of wife side; wife's relations | 某頭親; 外戚; 妻方親戚
bofthauku | wife's brother | 某頭舅; 妻之兄弟
boftoaxcie | female married to younger spouse | 某大姊
boftoaxku | wife's older brother | 某大舅; 妻之兄; 大舅子
bog | strike on the head; sound of water bubble | 擊; 揍; 沫; 水中發泡圓團狀
bog'iok | take a bath; bathe; to steep in or receive favors; to soak in | 沐浴
bog'ioong | shepherd | 牧羊
bog'iorng | to herd or tend animals; raise ranch or farm animals | 牧養
bog'uii | don't do it | 莫為
bog'viuu | care for sheep, pastor | 牧羊
bogbea | wooden horse for gymnastics; hobbyhorse; logs cut and fitted for transfer to a lumber collection point | 木馬
bogbeeng kibiau | incomprehensible | 莫名其妙
bogbeeng kii biau | very mysterious and abstruse; very strange; peculiar | 莫明其妙
bogbiin | shepherd the people | 牧民
bogbog'kiøx | bubble (air escaping in water; etc); buble | 莫莫叫; 起泡聲
bogbog'siuu | swimming with difficulty | 莫莫泅; 沐沐泅; 掙扎
bogbogkiøx | bubble 'air escaping in water, etc' | 漠漠叫; 起泡聲
bogbogsiuu | struggle of person in difficulty; vagrant; unemployed (Lit. struggle in the water while drowning) | 沐沐泅; 在水中掙扎; 無固定職業
bogbuu zuntiorng | contemptuous towards anthorities or superiors | 目無尊長
bogchiuu | don't worry | 莫愁
bogchvy | the Jupiter | 木星
bogciar | shepherd; shepherd | 牧者
bogcie | wood seed; tree seed | 木籽
bogcieen | presently; now | 目前
boggek cy kaw | uninterrupted friendship | 莫逆之交
boggek | friend with complete mutual understanding | 莫逆
bogguu | wooeden fish, wooden resonator for recitation | 木魚
boggvofhix | puppet show | 木偶戲
boggvor | wooden puppet | 木偶
bogha | at present discourse; at present; the present; at present | 目下
boghak | animal husbandry, zootechny | 木學; 木斛; 蘭花
boghii | wooden resonator for recitation of Buddhist Sutras; wooden fish used by a bonze as a drum or hand metronome to keep time when chanting prayers | 木魚
boghoe | pastor a church | 牧會
boghoxng | raise and care for sheep | 牧放
boghuu | wooden resonator for recitation of Buddhist Sutras | 木魚
boghuy | can it be possible that; could it be; certainly; surely; can it be that | 莫非; 莫非是
bogkafng | carpenter; woodworker; carpentry | 木工
bogkangchviuo | woodworking plant or shop | 木工廠
bogkangtviuu | woodworking plant or shop | 木工場
bogkeg | eyewitness; to see with one's own eyes | 目擊
bogkek | witness | 目擊
bogkekciar | eyewitness | 目擊者
bogkheg | wood engraving; woodcut | 木刻; 木雕
bogkhietiaxm | wooden article store; wooden furniture store | 木器店
bogkhix | wood vessels; furniture | 木器
bogkhofng itzhex | so conceited that nothing enters his eyes; very arrogant | 目空一切
bogkiaxm | wooden sword | 木劍
bogkirn | hibiscus | 木槿
bogkoaf | papaya | 木瓜
bogkoaix | no wonder; no wonder that; please excuse | 莫怪; 怪無得; 難怪; 怨不得
bogkoef | papaya | 木瓜
bogkoekengciøf | plantaion, Musa paradisiaca | 木瓜芎蕉
bogkuxn | wood rod | 木棍
boglaan-hoef | magnolia flower | 木蘭花
boglanhoef | small yellow flower; especially fragrant in the morning | 木蘭花
boglantii | mulan pond | 木蘭池
boglek | eyesight, power of vision | 目力; 視力
bogliau | timber; lumber | 木料
boglieen | wooden lotus | 木蓮
boglieen-hoef | magnolia | 木蘭花
bogliin | friendly neighbors | 睦鄰
bogliok | table of contents; catalogue | 目錄
boglok | catalog; table of contents; directory (on computer hard drive); list; contents | 目錄
bogmahoong | casuarina | 木麻黃
bogmar | wooden horse | 木馬
bogmii | kapok; cotton | 木棉
bogmoa'ngg | casuarina | 木麻黃
bogmoaa | coniferous hardwood tree | 木麻
bogmoahoong | beefwood | 木麻黃; 番麻黃
bognay'y | mummy; mummified corpse | 木乃伊
bognie | an edible fungus | 木耳
bogparn | blocks engraved for printing | 木板
bogphiaw | goal; objective; purpose; objective; target; aim | 目標
bogphu'ioong | a cotton rose | 木芙蓉
bogpiaw | target | 目標
bogpid | magnolia; wooden pen | 木筆
bogpid-hoef | zephyranthes | 木筆花
bogpurn | plants with stiff trunks | 木本
bogpvoaa | a wooden tub | 木盤
bogsaxng | follow with the eyes | 目送
bogsef | cassia | 木犀; 肉桂樹
bogsek | familiar-looking; familiar; offen seen | 目熟; 眼熟
bogsi | visual percepsion | 莫視; 目視
bogsimpafng | plywood | 木心枋
bogsiog | clover | 苜蓿
bogsiong | wooden figure | 木像
bogsu'iuo | unwarranted; groundless; fabricated; trumped-up | 莫須有
bogsukoarn | The Manse, The Parsonage, the pastor's residence | 牧師住宅
bogsuniuu | priest's wife; pastor's wife | 牧師娘
bogsw | pastor; ordained minister; pastor; minister | 牧師
bogsw-koarn | pastor's residence. The Manse, the Personage | 牧師館; 牧師住宅
bogsw-niuu | ordained minister's wife | 牧師娘
bogtai | very big; greatest | 莫大
bogteg | purpose; purpose; aim; goal; objective | 目的; 目標
bogtegte | destination | 目的地
bogtek | purpose; goal; aim; intention | 目的
bogtekbut | objective; aim | 目的物
bogtekte | destination | 目的地
bogthiog | stock farming; cattle breeding | 牧畜
bogthiokgiap | pastoral industry; stock farming; ranching | 牧畜業
bogthvoaroe | charcoal drawing | 木炭畫
bogthvoax | charcoal from wood | 木炭
bogtiaw | woodcarving | 木雕
bogtiofng bujiin | so arrogant that no one is important in his eyes | 目中無人
bogtiong | shepherd's staff | 牧杖
bogtiorng | church readers | 牧長
bogtok | bell with wooden clapper | 木梆; 木鐸
bogtoong | shepherd boy; herd boy; shepherd; cowboy | 牧童
bogtor | see directly; witness; see with one's eyes | 目睹
bogtviuu | meadow; pasture; ranch; dairy farm; stock farm; pasture; ranch | 牧場
bogviuu | to pasture sheep; look after sheep | 牧羊
bogzaai | log for sawing; lumber | 木材
bogzaihaang | timber merchant; lumberman | 木材行
bogzeeng | now; present | 目前; 眼前
bogzhaai | log for sawing; lumber | 木材
bogzhao | grass; grazing; pasturage; pasture; pasture | 牧草
bogzhefng bisiux | handsome; beautiful | 目清眉秀; 眉清目秀
bogzheg køchym | unfathomable; inscrutable | 莫測高深
bogzheg | measure distance with the eyes | 目測
bogzhux | contents of book | 目次
bogzø | treen; wooden | 木造
bogzøo | a trough | 木槽
bohai | conspire to kill; injure; harm; plot a crime or some evil against another | 謀害
boheeng | shape of a mold; model; model; a pattern | 模型
bohoan | exemplary; model; mould; a pattern; an example | 模範
bohoarn | attempt rebellion; plan revolt | 謀反; 造反
bohoo | vague; indistinct; fuzzy | 模糊
bohorng | imitate; imitate; imitation | 模仿
bok buu zuntiorng | show no respect to elders and superiors | 目無尊長
bok ie seeng ciw | the deed is done (Lit. The wood is already made into a boat.) | 木已成舟
bok putseg tefng | not to know a single word; ignorant | 目無識丁
bok | immersed in water or air; wash; wood; eye; herd; clover; none; lonely; desert; reverent; eyes; chief or head; index; list or summary; inventory; item; look upon; to regard | 沐; 木; 目; 牧; 苜; 莫; 寞; 漠; 穆
bokiuu | seek of; try to get; seek | 謀求
bokiux | plan the deliverance; rescue; or relief of | 謀救
boli | try to earn profits; seek profit | 謀利
boliok | ruse; trick | 謀略
bong Misad | attend Mass (Catholic) | 望彌撒
bong jii seng'uix | be awe-stricken by merely looking at it | 望而生畏
bong zuo seeng lioong | hope one's children will have a bright future | 望子成龍
bong | tomb; grave; absurd; irrational; expect; absurd; untrue; false; ignorant; stupid; fanciful; reckless | 墓; 妄; 望
bong'afhaghau | school for the blind and mute | 盲啞學校
bong'afpof | grave yard | 墓仔埔; 墓地
bong'ar-haghau | school for the blind and dumb | 盲啞學校
bong'ax | blind and dumb | 盲啞
bong'ienho | drizzle | 茫煙雨; 毛毛細雨
bong'iuo | deceased friend | 亡友
bong'viuu pofløo | shut the stable door when the steed is stolen- to take precaution when too late | 亡羊補牢
bong'viuu | lost or stray sheep | 亡羊
bong'wn | ungrateful | 忘恩
bong'yn | ungrateful | 忘恩
bong-ciebeeng | tombstone inscription giving life record of deceased | 墓誌銘
bongbeng | hegira; decamp; go into exile; escape from crime; flee from one's country; seek refuge | 亡命
bongbiao | obscure, uncertain | 盲渺; 渺茫
bongbixntø | masked bandit; robber or burglar | 蒙面盜
bongbofng`leq | touch a bit | 摸摸咧
bongbok | blind | 盲目; 瞎眼
bongboong biawbiao | vast; boundless; helplessly ignorant; completely in the dark; completely at a loss | 茫茫渺渺
bongboong taixhae | boundless ocean | 茫茫大海
bongboong | dim; hazy; vast; boundless | 濛濛; 矇矇; 茫茫
bongbu | misty; mist; fog; fog; mist | 濛霧; 雺霧; 眼花
bongbu-ho | drizzle; light rain | 濛霧雨; 毛毛雨
bongbølo | not to find the road in the dark; find no solution to a difficult case | 摸無路; 找無到路; 找不著頭緒
bongciar | deceased people | 亡者
bongcioong | obey blindly; follow blindly | 盲從
bongciøh | Tombstone | 墓石
bonggvor | selfless, self-forgetful, selflessly, to forget oneself | 忘我
bongheeng | be carried away; be beside oneself with joy | 忘形
bonghii | to fish with the hands | 摸魚
bonghoaai | unmindful; forget; forgetful | 忘懷
bonghuun | soul of departed; ghost; the soul (spirit) of a dead person | 亡魂; 亡靈; 幽靈; 鬼魂
bongjieen zuxsid | stupefied; dazed; bewildered | 茫然自失
bongjieen | vague; uncertain; ignorant | 茫然
bongjii | deceased son | 亡兒
bongjiin kaoiok | education of the blind | 盲人教育
bongjiin | blind person; blind person | 盲人
bongkaux | receive advice or guidance | 蒙教; 接受忠告
bongkhiog | to forget | 忘卻
bongkhvoax | feel and see; touch to feel; touch | 摸看; 摸摸看
bongkog | be conquered by other country; conquered country; subjugated nation; fall of a nation; national doom | 亡國
bongkokloo | refugee | 亡國奴
bongkor-paw | Mongolian tent | 蒙古包
bongkox | death | 亡故
bongkøf | crab-eating mongoose | 芒膏; 棕簑貓; [*]; 貓鼬
bongkør | mango | 芒果
bonglan | endanger | 蒙難
bongleeng | soul of departed; ghost; departed spirits | 亡靈
bonglefng | touch a woman's breast | 摸乳
bonglieen cy kaw | friendship in which the difference in age between the friends is forgotten | 忘年交; 忘年之交
bonglieen | friends despite difference of age | 忘年
bonglieen-hoe | meet with friends who are despite difference of age | 忘年會
bonglienkaw | friendship in which the difference in age between the friends is forgotten | 忘年交; 忘年之交
bongloan | to be busy with, to be occupied with | 忙亂
bonglok | busy, engaged, in a bustle | 忙碌
bongloong | cloudily; darkly; dimly; mirk; shadowiness | 朦朧
bonglyn-hang | an narrow alley in Logkarn | 摸乳巷
bongmeh | examine the pulse | 摸脈; 診脈
bongpex | becloud; hoodwink; dust the eyes of; deceive; swindle; hide truth from a superior | 蒙蔽
bongphiexn | blindfold; fakement | 矇騙
bongpurn | forget one's place, forget one's origin | 忘本
bongsiaw | sodium sulphate | 芒硝
bongtafng bongsay | always at work at various things; so as to have no leisure | 摸東摸西
bongthvy chirnchixn | not to know any obstacles; not to be intimidated | 無知天高地厚
bongtiap | a kind of brill | 芒鮃; 蒙鰈
bongtiarm | blind spot | 盲點
bongtiaux | receive God's call | 蒙召
bongtiin | covered by dust | 蒙塵
bongtng'iam | appendicitis | 盲腸炎
bongtngg | vermiform appendix; blind gut; appendix | 盲腸; 闌尾
bongtngg-iam | appendicitis | 盲腸炎
bongtoong | blind child | 盲腸; 盲童
bongtøea | to investigate, to prove to the bottom | 摸底
bongzerng | term in lunar calendar; about June 7 or 8 | 芒種
bongzerng-ho | East Asian rainy season | 芒種雨; 梅雨
bongzhef | deceased wife | 亡妻
bongzhefng | to have a thorough understanding of | 摸清
bongzoaa | Taiwan warm snake | 蟒蛇; 盲蛇
boo | mold; get; pupil of the eye; plan; plan; to plot; to scheme; devise | 模; 叢; 陰謀; 牟; 眸; 模型; 謀
boong | die; awn; beard; blind; boundless and indistinct; meet with; cover up; dim; die; perish; go away; absent or escaped | 亡; 雺; 霧; 盲; 茫; 蒙; 朦; 芒
boorng'bongboong | very dim, hazy | 茫茫茫; 矇矇矇
boq | negate; negative answer | 否
bor | measure of area about 3066 ft; unit of area about 99.3 square meters; wife | 畝; 某; 30坪; 妻
borluq | ball; bad throw in baseall | 壞球; 球
borng chi | feed for now | 罔飼
borng iøf | feed for now | 罔育
borng kviaa | tentatively | 罔行
borng to | barely getting by | 罔度
borng | barely; uncertain; with some reservation; reckless | 罔; 勉強; 莽
borngborngboxng | quite irresponsible, careless | 罔罔罔
borngboxng | irresponsible; careless; careless; paid it no attention; careless; irresponsible | 罔罔; 不負責任的馬虎; 漫無經心的; 做事滿不在乎
borngsiefn | fellow with careless attitude; people who are fond of playing and recreating | 罔仙; 漫無經心者; 無事過日者; 好玩的人
borngtvar | reckless | 罔膽
bosad | murder; plot murder | 謀殺
bosat'axn | murder case | 謀殺案
bosefng | make a living; plan to make a living; consider how to make a livelihood | 謀生
boseg | mode; method | 模式
bosu | an adviser; make plans for future; look for job; make a plan for something | 謀士; 謀事
bosøq | grope after; feel of; scrabble | 摸索
botan | a buttonm a stud, a knob | 旋鈕
boviu | a person's appearances; exemplary; model; model; example (spiritual or moral); a style; manner; a fashion | 模樣; 榜樣
boxau kangzokciar | behind-the-scenes workers | 幕後工作者
boxau | off-stage, behind the scenes | 幕後
boxbeeng | attracted by one's fame; be attracted by a person's name | 慕名
boxciebeeng | tombstone inscription giving life record of deceased | 墓誌銘
boxcip | gather; collect; levy; invite; enlist; enroll; raise; invite; collect; to appeal for subscriptions | 募集; 招募
boxeg-siofng | an importer or exporter, a trader | 貿易商
boxegkarng | trading port; commercial port | 貿易港
boxegsiofng | business of trade or exchange; trader; import export business | 貿易商
boxek kongsy | trading company or firm | 貿易公司
boxek tiongsym | trade center | 貿易中心
boxek zeazhaai | trade sanction | 貿易制裁
boxek | trade with foreign countries, international trade | 貿易
boxhiø jinbut | behind-the-scenes personalities; string pullers | 幕後人物
boxhiø sinbuun | behind-the-scenes news; inside story | 幕後新聞
boxhorng | to imitate, to copy | 模仿; 摹倣
boxkhix | apiritless, apathetic airs | 無氣
boxkhoarn | collect money; ask for donation | 募款
boxkoafn | collect money; appel for subscriptions; raise money; collect contributions | 募捐
boxkw | grave mound | 墓龜
boxliaau | staffs; secretaries; advisors | 幕僚
boxlieen | old age; closing years of one's life; last days of one's life; declining years | 暮年
boxng | lose one's mind; frustrated; disappointed | 惘
boxng'iong | inordinate use; make improper use of | 妄用; 濫用
boxng'iupve | somnambulism; sleep-walking | 夢遊病; 夢遊症
boxng'iuu | sleepwalk; somnambulate; dream of traveling | 夢遊
boxng'iuu-pve | sleepwalking; somnambulism | 夢遊病
boxng'iuzexng | somnambulism; sleepwalking | 夢遊症
boxng'iuzhao | nepenthe | 忘憂草
boxng'iw | forget about things that make you sad | 忘憂
boxng'oafnkviax | telescope | 望遠鏡
boxng'uii | wet dream | 夢遺
boxng'wn poexgi | ungrateful; ingrate | 忘恩背義
boxng'wn | ungrateful; ingrate | 忘恩
boxngbii | dream of | 夢寐
boxngciøh | gravestone; tombstone | 墓石; 墓碑
boxnggieen | speak recklessly or without forethought; wild tall; a lie | 妄言
boxnggoat | staring at moon | 望月
boxnghiet | grave | 墓穴
boxnghiofng | asleep; dreamland; sleep; slumber | 夢鄉
boxnghoaxn | illusory, visional | 夢幻
boxnghuix | to waste, to lavish | 妄費
boxngkaociar | catechumen (Catholic) | 望教者
boxngkerng | dreamland | 夢境
boxngkhao | mouth of a grave | 墓口
boxngkhoxng | rough opening of a grave | 墓壙; 墓穴
boxngkhud | rough opening of a grave | 墓窪; 墓穴
boxngkoea | rice offerings at the grave on Ching Ming Festival | 墓粿; 清明掃墓之祭品
boxngkw | grave mound | 墓龜
boxngkøx | make false accusation | 妄告; 誣告
boxngpaai | grave marker; tombstone; tombstone | 墓碑; 墓牌
boxngsied | wet dream | 夢洩; 夢遺
boxngsiorng | day dream; an irrational attempt; daydreaming; a daydream; absurd desire; desire wildly | 妄想; 夢想
boxngsiorng-zexng | paranoia | 妄想症
boxngsorngkheq | local rich bourgeois without any eduction or knowledge | 妄宋客; 鄉下遊豪
boxngte | site of a grave or tomb; cemetery | 墓地
boxngteg | act of hope; virtue of hope (Catholic) | 望德
boxngtngg | appendix | 盲腸
boxngtoaxn | misjudgement, indiscreet judgement | 盲斷; 妄斷
boxngtong | reckless or rash actions; act recklessly or rashly | 妄動
boxngtoo | to attempt vainly, to make a vain attempt | 妄圖
boxngtviaa | cemetery; level place just in front of a grave | 墓埕; 墓地; 墓庭
boxngtøe | graveyard | 墓地
boxngtøq | graveyard's table | 墓桌
boxngzexng | false witness; perjury | 妄證
boxngzoar | gold-colored funeral paper for placing on top of tomb on Ching Ming Festival | 墓紙; 掃墓時放置墓上之黃色金紙
boxngzok | respected clan; respected family in a community; family of renown | 望族
boxngzong | light-minded; cursory; offhand | 輕率
boxpaai | monument | 墓碑; 墓牌
boxpefng | enlist soldiers; to enlist troops | 募兵
boxpurn | a facsimile | 模本; 摹本; 傳真
boxpy | gravestone; tombstone | 墓碑
boxsefng | grow luxuriantly | 茂生
boxseg | dusk | 暮色
boxseng | luxelient; luxuriant; exuberant; lush; flourishing | 茂盛
boxsiar | to copy | 模寫; 摹寫
boxtoe | cemetery | 墓地
boxtviaa | cemetery | 墓埕
boxtø | intend to worship | 慕道
boxtø-iuo | worshiper, inquirer, seeker, catechumen | 慕道友
boxzhwn | last month of spring | 暮春
bozaai | scheme to acquire wealth | 謀財
bozaai-haixbeng | murder or kill for money | 謀財害命
bozaihaixbeng | murder for money | 謀財害命
bozhuo | try to get; plot to take | 謀取
bozof | module | 模組
bu | spray; spew; affair; business; fog; mist; go after; strive for; attend to; strive after; must; necessary; used as a suffix to express business; duty; affairs; etc | 務; 霧; 茫茫; 騖; 噴
bu'eg | unprofitable; useless | 無益
bu'erng buzofng | not a trace left | 無影無蹤
bu'iafm | insatiable | 無厭
bu'ieen bukox | without cause or reason; no kith and kin | 無緣無故
bu'iekafn | in unintentional; in unintentionally | 無意間
bu'ietiofng | accidentally; unintentionally; unexpectedly | 無意中
bu'iong | useless; become useless | 無用
bu'iw buli | without sorrow and anxiety | 無憂無慮
bu'ix | unintentional; unintentionally | 無意
bu'ix-tiofng | in unintentional; in unintentionally | 無意中
bu'og putzog | capable of committing every crime under the sun | 無惡無作
bu'og-putzog | stop at nothing in doing evil; to be as wicked as possible | 無惡無作
bu'orng putli | lucky in every endeavor; successful in whatever one does | 無往無利
bu'uii | inaction; inactivity; to let things take their own course | 無為
bu'uix | intrepidity | 無畏
bu'y bukhøx | with no one to turn to or rely on; completely helpless | 無依無靠
bu-sarsax | a great mess and confusion | 霧嗄嗄
bubeeng enghioong | unsung hero; unknown soldier | 無名英雄
bubeeng siawzud | nameless soldier; one of the nameless; worthless common people | 無名小卒
bubeeng | nameless; anonymous | 無名
bubengcie | the ring finger | 無名指
bubengsi | anonymous; unknown person; anonymous (a term usually used to indicate a person who contributes to a charitable cause but doesn't want his name revealed) | 無名氏
bubengzvae | ring finger; the fourth finger | 無名指
bubi | tasteless, insipid | 無味
bubii putcix | down to the very last detail; very thoughtful | 無微無至
bubong cy zay | unexpected misfortune; uncalled for disaster or calamity | 無妄之災
bubong | hopeless | 無望
bucin | endless | 無盡
buciofng | endless | 無終
bucioong | find no way | 無從
bucit jii ciofng | die without any apparent ailment or disease | 無疾而終
bucykerng | have no limit or boundary | 無止境
budboong | do not forget | 勿忘
budcid bunbeeng | material civilization | 物質文明
budcid kiernsied | physical development or progress of a community or country | 物質建設
budcid putbiedlut | law of conservation of matter | 物質無滅律
budcid seng'oah | physical life; material life | 物質生活
budcid zwgi | materialism | 物質主義
budcid | substance; matter; substance | 物質
budciorng | species | 物種
budcitsiong ee an'uix | material comforts | 物質上的安慰
budcitsiong | material; physically | 物質上
budcitzwgi | materialism | 物質主義
budgi | public criticism | 物議
budgo | do not hurt; no mistake; no error; no misunderstanding | 勿誤
budiok | worldly desires; craving for material things | 物慾
budiuo | do not have; without | 沒有
budiøh | myrrh | 沒藥
budkex cysox | price index | 物價指數
budkex phøtong | price fluctuations | 物價波動
budkex thofngzex | price control | 物價統制
budkex wnteng | stability of commodity prices | 物價穩定
budkex | price index; prices of various articles; commodity prices | 物價
budkhie lanboong | remember a favor as long as one lives | 沒齒難忘
budkhoaan | right of ownership to things; articles or objects | 物權
budkoaan | property rights | 物權
budlek | economic or material strength; one's resources; the value of one's property and estate; personal effects | 物力
budliau | material | 物料
budlie hagciar | physicist | 物理學者
budlie hoarhak | physical chemistry; physics and chemistry | 物理化學
budlie liauhoad | physical therapy | 物理療法
budlie piernhoax | physical changes | 物理變化
budlie tixliaau | physiotherapy | 物理治療
budlie | physics; physics | 物理
budlok | fade; decline; downfallen | 沒落
budlyhagsiong | physical | 物理學上
budlyhak | physics | 物理學
budphirn | commodity; article of trade; article; goods; commodities | 物品
budphynsoex | commodity tax | 物品稅
budsarn | products; product; produce | 物產
budseg | search for; look for; seek out; search for; look for; hunt up | 物色
budsiw | confiscate; expropriate; forfeit; sequestrate; confiscation; seizure; confiscate | 沒收
budthea | object; body; substance; object (physics term) | 物體
budtid | unable; can not do | 勿得
budzexng | material evidence proof | 物証
budzuo | owner of a thing | 物主
budzw honghux | abound (be rich) in natural resources | 物資豐富
budzw khoat'hoat | shortage of materials | 物資缺乏
budzw | materials; products; resources; goods; commodities; materials; resources | 物資
bugaai | infinite; limitless | 無涯; 無邊
bugai | no hindrance; no harm | 無礙
bugieen khøftab | at a loss for a reply | 無言可答
bugieen | refrain from speaking; outspeak; speechless | 無言
bugii | without doubt; doubtless; undoubted | 無疑
bugo | no mistake; correct | 無誤
bugoaxhøfkviaa | bumpy | 無外好走; 無太好走
buhai | harmless; not injurious | 無害
buham | incriminate falsely | 誣陷
buhan kongsy | ordinary business partnership | 無限公司
buhan toa | infinity | 無限大
buhan | limitless; infinite; unlimited | 無限
buhan-liong | unlimited in capacity | 無限量
buhau | ineffective; useless; to no avail; not valid | 無效
buhaxnliong | unlimited; not circumscribed by limits; indefinite; boundless; immense; without measure | 無限量
buhaxnzex | not limited; without qualification | 無限制
buheeng | formless; shapeless; spiritual; moral; invisible; invisibly; formless | 無形
buhengtiofng | imperceptibly; insidiously; unbeknown | 無形中
buhiø | heirless; without posterity | 無後
buhoad buthiefn | lawless and godless; totally devoid of conscience and respect for law | 無法無天
buhoad khør sy | unable to do anything about it | 無法可施
buhoad khør ti | there is no remedy for it; there is no way to settle the matter | 無法可治
buhoad | no way; impossible | 無法; 無法,沒辦法
buhoad-buthiefn | completely lawless and Godless; licentious | 無法無天
buhoakør | fig; fig | 無花果
buhoatbuthiefn | lawless | 無法無天
buhofng pud khylong | There must be a cause or reason for something (Lit. If there is no wind there are no waves.) | 無風無起浪
buhoong | fine; OK; may as well; might as well; just as well; doesn't matter; unimportant; does not constitute an obstacle or obstruction | 無妨
buhuy | that is; nothing but | 無非
buibak | barely close the eyelids | 瞇目; 微瞇眼
buibuy | a little bit | 微微; 眼睛半開
buiie'buibuy | half-closed and not possible to be woken | 微微微
buji | the one and only | 無二; 獨一無二
bukaf khør kuy | homeless | 無家可歸
bukafn | no concern of mine or yours; nothing to do with you; me or him | 無干; 無相干
bukeapør | priceless treasure | 無價寶; 無價之寶
bukek | limitless; limitless; endless | 無極
bukex cy pør | priceless treasure | 無價之寶
bukex khør sy | at the end of one's rope; helpless; powerless | 無計可施
bukex | priceless; valuable | 無價
bukhar putseeng sw | it happened that...; There would have been no story to tell but for that coincidence | 無巧無成書
bukhef cy taam | groundless rumor | 無稽之談
bukhef | groundless; unfounded; baseless | 無稽
bukhuie | with a clear conscience; able to look people straight in the eye | 無愧
bukhurn-seg | isolation ward; germ-free room | 無菌室
bukhøfnaixhøo | helpless | 無可奈何
bukhør naixhøo | having no alternative; have to; powerless | 無可奈何
bukhør-naixhøo | a helpless situation | 無可奈何
bukibut | inorganic matter | 無機物
bukii put'iuo | nothing is too strange | 無奇無有
bukii toheeng | life imprisonment | 無期徒刑
bukii | no definite term or date; with no end in sight | 無期
bukii-put'iuo | all sorts of strange things | 無奇無有; 千奇百怪
bukii-toheeng | life sentence | 無期徒刑
bukiofng | boundless; limitless | 無疆
bukiongcin | endless; limitless; endless; boundless; limitless; interminable | 無窮盡
bukiongsiao | infinitesimal (math term) | 無窮小
bukiongtai | infinite; infinitely great (math term) | 無窮大
bukioong bucin | endless; boundless; limitless; interminable | 無窮無盡
bukioong | endless; limitless; endless; boundless; limitless; inexhaustible; interminable | 無窮
bukisngf | inorganic acid | 無機酸
bukithea | inorganic matter | 無機體
bukoafn | no relationship; no concern; no connection; to have nothing to do with | 無關
bukoaix | no wonder | 無怪
bukof | innocence; innocent; the innocent; not guilty | 無辜
bukofng siuxlok | get the reward without real achievements or contributions | 無功受祿
bukox | without reason; without cause or reason | 無故
bukvax-pviar | unleavened bread | 無酵餅
buky hoarhagbut | inorganic compounds | 無機化學物
buky hoarhak | inorganic chemistry | 無機化學
buky | inorganic | 無機
buky-hoarhabbut | inorganic compound | 無機化學物; 無機化合物
bukøx | without reason; false allegation; make false accusation; accuse falsely; false accusation | 誣告
bulea | impolite | 無禮
buleeng uilek | unable to help; can't do anything about it | 無能為力
buleeng | incapable; incompetent; can not do anything; incompetent; inefficient; incapable; without talent | 無能
bulegkarm | sense of lacking strength | 無力感
buliaau | ennui; dejected; purposeless; unhappy; uneasy; silly; tiresome; tasteless | 無聊
bulie zhwnau | make trouble without a cause; make trouble out of nothing | 無理取鬧
bulie | unreasonable; unjustifiable; out of all reason; irrational | 無理
buliong | lack of generous character; immeasurable (Buddhist term) | 無量
buloa | falsely accuse; implicate falsely | 誣賴
bulun | whatever, no matter, regardless of | 無論
bun | ask a question (never to ask for a thing); interrogate | 問; 悶
bun'axn | office of official documents; documents | 文案
bun'ge | literature and art | 文藝
bun'gieen | classical literacy | 文言
bun'giin | grained silver | 紋銀
bun'guun | grained silver | 紋銀
bun'gvar | elegant | 文雅
bun'ix | meaning or intention of documents or letters | 文意
bunai | a helpless situation; unfortunately | 無奈
bunaixhaxn | shiftless person; vagabond; vagabond; a reckless; abandoned character | 無賴漢
bunaixhøo | innocence; innocent | 無奈何
bunbeeng thienha | world-famous | 聞名天下
bunbeeng | civilization; culture; civilization | 文明
bunbek | writing activities; writing style | 文墨
bunbii | as symbol of family reputation or status | 門楣
bunbiø | Confucian temple | 文廟; 孔子廟
bunboong | an illiterate | 文盲
bunbun'afchiøx | smile | 文文仔笑
bunbuo kvoa'oaan | civil and military officers | 文武官員
bunbuo pahkvoaf | all the various civil and military officials | 文武百官
bunbuo siangzoaan | adept with the pen and the sword | 文武雙全
bunbuo zoanzaai | excel in both literary and military arts | 文武全才
bunbuo | both literary and military; civil and military affairs; the pen and the sword | 文武
bunbut | cultural relics or objects; products of a culture | 文物
bunbuun | gentle, scholarly | 文文
bunbwkvoaf | civil and military officers | 文武官
bunchi | store; shop; retail sales | 門市
bunchixpo | retail section | 門市部
bunciao | munia, weaver bird | 文鳥
buncib | a collection of essays; a writer's works | 文集
buncid pinpyn | fine both in accomplishments and in nature; elegant and refined in manner | 文質彬彬
buncid | civil post as distinct from military post | 文職
bunciofng | armory; blazon; heraldry; sentence; article; essay; composition; writing; composition; an essay | 紋章; 文章
buncip | collection of prose works | 文集
buncirn | clinical examination; outpatient services | 門診
bunciøh | veined stone | 文石
buncviw | sentence; article; essay; composition; an essay; article; paper; writing; composition | 文章
buncynpo | outpatient department (OPD) | 門診部
bunge hoghefng | the Revival of Learning; the Renaissance | 文藝復興
bunge zokphirn | literary works or productions | 文藝作品
bunge | literary arts; literature and arts; art and literature; literary arts | 文藝
bungexkaix | literary circles | 文藝界
bungieen | literary language; classical literary style | 文言
bungienbuun | the written language used in old China which is vastly different from the spoken language | 文言文
bungiin | silver ingots | 紋銀
bungoaxhaxn | layman | 門外漢
bunguun | Chinese stampedsilver ingots | 錠銀; 紋銀
bungvar | elegant; refined; elegance; elegant; genteel; refined; gracefulness; to act as a gentleman or in a gallant way | 文雅
bunhag'vi | College of Liberal Arts | 文學院
bunhaghe | department of literature | 文學系; 文科
bunhagkaf | man of letters; literary man | 文學家
bunhagkaix | literary world; circles or arena | 文學界
bunhagsu | Bachelor of Arts; BA | 文學士
bunhagsuo | history of literature | 文學史
bunhak kekbeng | literary revolution | 文學革命
bunhak phoksu | Doctor of Literature | 文學博士
bunhak seksu | Master of Arts; MA | 文學碩士
bunhak | literature; literature; letters | 文學
bunhak-vi | college of arts | 文學院
bunhap | to coincide, to accord with, to match, to tally | 文合; 符合
bunhaxsefng | personal student or pupil of a master; successful candidate; humble pupil | 門下生
bunhee | shrimp | 文蝦
bunhiexn | literatures; records; documents; scientific literature | 文獻
bunhix | a theater show without acrobatics | 文戲
bunho khaihoxng | the open-door policy; open the door to or for.. | 門戶開放
bunho | house status; one-panelled door or gate | 門戶
bunhoad | grammar; grammar | 文法
bunhoarsuo | cultural history | 文化史
bunhoarsviaa | cultural or civilized city | 文化城
bunhoax chimliok | cultural aggression | 文化侵略
bunhoax hoattat ee kokkaf | nations where civilization and enlightenment flourish | 文化發達的國家
bunhoax kauliuu | cultural exchange | 文化交流
bunhoax suxgiap | cultural enterprise | 文化事業
bunhoax uxntong | culture movement | 文化運動
bunhoax zuyzurn | cultural standing or level | 文化水準
bunhoax | culture; civilization | 文化
bunhofng | traditional atmosphere; family reputation or culture; heard of the reputation | 門風; 文風; 聞風
bunhøo | a well-known write; eminent writer; a great man of letters | 文豪
bunji | character; written language; letter; letters; characters | 文字
bunjiin | literal man; literati; literary man; man of letters; literati; a civilian | 門人; 文人
bunjiok susefng | an ineffectual scholar; pusillanimous bookworm | 文弱書生
bunkab | bivalve mollusk | 文合; 文蛤; 殼軟體動物
bunkaux | culture and education; culture and education | 文教
bunkef khybuo | diligent and full of enthusiasm (Lit. When the rooster crows in the morning he raises to dance.) | 聞雞起舞
bunkeg | culture revolution | 文革
bunkhox | archives; book series | 文庫
bunkhu | stationery; writing materials; stationery | 文具
bunkhuxtiaxm | a stationer | 文具店
bunkhøf | the liberal arts | 文科
bunkii | the board games of liberal arts; the game of Go | 文棋
bunkngx | scroll | 滾動; 文卷; [*]
bunku | stationery | 文具
bunkux | sentence | 文句; 句子
bunkuxtiaxm | a stationer | 文具店
bunkvia | document; papers; document; writing | 文件
bunkvoaf | government official; civil servant | 文官
bunkør | manuscript; public notice, announcement in writing, manifesto, message from the president issued on an important occasion | 文稿
bunkøx | public notice; announcement in writing; manifesto; message from the president issued on an important occasion | 文告
bunle | principles governing the formation and derivation of documents | 文例
bunli | text | 文字
bunlie | literary style; refined; distinguished and elegant; grace; graceful | 文理; 文雅; 高雅; 優雅
bunlie-hag'vi | college of arts and science | 文理學院
bunliin | literati | 文人
bunlo | texture | 紋路
bunpaang suopør | the four instruments used in writing (the writing brush; the ink stone; the ink stick; and writing paper) | 文房四寶 (毛筆; 硯台; 墨; 紙)
bunpeeng | certificate | 文憑
bunpheeng | literary criticism | 文評
bunpid | style of writing; a person's literary style or skill; writer's pen; literary talent | 文筆
bunpiin | diploma; diploma; certificate; documentation; credentials | 文憑
bunsefng | personal student or pupil of a master; successful candidate; humble pupil; pupil; disciple | 門生
bunseg | the decorations writing of article; whitewash faults of article | 文飾
bunsixn | heard news or information | 聞訊
bunsoafn | literal propaganda | 文宣
bunsoarn | anthology; selection of literary works | 文選
bunsu | a scholar; a literary man | 文士
bunsuhoad | Modern Literal Taiwanese | 文書法
bunsuu | language of writing with respect to style; words | 文詞
bunsw | document; write | 文書
bunsy | a document, writing | 文書
bunsyn | gentle person; tattoo; tattoo the body; white collar worker | 文身; 紋身; 非勞力工作者
buntaan | literary world or circles; literary forum | 文壇
buntarn'iu | type of shaddock; a pomelo from Moa-tau | 文旦柚; 文旦
buntaxn | pumelo; shaddock; actress playing literary role | 文旦; 文旦(柚)
buntaxn-iu | pomelo; shaddock | 文旦柚
bunteng | marriage contract | 文定
bunthea | style or type of writing; literary form or style | 文體
buntiern | literary model to be copied or followed | 文典
buntofng hoxtuix | well-matched; a married couple that get along well together | 門當戶對
buntoo | disciples; disciple | 門徒
buntox | struggle by reasoning | 文鬥; 推理鬥爭
buntvoaa | the literary world; the world of letters | 文壇
bunty | heard and seen | 聞知
bunzaai | literary talent | 文才
bunzhae | ornament, decoration (woman's dress) | 文采; 色彩
bunzhngg | bed; a bedstead | 眠床
buo | surname Wu; Wu | 舞; 母; 武
buo-kii | Chinese chess | 武棋; 象棋
buo`ar | mother | 母仔
buo`ee | female animal | 母的
buphid | without equal; incomparably | 無匹
buphiin | no guarantee; no binding force | 無憑
bupi | armaments | 無備
bupie | extremely; incomparably; peerless; incomparable; matchless | 無比
bupiefn | limitless; endless; limitless; vast and expansive | 無邊
bupøo | witch | 巫婆
burn | cut one's throat; kiss; corners of the mouth; lips; to kiss | 刎; 吻; 含笑
burn`cide | give a soft smile | 吻一下; 莞爾而笑
burnchie | earth mouse or rat; mole | 瀵鼠; 地鼠
burnjip | crawl in | 瀵入; 湓入
burnkhafng | go into a hole | 瀵空; 穿洞
burnzhantw | Formosan Ferret-Badger; Melogale moschata subaurantiaca | 瀵田豬; 湓田豬; 鼬獾
burnzhanty | Formosan Ferret-Badger; Melogale moschata subaurantiaca | 瀵田豬; 湓田豬; 鼬獾
burnzhuo | marmot | 瀵鼠; 鼢鼠; 地鼠; 鼬鼠
busarn kaikib | proletariat | 無產階級
busarn-kaikib | proletariat | 無產階級
busi | ignore; disregard; pay no attention to; ignore; take no account of | 無視; 輕視,; 蔑視
busiafng | one and the only | 無雙
busiap | irrelevant to; unrelated to | 無涉
busie buciofng | without beginning without end; eternal | 無始無終
busihiw | no time to rest | 無時休
busii bukheg | every minute and every moment | 無時無刻
busii bute | every minute and everywhere | 無時無地
busiin | atheist, atheistic | 無神; 無神主義
busiin-lun | atheism | 無神論
businlun | atheism | 無神論
businluxnciar | atheist | 無神論者
busiong kong'eeng | matchless honor; the highest honor | 無上光榮
busiong | highest; nothing above; the acme; nonpareil | 無上
busioong | impermanence; inconstant; irregular | 無常; 無償
busofng | matchless | 無雙
busofputleeng | omnipotent | 無所不能
busofputzai | omnipresent | 無所不在
busofui | be indifferent; don't mind | 無所謂
busofuix | don't mind; one way or the other; do not care | 無所謂
busor put'uii | there is nothing that (he) will not do (generally refers to evil); given to every vice | 無所無為
busor putcix | There is no place to which it does not extend. (addicted to all sorts of wickedness) | 無所無至
busor putleeng | omnipotent; almighty | 無所無能
busor putthofng | there is nothing which he does not understand | 無所無通
busor putty | omniscient | 無所無知
busor putzai | omnipresent | 無所無在
busor putzøx | there is nothing that (he) will not do (generally refers to evil); given to every vice | 無所無作
busor | no place to stay; nothing | 無所
busor-putcix | do everything to help | 無所無至
busor-putzog | there is nothing that (he) will not do (generally refers to evil); given to every vice | 無所無作; 無所不為
busox | countless number; innumerable quantity; innumerable; vast numbers | 無數
busu senghuy | make trouble out of nothing | 無事生非
busut | socery; sorcery; witchcraft; art of black magic; diabolical arts | 巫術
busvoartien | wireless | 無線電
busvoax tiexn'oe | radio telephone | 無線電話
busvoax tiexnpøx | radiogram; wireless telegram | 無線電報
busw zuxthofng | acquire a skill without being taught | 無師自通
busw | shaman | 巫師; 無私; 無需
busym | not intentional; without any intention; have no mind to | 無心
but bie kex liaam | excellent quality and reasonable price for merchandise | 物美價廉
but cin kii iong | Every thing should be used to its full extent | 物盡其用
but ie hy uii kuix | A thing is valued if it is rare | 物以稀為貴
but ie lui zu | Birds of a feather flock together | 物以類聚
but kek zeg hoarn | As soon as a thing reaches one extremity; it reverses its course. (Lit. The pendulum swings both ways.) | 物極則反; 物極必反
but kog iuo lui | Each thing has its classification | 物各有類
but kog iuo zuo | Everything has its owner | 物各有主
but kuy goanzuo | An object must be returned to its owner | 物歸原主
but | thing; article; object | 物; 東西
but'afhii | whitebait | 魩仔魚
but'afhuu | whitebait | 魩仔魚
but'ar-hii | minute edible fishesthe little silverfish ; | 物仔魚; 魩仔魚; 魩子魚
bute-zuxioong | extremely embarrassed or ashamed (Lit. no place to hide) | 無地自容
butegchiuo | cannot be matched; without a rival | 無敵手
butek | without equal in strength; matchless; not equaled; cannot be matched; without a rival | 無敵
buteng | indefinite, uncertain | 無定
buthaau kong'axn | an unverified case | 無頭公案
buthie | shameless; brazen; shameless | 無恥
butiaxm | no flaw; no defect | 無玷
butiofng seng'iuo | make something out of nothing; fabricate; invent; to frame up | 無中生有
butiofng | none of; make something out of nothing, fabricate, invent, to frame up | 無中
butiofng-seng'iuo | purely fictitious; fabricated; to make something out of nothing | 無中生有
butiok | unable to definitely believe; no visible progress; no way to find | 無著; 無可確信
buto | without restraints; without restraints; very indulgent | 無度
butoafn | unjustified; without cause or reason; unjustified | 無端
butok puttioxnghw | ruthlessness is the mark of a truly great man; one who is not ruthless is not a truly great man | 無毒無丈夫
butorng buphaix | without party affiliation of any sort; non-partisan | 無黨無派
buty | ignorant; ignorant | 無知
buty`ee | ignore behavior | 無知的
butycie | bottomless and without limitation | 無底止
butø | moral order or chaos; tyranny; tyrannical; injustice; unjust | 無道
buu heng'uii lenglek ee laang | person without disposing capacity in law | 無行為能力的人
buu ieseg | unconsciousness; unintentional; involuntary | 無意識
buu safm putseeng lea | everything comes in threes; omne trinum perfectum | 無三不成禮
buu tong ii thiofng | unmoved; hardhearted; callous; remain firm; stand pat | 無動於衷
buu zex ii su | won't help the matter; not enough by a long shot; inadequate; to no avail | 無濟於事
buu | no; witch; wizard; without; nothing; nil; accuse falsely; where weeds luxuriate; no; not; there is not | 毋; 無; 巫; 蕪; 誣; 不
buu-ieseg | unconsciousness, involuntarily, mechanically | 無意識
buun puttuix tee | content of the writing is inconsistent with the title | 文無對題
buun | written language; composition; name of a river; stone's lines; lines; mosquito; touch with hands; hear; writing; composition; literature; culture; education; elegant; cultured; civil | 文; 汶; 玟; 紋; 捫; 聞
buun-tuix-ym | text to speech | 文對音
buun`ee | literary | 文的
buuo'buxbu | very dim, quite unclear | 霧霧霧
buurn'bunbuun | gentle, scholarly | 文文文
buxbu | dim; unclear; blurred; unclear; in a daze; misty; muddy; hazy; drowsy | 霧霧; 無清楚; 迷糊; 模糊; 朦朧
buxhoea | blow flames out of the mouth or volcano | 霧火
buxkiuu | to make sure | 務求
buxloong | to devote oneself to agriculture; be a farmer; engaged in farming | 務農
buxn poxngkhafng | go through the tunnel | 穿過隧道; 瀵磅空
buxn | crawl in; cresp out; creep or crawl in or out of a hole | 瀵; 鑽; 穿; 湓
buxn'afn | send greetings; give best regards; give greeting; ask about health | 問安
buxn'oef | pot for cooking in casserole | 燜鍋
buxn`zhutlaai | braised | 燜出來
buxnbeeng | civilization | 文明; 聞名
buxnbun putlok | melancholy; sad and depressed | 悶悶無樂
buxnbun | upset; glum; glumly; moodily | 悶悶
buxnbun'afthviax | dull throbbing pain | 悶悶仔痛; 陣痛
buxncyn | inquire; shows interest in | 問津
buxnhau | give someone one's respects; send a greeting; send greetings or inquire after | 問候
buxnhø | a question mark; an interrogation mark; question mark; question mark ? | 問號
buxnhøea | slow fire, low fire | 悶火
buxnhør | to greet | 問好
buxnkoaxn | questionnaire | 問卷
buxnkux | an interrogative sentence | 問句
buxnliuo simhoaf | associate with prostitutes | 問柳尋花
buxnloan | confused, disorder | 悶亂; 紊亂; 混亂
buxnpng | rice cooked with slow fire | 悶飯; 燜飯
buxnpog | consult a diviner; inquire by divination | 問卜; 卜卦
buxnpok | to consult fortune tellers | 問卜
buxnsex | come on the scene; see the light; be presented to the public; just off the press; to actively participate in public affairs | 問世
buxnsixn | to inquire information | 問訊
buxnsym bukhuix | examine oneself and find nothing to be ashamed of; with a clear conscience | 問心無愧
buxntab | catechism; question and answer; questions and answers; dialogue; catechism | 問答
buxntee jitoong | problem child | 問題兒童
buxntee siaolieen | juvenile delinquent | 問題少年
buxntee | problem; questions; problem; question; exam questions | 問題
buxnterng | inquire about the tripod; symbol of royal power-entertain ambition to be king | 問鼎
buxnthaang | intestinal worm | 蛔蟲; 蝒蟲
buxnthviax | melancholy pain; secret pain; regret pain; silently pain | 悶痛
buxntoee | problem; issue; topic | 問題
buxntyn | show interest in something; ask how things are done; ask about news | 問津
buxntø | asking for truth, acquire learning | 問道
buxntøee | questions; problem | 問題
buxnzexng | engage in political affair | 問政
buxnzoe | denounce and punish; to sentence as guilty | 問罪
buxnzoxng | ask funeral | 問喪
buxpid | must; by all means | 務必
buxsarsax | unable to fathom; uncomprehending | 霧嗄嗄; 摸無頭緒
buxsit | to emphasize practical matters | 務實
buxsuo | to ensure | 務使
buxsw | must; should | 務須
buxzuie | blow or spray water with the mouth when ironing clothes; watering house plants; to spray water or insecticide | 霧水
buy | squinting; half-closed (eye); squint | 微; 瞇眼; 瞇瞇
buzeeng | heartless; cold shoulder; forget old times | 無情
buzeeng`ee | ruthless | 無情的
buzeg | without traces; no tracks; no mark left | 無跡
buzex | unlimited; boundless | 無際
buzexng | perjury; give false testimony | 誣證
buzheg | helpless; no plan or policy | 無策
buzo | helpless | 無助
buzofng | without traces | 無蹤
bw'aix | mother-love, unconditional love | 母愛
bw'ii | maternal aunt | 母姨; 姨母
bw'iorng | nourish, nurture, take care of | 撫養
bwafkviar | mother and son; mother and child | 母仔囝
bwaix | motherhood; mother; maternal love | 母愛
bwban | insult; blaspheme | 侮慢; 侮辱
bwbiø | temple to military heroes | 武廟
bwbuo`leq | do a task irresponsibly or wieldy | 舞舞咧
bwchi | whole sale | 武市
bwchyn | mother | 母親
bwchyn-zøeq | mother's day | 母親節
bwcid | mother's responsibility; military's responsibility | 母職; 武職
bwcie-hoe | women's auxiliary of a primary school | 母姐會; 母姊會
bwcioxng | military general; military commander; general | 武將
bwcioxnggoaan | the No.1 of the national military examinations | 武狀元
bwcirnsu | milltary official | 武進士
bwcvii | capital; principal | 母錢; 本錢; 本金
bwge | martial arts; technique; military art or accomplishments | 武藝
bwgie | mother tongue | 母語
bwgiin | capital; principal | 母銀
bwguo | native language; mother tongue | 母語
bwguun | capital money, principal | 母銀; 本金
bwgøe | martial arts | 武藝
bwhak | study for martial arts | 武學
bwhau | alma mater | 母校
bwheeng | womanly man | 母形; 女樣的
bwhoad | basical law; original law | 母法; 原始法律條項
bwhoe | dancing party; dancing party | 舞會; 母會
bwhoef | female flower | 母花; 雌花
bwiarng | bring up; rear; bring to maturity; only about humans; raise children | 撫育; 撫養
bwii | mother's sister; maternal aunt; child's governess | 母姨; 姨母; 姨媽
bwiok | bring up; rear; bring to maturity; only about humans; raise children | 撫育
bwiorng | martial spirit; bring to maturity; bring up to maturity | 武勇; 撫養
bwjiin | military man | 武人
bwjiok | insult; abuse; slight; insult | 侮辱
bwkheg | dance music; dance tune | 舞曲
bwkheq | dance hall customer | 舞客
bwkhix | weapons; arms; a weapon | 武器
bwkhox | armory | 武庫
bwkiab siawsoad | novels about chivalry | 武俠小說
bwkiab | romantic or fabulous; chivalrous | 武俠
bwkiapphvix | motion pictures depicting the chivalry and prowess of ancient swordsmen | 武俠片
bwkiaxm | practise fencing | 舞劍
bwkii | Chinese chess | 武棋; 象棋
bwkim | mother's brother's wife; maternal uncle's wife | 母妗; 舅母
bwkioong | firm and uncompromising; powerful and brutal | 武強
bwkipvoaa | Chinese chess board | 武棋盤
bwkofng | martial arts; military achievements; fighting skills | 武功
bwkog | homeland; motherland | 母國; 祖國
bwku | mother's brother; maternal uncle | 母舅; 娘舅; 舅舅; 舅父
bwkuxkofng | uncle on the mother side | 母舅公
bwkviafie | high chair | 母囝椅
bwkviar | mother and son; mother and child | 母囝
bwkvoaf | military officer; military official; a military attache in a embassy | 武官
bwkwn | major root; the biggest root | 母根; 最大的根
bwky | a female dancer | 舞妓
bwlaam | male dance | 舞男
bwlai | interst with principal | 母利; 本利
bwlang | toy with; to romp; play jokes on | 撫弄; 侮弄; 玩弄
bwlek kansiap | interfere by use of force | 武力干涉
bwlek | military power; armed might; force; military power; by force | 武力
bwlie | dancing-girls; taxi dancer | 舞女
bwliim | the world or circle of boxers | 武林
bwliok | insult | 侮辱
bwlong | ridicule; make fun with; make a fool of | 舞弄; 侮弄
bwluo | dance-hostess | 舞女
bwnburn | give a wee smile | 吻吻; 微笑; 笑笑的
bwnbwn'chiøx | smile | 吻吻笑; 微笑
bwnchiøx | give a wee smile; smile | 吻笑; 微笑
bwnhap | dovetail | 吻合; 脗合
bwnpiet | kiss goodbye | 吻別
bwpea'axn | corruption case (legal) | 舞弊案
bwpex | fraud; corruption; manage a matter unfairly without the knowledge of a superior; indulge in malpractices especially officials | 舞弊
bwphafng | queen bee | 母蜂; 女王蜂; 蜂王
bwphvoa | dancing partner | 舞伴
bwpi | military preparedness | 武備
bwpo | dance step | 舞步
bwsefng | man playing martial role; formerly; a cadet | 武生
bwsexng | sages of martial arts | 武聖
bwsiin | the God of martial arts | 武神
bwsiuozaai | military official | 武秀才
bwsu | a cavalier; heroic fighter; warrior | 武士
bwsud | relieve | 撫恤
bwsut | military practice; skills in boxing; fencing; etc; fighting skill or feat | 武術
bwsutkym | pension | 撫恤金
bwsuxtø | Samurai spirit; Bushido warrior code | 武士道
bwsuxtøf | knight's sword | 武士刀
bwsyn | woman's figure; stalwart and strong figure; knight | 母身; 身材粗; 武身
bwtaai | stage for performances; stage | 舞台; 舞臺
bwtaikiok | stage play | 舞台劇
bwthay | mother's womb | 母胎
bwthea | mother's body | 母體
bwthoaan | dance troupe | 舞團
bwthviaf | night-club; dance-hall; dance hall | 舞廳
bwtii | dancing floor; dance floor | 舞池
bwtoaxn | jump to conclusions without regard to reason; logic; propriety; etc; decide arbitrarily | 武斷
bwtong | to brandish, to flourish | 舞動; 繁榮
bwtox | to wage a struggle by force | 舞動; 武鬥
bwturn bwturn | short and stout | 武頓武頓; 肥矮的
bwturn | short and stout | 武頓; 肥短
bwtviuu | dance hall | 舞場
bwtvoax | actress playing martial role; actors who take the parts of female warriors; character of a female warrior | 武旦
bwtø | dance | 舞蹈
bwtøf | practise sword | 舞刀
bwym | vowel | 母音
bwzaai | martial talent | 武才
bwzofng chimliok | armed aggression | 武裝侵略
bwzofng kaytii | disarmament | 武裝解除
bwzofng poxtui | armed forces | 武裝部隊
bwzofng | armor; armament; arm oneself with | 武裝
bwzok | mother's clan; the paternal clan | 母族
bwzw | dancing pose | 舞姿
by | peek | 瞇; 微; 偷偷走動; 偷偷地看
by'iong'vi | beauty parlor | 美容院
by'ioong | makeup | 美容; 化粧
by'ix | goodwill | 美意
byafciuo | rice wine | 米仔酒
byafhw | rice bran | 米仔麩
byafkøf | sweet rice cake | 米仔粿
byaftee | rice tea | 米仔茶
byarng'ar | rice jar | 米甕仔
byaxng | rice jar | 米甕
bybang | fond dream | 美夢
bybi | delicious; relish; delicious; tasty | 美味
bybiau | marvelous; wonderful | 美妙
byboarn | beautiful and harmonious | 美滿
bychi | rice market | 米市
bychiarm | gadget for poking rice from rice bag | 米攕
byciuo | rice wine; rice wine; the cheapest wine made from rice | 米酒
byciwthauar | rice wine | 米酒頭仔
bycviux | rice sauce; rice paste | 米醬
bycviw | pulp made by grinding rice in water | 米漿
byhak | esthetics | 美學
byhoax | sugar up; prettification; beautify; glorification; beautify; beautification; Americanize | 美化
byhurn | rice noodles; vermicelli made of rice; rice noodles | 米粉
byhw | rice flour; rice powder | 米夫; 米麩
byhwnzhar | stir fried rice noodle | 米粉炒
byhør | fine; happy; glorious | 美好
byiam | beautiful and voluptuous; glamorous | 美豔
byiok | beauty education | 美育
byiong'vi | a beauty parlor | 美容院
byiongsut | art of make-up; cosmetology | 美容術
byiongsw | the specialist of facial make-up; beautician; beautician | 美容師
byioong chiwsut | cosmetic surgery | 美容手術
byioong | hairdressing; beautify the features; beauty treatment for the face; beautify the face; to make-up | 美容
byix | hospitality; desire to help | 美意
byjiin | pretty girl; beautiful woman; beauty | 美人
byjiin-kex | a plot with a woman as seducer | 美人計
byjinhii | mermaid | 美人魚
byjinkex | use a pretty woman as a snare | 美人計
byjinkiok | entice into evil through a pretty face; a confidence trick or scheme in which a woman is used as a decoy | 美人局
bykafng | art | 美工
bykar | rice polishing or separating mill; mill used for polishing rice | 米絞; 碾米機(廠); 碾米廠
bykarm | sense of beauty; esthetic sense | 美感
bykefng | barn | 米間
bykerng | beauty-spot; fine view; beautiful scenery | 美景
bykex | grain price; price of rice | 米價
bykhng'iuu | rice chaff oil; rice bran oil | 米糠油
bykhngcviux | rice chaff sauce or paste; rice bran sauce or paste | 米糠醬
bykhngf | rice bran; rice chaff; rice-bran separated from the rice by mortar and pestle | 米糠
bykie | praiseworthy deed | 美舉
bykngr | small rice measure | 米捲; 量米罐
bykoafn taixhofng | beautiful and dignified | 美觀大方
bykoafn | stylish appearance; beautiful; handsome; beautiful sight or view | 美觀
bykoax | divine by rice | 米卦
bykoo | rice paste | 米糊
bykui | rice container | 米櫃
bykuo | an admirable enterprise | 美舉
bykw | rice cake make look like turtle | 米龜
bykym | Anerican currency | 美金
bykøea | rice cake | 米粿
bykøf | steamed cake of rice; rice cake; rice pudding | 米糕; 糯米糕
bykøf-moee | sweet rice gruel with nuts and dates | 米糕粥; 臘八粥
bykømoee | glutinous rice porridge | 米糕糜
bykøsviuu | sexual harassment; can't deal with; lustful | 性騷擾; 纏女人; 好色
bylamzuo | handsome guy; handsome man | 美男子
bylao | rice crispy snack bar; puffed rice snack bar; brittle hollow confection made of puffed rice and sugar | 米荖; 米粩; 爆米糖; 米做的甜食
byle | beauty; pretty; beautiful; elegant | 美麗
bylefng | rice milk; rice milk | 米乳; 米漿
byliap | grains of rice; rice grains | 米粒
bylie | pretty girl | 美女
bylieen | beautiful lotus; girl's first name | 美蓮
byliin | beauty; chic | 美人
byloaa | large flat tray for holding rice | 米籮
bylongzoar | good quality of paper | 美濃紙
byluo | beautiful girl | 美女
bylyn | rice milk | 米乳
byløo | shallow open baskets without handles or covers for drying rice and beans; a flat bamboo tray for winnowing rice | 米籮; 米篩子
bymau | handsome; good-looking; attractive looks; beautiful face of a woman | 美貌
bymiau | wonderful | 美妙
bymoar | harmonious and beautiful | 美滿
byn'ar | brush; scrub; brush | 抿仔; 刷子; 小刷子
byn'ee | shine shoes | 擦鞋
bynaa | rice basket; finely woven basket for holding rice | 米籃; 米籮; 籮
bynbirn`leq | brush roughly | 刷刷咧
bynchied | agile | 敏捷
bynciet | quick in action; quick; nimble; alert; quick witted; smart; sharp; agile | 敏捷
bynhii | high-finned grouper | 敏魚; 䲄魚; 石斑魚
bynhui | intelligent, sagacious | 敏惠
byniuu | provisions; food; food; provisions | 米糧; 糧食
bynjoe | sharp; acute; keen; penetrative; shrewd | 敏銳
bynkafmsexng | sensitive | 敏感性
bynkarm | sensitive; sensitive; susceptible; allergic | 敏感
bynsiøq | pity; have compassion for | 憫惜
bynsog | swift | 敏速
byntau | string bean; small bean; snap bean; kidney bean | 敏豆; 四季豆
byny | rice milk | 米乳; 米漿
byphafng | puffed rice; rice crispy; confection made from puffed rice; rolls made of puffed rice sweeten with sugar | 米香; 米芳; 米花餅; 爆米花
byphwn | water in which rice has been washed and is fed to pigs | 米餿; 米潘; 洗米水; 淘米水
bypiefn | artist | 美編
byseg | feminine beauty | 媠色; 美色
bysiaolieen | handsome youth or boy | 美少年
bysien | goodness; kindness; excellence | 美善
bysiofng | rice trade; rice business | 米商
bysiok | good customs | 美俗
bysit | delicious food | 美食
bysiux | handsome and brilliant; beautiful and intelligent | 美秀
bysoq | bean paste | 味噌
bysu | good things | 美事
bysudkaf | an artist; artist | 美術家
bysudkaix | the world of art | 美術界
bysudkoarn | art gallery | 美術館
bysudphirn | a work of art | 美術品
bysudsia | fine art club | 美術社
bysudtefng | fine art light; fine art lamp | 美術燈
bysut tiefnlafmhoe | art exhibition | 美術展覽會
bysut zailiau | art materials | 美術材料
bysut | fine arts; fine art | 美術
bysut-he | department of fine art | 美術系
bysut-kaf | artist | 美術家
bysym | kernel of rice | 米心
bytaai | rice bug- implies workers who don't full fill their duty | 米蟲
bytaam | an anecdote concerning some well-known personality; instructive anecdote; story of an exemplary deed | 美談
bytao | cupule; a wooden measure used for measuring one tau of rice | 米斗
bytau | mung bean | 米豆
byte | rice bag | 米袋
byteg | a virtue; excellent virtue | 美德
bythaang | weevil; rice worm; rice worm; hoarding rice merchant | 米蟲
bythaibak | a kind of rice noodle | 米篩目; 米食名
bytharng | rice pail | 米桶
bythay | bamboo sieve for rice grain; rice-sieve | 米篩; 米篩子; 篩米籮
bythiab | part of salary paid with rice | 米帖; 食物配給
bytiarm | good point, good quality | 美點; 優點
bytiaxm | ricestore; rice shop | 米店
bytiofng putciog | flaw that mars perfection | 美中無足
byvii | rice ball | 米圓
byzhaw | U.S. dollar | 美鈔
byzheg | paddy rice | 米粟
byzhngf | granary for rice | 米倉
byzhox | rice vinegar | 米醋
bø | hat | 帽; 磨
bø'afkex | hat rack or stand | 帽仔架
bø'afm-bøkhaxm | not covered | 無掩無蓋; 毫無掩蓋
bø'aix | do not want, do not like, to dislike | 無愛
bø'ar | bonnet, cap, hatcgrain grinder | 帽仔; 帽子
bø'ar-kex | a hat stand | 帽仔架; 帽架
bø'ar-siofng | a hatter | 帽仔商
bø'ar-tiaxm | a hat-shop | 帽仔店
bø'eeng chiezhax | very busy; no leisure | 非常忙碌
bø'eeng | busy; no free time | 無閑; 無閒; 忙碌; 無得閒; 沒空忙
bø'eg | no good; not good for; not beneficial | 無益
bø'engkafng | very busy; no leisure | 無閒工; 非常忙碌
bø'iaux bøkirn | let it go; it doesn't matter; pay no attention; not be concerned | 無要無緊; 無重視; 不放在心上
bø'ieen bøkox | without cause or reason; no relationship; without rhyme or reason | 無緣無故
bø'ieen khieiuu | unleaded; no lead | 無鉛汽油
bø'ieen | no luck; no reason; not to move along; have no affinity for | 無緣
bø'ienthvoax | smokeless charcoal | 無煙炭
bø'ietiofng | thoughtlessly; inadvertently | 無意中
bø'ihoad | unable; incapable; unable to deal with him or her; there is no way | 無伊法; 奈何無了他
bø'iong | not need; useless | 無用
bø'itteng | uncertain; not sure | 無一定
bø'iuu bøsiefn | quiet; simple; unexciting and placid life; mild flavored food | 清淡; 無油膩; 無油無煙
bø'ix | unintentionally | 無意
bø'ix-bø'ix | does not want | 無意無意
bø'ix-bøsux | does not have the meaning | 無意無思; 沒意思
bø'iøh | no remedy for it | 無藥; 沒辦法
bø'iøh-y | no cure, incurable | 無藥醫
bø'mngg | almost bold, hairless | 無毛
bø'ngx | having none to look to; as parents whose sons are all dead or have gone wrong; no hope of reforming; returning; or again prospering | 無向; 無望
bø'oafn bøkhiaw | truthful and straightforward | 無彎無曲; 坦白率直
bø'oafn bøsiuu | no grudge | 無冤無仇
bø'oafn-bøsiuu | not a longstanding nor a sworn enemy | 無冤無仇
bø'oe thang'ixn | nothing to say in reply; speechless | 無言可答
bø'oe | said without the speech | 無話
bø'sviu bøniu | come to mind suddenly | 無想無量; 無意間
bø'urn | insecure | 無穩
bøafsym | rubs the heart; great pains taken for something; trouble taken | 磨仔心
bøaftwnzhao | Abutilon indicum | 磨仔䃦草
bøahbøef'ar | toward the end | 尾尾仔
bøaix | do not want to | 無愛; 無喜歡
bøar | mill; millstone | 磨仔; 石磨; 磑仔
bøbagte | have no social rank or position; look down; despise | 無目地; 沒地位; 無被看得起
bøbang | hopeless; hopeless | 無望; 沒有希望
bøbeeng-zvae | ring finger | 無名指
bøbefhang | dead end | 無尾巷
bøbefhiim | koala | 無尾熊
bøbengbok | unclear 'meaning' | 不明目
bøbi | insipid; tasteless | 無味
bøbi-bøsox | extremely devoid of flavor | 無味無素; 毫無滋味
bøbiin | lack sleep | 無眠; 睡眠不足; 睡眠無足
bøboea-hang | dead end | 無尾巷; 死巷
bøboefhang | dead end | 無尾巷
bøboefhiim | koala | 無尾熊
bøboeq | does not want | 無要
bøbofbøkaau | bachelor | 無某無猴; 單身漢
bøbor-bøkaau | single | 無某無猴; 單身一人
bøbwkviar | no mother and child | 無母囝
bøbøea | tailless | 無尾
bøbøeq | not going to | 無要
bøchyn bøzheg | without kin or friends | 無親無戚
bøchyn | not intimate | 無親
bøchyn-bøzheg | orphan without any relatives | 無親無戚
bøciah-bøkhuxn | forget oneself | 無食無睏; 廢寢忘食
bøcidzexng | no symptoms | 無一症
bøciekhix | lacking self-respect, spiritless | 沒志氣
bøcin | boundless, endless | 無盡; 無限
bøcip'ix | didn't make a decision | 無執意; 沒有下定決心
bøcvii | out of money | 無錢
bøcyn | did not see clearly | 無真; 無清楚
bøe | cannot; will not; expresses simple future improbability inherent in the nature of the subject; precedes an adjective to negate an undesirable quality like bitter or painful; the negative of '[[e]]'. to sell. not yet | 袂; 賣; 未; 無會
bøe-babin | shameless | 未麻面; 厚顏
bøe-kegtong`ee | stolid | 未激動的
bøe-kiernsiaux | shameless | 未見笑; 袂見笑; 不要臉
bøe-siusoaq | unable to settle; endless | 未收煞; 沒辦法收場
bøe-siusvoaf | unable to settle | 未收山; 無法結束
bøe-zoealaang | unable to be accepted in a society | 未做人
bøe-zørlaang | unable to be accepted in a society | 未做人; 無會做人
bøe`khix | sold it away | 無去; 賣去
bøe`køex | sold | 賣去
bøea | buy; puchase; tail | 買; 尾
bøea-zefngzvae | pinky; small finger; the tail refers | 小拇指; 小指頭; 尾指
bøea`khix | bought it away | 買去
bøea`laai | at the end; bought | 尾來; 到最後; 買來
bøee | rice gruel | 糜; 稀飯
bøeeng | busy | 無閒
bøefafkviar | youngest son; baby son | 尾仔囝
bøefar | cauda; trail; afterwards; later | 尾仔; 後來; 尾巴
bøefau | after, finally | 尾後; 後面
bøefbin | the last one | 尾面; 末端; 最後
bøefboe | business | 買賣
bøefbøe | deals; trade | 買賣
bøefbøea | at the end | 尾尾; 最終
bøefbøea`leq | quickly buy them | 買買咧
bøefbøefar | the very last one; near the end of line | 尾尾仔; 最後
bøefbøefbøea | at the very bottom | 尾尾尾
bøefchiuo | finally; at last; buyer's | 尾手; 買手; 買主; 後來
bøefgee | the 16th day of the 12th month in the lunar calendar | 尾牙
bøefhofng | vendee; purchaser; buyer's; bull | 買方
bøefiah | the last page; the last butterfly | 尾蝶; 蝴蝶; 尾頁
bøefji-zvae | third finger | 尾二指; 無名指
bøefjip | buying | 買入
bøefjit | the last day | 尾日; 最後一天
bøefjixzvae | last two fingers | 尾二指
bøefjoe | horse black fly | 馬黑蠅
bøefkerng | toward the end of life | 晚景; 尾景
bøefkex | buy price | 買價
bøefkhafng-bøexkhafng | cheating behavior in business | 買空賣空
bøefkheq | customer | 買客
bøefkhøex | sales contract | 買契
bøefkied | no way out | 尾結; 末路
bøefkii | last period | 尾期
bøefkiok | last inning; at the end | 尾局; 終局
bøefkud | coccyx, tail-bone | 尾骨
bøefkuix | buy with a expensive price | 買貴
bøefkux | the last sentence | 尾句; 末句
bøefkviar | last kid in a family | 尾囝; 最小的兒子
bøeflaau | top floor of a building | 尾樓; 頂樓
bøefliw | end; tail | 尾抽; 尾溜; 末尾; 尾端
bøeflo-cvii | tolls; bribery money | 買路錢
bøefmiaa | last rank | 尾名; 最後一名
bøefpafn | last schedule of transportation (car; train; plane) | 尾班; 最後一班
bøefpan | broker | 買辦
bøefsiw | buy off, buy over | 買收; 收買
bøefsym | bottom end | 尾心; 最後
bøefsyn | afterwards; later | 尾身; 後來
bøeftecvii | money for buying tea | 買茶錢
bøeftee | buying tea | 買茶
bøeftng | buy it out | 買斷
bøefui | last seat | 末座
bøefun | last destiny | 尾運; 老運
bøefzam | the last stop, last story | 尾站; 最後一站
bøefzuikud | tailbone | 尾椎骨
bøefzuo | owner | 買主
bøefzuy | butt; buttock; ass | 尾椎
bøefzvae | the little finger | 尾指; 小指頭
bøefzvayar | the little finger | 尾指仔; 小指頭
bøeh | stocking; sock | 襪
bøeh'aix | desire | 欲愛
bøeh'arm'ar | sunset | 欲暗仔; 黃昏
bøeh'axm | sunset | 欲暗; 傍晚
bøehbøo | yes or no? | 欲無; 否則; 要無要
bøehsi | if it is | 要是; 如果是
bøehsie | seeking for death | 要死; 將死
bøehsie-bøeh'oah | want life or death; out of control | 要死要活
bøehsynaxhvai | weak | 有氣無力
bøehtai | intend to | 要代; 要做什麼
bøehthae | how come | 要怎; 何來; 怎會
bøehthaythør | what's next | 要怎好; 怎可
bøehthox | going to vomit | 要吐
bøehtih | wanting | 欲求; 需要
bøehzay | only if I knew | 未知; 欲知; 假如事先知道
bøengchihchiq | busy | 無閒𩑾𩑾
bøeq | want; wish; intend to; about to | 欲; 要
bøeq`bøo | want or not | 要麼
bøeq`m | want or not | 要無
bøeqar | stocking, sock | 襪子; 襪仔
bøeqsog | garter | 襪束; 襪帶
bøeqtoax | garter | 襪帶
bøeqtøea | bottom of socks | 襪底
bøexbad | never, never happened | 未識; 未捌; 從未
bøexbiern`tid | hard to avoid | 未免得; 袂免得; 難免
bøexbøe`leq | sell roughly | 賣賣咧
bøexciør | a lot of; not a few | 未少; 無少
bøexcviaa | unable to (construct, become) | 未成; 袂成
bøexeng`teq | useless | 無能用; 沒用的
bøexeng`tid | no use; useless | 未用得; 袂用得; 不可以; 沒用得
bøexhiao | can not | 未曉; 袂曉; 無會; 不會
bøexhiao`tid | can not | 未曉的; 無會的
bøexhiarng | unable to | 未響; 無會
bøexhuozhoarn | gasps for breath; urgent | 未赴喘; 喘無過氣來
bøexhux | late, cannot be in time | 未赴; 袂赴; 來不及
bøexiong`tid | no use; useless | 沒用得
bøexjin`tid | cannot recognize | 未認得; 袂認得; 無認得; 認不得
bøexkaux | won't be able to arrive | 未到
bøexkex | sell price | 賣價
bøexkhab`teq | untouchable | 未碰得; 碰無得
bøexkhafm | incapable | 未堪; 無能
bøexkhafm`teq | cannot | 未堪的; 禁無起
bøexkhafm`tid | cannot; may not | 未堪得; 袂堪得; 吃不消; 不敢當; 吃不消,
bøexkhaihoax | conservative | 未開化; 無開化
bøexkheq | customer | 賣客
bøexkhie | cannot accept; not valuable to | 未起; 袂起; 無起; 不能
bøexkhie`laai | won't come up | 未起來; 起無來
bøexkhix | unbearable to | 未去; 袂去
bøexkhuy | unable to open, unable to negrect | 未開; 袂開; 不開
bøexkhøx`tid | unreliable | 未靠得; 無可靠
bøexkiernsiaux | shame | 未見笑; 無要臉
bøexkix | to forget | 忘記; 忘掉; 遺忘; 未記
bøexkix`teq | forget | 無記得; 未記得
bøexkix`tid | forget | 無記得; 袂記得; 忘記; 未記得
bøexkixm`tid | cannot stop doing | 未停得; 袂禁得; 情不自禁
bøexkoaix`tid | no wonder | 沒怪得
bøexkokloo | traitor | 賣國奴
bøexkorng`tid | cannot discuss | 講無得; 未講得
bøexkox`tid | unable to take care | 顧無得; 袂顧得; 顧不得; 未顧得
bøexkuix | sell too expensive | 賣貴
bøexkviaa`tid | won't work | 行無得; 未行得
bøexkvix | cannot | 未見; 袂見; 不明白
bøexkøex`tid | unable to survive | 未過得; 過無了日子
bøexlaai | won't come | 無來; 袂來; 未來; 不會
bøexli | unable to abandon; won't end | 無及; 袂離; 未離; 無法完了; 不了
bøexliao | has not; sold out | 未了; 袂了; 不完; 售罄
bøexliao-bøexcin | endless | 沒了沒盡
bøexlurn`tid | be unbearable (pain, cold, sorrow, etc) | 未忍的; 袂忍得; 受不住
bøexmia | work too hard near death | 賣命
bøexoaan | sold out | 賣完
bøexsae | should not; not permissible to | 未使; 袂使; 使無得; 不行
bøexsae`tid | cannot; must not; be out of the question | 未使得; 無行; 不能; 使不得
bøexsaix | younger sister's husband | 妹婿; 妹夫
bøexseeng | won't work; won't make it | 未成; 袂成; 不能成功; 無會成
bøexsegchiuo | not familiar; layman | 未熟手
bøexsi | end moment | 未是; 稍等
bøexsiarm`tid | unable to skip | 未閃得
bøexsiaw | unable to release | 未消; 袂消; 不消
bøexsixn`tid | cannot trust it | 信無得; 未信得
bøexsyn | sell body | 賣身
bøextaxng kae | incorrigibility | 無法改
bøextaxng lykae`ee | inexplicable | 無法理解的
bøextaxng | unable to | 無能; 袂當; 未擋; 不能
bøexthafng | not possible to | 無能; 袂通; 未通; 未可
bøextiaau | unbearable to; won't stick | 未條; 袂牢; 無能忍受; 未著住
bøextiau | sold out | 賣掉
bøextid | could not | 無得; 未得
bøextid-thafng | impossible | 無能夠; 未得通
bøextitkøex | unable to survive | 未得過; 無法過活
bøextitsi | perhaps | 無得是; 未得是
bøextitsie | not dead | 未得死
bøextitthafng | cannot | 未得通; 無能
bøextiøh | unavailable | 無著; 袂著; 不到,不中; 未著
bøextiøh`teq | won't get it | 未著得; 無著
bøextng | put an end to | 杜絕; 賣斷
bøextør | won't fall; fail | 未倒; 無會倒
bøexzeng-bøe | prematurely | 未曾未
bøexzengbøe | never .... then | 未曾未
bøexzhaix`ee | vegetable seller | 賣菜的
bøexzhud | sale | 賣出; 袂出; 不出
bøexzoex`tid | cannot do it | 做無得
bøexzuo | seller | 賣主
bøexzøx`tid | cannot do it | 做無得; 袂做得; 未做得
bøexøe | cannot, will not be done | 無會; 袂會; 不會
bøfaix | mother love, unconditional love | 母愛
bøfchyn | mother; mother | 母親
bøfcvii | principal; capital | 母錢; 本金
bøfgie | one's mother tongue; native tongue | 母語
bøfgiin | capital money; principal | 本錢; 本金; 母銀
bøfguo | mother tongue; native language | 母語
bøfhau | alma mater | 母校
bøfhe zeato | matriarchy | 母系制度
bøfhoe | main organization, mother church | 母會
bøfhoef | female flower | 雌花
bøfii | mother's sisters; maternal aunts | 母姨; 姨母
bøfkaux | mother's upbringing of child; mother's teaching | 母教
bøfkim | mother's brother's wife; maternal uncle's wife; mother's brother's wife | 母妗; 母之嫂; 舅母
bøfkoaan | matriarchal power | 母權
bøfkog | native country | 母國; 母國(祖國)
bøfku | (informal) mother's brother; maternal uncle; mother's brother; maternal uncle | 母舅; 娘舅; 舅父; 舅舅
bøfkviar | mother and child; principal and interest | 母囝
bøfky | machine that makes other machines; mother aircraft; airplane which tows gliders | 母機
bøfkym | business capital; capital lent out | 母金; 本錢; 資本
bøflai | principal and interest | 本息; 母利
bøflam | flattop; mother ship; carrier | 母艦
bøflefng | mother's milk | 母乳
bøfserng'aix | mother's love; maternal affection | 母性愛
bøfsexng | motherliness; maternity | 母性
bøfsyn | body or state of health of a woman just before or soon after childbirth | 母體
bøfthaau-chyn | wife's relatives | 母頭親; 姻親
bøfthay | mother's womb | 母胎
bøfthea | mother's condition (obstetrics) | 母體
bøfym | a vowel; vowels | 母音
bøfzaang | the trunk of a tree | 母樹; 母叢
bøfzea-hoe | women's auxiliary of elementary school | 母姊會
bøfzefhoe | women's auxiliary of a primary school | 母姊會
bøfzuo cy zeeng | love between mother and child | 母子之情
bøfzuo liensym | Lit.- mother and son's heart always join together; i.e. love between mother and child | 母子連心
bøgai | do not matter; no harm; not in the way; all right | 無礙
bøgai`tiøh | the influence; has not obstructed | 無礙著; 沒影響
bøgaixtiøh | no problem | 無礙著
bøgigo | unthinkable | 無疑悟; 沒有料想到
bøgii | undoubted | 無疑
bøgixniu | bored | 無議量
bøgo | correct; right; impeccant; inerrable | 無誤
bøgoa | not many | 無太; 無外
bøh | don't | 莫
bøhabseg | not fitting, not seemly, not suitable | 不合適
bøhabsid | not fitting, not seemly, not suitable | 不合適
bøhagbun | not well educated, not a scholar | 沒有學問
bøhah | unsuitable | 無合
bøhai | harmless | 無壞; 無害
bøhan | unlimited, infinite, boundless | 無限
bøhan-kongsy | an unlimited company, ordinary partnership | 無限公司
bøhau | futile | 無效
bøhaux | unfilial | 無孝
bøheeng | invisible; without leaving a trace; The egg of an animal not fertilized | 無形; 無受孕
bøheng'viar | formless, shapeless | 無形影
bøherngzhux | disinterested, uninterested | 無興趣
bøhexløh | irresponsible 'in acting' | 無下落; 不負責
bøhiaam | not picky; do not mind; although; in spite of the fact (introduces the conceded fact in a concessive sentence) | 無嫌; 不嫌棄; 無嫌棄
bøhoad | unable; incapable; can do nothing about it | 無法; 無可奈何; 沒法
bøhoad`teq | unable; incapable | 無法得; 沒法得
bøhoad`tid | unable; incapable | 無法的; 不能
bøhoad`y | unable to deal with him or her | 無法他; 拿他沒辦法
bøhoattid | unable to manage | 無法得; 不能
bøhoatto | unable; incapable | 無法度
bøhoee bøphoef | didn't communicate by letter; didn't correspond | 沒回沒信
bøhoee | one way; no return | 無回
bøhoong | why not; might as well; not important | 無妨
bøhun | have nothing to do with it; be denied a share | 無份; 沒有份
bøhunzhuxn | making no proper measurement or examination; careless or inaccurate in doing things | 無分寸
bøhwn opeh | impetuous; rash; without forethought; without distinction of right and wrong | 無分黑白; 無分青紅皂白
bøiaam ymsit | salt-free diet | 無鹽飲食
bøibøoar | helpless | 無依無倚
bøiebøix | bashful, shy | 無意無意; 不好意思
bøieen bøkox | without cause or reason; no kith and kin | 無緣無故
bøieen | have no affinity for | 無緣
bøiegi | meaningless, without significance | 無意義
bøieseg | unconscious | 無意識
bøiesux | meaningless, senseless, stupid | 無意思
bøietiofng | unexpectedly; unintentionally; by accident | 無意中
bøitteng | uncertain | 無一定
bøix | unintentionally | 無意
bøji | irrational; unreasonable; have no equivalent characters or words | 無字; 無字可寫
bøjit | no sun | 無日; 沒出太陽
bøjoa | not too | 無若; 無太
bøjoax | not too much, not very | 無若
bøjoaxkuo | not for a long time | 無若久; 沒多久
bøjoaxzøe | not too many; little | 無若多; 沒多少
bøkaang | different | 無同
bøkafng | fully occupied, busy | 無孔; 沒有空
bøkang | not the same; different | 無仝; 無同
bøkangge | nothing to do | 無事做; 無工藝
bøkaogeh | premature birth | 無夠月
bøkaogoeh | premature birth | 無夠月
bøkaokhvoax | despise | 無夠看; 輕蔑人
bøkaopurn | loss of capital; under cost (a phrase common in commercial circles when a buyer or seller quotes a price that is under cost) | 無夠本
bøkaotang | not heavy enough; to despise | 無夠重; 重量無足; 輕蔑人
bøkaux chixn | weigh anything lighter than it should be | 無夠秤
bøkaux | insufficient, not enough | 無夠; 不夠
bøkaux`tiøh | not enough; insufficient | 無夠著
bøkax-bøsi | rudeness; un-educated | 無教無示; 無教養
bøkaxn | very stingy; not to dare | 無姦; 很小氣
bøkeatat | valueless | 無價值
bøkee giaa kau'ie | look for trouble | 無枷抬交椅; 自找麻煩
bøkef bøkiarm | neither too much nor too little; nothing added nothing taken away; no more; no less | 無加無減; 無多不少
bøkenggiam | inexperienced | 無經驗
bøkex | priceless, very valuable | 無價
bøkex-pør | priceless treasure | 無價寶
bøkhafng bøsurn | not important; of no consequence or significance | 無孔無榫; 無關緊要的
bøkhafng | have no money; stingy | 無孔; 沒錢; 吝嗇; 無是辦法
bøkhafng-bøsurn | is bored; no hole and tenon; useless | 無孔無榫; 無聊
bøkhahzoah | useless | 無較縒
bøkhaksit | uncertain, unsure, unreliable | 無確實
bøkharm-bøzam | not rule | 無坎無站; 無規律
bøkhie | treat a person with contempt | 無起; 看無起人家; 瞧不起人
bøkhix | to pass away; to die; (v) lose; death; deadly; disappear; fade away | 沒去; 無氣
bøkhoarn | absurd; ludicrous; conduct oneself badly | 無款; 無像話
bøkhoax | be too late to do something; to hurry to do something; no time to | 沒靠; 來無及
bøkhuielat | without energy or strength | 無氣力
bøkhuix | breathless; expired | 無氣; 斷氣
bøkhvii bøkhip | unable to hold on to (like a big; round slippery thing); no collateral; to have no family; relatives; property on which a creditor can have a hold as security | 無鉗無吸; 無著力處; 無可依據; 無牽連
bøkhvoax | din't watch | 無看
bøkhyhor | affair which may involve large indefinite expenses | 無限價; (數)
bøkiambøsiafm | tasteless | 無鹹無纖
bøkiesym | absent-minded, forgetful | 無記心; 心不在焉
bøkietii | absent-minded, forgetful | 無記持; 健忘
bøkiok | wasted; without effect | 乏味; 徒然; 無劇
bøkiux | helpless; hopeless | 無救
bøkixm bøkhi ciah pahji | There is no taboo; you can live to be a hundred | 無禁無忌吃百二
bøkoaan | having no power or authority | 無權
bøkoafn | to have nothing to do with, have no connection with | 無關
bøkoaix | no wonder | 無怪
bøkoarn | no matter whether | 無管; 不管
bøkof | innocent, guiltless | 無辜
bøkofngbøtvax | silent | 無講無呾
bøkorng-bøtva | silently | 一聲無響; 無講無錯
bøkox bixnphoee | shameless; doesn't guard her (his) reputation; has no self-respect | 無顧臉皮
bøkox | gratuitous, causeless, with no reason | 無故
bøkud | no backbone (Lit. without bones) | 無骨
bøkunzhao | dodder laurel 'a parasitic plant', Cassytha filiformis | 無根草
bøkuo | soon | 無久; 不久
bøkutkhix | spineless; chicken-livered (Lit. no bones energy) | 無骨氣
bøkvarpviar | unleaved bread | 無酵餅
bøkvax-pviar | unleavened bread | 無酵餅
bøkøf | have no money; have no ability | 無膏; 無錢; 無才
bøkøq | not a second time | 無擱; 無再
bølaang ginhaang | automatic teller machine; ATM | 無人銀行
bølaang koarn | no one takes care | 無人管; 自由
bølaang liuu | no one takes care | 無人溜; 自由
bølaang | not a soul | 無人
bølaiciah | not to make progress | 無來食; 沒有進度
bølang'ieen | not likeable, repulsive | 無人緣
bølangseg | out of touch with influential people, unable to facilitate a matter through lack of contacts | 無人識; 沒有人情
bølarm | acting mechanically without heart in the work; cannot keep one's mind on one's job | 無攬; 無精打采
bølarm-bølef | lazy; languid; weak | 無攬無絡; 懶洋洋
bølarm-bønef | which takes a sentence subject: in a mechanical manner; without heart or interest; lazy; languid; weak | 無攬無絡; 無攬無拈; 無氣力; 做事不專心
bølat | powerless; weak | 無力
bølea | insolence; impolite | 無禮; 沒禮貌
bøleeng | disability, incompetent, incapable | 無能
bølefmau | impolite, discourteous | 無禮貌
bølefsox | impolite, rude | 無禮數
bøleng'exng | inefficacious and powerless 'of a god' | 無靈驗
bøleng'uy | ineffective, powerless 'of a god' | 無靈威
bølengsviax | inefficacious and powerless 'of a god' | 無靈聖
bøli | of no advantage, unprofitable | 無利
bøliaau | nonsense; bored | 無聊
bøliang | ungenerous | 無量
bøliao | without loss | 無了
bøliau | free of charge | 無料; 免費
bøliawsii | endless | 無了時; 無了結的時候
bølie | unreasonable, illogical, unacceptable behavior | 無理; 不講理
bøliexnsek | inexperienced, without practice | 無練熟
bøliong | ungenerous | 無量; 度量狹窄
bøliongsym | heartless | 無良心
bølo | no way | 無路; 無路,沒胃口
bøloa | not much; not very | 無太
bøloaxkuo | not very long | 無若久
bøloxeng | useless | 無路用
bøloxiong | futile | 無路用
bøloxlaai | helpless; way less | 無路來; 不會做
bølu | do not worry | 無慮
bølun juhøo | in any case; at all events | 無論如何
bølun symmih laang | no matter who; whoever | 無論甚麼人
bølun symmih sofzai | no matter where | 無論甚麼所在
bølun symmih | no matter what; whatever | 無論甚麼
bølun tøfui | no matter where; wherever | 無論那裏
bølun tøh'ui | no matter where, whereever | 無論佗位
bølun tøsiao | no matter how many | 無論多少
bølun | no matter that; no matter what; who or when | 無論
bølyiuu | illogical, unreasonable | 無理由
bølykhix | unreasonable, contrary to commonsense | 無理氣
bømauturn | self-consistent, not contradictory | 無矛盾
bømebøjit | | 無暝無日
bømee bøjit | day and night without ceasing | 無暝無日; 無分晝夜
bømee | edge blunted; as by use | 無刃
bømee-bøjit | night and day | 無暝無日; 不分晝夜; 日夜無停
bømeqbogsef | Taiwan osmanthus, Osmanthus enrivius | 無脈木犀
bømia | lose life | 無命
bømiaa | nameless; anonymous | 無名
bømiaa-si | anonymous | 無名氏
bømiazvae | the third finger | 無名指
bømibølit | day and night | 無暝無日
bømii-bøjit | day and night | 日夜無停; 無暝無日; 不分晝夜
bømng'ar | almost bald, with little hair | 無毛仔; 禿頭
bønai | a rogue; a rascal; can not help | 無奈
bønaixeng | won't last long | 無耐用
bønaixhøo | act against one's will; have no alternative but; can not help but | 無奈何; 無得已
bønaixsexng | impatient | 無耐性
bøniwsviuo | very light in weight | 無兩賞; 很輕
bøo aix | don’t want | 無愛
bøo bagte | discriminate against; to despise; to look down upon | 無目地看無起; 有眼無珠
bøo bengkhag | vague | 無明確
bøo bin thafng kvix laang | feeling ashamed to see others because of some awkward; inconvenient; or shameful state of matters | 無臉見人
bøo bogteg | aimless; without objective; at random | 無目的
bøo bogtek | pointless | 無目的
bøo buxntøee | no problem | 無問題
bøo cidear | a little while | 無一下子
bøo cidtex tiøh | always wrong | 一無是處; 無一塊對
bøo ciekhix | lacking self-respect, spiritless | 無志氣
bøo cietzex | without self-control | 無節制
bøo cviuxsngx | unfit for anything; no good; useless | 無上算; 無值取
bøo gigo | unexpectedly before one is aware or has any thought of it | 無疑悟; 意料之外
bøo gixniu | nothing to do; nonsense | 無藝量; 無事做; 無聊
bøo goanzeg | unprincipled | 無原則
bøo goanzoe sythay | Immaculate Conception of Mary; conceived without sin (catholic term) | 無原罪始胎
bøo guu sae bea | use the means at hand; make an adjustment (Lit. If there is no ox; then use a horse.) | 無牛駛馬; 事出無奈
bøo habseg | not fitting, improper | 無合適
bøo habsid | not fitting, improper | 無合適
bøo hagbun | not educated, without learning | 無學問
bøo hangzeeng | have no market price | 無行情; 沒有市價
bøo haqsii | unseasonable; out-of-date | 無合時
bøo haqun | doesn't rhyme | 無合韻
bøo hexløh | not to the point; whereabouts is unknown | 無下落
bøo hexthorng | unclassified; without system; disorder; unsystematic; uncontrolled | 無系統
bøo hoatto | no help for it; lawless (Lit. no plan) | 無法度; 沒辦法
bøo hogcioong | recalcitrant | 無服從
bøo huozhoarn | unable to catch breath | 無赴喘
bøo i'oar | has not depended upon; friendless and helpless | 無依偎; 無所依偎; 無依無靠
bøo iaokirn | unimportant; not serious; it doesn't matter; never mind | 無要緊
bøo iegi | without significance , meaningless | 無意義
bøo ieseg | unconsciousness; unintentional; involuntary | 無意識
bøo iesux | no idea or concept; not interesting; no indication or hint | 無意思; 沒意思
bøo ihoad | unable to handle; incapable; unable to deal with him or her | 無伊法; 拿他沒辦法; 拿他沒轍
bøo insixn | does not have the messages | 無音信
bøo intvoaf | out of blue; no reasons | 無因端
bøo itteng | may not; not necessarily; can't say for sure; maybe | 無一定
bøo ixgi | without dissenting voice; unanimous | 無異議
bøo iøh thafng kiux | incurable; beyond hope; incorrigible | 無藥可救
bøo jintø | inhumane; contrary to humanity | 無人道
bøo joaxkuo | not too long | 無多久
bøo kaang | different; distinctive; unlike | 無同
bøo kafmkag | insensible, unfeeling | 無感覺
bøo kah'ix | unsuit one's fancy; not agreeable to a person or thing | 無合意
bøo kang | not alike, quite different | 無仝
bøo kangge | nothng to do | 無工藝
bøo karsi | has not educated | 無教示; 沒教養
bøo keatat | valueless | 無價值
bøo khaksit | unreliable, uncertain, unsure | 無確實
bøo khehkhix | is impolite | 無客氣
bøo khielek | without energy or strength | 無氣力
bøo khix | missing, to disappear | 無去
bøo khvikhip | unable to hold on to (like a big; round slippery thing); no collateral; to have no family; relatives; property on which a creditor can have a hold as security | 無鉗吸; 無可依據; 無牽連
bøo khøfleeng | impossible | 無可能
bøo kie'tii | forgetful, absent-minded | 無記憶
bøo kiemiaa tauphiøx | secret ballot | 無記名投票
bøo kietkør | without result, in vain | 無結果
bøo koanhe | have nothing to do with; regardless of; it matters little | 無關係
bøo kongpvee | not fair | 無公平
bøo kongpvii | unfair | 無公平
bøo kongtø | not fair | 無公道
bøo kuie jidzeeng | not many days ago. | 前幾天
bøo kuikie | ill-mannered, no discipline | 不規矩
bøo kuilut | undisciplined, disorderly | 無規律
bøo kuisym | not with one's whole heart | 無歸心; 無專心
bøo kunkux | groundless, unfounded, ungrounded | 無根據
bøo kuyjit-cieen | not many days ago | 無幾天前
bøo kviar mia | be fated to have no child | 無囝命; 命中無後
bøo kwnchiøx | not joking | 無滾笑; 無是開玩笑
bøo laau ite | put a man too much to shame; as by severe scolding before others | 無留餘地
bøo lang'ieen | unpopular | 無人緣
bøo langbin | without friends or helpers | 無人面; 無人事關係
bøo langseg | without friends or helpers | 無人色; 無人事關係
bøo larngtng | incessantly; unceasingly | 無曠斷; 沒有間斷
bøo lefmau | rude | 無禮貌
bøo lefsox | impolite, rude, not according to social rule | 無禮數
bøo lenglek | without method, unsable, incapable, without capacity | 無能力
bøo lengsviax | be ineffective; in vain; to pray to god or a saint in vain | 無靈聖
bøo liamthie | shameless; devoid of honor | 無廉恥
bøo lie ee taixcix | It's none of your business | 無你的代誌; 少管閒事
bøo liongsym | conscienceless | 無良心
bøo lisy | little; almost none | 無釐絲; 沒一點兒
bøo lo | there is no road or no means; have a poor appetite; don't like to eat | 無路; 沒胃口
bøo loaxkuo | not for long | 無多久
bøo loxeng | no use; no good; unfit for anything; useless; not of any help; not valid; ineffective | 無路用
bøo loxiong | useless | 無路用
bøo loxsae | useless | 無路駛; 沒用
bøo lykhix | contrary to common sense | 無理氣
bøo mxtiøh | right, no error, unmistakably, no wrong | 無毋對
bøo naixsym | fretfully impatient | 無耐心
bøo oafnkiexn | to lack foresight | 無遠見
bøo oe korng kalør | chat | 無話講家惱; 閒話家常; 閑談
bøo oe thafng korng | having nothing to say; unable to say anything | 無話可講
bøo pawhøo | unsaturated | 無飽和
bøo phahsngx | not expect; unexpectedly; coincidentally | 無打算; 沒想要
bøo phiensym | impartial | 無偏心
bøo piernliern | out of tricks | 無變輾; 無知變通
bøo piernpo | impossible to execute; has no good way to do | 無變步; 沒有好方法; 無法可施
bøo piernthofng | stubborn | 沒變通; 無變通
bøo pvoaree cvii | not a red cent | 無半的錢; 一毛錢也沒有
bøo pvoarji | not a word | 無半字
bøo pvoarphied | do not have a single skill or merit | 無半撇; 一無所長
bøo pvoarpo | useless | 無半步; 一點辦法都沒有
bøo pvoarsud | to have nothing; dispossessed | 無半屑; 什麼都沒有
bøo pvoarsy | not the least bit | 無半絲
bøo pøfliuu | unreserved | 無保留
bøo sektoxng | ineptness | 無適當
bøo seng'ix | insincere | 無誠意
bøo siafsix | shameless | 無賒勢; 丟臉
bøo simcviaa | be reluctant to do; absent minded | 沒心情
bøo simkvoaf | absent-minded | 沒心肝; 沒良心; 無心肝
bøo siongkafn | irrelevant; have nothing to do with | 無相干
bøo siøfsym | carelessly | 無小心
bøo siøkaang | different; distinctive; unlike | 無相仝; 無相同
bøo siøkauzhab | no mutual concern; not at all involved in his affairs | 無相交插; 無相往來
bøo siøphvef | equal; even; fifty and fifty; half and half | 無相摒; 互無佔便宜
bøo siøtaang | not identical; not the same | 無相同
bøo sngx | don't count; leave out of the reckoning; not including | 無算
bøo sofkuy | homeless; no place to go | 無所歸
bøo sofui | It does not matter | 無所謂
bøo su'iaux | unnecessary, no need | 無需要
bøo sun | not smooth | 無順
bøo suviaa | tie; draw; come out even | 無輸贏; 平手; 無分輸贏
bøo suxsae | not valid; ineffective; in vain | 沒有用; 無事使(駛)
bøo svakaang | is dissimilar | 無相共; 無一樣
bøo svataang | is not same | 無相同
bøo sviafmih | not any; not too; nothing; it doesn't matter; never mind | 沒什麼; 無什麼
bøo sviu kaux | did not consider so far | 沒想到
bøo symmih | nothing | 無什麼
bøo søeaji | carelessly; by accident | 無細膩; 無小心; 不經意
bøo taixcix | have nothing to do; never mind | 無代誌; 沒事做; 無要緊
bøo tekkhag | uncertainty, not necessarily, unsure | 無的確
bøo texngheeng | amorphous; formless | 無定形
bøo texngsexng | flighty; very fickle and of unsettled purpose; wavering | 無定性
bøo thafng ciah | having nothing to eat | 無得吃
bøo tharncvii | no profit; too small a profit | 無賺錢
bøo thaunao | stupid (Lit. no brains) | 沒頭腦; 愚笨
bøo thausiin | absent-minded | 無頭神; 記性差
bøo thaux | no way through | 無透
bøo thienlioong | have no conscience | 無天良
bøo thvilie | unreasonable | 無天理
bøo ti`teq | not be in; be out | 無在咧
bøo tiaukvia | unconditional; without conditions | 無條件
bøo tiedsu | disorder; irregularity; want of method; anomaly | 無秩序
bøo tixtai | irrelevant | 無相干; 無佇代
bøo tofngphaix | non-partisan | 無黨派
bøo toxliong | narrow minded | 無度量
bøo tvafkirn | unimportant; not serious; never mind | 無打緊
bøo tviaxtiøh | uncertain, indefinite | 無定著
bøo tviutii | no attention; suddenly; unexpectedly; unaware of | 無張持; 突然; 霍然
bøo twhør | not just right, carelessly | 無拄好
bøo tycie | bottomless pit; without limits | 無致止; 沒法停止
bøo tøxteg | immoral; unethical | 無道德
bøo un | very unlucky person | 無運; 運氣無佳
bøo viafciaq | not true; disappear; traceless; trackless; vanish | 無影蹤; 無影跡
bøo wnteng`ee | precarious | 無穩定的
bøo y | incurable | 醫無好; 無醫
bøo zaixlai | not included | 無在內
bøo zeng'ix | cold and unfriendly | 無情意
bøo zenggi | inhumane and unjust | 無爭議
bøo zengsiin | inattentive, unobservant | 無精神
bøo zerngsioong | abnormal; unusual; uncommon | 無正常; 異常
bøo zhaykafng | wasted effort, in vain | 徒勞
bøo zhengzhør | did not see clearly | 無清楚
bøo zhunpan | without any previous thought about it; as something coming unexpectedly | 無打算
bøo zoansym | not with one's whole heart | 無專心
bøo zongzeg | disappear; traceless; trackless; vanish | 無蹤跡
bøo zuo'ix | careless, carelessly, not attentively, pay no attention, without taking notice | 無注意
bøo zwix | careless, carelessly | 不注意的
bøo zwkiexn | indecisive; cannot make up one's mind about anything | 無主見
bøo | no; have not; had not; did not; unsuccessfully; without | 無; 沒有
bøo-gigo | unexpectedly | 意想不到
bøo-hoatto | no way, unable to manage | 無法度
bøo-itteng | uncertain, unassuredly, uncertainly | 無一定
bøo-lang'ieen | repulsive, not very liked | 無人緣
bøo-lefsox | impolite, rude, not according to social rule | 沒禮數
bøo-lenglek | without method, unable, incapable, without capacity | 無能力
bøo-loxeng | useless | 無路用
bøo-loxiong | useless | 不中用; 沒有用
bøo-mxtiøh | that's right; no error, unmistakenly, no wrong | 無毋著
bøo-seng'ix | insincere | 無誠意
bøo-siøkang | different; distinctive; unlike | 無相仝; 無相同
bøo-su'iaux | unnecessary, no need | 無需要
bøo-symmih | nothing particular, not particularly, not very | 沒什麼
bøo-tekkhag | uncertainly, not necessarily, unsure | 無的確
bøo-tiaukvia | unconditional, unreserved | 無條件
bøo-tixtai | not of one's business, does not concern one | 無底代
bøo-tvafkirn | without too much importance | 無打緊
bøo-tviaxtiøh | uncertain, indefinite | 無定著
bøo-twhør | not just right, carelessly | 無拄好
bøo-zafmzøeh | indecisive | 無斬截
bøo-zeng'ix | cold and unfriendly | 無情義
bøo-zenggi | inhumane and unjust | 無情意
bøo-zengsiin | inattentive, unobservant | 無精神
bøo`khix | disappear; none; didn't go | 無去; 消失; 沒了
bøo`khix`aq | gone; dead, died | 沒去了
bøokhaq zoah | useless | 無較濺; 沒有用
bøpe-bøbuo | orphan | 無父無母
bøpe-bøbuo`ee | orphan | 無父無母的
bøpexkviar | kid raised without a father | 無爸囝; 無父子
bøphvoa | without a companion; alone | 無伴; 沒有伴侶
bøphvy | not succeeding in a dispute; lawsuit; or quarrel; not managing to get a thing cheap; not profitable; advantageous | 無摒; 沒佔便宜
bøpie | not less than; incomparable | 無比
bøpo | out of tricks; having no resource; have no alternative; no way out | 無步; 無法子; 沒法子
bøpurn | without capital | 無本
bøpvi | without illness, without sickness | 無病
bøpvoarhang | nothing | 無半項
bøpvoarlaang | no one at all; not a soul | 無半人
bøpvoarphied | useless | 無半撇
bøpvoarpo | no clues | 無半步
bøpvoarsy | not at all | 無半絲
bøpøq | not safe; risky | 無穩; 不妥當; 無卜
bøqar | wheat | 麥仔
bøqkorng | don't explain; don't discuss; don't speak; moreover; besides; in addition | 莫講; 何況; 況且
bøqsoeq | don't explain; don't discuss; don't speak; moreover; besides; in addition | 莫說; 何況; 況且
bøqsøeq | don't say | 莫說
bøqteq | unable; incapable | 莫得; 無法
bøqtid | never; may not | 莫得
bør kar li | compound interest | 母絞利; 利上加利
bør | mother | 母; 畝
bør`ee | female animals | 母的
bøseeng | unlike, not well appeared | 無像; 沒結果
bøsiaang | unlike; quite different | 無同; 不一樣
bøsiaf putseeng tiaxm | shop won't prosper unless it gives credit | 無賒不成店
bøsianglo | not going by the same road | 無同路
bøsiaw | hard to sell out | 無銷; 銷路不好; 銷無出
bøsiaw-bøsid | does not have the news; no information | 無消無息; 沒消息
bøsii | unprecedented | 未曾; 無時
bøsii-bøzun | indefinite tense | 無時無陣; 無定時
bøsiin | illusory; feeling lost; in a trance; not present | 恍惚; 無神; 沒有精神
bøsiin-bøzhae | not present and no spirits | 無精打采; 無神無采
bøsiin-lun | atheism | 無神論
bøsimzeeng | not in the mood | 無心情
bøsinlun | atheism | 無神論
bøsinphaix | atheists | 無神派
bøsiok | is not cheap | 無俗; 無便宜
bøsiongkafn | unrelated | 無相干
bøsiorng | gratis | 無賞; 無償
bøsitheeng | without pause or intermission | 無時停
bøsixn-ciar | unbelieved person | 無神者; 無信者
bøsiøh | lonely; lonesome | 寂寞; 寞寂
bøsiøphvy | equal; even; fifty and fifty; half and half | 無相摒; 互無佔便宜; 相等的
bøsiøq | not stint; not spare; not scruple; not to use sparingly; careless to somebody; be ready to go to extreme lengths; do not spare | 無惜
bøsoaq | incessantly; without end; not limited to; endlessly; ceaselessly | 無盡; 沒停止; 無煞
bøsox-pae | numerous times | 無數次
bøsu jiafsu | go looking for trouble; raise unnecessary troubles | 無事惹事; 惹麻煩
bøsu | nothing | 無事
bøsu-bøkox | nothing happened | 無緣無故; 無事無故
bøsuu | have no descendants | 無嗣
bøsuun ee gwgieen | pidgin | 無純的語言
bøsuun | impure | 無純; 精
bøsuxsae | useless | 無事使; 沒有用
bøsviaf | voiceless; loss of voice | 無聲; 失音; 沒有嗓子
bøsviafkaang | not unlike | 無甚同; 無盡相同
bøsviaq | not very; not particularly; not many; not very much | 沒什
bøsviar | nothing particular; not particularly; not very; nothing much; not much | 無太; 無啥; 沒什麼; 不怎麼; 無甚
bøsviax | without efficacious power | 無靈; 無聖
bøsvoartien | wireless; wireless telegraphy or telephone | 無線電
bøsvoax tiexn'oe | radio telephone | 無線電話
bøsvoax tiexnpøx | radiogram; wireless telegram | 無線電報
bøsvoax | wireless | 無線
bøsw | slefless, disinterested | 無私
bøsym kea uxix | feign interest | 無心假有意
bøsym | careless | 無心
bøta'oaa | no other resource; could not be avoided | 無奈何; 無可奈何
bøtaang | indistinguishable | 無同
bøtai'oaa | have no alternative | 無奈何; 無可奈何
bøtai-bøcix | does not have the matter | 無代無誌; 沒事情
bøtaixbøcix | nothing wrong | 無代無誌
bøtaixzaai | frivolous; flighty | 無大才; 輕浮
bøtaoaa | helpless | 無奈何
bøtapsab | not enough | 無答屑; 無夠
bøtatit'oaa | cannot help it; no other recourse | 無奈直何; 無得已
bøtaxng bea | cannot buy it anywhere | 無處買; 買無到
bøtaxng khix | no place to go | 無處去
bøtaxng zhoe | cannot be found | 無處尋; 找無到
bøtaxng | no where | 無處; 沒有地方
bøteg-bøtvia | not peaceful; not steady; is impetuous | 無得無定; 好動; 靜無得
bøtek | invincible, matchless, rivalless | 無敵
bøtekkhag | can't say for sure; maybe | 說無定; 無的確
bøtektvia | not peaceful; not steady; is impetuous; bustling lad; inquietude; restlessness; restless; frolicsome; lively | 無穩健; 浮躁; 無得定; 不穩重
bøteq | no where to do | 無在
bøtex | nowhere | 未必; 無處
bøtex-thafng | no way | 無處可
bøthaau bøboea | incomplete; incomprehensible; nonsensical; no beginning or end (Lit. no head no tail) | 無頭無尾
bøthaau kong'axn | murder case which has no clue to its solution; a charge against a person or persons unknown | 無頭公案
bøthaau-bøbøea | out of blue | 無頭無尾
bøthaau-kong'axn | unsolved misery | 無頭公案
bøthafng hør | not very good | 無太好
bøthafng | not tolerate; not allow; not brook; not admit; hate to do; hate to part with | 無可; 無通; 沒…可
bøthaukuie | headless ghost | 無頭鬼
bøthausiin | absent minded; forgetful | 記性壞; 無頭神; 健忘
bøtheeng | without stopping; without pause or intermission | 沒停
bøthie | shameless, brazen | 無恥
bøthngg | no kids | 無傳
bøthofng | not suitable as a plan; be cut off; be interrupted; traffic congested | 沒通
bøthvy bøte | contrary to Heaven and Earth (said of very wicked conduct) | 無天無地
bøthvy-bøtøe | lawless | 無天無地; 極無道理
bøthøx | unsettled; unsatisfactory; not right; unsafe | 無妥
bøti`teq | not available | 無在得
bøtiok | irresponsible | 無著; 無負責任
bøtixtai | does not concern one; be none of one's business | 無相干; 無關的事
bøtiøh | not right | 無著; 無算對
bøtoa bøsex | impolite | 無大無細; 無禮貌
bøtoa-bøsoex | impolite | 無大無細; 沒大沒小
bøtoaxbøsex | no polite | 無大無細
bøtoaxbøsoex | no polite | 無大無細
bøtoea-khox | split-seat pants | 無底褲; 開襠褲
bøtok | non-toxic | 無毒
bøtorng bøphaix | impartial; without party affiliation of any sort; non-partisan | 無黨無派
bøtoxngzeng | no movement; quiet | 無動靜
bøtuix | wrong, incorrect | 不對
bøtvafkirn | very affable; compliant; accommodating; not only but also | 無打緊
bøtvar | no guts; timid; coward | 無膽; 膽小
bøtvia bønii | suddenly without reason | 無緣無故; 忽然
bøtvia bøtiøh | voluble; vain; fickle; changeable; inconstant; to change at every whim; uncertain and changeable | 無定無著; 無一定; 沒定性
bøtvia-bøtiøh | does not have decides; unsettled | 無定無著; 無所定; 靜無得
bøtviaxsiin | capricious; weak-kneed | 無定神; 意志無定
bøtviaxtiøh | uncertain; not sure | 無定著; 說無定
bøtviutii | no attention; suddenly; unexpectedly; unaware of; careless | 無張持; 突然; 霍然
bøtviw-bøtii | no attention; suddenly; unexpectedly; unaware of | 無張無持; 突然; 霍然
bøtwhør | have no choice; ill-timed; unluckily; unlucky | 無湊巧; 無抵好
bøty | ignorant, foolish | 無知
bøtøea chimkhvef | bottomless abyss | 無底深坑
bøtøea | bottomless | 無底
bøtøea-hang | endless ally | 無底巷
bøviar bøciaq | certainly not; groundless; unfounded | 無影無跡; 毫無根據; 無稽之談
bøviar bøjiaq | certainly not; groundless; unfounded | 無影無跡; 毫無根據; 無稽之談
bøviar | untrue | 無影; (是)假的; 無正確的
bøviar-bøciaq | baseless; not for real | 無影無蹤; 無是真的; 憑空
bøxafkex | hat stand | 帽仔架
bøxafsym | center of grindstone | 磨仔心; 磨心
bøxaftoax | hat lace | 帽仔帶
bøxaftuun | hat edges | 帽仔唇
bøxah | hatbox; bandbox | 帽匣; 帽盒
bøxchiaf | small mill | 磨車; 碾米坊磨粉坊
bøxciofng | logo or trademark on hat or cap or bonnet; hat badge; badge for a cap | 帽章
bøxciøh | millstone | 磨石
bøxhurn | grind | 磨粉
bøxkea | grind rice into pulp using stone mill to make rice cake | 磨粿
bøxkefng | grind mill; grind room | 磨間
bøxkoea | grind rice into pulp using stone mill to make rice cake | 磨粿
bøxpaang | grind mill; grind room | 磨房
bøxtoax | hatband | 帽帶
bøxtuun | hat brim; hat edge | 帽唇; 帽緣
bøxviaf | tassel of a cap | 墓碑; 帽纓
bøy bø'oar | solitude; loneliness; nothing or nobody to rely on | 無依無靠
bøy | cureless; can't cure | 無醫; 無法醫治
bøyn-bøtvoaf | no reason | 無因無端; 無緣故
bøyn-tietvoaf | no reason | 空穴來風; 無因致端
bøzaai | not in accordance with one's position or station | 無才; 有失風度
bøzafngthaau | have no clue | 無線索; 無頭緒
bøzam-bøzad | without the discretion | 沒有分寸; 無斬無扎
bøzee | uneven | 無齊
bøzeeng | pitiless; ruthless; merciless; heartless | 無情
bøzeeng-bølie | crude and irrational | 無情無理
bøzengzhaf | irrelevant; no differneces | 無精差
bøzerngkefng | not normal | 無正經
bøzhae cvii | waste of money (thing; etc.) | 無彩錢; 浪費錢
bøzhae mih | waste of money (thing; etc.) | 無彩物; 浪費物
bøzhae | unworthy of; unfortunate; of no use | 可惜; 無彩
bøzhaf | no difference, the same | 無差; 沒有差別
bøzhaosiaau | irresponsible; won't obey | 無責任; 無聽
bøzhaykafng | futile; not valid; ineffective; in vain; waste of effort; in vain; wasted effort | 無彩工; 白費工夫; 徒勞
bøzhuiesuie | person who doesn't know how to flatter | 無嘴美; 無會講好話
bøzhuix | silent | 無嘴; 沉默; 無反駁
bøzhøx | no mistake; quite sure; assured; can't go wrong; correct; without error; no mistake; That's right! Not bad! Right on! | 無錯; 沒錯
bøzngf bøthvar | not dress up | 無裝無娗; 沒梳妝打扮
bøzoa | useless | 無行; 沒關係; 沒有用
bøzoaan | incomplete, lacking something | 無全; 不全
bøzoaq | no difference, the same | 無溢; 無差; 沒有差別
bøzoe | innocent | 無罪
bøzuix`ee | sober | 無醉的
bøzwkesiin | deceased people who have no descendant to worship them | 無主孤魂
bøzwnsngx | don't count; don't pay attention to | 無準算; 無算數
chi zabor | keep a concubine | 飼查某; 養女人
chiaau khaq ban | set back clock or watch | 調較慢
chiab | a concubine; to steal; concubine; secondary wife (self deprecating term used by a woman referring to herself when speaking to her husband) | 妾; 竊
chiabak | to look down on somebody | 斜目
chiabea | chariots and horses | 車馬; 馬車
chiabea-huix | travelling expenses | 車馬費
chiabee | car fans | 車迷
chiabefhuix | transportation allowance; travel expenses | 車馬費
chiabii | extravagant | 奢靡
chiabin | a slant; an inclined plane; inclined plane; oblique plane; a slope | 斜面
chiabong | an extravagant hope; an unusual great hope; a wild hope; extravagant hopes | 奢望
chiabunpox | twilled cotton | 斜紋布
chiabuun | twill | 斜紋
chiafmbaq | fork meat | 叉肉
chiahbak | envious, annoyed | 刺目; 赤目; 眼紅
chiahbaq | (n) lean meat | 赤肉; 瘦肉
chiahbin | side face; profile; flank | 側面; 刺面
chiahsibji | red cross | 赤十字
chiahsibji-sia | Red Cross | 赤十字社
chiahzabor | shrewish lady; shrew; a termagant | 赤查某; 悍婦
chiam'ii-beghoax | change and influence unobtrusively and imperceptibly | 潛移默化
chiambiet | wipe up; annihilation | 殲滅
chiamtexng habtoong | sign a contract | 簽訂合同
chiapchiab sugi | discuss something in secret; comment on something in whispers | 竊竊私議
chiapchiab sugie | talk stealthily or in a very low voice; to whisper | 竊竊私語
chiapchiab-suguo | to whisper to each other | 竊竊私語
chiaq bang'ar | make a net | 刺網仔; 編網子
chiaq sibji pvixvi | the Red Cross Hospital | 赤十字病院
chiaq-sibji | red cross | 刺十字; 紅十字
chiaq-zabor | ill-tempered woman | 赤查某
chiatuiebin | diagonally opposite | 斜對面
chiaubøo | look but not find; to search without result | 搜無; 找無到
chiauhoaan jibsexng | transcend worldliness and attain holiness | 超凡入聖
chiaukib chixtviuu | supermarket | 超級市場
chiaukib | superduty; super; of a special grade; of a special class | 超級
chiaukib-chixtviuu | supermarket | 超級市場
chiazuie-befleeng | an incessant streams of horses and carriages | 車水馬龍
chib | to arrest; to compile; steal a glance; peek | 緝; 輯; 偷看
chib`cide | taste the wine a bit and a bit | 啜一下
chibee | infatuated, besotted | 痴迷
chibwchiqzhu | soke softly, as if he was afraid of being heard | 嗤舞嗤呲
chid bagsae | wipe away tears | 拭目屎; 擦眼淚
chiebai | try and see | 試覓; 試看看
chiebak | offending to the eye | 剌眼
chiebe | sell a product on trial basis | 試賣
chiebi | taster | 試味
chiefnbeeng | unravel; explain; clarify; easy and clear reading or ideas | 闡明; 淺明
chiefnbiin | light sleep; sleeping lightly | 淺眠; 輕眠
chiefnbuun | not deep in knowledge | 淺聞
chiek liab'ar laang | press the matter from a boil | 搾瘡膿
chiekeg-but | irritant, simulant | 刺激物
chienban | for goodness sake; by no means (always used in negative) | 千萬
chienchienbaxnban | millions | 千千萬萬
chiencyn baxnkhag | very real; absolutely true; the truth; the whole truth and the nothing but truth | 千真萬確
chiengieen baxngie | many; many words; million words in my heart but don't know where to begin | 千言萬語
chiengieen-baxnguo | thousands and thousands of words; innumerable words | 千言萬語
chienji-buun | thousand of words | 千字文
chienjixbuun | book formerly used as a primer; It has 1,000 characters; not one of which is repeated | 千字文
chienkiaw-pekbi | a pretty lady | 千嬌百媚
chienkwn baxnmar | immense army; veteran of many battles | 千軍萬馬
chienlybea | a winged steed; a horse that covers thousand li a day | 千里馬
chienpiexn baxnhoax | countless changes or variations; ever changing | 千變萬化
chienpiexn-baxnhoax | kaleidoscopic changes | 千變萬化
chiensafn baxnsuie | a thousand mountains and rivers; distant places; journey from afar.. | 千山萬水
chiensafn-baxnsuie | numerous mountains and rivers; a long and arduous journey | 千山萬水
chiensinbaxnkhor | hardship | 千辛萬苦
chiensngx baxnsngx | plan thoroughly | 千算萬算
chiensviu baxnsviu | run many plans through my head over and over again without determining what to do (Lit. million thoughts; think over and over again | 千想萬想
chiensw baxnsiorng | plan something over and over again; a million thoughts | 千思萬想
chiensyn baxnkhor | suffer or undergo all conceivable hardship to accomplish something | 千辛萬苦
chiensyn-baxnkhor | to suffer (or undergo) all conceivable hardships | 千辛萬苦
chienthiøo baxnsu | very complicated or confused problem or task; a thousand and one things to attend to; extremely complicated and difficult thing to unravel | 千頭萬緒
chienthiøo-baxnsu | thousands of strands and loose ends; very complicated | 千頭萬緒
chietbang | earnest desire; long for | 切望
chietbaq | cutting meat | 切肉
chijiin-boxngsiorng | to think idiotic nonsense | 痴人妄想
chijiin-soatbong | to talk idiotic nonsense | 痴人說夢
chimbag'øf | eye socket | 深目窩
chimbak | sunken eyes | 深目; 凹眼
chimbeeng taixgi | have a firm grasp of what is right and wrong; able to forget self interest in the face of an event of great significance | 深明大義
chimboo oafnlu | think and plan for ahead | 深謀遠慮
chimboo | deliberately | 深謀
chimboo-oafnlu | to think deeply and plan carefully | 深謀遠慮
chimhae toxngbut | deep sea fauna | 深海動物
chimhokhib | deep breath; breathe deeply | 深呼吸
chinbak | with one's own eyes; personally; with one's own eyes | 親眼; 親目
chinbit | intimate; intimate; intimacy | 親密
chinbok | harmonious | 親睦
chinbuo | one's own mother | 親母; 母親
chinsvef pexbør | one's own parents as distinct from foster parents or step parents | 親生爸母
chiofngkiab | plunder, rob, robbery | 搶劫
chiokbak | eye-catching, attractive | 觸目; 醒目
chiokboezef | catalyst | 觸媒劑
chiokboezok'iong | catalysis | 觸媒作用
chiokbok siongsym | see something which brings someone's sorrowful memory to mind | 觸目傷心
chiongbeeng | flourishing; thriving; well-developed; expound and elaborate; bright; glorious | 昌明
chiongbii | rosebush; rose | 薔薇
chiongboarn | full | 充滿
chiqbwchiqzhuh | whisper; murmur | 細聲說話; 耳語
chirnbee | cold porridge | 凊糜
chirnbin | cool; fresh; to cool; sullen countenance | 凊面; 變臉; 冷漠的臉
chirnbøea | weighing tail | 秤尾
chisw-boxngsiorng | to think idiotic nonsense | 痴思妄想
chisym boxngsiorng | silly and fantastic notions; daydreaming | 癡心妄想
chitbin | dry the face | 擦臉
chitbøea | seven fish | 七尾
chitkhab pehtør | everything going wrong; topsy-turvy; in great confusion | 一塌糊塗; 七顛八倒
chitthøo-zabor | loose woman, prostitute | 拭桃查某; 𨑨迌查某; 玩女人
chitthøzabor | prostitute | 𨑨迌查某
chiu'ioong moafbin | wear a sad look; look distressed | 愁容滿面
chiubii khofliern | sad look; distressed expression | 愁眉苦臉
chiubii puttiern | wear a sad or distressed expression | 愁眉無展
chiubii | knitted brows; a worried look; knitted brows; distressed look | 愁眉
chiuboat | end of autumn | 秋末
chiubun | unhappy; distressed; distressful; worried | 愁悶
chiubø | autumn hat | 秋帽
chiuo baa | hand sleeping | 手痲
chiuo bapix | hand sleeping | 手痲痺
chiuo bøo zhurnthiq | totally unarmed (Lit. Hand does have an inch of iron.) | 手無寸鐵
chiuxbak | tree; arbor; trees (in general) | 樹木
chiuxbea | treetops | 樹尾
chiuxboea | top of tree | 樹尾
chiuxbøea | top of tree | 樹尾
chiuxciab | sap | 樹汁
chiwbag'ar | the protuberance at the wrist joint | 手目仔; 腕關節骨
chiwbak | the joints of hands | 手目; 手關節
chiwbea | fingertip | 手尾
chiwbefcvii | money in the hands or possessions of a deceased person | 手尾錢
chiwbeflat | wrist strength | 手尾力
chiwbin tharnciah | be a worker | 手面賺食; 打零工
chiwbin | palm | 手面
chiwboea u pvef | strength of two combatants equal | 手尾有撐; 勢均力敵
chiwboea | end of the arm; keepsakes left as death | 手尾; 遺物
chiwboefcvii | money in the hands or possessions of a deceased person | 手尾錢
chiwboeflat | strength in one's arm | 手尾力; 腕力
chiwboo | fingerprints; thumbprint used in lieu of a signature | 手模
chiwbøea | palm and fingers of a hand; relique | 手尾
chiwbøea-cvii | money left behind at death | 手尾錢
chiwbøea-lat | wrist strength | 手尾力
chix khvoarbai`leq | just try it | 試看覓咧
chix zubi | taste test | 試滋味
chixbarng | feed mosquitoes, let mosquitoes bite | 飼蚊; 被蚊子咬; house; (imply; empty); a; leaving
chixbiin taixhoe | mass meeting of citizens | 市民大會
chixbiin | city-dweller; citizen; residents of a city; citizens | 市民
chixbin | market; downtown; shopping area; business situation; market conditions | 市面
chixbuo-chixzha | boisterously | 吵吵鬧鬧
chixbwchixzhuh | whisper | 交頭接耳
chixeeng bahsuq | city bus | 市營公共汽車
chixzabor | keep a mistress | 飼查某
chiørbin | laughing face; smiling face | 笑面; 笑臉
chiørbin-hor | slick; person with kindly face and cruel heart | 笑面虎; 巧言令色
chiørbixnhor | friendly looking villain; wolf in sheep's skin; treacherous fellow | 笑面虎; 面善心惡
chiørbixsi | continually laugh or smile | 笑惟是; 嘻嘻哈哈
chiørthaau chiørbin | very happy; joyful or jubilant | 笑頭笑面; 眉開眼笑
chiørthaau-chiørbin | alls smiles; smiles radiantly | 笑頭笑面
chiørthauchiørbin | smiling brightly | 笑頭笑面
chiøx biby | be all smiles; beaming | 笑瞇瞇
chiøx bwnburn | be all smiles; beaming | 笑吻吻; 笑瞇瞇
chiøx piin bøo chiøx chiofng | look down on the poor and look up to the rich no matter where their money come from | 笑貧無笑娼
chviaboea | complete properly what has been unfinished | 成尾; 最後修正
chviafban | avast; wait a moment; Hold it! Not so fast! | 且慢; 等一下
chviafthiab | invitation; an invitation card | 請帖
chviar be khie | cannot afford to hire a teacher; cannot afford to invite a guest to a restaurant because of the expense | 請無起
chviar be laai | unable to make someone come by invitation | 請無來
chviax be khie | cannot afford to hire | 雇無起
chvibak | unfamiliarly eyes ? | 生目
chvibin | unfamiliarly face | 生面; 怒顏
chvibin-liaugee | green-faced and long-toothed; terrifying in appearance | 青面獠牙
chvibixnhor | a bad-tempered or a crabby person | 青面虎; 易怒者
chvibixnliaugee | green-faced fangs - horrible face | 青面獠牙
chviebak | strike the eye; markedness; spotlight | 醒目
chviubaq | spearhead | 矛頭; 鎗尖
chviubii | rose | 薔薇
chviubii-hoef | tea-rose | 薔薇花
chviuxbong | go up to a grave (to make memorial offerings); go up to the grave | 象墓; 上墓; 掃墓
chviuxheeng bunji | hieroglyphics | 象形文字
chviwbøea | shopping rush | 搶買
chviwkiab | pillage; rob; robbery | 搶劫
chvybak | (n) glamorization | 醒目; 顯眼
chvybiin | not deep sleep | 淺眠
chym hokhib | deep breathing | 深呼吸
chymsit lanboong | constantly in one's mind | 寢食難忘
ciab y ee khoeq | fill the vacancy left by him; succeed him | 接他的缺
ciab | juice; graft in; eyelashes; to fold; receive; accept; take with the hand; to welcome; piece together string; rope or cloth; set bones; to graft; succeed to | 汁; 接; 睫; 摺
ciab`khylaai | take it up | 接起來
ciab`køealaai | take over; receive; to pass | 接過來; 遞過來
ciab`tiøh | to be continue to next step | 接著
ciabciap | continue; unceasingly; very often; constantly | 捷捷; 絡繹無絕; 常常
ciafng'ab | to control | 掌握
ciafngsiong bengzw | beloved daughter | 掌上明珠
ciah bextiaau | can't hold anything down | 吃不牢
ciah sybie | loafer sometimes because of physical disability | 吃死米; 只吃無做
ciah y bextør | his work is too heavy or difficult for me | 吃伊未倒; 勝無過他
ciah y bøextør | his work is too heavy or difficult for his strength or ability | 吃伊未倒; 賺無了; 幹不了
ciah-bøe koeachiuo | get caught trying to deceive someone or steal something; get caught taking a bribe; no time to finish this meal | 吃無過手; 得不到手
ciah-bøe løqkhix | can't swallow; it won't go down; food that is not good or poor quality; have no appetite | 吃未落去; 吃無落
ciah-bøe siauhoax | slow of digestion; indigestible food | 吃未消化
ciah-bøe tiaupag | unable to retain food on the stomach | 吃未條腹; 無上胃
ciah-bøexkhix | can't eat that much | 吃未去; 吃無完
ciah-bøexliao | can't eat that much | 吃未了; 吃無完
ciah-bøexpuii | eat without getting fat; eats but doesn't grow or put on weight | 吃無肥
ciah-bøexsiaw | too much to take or endure | 食未消; 食袂消; 吃不消
ciah-bøextaf | cannot stand; unbearable; be unequal to the task | 吃未乾; 吃無消
ciah-bøextør | to be not afraid of consuming | 無怕吃; 吃未倒
ciah-bøkaux | not enough to eat | 吃無夠; 無夠吃
ciah-liao bøo twhør | stomach upset | 吃了無適好; 吃壞了肚子
ciam'ab'ar | small needle case | 針盒仔
ciam'afbie | kind of rice in Taiwan | 占仔米; 在來米之一種
ciam'ii-beghoax | imperceptibly | 潛移默化
ciambong | aspire to; hope for; raise one's head and look far ahead | 瞻望; 精神狂亂
ciamboxngkviax | periscope | 潛望鏡
ciambøea | (adj) most advanced and sophisticated; (adj) highest peak; the best; cusp; point of a needle | 尖尾; 尖端; 針尖; 針尾
ciambøeftøf | sharp pointed knife | 尖尾刀
ciaobeeng sietpi | illuminating equipment; photo flash equipment | 照明設備
ciaobeeng | lighting; lightening; illumination | 照明
ciaobeeng-tefng | illuminating lamp | 照明燈
ciaobeeng-tvoaa | a flare bomb, an illuminating shell | 照明彈
ciaobeng | an imperial command | 詔命
ciaobengtvoaa | flare | 照明彈
ciaobin | face to face | 照面
ciaokex siubea | buy or requisition land according to the price declared by the owner | 照價收買
ciaopurn be | sell at cost | 照本賣
ciapboea gie | suffix | 接尾語
ciapboea suu | suffix | 接尾詞
ciapbok | graft plants (horticulture) | 接木; 接枝
ciapburn | kiss | 接吻
ciapbøea-guo | ending words | 接尾語
ciapciab | juicy, full of juice | 汁汁
ciaqbak | cite | 食目; 引目
ciaqbaq | meat eater | 食肉
ciaqengbie | live on other people; idler; good for nothing fellow | 吃閒飯; 吃閒米
ciaqiøh bøo tuielo | taking improper medicine | 沒吃對藥; 吃藥無對路
ciaqpar`bøe | have you eaten yet | 吃飽沒
ciarboea | sugarcane leaves together with the very top of the sugar cane | 蔗尾; 甘蔗嫩葉
ciarm'iuo-but | something has been taken | 佔有物
ciarmbøe | sell it by force | 佔賣
ciarmbøea | buy it by force | 佔買
ciaubo | to enlist, to recruit | 招募
ciaubuo | call to surrender; pacify | 招撫
ciaukib | anxiety | 焦急
ciawar-bak | bird's eyes | 鳥仔目
ciawbør | female birds | 母鳥
ciawsaybin | freckles; freckle faced | 鳥仔斑; 雀斑
ciaxm laang ee bor | take possession of another man's wife | 佔人的某
cib | to hold; to compile; to hibernate; hold; to grasp; seize; detain; to arrest; maintain or uphold a principle; hold on to stubbornly | 執; 輯; 蟄
cib'iuu | collect stamps | 集郵; 收集郵票
cib'oar | gather to nearby | 聚攏; 集合
cib'oar`laai | gather; assemble; collect | 集倚來; 聚集
cibay | vagina; vulva | 芝屄; 膣屄; 陰部; 陰戶; 罵人語
cibbok | loneliness; lonely; lonesome | 寂寞
cibchi | a periodic market | 集市
cibcvii | collect money; call for contributions of money | 集錢; 募捐
cibgi | to get agreement by a meeting | 集議
cibhabthea | aggregate (of minerals) | 集合體
cibhap bengsuu | collective noun | 集合名詞
cibhap | gather together; gathering; assemble; gather together | 集合
cibhoe kietsia | assemble and form an organization or society | 集會結社
cibhoe zuxiuu | freedom of assembly | 集會自由
cibhoe | a meeting; hold a meeting; assemble for a meeting; meeting; conference | 集會
cibhuxn | train many people at the same place and time | 集訓
cibjieen | lonesome | 寂然
cibkhoaan | centralization | 集權
cibkied | concentrate troops | 集結; 凝結
cibkirm | collection of heterogeneous passages from various literary sources; a hodgepodge | 集錦
cibkoaan | centralization of state power; concentration of authority; centralization of authority; concentration of power | 集權
cibkor | collect capital in order to establish a business | 集股
cibkør | correct manuscripts for publication | 集稿
cibsarnte | commercial center; commercial port | 集散地
cibseeng | compile, compilation | 集成; 編纂
cibsiao sengtøf | many drops of water make an ocean | 集少成多
cibsw kofng'eg | canvass various opinions and benefit from them | 集思廣益
cibsw-kofnggi | to gather public opinion | 集思廣義
cibthea hengtong | collective action | 集體行動
cibthea longtviuu | collective farm | 集體農場
cibthea tham'ux | collective corruption | 集體貪污
cibthea | mass; collective; all together; collective; collectively | 集體
cibthoaan ibiin | wholesale emigration; emigrant group | 集團移民
cibthoaan kiet'hwn | mass wedding | 集團結婚
cibthoaan | battalion; ring; group; organization; body of people; faction | 集團
cibthoankwn | an army; a military outfit which consists of more than two corps | 集團軍
cibtiofng | concentrate; to concentrate; to center; centralize; gather together | 集中
cibtiong'viaa | a concentration camp | 集中營
cibzeng | quiet | 寂靜
cibzu | collect or gather together | 集聚
cibzw | collect capital for a business enterprise | 集資
cichii bextiaau | unable to keep up the effort; unable to hold down; not able to support or manage | 支持無住
cid boeqar | knit socks or stockings | 織襪仔
cidbagnih'ar | just a little while | 一目瞬仔; 一會兒
cidbagniq | in the twinkling of an eye | 一目瞬; 一眨眼
cidbagniq-kuo | in a very short period of time | 一目瞬久; 一瞬間
cidbak | a glance | 一眼; 一目
cidban | ten thousand | 一萬
cidbaxnpoe | ten thousand-fold | 一萬倍
cidbea koax liafng'voaf | a woman with two husbands (Lit. a horse with two saddles) | 一馬掛兩鞍; 一女配兩夫
cidbi | a taste | 一味
cidbien | a section | 一面
cidbin | one side; whiles | 一面
cidbiør | one second | 一秒
cidbo | one act of play | 一募; 一幕
cidboea | one tail of (fish) | 一尾
cidbut | the plant kingdom | 植物
cidbut-he | the department for plant science | 植物系
cidbut-hngg | the botanical garden | 植物園
cidbøea | a (fish) | 一尾
cidee cvii poah-be taan | One can not fight without an opponent | 一個巴掌拍無響; 一個錢跌未陳
cidhongbin | on the one hand | 一方面
cidkyn zablak niuo | six of the one, half a dozen of the other; tweedledum and tweedledee | 一斤十六兩; 半斤八兩
cidlab | sunken; dented; concave | 一凹
cidtiab kwar | just a little while | 一喋久仔; 一會兒
ciebii | to micro | 至微
ciebong | will | 志望
ciedbien | a section | 一面
cieen sor bixkiexn | never seen before | 前所未見
ciefnciab | edit or cut a film; film editing | 剪接
ciekib | the most urgent | 至急
ciekøf busiong | highest; most exalted; supreme | 至高無上
cielie benggieen | proverb of lasting value; truthful remark; quotable quote | 至理名言
cienbin | front, front-side | 前面
cienbuo | the former mother | 前母
cientheeng baxnlie | the prospect of a very successful career; May you have a great career | 前程萬里
ciernbea | war horse | 戰馬
cietbi | tainted smell | 節味; 油腥味; 臭味
cietboaa | molestation; molest; affict; agonize; faze; submit to an ordeal; trials and afflictions; grillings; privations; hardships; persecutions | 折磨
cietbogpiør | program of a concert or show | 節目表
cietbogtvoaf | program of a concert or show | 節目單
cietbok | program; pregram; acts of an entertainment; items on a program; program | 節目
ciexn buu hihoad | excellent marksmanship (Lit. No arrow is wasted.) | 箭無虛發
ciexnbea ciexnbe | buy and sell at low prices | 賤買賤賣
ciexnbøe | cheap sale | 賤賣
cihciab | receive; welcome; receive or wait upon a friend or customer; associate with; negotiate | 接洽; 接接; 迎接; 接待
cihzaix bextiaau | too heavy to bear (as a load or a disease) | 支持無住
cihzaix-bøextiaau | can't stand for burden | 支載無住
cikib | provide with; grant; payment | 支給; 供給
cimbaq | crab meat | 蟹肉; 蟳肉
cin gixbu | do one's duty; work without pay | 盡義務
cinbad | really understand | 真懂
cinbeng | true fate | 真命
cinbiau | really wonderful | 真妙
cinbiexnbok | real face; real face; true color; true character; the actual thing behind a false front | 真面目
cinbøaix | very much not like (want) to; very much dislike | 很不喜歡
cinsiexnbie | truth; goodness and beauty; true; good; and beautiful | 真善美
ciofngsiong bengzw | beloved daughter | 掌上明珠
ciofngzok kekbeng | racial revolution | 種族革命
ciokbiin | enough sleep; sleep well | 足眠; 睡足
ciokbuun | an article to express good wishes; written prayer read aloud and then burned; as in worship of Sages; congratulatory message; oration (Catholic) | 祝文
cioktix tøboo | wise and resourceful | 足智多謀
ciongbeeng | evident, bright, advanced | 鍾明
ciongbi | never | 從未
ciongboea | at last; finally | 終尾
ciongbøeq | to be going to, to be about to | 將要; 將欲
cionggiab'oaan | employee, worker, operator | 從業員; 從業人
ciongkiboea | result; end; be completed; afterwards | 終其尾; 後來
ciongkibøea | at the end | 終其尾
ciongsyn lanboong | keep in memory throughout one's life | 終身難忘
ciongsyn putboong | keep in memory throughout one's life | 終身無忘
ciongthaau kaoboea | from the start to the end; throughout | 從頭到尾
ciorngbok ciauciofng | stare or watchful eyes of the public | 眾目昭彰
ciorngbong sor kuy | enjoy public confidence; command public respect and support | 眾望所歸
ciorngbong | expectation of the public; public support or confidence; popularity of a leader | 眾望
ciorngbuun hofzuo | capable young man from a distinguished family | 將門虎子
ciornggaixbut | obstacle; obstruction; hindrance | 障礙物
cipbee putgvo | adhere stubbornly to errors; hold on to wrong beliefs obstinately | 執迷無悟
cipbee | to refuse to come to one's senses | 執迷
ciqboea | tip of the tongue | 舌尾
ciqbøea | the tip of the tongue | 舌尾
cirnkhao boxek | import trade | 進口貿易
cirnkib | to be promoted; get promoted in rank or grade | 晉級; 進級
cirnthex bogkoad | not knowing what course of action to take | 進退莫決
cit'laixbin | in here, inside this | 這內面
citbin | on this side | 這面
citbiør | this second | 這秒
citbu | duties of office; one's official duties or obligations | 職務
citbun | question; enquire; ask a question; enquiry; interrogate; raise questions in order to resolve one's doubt | 質問
citbut | fabric | 織物
citbuxnsw | questionnaire; letter demanding an explanation of a matter | 質問書
citbøea | this fish | 這尾
citgiabpve | occupational disease | 職業病
citlaixbin | within here; inside here | 這裡面
citliong putbiedlut | law of conservation of mass | 質量無滅律
cittiab | this moment | 此刻
ciubit | well-defended; well-considered; comprehensive and well-protected; dense; thoroughly considered; careful and thorough; attentive to every detail | 周密
ciuboat lyheeng | weekend trip | 週末旅行
ciuboat | week end; on the weekend; week end | 週末
ciukhafn sinbuun | weekly paper | 週刊新聞
ciukhafn zabcix | weekly magazine | 週刊雜誌
ciukib | weekly pay | 週給
ciuobuun | curses; imprecations | 咒文
ciuxbiin | sleep | 就眠
ciwbaq hoesviu | drinking and non-vegetarian Buddhist monk | 酒肉和尚
ciwbaq peng'iuo | drinking buddy; fair weather friend | 酒肉朋友
ciwbaq | wine and dine | 酒肉
ciwbi | flavor of wine; smell of liquor | 酒味
ciwbuo | yeast | 酒母
ciwbør | yeast for making wine | 酒母
ciwkvoar zabor | widow | 守寡查某; 寡婦
ciwphiaq bae | be quarrelsome in one's cups; ugly drunkenness | 酒癖壞
cixm soatbunhurn | soap in soap suds | 浸肥皂水
cixn`jibkhix | get in | 進入去
cixnbad | know well | 盡識
cixnbang | all the hope | 盡望
cixnboea | at the end | 盡尾; 最末端
cixnbøe | sell all | 賣光; 盡賣
cixnbøea | bought all; at the end | 買光; 盡頭; 盡買
cixnsien cixnbie | perfectly satisfactory; perfectly good; flawless; perfect | 盡善盡美
cixnsoahbøea | The tip of the rear-end | 盡煞尾; 最尾端
ciøbo | to recruit; to enlist; enlist personnel or resources; enlist troops usually mercenaries; solicit investment or capital | 招募
ciøh-boftafn | a kind of sundew | 茅膏菜; 錦地羅
ciøpefng befbea | raise an army usually in preparation for an insurrection | 招兵買馬
ciøqbak | black ink; graphite | 石墨
ciøqbea | stone horse; stone horses like those beside a grave or tomb | 石馬
ciøqbo | millstone | 石磨
ciøqbok | graphite | 石墨
ciøqbø | a grinder make of stone; millstone | 石磨
ciøqbø'afsym | man in the middle; coordinator; mediator; a person who suffers complaints from both disputants (Lit. pivot bar or center of the upper and lower mill stones) | 石磨仔心; 中人; 斡旋者
ciøqkøboo | plaster cast | 石膏模
ciørbeeng | photographic lighting | 照明
ciørbin | to reflect face from a mirror; look into a mirror; illuminate the face | 照面; 照臉
ciøthiab | poster | 招貼
cviaa-bø'eeng | very busy | 很無閑; 誠無閒
cviabae | very bad, very ugly | 成醜; 誠䆀; 很醜
cviaban | very slow | 很慢
cviabaq | lean meat | 精肉; 瘦肉
cviabøo | badly, unluckily | 很無; 誠無
cviafbi | flavourless; washy | 淡味
cviagøeh-bøea | end of January | 正月尾
cviarbak | right eye | 正目; 右眼
cviarbin chiongtut | head on collision | 正面衝突
cviarbin kongkeg | frontal attack | 正面攻擊
cviarbin | front; frontage; faade; the right side; the obverse side | 正面
cviarbin-jinbut | a positive character, a virtuous person | 正面人物
cviarbin-kongkeg | a frontal attack | 正面攻擊
cviarbor | rightful wife | 正某; 正房; 正妻
cviarbuun | the main text; the body; the text | 正文; 正本
cviax tuiebin | directly across; face to face; directly opposite | 正對面
cviazab'ee | nearly ten; almost ten | 成十個; 近十個
cviboea | balance of money | 尾錢; 餘款
cviboo | a mold for money | 錢模
cvibøea | remaining money | 錢尾
cvibøo | deny strongly | 諍無; 一直否認
cviebaq | deep fried meat | 炸肉; 糋肉; 煎肉
cvii bøo nngxee poah-be taan | Both parties share equally the blame for a quarrel. (Lit. A single copper coin cannot produce a jingling sound.) | 錢無兩個跋未鳴; 一個銅板拍無響
cviuxbak | up to one's standard; to one's taste; think well of | 上眼; 上目; 看得起
cviuxbang | on-hook | 上網
cviuxbaq | bring up meat | 上肉
cviuxbea | to mount | 上馬
cviuxbong | visit tomb | 上墓
cviuxboong | fogging | 起霧
cviuxbu | to start to fog | 起霧; 上霧
cviuxsiab ciu bexliab | too old at forty; over the hump (Lit. at forty; lose sexual vigor) | 上四十就未捏; 人到四十精力就差
cviuxsiapbexliab | over the hill | 上卌袂攝
cviuxsiapboexliab | over the hill | 上卌袂攝
cviuxthaau-cviuxbin | to have no sense of shame | 恬無知恥
cvix bah'oaan | deep fry meatballs; fried meat balls | 炸肉丸; 煎肉圓
cvy jibkhix hievi | force one's way into the theater | 擠入去戲院
cvy-thefbin | fight to save one's face or dignity | 爭體面
cybe | sisters (literally elder and younger sisters) | 姊妹
cybeafphvoa | female friends who are very close | 姊妹仔伴
cybeeng | to show clearly; to specify; indicate clearly | 指明
cybexhoef | famous sisters due to their beauty | 姊妹花
cybii | crape myrtle | 紫薇
cybii-chvy | crape myrtle star | 紫薇星
cybii-hoef | crape myrtle flower | 紫薇花
cybong | to look forward to; hope; promise; hope for | 指望
cyboo | a fingerprint | 指模
cybunhak | dactylography | 指紋學
cybuun | a fingerprint; a dactylogram | 指紋
cybwsw | typhoid | 傷寒 [*]
cymbog'ar | railroad ties | 枕木仔
cymbok | railroad ties | 枕木
cysi taixbengsuu | indicative pronouns | 指示代名詞
cytanbok | red sandalwood | 紫檀木
e tadtid`bøe | Is it worth it? | 值無值得
ebie | husk rice | 碾米; (穀)
ebin | vamp; uppers of shoe | 鞋面
ebychviuo | rice-husking mill | 碾米廠
ebyky | rice-husking machine | 碾米機
ebyn'ar | shoe brush | 鞋刷仔
ebø | turn a hand-mill | 推磨
eeng-kaq liah satbør siøka | Have time to catch lice and watch them fight each other--don't know what to do with my leisure | 閒甲捉虱母相咬; 無所事事; 閒得無聊
efngbieen | dead | 永眠
efngbiin | die | 永眠
efngbuu cykerng | forever and ever; have no limit or boundary | 永無止境
efngkiuo be hai | will never go out of order (never be broken) | 永不會壞
efngkiuo tionglibkog | country neutral (by policy) | 永久中立國
egbea | post-horse; courier horse | 驛馬
egbeeng | to change a name | 易名
egbiaau | vaccine; vaccin; bacterin; vaccine | 疫苗
egbuun | translation; version; translated texts | 譯文
ekban | billion | 億萬
eng bwlek | employ forcible means | 用武力
eng'u chixbinzexng | certificate of honorary citizenship | 榮譽市民證
eng-bøexliao | inexhaustible | 用未了; 用袂了
engbeeng | go far; wisdom; fame | 英明; 英名
engbiin | honor citizen; retired servicemen | 榮民
engbo | screen | 螢幕
engbor | acre | 英畝
engbuo | a parrot or parakeet; brave and strong | 鸚鵡; 英武
engbuun | written English | 英文
engbøkaux | insufficient for use | 無夠用; 用無夠
enggiabciar | business manager | 營業者
enggiabhuix | business expenses; operating costs | 營業費
enggiabsor | business office; place of business | 營業所
enggiabsøex | business tax | 營業稅
enghioong boadlo | end of a hero | 英雄末路
engkongbo | fluorescent screen; luminescent screen | 螢光幕
englaang biefncixn | out of bounds to non-authorized persons | 閒人勿進
erng buu lengjit | We will never have peace | 永無寧日
erng'iong-buxntøee | an applied question | 應用問題
erngbo | enlist in; enlist | 應募
erngciab | response to; receive (visitors or customers) | 應接
ernghux-bøexliao | can not take action about; can not deal with | 應付無了
erngkib | meet an emergency; for use in time of emergency | 應急
erngkib-zhorsy | an emergency measure; a temporary expedient | 應急措施
erngky-libtoaxn | make quick decisions as the occasion demands | 當機立斷
erngtab | to answer readily; to respond | 應答
erngtiaux jibgvor | be drafted (for military service) | 應召入伍
exbin | below, lower part | 下面
exkang`bøe | do you know how to do this work or not | 會工作與無會工作
exkib | lower level; subordinate | 下級
exngboo | to resort to a plan or a scheme | 用謀
exngbuo | to resort to force; to use violence | 用武
exngbuo`ee | violent | 用武的
exngbuun | to resort to writing | 用文
exngbuun`ee | o resort to writing | 用文的
gab | to breathe on or out | 哈; 一張一張
gafn'ab | intraocular pressure | 眼壓
gafnbak | the eye; spy who reports to someone what he sees | 眼目
gafnbok | eyes; serve as the eyes of another; a spy; essential points or parts | 眼目
gafntiofng-bujiin | supercilious; take no notice of others; arrogant | 眼中無人
gafntøea-bujiin | expressions of pride and haughtiness | 目中無人; 眼底無人
gagbee | music fan | 樂迷
gagbiør | man's mother in law | 岳母
gagbuo | man's mother in law | 岳母
gagbør | mother-in-law (wife's mother) | 岳母
gaixbak | glare; dislike; unsightly | 礙目; 礙眼
ganbin sinkengthviax | facial neuralgia | 顏面神經痛
ganbin | face; the countenance | 顏面
ganbin-kud | temporal bone | 顏面骨
gaxmbak | useless eyes | 笨眼; 眼光遲鈍
gaxmbin | stupidy | 儑面; 憨面; 狂妄; 呆戇
gaxmthaau gaxmbin | idiotic; absurd; stupid (Lit. bonehead and stupid look) | 儑頭儑面; 呆頭呆腦; 憨頭憨面
gaxmthaugaxmbin | ignorance | 儑頭儑面
gebak | be an eyesore; hurts to look at | 礙眼
gefngboah | grind into powder | 研末
gegbeng | disobey order | 逆命; 違背命令
gengbien | head-on, coming toward one | 迎面
gengbin | head-on; coming toward one; face to face; headlong | 迎面
gengciab | receive a visitor ceremoniously | 迎接
geqbaai | crescent moo | 月眉
geqbea | end of the month | 月尾
geqkib | monthly salary; monthly pay | 月薪
gexbuun | literature and the arts | 藝文
giaa-bøe tyntang | incapable of lifting or being lifted | 抬無動
giaa-bøe`khylaai | incapable of lifting or carrying on shoulders) | 抬無起來
giaa-bøhoad`tid | incapable of lifting or being lifted | 抬無法得; 抬無動
giab | pinch; to put a thing between (e.g. the leaves of a book) | 挾; 鋏; 夾
giab'ar | spring clip | 夾仔; 夾子
giab'uu soafnchiuo | amateur player; non-professional entrant | 業餘選手
giab'uu | non-professional; amateur; spare time | 業餘
giab`tiøh | pinched; squeezed between; wedged or sandwiched between; hold between the fingers of the hand; to pick up or hold something with pinchers or chopsticks | 夾到
giabaq | goose meat | 鵝肉
giabbu pørkøx | business report | 業務報告
giabbu sikafn | office (business) hours | 業務時間
giabbu | internal administration; business; profession; vocational; official functions | 業務
giabbuxoaan | salesman | 業務員
giabciar | business man or manager | 業者
giabciofng | burden of sin which is obstacle to one's life (Buddhism) | 業障
giabho | client; customer; owner of property | 業戶
giabkaix | industry | 業界
giabmia | doomed to live a painful; toilsome life | 業命; 苦命; 勞碌命
giabsarn | realty; property; industry property | 業產; 產業
giabsiin | hard-working life style; have slaved for a whole life | 鑷神; 勞碌命
giabsw | person's teacher; professional master | 業師
giabuo | female goose | 鵝母; 母鵝
giabzeg | sale; gross proceeds; turnover; accomplishments | 業績
giabzex | a recompense of former life | 業債; 孽債
giabzuo | owner of property; proprietor; property owner | 業主
giabør | female goose | 鵝母; 母鵝
giambeeng | stern and impartial (administration of law); hard but fair (said of discipline) | 嚴明
giambeng | a stern order; father's command | 嚴命
giambit | rigid of tight; to the letter stern; rigid discipline; stiff rules; rigid | 嚴密
giamsiuo piebit | preserve strict secrecy; strictly confidential | 嚴守秘密
giaqbak | survey; overlook | 舉目
giaqbin | amount indicated on check | 額面; 票面
giaxmbeeng | to verify by examination; ascertain by a test or examination | 驗明
gibun taixbengsuu | interrogative pronouns | 疑問代名詞
gibun | a question; a matter in doubt; There is no room for doubt about it. | 疑問
gibun-hø | question mark | 疑問號
gibuun | liturgy, formal congratulatory message | 疑問; 儀文
gibuxnhø | question mark | 疑問號
gibuxnsuu | interrogatives | 疑問詞
giefnsibhoe | symposium; seminar; workshop | 研習會
gienbuun | language | 語文
gilaan zabzexng | difficulty; a difficult problem | 疑難雜症
ginbo | movie screen | 銀幕
giofngbo | admire; look forward hopefully; look | 仰慕
giofngbong | look forward expectantly; adore | 仰望
giogbie | Indian corn; maize | 玉米
giogbie-hurn | cornflour | 玉米粉
gionggiong'boeq | about to…; on the verge | 容容要; 快要
gioxnggiong boeq | just about, on the verge of, hardly, scarcely | 幾乎; 就要⋯⋯差一點就⋯⋯
gixbe | charity sale, bazaar | 義賣
gixbiin | volunteers who died for a just cause | 義民
gixbiør | relationship somewhat like that of godmother; cf.; khe-bo | 義母
gixboe | charity sale | 義賣
gixbu kaoiok | compulsory education | 義務教育
gixbu koanliam | sense of duty | 義務觀念
gixbu nihan | obligatory term of service | 義務年限
gixbu suotoo | lay apostle | 義務使徒
gixbu | duties; obligation; compulsory (labor); duty | 義務
gixbu-kaoiok | free education | 義務教育
gixbuo | adopted mother | 義母
gixbøe | a sale for public charity | 義賣
gixbøexhoe | Bazaar; auction | 義賣會
gixbør | relationship somewhat like that of godmother; cf.; khe-bo | 義母
gixkiab heng'uii | chivalrous conduct | 義俠行為
gixkiab | chivalry; chivalrous man; chivalrous; chivalrous person | 義俠
goadbeeng | a clear moon | 月明
goafnbi | to appreciate slowly; slowly appreciate | 玩味
goanbi | original flavor | 原味
goanbok | log | 原木
goanbuun | original manuscript; original language; original text | 原文
goankib | original class | 原級
goansefng toxngbut | protozoa (zoology) | 原生動物
goansie binzok | primitive races | 原始民族
goanzuxbiin | aboriginal; original inhabitants (as aborigine) | 原住民; 原始居民
goaxbin | outside | 外面
goaxbu | matters outside of one's work; foreign or external affairs; not one's own business; soliciting for sales (away from the home office) | 外務
goaxbunhe | Foreign Language Department | 外文系
goaxbuo | foreign aggression | 外侮
goaxbuun | foreign language | 外文
goaxbuxoaan | salesman; traveling salesman | 外務員
goaxnbong | desire; hope; one's wish | 願望
goaxzaixbie | external beauty | 外在美
goeqbaai | half-moon or crescent moon | 月眉
goeqboea | end of a month | 月尾
goeqkib | monthly salary | 月薪
goexbu | matters outside of one's work; foreign or external affairs; not one's own business | 外務
goxbo | burdock | 牛蒡; 源自日語ごぼう(goboo); 日語漢字為「牛蒡」
goxboea | five counts of animal that has tail without legs (fish | 五尾
goxbuun | an error message; to hear an error information; misunderstand information | 誤聞
goxbøea | five counts of animal that has tail without legs (fish | 五尾
goxchvikib | five star | 五星級
goxngbak | useless eyes | 憨目; 笨眼; 眼光遲鈍
goxngbin | dumbo | 憨面; 傻面; 傻臉; 呆子; 呆戇
goxngjip bøo goxngzhud | careful and detailed calculation of how to make money but doesn't like to spend it | 精打細算; 只收入無支出; 憨入無憨出
goxngzabor | foolish woman | 憨查某; 傻女人
goxzabnii-tai | the fiftieth | 五十年代
goxzhvekib | five star rating | 五星級
gubahciab | beef extract | 牛肉汁
gubahkvoaf | beef-jerky | 牛肉乾
gubahmi | noodles served with stewed beef | 牛肉麵
gubahtaxng | jellied beef-soup; beef consomme | 牛肉凍
gubahthngf | beef soup | 牛肉湯
gubahtiaxm | butcher shop | 牛肉店
gubahtviuu | theater for strip shows | 牛肉場; 脫衣舞秀
gubaq | beef | 牛肉
gubea | cattle and horses; slave for others: | 牛馬
gubiin zerngzheg | policy of keeping the people in ignorance under a dictatorship; obscurantism | 愚民政策
gubiin | to deceive; to keep people ignorant; to misguide | 愚民
guboea | oxtail | 牛尾
gubong | stupid and rash | 愚妄
guboong | ignorance; ignorant | 愚蒙
gubun | foolish question | 愚問
gubuo | cow | 母牛; 牛母
gubyjiin | a beautiful woman | 虞美人
gubyjiin-hoef | corn poppy | 虞美人; 虞美人花
gubøea | ox-tail; cow's tail; cattle's tail | 牛尾
gubør | cow | 母牛; 牛母
guiboong | in great danger; danger of death | 危亡
guihiafmbut | dangerous goods; e.g.; explosives; poisons; inflammables | 危險物
guikib | emergency; critical; urgent; pressing | 危急
guixzø bunsw | counterfeit; forgery; false documents | 偽造文書
gunbo | screen | 銀幕
guthaau-befbin | ox-headed and horse-faced (demons in Hades) (Taoism) | 牛頭馬面
gvafbong | your good reputation | 雅望
gvexboeq | demand insistently | 硬要
gvexbøeq | importunity | 硬要; 硬欲
gviaciab | receive as a visitor; to welcome with open arms; to welcome in person | 迎接
gviauq-bøe khie`laai | unable to get up (from a lying position or bed) | 爬無起來
gvixab | subpress | 硬壓
gvixbøeq | importunity | 硬要; 硬欲
gvobii | pretty eyebrows | 娥眉
gvobiin | our people; my people | 吾民
gvofbi | the five flavors(sweet | 五味
gvofbiin | our people; my people | 我民
gvofbuun | south gate of imperial palace; we | 午門; 我們
gvofgek pexbuo | disobedient to parents | 忤逆爸母
gvofhiangbi | five spices used for flavoring | 五香味
gvofhiangboah | the powder of the mixture of various spices | 五香末
gvoxban | arrogance; haughty; haughty and overbearing | 傲慢
gwbuun | written language; language | 語文
gyboea | suffix (in grammar) | 語尾
gybunhak | study of written languages | 語文學
gybuun | written language; language | 語文
gymloong-biauxkex | clever scheme yet to be revealed | 錦囊妙計
gø-bøexsie | won't starve; cannot be starved to death | 餓無死
gøbuo | goose (female) | 鵝母; 母鵝
gøbør | female goose | 母鵝; 鵝母
gøeqbaai | new moon; crescent; brackets; parenthesis | 月眉; 彎月; 新月; 半月形; 月芽; 括弧; 弦月
gøeqbøea | end of the month | 月尾; 月底
gøeqkib | monthly salary; monthly pay | 月給; 月薪
gønng-bin | goose egg face | 鵝蛋面
gøxbø | edible burdock | 牛蒡
hab | close; cover; catch an insect with the palm downward, to net a bird or butterfly | 合; 欱; 由上吃下; 捉; 蓋; 閒聊
hab'afthaxn | a business where the cost is equal to the gross profit; not counting operating cost | 合仔趁
hab'ar-thaxn | profitable in all | 合仔賺; 倍賺
hab'eeng | run a business in partnership with someone | 合營
hab'id | unite; become one | 合一
hab'iog | contract; agreement; to conclude a contract | 合約; 契約
hab'iong | to share (accomodations, facilities, services, etc); to use together; use in unison | 合用
hab'ix | to suit one's fancy; suit one's fancy | 合意; 同意
hab'oar | bridge close together | 合倚; 合攏
hab'uii | to encircle | 合圍
habboo | to conspire together; conspire together | 合謀
habchiafm | co-signed | 合簽; 連署
habchviuothoaan | chorus | 合唱團
habchviux | sing in harmony; chorus | 合唱
habchviux-thoaan | a choir | 合唱團
habciorng | clap hands to praying position; clasp the hands like Buddhist priests do | 合掌
habciorngkog | federation of states | 合眾國
habcioxng | gather a crowd | 合眾
habcip | compilation | 合輯
habcix | have a common ambition, desire or purpose | 合志; 有共同志向
habcviaa | unite to become | 合成; 併成
habgii | fitting; proper | 合宜; 適宜
habgixzex | joint consultation as apposed to a dictatorship) | 合議制
habhap | shut (mouth), close | 合合
habhoad | lawful; legal; be legal | 合法
habhoafn | happily together | 合歡
habhoe | mutual help loan association | 合會
habhof | meet; measuring up | 合乎
habhwn | to be united in wedlock | 合婚
habhøea | to enter into partnership | 合夥; 合伙
habhøo | united; together; become reconciled | 一致; 和協; 合和; 和好
habjii ui'id | joins together as one | 合而為一
habkaf | the whole family | 閤家; 闔家; 合家
habkay | should; ought to | 合該; 正當; 當然
habkehciar | successful candidate | 合格者; 及格者
habkeq | pass an exam or test; be found qualified for a post; be acceptable | 合格; 及格
habkex | total; to add up to; sum | 合計
habkiog | strawflower, winged everlasting | 合菊
habkiong | grand total | 合共
habkofng | make a united attack; join forces against; unified attack | 合攻
habkor | to pool capital; to enter into partnership; go into partnership with | 合股
habkor-jiin | business partner | 合股人; 股東
habkuun | to live in company; live in community | 合群
habkym | an alloy; alloy | 合金
hable | in accordance with the local custom | 合例; 隨俗
hablea | to greet together | 合禮
hablek | to cooperate; collaborate | 合力
hablie | reasonable; proper; rational; justifiable | 合理
hablie-habhoad | reasonable and lawful | 合理合法
habliuu | to flow together; to merge | 合流
hablyhoax | rationalize | 合理化
habpafn | combine classes into one | 合班
habpan | to run jointly; operate | 合辦
habparn | plywood | 合板; 三夾板
habpexng | annex; to merge; combine; combine(organization; property; nations) | 合併
habpurn | pooled money | 合本; 合資
habseeng | to synthesize; synthesis; chemistry synthesis | 合成
habseeng-chiam'uii | synthetic fibers | 合成纖維
habseg | suitable; fitting; proper; appropriate | 合適
habsid | suitable, fitting, seemingly, suitability | 合適
habsii | suitable to the occation or the season; timely | 合時
habsngx | profitable | 合算
habsoaxn | profitable; advantageous | 合算
habsym | join hearts together (to work on something) | 合心
habteq | in together, in a total | 合著; 合咧
habterngpurn | bound volume | 合訂本
habtofng | ought to | 應該; 合當
habtoong | contract | 合同
habtux | collaborate in writing, coauthor | 合著
habzaux | to play in concert; play musical instruments in harmony | 合奏
habzaux-kheg | musical score for an ensemble | 合奏曲
habzeeng | reasonable, proper, right | 合情; 合情理
habzeeng-hablie | fair and reasonable | 合情合理
habzhuix | to meet one's taste | 合嘴
habzoex | to do together | 合做
habzog | cooperate | 合作
habzog-kimkhox | the (Taiwan) Cooperative Bank | 合作金庫
habzoksia | a co-op; a cooperative store | 合作社
habzoxng | to bury in one grave; bury in a common grave | 合葬
habzw | to pool capital for a business | 合資
habzw-keng'eeng | pool capital for a business | 合資經營
habøextør | can't help it; having no alternative; cannot cope with; cannot deal with | 下未倒; 奈何無了
hag'ui-bunpiin | diploma for a degree | 學位文憑
hag'ui-luxnbuun | thesis for a degree | 學位論文
hagbu | educational affairs; school business | 學務
hagbu-uyoaan | member of educational committee | 學務委員
hagbun | learning; knowledge; erudition; study | 學問
hagkib | grade in a school curriculum; class | 學級
haixbeng | murder | 害命
hak buu cykerng | There is no limit to what we can learn. We can always learn. You never know enough | 學無止境
ham'oafn-bogpek | unable to clear oneself of a false accusation or to redress a wrong | 含冤莫白
hambak | swell eyes | 腫眼
hamban | dumb | 憨慢; 頇顢; 笨; 笨拙; 憨笨
hambaq | clam meat | 蚶肉
hambek | keep silence | 緘默
hambiin | talk in one's sleep | 夢囈; 夢魘
hambiin-hamtab | moving like shadows when not completely awaked | 含眠含答; 睡眼迷糊
hamciab | connect | 銜接
hanban | foolish | 頇顢
hanbuun | a poor family; my poor family | 寒門
hang'ar-bøea | the end of a lane or alley | 巷仔尾
hangbaq | roast meat | 烤肉
haolambin | cry baby (scolding a person) | 孝男面; 愛哭鬼
hap'hab | covered | 合合
haqbi | tasty | 合味
harnbuun | Chinese | 漢文
hatbeng | to risk one's life | 豁命
hatbiefnkoaan | exempt from | 豁免權
hatbiern | to exempt from | 豁免
hauxbeng | to obey order; devote one's life to | 效命
hauxbu | school administration; college administration | 校務
hauxhngg-buxntøee | problems on the school grounds | 校園問題
hawbin | crying face | 哮面; 哭臉
hawkebør | woman who talks in a shrill high pitched voice | 大嗓婆; 哮雞母
haxbeng | send down an order | 下命; 下命令
haxbun | to learn from one's inferior | 下問
haxbuun | words that follow; statement that follows | 下文
haxkib | the lower level; a subordinate; an inferior; lower class or grade | 下級; 低級
haxkibkvoa'oaan | petty or junior official | 下級官員
haxmbiin | talk in one's sleep | 夢魘; 陷眠
haxmbut | to sink; to submerge; to be captured by the enemy | 陷沒
haxnbek | quill and ink; literary pursuits | 翰墨
haxnciab | To weld, to solder | 焊接
haxngboea | end of a lane or alley | 巷尾
haxngbok | an item, an article in an agreement | 項目
haxthiab | to send invitation | 下帖
haybea | hippocampus; sea horse | 海馬
haybi | see foods; marine products | 海味
haybin | surface of the sea; sea level | 海面
haykiab | strait | 海峽
haysafnbee | seafood congee | 海產糜
haysex sanbeeng | vow eternal love | 海誓山盟
haytea bofng ciafm | impossible to find (look for a needle in the sea) | 海底撈針
haytøea-bongciafm | to grope a needle from the bottom of the sea | 海底摸針
he'ar-bang | shrimp net | 蝦仔網; 蝦網
heabea | remaining items or defects | 貨尾
heabut | goods | 貨物
hebaq | shrimp meat | 蝦肉
hebie | small dried shrimp | 蝦米
hefkoebør | turkey hen which is used to describe talkative women | 火雞母
hegbuo | nuclear weapons | 核武
hegzuo texbin chiepok | nuclear experimental explosion on the surface of the earth; nuclear test | 核子地面試爆
hegzuo-bwkhix | nuclear weapon | 核子武器
heng'uii-putbeeng | unclearly behavior | 行為無明
hengboo | model; mould; matrix; pattern | 型模; 模型
hengboong | the rise and fall; the prosperity and adversity; rise and fall of a nation | 興亡
hengbuun | to send a despatch | 行文
hengbuxsor | prosecution bureau | 刑務所
hengkiab | rob | 行劫
hengkiab-tioxnggi | put emphasis on righteousness | 行俠仗義
hengkiab-zokgi | put emphasis on righteousness | 行俠仗義
hengsubuxntøee | criminal case | 刑事問題
hengswbuxnzoe | mobilize troops to chastise rebels | 興師問罪
herngbi | interest | 興味; 趣味
hetab | reply | 回答
hexngbiern | to have escaped through good luck | 倖免
hexthorng ee zerngbeeng | certificate of ancestry; pedigree | 系統的證明
hi'iuo-toxngbut | rare animals | 稀有動物
hiab | cheak | 頰
hiab'e | labor by force | 脅工; 肋下
hiab'iog | a trade treaty; alliance | 協約
hiab'oaxn | hatred | 怨抱; 挾怨
hiabcih | shake to break | 協折; 搖動而折斷
hiabgi | protocols; consultation; agreement; a draft agreement | 協議
hiabgii | doubt; suspicious | 懷疑; 挾疑
hiabhoe | union; association; institute; cooperative society | 協會
hiabhoong | help defend a place | 協防
hiabhøo | mediate; harmonize; cooperation; Concorde; harmony | 協和
hiabkeg | attack from the flank | 挾擊
hiabkud | flank | 脅骨; 肋骨
hiablegchiaf | bicycle or vehicle powered by two or more people | 協力車
hiablek | concert; concurrence; cooperate; united effort | 協力
hiablie | sub manager in a chief office of a bank; assistant manager | 協理
hiabpan | assist; help somebody do something; cooperate in doing something; assist in managing | 協辦
hiabsimzexng | stenocardia; angina pectoris | 狹心症
hiabsiofng | palaver; conference | 洽商; 協商; 協商(磋商)
hiabsym | (N) Tongxin (place in Ningxia) | 協心; 同心
hiabtaam | consult; counseling | 協談
hiabtamhoe | conference | 協談會
hiabteng | protocol; entente; concert; agreement; convention | 協定
hiabtiaau | to readjust | 協調
hiabtiau | in chime; assort; coordinate; harmony | 協調
hiabtiaujiin | coordinator; mediator | 協調人
hiabtiaw | in chime; assort; coordinate; harmony; coordination | 協調
hiabtoong | cooperate; work with others | 協同
hiabzaokheg | concerto | 協奏曲
hiabzaux | harmonize | 協奏
hiabzex | force s.o. into doing one's bidding | 挾制; 強迫; 壓制
hiabzo | hand; help; work in accord | 協助
hiabzog | cooperate in doing | 協助; 合作
hiabzuie | draw water | 拹水
hiafmbea | dangerous hours | 險馬
hiafngbea | robber; bandit | 響馬; 土匪
hiafngboefzoaa | rattle snake | 響尾蛇
hiafngbøea-zoaa | rattlesnake | 響尾蛇
hiambi | peppery, hot, pungent taste or smell | 辛味; 辣味
hiambixsi | dislike, grumble | 嫌惟是; 無理由地討厭
hiangbiin | villager | 鄉民
hiawbeeng | daybreak; make known clearly | 曉明
hib tauxzhaix | stuffed bean sprouts | 翕豆菜
hib | cover tight suffocate by over-covering; close; muggy; take a picture with camera; snap a picture | 翕; 蓋閉; 拍照; 摀; 蒸悶
hib`laang | to oppress workers; a weak country or people; Lit. to cut off someone's breath | 翕人; 壓迫人
hib`sie | suffocate to death | 翕死
hibang | wish; hope; fish net | 希望; 魚網
hibaq | fish meat; fish prepared to eat | 魚肉
hibiaau | fry; baby fish | 魚苗
hibii | few and scanty; solitary | 稀微; 沒落; 淒涼; 孤單
hibiin | fishermen | 漁民
hiboefliw | fish's tail | 魚尾鰍
hiboefzhef | shaped like a fish's forked tail | 魚尾叉
hibok huxnzw | pass off something bogus as the real thing (offer a fish eye as a pearl) | 魚目混珠
hibong | to wish for; to desire; to hope; showing wild imagination | 希望
hibuu | hope; wish; expectations; to hope; to desire; look forward to | 虛無
hibuun | false news, false report | 虛文; 虛聞
hibøea | fish's tail | 魚尾
hiebee | drama fan | 戲迷
hiebuun | text for play; play | 戲文; 戲本
hiefnbeeng | phanic; obvious; set forth clearly | 顯明; 顯示
hiefnbikviax | microscope; ultramicroscope | 顯微鏡
hiekek-cietbok | programme, repertoire | 戲劇節目
hienbeeng | judiciousness; capable and virtuous | 賢明
hienbiau | mystery; mysterious | 玄妙
hienzhef-liongbiør | dutiful wife and loving mother | 賢妻良母
hienzhef-liongbør | dutiful wife and loving mother | 賢妻良母
hiernbi | flatter | 獻媚
hiernhoad tiaubuun | constitutional provisions | 憲法條文
hiet'ab | blood pressure | 血壓
hiet'ab-kex | sphygmomanometer | 血壓計
hietbek | blood circulation | 血脈
hietthorng zerngbengsw | certificate of pets | 血統證明書
hiexnbarn`ee | produce; fresh fruits and vegetables | 現採的
hiexnbøea-hiexnbøe | sell something right after it is bought | 現買現賣
hiexntai bunhak | modern literature | 現代文學
hiexntai-bunsuhoad | modern style of writing | 現代文書法
hiexntai-buun | modern writing; Modern Literal Taiwanese | 現代文
hihii-bahbaq | sumptuous meal | 魚魚肉肉; 豐盛的菜餚
himbo | admire; long after | 欣慕; 羨慕; 渴慕
himbor | mother bear | 熊某
himbuo | mother bear | 熊母; 母熊
himbør | she-bear | 熊母
hin bøextaxng | my great regret is that I am unable to…; I wish I could… | 恨無得; 恨不能
hiongbang | nightmare | 惡夢
hiongbeeng | fierce, brave | 兇鳴
hiongberng | (adj) fierce | 兇猛; 兇惡
hiongbiin | villagers; country folks | 鄉民
hiongsym bixsuo | undying ambition; not give up yet | 雄心未死
hip'hib | sultry | 翕翕; 悶熱; 空氣無流通
hittiab'ar | at those time | 那陣仔
hiugiabseg | semester closing ceremony | 休業式
hiuobeeng | notorious reputation. | 臭名; 再興
hiuohoarbut | bromide; bromid | 溴化物
hiwbok putkhør tiaw | rotten wood cannot be carved | 朽木無可雕
hiwbok | dead wood | 朽木
hoabie | beautiful; splendid; luxurious | 華美; 華麗
hoabie-zoadluun | very beautiful or elegant; beyond comparison (people; building; things; etc) | 華美絕倫
hoabii | decorated; painted eyebrow | 花眉
hoabuun | Chinese wordings | 華文
hoadbi | vapidity; insipid; aridity | 乏味
hoadbok | lumbering | 伐木
hoafn'exng-but | reactant | 反應物
hoafnbi | to develop an odor | 走味; 反味
hoafnbiet | to melt into nothingness | 幻滅
hoafnbin busioong | always changing | 反面無常
hoafnbin buzeeng | fight; to squabble (with a change of facial expression old friendship is completely forgotten) | 反面無情
hoafnbin | the reverse side; obverse; turn a cold shoulder; the back side | 反面
hoafnbok | draw apart; quarrel; fight | 反目
hoafnbuun | radical of the Chinese character for bun | 漢字部首之一
hoafnhog busioong | unstable in mind; inconsistent or changeable (said a person) | 反覆無常
hoafnsib | turn wet | 反濕
hoan zabkaix | break the Commandments of God | 犯十誡
hoanbeh | corn; maize | 番麥; 玉米
hoanbeh-hurn | corn meal | 番麥粉; 玉蜀黍粉
hoanbeqsui | ear of corn | 番麥穗; 玉米穗
hoanbin | to get angry | 番面; ?面
hoanbun | to be unhappy | 煩悶
hoanciab | chelation (chemistry) | 螯合; 環接; 螯合酌
hoanhym-kofbuo | be overjoyed; very pleased; dancing with joy | 歡欣鼓舞
hoarbiin | huamin | 化民
hoarhabbut | compound (chemical) | 化合物
hoarhabliong | combining weight (in chemistry) | 化合量
hoarn kekbeng | counter revolution | 反革命
hoarnbe | sell; peddle | 販賣
hoarnbiet | to disillusion | 幻滅
hoarnboe | resell | 販賣
hoarnbøe jinkhao | deal in human beings; white slavery | 販賣人口
hoarnbøe | to sell; to peddle; monger; vend | 販賣
hoarnbøexky | vending machine | 販賣機
hoarnbøexpo | commissary (in school; barracks; a store | 販賣部
hoatbaa | tingle, have a prickling sensation, to be numbed | 發痲; 發麻
hoatbang | the net of justice; toils of the law | 法網
hoatbeeng | invention; to invent; invent | 發明
hoatbengkaf | inventor | 發明家
hoatberng | manifest brevity, manifest ferocity | 發猛; 顯示勇敢
hoatborng | a dragnet; the arms of law; the net of justice | 法網
hoatbu | legal affairs | 法務
hoatbun | to ask questions | 發問
hoatbøe | to put on sale | 發賣; 推銷
hoatbøexsor | selling place | 發賣所
hoatkib | issue (allowance), give | 發給
hoatlut tiaubuun | regulations | 法律條文
hoatlut-suxbuxsor | law office | 法律事務所
hoatteng ee gixbu | lawful obligation | 法定的義務
hoatthiab | send out invitation | 發帖
hochiubin | face with beard | 鬍鬚面; 長落腮鬍的臉
hoea siøf bagbaai | imminent crisis or emergency (fire singeing the eyebrows) | 火燒眉毛; 燃眉之急
hoeabak | ruins of a city; castle; etc | 廢墟
hoeabek | ruins of a city; castle; etc | 廢墟
hoeaboea | unsold goods; remnants; shopworn goods | 殘貨; 貨尾
hoeabudchiaf | trucks, freight train | 貨物車
hoeabudsoex | commodity taxes | 貨物稅
hoeabut | good-for-nothing | 廢物
hoeabøo | depose | 廢掉; 廢棄; 廢無
hoeakhiebut | abandon as useless things; to discard things; give up things | 廢棄物
hoeasiab | obscure, difficult to understand, ambiguity | 廢澀; 晦澀
hoebak | ornamental flowers and trees | 花木
hoeban | petal | 花瓣
hoebextiauky | habitual abortion | 花袂牢枝
hoebi | to recollect the pleasant flavor of | 回味; 花味
hoebi'ar | thrush | 花眉仔; 畫眉鳥
hoebii | a painted eyebrow; beautiful painted eyebrow | 花眉
hoebin | a painted face; a male character (from Chinese Opera) | 花面
hoebit | nectar; nectar of plants | 花蜜
hoeboextiauky | habitual abortion | 花袂牢枝
hoebok | vegetation | 花木
hoebunciafm | paper clip | 迴紋針
hoebuun | receipt | 回文; 回信
hoeciab | nectar of flowers, flower wine | 花接; 花汁
hoefbør | kindling; tinder | 火母; 火種
hoefchiaf poaqløqbea | the train was derailed | 火車出軌
hoefkebør | female turkey imply talkative women | 火雞母
hoefkib | very urgent; imminent | 火急
hoeflek cibtiofng | concentration of fire | 火力集中
hoefthuie sambengti | ham sandwich | 火腿三明治
hoeh'ab | blood pressure | 血壓
hoeh'ab-kex | sphygmomanometer | 血壓計
hoehbaq | flesh | 血肉
hoehciab | blood plasma | 血汁; 血漿
hoekab | a kind of edible clam | 花蛤; 灰蛤
hoeniaubin | male role with heavily painted face | 花皺面
hoepanbea | zebra | 花斑馬
hoetab | answer; reply | 回答
hoethiab | acknowledgement card | 回帖
hoexbeeng | conference of heads of states for signing treaties | 會盟; 聯盟
hoexbin | to meet; to see; meet face to face | 會面
hoexbo | tent of meeting | 會目
hoexbu | club or committee affairs; business of a meeting | 會務
hofboea | tiger's tail | 虎尾; 虎尾巴
hofhu buu khiefnzuo | no laggard among the children of a brave or talented man (tiger father will not beget dog son) | 虎父無犬子
hofng bibii | soft breeze | 風微微
hofng zabor | be drunk or enamored with women | 迷於女色
hofngbun kaoiuo | visitation of Christians | 訪問教友
hofngbun pvixlaang | visit the sick | 訪問病人
hofngbun | pay a visit to; call at; interview; visit | 訪問
hofngbuxnthoaan | visiting mission | 訪問團
hofparbuo | shrew; vixen | 虎霸母; 母老虎 (兇女人)
hofthaau niawchyboea | start doing something with vigor but fail to see it through; impressive in the beginning but disappointing in the end | 虎頭鳥鼠尾
hogbeeng | restore someone's eyesight | 復明
hogbeng | to report on completion of a task | 復命
hogbin | cover one's face | 蒙面
hogbixntø | masked bandit; robber or burglar | 蒙面盜
hogbu | service; serving; render service | 服務
hogbu-sefng | waiter | 服務生
hogbu-taai | information desk | 服務台; 服務臺
hogbuun | reply to letter | 覆文
hogbuxoaan | steward | 服務員
hogbuxsia | service house | 服務社
hogbuxtaai | information office | 服務台
hokbeng | report on the results of what one has been ordered to do | 覆命; 復命
hokbiet | destruction; complete collapse; destroy | 覆滅
hokbut | capsize and sink, be engulfed | 覆物; 覆沒
hokbuun | reply | 覆文
hokhib khiekoafn | respiratory organs | 呼吸器官
hokhib | respire; respiration; breathing; breathe | 呼吸
hokhib-kex | spirometer | 呼吸計
hokhib-lut | respiration rate | 呼吸量; 呼吸律
holwborng | hormones | 荷爾蒙; 源自日語ホルモン(horumon)
hong'uo buzor | take place on schedule regardless of weather changes | 風雨無阻
hongbaq | long cook marinated pork with stove; boiled very soft | 封肉; 炕滷的肉; 煮爛之肉
hongbat | to seal | 封密; 封閉
hongbea | end of wind power | 風尾
hongbeeng | good reputation; your name; your honorable name | 芳名
hongbi | a special or local flavor; a relish; an aroma; taste and style of food | 風味
hongbie | very full and rich | 豐美
hongbien | an aspect; a dimension | 方面; 體面
hongbin | aspect; facet; phase; score; side; direction | 方面; 封面
hongbiu | absurd; grossly absurd | 荒謬
hongboarn | plentiful; well-rounded; describe woman's breast; rich | 豐滿
hongboea | lee; the direction towards which the wind blows; leeward | 風尾; 下風
hongboong | flustered; haste; hurried; hurried and flustered | 慌忙
hongbut | sights; scenes; scenery | 風物
hongbuu | deserted and desolate | 荒蕪
hongbuun | to learn through hearsay; according to unconfirmed reports | 風聞; 鴻文
hongbø | cowl storm cap; covering cowl and neck | 風帽; 方帽
hongbøea | leeward | 風尾; 下風處
honggaan pogbeng | beauty doesn't guarantee health and good fortune (Beautiful women are often ill fated.) | 紅顏薄命
honggai anbiin | nuisance at night; disturbance of sleep | 防礙安眠
honggai-but | a deterrent, an obstacle | 防礙物; 妨礙物
honghai beng'u | libel; to slander | 妨害名譽
honghiongzok-hoarhabbut | aromatic compound (chemistry) | 芳香化合物; 芳香族化合物
honghuun jinbut | heroic figure; famed personage; one who is constantly in the news | 風雲人物
honghøefbak | an eye inflammation | 風火目
hongkhofng-bøflam | aircraft carrier; floating aerodrome | 航空母艦
hongkhongbang | network of air routes | 航空網
honglaibie | improved, good quality rice in Taiwan | 蓬萊米
hongsib | rheumatism; arthritis | 風濕; 防溼; 防濕
hongsib-jiet | rheumatic fever | 風濕熱
hongsib-thviax | pain caused by arthritis; pain of rheumatism | 風濕痛
hongsib-zexng | rheumatism | 風濕症; 風濕病
hongsiok sibkoaxn | customs and habits | 風俗習慣
hongthaibea | the edge of the storm circle, imply aftershock of typhoon | 風颱尾
hongthaiboea | the edge of the storm circle, imply aftershock of typhoon | 風颱尾
hongthaibøea | the end of the typhoon season | 颱風尾
hongtok biexnkhu | gas mask | 防毒面具
hoo-labsap | (idiom) in a mess | 鬍拉碴; 一片狼籍; 雜亂無章
hor thaau, niawchie boea | start with enthusiasm, end up with gusto. | 虎頭鼠尾
hor tok bøe ciah kviar | No one is capable of hurting his own children (Even a vicious tigress will not eat its cubs.) | 虎毒未食囝
horngbiern | to give an excuse | 放免
horngbok | pasturage; to pasture | 放牧
hoxbong | great expectation | 厚望
hoxbø | rain cap; rain hat | 雨帽
hoxhoan bukioong | continuous disasters resulting because no finalizing action is taken to prevent it | 後患無窮
hoxhoea bogkip | too late to regret something (useless crying over spilled milk) | 後悔莫及
hoxkex bujiin | no successor capable of continuing the task | 後繼無人
hoxngbeng | under orders; receive orders or commands from above | 奉命
hoxngbeng-hengsu | act in the instructions | 奉命行事
hoxngbøea | tail of a phoenix | 鳳尾
hoxngbøea-zhao | spleenwort; ferns | 鳳尾草
hoxnghongbok | Poinciana; flame-of-the-forest tree | 鳳凰木
hoxngkib | emoluments; a government salary | 俸給
hoxnglaai-bie | Formosan rice | 蓬萊米
hoxnglaibie | the exotic rice, the improved rice | 蓬萊米
hu'iorng ee gixbu | duty of supporting | 扶養的義務
hu'iuu-toxngbut | a mayfly; an ephemera | 蜉蝣動物
hubang | fishing net | 魚網
hubeeng | empty reputation | 虛名
hubiin | fishmen | 漁民
hubuun | impractical formality or ceremony | 虛文; 虛聞
hudbuun texzuo | Buddhist priests and nuns | 佛門弟子
hudbuun | Buddhism; the Buddhist faith | 佛門
hudzuo bwkhix | nuclear weapons | 核子武器
hudzuo hongkhfong-bwkaxm | nuclear aircraft carrier | 核子航空母艦
huibe-phirn | non-sale article | 非賣品
huibeng | tragic; unnatural death; death by accident or violence | 非命
huibexphirn | not for sale | 非賣品
huibuo | wield; brandish; wave | 揮舞
huibøe-phirn | non-sale article | 非賣品
huibøexphirn | not-for-sale item | 非賣品
huichviar budcixn | Do Not Enter | 非請勿進
huiebuo | taboos | 費舞; 忌諱之事
huiebut | junk | 廢物
huiekhiebut | useless things | 廢棄物
huih'ab | blood pressure | 血壓
huih'ab-kex | sphygmomanometer | 血壓計
huihciab | blood plasma | 血汁; 血漿
huihog-buto | squander money | 揮霍無度
huixbiet | devastation; complete destruction | 毀滅
huixbok | discerning eyes | 慧目; 慧眼
hun'ab | separate pressure | 分壓
hun'ab'ar | tobacco box; cigarette case | 煙盒仔; 香煙盒
hunbaq | smoked meat; bacon | 燻肉
hunbarng | burn incense for driving away mosquitors; smoke out mosquitoes | 燻蚊; 燻蚊子
hunbee | coma; lose consciousness | 昏迷
hunbee-zoxngthaix | comatose | 昏迷狀態
hunbeeng | clear; clear; distinct; unambiguous; unmistakable | 分明
hunbi | smell of smoke | 煙味
hunbiern | lie in; to give birth; childbirth; labor; obstetrics | 分娩
hunbiør | second minute | 分秒
hunbo | grave | 墳墓
hunboah | the tobacco plant; leaf tobacco. | 煙末; 粉煙草
hunboarn | lie in; to give birth; childbirth; labor; obstetrics | 分娩
hunbong | grave | 墳墓
hunbu | cloud and mist; clouds and fog; obscure places | 雲霧
hunbuo | denominator | 分母; 雲母
hunbuun piedlui | divide into chapters and sections | 分門別類
hunbuun putzhuo | not to take or accept even a cent which is not deserved; be incorruptible | 分文無取
hunbuun | a single cent | 分文
hunbør | denominator of a fraction | 分母; 雲母
hunkafng habzog | perform a task by division of labor; division of labor | 分工合作
hunkib | grading | 分級
huobuun | obituary notice | 訃文; 訃音
huosafnbut | by-product | 副產物
hurnbiern | to give a homily; to urge to be good and brave; exhort and encourage | 訓勉
hutbeeng-hutbiet | appearing and disappearing like a distant star or a blinking light | 忽明忽滅
hux-bøtiøh | miss the time | 沒趕上
huxbien | negative side | 負面
huxbin | negative | 負面
huxbiør | parents | 父母
huxbiør-cy-pafng | one's own country; one's native land | 父母之邦
huxbør | parents | 父母
huxgi-boxng'wn | ungrateful; ingrate | 負義忘恩
huxnbee | in a coma, apoplexy, unconscious | 昏迷
huxnhabbut | mixture (chem.) | 混合物
huy gvor bok siok | I; and I alone; am qualified for or deserve a position | 非我莫屬
huybiet | raze; destroy; consume; exterminate utterly | 毀滅
huybong | destroy the grave | 毀墓
hviafbak | (n) glamorization | 顯目; 惹眼; 搶眼; 起眼; 炫目; 顯眼; 奪目; 亮麗; 醒目; 眩目; 耀眼
hviarbak | conspicuous; glamorization | 顯目
hviatixcybe | my dear friends | 兄弟姊妹
hviuab'ar | incense box or container; incense boat | 香盒仔
hviubiin | villager | 鄉民
hviuboah | ashes from incense | 香末
hviukobahbee | minced pork with mushrooms | 香菇肉糜
hviukobahmoee | minced pork with mushrooms | 香菇肉糜
hvixboo | tympanum, eardrum | 耳膜
hvoabiin | to snore | 鼾聲
hvoaibahsvef | of fierce or ferocious appearance | 橫肉生; 惡形惡狀的人
hvoaibin | transverse section | 橫面
hvoaitoaxnbin | cross section | 橫斷面
hvoathaau-hybin | overjoyed | 歡頭喜面
hvoathauhybin | happy | 歡頭喜面
hvobiin | sound of snoring | 鼾聲
hvorbeeng | formerly; official honor or rank; love fame | 好名; 喜功名
hwn bøexzhud serngpai | unable to decide who won | 分無出勝敗
hwn bøexzhud | cannot distinguish or discriminate | 分無出
hwn'ab'ar | compact | 粉盒仔; 粉鏡盒
hwnbak | cosmetics | 粉墨
hwnbi | resembling a woman | 粉味; (形容女人)
hwnbin | powdered face; powder the face; make up the face | 粉面
hwnboah | powder apply; fine dust; powder | 粉末
hwnboat | powder (medicine) | 粉末
hwnkab | a species of edible clam | 粉蛤
hylo-busioong | having an unpredictable temper | 喜怒無常
hythiab | wedding invitation | 喜帖
hyzhud-boxnggoa | joy over unexpected good luck; unexpected joy | 喜出望外
høbea | hippo; hippopotamus | 河馬
høbeeng | sound in harmony | 和鳴
høbie | mm | 毫米
høbok | concord; peace; friendly; have friendly ties | 和睦
høbuun | rich and powerful family | 豪門
høeabudchiaf | cargo truck | 貨物車; 貨車
høeabudzuun | cargo ship; freighter | 貨物船
høeabut | goods; commodities | 貨物
høeabøea | remnant | 貨尾; 殘貨
høefbang | barrage, cross fire | 火網
høefbuo | fire starter; tinder | 火母; 火種
høefbør | fire starter; tinder | 火母; 火種
høefchiabuo | locomotive; train station | 火車母
høefkiab | disaster caused by fire | 火劫
høefkib | very urgent | 火急
høefkøebuo | noisy or clamorous woman; female turkey | 火雞母; 雌火雞; 指聒噪的女人
høetab | to reply; answer | 回答
høfbae | good or bad | 好歹
høfbea | good horse | 好馬
høfbi | good smell; finely flavored things | 好味; 美味
høfbin zengkhia | put on an appearance of diligence; obedience; or very good behavior in the presence of a master or of some one whom we wish to please | 表面裝好
høfboea | good ending; happy outcome | 好尾; 好結果
høfbøea | good ending | 好尾; 好收場
høfphøebaq | good condition of skin and flesh; heals quickly | 好皮肉; 皮膚好
høfthaau putjuu høfbøea | A good end is more important than a good beginning | 好頭無如好尾; 好始不如好終
høkiab | gallant; a chivalry; a champion of justice; hero | 豪俠
høliuu habliuu | confluence | 河流合流
hør-bagseg | good eye; sharp eyed; good visual memory | 眼力佳; 好目色
hør-bixnchviw | favorable face | 好面像; 予人好感的臉
hør-bixsi | everything is fine | 好惟是; 什麼都好
hør-bixsox | good food | 好味數; 佳餚
hør-bunbek | good writing | 文筆佳; 好文墨
hør-hagbun | good knowledge | 好學問
hør-kietbøea | happy ending | 好結尾
hør-phøebaq | nice appearance | 好皮肉; 皮膚好(健康)
hør-seabin | good situation | 好勢面; 情勢好
hør-thefbin | have a sense of honor | 好體面
hør`boq | is it OK | 好否
hør`bøo | is it OK; is it good | 好否
høxbea | number for identification | 號碼
høxhog bubuun | The source of good and bad fortune is uncertain. (Fortune and misfortune do not come through a definite door.) | 禍福無門
høxkheq engbuun | house is crowded with well wishers (on a happy occasion) | 賀客盈門
høxkhib | to weep aloud | 號泣
høxkiab | catastrophe; disaster; havoc; great catastrophe | 浩劫
høxkog-iongbiin | bring disaster upon the state and the people; harm the state and injure the people | 禍國殃民
høxthiab | congratulatory cards | 賀帖
i'iøh bofnghau | incurable; medical science can do no more | 醫藥罔效
iab | to cover up; to hide; hide; tuck away; conceal on one's person; put behind the back (as one's hands); do (something) stealthily | 掩; 揜; 藏,隱藏,偷; 隱藏; 偷偷地帶著; 藏
iablegsox | chlorophyll | 葉綠素
iafbaa | wildcat; shrew; wild cat; harlot (vile scolding) | 野狸; 野貓; 潑婦; 野貍貓
iafbaan | uncivilized; barbarous; savageness; barbarism | 野蠻
iafbea | (n) mustang; wild horse; wild or fierce woman; wild horse; mustang | 野馬; 野或強悍的女人
iafbi | wild game; game (food) | 野味
iafbit | wild honey | 野蜜
iafbøe | not yet | 尚未; 猶未; 還沒
iafkab | wild Eastern blue rock dove | 野鴿
iafmbaai | bury | 掩埋
iafmbat | cover up, conceal | 掩密; 掩蓋
iafmbien | to cover the face | 掩面
iahbøo | in that case, then | 亦無; 抑無; 那麼
iambi | saline taste | 鹽味
iambu-kiok | salt monopoly | 鹽務局
iambuxkiok | salt monopoly | 鹽務局
iaobu | important business; urgent affairs; important or urgent business; task; matter etc. | 要務
iaokiab | to threaten by force; to coerce | 要挾
iaolie-buxntab | Catechism (Catholic) | 要理問答
iap'iab | to hold something back, hiding something, hiding oneself | 隱隱; 手藏在背後
iapbea | with its tail between its legs (dog) | 捲尾; 縮尾
iapbefkao | dog with tail between legs meaning fled in defeat | 揜尾狗
iapboea | with its tail between its legs (dog) | 捲尾; 縮尾
iapboefkao | dog with tail between legs meaning fled in defeat | 揜尾狗
iapsiab | out of the way (place), out of sight (person), shrinking from view (person) | 隱縮; 偏僻,; 隱居
iapthiab | hidden | 隱密
iaqbea | a post horse | 驛馬
iarm jiin nybok | deceive others | 掩人耳目
iau'iaau bukii | in the indefinite future | 遙遙無期
iaubong | look from a distance | 遙望
iauxbuo iong'uy | show off one's strength or power | 耀武揚威
iawboe | not yet | 還沒; 還未
iawboong | short lived; die young | 夭亡; 夭折
iawbøe khaihoax | uncivilized | 未開化
iawbøe | not yet | 尚未; 猶未; 還未
iaxbeeng | bright evening | 夜明
iaxbeeng-zw | a legendary pearl that shines at night | 夜明珠
iaxbongzexng | night blindness; nyctalopia | 夜盲症
iaxhabhoef | night flower | 夜合花
iaxmbuo | striptease; voluptuous; enticing dances | 豔舞
ib | steam | 翕; 蒸
ibeng-sixcioong | always do as told | 唯命是從
ibexnglun | nominalism | 唯命論
ibie | beautiful | 唯美
ibiin | immigrant; immigrate; settle people (in a new region); colonize | 移民
ibiin-zerngzheg | emigration-immigration policy; colonization policy | 移民政策
ibinkhw | settlement; colony | 移民區
ibinkiok | immigration bureau | 移民局
ibu | medical affair, medical service | 醫務
ibu-seg | infirmary | 醫務室
ibu-sor | infirmary | 醫務所
ibu-zwjim | medical director | 醫務主任
ibudlun | materialism | 唯物論
ibudluxnciar | materialist | 唯物論者
ibudphaix | materialists | 唯物派
ibudzwgi | materialism | 唯物主義
ibuo | (maternal) aunt | 姨母
ibut | clothing | 唯物; 衣物
ibut-lun | materialism | 唯物論; 唯物論,唯物主義
ibut-piexnzernghoad | dialectic materialism | 唯物辯證法
ibut-swkoafn | materialistic conception of history | 唯物史觀
ibut-zwgi | materialism | 唯物主義
ibut-zwgixciar | materialist | 唯物主義者
ibuxseg | infirmary; clinic; dispensary; medical room | 醫務室
ibør | maternal aunt | 姨母
ibøxkefng | cloak room (in restaurants; theaters) | 衣帽間
id buu sor hek | achieve or gain nothing (after all the efforts made) | 一無所獲
id buu sor teg | nothing is gained | 一無所得
id buu sor tioong | do not have a single skill or talent | 一無所長
ie putpiexn exng baxnpiexn | cope with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle or policy | 以無變應萬變
iebi | impression; a touch; a flavor; portent | 意味
iebie | barley | 薏米
iedbak | pleasant to the eyes | 悅目
iefnbuo | performing martial arts | 演武
iefnbwtviuu | martial arts field | 演武場
ienbaq | smoked meat; bacon | 燻肉; 煙肉; 醃肉
ienbi | smell of smoke | 燻味; 煙味
ienbiet | destroy; disappeared | 湮滅
ienbo | smoke screen | 煙幕
ienbu | smoke; smog; fog and mist | 煙霧
ienbu-ho | drizzle; light rain | 煙霧雨; 毛毛雨
ienbuun | door by door | 沿門
ienciab | receive (guests) | 延接
iernbeh | oats | 燕麥
iernboefhok | swallow-tailed coat; dress coat | 燕尾服
iernbyhok | tuxidoe | 燕尾服
ihoaf ciapbok | cheat by sleight of hand | 移花接木
imbiøo | controversy | 陰謀
imboo | a conspiracy; plot; a conspiracy | 陰謀
imboo-kuykex | dark and crafty schemes | 陰謀詭計
imbut | femininity | 陰物
imgak-boafnhoe | evening concert | 音樂晚會
imkib | sound level | 音級
imphiaw-bunji | phonetic transcription | 音標文字
inkofng syboong | suffer death in the line of duty | 因公死亡
iofngbea | brave fighter; strong horse | 勇馬
iofngberng | brave and fierce; fearless; intrepid | 勇猛
iofngbiør | foster mother | 養母
iofngbuo | foster; adopted mother | 養母
iofngbør | foster mother | 養母
iofngciab | chyle | 養汁; 乳糜
iogbiaau | cultivate seedlings; seedling | 育苗
iogbiin | educate the people | 育民
iogbong | desires; ambitions | 慾望
iong bwlek | resort to force of arms; use violence | 用武; 用武力
iongbeeng thienha | be known throughout the land; have one's name spread far and wide; become world-famous | 揚名天下
iongbeeng | to become famous | 揚名
iongbii thorkhix | feel proud after one suddenly attains fame or wealth | 揚眉吐氣
iongbiin | wrong and suppress the people; bring disaster down on the people | 殃民
iongbut | phallic; virile member; the penis | 陽物
ionghoarbut | oxide | 氧化物
ioxngbuo | to resort to force; to use violence | 用武
ioxngbøexkoarnsix | unaccustomed to the use of | 用無慣勢
ioxngbøexkoaxn | unaccustomed to the use of | 用無慣
ipboxkea | rice cake for poor boys after cemetery ceremony | 挹墓粿
ipboxngkoea | rice cake for poor boys after cemetery ceremony | 挹墓粿
irnboo | make something with a mold (as an artificial tooth) | 印模; 打模子
irnkaxm-zerngbeeng | certificate for a seal impression | 印鑑証明
irnsek'ab'ar | small box holding the ink for seals | 印色盒仔; 印泥盒子
irnsoatbut | printed matter | 印刷物
irntab | to answer; answer; to answer; response | 應答; 回答
itbeeng-kengjiin | become famous overnight; achieve enormous success at the very first try | 一鳴驚人
itbi | persistently; only; uniformly; still; wholly | 一味; 一個勁兒地
itbien | an one-sided thing | 一面
itbien-cy-kaw | have met but once; nodding acquaintance | 一面之交
itbien-cy-suu | one-sided statements | 一面之詞
itbiexntør | excessively dependent upon something somebody; lopsided political alignment with a certain party or country | 一面倒
itbixntør | excessively dependent upon something somebody; lopsided political alignment with a certain party or country | 一面倒
itbo | one scene | 一幕
itboit'viu | identical | 一模一樣
itbok liawjieen | comprehend at a glance | 一目了然
itbok | a glance | 一目
itbok-itzaxn | one fold and one shepherd | 一牧一棧
itbong-buzex | spread out far beyond the horizon (said of open space or vast plain) | 一望無際
itbong-jii-ty | fully understand at a single glance | 一望而知
itboo-it'viu | exactly the same; identical | 一模一樣
itborng tvafcin | take the whole at one haul; e.g.; one man taking the whole of what should have been shared with others; make a wholesale arrest of | 一網打盡
itborng-tvafcin | to round up all | 一網打盡
itbun safm putty | Supposing you ask him; he knows neither the beginning; the middle; nor the end of the matter | 一問三無知
itbut | one thing | 一物
itbuu-sofiong | useless (Lit. doesn't have a single use) | 一無所用
itbuu-sofiuo | count for nothing; no better than (Lit. doesn't have one thing) | 一無所有
itbuu-sofkhoad | complete within itself (Lit. doesn't lack one thing) | 一無所缺
itbuun | one article; one cent | 一文
itbuun-puttit | not worth a penny; worthless | 一文無值
itkib | (1-kib) the first class, primary; second grad | 一級; 乙級
itkie-sengbeeng | become famous with one move | 一舉成名
itliab'id | best | 最好的
itphøf bixpeeng itphøf iuxkhie | one trouble after another | 一波未平一波又起
itpid-boahsiaw | undo something by a single stroke; all cancelled; settle an account once for all | 一筆抹消
itpok-sibhaan | work by fits and starts | 一曝十寒
itpurn baxnli | gain enormous profit out of small capital invested | 一本萬利
itpvoaf bincioxng | people in general | 一般民眾
itsu-buseeng | accomplish nothing; get nowhere | 一事無成
ittiuu-bogtiern | knowing not what to do; at wit's end; helpless | 一籌莫展
iubak | printing ink; ink | 油墨
iubeeng | hades, hell | 幽冥
iubegkarm | the sense of humor | 幽冥感; 幽默感
iubek | humorous; humor; (iu-moh; Mandarin transliteration) | 幽默
iubi | oily smell; greasy smell; odor (taste) of oil or grease; oily taste | 油味
iubie | elegance; graceful; refined; good | 優美
iubiin | a vagrant; vagrants; idle people; wanderers | 遊民; 無業遊民; 憂民
iubin | sad looking | 憂面; 蹙眉; 油面
iubok | nomadism; nomadic; to nomadic life; pastoral | 遊牧; 油木; 游牧; 檜木
iubok-binzok | nomads | 遊牧民族
iubok-poxlok | horde | 游牧部落
iubok-seng'oah | nomadic life; pastoral life-style | 遊牧生活
iubok-sitai | nomadic age; pastoral era | 遊牧時代
iubu | postal service (occupation; work) | 郵務
iubun | depressed; to feel low; melancholy; distressed; sad | 憂悶
iubut | uncommon person; a rare beauty | 尤物
iubuun | the pylorus | 幽門
iukiab | traveling swordsman; traveling champion of justice; knight errant | 遊俠
iukog-iubiin | be concerned over the fate of the nation | 憂國憂民
iulaplab | greasy; oily | 油膩膩; 油塌塌
iuloplob | greasy; oily | 油膩膩; 油凹凹
iuobaq | new skin that heals a wound | 幼肉; 剛長出之肉
iuobiaau | tender seedling | 幼苗
iuoboaqboah | very fine (powder) | 粉細的; 細嫩
iuoliabmih | small particle | 幼粒物; 細軟
iuosapsab | something very very small | 幼屑屑; 很細
iuthaau katbin | have worried look; pull long face; having a displeased look | 愁眉苦臉
iuthaau-hwnbin | pomaded hair and powdered face; Beau Brummel | 油頭粉面
iuthaau-katbin | to have a worried look; a distressed expression | 憂頭結面; 愁眉苦臉
iuthaukatbin | frown | 憂頭結面
iuthaukhofbin | frown | 憂頭苦面
iuxbok | teak (tree) | 柚目; 柚木
iuxbøeq | want to do something which has been done before | 又要
iwbeeng | famous; renowned; noted; well-known | 有名
iwbeeng-busit | having the name but no reality; in name only | 有名無實
iwbeeng-iwsit | in name and in fact | 有名有實
iwbong | hopeful | 有望; 有希望
iwbuu | Is there or not? | 有無
iweg-busurn | wholly advantageous | 有益無損
iwgarn-buzw | to have eyes but not see; lack discerning power; unable to discriminate (Lit. have eyes; no eyeballs) | 有眼無珠
iwhai-bueg | wholly injurious | 有害無益
iwiorng-buboo | foolhardy | 有勇無謀
iwiorng-bøboo | to have reckless courage | 有勇無謀
iwkhao-busym | say what one does not mean | 有口無心
iwkibut | organic substance; organic matter; organism | 有機物
iwkoafn-hongbin | authorities concerned; interested parties | 有關方面
iwkofng-bøsviuo | Deserving of recognition for services rendered; but didn't get any | 有功無賞
iwky-hoarhabbut | organic compound (chemistry) | 有機化合物
iwpi-buhoan | There is no danger when there is preparedness | 有備無患
iwsarn-kaikib | propertied class; owner class; wealthy class; bourgeoisie | 有產階級
iwsi-bukhiorng | There is no fear when one has something to fall back on | 有恃無恐
iwsurn-bueg | There is only harm; no advantage | 有損無益; 有害無益
ixbeeng | different name | 異名
ixbi | peculiar smell | 異味
ixbiør-hengte | brothers born of different mothers; half brothers | 異母兄弟
ixbut | foreign object; foreign body; rare treasure; extremely valuable object; peculiar thing; strange thing; uncommon thing | 異物
ixbuun | variation | 異文
ixjienbut | inflammable (article) | 易燃物
izuxbiin | settler | 移住民
iøbea | wag the tail (as a dog) | 搖尾; 擺尾
iøboea khitliin | wag the tail and court favors--to fawn and be obsequious | 搖尾乞憐
iøboea | wag the tail (as a dog) | 搖尾; 擺尾
iøchiuo nihbak | give secret signals by waving the hand and winking | 搖手眨目
iøhbi | guess a riddle | 猜謎
iøhbøextiøh | cannot figure it out | 猜無出; 猜不著
iøhbøexzhud | cannot figure it out | 猜無出; 猜不著
iøhbøtiøh | guessed but missed | 沒猜著; 猜無著
iølai-baq | the choicest portion of pork | 里肌肉; 裡脊肉; 腰內肉
iølaixbaq | loin (meat) | 里肌肉; 腰內肉 (豬肉)
iøo bea | shaking tail | 搖尾
iøo boea | shaking tail | 搖尾
iøqbi | the test of a drug | 藥味
iøqboah | drug powder | 藥末
iøqbudhak | pharmacology | 藥物學
iøqbut | drug; medicine | 藥物
iøqbut-hak | pharmacology | 藥物學
iøthaau-pvoaxboea | act obsequiously (Lit. to bobble the head and wag the tail like a dog hoping to please the master) | 搖頭拂尾
jiab'id | 21 | 廿一
jiabak | to block light from direct shining on the eyes | 遮目
jiabat | cover tightly | 遮密
jiabin | cover the face | 遮臉
jiafmtiøh phvae-sibkoaxn | infected by bad habits | 染到壞習慣
jiaophoarbin | to come to an open break in friendship with each other | 撕破臉; 抓破面
jiar laang zuobok | attract attention (especially undesirable attention) | 惹人注目
jiarm lahsab | be stained by; be contaminated | 染污; 染污穢
jiaubin | crinkle; cockle face | 皺面
jiaubuun | wrinkle; creases; folds | 皺紋
jib | pursue; run after | 追; 逐
jib'ix | entertain | 入意
jib'uii | be selected or elected as one of the few; enter the final contest | 入圍
jib'un | lucky | 入運
jib'vi | hospitalized | 入院; 住院
jib'viaa | enter military service | 入營
jib'øh | to enter school; to start going to school as a child; enter school for the first time | 入學
jib`laai | to come in | 進來
jib`tiøh | catch up to | 追到
jibbee | be captivated or fascinated; bewitched; ecstasy | 入迷
jibbogseg | encoffining ceremony | 入木式; 入殮儀式
jibbok | to lay a body in coffin; put the corpse into the coffin | 入木; 入殮
jibbuun | become a disciple; guide-book | 入門
jibchiaw | unfavorable balance of trade | 入超
jibchiuo | get under way; to start; a start; come in to one's hands; get | 入手; 著手
jibchiw | beginning of autumn (13th solar term in the lunar calendar) | 入秋; 立秋
jibchym | to invade | 入侵
jibgak | be imprisoned; be put behind bars | 入獄
jibgvor | to enlist in the arm forces; be enlisted in the army | 入伍
jibha | beginning of summer | 入夏
jibhagchiegiam | an entrance exam | 入學試驗
jibhak | start going to school; enter school | 入學
jibhak-khøfchix | entrance examination of a school | 入學考試
jibhe | beginning of summer | 入夏
jibhoe | to become of a member; to join a society or organization; enter a society or association | 入會
jibhvi | understand; pleasing to the ears | 入耳
jibkafngsøex | harbor tax | 入港稅
jibkarng | to enter a harbor; enter port | 入港
jibkaux | to become a follower or believer of a religion | 入教
jibkefngzexng | entry visa | 入境証
jibkerng | enter a country; cross the border; entry; cross the border | 入境
jibkerng-zexng | entry visa | 入境證
jibkhao | entrance; import | 入口; 進口
jibkhawsøex | import duty | 入口稅; 進口稅
jibkhix | get in | 入去
jibkhoarn | deposit money | 入款; 存款
jibkhox | stow (cargo) in a warehouse | 入庫
jibkhvoar | deposit money | 入款
jibkiofng | enter the palace | 入宮
jibkiok | take part in a game; fall into a trap | 入局; 中計
jibkoafn | have one foot in the grave | 入棺; 入關
jibkog | enter the country | 入國
jibkor | become a shareholder | 入股
jibkud | deeply; strongly; to the marrow; penetrate into the bones; exceedingly | 入骨
jibkvaf | to be put in prison; to be sent to jail | 入監
jibkviaf | go to the capital | 入京
jibkvoaf | to confiscate | 入官
jibkøq | be appointed a minister | 入擱
jiblaai | come in; come on in; come in | 入來; 進入; 進來
jiblai | come in | 入內
jibliam | to put a corpse in a coffin | 入殮
jibliarm | encoffin | 入殮
jibmngg | enter a door; enter a family; introduction; manual; primer; enter a door; introductory study; primer | 入門
jibmnghie | conceive right after the marriage | 入門喜; 一結婚就有喜
jibnie | understand; pleasing to the ears | 入耳
jibokbog | be entangled; be confused; in a mess | 亂紛紛; 很紊亂; 亂七八糟
jibpirn | submit a petition | 入稟; 請願
jibsaix | marry into the family of one's wife--children thus born will bear her family | 入贅
jibseg | receive interest (banking) | 入息; 收利息
jibsek | to take one's seat at a banquet; ceremony; etc.; be properly seated at a gathering; meeting or feast | 入席
jibsex | be born, be involved in human affairs | 入世
jibsiaux | to enter an item in an accounting ledger; receive payment and record in the ledger | 入數; 進帳; 入帳
jibsii | to be in fashion; to keep up with the times | 入時
jibsiin | in ecstasy; in mental concentration; captivated; fascinated; absent-mindedly; absorbedly; ecstasy | 入神
jibsixn | join the church | 入信; 入教
jibsoarn | to be chosen; to be selected; be placed on the selected list; be accepted | 入選
jibsurn | to fit mortise and tenon; to fit into one another | 入榫
jibsviaa | get to a city | 入城
jibsviaf | (phonetics) entering tone (one of the four tones in Middle Chinese) | 入聲
jibsvoaf | go into the mountains | 入山
jibsym | get into the heart; take something or someone to heart; fully accept | 入心
jibtafng | beginning of winter; about November 7-21; beginning of winter | 入冬; 立冬
jibthoo | burial of corpse | 入土; 入塗
jibthor | bury; be buried | 入土
jibtiaau | enter the dynasty | 入朝; 進見
jibto | enter the stomach--to eat | 入肚; 下肚
jibtorng | join a party | 入黨
jibtviuhuix | admission | 入場費
jibtviukngx | admission ticket | 入場券
jibtviukoaxn | ticket of admission | 入場券
jibtviuliau | admission | 入場費
jibtviuphiøx | ticket of admission | 入場票
jibtviuu | entrance to the hall; go into a meeting place; enter a stadium or a theater; enter a meeting place; take part in an examination | 入場
jibzek | be naturalized; have one's name entered in the family register | 入籍; 歸化
jibzeng | go on retreat (Catholic) | 入靜
jibzex | join the mountain village organization | 入寨
jibzhuix | enter or put into the mouth | 入嘴
jibzhux | moving into a new dwelling; housewarming; move into a new house | 入厝; 進屋; 喬遷; 遷新居; 喬遷宴
jibzhwn | beginning of spring; about February 5-18 | 入春; 立春
jibzuie | water flowing in; to get flooded; ship water (as a boat); pour in water (as into a bottle); be flooded | 入水; 進水; 浸水; 裝水
jibzuo | take possession | 入主
jibzø | be seated; take seats | 入座
jidbo | nightfall; evening time | 日暮
jidbut | sunset | 日沒
jidgoat bukofng | The sun and the moon are dimmed (often used to mean darkness in a figurative sense to describe life under tyranny; foreign occupation) | 日月無光
jidkib | daily pay (wages) | 日給; 日薪
jiedbak | inflamed eyes | 熱目; 眼睛紅腫
jiedbang | crave | 熱望
jiedbong | ardent wish or hope; to hope earnestly | 熱望
jiedbuo | impassioned dance | 熱舞
jiedhied toxngbut | warm-blooded animal | 熱血動物
jiedtaix-sidbut | tropical plant | 熱帶植物
jienbii-cy-kib | matter as urgent as if the eyebrows had caught fire | 燃眉之急
jiernbax | jacket borrowed word from Japanese | 夾克; 源自日語ジャンパー
jih-bextiaau | unable to command or exercise control over a group of people due to lack of prestige; personal ability etc.; not enough pressure to hold down a compressed resilient object | 壓無住
jiin huy bogsek | Man is a sentimental creature | 人非木石
jiin kib tix sefng | in a crisis a man becomes wise | 人急智生
jiin ui baxnbut-cy-leeng | The human being is the most intelligent among creatures | 人為萬物之靈
jin'iefn tiubit | crowded conditions; densely populated | 人煙稠密
jinbeng | a human life | 人命
jinbeng-koanhe | matter (case) of life and death | 人命關係
jinbeng-koanthiefn | Human life is of utmost importance | 人命關天
jinbexng'axn | murder case | 人命案
jinbien | face | 人面
jinbien-siuosym | gentle in appearance but cruel at heart; wolf in sheep's skin | 人面獸心
jinbiin | the public; people (as distinct from the ruler or the government) | 人民
jinbiin-kongsia | people's commune (in Communist- controlled mainland China) | 人民公社
jinbiin-thoanthea | civic organization or body | 人民團體
jinbong | popularity; reputation; credit | 人望; 眾望
jinboong | death | 人亡
jinbudoe | portrait | 人物畫
jinbut | a character in drama; types of character; personage or figure (usually referring to famous persons) | 人物
jinbuun | humanities; culture; human affairs | 人文
jinbuun-texlie | political geography | 人文地理
jinbuun-zwgi | humanism | 人文主義
jinciorng buxntøee | racial problem | 人種問題
jinhae bongboong | in such a wide world | 人海茫茫
jinkafng-hokhib | artificial respiration | 人工呼吸
jinkhao tiubit | densely populated | 人口稠密
jinkhao-buxntøee | population problem | 人口問題
jinkofng-hokhib | artificial respiration | 人工呼吸
jinsefng juu bang | Life is but a dream | 人生如夢
jinsyn-bøefbøe | human traffic; slave trade | 人身買賣
jintø-buxntøee | question of morality | 人道問題
jinzengbi | human touch; friendliness; hospitality | 人情味
jinzhefng taixbengsuu | personal pronoun | 人稱代名詞
jiog zabor | run after women; pursue a woman | 追女人
jiog'iuo-jiogbuu | vague; shapeless; intangible | 若有若無
jioggarn-buzw | eyes without pupils--stupid; shallow | 肉眼無珠
jiogsiao-binzok | small nation | 弱小民族
jiogsiør-binzok | small and weak tribe | 弱小民族
jiok buu kisu | as if nothing had happened; remain calm; with perfect composure | 若無其事
jiongbø | woolen cap | 絨帽
jiqlab | dent | 壓凹
jirm bukhør jirm | beyond one's endurance; cannot stand (an insult or provocation) any longer | 忍無可忍
jirm-boextiaau | cannot stand it | 忍無著
jit bøeh'axm | dusk; night-fall; toward evening | 日要暗; 黃昏; 傍晚
jit bøehtaux | about noon | 日要晝; 將近正午
jitoong-bunhak | literary writings for children; tales for children | 兒童文學
jitoong-cietbok | children's programs | 兒童節目
jitoong-thogbut | juvenile publications | 兒童讀物
jiubie | soft | 柔美
jixbin | wording; literal(ly) | 字面
jixbin-siong | according to the written statement | 字面上
jixbo | TV or motion picture captions; subtitle; subtitle (in a motion picture); libretto of singing lines in Peking opera projected on the screen for the benefit of the audience | 字幕
jixboea | end of the word | 字尾
jixboo | printing type matrix | 字模
jixbuo | letter of the alphabet | 字母
jixbøea | suffix | 字尾
jixbør | letter of the alphabet | 字母
jixgoaan-hoarhabbut | binary compounds | 二元化合物
jixkib | (2-kib) the second class, secondary | 二級
jixmbad | know a person; understand; recognition; recognize; understanding; realize | 認識
jixmbeeng | identify | 認明
jixmbeng | to appoint; to designate; to commission; appointment; appoint (nominate) a person to a post | 任命
jixmbu | duties; a mission; a task; official duty; function | 任務
jixnbad | cognition | 認識; 認捌
jixnbeeng | see clearly; recognize | 認明
jixthaau-jixbøea | nothing for me in a contract; none of my business (Lit. from the first character to the last) | 字頭字尾
jixthiab | copybook (for calligraphy); writing book | 字帖
jixtoxboee | married for the second time (said of women) | 二度梅
jixzabkuie | How many above twenty? Which day of the last decade of the month? | 二十幾
jixzabsix-haux | twenty four filial piety | 二十四孝
joaqbø | hot hat | 熱帽
joaqhip'hib | hot and humid | 熱翕翕
jubong | like a dream | 如夢
jujip bujiin-cy-kerng | like walking into a no man's land; encounter little resistance (usually said of a victorious army) | 如入無人之境
juu bong zhof serng | as if awakened from dream--come to a sudden realization | 如夢初醒
juxkog-piexnbiin | enrich the state and accommodate the masses | 裕國便民
jvybak | ears and eyes, one's subordinates or spies | 耳目
jwciab | milk | 乳汁
jwhviuboah | powdered incense | 乳香末; 香末
jymbextiaau | cannot endure it | 忍無住
ka'ab | increase the pressure | 加壓
kab iøqar | make up a prescription | 配藥仔
kab | and (used as a conjunction connecting nouns but not adjectives); with | 和; 佮; 合; 跟; 與
kab-iøqar | to combine medical ingredients, buy medical preparation | 配藥仔; 敆藥仔
kab-zørhoea | a mixture; welding together; mix together | 合做夥; 融合
kabafng-hii | black croaker (fish) | 加網魚
kabaxnghii | deep sea fish | 加網魚
kabaxnghuu | deep sea fish | 加網魚
kabeeng | join | 加盟
kabiern | approbation; encourage; coronation; to crown | 嘉勉; 加冕
kabiør | my mother (humble expression) | 家母
kabkabkiøx | grumble; complain; be grumbling | 嘀咕叫; 抱怨
kaboaqzhaix | thick sharp mustard | 厚茉菜; 加茉菜
kabsiaau | be grumbling (vulgar expression) | 嘀咕; 抱怨 (粗話)
kabu | household duties; housework; domestic chores; household affairs | 家務
kabuo | my mother | 家母
kabuu | accuse falsely, slander | 加誣; 誣賴; 中傷
kabuun | house door; family clan; family (viewed in the light of its social standing) | 家門
kabør | my mother | 家母
kae iubun | dispel sadness or melancholy; dispel loneliness | 解憂悶
kae-bøe-khylaai | try in vain to abstain (from a bad habit) | 改無起來; 戒不掉
kae-bøexkøex | cannot change or be changed | 改無了; 改不過
kaebeng | commandments | 誡命
kaebin | boundary surface | 蓋面; 塗面
kaeboah | mustard | 芥末; 山葵末
kaeboarn | expire (of a term) | 屆滿
kaeboat | mustard | 芥末; 山葵末
kaf phøx jiin boong | home in ruins and family members dead or scattered (referring to situations resulting from great disasters) | 家破人亡
kafbaq | ground meat | 絞肉
kafbie | grinding grains; grind rice | 碾米; 絞米
kafbiexnkhu | mask; false front | 假面具
kafciab | pressing; squeeze; press out juice | 絞汁; 榨汁,絞汁
kafciab-ky | juicer, blender | 絞汁機; 果汁機
kafmbad | have (you) been | 感識; 可曾經
kafmboo | large; round; shallow basket for rice | 篚模; 大型竹製盛物用具
kafmbøeq | do (you) want it? | 感要; 是否要
kafmbøo | don't (you) have it? | 豈無; 感無
kafmkhaix-buliong | one's heart is filled with deep emotion | 感慨無量
kafmkhib | weeping | 感泣
kafnban | to slight, to treat coolly | 簡慢
kafnbeeng | laconic; simple; yet terse; short and to the point | 簡明
kafng cinkiab | work is very pressing | 工作緊迫; 工真夾
kafngban | myriads | 講萬; 成千上萬; 無數
kafngbeeng | make (a point) clear by explanation | 講明
kafngbu-kiok | harbor bureau | 港務局
kafngsibhoe | session (usually one of a brief series) for receiving instruction; a seminar | 講習會
kafngsibpafn | short-term course of training or instruction; a seminar | 講習班
kafngsibsor | school for short-term training or instruction | 講習所
kagvaau-byciuo | good food and excellent wine ─ a sumptuous feast | 佳餚美酒
kahbak | desirable | 合目; 看合意
kahbea | aper money used to worship gods | 甲馬
kahkib | first grade; class | 甲級
kahkutbuun | ancient Chinese font; oracle bone or shell writing | 甲骨文
kahsimbaq | the part of meat or beef from above the forelegs to between the shoulder blades | 胛心肉
kaikib | class; rank; gradation; class; a rank; a grade; an order | 階級
kaikib-torzefng | class struggle | 階級鬥爭
kaikib-zocid | hierarchy | 階級組織; 教階組織
kajibhuix | entrance (membership) fee | 加入費
kakib | promote | 加級
kam'afbit | tomato; (in central or northern Taiwan); kam-a-bit (in southern Taiwan); chhau-khi-a (in northern Taiwan) | 甘仔蜜; 柑仔蜜; 蕃茄
kam'afbit-cviux | tomato catchup | 柑仔蜜醬
kam'afciab | orange juice | 柑仔汁
kambasu | canvas | 帆布
kambi | sweet taste; sweetness | 甘味
kambie | sweet and refreshing; delicious; tasty; palatable | 甘美
kambit ee bang | sweet dream | 甘蜜的夢
kambit | sweet | 甘蜜
kamciarciab | sugarcane juice | 甘蔗汁
kamhoeq-buxthvy | make false accusations against others (Lit. spit blood at Heaven) | 含血噴天; 含血噴人
kamsym-bengbok | die without dissatisfaction; die happy | 甘心瞑目
kanboo | treacherous plot | 奸謀
kanciab | indirectness; indirect(ly) | 間接
kangbok | outline; essential points | 綱目
kangbu | public works | 工務
kangbuo | male and female | 公母; 雌雄
kangbøftuix | in pairs (animals) | 雌雄配
kangbør | male and female (of animals) | 公母; 雌雄
kanggiabhoax | industrialization; industrialized; industrialize | 工業化
kanggiabkaix | industrial potential (circles) | 工業界
kanggiabkhw | industrial zone | 工業區
kanggiap-kekbeng | Industrial Revolution | 工業革命
kangsafn-byjiin | throne and the beauty | 江山美人
kaobiør | godmother | 教母
kaoboea | at the end | 到尾; 到最後
kaobu | academic administration; instructional affairs (as distinct from administrations in a school) | 教務
kaobu-tviuo | dean of studies | 教務長
kaobu-zhux | office of curriculum, faculty room | 教務處
kaobu-zwjim | dean of studies (of a primary or secondary school) | 教務主任
kaobuun | the door of Buddhism, a sect of Buddhism | 教文; 教門
kaobuxtviuo | dean of studies (in a college of university) | 教務長
kaobuxzhux | dean's office | 教務處
kaobøea | finally | 到尾; 到最後
kaobør | godmother | 教母
kaohoe-buxntab | church catechism | 教會問答
kaoiok-buxntee | educational problems) | 教育問題
kaoiok-zabcix | Educational Review | 教育雜誌
kaokhøbuun | UNESCO | 教科文
kaoloxboea | in the end, finally | 到路尾; 最後; 後來
kapbi | seasoning | 合味; 調味
kapkab`leq | prepare drugs | 合合咧
kaq-bøexsiøf | cover oneself with something but cannot get warm | 蓋無暖
kar cin nawciab | rack one's brains | 絞盡腦汁
karbu-thenghuun | ride mist and float on clouds (as immortals do) | 駕霧騰雲; 騰雲駕霧
karbuo | yeast | 酵母
karmbok | Prefect Apostolic (Catholic) | 監牧
karmgak bogleeng | prison pastoral work (Catholic) | 監獄牧靈
karmkib | take into consideration, take warning | 監級; 鑒於
karnciab | indirect | 間接
karngkib | degrade; degrade in rank | 降級
kasw tie baxnkym | letter from home is worth ten thousand pieces of gold | 家書抵萬金
kateeng-buxntøee | domestic troubles | 家庭問題
kau-bixnphøee | brazen-faced | 厚面皮; 厚臉皮
kauar bexthao | drain is clogged | 溝仔未解; 水溝無通
kaubin | monkey face | 猴面
kauboea | mate | 交尾; 交配
kauciab | hand over; adjoin each other; hand (take) over business; make contact with each other | 交接; 交際; 接洽
kauthofng-buxntøee | question of communication | 交通問題
kauthongbang | communication network; communication system | 交通網
kauxbixnphee | shameless | 厚面皮
kauxbixnphoee | bold, shameless, impudent | 厚面皮
kauxbixnphøee | bold; shameless; impudent | 厚臉皮
kauxboaqafzhaix | thick mustard vegetable | 厚茉菜
kauxsoasab | always sick; never be easy to please | 多沙圾; 毛病多多
kauzeabuo | social dance | 交際舞
kauzhab | involve; implicated; associate; mix with others | 交插; 交往; 牽涉; 瓜葛; 結交; 打交道
kawbaq | dog meat | 狗肉
kawboea | nine tails (of fish) | 九尾
kawbuo | female dog; a bitch | 母狗; 狗母
kawbøea | nine (fishes) | 九尾
kawbøfef | casserole | 狗母鍋
kawbøfhii | coastal sandy and muddy sea areas fish | 狗母魚
kawbøfhuu | coastal sandy and muddy sea areas fish | 狗母魚
kawbøfoef | | 狗母鍋
kawbøfsøf | coastal sandy and muddy sea areas fish | 狗母鮻
kawbør | female dog; a bitch | 母狗; 狗母
kawoafn zabpeh'oad | very crooked; zigzag | 彎彎曲曲; 九彎十八穵
kax-bøexsien | tireless teachings | 教未倦
kaxngbør-kørpe | having the same mother; but different father | 同母異父; 同母各父
kaxngkib | the same class, same rank | 同級; 仝級; 共級
kaxngpe-kørbuo | having the same father; but different mother | 同父異母
kaxngpe-kørbør | same father but not the same mother | 同父異母
kaxngpexkøhbuo | half-mother | 仝爸各母
kaybang | interpretation of dreams | 解夢; 圓夢
kaybeeng | explain clearly | 解明; 說明
kaybun | dispel sadness or melancholy; dispel loneliness | 解悶
kaysimbun | relieve boredom | 解心悶
kaytab | answer; solve; explain or answer to a certain question; to answer; explain | 解答
kazok-tinthiab | family allowance | 家族津貼
ke cidkib | step or a grade lower | 低一級
ke'afbak | night-blindness | 夜盲症; 雞仔目
ke-hiet'ab | low blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure | 低血壓
ke-nikib | freshman class in a school or college | 低年級
kea-binzuo | bogus democracy | 假民主
keabak | price; quotations | 價目
keabin | mask, false front | 過面
keabirn | allergy | 過敏
keabiør | stepmother | 繼母
keaboo paixlo | scheme has been discovered | 計謀敗露
keaboo | stratagem; scheme; ploy; plan; a scheme; to plot | 計謀; 計課
keabør | stepmother | 後母; 繼母
keafbak | night blindness, corn on the foot | 雞仔目
kebak | corns on the foot. | 雞眼
kebaq | chicken | 雞肉
keboefciuo | cocktail | 雞尾酒
keboefciwhoe | cocktail party | 雞尾酒會
keboefzuy | chicken butt | 雞尾脽
kebofng | chicken legs and the part connected to the body | 雞摸
kebuo | hen | 母雞; 雞母
kebuun | women's apartment; women's court; inner-house | 閨門; 閨中
kebwphoee | goose flesh (skin); goose-pimples | 雞母皮; 雞皮疙瘩
kebwphøee | goose bumps | 雞母皮; 雞皮疙瘩
kebøea | the end part of the street; chichen tail | 街尾; 雞尾
kebøefciuo | cocktails | 雞尾酒
kebøefzuy | the tail of a plucked chicken | 雞屁股; 雞尾椎
kebøfphoee | goose flesh (skin); goose-pimples | 雞母皮; 雞皮疙瘩
kebøfthaang | native silkworm | 雞母蟲
kebør thii | hen crows (a very bad omen); said of a wife ruling her husband; the wife wears the pants in the family | 母雞啼; (很困難)
kebør | hen | 母雞; 雞母
keciab | broth prepared by steaming chicken | 雞汁; 雞精
kefbad | pretend knowing; pretend to understand | 裝懂; 假懂
kefberng | pretend fearless | 假猛
kefbin | mask | 假面
kefbixnkhu | mask; false front | 假面具
kefbøix | pretend not to care | 假無意
kefcybaa | civet | 果子猫
kefngbo | respect and admire | 景慕
kefngbu | police affairs; police affair | 警務
kefngbu-zhuotviuo | Commissioner of Police (Provincial) | 警務處長
kefngbu-zhux | provincial police department | 警務處
kefngbut | view, scenes | 警務; 景物
kefngbuxkiok | Provincial Department of Police Affairs | 警務局
kefngbuxzhux | Provincial Department of Police Affairs | 警務處
kekbeng | revolution; revolutionary (politics) | 革命
kekbeng-ciernzefng | revolutionary war | 革命戰爭
kekbeng-susiorng | revolutionary idea | 革命思想
kekbeng-zernghuo | revolutionary government | 革命政府
kekbexngkaf | revolutionist | 革命家
kekbexngkwn | revolutionary army | 革命軍
kekbexngsexng ee keahek | revolutionary project | 革命性的計劃
kekbexngsexng | revolutionary | 革命性
kekbixnchviw | displaced face | 激面腔
kekborngboxng | has no sense of responsibility for the family | 激蒙蒙; 無家庭責任感
kekbut | study the phenomena of natural science | 格物
keksipsib | pretend not to pay attention to; purposely not pay attention to | 激濕濕; 無理不睬
kengbiø | temple | 經廟; 宮廟
kengbo | economic and trade | 經貿
kengbok | tilling and pasturing | 耕牧
kengbuun | scripture; written prayers; classical text | 經文
kengbuun-huixbuo | map and execute government policies and military affairs | 經文緯武
keqbi | mix flavors | 扴味
kerngbea | compete to buy | 競買
kerngbo | love and respect; admire; to worship; have a high regard for | 敬慕
kerngbøe | compete to sale; sales campaign | 競賣
kethaau-haxngbøea | throughout the city or town | 街頭巷尾
kex zabofkviar | daughter is getting marry | 嫁查某囝
kexkhieab | low atmospheric pressure; atmospheric depression | 低氣壓
kexkib | lowness; low | 低級
khab | to upset; invert with mouth down | 蓋; 匼; 倒置; 翻身伏臥
khabak | ankle | 腳踝; 跤目
khabbextiøh | at every move; on every occasion or pretext.. | 合未到; 動無動就
khabbøextiøh | easily; frequently; apt to happen | 動無動
khabea | toes | 跤尾
khabefcvii | silver paper burned at the foot of dead people as money | 跤尾錢
khabefpng | rice placed at the foot of dead people | 跤尾飯
khabochiwixn | handprints and footprints | 跤模手印
khaboea | front part of the foot (including the toes) | 腳尖; 腳尾
khaboefcvii | silver paper burned at the foot of dead people as money | 跤尾錢
khaboefpng | rice placed at the foot of dead people | 跤尾飯
khaboo | Foot mold | 腳模; 跤模
khaboo-chiwixn | foot-fingerprinting | 腳模手印
khabpaix | to do obeisance | 磕拜; 叩拜
khabphoax | knock out | 磕破
khabthaau | kow-tow; knock the forehead on the ground in reverence or supplication | 磕頭
khabtiøh | bump; knock | 磕著
khabzhuix | close mouth | 磕嘴; 合嘴
khabøea | the foot | 腳尾
khachiwbaq phiqphiqzhoaq | body all trembling with terror | 手腳顫抖; 腳手肉皮皮掣
khaeboo | a model, a pattern | 概模
khaf baa | one's leg is asleep | 腳麻
khafbiau | cunning | 巧妙
khafmthaukhafmbin | o scold someone for doing inappropriate and stupid things due to ignorance or lack of knowledge | 歁頭歁面
khafng-ngrbang | empty hope | 空希望
khahbae | getting ugly; worse | 較醜; 比較差
khahban | slower | 稍慢; 較慢
khahbiern | not so much needed; hardly necessary | 無用; 不到; 較免
khahbøe | less likely to | 較無; 較不容易
khahtoaxbin | more likely | 較大面
khaibeeng | liberal; enlightened; enlightened; enlightenment; open-minded | 開明
khaibengkog | enlightened nation | 開明國
khaibo | opening ceremony; raising of the curtain; raise the curtain | 開幕
khaibo-tiefnlea | inauguration; opening or unveiling ceremony | 開幕典禮
khaiboong | impart rudimentary knowledge to beginners; enlighten | 開蒙; 啟蒙
khaibuun-kiernsafn | talk or write right to the point | 開門見山
khaigiab'y | medical practitioner | 開業醫
khailibhoad | set up a method | 開立法
khailibhofng | extraction of a cubic root | 開立方
khanbang | drag along a large net (many men together) | 張網
khanbarn | last for along time; lasting; durable | 牽挽; 能持久的
khanbea | lead a horse | 牽馬
khanbea`ee | groom for horses | 牽馬的; 馬伕
khanboong | bring up the spirits of the dead; as a medium doe | 牽亡; 拉出鬼魂來說話
khanbut | publication; magazine; periodical | 刊物
khanchyn-bafnzheg | seek special favor or help from somebody by elaborating on one's relationship (usually remote and indirect) with him; to try to cement ties or establish connections with an ulterior motive | 牽親挽戚; 拉關係
khangbang | hopeless; a vain dream | 空望; 空夢
khangbarng | kanban- business sign | 看板; 招牌
khangboaa | waste effort | 空磨
khaobin | crying face | 哭臉
khaobun | to ask, to inquire | 哭問; 扣問
khaope-khaobør | lament loudly for parents death ─ to complain or to scold (a curse word) | 哭爹哭母; 抱怨; 叱罵
khaotab | answer politely | 叩答
khaq-toaxbin | have a higher possibility | 較大面
khaqboong | fog | 下霧
kharbiau | dexterous, ingenious | 巧妙
kharmbat | cover closely; close tightly | 蓋密; 蓋緊
kharmbextiaau | cannot be hidden | 蓋無了
kharmbin | cover the face; don't see danger | 遮面; 無知險惡
kharmthaau-kharmbin | don't see danger; silly; stupid | 蓋頭蓋面; 傻乎乎的; 無知死活; 把頭臉都遮住
kharmthaukharmbin | dumb-headed; ignorant | 崁頭崁面
kharnbong | visit or call on (archaic) | 看望
khatbo | long for (e.g.; an absent friend); to miss very much | 渴念; 渴慕
khatbong | thirst after | 渴望
khatea boah'iuu | slip away | 腳底抹油; 溜走
khawbi | taste | 口味
khawbiau | ingenious; skillful; clever | 巧妙
khawbin | outside of the door | 口面; 外面
khawboat | spittle, saliva | 口沫
khawburn | tone of speech | 口吻
khawsoad-bupiin | Oral agreement cannot serve as evidence. Oral promise is not binding | 口說無憑
khaxng laang ee liab'afphie | put a man to shame by telling his secrets | 揭人瘡疤; 揭人的粒仔痞
khaxng liab'afphie | pick the scab off a boil | 揭瘡疤; 揭粒仔痞
khay zabor | go whoring | 嫖妓; 開查某
khayboo | model; example; pattern or model | 楷模
kheabeeng | allied | 契盟; 締盟
kheabuo | adopted mother | 契母; 義母
kheabør | relationship somewhat like that of godparents When a child is born under bad luck or has the fate of being given as an adopted child; according to fortune-tellers; his parents ask someone to be formally the adoptive parents of the child. Then the kh | 乾媽; 契母
khebøea | end of stream | 溪尾
kheeng zhaebøea | gather up the leavings after a meal | 吃光剩菜; 集菜尾
khef`nih bøo kharmkoax | Good for nothing. Useless lout! (Lit. The river has no cover ─ so it's easy for you to go throw yourself in.) | 溪裡無蓋蓋; (比喻人沒用可跳河死)
khefbeeng | open eyes | 啟明
khefbengchvy | the morning star, venus | 啟明星; 晨星
khefbengzhvef | morning star; Venus | 啟明星; 晨星
khefboong | enlighten; instruct the young; enlightenment | 啟蒙
khefexng-buun | a responsive reading | 啟應文
khefsi-bunhak | apocalyptic | 啟示文學
kheg pexbuo | One's nemesis (fate) brings misfortune to one's parents | 剋父母
khehbak | close eyes | 閉目
khehbiin | close eyes to sleep | 閉眠; 閉目睡著
khekbuo | incompatible with mom | 剋母
khekkud-bengsym | permanently imprint (another's favor) on the mind; remember with gratitude constantly and forever | 刻骨銘心
khengban | treat with disrespect | 輕慢; 輕蔑
khengbiet | slight; scornfulness; misprize; disdain | 輕蔑
khengbii | slight; unimportant; trifling; insignificant | 輕微
khengbo | admire; admiration | 傾慕
khengbuun-tioxngbuo | put the sword above the pen | 輕文重武
khengkuo-boxngtong | heedless (reckless) undertaking; commit a rash act | 輕舉妄動
khenglioxngkib | lightweight (in boxing) | 輕量級
khex bahkud | gnaw on a bone | 啃骨頭; 啃肉骨
khi'ab | oppress; oppression; cheat and oppress | 欺壓
khia koansvoaf khvoax bea siøthad | look on unconcerned | 豎高山看馬相踢; 袖手旁觀
khiaa thihbea | ride a bicycle | 騎腳踏車; 騎鐵馬
khiabea | ride a horse | 騎馬
khiabeflofng | sit astride of; sit on a person | 騎馬瓏; 跨騎
khiaobiau | amazing | 巧妙; 竅妙
khiaubin | curve surface | 曲面
khiawbiau | ingenious; skillful; clever | 巧妙
khiaxbaai | raise eyebrows | 無悅; 豎眉
khiaxbefsex | half squat | 徛馬勢
khiaxbefsix | half squat | 徛馬勢
khib | attract; draw; weep silently | 吸; 泣
khibuo | to insult; to oppress; to bully | 欺侮
khie kebøfphøee | go all goose-fleshy (as from terror) | 起雞毛疙瘩; 起雞母皮
khie kekbeng | bring about a revolution | 起革命
khie'ab | atmospheric pressure | 氣壓
khieab | air pressure | 氣壓
khieaxm-taubeeng | forsake darkness and come to the light ─ renounce a bad cause and join the camp of justice | 棄暗投明
khieberng | utensils | 器皿
khiebi | flavor; odor; smell or taste (good or bad); odor; flavor | 氣味
khiebong | expect or hope with eagerness | 企望; 企望,企盼
khiebut | waref | 器物
khiebuun-ciuxbuo | quit civilian life and join the army | 棄文就武
khiegiabkaf | entrepreneur; organizer | 企業家
khiegiabkaix | enterprise field | 企業界
khiesiong-baxnchiefn | Nature abounds in change. Things change in countless ways | 氣象萬千
khietbo | grand opening | 揭幕
khimbeng | imperial order; imperial emissary | 欽命
khimbo | envy; admire look up to | 欽慕
khimseg-høbeeng | marital harmony; conjugal bliss | 琴瑟和鳴
khinbiern | diligent; hardworking; industrious | 勤勉
khinbu | be employed; work; serve; employment; service; service; a work; work for (as an office or company) | 勤務; 工作; 服務
khinbu-sikafn | business (office) hours; on duty | 勤務時間; 上班時間
khinbuxpefng | orderly | 勤務兵
khinbuxtiofng | business (office) hours; on duty | 勤務中
khinlioxngkib | lightweight (in boxing) | 輕量級
khiofngkhao-bupiin | word of mouth is no evidence or proof (of a transaction); word of mouth cannot be trusted ─ a written document is necessary | 恐口無憑
khioksvoarbie | curvaceous | 曲線美
khioksvoax-bie | curvaceous | 曲線美
khipbagzoar | blotting-paper | 吸墨紙; 吸水紙
khipbak-zoar | blotting paper | 吸墨紙
khipjibkhix | inhaler | 吸入器
khitciah kvoar biøxkofng | A homeless beggar expelled the superior of the Buddhist temple in which he asked for a night's lodging ─ usurp what is asked for a night's lodging ─ usurp what is other's. The camel got his head into the tent | 乞丐趕廟公; 鳩佔鵲巢
khiøhbin | arrange nice goods on the surface | 拾面; 選較佳較大的貨品排於表面
khiøhkviafbuo | midwife | 抾囝母
khiøq bah'iuo'ar | take advantage of occasion | 拾肉幼仔; 趁機會
khngrbat | hidden secret | 藏密
khoaeban | rate of speed | 快慢
khoafnbiern | exhort | 勸勉
khoahbofngborng | vast, broad | 闊莽莽
khoanbiern sernggoan | dispense from a vow (Catholic) | 寬免聖愿
khoanbiern | to exempt (from a tax; penalty; etc.); forgiven; forgive generously; give a dispensation; to exempt (from a tax; penalty) | 寬免
khoanpør-buxntøee | Environmental Protection Issue | 環保問題
khoantai-busw | forgiving; tolerant; open-hearted | 寬大無私
khoaq-bofngborng | loosely | 闊莽莽; 一望無垠
khoaq-bofngtoxngsi | vast; broad | 非常廣大
khoarnbiern | advise and encourage; exhort; to urge; exhort to great effort; to urge | 勸勉
khoarnbo | raise money | 款幕; 勸募; 籌集資金
khoarnseabuun | message of encouragement | 勸世文
khoarnsex-buun | religious tract | 勸世文
khoatai-boxngsiofngkoong | delusions of grandeur | 誇大妄想狂
khoeabuo | foster mother | 契母
khofbexliao | miserable fate during one's whole life | 苦未了; 一生都是苦命
khofbi | bitter taste | 苦味
khofbin | long bitter face | 苦面; 愁臉
khofbun | painful and depressed; sorrows and unhappy; agony; anguish; be in agony (anguish); written with pain | 苦悶
khofbøea | bitter ending | 苦尾
khofbøefzhaix | Chinese lettuce; Ixeris chinensis | 苦尾菜
khofbøkhafng | to feel miserable due to lack of opportunity | 苦無孔
khofbøo | eager to accomplish something or something happens | 苦無
khofhae-bupiefn | boundless sea of hardship ─ boundless hardship (lit.) | 苦海無邊
khofngbengchiaf | bike | 孔明車
khofngbengtefng | sky lantern | 孔明燈
khofsiab | bitter and rough taste that numbs the tongue | 苦澀
khongbuun | Buddhism; the teaching which regards everything as unreal; or immaterial; the school of unreality; Buddhism the doctrine which regards everything as unreal; immaterial | 空門
khongkhao-bupiin | Mere verbal statement has no binding force (said of a promise or pledge) | 空口無憑
khongkhix-bin | a stupid face; dull face | 阿呆面; 悾氣面
khongkwn-bwkvoaf | air attache | 空軍武官
khongsw-boxngsiorng | fantasy; daydream | 空思夢想
khorab | to keep in custody | 扣壓; 扣押
khorngbahpng | soft meat with rice | 炕肉飯
khorngbaq | to stew or simmer the meat; cooked pork; pork stew; cook meat softly (usually pork) | 炕肉; 爌肉 (煮爛之豬肉)
khorngbeng | to resit an order; disobey orders | 抗命
khorngbu | the business of a mine | 礦務
khorngbudcid | mineral matter | 礦物質
khorngbudhak | mineralogy | 礦物學
khorngbudkaix | mineral kingdom | 礦物界
khorngbuq | combo; a tangle | 海帶; 昆布; 源自日語こんぶ(kombu); 日語漢字為「昆布」
khorngbut | a mineral | 礦物
khorngbut-cid | mineral matter | 礦物質
khorngbut-hagciar | mineralogist | 礦物學者
khorngbut-hak | mineralogy | 礦物學
khorngbut-iuu | mineral oil | 礦物油
khornggiabkoaan | mining rights | 礦業權
khortab | to knowtow and to answer | 叩答
khucib | persistent; stubborn | 拘執; 固執
khuibin | remove facial hair and trim sideburn for women getting marry | 開面
khuibo | open; inaugurate (meeting) | 開幕
khuilibhofng | extraction of the cubic root | 開立方
khunbiern | industrious; diligent; hard-working; sedulous | 勤勉
khunbu | service | 勤務
khurnbaxngtiofng | in a dream sleep | 睡夢中
khurnbexkhix | lying down; but unable to sleep | 睡無著; 睡未去
khurnbiin | to go to bed; to go to sleep; sleep | 睡眠; 睡夢
khurnbin | sleepy | 睡面; 睡眼惺忪狀
khurnløqbiin | asleep | 睡落眠; 睡得很沈
khuxn bøkaux biin | want of sleep | 睡無夠眠; 沒睡足
khuxn-bexløqbiin | cannot sleep soundly | 無能入睡; 睡未落眠
khvikhor-liabzeg | to work sedulously in defiance of hardship and to stockpile as much as he (or she) can | 纏苦捏積; 費盡苦心攢錢
khvoarbai | try to take a look at | 看覓; 看看; 試試看
khvoarbai`leq | try; make a trial; to test | 看覓咧; 試試看; 看看
khvoarbexkhie | look down | 看袂起
khvoarboexkhie | look down | 看袂起
khvoarbøe-løh`khix | can't keep looking | 看未落去; 看不下去
khvoarbøexlaai | see but cannot understand | 看無來; 看不懂
khvoarbøextiøh | unable to see it (because something is obstructing the view) | 看無到
khvoarbøo bagte | despise | 看無目地; 看無起
khvoarbøo | unable to see; unseen; look down upon; despise; ignore; disregard; turn a blind eye to; contempt; contemptuous; despise; scorn; scornful; (v) loathe | 看無; 看無到; 看輕
khvoarcviuxbak | think well off; to respect | 看上眼
khvoarlangbøo | look down | 看人無
khvoarthaau-khvoarbøea | give occasional help (like a master in a shop); look after a business for a man in his absence | 看頭看尾; 關照
khvoaru-ciaqbøo kantvaf giexn | dreaming impossible dreams (Lit. You see it; but can't have; you just yearn for it.) | 看有吃無只有癮
khvoax laang bøbagte | look down upon others | 看人無目地; 看無起人家
khvoax laang-thaubin | rely on others and have to watch their every expression | 看人頭面; 依賴他人
khvoax-bøbeeng | did not see clearly | 看無明; 沒看清楚
khvoax-bøexbeeng | cannot see distinctly | 看未明; 看無清楚
khvoax-bøexcviuxbak | cannot set a high value on; look down on | 看無上眼; 看不起
khvoax-bøexhiao | see but not comprehended | 看無懂
khvoax-bøexkhie | to look down upon; to despise | 看無起
khvoax-bøexkhix | I can't look at all of them (The time is so short; there are so many) | 看無了; 看不完; 看未去
khvoax-bøexkoaxn | detest; to disdain | 看無慣
khvoax-bøexzhud | cannot distinguish; cannot look | 看無出; 看袂出; 看不出; 不能辨別
khvoax-bøkhie | look down upon; despise | 看無起
khvoax-bøo | cannot find; look but not see (sometimes has the meaning of not know how to) | 看無; 看無懂; 看不到
khvoax-bøtiøh | did not manage to see it (from my coming too late or my not being near enough; though it really was there) | 看無到; 沒有看到
khvoax-seabin | it seems; it looks as if | 看勢面; 看情形; 察言觀色
khybea | opening price; minimum; at least | 起碼; 起馬; 餞別
khybiaau | to weigh anchor | 起錨
khybirn | toothbrush; tooth-brush | 齒刡; 牙刷
khybu | vigorously; energetically; enthusiastically | 起霧; 下霧; 起勁
khybyn'ar | tooth brush | 齒抿仔
khybøea | at least; at the fewest; at worst | 起碼
khygoxngbin | going crazy | 發神經; 起憨面
khykebøfphoee | goosebumps | 起雞母皮
khymof bae | unhappy | 起毛䆀
khyn-bafngbarng | very light | 輕艋艋; 很輕
khyphuiebin | fall out | 起呸面
khøbak | subject, item, course | 科目
khøbok | subject; course | 科目
khøehbak | close eyes | 閉目; 瞌目
khøfbee | thick rice gruel | 濃粥
khøfbun | interrogate with torture | 拷問
khøfthaubee | rice porridge with little soup | 洘頭糜
khør-bøtiaau | failed in an examination | 沒考上; 考無著
khørbexzu | unreliable | 靠無住
khørbok | topic or subject of study | 課目
khørbuun | text of school book; text | 課文
kiaam køq siab | stingy; sordid | 鹹擱澀
kiaam-tibaq | salty pork meat | 鹹豬肉
kiab | pick up with pincers; chopsticks | 夾; 惡運; 劫
kiab`khix | robbed (something); plundered | 劫走; 劫去
kiabkiabkiøx | keep on chattering; talk by the hour | 喋喋叫
kiabzhuix | talkative | 劫嘴; 多嘴
kiafmbad | Did you ever...? Did you have the experience of ...? | 可曾
kiafmbiern | mitigate; annul (punishment); reduce; remit (taxation.) | 減免
kiafmbøe | Would not be...? | 減無
kiafmbøeq | Do you want...? | 減要
kiafmbøo | Don't you have...? | 豈無
kiambaq | salted meat | 鹹肉
kiambee | salty porridge | 鹹糜
kiambi | salty taste; saltiness | 鹹味
kiambu | to unite duties in one; to take two or more business simultaneously | 兼務
kiamsiab | salty and slightly bitter taste that numbs the tongue; miser | 鹹澀; 吝嗇
kiarbang | hope | 寄望
kiarbogtviuu | A place where timber is stored before transporting to a saw mill | 貯木場; 寄木場
kiarbong | set one's hope on | 寄望
kiarbøe | sale on consignment | 寄售; 託售; 寄賣
kiarm-bøeq | Do you want to...? | 減無
kiarmkiab | knight-errant; a swordsman who champions the cause of the downtrodden; an outlaw champion of the poor and oppressed; one who fights rather than submit to injustice ─ an ideal of chivalry and honor; popular in legend and novels | 劍俠
kiaubiin | people resident at foreign country; alien; emigrants; persons who reside in a country other than their own; alien residents | 僑民
kiaubok | a tall tree; a large tree | 喬木
kiaubu | affairs concerning nationals living abroad | 僑務
kib | anxious; urgent; grade; hasty; hurried; anxious; urgent; uneasy | 岌; 急; 級
kib-serngtøe | quick-tempered, impatient | 急性地
kibang | expect; hope; expectation | 祈望; 期望
kibaq | muscle | 肌肉
kibcix | reach to, come up to | 岌至; 到達
kibi | strange taste; wonderful flavor | 奇味
kibiau | fantastic; wonderful; odd; mysterious; extraordinary; strange | 奇妙
kibiin | inhabitants; resident population | 居民; 飢民
kibirn | sharp; quick-witted; cleverness; perspicacity | 機敏
kibit | secret; confidential; classified | 機密
kibkehciar | successful candidate | 及格者
kibkeq | pass an exam or test; be found qualified for a post; be acceptable | 合格; 及格
kiboadkhør | final examination of a school term; semester exam | 期末考
kiboat-khøfchix | final examination of a school term; semester exam | 期末考試
kiboea | tail section of an airplane | 機尾
kibong | expect; anticipate; anticipation; to hope; look forward to | 祈望; 期望
kiboo | base; foundation; basis | 基模; 基礎
kibsiho | rain comes at the right time; the on time rain; in time rain | 及時雨
kibsii | come at the appropriate time; in time; on time; at the right time; opportune moment | 及時
kibte | pass the examination, be promoted | 及第
kibtøe | in time; punctuality | 及第
kibuun | to hear unique news; to learn strange news | 奇聞
kibzar | early, promptly | 及早; 急性地
kibøea | the end of the term | 期末
kibøea-khøfchix | final examination | 期尾考試
kibøefkhør | final examination | 期末考
kiebeeng | record clearly | 記憶; 記明
kieliam-but | a keepsake, a memento, a token | 記念物
kienbin | strong and firm surface | 堅面; 表面變乾硬
kiernbut | building; structure | 建物
kiernbuun | information; what one sees and hears | 見聞
kierncie-baq | scar | 毽子肉
kierncybaq | meat cut from leg | 健腿肉; 腱子肉
kierngi put'uii bu'iorng ia | see an opportunity for doing right and fail to do it is cowardice | 見義無為無勇也
kiernli-bonggi | actuated by mercenary motives; forget one's integrity under the temptation of personal gains | 見利忘義
kierntiog-but | a building; a structure | 建築物
kierntiogbut | building | 建築物
kierntiokbut | structures; buildings | 建築物
kiesuxbuun | written narration; narrative writing | 記敘文
kiet'afciab | orange juice | 桔仔汁
kietbang | dreaming | 結夢
kietbeeng | to form an alliance; to enter into an alliance; alignment | 結盟
kietboea | conclusion; the end | 結尾; 結束
kietbun | to demand an explanation | 詰問
kietbøea | the conclusion; the end; final part; wind up | 結尾
kietciab | orange juice, orange drink | 桔汁
kiexnbie | (said of a man) healthy and handsome; strong and slim; tall; dark and handsome; (said of a woman) healthy and pretty; having a nice figure; beautiful in an athletic way; healthy and handsome; strong and slim | 健美
kiexnbongzexng | amnesia; forgetfulness | 健忘症
kiexnboong | forgetful; absent-minded; liable to forget | 健忘
kiexnboong-zexng | amnesia | 健忘症
kiexnkhofng-zerngbengsw | bill of health; health certificate | 健康證明書
kii lok bukioong | boundless joy | 其樂無窮
kimbin | smooth surface | 金面; 臉上發光
kimgiok-boafntoong | have one's house filled with riches | 金玉滿堂
kimhabhoafn | sweet acacia | 金合歡
kimhibak | protruding eyes | 金魚眼; 凸目
kinbaq | muscle; flesh | 筋肉; 肌肉
kinpurn buxntøee | fundamental question | 根本問題
kiofngkib | supply | 供給
kiogbin | a situation; a state of affairs; aspect of affairs; situation | 局面
kiogpo bazuix | local anesthesia | 局部麻醉
kiong'ab | to to press forcibly; to crush forcibly; oppress; bear down on | 強壓
kiongbarn | to pull violently | 強挽; 硬挽
kiongberng | fierce and violent | 強猛; 兇猛
kiongbøeq | desire forcibly; almost going to be | 強欲
kiongkexng Serngbør | devotion to Our Lady (Catholic) | 恭敬聖母
kiongkexng putjuu ciongbeng | respectful demeanor does not equal obedience | 恭敬無如從命
kiongkiab | rob with violence | 強搶; 強劫
kiongkib | supply | 供給
kiongto bøeq | doggedly determined on it; so that no entreaties or reasoning will move him | 硬要
kiorngkib | to supply; to equip; to provide | 供給
kioxngbeeng | (in physics) resonance or sympathetic vibration; (to inspire) the same feeling in others; resonance; sympathetic vibration; the same feeling in others | 共鳴
kioxngbengciar | sympathizer | 共鳴者
kioxngboo | conspire; scheme together; to plan together; collaborate; collude; collusion | 共謀
kioxngtoong sengbeeng | joint statement; joint communique | 共同聲明
kipboong | in a great hurry, in haste | 急朦; 急忙
kipbu | pressing and urgent business | 急務
kipkib | hastily, urgently | 急急
kirmbeng | prohibition | 禁命; 禁令
kirmcie hoarnbøe | prohibition of sales | 禁止販賣
kitøfbuun | a written prayer | 祈禱文
kitør-buun | written prayer | 祈禱文
kiubee | baseball or soccer fans | 球迷
kiubeeng-kiuli | seek fame and fortune | 求名求利
kiubien-kyhøhak | spherical geometry | 球面幾何學
kiubiern | to seek to avoid to do something; ask for remit (punishment) | 求免; 懇求赦免
kiubin | spherical surface | 球面
kiuo'oan-budzw | relief goods (funds) | 救援物資; (資金)
kiuobiin | to save the people | 救民
kiuokib | to give help in emergency; to apply first aid; give help in emergency; apply first | 救急
kiuu khoanbiern | ask for a dispensation (Catholic) | 求寬免
kiwbuun | (literally) I have heard of your name for a long time | 久聞
kiwgiorng taixbeeng | I have long heard of your name | 久仰大名
kiwpad bøieen-khieiuu | number ninety-eight non-lead gasoline | 九八無鉛汽油
kix-bøextiaau | unable to memorize | 記無住
kix-bøo zhengzhør | have no clear recollection; did not remember clearly | 記無清楚
kixbea | road impediments | 拒馬; (封路的木架)
kixbupax | jumbo jet; 747 | 巨無霸
kixm-bøextiaau | cannot bear it; cannot help; involuntary | 禁無住; 忍不住
kixnbiø-khisiin | familiarity breeds contempt (Lit. One being near the temple is apt to insult the gods.) | 近廟欺神
kixnbiøxkhisiin | showing a dismissive and indifferent attitude towards those around you | 近廟欺神
kixnbuun | the things heard recently | 近聞
kizeeng-khøfbirn | deserving sympathetic understanding or compassion (said of one's conduct; actions) | 其情可憫
kiøbin | bridge platform | 橋面
kiørbie | order rice to be sent to the house | 叫米
kiørbøe | to peddle goods in the streets by chanting; to hawk | 叫賣
kiøx thvy thvy bøexixn | call on heaven but get no answer | 叫天天無應
kiøx-bøexixn | call but get no response | 叫無應
kngbeeng | brightness; bright | 光明
kngbin | smooth surface | 光面
kngbin`ee | flat; smooth surface | 光面的
koaan-hiet'ab | high blood pressure, systolic blood pressure | 高血壓
koabee | lover of song; fan of a singer | 歌迷
koabuo | singing and dancing; song and dance | 歌舞
koabwkiok | musical; operetta | 歌舞劇
koabwthoaan | song and dance ensemble | 歌舞團
koaebut | monster; monstrosity; an eccentric person; monster; apparition | 怪物
koafn thienbuun | practice astrology or astronomy | 觀天文
koahbaq | to cut the meat | 割肉
koahtiuafbea | get something for nothing | 割稻仔尾
koahtiuafboea | sit back and enjoy the results | 割稻仔尾
koaixbiu | contrary, perverse | 荒謬
koanbiern | elegant; officially; royal crown; official hat; elegant and stately | 冠冕
koanbo | to collect contribution | 捐幕; 捐募
koanbok | coffin | 棺木; (棺材)
koanbong ee thaixto | waiting attitude | 觀望的態度
koanbong | wait-and-see attitude; to wait and see; hesitate | 觀望
koanboo | intrigue; tactics; schemes | 權謀
koanbuu | crested bunting (bird) | 鳳頭鹀; 冠鵐
koanhe-taixbengsuu | relative pronoun | 關係代名詞
koankib | high in rank (grade; quality) | 高級
koaq beqar | reap wheat | 割麥子
koaq bongtngg | perform (undergo) an operation for appendicitis | 割盲腸
koarbang | wait and see | 觀望
koarmiaa ee angbor | husband and wife only in name | 掛名的夫妻
koarnboarn | to pour water to the rim | 灌滿
koarnbok | shrubs | 灌木
koasiab | rough and bitter | 粗澀
koatbok | to marvel at someone's progress of improvement | 刮目
koax bagkviax | wear glasses (ring; wrist watch) | 掛眼鏡; 戴眼鏡
koax bagkviax`ee | bespectacled | 掛眼鏡的; 帶目鏡的
koax befvoaf | wear a saddle | 掛馬鞍
koax viuthaau bøe kawbaq | sell dog meat while hanging sheep's head outside the shop as advertisement ─ to cheat | 掛羊頭賣狗肉
koaxnbiin | populace of a county | 縣民
koaybøe | abduct or kidnap and sell; engage in white-slavery | 拐賣
kobok | a dry wood | 枯木
koboong | the area between the heart and diaphragm; describe incurable situation | 膏肓
kobuo | sisters of one's father | 姑母
kociorng-lanbeeng | one palm cannot clap and make a sound ─ cannot do without assistance; both parties share equally the blame for the quarrel | 孤掌難鳴
koeabak | look over list so as to check or approve | 過目
koeaberng | brave; fierce; ferocious; esp. appearance | 過猛
koeabin | out of danger | 過面
koeabirn | too keen; nervous; over-sensitive; allergic | 過敏
koeabynzexng | hypersensitivity; allergy | 過敏症
koeafbak | night blindness like chicken eyes | 雞仔目
koebaq | chicken meat | 雞肉
koebeeng | cotton caterpillar | 瓜螟
koebefzuy | chicken butt | 雞尾脽
koebofng | chicken legs and the part connected to the body | 雞摸
koebøfphee | goosebumps | 雞母皮
koebøfthaang | scarab beetle | 雞母蟲
koebør | hen | 雞母
koefcybaa | large rodent that eats fruit | 水果貓
koefcyciab | fruit juice | 果子汁
kofbiø | ancient temple | 古廟; 古潮
kofbok | ancient wood | 古木
kofbong | ancient grave (tomb) | 古墓
kofbudsiofng | antiquities dealer | 古物商
kofbunhak | classical literature | 古文學
kofbunsw | ancient documents | 古文書
kofbunthea | archaic style | 古文體
kofbuo | to rouse; to stir up; to excite; to dance for joy; to rejoice; encourage; inspire; cheer up | 鼓舞
kofbut | antiques; ancient remains; things that are ancient; antiques; curios; relics | 古物
kofbut-siofng | the business-man deals with antiques | 古物商; 舊貨商; 收破銅爛鐵
kofbuun | ancient written language; an old Chinese literary style; ancient writings; classics | 古文
kofng seeng beeng ciu | achieve success and acquire fame; be successful and famous | 功成名就
kofngbeeng | to make (a point) clear by explanation; make (a point) clear by explanation; explain a matter clearly | 講明
kofngbøtvia | discuss but cannot agree | 沒說好
kofngpøx-cietbok | radio program; a broadcast; television program; a telecast | 廣播節目
kofngtai-bupiefn | vast and boundless (e.g.; the mercy of God) | 廣大無邊
kofsengbudhak | paleontology | 古生物學
kofsengbut | extinct plants and animals | 古生物
kog phøx kaf boong | country defeated and home lost | 國破家亡
kok'hongbien | each aspect; every viewpoint; every angle | 各方面
kok'hongbin | each aspect; every viewpoint; every angle | 各方面
kokbiin kengzex | national economy | 國民經濟
kokbiin pengkyn-softeg | per capita income | 國民平均所得
kokbiin seng'oah | national life | 國民生活
kokbiin sinhuxnzexng | citizen's identification card; ID card | 國民身份證
kokbiin softeg | national income | 國民所得
kokbiin susiorng | national sentiment | 國民思想
kokbiin taixhoe-taixpiao | member of the National Assembly; National Assemblyman | 國民大會代表; 國代
kokbiin tauphiøx | plebiscite; referendum | 國民自決; 國民投票
kokbiin tøxteg | national morals | 國民道德
kokbiin uxntong | popular (national) movement | 國民運動
kokbiin zengsiin | national spirit | 國民精神
kokbiin zuxkoad | plebiscite; referendum | 國民自決; 國民投票
kokbiin | a citizen; the people; citizens of a country; nation; national | 國民
kokbiin-goaxkaw | people-to-people diplomacy | 國民外交
kokbiin-haghau | national primary | 國民學校
kokbiin-kaoiok | national education; compulsory education | 國民教育
kokbiin-nikym | National Pension Program | 國民年金
kokbiin-siøfhak | primary school | 國民小學
kokbiin-taixhoe | national assembly | 國民大會
kokbiin-tionghak | junior middle school (from the seventh to ninth grade) under the nine-year free education system introduced in Taiwan in 1968 | 國民中學; 國中
kokbinkoaan | people's rights | 國民權
kokbinpefng | militia; a militiaman; citizen soldier | 國民兵
kokbu | business of the nation; national business | 國務
kokbu-khefng | Secretary of State | 國務卿
kokbu-vi | the Department of State (of the U. S. Federal Government); the cabinet (of the early Chinese republican government) | 國務院
kokbunhe | Department of Chinese | 國文系
kokbuun | the written national language; national literature (language) | 國文
kokbuxkhefng | Secretary of State (of the U.S. Federal Government) | 國務卿
kokkaf kibit | state secrets | 國家機密
kokkib | various levels, every level | 各級
kokthaix bin'afn | country is prosperous and people live in peace | 國泰民安
kokthaix-bin'afn | the country is prosperous and at peace; and the people live in happiness | 國泰民安
kokzex boxek | international trade | 國際貿易
kokzex lienbeeng | League of Nations | 國際聯盟
kongbeeng ee tøxlo | the illuminative way | 光明的道路
kongbeeng zerngtai | pure-minded and upright; fair and square; openly | 光明正大
kongbeeng | honest; just and upright; promising; great exploit (achievement) | 光明; 功名
kongbeeng-zerngtai | honest; just and upright | 光明正大
kongbiin tauphiøx | plebiscite | 公民投票
kongbiin | citizens; civics | 公民
kongbiin-tauphiøx | all the citizens decide by voting | 公民投票
kongbinkhøf | civics | 公民科
kongbinkoaan | civil rights ─ including election; recall; referendum and initiative | 公民權
kongbo | public cemetery | 公墓
kongbok | a detailed outline | 綱目
kongbong | cemetery; tomb or graveyard of kings or nobility; public cemetery | 公墓
kongboong baxntng | shining in all directions; radiance; radiant | 光芒萬丈
kongboong | shining; radiance; brilliant rays; radiance; ray or flash of light | 光芒
kongbor | an area on 100 meters square | 公畝
kongbu | official matters; business; duties etc. | 公務
kongbu-jin'oaan | government employees | 公務人員
kongbunsw | official dispatch | 公文書
kongbut | public; government property | 公物
kongbuun | anus | 肛門; 公文
kongbuxjin'oaan | civil servants | 公務人員
kongbuxoaan | government employees; office-bearer; functionary; civil servant | 公務員
kongbøe | public sale | 公賣
kongbøexkiok | monopoly bureau | 公賣局
konghunbør | common denominator | 公分母
kongsw hab'eeng | state and private joint ownership | 公私合營
kongtiabphvix | CD-ROMs | 光碟片
koo bøextiaau | paste does not stick | 糊無住; 貼不住
korbea | buy | 購買
korboea | buy | 購買
korbun | an adviser; a consultant; a counsellor; advisor (as of a company) | 顧問
korbun-thoaan | advisory group | 顧問團
korbut-tiongsym | shopping center for second-hand goods | 購物中心
korbøea | buy; purchase | 購買
korbøeflek | purchasing power | 購買力
korcib | obstinate; obstinacy; remain attached to an opinion; insist; stubborn | 固執
koriuo-bengsuu | proper noun | 固有名詞; 專有名詞
koriuo-bunhoax | traditional culture (of a nation) | 固有文化
korkib | consider even,, take into consideration also | 顧及
korng bøexlaai | can not express it properly; can not speak so as to accomplish the purpose | 講無來
korng bøexliao | can not be fully told (since it is so great or long); can not enumerate all of them | 講無完
korng bøexsoaq | talk without the least intermission; keep on chattering | 講無停
korng bøexthofng | can't get through with my meaning; he is impenetrable: he won't listen | 講無通
korng bøloxlaai | cannot express it properly | 講無來
korng nar bycyn | say in vain; say for nothing | 比喻說了也沒用
korng-bøexlierntngr | speaking not very fluently; unable to speak distinctly; speak with a lisp | 講話無明; 口齒不清
kox bixnphøee | take care of one's reputation; have a sense of honor | 顧面子
kox bixnzuo | have a sense of honor | 顧面子
kox zeeng bøo kox au | Take care of what is in front of you but not what is behind you. ─ Not to consider consequences | 顧前無顧後
kox zhuix bøo kox syn | care only about food; careless about one's dress (appearance) | 只顧吃的; 無顧穿的
kubiin | resident | 居民
kudbong | dig a grave | 掘墓
kuibin | whole; entire or full face | 滿臉
kuiboo | scale; scope; scale; plan; structure | 規模
kuibuun | women's apartment; women's court; inner-house | 閨門; 閨中
kuibøea | finally; in the end; in the final analysis | 歸尾; 規尾; 最終; 最後
kuilabhoad | inductive method; induction | 歸納法
kuizhengban | thousands | 規千萬
kunbaq | boil pork very soft | 燉肉
kunbeng | sovereign fate; sovereign destiny; sovereign command | 君命
kunbiin | the armed forces and the civilian population; military-civilian; military and civil | 軍民
kunbu | administrative matters of the armed forces; military affairs | 軍務
kunbø | a military cap or hat | 軍帽
kunsu korbuxnthoaan | military advisory group | 軍事顧問團
kunsu piebit | military secrets | 軍事秘密
kunthaubuo | fist | 拳頭拇
kunthaubør | the fist | 拳頭母
kuntiofng hogbu | service in the armed forces; troop-cheering activities | 軍中服務
kunzuo hiabteng | gentlemen's agreement | 君子協定
kutbaq | bone and muscle; blood relations | 骨肉
kutbong | grave-digging | 掘墓
kuxbiern | croaker fish | 黃花魚; 巨鮸
kuxbuo | maternal aunt (mother's brother's wife) | 舅母
kuxbuun | an old story | 舊文
kuxnbiøxkhisiin | showing a dismissive and indifferent attitude towards those around you | 近廟欺神
kuxnii-bøea | the whole year end | 整年尾
kuy bin | a whole side | 規面
kuyban | how many 10 thousands | 幾萬
kuybi | how many favors | 幾味
kuybin | how many sides | 幾面
kuyboo | a truck; an artful device or trap | 詭謀
kuybøea | how many (fishes) | 幾尾
kvafbaan | artful and naughty; the number that a gambler consistently chooses when he gambles | 刁頑; 賭博時常壓同一組號碼
kvafbad | as if it has ever happened | 敢識; 敢捌; 像是
kvar bøo | I think there is none | 敢無; 大概沒有
kvarbuo | yeast | 酵母
kvarbuo-khurn | yeast fungus (Saccharomycetes) | 酵母菌
kvarbøfkhurn | yeast fungus | 酵母菌
kvarbør | yeast; leaven | 酵母
kviaa-bøexkhuy khaf | regret to leave (with lingering affection or anxiety) | 依依無捨
kviaa-bølo | walk but not find a road; have nowhere to go | 無處去; 迷路
kviaauxbefmngg | back door; under table | 行後尾門
kviaauxboefmngg | back door; under table | 行後尾門
kviabor | henpecked | 懼內; 怕太太
kviaf bor | henpecked | 驚某
kviarbin | surface of a mirror or a lens | 鏡面
kviebin | to meet; come face to face; to visit; see another | 見面
kviuboah | powdered ginger | 薑末; 薑粉
kviubuo | ginger root | 薑母
kviubøfaq | duck meat cooked with ginger | 薑母鴨
kviubøftee | tea made from dried ginger | 薑母茶
kviubør | hard dry ginger root (used for medicine) | 老薑
kviuciab | ginger juice; ginger syrup | 薑汁
kvoabaang | Themeda triandra; a coarse grass (used for making brushes; brooms; etc.); stalks of the reed used for brooms | 菅芒; 蘆草花
kvoabeng | Chinese miscanthus | 官芒
kvoabiin | officer and people | 官民
kvoafbarng | chase away mosquito | 趕蚊
kvoafbun | ill-informed, not well-informed | 寡問
kvoafbuun | ill-informed | 寡聞
kvoafkib | in a hurry | 趕急
kvoakib | rank or grad of a government official | 官級
kvoar barng | to expel the mosquitos | 趕蚊子
kvoaxsib | wet with perspiration | 汗濕
kvoay bøtaq | laid to; but still ajar (as folding-doors not quite shut; not ready to be bolted) | 沒關緊
kybok-buchyn | There is not a single friend around | 舉目無親
kyle soatbeeng | cite an example by way of explanation | 舉例說明
kyliaxmbut | gifts given commemorating any function; souvenir memento; keep-sake | 紀念物
kymloong-biauxkex | clever scheme yet to be revealed | 錦囊妙計
kynban | sooner or later; quick and slow; sooner or later | 緊慢; 遲早; 快慢; 早晚
kynbat | rigidly precise; rigorous; compact and orderly | 緊密
kynkib | urgent, emergency | 緊急
kynkib-bexngleng | urgent order | 緊急命令
kynkib-buxntøee | burning issue; urgent question | 緊急問題
kynkib-toxnggi | urgent motion | 緊急動議
kynkib-zhorsy | emergency measure | 緊急措施
kynzoaqban | merely a matter of time; sooner or later | 緊差晚 [*]
kysex bunbeeng | be known to the whole world; world-famous | 舉世聞名
kysex busiafng | unique; peerless; without a match in the world | 舉世無雙
køab | high-handed; high voltage | 高壓
køab-chiwtvoa | high-handed measure; tyrannical measure | 高壓手段
køab-zerngzheg | high-handed policy | 高壓政策
køban | arrogant | 高慢
købeeng | wise; brilliant; lofty and intelligent ─ said to one whose attainments are high; of excellent quality | 高明
købiau | wonderful; amazing | 高妙
købuo | sing and dance | 歌舞
købø | top hat | 高帽
køe'ar-bak | clavus; corns on the foot | 雞仔眼
køeabak | glanced | 過目
køeabiin | overnight | 過眠
køeabirn | allergy, anaphylaxis | 過敏
køeaboaa | already grounded | 磨過; 過磨
køeabun | to make inquiry about; to ask about; to interfere with; to care; to show concern | 過問
køeakiab | robbery | 過劫
køebak | callus | 雞眼
køebaq | chicken | 雞肉
køebiin | people of shopping district | 街民; 城裡人
køebin | downtown street | 街面; 街上
køebuo | hen | 母雞; 雞母
køebøea | the end part of the street | 街尾
køebøefciuo | cocktail | 雞尾酒
køebør | hen | 雞母; 母雞
køefbeeng | explain clearly | 解明; 說明
køefciab | juice; syrup | 果汁
køefcie-ciab | fruit juice | 果子汁; 果汁
køefcybaa | Masked Palm Civet | 果子貍
køf-hiet'ab | high blood pressure, hypertension | 高血壓
køfciab | fruit juice | 果汁
køfciab-ky | fruit blender, fruit juicer | 果汁機
køhbøeq | need more | 又要
køhiet'ab | high blood pressure; hypertension | 高血壓
køhoeh'ab | high blood pressure | 高血壓
køhuih'ab | high blood pressure | 高血壓
køkhie'ab | high atmospheric pressure | 高氣壓
køkib | high-class; advanced; high-ranking; deluxe; high-class | 高級
køkib-chixtviuu | high class market | 高級市場
køkib-tionghak | senior high school | 高級中學; 高中
køkib-zhamboo | senior staff officer | 高級參謀
køq bøo kuyjit | not many days from now | 擱無幾日; 過無幾日
kørbirn | hyper-sensitive, to sensitive | 高敏; 過敏
kørbit | give secret information against someone; inform against somebody. | 告密
kørbynsexng | allergy | 過敏性
kørjiin-beng'u | personal reputation | 個人名譽
kørkib | make an emergency request for help | 告急
køterng-toxngbut | higher animals | 高等動物
laau bagsae | weep; shed tears | 流淚
laau bixnphøee | guard someone's good name; protect the reputation of someone | 給面子
laau-bagsae | weep | 流目淚; 流目屎; 流淚
laau-bøextiaau | unable to detain; unable to make someone to stay | 留無住
lab | steps; trample; operate by means of a treadle; cave in; mix up or shuffle (cards) | 插; 塌; 洗牌; 凹; 踩,踏
lab`laang | to design to kill | 凹人; 陷害人
lab`løh | slump | 塌落; 陷落
lab`løqkhix | depressed | 凹落去
lab`løqlaai | become flattened; dented; or depressed; sink down | 塌下來
lab`phoax | crush under foot | 踏破
lab`sie | step on to death | 踏死
lab`tør | being crushed down | 踏倒
labaq | clam | 蜊肉
labbun | to be in low spirit | 納悶
labchiab | take a concubine | 納妾
labcvii | make payments | 繳錢
labcvioq | make payments | 納錢喔
labguun | pay taxes | 繳錢; 繳稅
labhioxng | pay customs due | 納餉; 付關稅
labhog | to induce good luck | 納福
labhuix | pay the bill | 納費
labjip | to bring into | 納入
labkhox | pay into the government treasury | 納庫
labkhvoar | to surrender in all sincerity | 納款
labkoafn | pay tax | 納捐
labkoex | paid | 納過
labkoxng | to offer tributes as a vassal state | 納貢; 進貢
labkym | pay gold | 納金
lablai | include | 納內
labliaang | cool oneself on a hot day | 納涼
lablip | include | 納入
labniuu | make tax payments in kind; usu. in rice; pay taxes in grain | 納糧
labsex | pay tax | 納稅
labsiaux | included in accounting | 納數
labsoex | pay taxes | 納稅
labsøeajiin | taxpayer | 納稅人
labsøex | pay taxes | 納稅
labthaux | complete the lend-borrow cycle in a hoe-a | 繳完
labuleta | a love letter | 情書
labzhefng | pay the whole amount | 納清
labzof | to pay rent | 納租; 付租
lafmbea | weak horse; horse without spirit; raw-boned trotter horse | 弱馬
lafmboea | engage to make up the deficiency (in a subscription); take over; pay for the tail end expenses of a job | 攬後; 處理善後
lafmbøea | ending; wind up | 收尾; 攬買; 善後; 全包; 收拾殘局; 結尾
lafmlafm'afbea | weak horse; loser | 荏荏仔馬
lafmlafmbea | weak horse; loser | 荏荏馬
lafsab | rubbish, garbage | 垃圾
lafsab-chiaf | a dirt-wagon, a dust cart | 垃圾車
lafsab-sviw | a dustbin, a garbage can, a garbage container | 垃圾箱
lafsab-tuy | a dirtheap, a garbage heap | 垃圾堆
lagbøea | six (fishes) | 六尾
lahsab | garbage; trash; waste; dirty; dirty; unclean | 垃圾; 污穢; 骯髒
lahsab`ee | filthy | 污穢的
lahsaplahsab | dirty | 垃圾垃圾
laibe | arrived yet? | 來袂
laikhix-hunbeeng | no secret about his movements; everything clear and above board | 來去分明; 光明磊落
laixbin | inside; within; on the inside; within; inside; the interior | 裡面; 內面; 裏面
laixbin-svaf | undergarment | 來面衫; 內衣
laixbixn'laq | inside | 內面啦
laixbo | behind the scenes; the inside | 內幕
laixbu | home affairs; internal affairs | 內務
laixtefbin | deep inside | 內底面
lakbin | lose face | 落面; 失面子
lambaan | southern barbarian | 南蠻
lambiern | difficult to avoid | 難免
lambin | south side | 南面; 南方(面)
lambuu-ømytøhut | Namo--Blessed be | 南無阿彌陀佛
lanbiern | inevitable; can hardly avoid; cannot be helped; unavoidable; inescapable | 難免
lanbong | unforgettable | 難忘
lanboong | difficult to forget; unforgettable; indelible; memorable | 難忘
langbaq | human flesh | 人肉
langbea | person and the horse he rides A crowd of people and horses; traffic (consisting of people and horses) Troops (consisting of soldiers and horses) | 人馬
langbi | humanit | 人味
langbin cinkhoaq | have a wide circle of acquaintances | 人面廣; 交往廣闊
langbin sek | have a large circle of acquaintances; have social connections | 人面廣
langbin | the human face; popular | 人面
langbin-siuosym | having the face of a man but the heart of a beast; gentle in appearance but cruel at heart ─ wolf in sheep's skin; an iron claw in a velvet glove | 人面獸心
langbixnkhoaq | popular;wide-minded | 人面闊
lansafn-boea | mantissa | 零星尾; 零數; 尾數
lansafn-bøe | retail | 零售買
lansafn-bøea | small purchase | 零星買
lansanbaq | excrescences on body (as extra finger or thumb) | 零星肉; 贅肉
lansanbøe | retail sales | 零售買
laoboo | make every move only after mature deliberation | 老謀
laosae-bea | poor; scum of a community; degenerate | 落屎馬; 罵人差勁的話
laosaybea | clumsy person | 落屎馬; 差勁
laplab | concave, sink down | 凹凹
laqbaq | smoked meat; cured meat | 臘肉
laqbi | sausages; preserved meat | 臘味
laqbut | prey | 獵物
larngsii bøo larngjit | coming very frequently | 閬日無閬日; 不間斷
lau-zabor | old woman | 老查某
laubagsae | to shed tears | 流目淚
laubefterng | upstairs | 樓尾頂
lauboea | top floor | 樓尾
lauboefkefng | top floor rooms | 樓尾間
lauboefterng | upstairs | 樓尾頂
laubøefterng | upstairs | 樓尾頂
lautefngboea | top floor | 樓頂尾
lauxangbor | old couple | 老翁某
lauxbaa | old wild cat | 老貍
lauxbang ee hii | fish that has escaped the net ─ said of criminal who has escaped punishment | 漏網之魚
lauxbang | escape the net ─ evade punishment | 漏網
lauxbuo | one's old mother | 老母; 母親
lauxbør | mother | 母親; 老母
lauxhoea'afbak | long sighted- old people vision | 老歲仔目
lauxkebuo | old lady; old chicken mother | 老雞母
lauxkebør | old lady; old chicken mother | 老雞母
lauxkoebuo | old lady; old chicken mother | 老雞母
lauxlaang bak | old man's eye sight; eyes of the old; presbyopia | 老人眼; 老花眼
lauxlaang-bagkviax | convex glasses for one suffering presbyopia | 老人眼鏡
lauxlaang-bak | farsightedness | 老人眼
lauxlangbak | old people | 老人目
lauxsiab | leak (information or secret) | 洩漏; 洩露
lauzhuoboefterng | top floor | 樓厝尾頂
laxnbiin siu'iongsor | haven or shelter for refugees; refugee camp; center | 難民收容所
laxnbiin | refugee | 難民
laxnbiin-siu'iongsor | a shelter for refugees; a refugee camp | 難民收容所
lebaq | snail flesh; flesh of a spiral shell fish | 螺肉
lebeeng | twilight; dawning; dawn; dawn; daybreak; early dawn | 黎明
lebiin | common people | 黎民; 百姓
leborng | lemon | 檸檬; 源自日語レモン(remon)
lefab'ar | gift box | 禮盒仔
lefbut | a gift; a present; present; offering | 禮物
lefbuun | written liturgy or ritual | 禮文; 書面禱告文
lefbø | a ceremonial hat or cap; tall silk hat; top hat; ceremonial hat; cap | 禮帽
lefngbeng | to receive orders | 領命
lefngbin | displeased; a poker face | 冷面
lefngbok | indifferent | 冷漠
lefngbuun | not in popular demand; not in vogue | 冷門
lefnghied toxngbut | cold blooded animal | 冷血動物
lefngsib | cold and wet | 冷濕
lefngsiern zerngbengsw | certificate of Baptism (Catholic) | 領洗證明書
lefthiab | invitation (card) | 禮帖; 請帖
legbea | rein in a horse | 勒馬
legbeeng | anonymous | 匿名
legbie | green rice | 綠米
legbyhoax | green beautification | 綠美化
legbø | literally; green hat ─ sign of a cuckold; a wronged husband | 綠帽
lengbirn | clever; skillful; active; ingenious; clever; skilful; active; nimble | 靈敏
lengbiø | mausoleum temple | 陵廟; 靈廟
lengbo | emperor's mausoleum | 陵墓
lengboee | spiritualistic medium | 靈煤
lengbok | Suzuki | 鈴木
lengboong | lemon | 檸檬
lengborng | lemon | 檸檬
lengborng-ciab | lemon juice | 檸檬汁
lengborng-sngf | citric acid | 檸檬酸
lengborng-zuie | lemonade | 檸檬水
lengbuo | a wet nurse | 乳母; 奶母; 奶媽
lengbuo-chiaf | baby-carriage | 乳母車; 奶母車; 嬰兒車
lengbuo-lat | with whole strength | 乳母力; 全力
lengbuun lengbuo | can compose and perform military exercises; gifted in both intellectual and martial arts; efficient in both brainy and brawny activities | 能文能武
lengbwchiaf | stroller | 奶母車
lengbynto | sensitivity | 靈敏度
lengbøfchiaf | baby carriage; baby buggy | 嬰兒車
lengbør | wet nurse | 奶母; 奶媽
lengbør-chiaf | baby-carriage | 奶母車; 嬰兒車
lengciab | (human) milk | 乳汁
lenghong thiab | betrothal cards; wedding invitation cards | 龍鳳帖
lenghuun putbiet lun | theory of the immortality of the soul | 靈魂無滅論
lenghuun putbiet | immortality of the soul; the soul is immortal | 靈魂無滅
lengkøf siexnbuo | skilled in both singing and dancing (usually said of a woman) | 能歌善舞
lexbie | beauty | 麗美
lexngbeeng | good reputation | 令名
lexnggoa cidhongbin | there is another side to it; on the other hand | 另外一方面
li bøe khuy | not getting away from; unable to separate from | 離無開
liaam bøextiaau | fail to stick or adhere | 黏無住
liab | refrain from; afraid; faint hearted; dread | 拉; 捏; 聶; 囁; 攝; 懾; 怕
liab'aflaang | pus from a boil | 粒仔膿
liab'afphie | scab on a boil | 粒仔痂
liab'afthaau | a boil | 粒仔頭
liab'ar hoaxntong | boil recurring after apparently healed | 粒仔發炎; 瘡疔發炎
liab'ar | swelling; boil | 粒仔; 腫物; 疔
liab'ar-phie | scab | 粒仔痂
liab'id | best | 廿一
liab`tiøh | to fear; dread; be afraid | 懼怕
liabciap | nimble; shrewd | 獵捷; 敏捷
liabgoat | December | 臘月
liabho | hunter | 獵戶; 獵人
liabkhiap | miserly (person) | 吝嗇
liabkhiern | hunting dog; hound | 獵犬
liabliap | rice not fully cooked | 粒粒; 米飯水分無夠
liabliap`leq | pinch | 捏捏咧
liabmixang'ar | make characters with flour | 捏麵尪仔
liabpøx | present a false petition or report; fabricate a report or charge | 捏報
liabtiøh | pinch | 捏著
liabzeg | (v) save or deposit money; (n) one's savings; accumulate small things little by little; lay out | 粒積; 積蓄; 儲蓄; 累積; 聚積
liabzhuo | try to get; hunt for | 獵取
liabzuo | particle; particulate | 粒子
liabzø iaugieen | fabricate and spread rumors; invent slanders; forge and spread false rumors | 捏造謠言
liabzø | to fabricate (evidence); to trump up (charges) | 捏造
liabzøx | mold .. as | 捏做
liafmbien | outward show of honor | 臉面; 體面
liafmbin | prestige, respectability | 斂面; 臉面; 面子
liah khvoarbai | measure by spans | 量一量; 測一測
liah satbør siøka | catch lice and make them to fight in order to pass the time; nothing to do | 捉蝨子相咬; 閒著無聊; 無所事事。
liahphoarbin | break out and furious | 裂破面
liambeeng | incorruptible and intelligent (of officials); clean handed and clear headed | 廉明
liangbø | straw hat; summer hat | 涼帽
liapbin | to tattoo the face | 涅面
liapboaan | Nirvana | 涅槃
liapliab | wrinkled; dry and cracked; (of person) thin; skinny; emaciated; shrunken; fallen in; shrink back; cower | 退縮; 乾癟; 皺皺的
liaqbeh | check the pulse | 掠脈
liaqbøo | caught nothing | 掠無
liau bøexzhud | incalculable; beyond any guess or estimate | 料無出; 料不到
liau-bøtiøh | guessed incorrectly | 沒猜著
liau-bøzurn | guessed incorrectly | 沒料準; 沒有猜對
liaubang | look down from a higher place | 瞭望
liaubaq | meat from a carcass | 獠肉; 肚皮肉
liaubin | fierce appearance; terrifying looks | 獠面
liaubong | look down from a higher place | 瞭望
liauboxngsvoaf | lookout mountain | 瞭望山
liauboxngtaai | look out post; watch tower | 瞭望台
liauxbexkaux | unexpectedly | 料袂到
liauxsiofngbexkaux | unexpectedly | 料想袂到
liauxsiofngboexkaux | unexpectedly | 料想袂到
liauxsiorng bøexkaux | had no idea the matter would go so far | 料想無到
liawbang | watch at a distance | 瞭望
liawbefafkviar | useless kids | 了尾仔囝
liawboefafkviar | prodigal son | 了尾 囝; 敗家子
liawboefar | useless kids | 了尾仔
liawbong | to look down from a higher place; watch at a distance | 瞭望
liawbøea-kviar | a prodigal son | 放盪子; 么子; 浪子
liaxm-bøextng | cannot be broken with two fingers; cannot easily break the connection | 捏無斷
liaxmliam putboong | remember and not forget | 念念無忘
lib | chase | 逐
lib'axn | to accredit (a school; etc.); start a law case; prepare a law suit for judgment | 立案
lib'i | to attract attention by being eccentric; peculiar | 立異
lib'iog | make an agreement, make a contract | 立約
lib'ix | determine to; to make up one's mind | 立意
lib'uie | legislator | 立委
lib'uii | shortlisted | 入圍
lib'vi | legislative yuan | 立院
lib'øh | admission; start entering school to study and study | 入學
libaa | a kind of wild cat | 貍貓
libbeng | to be content with one's lot | 立令
libbi | tasty | 入味
libbok | place body into coffin | 入木
libchiw | beginning of autumn | 入秋; 立秋
libchym | to invade | 入侵
libciog cy te | standing room; a footing; foothold | 立足之地
libciog | a footing; a standpoint; a foothold; stand on one's own feet | 立足
libcix | form determination to forge ahead; make up one's mind pursue some object | 立志
libgak | in jail | 入獄
libgi | make recommendations; offer suggestions; give advice; a proposal; resolution | 立議; 建議
libgiap | to establish a business; set up a patrimony or competency; embark on a respectable career | 立業
libgieen | to leave worthy writings to posterity; a form of immortality in words | 立言
libgoan | to set an object of pursuit | 立願
libgvor | enlist in the army | 入伍
libha | beginning of summer | 立夏
libhau | to wait for something to happen right away | 立候; 站著等
libhe | beginning of Summer (between May 5-18) | 立夏
libhiexn | constitutional (government); draw up a constitution | 立憲
libhoad kikoafn | legislative organ | 立法機關
libhoad uyoaan | member of legislative committee | 立法委員
libhoad | to legislate; to make laws; draw up laws; enact laws | 立法
libhoad-kikoafn | legislative organ | 立法機關
libhoad-koaan | legislative power | 立法權
libhoad-uy'oaan | a member of the Legislative Yuan | 立法委員
libhoad-vi | Legislative Yuan (Taiwan) | 立法院
libhoat'vi | Legislative Yuan | 立法院
libhoat'vixtviuo | Minister of the Legislate Yuan | 立法院長
libhoatkoaan | legislative authority or power | 立法權
libhoe | legislative council | 立會
libhofng | cube; cube; cubic | 立方
libhofng-chiøq | cubic foot | 立方尺
libhofng-kyn | cube roots (mathematics) | 立方根
libhongchiøq | cubic foot | 立方尺
libhongheeng`ee | cuboid | 立方形的
libhongkyn | cube root | 立方根
libhongthea | cube; geometric cube | 立方體
libie | centimeter | 釐米
libji | sign a note | 立字; 寫證文
libkaux | be religious; take refuge | 入教
libkerng | entry | 入境
libkhaf | to have a footing | 立腳
libkhao | entrance | 入口
libkheg | at once; straightway; directly; immediately; upon sight; out of hand; on the instant; without delay; very soon; quickly | 立刻
libkhøex | to make a contract; sign a written contract | 立契
libkofng | to render distinguished service; a achieve distinction; establish one's merit; perform meritorious acts | 立功
libkog | to found a kingdom; or create a nation; found a state | 立國
libkor | invest in shares | 入股
libkwn | establish an emperor | 立君
libliam | place body into coffin | 入殮
liblun | basic standpoint on questions | 立論
libmngg | introduction | 入門
libnie | hear it | 入耳
liboat | tiny amount | 釐末; 極少份
libor | divorce a wife | 離某; 休妻
libphirn | to cultivate one's moral character | 立品
libpy | set up a monument | 立碑
libsex | take an oath | 起誓; 發誓; 立誓
libsii | immediately | 立刻; 立時
libsiong | erect a statue; statue in standing position | 立像
libsoarn | selected | 入選
libsuu sengkex | adopt an heir | 立嗣承繼
libsuu | appoint an heir | 立嗣
libsviaf | stop tone | 入聲
libsym | make mind | 立心; 立志
libsyn texnggiap | establish oneself in a locality or a business; settle down | 立身定業
libsyn zhuosex | establish oneself and manage to get along in the world | 立身處世
libsyn | form certain principles of living | 立身
libtafng | beginning of winter; beginning of Winter (between Nov. 7-21) | 立冬
libte | all at once | 立地
libteng simcix | resolve | 立定心志
libteng zwix | make a resolve; make up one's mind; make a decision | 立定主意
libteng | fix upon and draw up | 立定
libthea ciernzefng | three dimensional warfare | 立體戰爭
libthea hoarhak | stereochemistry | 立體化學
libthea kyhøo | solid geometry; geometry of space; stereometry | 立體幾何
libthea sviaym | stereophonically reproduced sound | 立體聲音
libthea tiexnviar | wide screen motion picture; 3 d motion picture; Cinerama | 立體電影
libthea | three-dimensional; a solid body | 立體
libthea-karm | three-dimensional effect | 立體感
libthefkarm | three dimensional effect | 立體感
libthofui'afn | RIP | 入土為安
libthor | bury | 入土
libtorng | form a political party | 立黨
libtvia | establish, found, set up (school, government) | 立定; 建立
libtviuu | stand; position; attitude; standpoint; situation | 立場
libzeg | immediately; at once; right away; at once; immediately | 立即
libzexng | Attention; to stand at attention; attention! | 立正; 立證; 證實
libzhux | settle a new house | 入厝
libzhwn | beginning of spring | 入春; 立春
libzuo | take over | 入主
libzuy cy te | space just enough for the point of a drill ─ very small space | 立錐之地
liedbuo | hot dance | 熱舞
lieen khefng mau bie | young and pretty | 年輕貌美
liefnbien | face; mug | 臉面
liefnbin | face | 臉面; 面子
liefnbu | wax jambu; wax apple; Syzygium samarangense; wax apple; wax jumbo; Malayan apple | 蓮霧
lienbeeng hoexoaan | Members of the League | 聯盟會員
lienbeeng | to form an alliance; a league; alliance; league (as the League of Nations) | 聯盟
lienbieen | continuous; continuous succession of | 連綿
lienboat | end of year | 年末
lienbuun | join hands article | 連文
lienciab puttoan | successively; incessantly; continuously | 連接無斷
lienciab | continuously; adjoin; conjunction; connection; join; connect; continuously | 連接
lienciab-guo | a connective | 連接語
lienciab-suu | conjunction | 連接詞
lienhabhoe | united meeting | 聯合會
lienhap sengbeeng | joint statement; declaration | 聯合聲明
lienhap-sengbeeng | a join declaration | 聯合聲明
lienhoebø | a lotus hat | 蓮花帽
liexnbea | horse riding practice | 練馬
liexnbea-tviuu | horse riding field | 練馬場
liexnbuo | to train oneself in martial arts | 練武
liexnsibpho | exercise book | 練習簿
liexnsibsefng | trainee; apprentice; student | 練習生
liexnsibsor | practice place | 練習所
limbok | a forest, a woods | 林木
limbuxkiok | forest service bureau | 林務局
limbøo | drinked nothing | 啉無
limkib | crisis in great or urgent need; in time of emergency | 臨急; 緊急
limsafnbut | forest products (lumber; camphor) | 林產物; 林產
linbie | beautiful person | 人美
linbiin | citizen | 人民
linbirn | compassion; sympathize; to pity; commiserate; befriend; have compassion | 憐憫
linbok | on friendly terms | 鄰睦
linbong | respected person | 人望
linbuo | a wet nurse | 乳母; 奶母; 奶媽
linbut | character | 人物
linbuun | humanities | 人文
linbwchiaf | milk cart | 奶母車
linciab | to adjoin | 鄰接
linhoarbut | phosphide | 磷化物
linhoax-but | phosphide | 磷化物
liofngbin siuxtek | between two fires | 兩面受敵
liofngbin thøfhør | trimming; fluctuate between two parties so as to appear to favor each | 兩面討好
liofngbin zokciexn | fight on two fronts | 兩面作戰
liofngbin | both sides; two sides; double faced | 兩面
liofngbin-sexng | dual character | 兩面姓; 兩面性
liofnggarn sitbeeng | blind in both eyes | 兩眼失明
liofngsexng buxntee | sex questions | 兩性問題
liofngzhef toxngbut | amphibian animal | 兩棲動物
liofngzoaan kii bie | profit both parties or attain two objectives by a single act; arrange a matter so that both sides profit | 兩全其美
liogbie | to take credit for what has been done by somebody else | 掠美
liogbixnthea | hexahedron; hexagon | 六面體
liogchyn bukhøx | nobody to turn to | 六親無靠
liogchyn bøjin | cold and arrogant | 六親無認
lioghabzhae | a Taiwanese lottery | 六合彩
liogsiin buzuo | shocked; stunned out of one's wits | 六神無主
liogsiin-buzuo | shocked; stunned out of one's wits | 六神無主
liongbea | fine horse | 良馬
liongbiin | good people; loyal subjects, law abiding citizens | 良民
liongbuo | good mother | 良母
lionghong thiab | betrothal cards; wedding invitations | 龍鳳帖
lionghong-thiab | betrothal cards | 龍鳳帖
liongky budsid | Don't let the good chance slip. It is now or never; Take the opportunity by the forelock | 良機勿失
liongsiin-bykerng | a pleasant day couple with a fine landscape | 良辰美景
liongthaau-zoabøea | dragon's head and snake's tail ─ dwindling away to nothing after an initial display of greatness | 龍頭蛇尾
lioong huy titiongbut | dragon is not a creature of a pond (but of the ocean) ─ a man of great ability | 龍非池中物
liorng hongbin | both sides; the two sides | 兩方面
lip habtoong | draw up an agreement or trust deed; conclude a contract | 立合同
liubeeng hiøxsex | leave a good name to future generations | 留名後世
liubeeng | leave behind a good reputation | 留名
liubie | studied in the USA | 留美
liubiin | vagabond; hooligan; rascal; tramp; wanderer; refugees | 流民; 流氓; 流浪漢
liuboong zernghuo | government in exile | 流亡政府
liuboong | exile | 流亡
liuboong-zernghuo | a government in exile | 流亡政府
liubøea | (adj) in a difficult situation | 溜尾; 狼狽
liucitbut | fluids | 流質物
liuhoarbut | a sulfate; sulphide; sulphuret | 硫化物
liuhofng baxnsex | hand down a fragrant reputation to all generations | 流芳萬世
liukib | remain in the same class in school | 留級 [*]
liulieen bonghoarn | forget to go home because of an enjoyable experience; so enchanted as to forget about home | 流連忘返
liuo bagciw | gouge out eyes | 挖眼睛
liuobø | take off one's hat | 脫帽
liusngf hoarhabbut | sulphates | 硫酸化合物
liutoxngbut | floating things (as drift wood) | 流動物
liwafbak | button-hole | 鈕仔目; 鈕扣眼
liwaxm hoabeeng | dense willow trees and bright flowers ─ enchanting sight in spring time | 柳暗花明
liwbaai | willow eyebrows ─ eyebrows of a beautiful woman | 柳眉
liwbii | willow eyebrows ─ eyebrows of a beautiful woman | 柳眉
liwhiøqbaai | willow leaves- like eyebrow shape | 柳葉眉
liwliab | to fidget, to mince | 扭懾; 絞碎
liwliuo-liapliab | unmanly in behavior, swinging from side to side | 扭扭擰擰
liwtengciab | orange juice | 柳丁汁
lixbo | subtitles | 字幕
lixbuo | letter | 字母
lixiong hoeabut | utilize waste materials | 利用廢物
lixmbeng | appointment | 任命
lixmbu | mission | 任務
lixnbad | recognize | 認識
lixnngbaq | layer of fat under skin | 膩瓤肉; 皮下脂肪層
liøbaq | cut slices of meat; slice meat (horizontally) | 剮肉
lo bøexthofng | no thoroughfare; road closed; closed communication | 路無通
lo pud sib'uii | people do not pick up what others have left on the roadside; descriptive of a society in which honesty and good order prevail | 路無拾遺
loafnbø | nice and warm hat | 暖帽
loafnsefng-toxngbut | oviparous animals | 卵生動物
loanbo | to long for | 戀慕
loanloaan putboong | strong attachment which one cannot forget | 戀戀無忘
loaqbi | pungency; peppery taste | 辣味
loaqhip'hib | hot and humid | 熱翕翕
loaxnbang | bad dream | 戀夢
loaxnbea | messed up coding- unrecognizable characters | 亂碼
loaxnbeng | orders given when the giver is not in a healthy state of mind due to illness; etc. | 亂命
loaxnbiin | mobs, rebels | 亂民
loaxnliab | talk nonsense; drivel | 亂懾; 說狂言
lob cinzøe cvii | invest or lose a great sum of money | 陷真濟錢; 虧了很多錢
lob løqkhix zuie`nih | step into water (carelessly) | 踩落水裏去
lob | wet and soft (ground); muddy; boggy; dent | 陷; 凹; 踏; 低窪
loborng | reckless | 鹵莽
loexbo | behind the scenes; the inside | 內幕
loexbu | home affairs; internal affairs | 內務
loexkox buiw | no anxiety about the home or family | 內顧無憂
loexzaixbie | inner beauty (as contrasted with physical charms) | 內在美
lofbahpng | minced fatty pork served on rice | 鹵肉飯
lofbaq | marinated pork; stewed meat with thick gravy | 鹵肉; 滷肉
lofbi | marinade taste | 滷味
lofborng | reckless | 魯莽
lofciab | marinade | 滷汁
lofng`jibkhix | enter stealthily and unobserved; slip one's arm into the sleeve of one's garment | 套進去
lofngbøo | there isn't any at all | 都沒
lofsiogbaq | boiled meat with soybean source | 滷熟肉
lofsuq-baq | (beef or pork) tenderloin | 魯脊肉; ??肉; 里脊肉
log'afbaq | deer meat | 鹿仔肉
logbahkee | pickled deer meat | 鹿肉醬
logbaq | venison; deer meat | 鹿肉
logbo | to drop the curtain; bring to an end | 落幕
logbok | desolate and scattered; let alone | 落寞
logbuo | a doe | 鹿母; 母鹿
logbøea | deer's tail(a rare delicacy) | 鹿尾
logkhogbea | horse | 碌硞馬
logkhogbefar | horse | 碌硞馬仔
logkobe'ar | muddy | 漉糊糜仔
logkobee | muddy | 漉糊糜
logthiefn tibeng | accord with the decree of Heaven; be content with what one is | 樂天知命
lok jii bonghoarn | be a slave of pleasure | 樂而忘返
lolaebaq | screwdriver | 螺絲起子
longbaang | the busy season for farmers | 農忙
longbiin seng'oah | peasant life | 農民生活
longbiin | peasant; farmer; peasantry | 農民
longbiin-uxntong | agrarian movement | 農民運動
longbin | farmer, peasant | 農民
longbincied | Farmer's Day on Februry 4 | 農民節
longbinleg'ar | lunar calendar | 農民曆仔
longbinlek | lunar calendar | 農民曆
longbok | farming | 農牧
longbu | thick fog; agriculture affairs | 濃霧; 農務
longgiabkaf | an agriculturist | 農業家
longgiabkaix | agricultural world | 農業界
longgiabkiok | agriculture bureau | 農業局
longgiabzhux | agriculture dept. | 農業處
longgiap sengbudhak | agrobiology | 農業生物學
longgiap-sengbudhak | agrobiology | 農業生物學
longhuun bidpox | dark clouds stretch all over the sky ─ sign of impending storm | 濃雲密佈
longsafnbut | agricultural products; farm products | 農產物
longtiongbut | things already in the bag | 囊中物
longzeeng-bidix | strong affection and deep love | 濃情蜜意
longzhoafn buxntøee | rural problem | 農村問題
longzokbut | crops; farm products; farm produce; crops | 農作物
lorngliblaai | get in | 挵入來
losibuo | nut | 螺絲母
loxbefchiuo | in the end | 落尾手
loxbin | to show up; appear (in public); road surface; road surface | 露面; 路面
loxboea | end of road; end of the matter or affair | 路尾;最後; 路的盡頭
loxboefar | in the end | 路尾仔
loxboefchiuo | in the end | 落尾手
loxbok | angry look | 怒目
loxborng | escape from net | 漏網
loxbøea | end of the road; finally; at the end; at last; the end of the street; later on | 路尾; 最後
loxbøefchiuo | afterwards; later | 路尾手; 落尾手; 後來
loxioong boafnbin | face flushed with rage | 怒容滿面
loxkobee | mud; mire; slush | 路糊糜; 泥漿
loxlaebaq | screwdriver | 桿錐; 起子
loxngban zwgi | romanticism | 浪漫主義
loxngban | romantic | 浪漫
loxthauloxboea | end of the road | 路頭路尾
loxzhud befkhaf | the horse's hoof shows ─ the plot is out; reveal one's true form or character; to slip; leave loopholes in one's story; the cloven foot appears | 露出馬腳
ludsw suxbuxsor | lawyer's office | 律師事務所
lui kip bukof | involve the innocent | 累及無辜
luikofng-bin | a ferocious face | 凶惡貌; 雷公面
luitadbang | radar network | 雷達網
lun poex bølun høex | consider a person's generation; not his age | 論輩無論歲
lunbiet | totally lost or ruined; sink into total disintegration | 淪滅
luo toa zabpøeq piexn | As a girl grows; her appearance changes all the time A girl changes fast in physical appearance from childhood to adulthood | 女大十八變
luo-bengsefng | female star; actress | 女明星
lurn beqar | thresh grain with a heavy stone roller | 碾麥
lurn-bøextiaau | cannot stand it any more | 忍無住
luxnbuun | dissertation; essay; treatise; monograph; discourse | 論文
lwbuu | a sorceress, a witch | 女巫
lwbø | a bonnet | 引擎蓋; 女帽
lwnbextiaau | unable to bear it; unable to suffer more; insufferable; intolerable | 忍無住
lwnliab | (adj) timid | 懍懾; 恐慌; 膽怯
lybiin | community resident | 里民
lybin | inside | 裏面
lyheeng gixbu | carry out obligations | 履行義務
lylun kab sidzex | theory and reality; ideal and fact | 理論與實際
løbang | net; network | 羅網; 網羅
løbansw | romance; love affair; romantic story | 羅曼斯
løbiin siongzaai | tire the people and waste the resources (said of big construction projects of questionable economic value) | 勞民傷財
løbiin | belabor the people; employ people in toilsome service | 勞民
løbiin-siongzaai | to tire the people and waste the resources | 勞民傷財
løborng | net; network | 羅網
løcib | logic | 邏輯
løfboo-chimsoaxn | scheming and calculating | 老謀深算
løfmai-buleeng | old and powerless; aged and impotent | 老邁無能
løo jii buu kofng | toil in vain; fruitless attempt | 勞而無功
løo-jii-bukofng | work hard but no reward | 勞而無功
løqbak | to start writing or painting | 落墨
løqbaq | lose flesh | 消瘦
løqbea | dismount; alight from a horse; dismount | 落馬; 下馬
løqbefchiuo | last; at the end | 落尾手
løqbiin | fall into sleep | 入睡; 落眠; 入眠
løqbo | end; closure | 落幕
løqboea | las;at the end | 落尾
løqboefar | las;at the end | 落尾仔
løqboefchiuo | las;at the end | 落尾手
løqbong | be buried into a tomb | 入墓
løqboong | become misty or foggy | 落雺
lørkhabarng | tall person (Lit. long legged mosquito) | 長腳蚊; 高個子
løtong-buxntøee | labor question | 勞動問題
løtong-kaikib | working classes | 勞動階級
løxthea-byjiin | naked beauty | 裸體美人
m bad | pretend not to recognize, pretend not to know | 毋捌
m-cviuxbak | not impressed with | 無成目; 不在眼裡
m-habseg | unfit | 無合適
m-køeabak | won't look | 無過目
ma beq | also want | 嘛欲
ma boeq | also want | 嘛欲
mabok | numb, insensitive | 麻木
mafzofbiøxtviaa | Matsu temple front plaza | 媽祖廟埕
masatbak | milk fish | 虱目魚
maxbeq | also want to | 嘛欲
maxboeq | also want to | 也要
me bøo hiøhkhuxn | curse without ceasing | 罵個無停
meboea | deep night almost daybreak | 夜尾; 夜將盡
miabong | fame; prestige | 名望
miathiab | name tag | 名帖
miban | to be present all over; to fill the air; to permeate through; to penetrate into; diffuseness | 彌漫
mibea | end of evening | 暝尾
miboarn | filled full | 彌滿
mimii-bøeq | ask importunately and persevering | 麵麵要; 硬要
mng ciaqpar`bøe | to trap a person into admitting guilt; ask a person if guilty or not (Lit. ask if finished eating yet) | 興師問罪的套詞
mngbaai | lintel of a door; beam over a doorway | 門楣; (門窗的)橫木
mngbefar | hairy tail | 毛尾仔
mngbin | shop front; public appearance | 門面
mngboefar | hairy tail | 毛尾仔
mngbøea | braid of hair, queue | 毛尾; 辮子
mngxbøo | no answer | 問無
moaa laang ee bak | deceive other's eyes with some tricks | 瞞人的眼
moabak | throw dust in the eyes of; deceive other's eyes with some tricks | 瞞目
moabylao | Taiwanese desert typically coated with sugar | 麻米粩
moafbin zhunhofng | the whole face beaming with pleasure; looking happy and cheerful | 滿面春風
moafbin | whole face; all over the face | 滿面
moafbixnphoee | full of skin | 滿面皮
moafpag buncviw | very learned; erudite | 滿腹文章
moape-phiernbør | deceive parents | 欺騙父母
moasatbag'ar | milk fish | 麻虱目仔
moasatbak | milk fish | 麻虱目
moasvelangbak | practice deception | 騙人耳目
mobiet | deface; defacement; wear out; obliterate | 磨滅
mobok | insensitive, numb | 麻木
moxbeeng | to assume the name of | 冒名
muybiør | every second | 每秒
muybøea | every fish | 每尾
mxbad høex | ignorant of the value of goods | 毋識貨
mxbad pør | unwareness- a person who has no cludes of a precious thing | 毋識寶
mxbad su | ignorant; stupid | 毋識事; 無懂事
mxbad | have no experience of...; have never.. | 毋識; 毋捌; ...過; 沒有
mxbiefnlaq | no need | 毋免啦
mxbiern khix | no need to go | 毋免去
mxbiern | unnecessary; needless; unwanted; not necessary; no need to | 毋免; 不用
mxbøo | otherwise; or else; or; otherwise; if not; or else | 毋無; 否則; 那未; 要不然
mxternglangbak | bad-looking (thing; action) | 毋頂人目; 不順眼
mxzhab | no matter; regardless of; pay no heed to | 毋管
na bøo | if not; if there is not; if not so | 若無; 若沒有; 要不然
nafbeq | looks like | 若欲
nafbøe | Why can't it be? | 哪未; 怎麼無會
nafbøeq-nafm | be of two minds | 哪要哪無; 又想要又想不要
nafu-nafbøo | faintly discernible | 若有若無
naixbie | nanometer | 納米; 奈米
naixbie-khøky | nano technology | 納米科技; 奈米科技
nar u nar bøo | vague; shapeless; intangible | 若有若無
narbe | How come? | 哪未
narboe | How come? | 哪未
narthaau-narbin | to hide from sight | 探頭縮腦
nawciab | the substance of the brain | 腦汁
nawkyn lengbirn | Man's brain is very sharp | 腦筋靈敏
naxbøo | but for; if not | 若非
nee bafngtax | spread out a mosquito net | 掛蚊帳
neh kunthaubør | clench one's fist | 掐拳頭母; 握拳頭母
nehkhaboea | tiptoe | 躡跤尾
neq khabøea | stand on tiptoe | 踮腳尾
nex-khabøea | stand on tiptoe | 躡腳尾; 躡跤尾; 墊腳尖
ng'iab | to cover; to hide; to conceal; conceal behind the back or in one's clothing | 私通; 鞍掩; 掩藏
ng'ng'iap'iab | furtively, stealthily, surreptitiously (to do something in this manner) | 掩掩揜揜
ng'ngf iap'iab | furtively; stealthily; surreptitiously (to do something in this manner) | 掩掩揜揜; 偷偷摸摸
ngbie | yellow rice | 黃米
ngbin | cover one's face; yellow face | 掩面; 黃臉
ngbøea | leaf become yellow color; fail; decline economy recession | 衰退; 葉子變黃
ngf bagciw | cover the eyes | 摀眼睛
ngf bøexbat | cannot be covered up | 掩無住
ngrbang | wish; expect; hope; expectation | 希望; 向望; 盼望
ni'afbø | a felt hat, felt cap | 哖仔帽; 呢仔帽
niafbeng | receive commands | 領命
niafbie | receive rice | 領米
niafbøo | got nothing | 領無
niaubi'ar | katy | 貓咪仔
niaubii | katy | 貓咪
niaubin | pockmarked face | 貓面; 麻臉
niaubuo | female cat | 母貓
niaubør | female cat | 母貓
niawchyafbak | small; protruding eyes | 貓鼠仔目; 眼睛小
niawchybaq | mouse meat | 鳥鼠肉
nibea gyn'ar | kids born at the end of the lunar calendar | 年尾囡仔
nibea | end of year | 年尾
niboea gyn'ar | kids born at the end of the lunar calendar | 年尾囡仔
niboea | end of the year | 年末; 年終
nibuo | wet nurse | 奶母; 奶媽
nibwchiaf | milk cart | 奶母車
nibø | a felt hat, felt cap | 呢帽
nibøea | end of the year | 年尾
nibøea-sviwkym | year-end bonus | 年終賞金; (獎金)
nibøfchiaf | milk cart | 奶母車
niciab | milk | 奶汁
nihbak | blink; wink; signal with a wink; to twinkle | 眨眼; 𥍉目; 瞬目; 霎眼
nihkhabea | stand on tiptoe | 踮腳尖; 跐著腳
nihkhaboea | stand on tiptoe | 踮腳尖; 跐著腳
nikib | grade or class in school; grade (in school) | 年級
niq-khabøea | stands on tiptoes the tip of the toe | 踮腳尖
niqciab | squeeze juice | 擠汁; 搾汁
niuu bie | measure (the quantity of) rice | 量米
nix-khabøea | stand on tiptoe | 墊腳尖; 躡跤尾
nngf`jibkhix | shove a long thing into a hole; as one's arm or leg into coat; trousers or boots | 穿進去
nngfbok | ditto | 軟木
nngfthea toxngbut | mollusks; molluscs | 軟體動物
nngfthea-toxngbut | mollusca | 軟體動物
nngx`jibkhix | slip into; creep into | 鑽進去
nngxbin kngf | trimming; fluctuate between two parties so as to appear to favor each | 兩面討好
nngxbin | two(count of gold medal)two side; two (count of | 兩面
nngxboefar | not much | 兩尾仔
nngxbøea | two(count of fish) | 兩尾
nngxsvaliab'ar | two to three | 兩三粒仔
nngxsvef-toxngbut | oviparous animals (like birds; young are born from eggs) | 卵生動物
noaxbaq | the meat sucks | 爛肉
noaxkauafbee | muddy | 爛溝仔糜
noaxkaubear | muddy | 爛溝糜仔
noaxkobee | soft mud; mire | 爛糊泥; 爛糊糜; 爛泥
noaxthobee | muddy | 爛塗糜
noaxthobi | muddy smell | 爛塗味
nybeeng | tinnitus, ringing in the ear | 耳鳴
nybok | ears and eyes; one's attention or notice | 耳目
nybok-itsyn | have a completely new impression; all new; new outlook | 耳目一新
nybuun | all of you (literary expression) | 爾等; 你們
o'ab'ar | airplane black box | 黑盒仔
oadkib | skip a grade (in promotion) | 越級; 跳級
oafjiblaai | lean into inside | 倚入來
oafnbong | long-term hope | 遠望
oafnbut | a toy | 玩物
oaiboea | twisted tail | 歪尾
oaizhuiekef ciah høfbie | A chicken with a crooked mouth eats good rice. A fussy eater eats well | 歪嘴雞吃好米; 雖窮又挑食
oanbang | interpret a dream | 圓夢
oanbie | perfect; exquisite; exquisite | 完美
oanboarn | completed; finished; harmonious; rounded out amicable; satisfactory; harmonious; peaceful | 完滿; 圓滿
oanbwkheg | waltz | 圓舞曲
oanbwkhiog | waltz | 圓舞曲
oanviubang | dream of passionate companion | 鴛鴦夢
oaqbaq | alive | 活活
oaqbe | live sale | 活賣
oaqbeq | wanting to | 活欲
oaqboeq | wanting to | 活欲
oaqbut | living creature | 活物
oaqbøeq | almost | 幾乎; 差一點
oaqoaqbea pak ti sie-zhengchiu | A live horse tied to a dead banyan tree--to tie up resources and (personnel) in a useless project | 活馬綁在死榕樹; 埋沒人才
oar y bøe | deliver goods for sale on consignment | 寄售
oarnsvef bøo oarnsie | after a person is dead; forget about past differences (Lit. You can dispute or fight about something with a living person but not with a dead person.) | 怨生無怨死
oasafbiq | green eye watering mustard like condiment | 芥末; 山葵醬; 源自日語わさび(wasabi); 日語漢字為「山葵」
oaxnban | slow; tardy | 緩慢
obaasan | an old lady, a grandmother | 歐巴桑
obafsarng | an old woman, an aunt | 歐巴桑; 對不特定年長女性的稱呼; 源自日語おばさん(obasan)
obag'ar | Formosan backthorn | 黑目仔; 黑背刺
obahkef | black broiler | 烏肉雞
obahsarng | old lady | 歐巴樣
obahtea | dark complexioned | 黑肉底; 膚色黝黑
obak | black ink; Chinese ink; ink stick | 黑墨; 墨汁
obaq | dark skip | 黑肉
obarsaxng | an old woman, an aunt | 歐巴樣
obasan | an old woman, an aunt | 歐巴桑
obea | dark horse; a person who suddenly displays outstanding talent for doing somehthing | 烏馬; 黑馬; 用此形容特殊人物
obeftafng | black-tailed caesio, mountain bass, round sead | 黑鷦 [*]
obie | black rice | 黑米
obin | black face; A villain | 黑面
obixnlaxpoef | Black-faced Spoonbill in Tainan | 烏面抐桮
obixnzhat | squid; thief with mask | 烏面賊
obo | black screen, a dark secret | 黑幕; 烏幕
oboong | dark | 黑茫
obui'afbarng | mosquito | 烏蝛仔蚊
obui'ar | tick | 烏蝛仔
obuy | tick | 烏蝛
obøeftafng | black-tailed caesio, mountain bass, round scad | 烏尾冬
ociapciab | balck juice | 烏汁汁
oe jinbut | draw pictures of persons | 畫人物
oe korng-bøextheeng | chatterbox | 雜念; 喋喋無休
oe sibji | cross oneself; bless oneself | 畫十字
oea bagciw | scoop out the eyes | 挖眼睛
oebyn'ar | shoes brush | 鞋抿仔
oebø | turn a hand-mill | 推磨
oex lahsab | soil (clothing); to dirty | 染污; 弄髒
oexbaai | White's ground thrash, birds | 畫眉; 虎鶇
oexbin | the surface of a picture | 畫面
oexbuo | mother tongue | 話母
oexbøea | gossip | 話尾
oexbør | words spoken from force of habit; word(s) which one uses constantly; but means nothing | 話母; 口頭語; 口頭禪
oexsefng buxntøee | problems relating to hygiene; sanitation | 衛生問題
of-beqafciuo | black beer | 黑啤仔酒; 烏麥仔酒
ofbøo | dig nothing | 挖無
ofm bagciw | cover the eyes | 摀住眼睛
ofm bexbat | cover insufficiently; incapable of being covered over | 掩無密
ojinbagkviax | sunglasses | 烏仁目鏡
okbang | nightmare | 惡夢; 噩夢
okbea | evil horse | 惡馬
olegbaq | the dark (black) color of a chicken's skin | 烏肋肉; 雞肉顏色是黑的
oliab-peqliab | chatter at random; speak recklessly; fabricate slanders | 烏捏白捏; 亂講; 捏造
olinbagkviax | sunglasses | 烏仁目鏡
olofbogzeatorng | louzy gang or political party | 烏魯木齊黨
olofbogzee | amorphous; jumbly; mess | 亂七八糟; 烏魯木齊
olofbogzex | rough; rude; blunt; do as one please; easygoing; casual; sloppy; inattentive | 馬馬虎虎; 隨便; 粗魯
ongbiø | King's temple | 王廟
ongbuo | mother of a king | 王母
ongbø | crown, diadem | 王帽; 王冠
ongbøfniuniuu | | 王母娘娘
onghoad buchyn | law is impartial | 王法無親
opeqbuo | do things without rules | 烏白舞
or bagciw | gouge out the eye | 挖眼睛
osebø | a black cone-shaped hat of an official or a scholar | 黑紗帽
otiab'iorng | butterfly chrysalis | 蝴蝶蛹
otiabkad | a bow-tie, a rosette | 蝴蝶結
otiablaan | one kind of orchid | 蝴蝶蘭
otiabzhwn | butterfly village | 蝴蝶村
otofbae | motorcycle; motorcycle; autobike | 摩托車; 機車; 源自日語オートバイ(ootobai)
otø-jinbut | gangster; an underworld figure | 黑道人物
paebiø | worship in the temple | 拜廟
paebong | to visit a grave; worship at the graves; visit ancestral tomb | 拜墓
paethiab | visiting card | 拜帖
pafbie | fully ripened grains; full-eared rice plants | 飽米; 飽滿; 穀物熟滿; 飽穗; 飽穀
pafbiin | to have a plentiful of sleep; adequate sleep | 飽眠; 睡足; 睡得足
pafnbin | layout | 版面
pafnboo | a mold for setting up the page layouts before the printing | 版模
pagbøea | a business contractor | 包買
pahban huo'ofng | millionaire | 百萬富翁
pahban | million | 百萬
pahbin | hundred faces | 百面
pahbytoo | picture showing large numbers of beautiful women | 百美圖
pahkiab | a calamity | 百劫
paibin zengkhia | put on an appearance of diligence; obedience; or very good behavior in the presence of a master or of someone whom we wish to please | 表面裝好
paibun | to kill time | 排悶
paihoee koanbong | take an observer's seat; see but cannot make up one's mind; wait and see; wait for the dust to settle | 徘徊觀望
paisietbut | output; excreta; excrement | 排泄物
paitii baxnlaan | overcome all difficulties | 排除萬難
paixbea | lost in race; horses (stumble); (trains) jump the rails;) (logs; bok-be) slip out of their tracks | 敗馬; 脫線而敗; 失蹄; 出軌
paixboong | suffer defeat, suffer reversal, be routed | 敗亡
paixbun | to kill times | 敗悶
paixbøo | come to total ruin | 敗無; 一敗塗地
pakbin | North | 北面
pakbykoarn | North America Pavilion | 北美館
paklaixbøkøf | lack of knowledge | 腹內無膏
paksiab | fleece employees, empty and uncomfortable stomach, poor and wretched | 剝涉; 剝削
paktofbea | lower abdomen | 腹肚尾
paktofboea | lower abdomen | 腹肚尾
palea-buo | the ballet; ballet dancing | 芭蕾舞
palea-bwluo | ballerina | 芭蕾舞女
palefbuo | ballet | 芭蕾舞
paluie-buo | ballet | 芭蕾舞
pan-bøexkaux | unable to accomplish or manage; impossible to accomplish or manage | 辦無到
pan-bøexkhix | too much for anyone to handle | 辦無了
pan-bøexlaai | too difficult for me (you; him) to handle; beyond one's ability | 辦無來
pan-bøexliao | too much for one to finish or accomplish | 辦無完
pan-bøexoaan | too much for one to finish (of work) | 辦無完
pan-bøexseeng | unable to be accomplished | 辦無成
pan-bøextit | cannot be managed (too complicated) | 辦未得; 處理無了
pan-chiørbin | pretending to be smiling | 扮笑面; 賠笑臉
panbea | zebra; pinto | 斑馬
panbea-svoax | pedestrian crosswalk | 斑馬線
panbefsvoax | pedestrian crossing (marked with stripes); zebra stripe crossing | 斑馬線
panbunciao | Chinesemunia | 斑紋鳥; 斑文鳥
panbuun loxnghuo | wield an axe before Lo Pan; the God of carpenters ─ be conceited; show off one's talent or skill before an expert | 班門弄斧
panbuun | stripes; striped | 斑紋
panbuun-loxnghuo | to show off in front of experts | 班門弄斧
pangbaang | aid; help; assist; help; assistance; to help or assist | 幫忙
pangboo | shuttering; formwork (building); pattern plate (machine) | 模板
pangthiab | to give financial assistance to | 資助; 津貼; 幫貼
pankib | class in school; grade; class | 班級
par kab zuix | having drunk and eaten to one's heart's content | 酒醉飯飽
parbuun | leopard crest | 豹紋
parngbak | close one's eyes to; feign stupidity or ignorance; pretend didn't see someone doing something wrong | 無看; 放目; 裝傻; 睜一隻眼閉一隻眼
parngbit | extract honey; make or store honey (as the bee does) | 放蜜
parngboexkieeq | forget; let go | 放袂記得
parngbok | grazing | 放牧
parngleeng jibhae | release a dragon into the sea ─ give a man an opportunity to show what he can do | 放龍入海
parngthiab | to send an invitation card | 放帖; 發帖子
patbien uihofng | awe inspiring reputation extending in every direction; influential in every quarter | 八面威風
patjixbaai | sloping eyebrows | 八字眉
paubat | wrap up well, wrap up completely | 包密; 包緊
paubøe | sell in full | 包賣
paubøea | buy in full | 包買
pauhaam baxn'iuo | embracing all things | 包含萬有
paukwn boafn'ix | let everyone satisfied (pleased) | 包君滿意
pauløo baxnsiong | all embracing; inclusive of everything | 包羅萬象
paw lie bøo taixcix | guarantee your immunity; guarantee that there will be no trouble | 保證你沒事
pawboarn | replete; satiation | 飽滿
paxbiefnkoaan | right of recalling (incompetent officials) enjoyed by the people specified in the Three principles of the People | 罷免權
paxbiern | to recall; to cancel; to withdraw; to take back; remove from office; recall (officials) | 罷免
paxbiern-koaan | the right of recall | 罷免權
paxnchiørbin | make up for the smile | 扮笑面
paxng bøe løqchiuo | cannot (or unwilling to) stop doing something | 放無下手
paxng bøe løqsym | cannot stop worrying | 放無下心; 放心不下
paxng bøexli | inseparable (one person with another); unwilling to leave one's wife and children | 放無開
paxng bøiaux-bøkirn | Let it go as if of no importance; give no notice to something; to disregard; treat a matter as of no consequence | 漠無關心
paxng bøo khvoax`kvix | pretend not to see; let it go | 假裝看無見
paxng bøo thviaf`kvix | pretend not to hear | 假裝聽無到
paxng-bøexkhuy | inseparable (one person with another); unwilling to leave one's wife and children | 放無開
peafbuo | parents | 爸仔母
peazex buxntøee | currency question | 幣制問題
pefngbin | to turn hostile suddenly; turn over; invert; turn down | 翻面; 翻臉; 反面
pefngkhab | to turn the face down; invert (a bowl); turn upside down | 反蓋; 翻反面
pefngpengbin | reverse | 反爿面
pefngtharn-khab | to turn into a prostrate position | 翻躺磕; 反過來蓋伏
peg buu itsid | There is not a single miss in a hundred tries ─ never a failure in many trials | 百無一失
peg buu ittioong | skilled in nothing; good for nothing | 百無一長
peg buu khøfuii | nothing can be done | 百無可為
peg buu kirmkhi | nothing to be superstitious about ─ no restrictions of any kind here by way of taboo | 百無禁忌
pegbak | idiot; dull looking; stupid | 白癡
peh-bagbaai | white eyebrow- person who invite himself or herself to a party | 白目眉
peh-boftafn | white peony | 白牡丹
peh-bognie | tremella | 白木耳
peh-bongboong | vast expanse of white (snow, mist, etc.) | 白茫茫
pehji bøexhah | horoscopes do not agree | 八字無合
pek'hab'of | black-headed gull | 百合黑; 紅嘴鷗
pek'habhoef | lily | 百合花
pekbuun putjuu itkiexn | hear about a thing many times is not equal to a single look at it ─ Seeing is believing | 百聞無如一見
peng'afn busu | perfect tranquility; in peace; freedom from anxiety; safe and without any mishaps | 平安無事
pengbea | warriors and horses; soldiers and their horses; troops | 兵馬
pengbiin zerngti | popular government; democracy | 平民政治
pengbiin | civilian; the common people; commoner; plebeian; common people; civilian | 平民
pengbiin-zerngti | democracy | 平民政治
pengbin kyhøo | plane geometry | 平面幾何
pengbin svakag | plane trigonometry | 平面三角
pengbin | plane; plane surface | 平面
pengbin-kyhøo | plane geometry | 平面幾何
pengbin-too | a plain chart, a plane figure | 平面圖
pengbixnkviax | plane mirror | 平面鏡
pengbixntoo | floor plan; two dimensional plan | 平面圖
pengkofng-bagkviax | flat light glasses | 平光目鏡
peqbaai | A small European duck having a conspicuous white stripe over each eye | 白眉
peqbaai-aq | garganey teal, Anas querquedula | 白眉鴨
peqbagbaai | white eyebrow | 白目眉
peqbagkaau | white eyes monkey | 白目猴
peqbah'iu | white-fresh pomelo | 白肉柚
peqbahpeqbaq | light skin | 白肉白肉
peqbahphof | white-fresh stingray | 白肉埔; 黃土魟
peqbahtau | hyacinth bean | 白肉豆; 扁豆
peqbahtea | light complexion | 膚色白
peqbahzheeng | white fig (tree) | 白肉榕
peqbak | be undiscriminating; idiot | 白目; 看無懂好壞; 白癡
peqbangbaang | vast expanse of white (snow, mist, etc.) | 白茫茫
peqbaq | plain boiled pork | 白肉
peqbea | white horse | 白馬
peqbie | white polished rice | 白米
peqbin | white face | 白面
peqbin-susefng | fair complexioned young scholar; inexperienced young scholar; callow student | 白面書生
peqbixn'ar | prostitute; hooker | 白面仔; 妓女
peqboftafn | white peony | 白牡丹
peqbognie | type of white edible tree fungus | 白木耳
peqbongboong | vast expanse of white (snow, mist, etc.) | 白茫茫
peqbu | fog | 白霧
peqbut'ar | small edible fishes | 白物仔; 小銀魚
peqbuun | white bird | 白文
peqbypng | white rice | 白米飯
peqbøea-ciu | white-tailed sea eagle | 白尾雕; 白尾鵰; 白尾海鵰
peqbøeeng | busy oneself to no purpose | 白無忙
peqcviafbøbi | plain and tasteless | 白汫無味
peqcviar-bøbi | tasteless (food); insipid | 淡而無味
peqjidbang | daydream; reverie | 白日夢
peqjit-bang | daydream, reverie | 白日夢
peqniar-kaikib | white-collar class | 白領階級
peqoexbuun | writing in vernacular Chinese | 白話文
peqthiab | funeral invitation card | 白帖
perng-peqbak | look askance at; look cold at; frown upon; turns the supercilious look | 翻白眼; 反白目
perngbøe | it has nothing to do | 並未
perngbøo | to have no (complaint), nothing (good or bad) | 並無; ...
pexbuo | parents | 爸母; 父母
pexbuo-lat | natural strength by birth | 爸母力; 天生的力氣
pexbwhoe | parents meeting | 爸母會
pexbwkvoaf | officers who care of people (like parents) | 爸母官; 縣官
pexbwoe | parents' words | 爸母話
pexbwsym | parents' hearts | 爸母心
pexbøfkvoaf | magistrate (popular term for); local official | 爸母官
pexbør svecviaa`ee | I was born so; be born (a cripple; blind) | 爸母生成
pexbør | father and mother; parents | 爸母; 父母
pexngbøo | there is really no...; not anything; no; not so; never | 並無
pexphixbaa | white nose owl | 白鼻猫
phabang | cast a net; net; throw or cast a fishing net | 拋網; 撒網
phaf bang | spread out the fishing net | 拋網
phahbachiog | play mahjong | 拍麻雀
phahbaq | span the meat | 拍肉
phahbarng | to swat a mosquito | 打蚊; 拍蠓
phahbe | sell by auction; auction | 拍賣
phahbiet | distinguish | 打滅; 撲滅
phahbixntøh'ar | play mahjong | 拍面桌仔
phahboachiog | play mahjong | 拍麻雀
phahboe | on sale | 拍賣
phahbofzhaix | a Taiwanese vegetable | 拍某菜
phahboo | mould; make a model of | 打模
phahbøe | sell by auction | 拍賣
phahbøkhix | lost | 拍無去
phahbøkvix | lost | 拍無見
phahbøo | lost | 打無
phahbøo`khix | lose, let be lost | 打無去; 拍無去; 遺失; 掉了,
phahciawbø | shoot birds | 打鳥無
phahciawbør | shoot birds | 打鳥母
phahkiab | plunder | 打劫
phahlahsab | cause something to get dirty; to dirty; to spoil; to stain | 打垃圾; 弄髒
phahputbok | help victims of injustice; fall out; suddenly turn hostile | 抱無目; 翻臉
phakboo | the 40th radical | 漢字部首之一
phangbi | fragrance; sweet odor; aromatic flavors; sweet and aromatic odor; smell; spicy taste | 香味; 芳味
phangbit | bee's honey | 蜂蜜
phangsapbuun | soap | 芳雪文
phangzuybi | fragrant water | 芳水味
phaq baxngkiuu | play tennis | 打網球
phaq bor tikawguu | man beat his wife be like a beast | 打老婆者如禽獸
phaq boxngpaai | engrave a tomb stone | 刻墓碑
phaq bøo`khix | lose; make something vanish | 失無去; 遺失
phaq-bachiog | to play mahjong | 打麻將
phaq-bexkhuy | cannot be opened; try in vain to open | 打無開
phaq-bexthofng | can't get through | 打無通
phaq-binzhngg | make a bed | 打眠床; 舖床
phaq-boexsie | still alive after a hard beating; try in vain to beat to death; invulnerable | 打無死
phaq-bøextit | in debt | 打無直; 收支不平衡
phaq-bøgii | to act when one is off guard | 打無疑; 乘虛
phaq-bømngg | failed to hit | 打無門
phaq-bøtiøh | failed to hit an object | 沒打中
phaq-chvybiin | wake up | 打青眠; 吵醒
phaq-tengbi | holding a riddle competition event | 打燈謎
pharnbong | expect eagerly; long for; hope for; long for; to wish; expect eagerly | 盼望
phaubiaau | cast anchor; develop engine trouble and become stuck mid-way | 拋錨
phauboat | bubble, foam, froth | 泡沫
phaubudsvoax | parabola; geometric parabola | 拋物線
phaubut-svoax | parabola | 拋物線
phaubut-thea | paraboloid | 拋物體
phawbea | horse race | 跑馬
phawbea-pof | racecourse | 跑馬埔; 跑馬場
phawbea-tviuu | a race course | 跑馬場; 賽馬場
phawbeftefng | marquee | 跑馬燈
phawbeftviuu | hippodrome; racecourse (for horse racing); racetrack | 跑馬場
phaybin | evil face | 歹面
phaybixnsiøkhvoax | evil face | 歹面相看
phaykhvoarbin | grumpy | 歹看面
pheakib | quota | 配給
phebeeng | put marginal notes in a book or letter; write a postscript; to comment on; give clear instructions | 批明
phek'hied boafnte | dark blood covered the ground | 碧血滿地
pheng khvoarbai | compare; make a comparison | 比比看
phengtheeng baxnlie | the ROC's journey of 10,000 li ─ said of those who early attain office; years of great promise | 鵬程萬里
phiahbat | secluded | 僻密; 藏密
phiahbiern | avoid; keep from; escape; avoid; forestall; prevent something from happening | 避免
phiaubeeng | mark; indicate; label; mark clearly | 標明
phiaubiao | misty | 飄渺
phiaubuo | wave | 飄舞
phiaubøe | mark to sell | 標賣
phiauliubok | driftwood | 漂流木
phiauliubut | flotsam | 漂流物
phiauliuu buteng | drift about; wander aimlessly | 漂流無定
phibii | to scatter, to disperse | 披靡
phiefnbien | one-sided | 片面
phienchib | edit; editor | 編輯
phiencib | edit; editor | 編輯
phienphiefn boeq | bent on having (in disregard of difficulties involved or other's opposition); choose; take positively; wish and desire obstinately | 偏偏要; 硬要
phienphienkhybuo | dance to tune | 翩翩起舞
phiernbien | unilateral; one sided | 片面; 片面,一方面,單方面
phiernbin | one sided; unilateral | 片面
phiørbin keakeg | face value (of a stock) | 票面價格
phiørbin | on the face of a check; ticket; face value of a note; bond | 票面
phoah`jiblaai | be dashed in (e.g.; rain or waves) | 濺進來
phoanbun | interrogate | 盤問
phoarbaa | words of scolding woman | 破痲; 罵壞女人之詞
phoarbang | broken net | 破網
phoarbih | split bamboo into thin strips | 破篾; 破竹條
phobin | put the best articles on the top | 舖面
phobixnthafn | facade, ostentation | 鋪面蟶
phoea'ui-hoarhabbut | complex compound | 配位化合物
phoeabexkhie | it does not match; unsuitable | 配無上
phoeakib | to ration; to allocate; distribution ratios | 配給
phoeakipbie | rationed rice | 配給米
phoebaq | skin and flesh | 皮肉
phoebeeng | make it clear | 批明; 註明
phoeboo | scale; scope; extent; pattern | 模子
phoetab | letter answer | 信答
phoex bagkviax | get the right lenses for eyeglasses; be fitted for eyeglasses | 配目鏡; 配眼鏡
phof binzhngg | make the bed | 舖床
phof bixnthafn | putting on the appearance of diligence; goodness when observed; eye serving | 裝表面
phofløbinjiasviaa | | 普羅民遮城
phofngsae boahbin | put shit on face; humiliation | 捧屎抹面
phokbiet | (v) stamp out; dampen out | 撲滅
phokboarn | cover completely | 撲滿
phokbudhak | natural history; natural science | 博物學
phokbudkoarn | museum | 博物館; 博物院
phokbudvi | museum | 博物館; 博物院
phokbut | nature; natural sciences | 博物
phokbuun | knowledgeable | 博聞
phoksu-luxnbuun | dissertation, doctorate thesis | 博士論文
phorngbie | puffed rice | 膨米
phorngbin | convex (face), mad | 凸面
phorngbixnkviax | a convex mirror | 凸面鏡
phorngboea | the amount budgeted over and above what is actually needed to purchase an item to make sure expenses can be covered; also refers to the number of things budgeted | 膨尾; 較實際寬鬆之數目
phornglab | concave | 凸凹
phorngsebø | woolen had | 膨紗帽
phorngthab | concave and convex | 膨蹋; 凹凸
phu'iuu sengbut | plankton | 浮游生物
phubin | above water level; float on the surface | 浮面; 浮出表面
phuiebin | angry; unrationale; refuse to acknowledge one's defeat; poor loser | 屁面; 呸面; 翻臉; 反臉; 輸無起; 不認帳
phuiethaau-phuiebin | high temper; unapproachable | 傲氣無恥
phunbong | grave | 墳墓
phurnbak | ink jet | 噴墨
phurnbu | atomization, to atomize | 噴霧
phurnbu-khix | vaporizer (spray) | 噴霧器
phurnbuxchiaf | spray car | 噴霧車
phurnbuxkhix | atomizer; spray gun; vaporizer | 濆霧器
phurnbuxky | fog machines | 噴霧機
phutøciab | grape juice | 葡萄汁
phvae-bixnchviw | annoyed; serious face; frowning; supercilious look; malicious face; grim; gruff | 歹面腔; 臉色難看
phvae-bixnseg | bad face; imply pale or angry | 歹面色; 臉色無佳
phvae-phoebaq | skin's resistance very weak; poor condition skin and flesh (easily infected; hard to heal) | 歹皮肉
phvae-seabin | disadvantageous | 歹勢面; 情況無好
phvai sibjixkex | carry the cross | 背十字架
phvaybak | roving eye; a lustful look | 歹目; 邪眼; 色瞇瞇的眼
phvaybaktor | stomachache | 歹腹肚
phvaybang | bad dream | 歹夢
phvaybattor | stomachache | 歹腹肚
phvaybi | bad taste; bad odor | 難聞; 味道無好; 壞味道
phvaybin | bad face; angry | 惡臉
phvaybixnchviw | bad face | 歹面腔
phvaybixnsiøkhvoax | look bad | 歹面相看
phvaybor | bad wife | 惡妻
phvaykhvoarbin | look bad; embarrassed | 歹看面
phvi bexzhud | cannot make out by smell what the thing is | 聞無出
phvialiaubaq | meat on the ribs of an animal; flesh on the back | 背脊肉
phvieboea | end of film | 片尾
phvixbagphang | nostril seam | 鼻目縫
phvixbagzhuix | one's appearance; facial features (in general) | 鼻目嘴; 臉貌; 面貌; 面孔
phvixbak | nose and eyes | 鼻眼
phvixbi | smell | 聞味
phvoarbøe | vendition; cadge; huckster; monger | 販賣
phvoarkoad-buun | written legal sentence or judgment | 判決文
phvoaxbuo | be a dancing partner | 伴舞
phynbak | items | 品目
phynbeeng | promise formally; make an agreement | 約明
phynkib | a grade; a class; rating; rank; status; titular rank | 品級
phøbin | a deck | 甲板
phøbuun | ripple; corrugation | 波紋
phøea'ui-hoarhabbut | complex compound | 配位化合物
phøeakib | allocation; allotment; ration | 配給
phøeakib-zeato | ration system | 配給制度
phøebaq | skin | 皮肉; 皮膚
phøebeeng | write an additional clause or explanation | 批明; 註明
phøebin | leather cover | 皮面
phøløbit | jackfruit | 波羅蜜
phørbiet | shattered | 破滅
phørhai beng'u | ruin one's reputation; to slander | 破壞名譽
phørtuu besixn | break down superstitions; get rid of superstition | 破除迷信
phøtøciab | grape juice | 葡萄汁
piahbin | wall surface | 壁面
piao-cybe | female cousins | 表姐妹; 表姊妹
piao-siøfbe | younger female cousin | 表小妹; 表妹
piaubeeng | to clearly mark or indicate | 標明
piauzwnbea | standard code | 標準碼
piawbeeng | express; show forth; illustrate; show forth; to manifest | 表明
piawbien | surface, external appearance | 表面
piawbin tviulek | surface tension (physics) | 表面張力
piawbin | surface; external appearance; on the surface; externally; outwardly | 表面
piawbixnhoax | come to the surface; come out into the open (said of a relationship; dispute; secret) | 表面化
piawbixnsiong ee koanhe | external relations | 表面上的關係
piawbixnsiong | outwardly; superficially; externally | 表面上
piawsi boafn'ix | express or indicate satisfaction | 表示滿意
piawsiøfbe | younger female cousin | 表小妹
pibeeng | inscriptional writing on a monument or tombstone | 碑銘
pibii | humble; simple; petty and low; lowly; humble; obscurity; humble | 卑微
pibirn | to have sympathy for | 悲憫
pibuun | inscription on a stone tablet; the inscription on a monument; epitaph; inscriptional writing | 碑文
pie khvoarbai | make a comparison | 比比看
pie-bøexcin | too many to compare | 比無盡
piebidseg | secret room | 祕密室
piebie | to compare favorably with | 媲美
piebit bunkvia | secret document; classified papers; confidential document | 秘密文件
piebit goaxkaw | secret diplomacy | 秘密外交
piebit hoexgi | secret conference; closed door meeting; conclave; clandestine meeting | 秘密會議
piebit kefngzhad | secret police | 秘密警察
piebit kiet'hwn | secret wedding; clandestine marriage | 秘密結婚
piebit kietsia | form a secret society | 秘密結社
piebit tauphiøx | secret ballot | 秘密投票
piebit tiauiog | secret treaty | 秘密條約
piebit | secret; secret; confidential; hidden secrecy | 秘密; 祕密
piebo tiefnlea | closing ceremony | 閉幕典禮
piebo | drop the curtain (after drama play); ending ceremony; close; conclude (shows; meeting); drop the curtain ─ the thing is ended | 閉幕
piebok iofngsiin | close the eyes and give the mind a brief rest | 閉目養神
piebuun siaxkheq | close the door to visitors; to refuse visitors; to lead a retiring life | 閉門謝客
piedkhay sengbien | introduce a novelty or novel feature | 別開生面
piekhao bugieen | remain silent; confute; contradict | 閉口無言
pienbea | coding | 編碼
pienbuo | choreographer | 編舞
piencib | compile; edit; editor | 編輯
piencibseg | editing room | 編輯室
pientioong bogkip | beyond one's influence; beyond one's reach; out of range | 鞭長莫及
piernbe | sell (a possession) to meet an immediate financial need; to transfer; convey | 變賣
piernbi | tastes unpleasant to the palate (stale food; drink) | 變味
piernbofng | feel all round | 變摸; 遍摸
piernbøe | to sell one's possession to meet urgent need | 變賣
piernbøliern | run out of tricks | 變無輪; 無法可變
piernbølo | run out of tricks | 變無路; 無法可變
piernhoarbaxnchiefn | change a lot | 變化萬千
piexn bøo liern | no way | 沒辦法使
piexnbeeng | explanation; show a matter clearly; show a thing in the right light | 辯明
piexnbiin | offer greater convenience to the people (by reducing red tape) | 便民
piexntong'ab'ar | bento box | 便當盒仔
pikhib | to weep with grief; to sob sorrowfully | 悲泣
pinbiin | poor people; poor man | 貧民
pinbiin-khud | slum | 貧民窟
pinbinkhud | slum area; shantytown | 貧民窟
pinbuun | verdict | 憑文
pinkøfciab | apple juice | 蘋果汁
pinnngciab | beetlejuice | 檳榔汁
pinphiøx jibzø | gain admission by showing tickets; admission by ticket | 憑票入座
pitbak | pen and ink; words; writing; pen and ink ─ stationery | 筆墨
pitbeng | strokes | 筆畫
pitbiet | must die | 必滅
pitboea | tip of writing brush or pencil; nib; tip; pen point | 筆尖
pitbøea | the tip of a writing brush; vigor of style in writing; stroke | 筆鋒; 筆尾; 筆尖; 詞鋒
pitgiab'ee | graduated | 畢業的
pitgiabpafn | graduating class | 畢業班
pitgiabsefng | graduate | 畢業生
pitgiabseg | commencement exercises; commencement | 畢業式
pitgiabzeeng | before graduation | 畢業前
pitgiap bunpiin | diploma | 畢業文憑
pitgiap luxnbuun | thesis | 畢業論文
pitgiap zerngbengsw | certificate of graduation; diploma | 畢業證明書
pithiab | inscription | 碑帖
pithienbynjiin | compassionate | 悲天憫人
pittab | answer in writing | 筆答
pixbiern | to avoid; to shun; to keep off; avoid; to escape from; get clear; prevent something from happening; avert | 避免
pixbongliok | memorandum (book) | 備忘錄
pixbonglok | a memorandum | 備忘錄
pixboong-lok | memo, reminders, tickler, memorandum | 備忘錄
pixchiab | be victimized by burglary | 被竊
pixhai boxngsiofngkoong | persecution mania | 被害妄想狂
pixhai boxngsiofngzexng | persecution complex (psychology); paranoia | 被害妄想症
pixkiab | be robbed; be kidnapped | 被劫
pixtexng sibjixkex | be crucified | 被釘十字架
pngfsiong bøo miaa | fail in an examination | 榜上無名
pngfthiab | add post | 補帖
pngxab'ar | lunch box; rice container | 飯盒仔
pngxliab'ar | grain of cooked rice | 飯粒仔
poadbuun | postscript | 跋文
poadsiab | travel over land and water | 跋涉
poahkib | to assign, to appropriate | 撥給
poanbun | cross-question; interrogate | 盤問
poaqbea | fall off a horse; train derailment | 跋馬; 火車脫軌
poaqjibkhix | fell into | 跋入去
poaqløqbea | fell from riding horse | 跋落馬; 跌落馬
poaqsibpad | gamble with 3 dice (the highest throw is 18) | 賭骰子
poarbie | separate rice from chaff | 撥米; 揚米(去糠)
poarnbeeng poarn'axm | half bright and half shadowy; not very bright | 半明半暗
poaxnbeng | defy an order | 叛命; 抗命
poaxnbøe | betray (person, secret) | 叛賣; 出賣
poe sibjixkex | carry the cross | 背十字架
poeabin | reverse side; back side | 背面
poeabør | fritillary (used as herbal medicine) | 貝母
poebuo | flying dance | 飛舞
poee jinbeng | make restitution for a murder; pay compensation for a death | 賠人命
poee-bexkhie | cannot afford to pay (for the loss); unable to pay compensation | 賠無起
poefchiwbin | quarrel | 掰手面
poeqbong | grave fiesta | 培墓
poesioong beng'u | indemnity for defamation | 賠償名譽
poexbeng | disobey orders | 背命
poexbin | back side, reverse side | 背面
poexbiu | fallacy | 背謬
poexbo | visit the grave | 培墓
poexbong | to pay respects to a dead person at his tomb; clean or repair a grave at the time of chheng-beng; and pay respects to one's ancestors at the grave | 培墓; 掃墓
pofbang | mending a fishing net; repair nets | 補網
pofbat | close up a hole, repair | 補密; 補修
pofbiin | sleep supplement | 補眠
pofbut | health supplements | 補物; 營養物
pofkib | supply; replenish; provisions; (military) supplies; replenish | 補給
pofngsiong bubeeng | fail in an examination | 榜上無名
pofphoarbang | mending the broken net | 補破網
pofsibhuix | tuition fee | 補習費
pofsibpafn | class for supplementary schooling; supplementary school to take care of dropouts or those who cannot make the entrance exams of regular schools; extension school | 補習班
pofthab | fill a vacancy; supply a deficiency; fill a vacancy in an office force | 填塞; 補洞; 補缺
pofthaubaq | ax head | 斧頭肉 [*]
pofthiab | a subsidy; a subvention; an allowance | 補貼
pogbeng | ill-fated; short-lived; star crossed; ill fated (usually referring to young and beautiful girls); unfortunate in life | 薄命
pogbo | sunset | 薄暮
pokbaq | fried meat | 爆肉
pokbuun | refutation | 駁文
pongboarn | evening; dusk; nightfall | 傍晚
poong jiok buu jiin | act audaciously or uninhibitedly; as if there were no other persons around | 旁若無人
por phoarbang | mend fishnet | 修補魚網
porbak | squares between the longitude and latitude lines of the cloth | 布目
porbin | cloth top | 布面
porbo | screen | 布幕
porboarn | full of | 佈滿
porkørbuun | report | 報告文
pornghoong bukex | agitated; not knowing what to do | 徬徨無計
porthauporbea | remaining pieces of clothes after making a dress | 布頭布尾
porthauporboea | remaining pieces of clothes after making a dress | 布頭布尾
poxbuun | class; section; department | 部門
poxhegbut | prize in warfare | 捕獲物
poxjuo-toxngbut | mammal | 哺乳動物
poxngbie | make puffed rice | 磅米; 爆米
poxngbyphafng | puffed rice | 磅米芳; 磅; 爆米花
puafbin | bottle gourd face | 匏仔面
pud bongpurn | not to forget the origin | 無忘本
pudbiø | temple | 佛廟
puibaq | fat; fat meat | 肥肉
puitibah'ar | fat pork | 肥豬肉仔
puq liab'ar | have boils | 冒粒仔; 生瘡
put'beng'u | disgraceful, disreputable | 無明譽; 不名譽
put'bengkhag | indefinite, unclear | 無明確; 不明確
put'bengty | unwise, ill-advised | 無明知; 不明知
put'habgii | inappropriate | 無合宜
put'habhoad | illegal | 無合法; 不合法
put'habkeq | not up to the standard; fail to pass (examinations); disqualified | 無合格; 不合格
put'hablie | unreasonable | 無合理; 不合理
put'habseg | unsuitable, unfit | 無合式; 不合適
put'habzog | non cooperation | 無合作; 不合作
put'hofng-putbaang | leisurely; unhurried; with full composure | 無慌不忙
put'kibkeq | not qualified, below standard, to frank a course, to fail to pass | 無及格; 不及格
put'kietbeeng | nonalignment | 無結盟; 不結盟
put'thaobeeng | opaque | 無透明; 不透明
put'thefbien | dishonor, dishonorable, disgrace, disgraceful | 無體面; 不體面
putbeeng putpek | be obscure; lack clearness | 無明不白
putbeeng | not clear; unknown; make neither head nor tail of; not clear; nebulous | 無明; 不明
putbeeng-putpek | not clear; unknown | 無明不白
putbeng'u | dishonor; disreputable; scandalous | 無名譽
putbengsox | unclear variable | 無明數; 不明素
putbiau | something is wrong or going badly | 無妙
putbiern | unavoidable | 無免
putbiet | immortality; immortal; eternal; everlasting | 無滅; 不滅
putbiin-put'hiw | without rest; tireless; indefatigable | 無眠不休
putboarn | discontent; dissatisfaction | 無滿; 不滿
putbok | unfriendly; at enmity; at variance; not on good terms | 無睦; 不睦
putbu zernggiap | do not have a legitimate business or profession (said of a playboy) | 不務正業
putbu-zernggiap | to ignore one's proper occupation | 不務正業
putbun | ignoring, not looking into | 無聞
putbuu sinkhor | it was very difficult; takes a lot of trouble | 無無辛苦
putbuun-putbun | care nothing about; an a ttitude of indifference; cut off all communications | 無聞不問
putkibbut | intransitive | 無及物
putkibsii | untimely | 無及時; 不及時
putseeng-buxntee | out of the question | 無成問題
putsengbut | nothing | 無成物
puttab-putchid | inconsistent; incoherent; vague; ambiguous; non-committal; evasive; nothing to the point; in a hopeless mess | 不得要領; 一團糟
pve jip køboong | disease has entered the vital region ─ there is little hope for recovery | 病入膏盲
pvebin kyhøo | plane geometry | 平面幾何
pvebin svakag | plane trigonometry | 平面三角
pvebin | plane (surface) | 平面
pvebixntoo | floor plan | 平面圖
pvexbør | long term effects; owing to incomplete cure | 病根
pviafab'ar | cookie; box; case | 餅盒仔
pviafkib | 3rd class | 丙級
pviafsab | cake crumbs | 餅屑
pviax-siogbøe | undersell | 拼俗賣; 摒俗賣; 廉售
pviax`jiblaai | rush in | 拼進來
pvibin | a flat; a flat surface | 平面
pviebae | become bad, become worse | 變壞; 變䆀
pviebarng | messing around; beginning a bad course of life; use finesse; devise schemes | 搞鬼; 搞小花樣
pviebin | frown; show anger of displeasure in the face; become angry; put on a long face; change countenance; to sulk; to frown; become angry, put on a long face, change countenance, to sulk, to frown | 翻臉; 變面; 變臉
pviebøbarng | ran out of tricks | 變無魍
pviebøliern | can't juggle; can't play tricks | 變無輪; 弄無出花樣
pviebøo | ran out of tricks | 變無
pviesvafbarng | what's up | 變啥魍
pviesviafbarng | what's up | 變啥魍
pvix-bøbarng | cannot be obtained; cannot be done; impracticable; at one's wit's end; in a dilemma | 變無蚊; 搞無出名堂
pvix-bøloxlaai | can not do it; unable to accomplish | 變無路來; 做無來
pvix-chvibin | change one's countenance | 變青面
pvixbuo | ill mother | 病母
pvoa bafng'ar | swat away mosquitoes | 拌蠓仔
pvoaa`jibkhix | climb in | 攀進去; 翻進去
pvoarbag'ar | make believe you don't notice something (Lit. one eye open and one closed) | 半目仔; 睜一眼閉一眼仔
pvoarbe-pvoarsaxng | sell goods at rock bottom prices (said by shop owners as a sales gimmick) | 半買半送
pvoarbin | half face; half side | 半面
pvoarbin-siongsek | slightly acquainted with a man | 半面常適; 有點認識
pvoarbixnsek | sounds like met somewhere | 半面熟
pvoarkangbøfar | hermaphrodite (slang) | 半公母仔; 陰陽人
pvoax sidbinte | country nominally independent (whose sovereignty is often infringed upon by great powers) | 半殖民地
pvoax thaobengthea | translucent; partially transparent | 半透明體
pvoaxbarng | drive out mosquitoes | 拂蚊
pvy-chiwbøea | quarrel | 扁手尾
pwbserng | this province | 本省
pwn-bøexpvii | can't distribute fair | 分無平
pwnboat | first and last; essential and nonessential | 本末
pwnbuun | This article; main body of a writing | 本文
pwnlaai biexnbok | the true look; the color | 本來面目
pwnthofbi | local flavor | 本土味
pwntofbie | the customary rice | 在來米; 本島米
pybaghii | flatfish, flounder | 比目魚
pybok-hii | one species of halibut | 比目魚
pybuo | Chinese martial art competition; demonstrate fighting skills in a tournament; engage in a contest of physical prowess | 比武
pyciab | negotiate | 比接; 交涉
pykaokib | comparative degree | 比較級
pynbeeng | to explain to a superior or elder; state clearly | 稟明
pynthiab | official report to a superior | 稟報; 陳情書
pøee`jibkhix | got in with loss | 賠進去
pøehbøea | eight number of (fish) | 八尾
pøehjixthiab | document containing eight zodiac character times; often exchanged before marriage | 八字帖
pøexbiu | offend against, apostatize | 背謬
pøexbong | beautify a grave (at [[Zhengbeeng]]); visit tomb | 培墓; 掃墓
pøfbea | valuable horse | 寶馬
pøfbek | valuable ink | 寶墨
pøfbit | to maintain secrecy; to keep something secret; to keep a secret; keep secret | 保密
pøfbuo | nanny | 褓母
pøfbut | precious things | 寶物
pøfbør | kindergarten teacher children's nurse; housekeeper; protector; nurse who looks after small children; a kindergarten teacher | 保姆; 褓姆
pøhbin | surface | 卜面
pøhkhvoarbai | take a chance; have a try at; risk it; chance it | 試試看; 碰碰運氣
pøløbit | pineapple | 婆羅蜜
pøløbuun-kaux | Brahmanism | 婆羅門教
pøqbixnphoee | thin skin | 薄面皮
pørbea | an informer | 報馬
pørbeeng | to report; state clearly to a higher authority | 報明
pørbefar | an informer; scout; spy; detective | 報馬仔; 探子; 打小報告
pørbøea | an informer | 報馬
pørkib | to report the urgency of | 報急
pørtab | reward; give a return for; repay another's kindness; to recompense | 報答
pøxbiin | mobs; mobsters | 暴民
pøxcirn-thienbut | wasted, spoil merchandise | 暴賑天物
sab | broken fine of wood piece; fine; small; scraps; crumbs; chips | 圾; 食; 屑
saboo | desert (geography) | 沙漠
sabsab'afho | drizzle | 霎霎仔雨
sabui'afsabuy | tiny; unclear; foggy | 沙微仔沙微
sabuisabuy | tiny; unclear; foggy | 沙微沙微
sabunhii | salmon fish | 三文魚; 鮭魚
sabuy | eyes almost closed; when sleepy or glaring | 挲微; 沙微; 睡眼惺松; 瞇瞇眼
sabøo | without a clue | 捎無
sabøthauzarng | clueless | 捎無頭摠
sabøzarng | can't grope | 捎無粽; 法摸索; 找無到原因
sae lirn-lauxbør | this expression denotes disagreement (is not spoken nor taken literally) | 使恁老母
sae-bagbøea | give a side glance, wink, leer | 使目尾; 斜眼看人
saebea | horse race | 賽馬
saebea-tviuu | racetrack (for horses) | 賽馬場
saebeftviuu | race course | 賽馬場
saebuo | compete in martial arts | 賽武
saelabhøo | | 塞納河
safn beeng zuie siux | mountains are bright; and the waters are fair (descriptive of scenic beauty) | 山明水秀
safn'giabhoax | industrialization | 產業化
safnban | undisciplined | 散漫
safnbaq | lean meat | 瘦肉
safnbut pøfhiarm kongsy | property insurance company | 產物保險公司
safnbut | a product; products | 產物
safngiap kekbeng | Industrial Revolution | 產業革命
safnte zerngbeeng | certificate of origin | 產地證明
sah baq | boil a whole piece of meat without adding any condiments | 煠肉; 用水煮肉
sai'afbuo | lion mom | 獅仔母
sai'afbøea | lion tail | 獅仔尾
saibin | west side | 西面
saibuo | lioness | 獅母; 母獅
saibør | lioness | 獅母; 母獅
saiguboxnggoeh | rhino staring at moon | 犀牛望月
saikokbie | sago, powdery starch made from the processed pith found inside the trunks of the sago tree | 西國米
saipengbin | west side | 西爿面
sambengti | sandwich | 三明治
sambiin | of the people by the people and for the people | 三民
sambunhii | salmon | 三文魚; 鮭魚; 罐頭魚
sambunhuu | salmon | 三文魚
samhabthoo | mortar made of sand, lim, clay | 三合土
samhabthor | mortar | 三合土
samhof baxnsoex | three cheers | 三呼萬歲
samthiabkie | triassic | 三疊紀
samzan'afbaq | bacon | 三層仔肉
samzanbahthngf | bacon soup | 三層肉湯
samzanbaq | streaky pork; pork having fat and lean in alternate layers | 五花肉
samzhesuochiab | many wives | 三妻四妾
sanbeeng haysex | vow between lovers that their love will last as long as the mountains and the sea | 山盟海誓
sanbenghaysex | the sincerity of love is solid as mountain and ocean | 山盟海誓
santin'iafbi | wild delicacy | 山珍野味
santinhaybi | precious food | 山珍海味
santyn-haybi | delicacies of all lands and seas ─ sumptuous repast | 山珍海味
saobiaau | scan | 掃描
saobiet | sweep away to destruction | 掃滅
saobo | visit the grave | 掃墓
saobong | to visit a grave; Lit. to sweep the tomb ─ pay respects to one's ancestor at his grave | 掃墓
saoboong | to eliminate illiteracy | 掃墓; 掃盲
sapbunhurn | soap powder | 肥皂粉
sapbunphoeh | soap bubbles | 雪文沫
sapbunphøf | soap bubbles | 雪文波
sapbuun | soap (from Portuguese: sabao) | 肥皂; 雪文
sapsab | drizzling (rain) | 屑屑; 霎霎; 細雨霏霏; 毛毛雨
sarnban | incompact; loose; disorganized | 散漫
sarnbunsy | prose poem | 散文詩
sarnbuun | prose; prose writing; prose | 散文
sarngthiab | send an invitation | 送帖
satbag'afhii | milkfish | 虱目仔魚
satbag'ar | milkfish | 虱目仔
satbaghii | milkfish (Chanos chanos) | 虱目魚; 蝨目魚
satbaghuu | milkfish | 虱目魚
satbak | milkfish (Chanos chanos) | 虱目
satbat | milkfish | 虱目
satbunhurn | powdered soap | 肥皂粉
satbunzuie | suds | 肥皂水
satbuo | lice | 蝨子; 蝨母
satbuun | soap | 肥皂; 雪文
satbuun-phøf | soap bubble | 肥皂波; 肥皂泡
satbør | lice | 蝨子
saxng baq chi hor | lose money by unwise speculation or by entrusting it to an irresponsible person | 送肉餵虎
saxng lefbut | present a gift | 送禮物
saybagbea | wink | 使目尾
saybagboea | wink; cast an angry or amorous glance (archaic) | 使目尾
saybagbøea | cast an angry or amorous glance (archaic) | 送秋波; 斜視
saybagcvix | winking | 使目箭
saybagkag | winking | 送目角
saybea | winking | 送尾
saybin | unpleasant face | 臭臉
sayboea | winking | 屎尾
sea-bøexkhylaai | stain incapable of being washed off; indelible | 洗無起來
sea-bøexlud | incapable of being washed off; indelible | 洗無掉
sea-bøexzhefng | unable to vindicate oneself | 洗無清
sea-bøexzhengkhix | cannot be washed clean | 洗無乾淨
seabin | aspect; situation; circumstances; state of affairs; essential points; important points; prestige; appearance; manner | 勢面; 要領; 聲譽; 形勢; 局勢; 局面
seaboat | end of the world | 世末; 末日
seaboea | small tail; small fish | 細尾
seabu | affairs of the world | 世務; 世故
seabuun | oath | 誓文
seabøea | small fish; little hoodlum; gangster | 小魚; 小流氓
seakaekib | world class | 世界級
seakaix boadjit | the Last Day; Doomsday | 世界末日
sealiabcie | little guy | 細粒子
seasealiab'ar | little | 細細粒仔
seasex bukioong | from generation to generation without end | 世世無窮
seasiok ee iogbong | worldly desires | 世俗的慾望
sebø | silk hat; hat worn by officials | 紗帽
seeng jiin cy bie | help fulfill another's cherished hopes; assist others in achieving an objective | 成人之美
sefbin | wash one's face | 洗臉
sefbixnphuun | washbasin | 洗臉盆; 臉盆
sefbixnzøo | wash basin | 洗面槽
sefchiwbin | hand wash and face | 洗手面
segbad | familiar | 熟識
sekbee | given up to lust; a sensualist; a Don Juan | 色迷
sekboong | color blindness | 色盲
sekobie | sago (rice) | 西貢米
sekofbie | sago (rice) | 西貢米
sekokbie | sago (rice) | 西國米; 西貢米
sekorngbie | sago (rice) | 西貢米
seng'oah buxntøee | problems of livelihood | 生活問題
sengbeeng | announce; declare; issue a statement; announce; declare; make a statement; clarify publicly | 聲明; 成名
sengbeng | accept an invitation; life | 生命; 承命; 從命
sengbexnglek | vitality | 生命力
sengbi | a mystery | 成謎
sengbok | eye-catching | 醒目
sengbong | fame; reputation; prestige | 聲望
sengboong | be obliged; much indebted to...; much obliged | 承蒙
sengbudcid | biomass | 生物質
sengbudhagciar | biologist | 生物學者
sengbudhak | biology | 生物學
sengbudhoarhak | biochemistry | 生物化學
sengbudkaix | biological world | 生物界
sengbut | creature; living thing; organism; creature; biology | 生物
sengbut-cid | animal matter | 生物質; 生物物質
sengbut-hak | biology | 生物學
sengbut-lui | animals | 生物類
sengbøea | buy | 承買; 承購
sengchiefn sengban | hundreds and thousands; countless; numerous | 成千成萬
sengciab | to inherit, to accept, acceptance | 成接; 承接; 繼承
senghongbiø | temple of the city god | 城隍廟
sengkaf libgiap | get married and start a business (said of a man reaching adulthood) | 成家立業
sengkhw bøo pvoarsiern | I have not a bit of a cash on me | 身上一毛錢也沒有。
sengkib | promote; promotion; be promoted; have one's salary increased | 升級
senglybin | business | 生意面
sengsarn habzoksia | producers guild (cooperative) | 生產合作社
sengseeng-but | product | 生成物
sengsefng-bok | poinsettia | 生生木; 猩猩木
sengsuo iwbeng | death and life are predetermined | 生死有命
sengsykiab | life and death | 生死劫
seqjibkhix | to revolve | 踅入去
seqlinlongbea | merry go round horse | 踅玲瑯馬
serngbeeng | full name of a person; surname and personal name | 姓名
serngbeng | person's life | 性命
serngbiin | holy people | 聖民
serngbiø | holy temple | 聖廟
serngbut | blessed articles; sacramentals (Catholic) | 聖物
serngkarm bengsefng | movie queen; sex kitten; sex goddess | 性感明星
serngkib | hasty, impetuous, quick-tempered | 性急
serngpai bixteng | uncertain issue of the battle or game | 勝敗未定
serngtaxn lefbut | Christmas gift | 聖誕禮物
seviuu bunbeeng | Western civilization | 西洋文明
si zaai juu beng | regard wealth as one's life | 視財如命
si'ab | pressure | 施壓
si'afboeh | silk stockings or socks | 絲仔襪
si`bøo | Are you? Aren't you? Is it? Isn't it? etc | 是無; 是不是; 對無對
siaa-tuiebin | not directly opposite; diagonally opposite | 斜對面
siab chiwphang | a few | 屧手縫
siab khyphang | little food only can stuff in chink between teeth | 塞牙縫; 比喻食物很少
siab tøhkhaf | wedge something under the leg of a desk or table (so as to make it steady) | 塞棹腳
siab zhuiekhyphang | lodge between the teeth | 塞牙縫; 比喻食物很少
siab | puckery; acerbity; stick (between the molars); fill up (a cavity or crack); wedge something under a piece of furniture so as to make it steady | 洩; 卌; 塞; 四十; 攝; 填; 澀
siab'axn | involved | 涉案
siab-hof bat | fill it up (a crevice) | 塞滿
siabhiaam | suspect | 涉嫌
siabhiarm | risk; adventure; involved in danger | 涉險
siabhun | take revenge | 洩恨
siabin | bevel | 斜面
siabkip | extend over; concern; deal with; refer to; touch on | 涉及
siablau kunky | let out military secrets | 洩漏軍機
siablau piebit | leak a secret | 洩漏秘密
siablau thienky | disclose a divine secret | 洩漏天機
siablau | Heaven's secret must not be let out ─ said by a fortune teller when he is asked to explain minutely what he has said vaguely; said jokingly of a man who will not tell a secret | 洩漏
siablo | disclose; reveal | 洩露
siabsuie | wade in; ford; paddle | 涉水
siabsw | privacy | 涉私
siabtok | venting poison | 洩毒
siabzefng | gonorrhea | 洩精; 俗指淋病
siabzuie | leaking (water) | 漏水
siafbeeng | write clearly | 寫明
siafbuun | write a letter | 行文
siafbøo | nothing written | 寫無
siafmbiq | hide, keep under cover | 閃匿; 隱匿; 閃躲
siafthiab | write a post | 寫帖
siag iambie | toss rice and salt on the floor in order to avert the evil that might result from an unlucky utterance | 摔鹽米; 驅邪
siakbeh | thresh wheat | 賒麥; 摔麥
siaktoaxbiin | deep sleep | 摔大眠
siang laixbin ee laang | persons living in the same house | 同一家人
siangbak | binocular; both eyes | 雙目
siangbii | double eyebrows | 雙眉
siangbin kngf | smooth on both sides | 雙面亮
siangbin | both sides; both surfaces | 雙面
siangbixntøf | double edged knife | 雙面刀
siangbixntøkuie | double-sided sword ghost | 雙面刀鬼
siangboong | parents both dead | 雙亡
siangchiuo baxnleeng | with these two hands one can work miracles | 雙手萬能
sianghie limbuun | have simultaneously two happy events in a family (as a son getting married on his father's birthday) | 雙喜臨門
siangpvy hiabteng | bilateral agreement | 雙邊協定
siangthaau bøo cidgvauq | equally incapable of either; both proposals coming to nothing; ran after two hares and caught neither | 雙頭空
siaobak | details of accounts; accounts | 帳目; 數目; 賬目
siaobøea | balance of an account | 賬尾
siapbi | astringency | 澀味
siapsiab | astringent taste | 澀澀
siapsiapsiab | very astringency | 澀澀澀
siapthiab | Put neatly and densely | 屧貼
siar buncviw | write a literary essay | 寫文章
siarbiern | absolve; pardon (an offender) | 赦免
siarbixnphee | lost face | 卸面皮
siarbixnphoee | lost face | 卸面皮
siarm-bølo | have no way of escape | 閃無路; 無路可逃
siarngtoaxbiin | have a good sleep | 摔大眠; 睡大覺
siaubi | deodorize | 消味
siaubiet | destroy; consume; annihilate; exterminate; destroy; die out | 消滅
siauchiuu kaybun | allay sorrow and dissipate worry | 消愁解悶
siauhuix habzoksia | consumers cooperative | 消費合作社
siaukud-løqbaq | skinny | 消骨落肉
siausafnløqbaq | lost weights | 消瘦落肉
siausarn løqbaq | become very weak and thin | 消瘦憔悴
siawbaa | madwoman | 痟貓; 瘋女人; (粗話)
siawbiin | citizen | 小民
siawjii bapix | polio | 小兒麻痺
siawkawbør | bitch in heat | 痟母狗; 發情的母狗
siawkuybin | devil's face | 少鬼面
siawzabor | crazy woman | 肖查某
siax thefbien | cause our superior to lose respect through our bad conduct | 丟體面
siaxbiin | social citizen | 社民
siaxboefkef | | 社尾街
siaxbu | affairs or business of an association; newspaper office | 社務
siaxhoe binzuo zwgi | social democracy | 社會民主主義
siaxhoe binzwtorng | social democrats | 社會民主黨
siaxhoe buxntøee | social problems | 社會問題
siaxhoe hogbu | social service | 社會服務
siaxhoexbin | social aspect | 社會面
siaxngboea | the last one | 上尾
siaxngbuo | same mother | 同母
siaxngbøo | at least | 上無
siaxngløqboea | the last | 上落尾
siaxthiab | thank you note | 謝貼
sib thaux`koex | wet through | 濕透
sib | humid; damp; moist; grimy with moisture | 濕; 溼
sib'og | heinous | 十惡
sib'okput'siax | heinous; unforgivable | 十惡無赦
sib'okputsiax | heinous; unforgivable | 十惡無赦
sibaq | corpse | 屍肉
sibbie | perfect | 十美
sibbut | plant, vegetable | 食物; 植物
sibbut-hak | botany, botanical | 食物學; 植物學
sibbut-hngg | a botanical garden | 食物園; 植物園
sibbut-jiin | botanical person, unconscious person | 食物人; 植物人
sibciog | full | 十足; 襲爵
sibcirnhoad | decimal system | 十進法
sibeng | customary | 習用
sibge | apprenticeship | 習藝
sibgexsor | vocational training center; handicraft class | 習藝所
sibji cytngg huieioong | duodenal ulcer | 十二指腸潰瘍
sibji sernghø | sign of the cross (Catholic) | 十字聖號
sibji | character ten; the figure of a perpendicular cross | 十字; 習字
sibjixcytngg | duodenum | 十二指腸
sibjixheeng | cross character shape | 十字刑
sibjixhox | tied crosswise with string or rope | 十字綁
sibjixkex | cross; the Cross | 十字架
sibjixkii | crusaders flag | 十字期
sibjixkwn | Crusaders | 十字軍
sibjixkøef | cross streets; intersection | 十字街
sibjixlo | cross roads | 十字路
sibjixloxkhao | cross-roads; intersection | 十字路口
sibjixloxterng | intersection | 十字路頂
sibjixloxthaau | intersection | 十字路頭
sibkaix | the Ten Commandments | 十戒; 十誡
sibkeg | assault; descend; overtake; raid | 襲擊
sibkoarn'gie | idiom (archaic) | 習慣語; 慣用語
sibkoarnhoad | customary law; customs having force of law | 習慣法
sibkoarnsexng | habitual | 習慣性
sibkoaxn seeng zuxjieen | Habit is second nature | 習慣成自然
sibkoaxn | custom; habit; usage; habit; practice | 習慣
sibkoaxn-sexng | habitual nature | 習慣性
sibkym putmui | pick up a piece of lost gold or money and return it to the owner | 拾金無昧
siblixcytngg | duodenum | 十二指腸
siblixkex | cross | 十字架
siblixlo | intersection | 十字路
sibpat'ar | dice | 十八仔
sibpattauar | dice | 十八骰仔
sibsexng | habit; behavior; propensity | 習性
sibtee | problems to be worked out in the course of study; exercises | 習題
sibtøee | exercise | 習題
sibu | timely affair, timely topics | 時務
sibzhuix | fragment, chip | 拾碎; 零碎
sibzoaan sibbie | perfect | 十全十美
sibzoaan | perfect | 十全
sibzoanlo | perfect road | 十全路
sibøeh | silk stocking | 絲襪
sid beng'u | lose reputation or good name | 失名譽
sid binsym | lose the support of the people; alienate the masses | 失民心
sid bixnzuo | lose face; disgrace oneself | 失面子
sid thefbin | lose face | 失面子
sid-thefbien | lose face, be humiliated | 失體面
sidbiin kaoiok | colonial education | 殖民教育
sidbiin zerngzheg | colonial policy | 殖民政策
sidbiin | colonization; colonize; plantation; colonize; settle people in a less developed area | 殖民; 殖民地的人民
sidbinciar | colonizer | 殖民者
sidbintøe | subject area; subject land; colony | 殖民地
sidbu | practical experience | 實務
sidbudhak | botany | 植物學
sidbudhngg | botanical garden; vivarium | 植物園
sidbudiuu | vegetable oil | 植物油
sidbudkaix | the vegetable kingdom | 植物界
sidbudsexng | vegetative | 植物性
sidbut hagciar | botanist | 植物學者
sidbut hagkaf | botanist | 植物學家
sidbut hoarhak | photochemistry | 植物化學
sidbut hoat'ioghak | vegetable embryology | 植物發育學
sidbut hunluixhak | classificatory botany | 植物分類學
sidbut liauhoad | diet therapy | 食物療法
sidbut phiaupurn | botanical specimen; herbarium | 植物標本
sidbut phoeakib | food rationing | 食物配給
sidbut pvexlyhak | phytopathology | 植物病理學
sidbut seapaw | vegetable cells | 植物細胞
sidbut senglyhak | physiological botany | 植物生理學
sidbut sengthaehak | vegetable ecology | 植物生態學
sidbut | foods; foodstuffs; edibles | 食物; 實物; 食品; 植物
sidbut-hagkaf | botanist | 食物學家; 植物學家
sidbut-hak | botany | 食物學; 植物學
sidbut-he | department of botany | 食物系; 植物系
sidbut-tixliaau | therapy by food-control, food-control therapy | 食物治療
sidgiabkaf | businessman; industrialist; an entrepreneur | 實業家
sidgiabkaix | business (industrial) world or circles | 實業界
sidsibsefng | an apprentice; student | 實習生
sie bølaang khaux | May you die with none to lament for you! | 死了沒人哭
sie pud bengbok | be unwilling to die (because of some unfinished tasks; unfulfilled wishes; intensive grudge) | 死無瞑目
sie-bøkhix | was at the point of death; then recovered; escaped death by a hair's breadth | 死無去; 死裏逃生
siebin zhofkøf | facing hostility; difficulty; or frustration on all sides; enemies on every side | 四面楚歌
siebin | all sides; four sides; on all sides; in all directions | 四面
siebixnpat'hofng | all sides; | 四面八方
siebøea | four (fish) | 四尾
siefnbeeng | vividness | 鮮明
siehab'vi | a quadrangle, a quadrangular building | 四合院
siekakbø | 4 corners hat | 四角帽
siekib | the fourth class, quaternary | 四級
siekiet'afboea | dead knot | 四結仔尾
sienbeeng | vividness; sharp; distinct; bright colored | 鮮明
sienbiin | ancestors | 先民
sienbiør | my deceased mother | 先母; 先慈
sienbuo | my deceased mother | 先母
sienbør | my deceased mother | 先母; 先慈
sienzuxbiin | first inhabitants | 先住民
siepo habchviux | vocal quartet | 四部合唱
siettok sinbeeng | blasphemy; blaspheme the gods | 褻瀆神明
siezap siøfsii bengkiofng Serngthea | forty hours devotion (Catholic) | 四十小時明供聖體
sihøo bøzhøx | exactly right; no mistake at all | 絲毫無錯
sii-bøexkhix | be unable to have one's resignation accepted | 辭無掉
siin zhud kuie but | appear and disappear quite unpredictably like gods and demons | 神出鬼沒
sikoebaq | watermelon fleshy interior | 西瓜肉
sikoeciab | watermelon juice | 西瓜汁
simbaang | bewildered, perplexed | 心盲; 迷亂
simbak | the understanding, the heart, what I know | 心目
simbak-tiofng | in one's mind, in one's eyes | 心目中
simbee | enraptured, captivated | 心迷; 神迷
simbogtiofng | in one's heart or mind | 心目中
simbok | in one's heart or mind | 心目
simbun | miss or long for; boredom; state of mental depression | 心念; 心悶; 心很悶; 想念
simhoaf buxnliuo | seek carnal pleasure (said of a male) | 尋花問柳
simkvoabaq | sweetheart | 心肝肉
simløo-baxnsiong | all things in the universe; the (whole) universe | 森羅萬象
simsiin bøtvia | unsettled in mind | 心神無定
simte kongbeeng | clear conscience; upright | 心地光明
simthaau bøtvia | slightly deranged; out of one's mind | 心頭無定
simzaitoxbeeng | know well | 心知肚明
simzeeng bae | emotionally upset | 心情壞; 情緒壞
simzong bapix | heart failure | 心臟麻痺
sin'auxbut | things left behind after death | 身後物
sin'ge zonghabthea | cinemascope | 新藝綜合體
sinbeeng | gods; gods; spirits | 神明
sinbi | new taste | 新味
sinbiau | marvelous; mysterious; occult; wonderfully excellent and efficacious (medicine) | 神妙
sinbie | fresh rice; newly harvested rice | 新米
sinbiin | subject | 臣民
sinbinpøx | new citizen newspaper | 新民報
sinbintøq | gods table for worship | 神明桌
sinbiø | temple of a god | 神廟
sinbok | Sacred Tree; divine tree | 神木
sinboong | die | 身亡
sinbunkaix | press circle; journalist circle | 新聞界; 報界
sinbunsia | newspaper office, newspaper press | 新聞社
sinbunzhux | Information Service | 新聞處
sinbunzoar | old newspaper | 新聞紙; 報紙
sinbuo | new style of dance | 新舞
sinbuun jinbut | people in the news; VIPs | 新聞人物
sinbuun kieciar | reporter; a correspondent | 新聞記者; 記者
sinbuun kofngpox | news broadcast | 新聞廣播
sinbuun thongsirnsia | news agency | 新聞通訊社
sinbuun | news | 新聞
sinbuzhurnthiq | armless; defenseless | 身無寸鐵
sinciab | receive and carry on | 新接; 承接
sinkafngbuun | written Taiwanese created by ministre in early stage | 新港文
sinkefng koeabirn | excessively sensitive | 神經過敏
sinkefng-køeabirn | nervous | 神經過敏
sinku putciab | previous (harvest) used up before the new (crop) is in | 新舊無接; 青黃不接
sinniuu bang'ar | bridal veil | 新娘網仔
sinzuxbiin | new resident; new immigrant | 新住民
siofngboea | the last | 上尾
siofngkib | give a promised reward | 賞級; 賞給
siogbe | for sale | 俗賣
siogbeng | save one from the death penalty by a payment | 贖命
siogboe | for sale | 俗賣
siogbunhak | popular literature | 俗文學
siogbøe | fire sale | 俗賣
siogbøea | buy cheap | 俗買
siokbeng | fatalism | 宿命
siokbeng-lun | fatalism | 宿命論
siokbeng-luxnciar | fatalist | 宿命論者
siokbexnglun | fatalism | 宿命論
siokbok | ([[zegbok]]) lonely | 寂寞; 肅穆
siokbong | wish | 宿望
siong'afn-busu | at peace with each other | 相安無事
siong'y uibeng | rely upon each other for life | 相依為命
siongbeeng | mutually clear | 相明
siongbeng | fate | 相命
siongbi | to taste | 相味; 嘗味
siongbiin | normal people | 常民
siongbok | pine-wood boards or planks | 松木
siongboong | casualties; casualty | 傷亡
siongbu uyoaan | standing members of a committee | 常務委員
siongbu zhamsu | commercial attache; commercial councilor | 商務參事
siongbu | commercial; commercial affairs | 商務; 常務
siongbu-uy'oaan | standing member of the committee | 商務委員; 常務委員
siongbu-zhuotviuo | administrative vice-minister | 商務次長; 常務次長
siorngbin | Physiognomy | 相面
sioxng'auxbin | rear | 上後面
sioxngbae | the worst | 最壞
sioxngbea | the last | 上尾
sioxngbi | not yet | 尚未
sioxngbin | top, upper side | 上面
sioxngboea | the last | 上尾
sioxngboefar | the last | 上尾仔
sioxngbøo | at the least | 上無
sioxnghaxbuun | the context of a written work | 上下文
sioxngheeng-bunji | pictograph | 象形文字
sioxngkib | senior; superior; high rank superiors | 上級
sioxngliuu kaikib | higher classes | 上流階級
sipsib | moist | 濕濕
sirn'iong habzoksia | credit association (union); co-operative credit society | 信用合作社
sirnbang | believe and hope | 信望
sirnboxng'aix | faith, hope and love | 信望愛
sirnbun | interrogate judicially; correspondence | 訊問
sirnbut | token | 信物
sitbang | disappoint; disappointment | 失望
sitbee | lost; astray; go astray | 迷失; 失迷
sitbeeng | lose one's eyesight; become blind; be blind | 失明
sitbi | lose its smell; taste or flavor | 失味; 失去味道
sitbiin | insomnia; be so much occupied as to lose one's sleep | 失眠
sitbiin-zexng | insomnia | 失眠症
sitbong | disappoint; disappointment; lose hope; letdown; disappointment; despair; be disappointed or discouraged; in despair | 失望
sitchiab | be stolen; be visited by a burglar | 失竊
sitciab | failed to take over | 失接
sitgiabciar | unemployed person | 失業者
sitgiablut | unemployment rate | 失業率
sitgiap buxntøee | unemployment problem | 失業問題
sitgiap tinthiab | unemployment allowance | 失業津貼
sitthefbien | disrespectful | 失體面
sitthefbin | disrespectful | 失體面
siu-bøexkhie | cannot accept, too much to accept | 受無起; 受袂起; 不敢當
siubaai | bury; collect (corpses) and bury them | 收埋
siubat | tightly fitting | 收密
siubea | buy up; to win (support; people's hearts) by less than honorable means; bribe | 收買
siubin | shave one's face | 修面; 刮鬍子
siuboea | come to a conclusion; concluding passage; movement; settle (an affair); put things in order; clear away | 結束; 收拾善後
siuboefym | Closing note | 收尾音
siubøea | go round buying ( crops; used materials; etc; for future sale ); to bribe; to buy off; bribe; buy over; buy off | 收買
siucib | receive and keep (a receipt; license) | 收執
siujibho | income household | 收入戶
siujiblaai`ee | from income | 收入來的
siuo Zabkaix | keep the Commandments of God (Catholic) | 守誡
siuo piebit | keep a secret | 守秘密
siuo-bøextiaau | cannot hold (a frontline; position) | 守無住
siuobie | beautiful | 秀美
siuobin | front face- from Japanese | 秀面
siuobo | luxuriant and graceful | 秀慕; 茂盛
siuxbee | be deceived | 受迷
siuxbeng | receive an order | 受命; 壽命
siuxbexkhie | cannot accept it | 受袂起
siuxbiet | be destroyed | 受滅; 遭毀滅
siuxboaa | humiliate | 受磨
siuxboexkhie | cannot accept it | 受袂起
siuxbuun | subject | 受文
siuxbøe | be sold, be betrayed | 受賣; 出賣
siuxtngbexkhie | cannot bear it; cannot accept it | 受當袂起
siuxtngboexkhie | cannot bear it; cannot accept it | 受當袂起
siuxtongbexkhie | cannot bear it; cannot accept it | 受當袂起
siuxtongboexkhie | cannot bear it; cannot accept it | 受當袂起
siuxzøxbut | Lit. created things ─ creation | 受造物
siw buntoo | receive pupils (apprentices) | 收門徒
siw-bøextngr`laai | words cannot be recalled; (debts) cannot be collected | 收無回來
siwbong siongzo | help each other in guarding against enemies (said of neighbors in a community) | 守望相助
siwbong | keep watch | 守望
siwkaebeng | to observe the Commandments | 守誡命
siwkib | human head ─ beheaded | 首級
sixbiø | monastery temple | 寺廟
sixbøo | yes or not? | 是無
sixnbit | meticulous | 慎密
siøbad | acquaintance; know each other; acquainted (with a person) | 相識; 相捌
siøbahzaxng | roasted pork rice ball wrapped with leaves | 燒肉粽
siøbaq | roast meat (especially pork) | 燒肉
siøbiet | destroy by fire | 燒滅; 燒燬
siøciab | connect (one thing to another); to piece (strings) together; to meet at a certain place (e.g.; two roads) | 連接; 相接
siøf-bah'oaan | hot meatball | 燒肉丸
siøf-bahpaw | roast pork bun | 燒肉包
siøf-bahzaxng | hot rice ball wrapped with leaves | 燒肉粽
siøf-bøextøh | burn without flame, not kindle, not start fire | 燒無燃; 燒袂著; 燒不著
siøfangbøar | little red hood | 小紅帽仔
siøfbak | small wood | 小木
siøfbe | retail sale | 零售; 小妹
siøfbea | colt; pony | 小馬
siøfbear | younger sister | 小妹仔
siøfbefar | a pony, acolt | 小馬仔
siøfbeh | wheat | 小麥
siøfbie | millet | 小米
siøfbiin | nap; doze | 小睡
siøfbixnsiin | very shy; very bashful | 很怕羞
siøfboe | retail | 小賣
siøfbøe | retail sale | 小賣; 零售; 零賣,
siøfbøexkex | retail price | 零售價
siøfbøextiaxm | retail shop | 零售店
siøfjibapiezexng | polio | 小兒麻痺症
siøfjibapix | polio | 小兒麻痺
siøfjii bapix | polio; infantile paralysis | 小兒麻痺
siøfjinbut | a small figure | 小人物
siøfliabcie | little twerp; a short person | 小粒子; 身材短小
siøflibapix | polio | 小兒麻痺
siøfsox binzok | minority ethnic group (in a multi-racial nation) | 少數民族
siøfzhongbeeng | mortal wisdom | 小聰明
siøfzhongbeng'ar | mortal wisdom | 小聰明仔
siøfzhongbiin | mortal wisdom | 小聰明
siøhbut | cherish things | 惜物
siøkab | put together to share (food; the same house); collaborate with; (to work) together | 互相; 一齊; 合夥; 一起
siøkauzhab | socialized | 相交插; 來往; 打交道
siøkviebin | meet each other | 相見面
siølienciab | connected | 相連接
siøq bixnphee | cherish one’s reputation | 惜面皮
siøq bixnphoee | be careful of one's reputation, be afraid of losing face | 惜面皮
siøq bixnphøee | be careful of one's reputation; be afraid of losing face | 顧面子
siør-bøefbøe | small business | 小買賣
siør-tøebak | a smallsmal subject | 小題目
siør-zhongbeeng | sharp witted but petty minded | 小聰明
siøsym bøo siqpurn | be careful; you can't be too careful | 小心無蝕本; 小心不吃虧
siøthab | mortise and tenon fitting into each other | 相湊; 互相遞補
siøtuiebin | face to face | 相對面
sngbi | sour taste; sour smelling | 酸味
sngboee | sour plums | 酸梅
sngboethngf | concoction of sour plums used as a summer drink | 酸梅湯
sngbui'afsngbuy | a bit sour | 酸微仔酸微
sngbui'ar | sou | 酸微仔
sngbuy | slightly sour | 酸微; 微酸
sngkambidtvy | sweet and sour | 酸甘蜜甜
sngkamkhofsiab | sweet, sour, bitter, and astringent | 酸甘苦澀
sngrbexhøo | not worthy | 算袂和
sngrboexhøo | not worthy | 算袂和
sngrbøpvoaa | not worthy to make a deal | 算無盤
sngsiab | sour and astringent | 酸澀
sngtarngloxsib | frost and dew | 霜凍露溼
sngtvikhofsiab | sweet, sour, bitter, and astringent | 酸甜苦澀
soaberng-hii | trigger fish | 沙猛魚
soabok | desert | 沙漠
soaboo | desert | 沙漠
soabuo | gravel | 沙母
soafnbie taixhoe | beauty pageant | 選美大會
soafnbie | beauty contest | 選美
soafnbiin | those who have electoral rights; the chosen race; voters (of election campaign) | 選民
soafnbu | election | 選務
soafnbyhoe | beauty pageant | 選美會
soahbea | last one | 煞尾
soahbefafkviar | last kid | 煞尾仔囝
soahboea | last one | 煞尾
soahboefafkviar | last kid | 煞尾仔囝
soahboefar cidtiarfmar | the youngest (latest, smallest) child. | 小尾仔囝
soahboefar | last one | 煞尾仔
soahboefzvae | pinky | 煞尾指
soahbøea | final; to conclude | 息尾; 煞尾; 最末; 最後
soahbøea-kviar | youngest child | 息尾囝; 煞尾囝; 屘子
soahbøea-ui | last seat | 尾息位
soahbøefafkviar | youngest child | 煞末仔囝; 老么
soaliab'ar | sand grains | 砂粒仔
soanbeeng | proclaim clearly | 宣明; 聲明
soanthoaan-bang | a propaganda network | 宣傳網
soaq`boe | are you done yet? | 煞未
soarboea | the last | 紲尾
soarbøea | end, at the end | 續尾; 煞尾; 最末
soarbøea-kviar | the youngest child | 煞尾囝; 續尾子
soarciab | connect; continue | 續接; 接續
soarnboah | crushed garlic | 蒜泥
soarnthauban | garlic cloves | 蒜頭瓣
soarzhuiebea | craving | 紲喙尾
soarzhuieboea | craving | 紲喙尾
soasab | troublesome | 麻煩
soasoaf-sapsab | picayune; inconsequential; minute details | 零零碎碎; 囉囉嗦嗦
soatbeeng lyiuu | tell the reason | 說明理由
soatbeeng | illustrate; demonstrate; description; explain; clarify; explanation | 說明
soatbeeng-sw | explanatory statement, directions for use, instructional booklet | 說明書
soatbenghoe | seminar | 說明會
soatbengsw | written explanation; written instructions attached to merchandise | 說明書
soatbuun | soap | 肥皂
soax-zhuiebøea | add to other's talk, do according to othe's saying | 續嘴尾; 紲喙尾; 接話尾
sobit | density; consistence | 疏密
soeabo | the close of the year | 歲暮
soeabok | tax designation | 稅目
soeabu kikoafn | tax offices | 稅務機關
soeabu | tax administration; affairs pertaining to taxation | 稅務
soeabu-jin'oaan | tax collectors; tax officials | 稅務人員
soealiabcie | fine particles; may also describe a person who is tiny | 細粒子
soebea | bad luck | 衰尾
soebeftøxliin | person who tends to have bad lucks | 衰尾道人
soebefun | bad luck | 衰尾運
soebii | declination; decline; decadency; meet with reverses; lose prosperity; be un-prosperous | 衰微
soeboea | bad luck | 衰尾
soeboea-tøxjiin | un-auspicious person; un-lucky person | 衰尾道人
soeboefbin | bad luck face | 衰尾面
soeboeftøxjiin | person who tends to have bad lucks | 衰尾道人
soeboefun | bad luck | 衰尾運
soeboong | decline and fall | 衰亡
soefbin | wash face | 洗面
soehbeeng | explain; clarify; expound | 說明
soesab | down on one's luck | 衰屑; 落魄
sofbuun-sofkiexn | what is heard and seen | 所聞所見
sofhioxng-butek | invincible; carry all before one; encounter no significant opponent on the way | 所向無敵
sofiuo-but | possessions, belongings | 所有物
sofiwbut | belongings; possessions | 所有物
softab huy sofbun | give an irrelevant answer | 所答非所問
sokchiuo buzheg | no way out; powerless; at the end of one's rope | 束手無策
sokkaliab'ar | P.V.C. compound | 塑膠粒仔
songbeeng | mulberry moth | 桑蠶蛾; 桑螟; [*]
sorbak | number | 數目
sorban | tens of thousands, several myriads | 數万; 數萬
sorbeeng | make a clear explanation on oneself | 素明; 訴說
sorbiaau | pencil sketch; line drawing; sketch; sketch (writing or painting) | 素描
sorbin | surface of a solid color; a face that has not been made up with cosmetics; the natural look | 素面
sorbiøo | sketch | 素描
sorbok | amount; number; amount; number; sum | 數目
sorbuun | sparse text | 疏文
sorngbeng | lose one's life; die | 喪命
sorngboong | lose life; die | 喪亡
sorngbyar | dighten the waist | 宋米仔
sorput'sekbin | never met | 素無識面
sorputsekbin | never met | 素無識面
sorzabban | a few millions | 數十萬
sox ie ban kex | by tens thousands; numerous | 數以萬計
subin | that side that looks like it is weaker and will probably lose; deteriorating conditions | 劣勢; 敗勢
subit | private | 私密
subiør | one's teacher's wife | 師母
subo | admire (a girl); remember (old days) | 思慕
subunlaang | polished person; cultured people | 斯文人
subunsubuun | decorous | 斯文斯文
subuo | Madam, wife of teacher, wife of pastor | 師母
subut | private goods (legal) | 私物
subuun saote | scholastic dignity trails in the dust | 斯文掃地
subuun | gentle; polite; cultured; refined; elegant (person) | 斯文
subør | one's teacher's wife | 師母
suhiofng bunte | literary family | 書香門第
suibo | dusk | 垂暮
suiborng | although; even so | 雖罔
suicioong bwkvoaf | an aide-de-camp | 隨從武官
suie-zabor | pretty women | 美查某
suiliab'afsuiliap | one at a time | 隨粒仔隨粒
suixbieen | sleep; sleeping | 睡眠
suixbiin putciog | want of sleep; insufficient sleep | 睡眠無足
suixbiin sikafn | sleeping hours | 睡眠時間
suixbiin | sleep; sleep | 腄眠
suixput'habgarn | sleep with eyes open | 睡無闔眼
sujibgiah | amount of imports; value of imports | 輸入額
sujibhoad | import method | 輸入法
sujibphirn | an importation; imported goods | 輸入品
sujibsoex | import duty | 輸入稅
sunbie | mellifluence | 醇美
sunbong | inspect the graves | 詢墓; 巡墓
sunbun | ask; inquire; inquire; ask; make inquiry | 詢問
sunbun-zhux | office of inquiry, information office | 詢問處
sunbuo | patrol | 巡撫
sunbuxnzhux | information desk | 詢問處
sunthaukhvoarboea | look around | 巡頭看尾
suo buu cienle | unprecedented in history | 史無前例
suo buu zorngsyn cy te | die without a place for burial (a phrase usually used as a warning to somebody) | 死無葬身之地
suo jii buu hoex | die without regrets | 死而無悔
suo pud bengbok | be unwilling to die (because of some unfinished tasks; unfulfilled wishes; intensive grudge) | 死無瞑目
suobeng | errand, mission, message | 賜命; 使命
suobien | all around, on all sides | 賜面
suobiin | four classes of people; i.e. (scholars; farmers; artisans; merchants) | 商); 庶民; 工; (士; 農; 四民
suobixnpat'hofng | in all directions | 四面八方
suobu | office affairs; miscellaneous | 庶務
suobudar | four things- medicine like plans | 四物仔
suobut | four important Chinese herb medicine | 四物; 川芎,; 白芍,; (當歸,; 熟地)
suobuu-kixtan | indulgent and reckless; without restraint of any kind; unscrupulous | 肆無忌憚
suobuxkhøx | general affairs dept. | 庶務課
suobuxoaan | general affairs staff | 庶務員
suobuxzhux | general affairs | 庶務處
suocybe | 4 sisters | 四姊妹
suohab'vi | a quadrangle, a quadrangular building | 四合院
suokibølat | weak limbs | 四肢無力
suq`jibkhix | suck in | 吸入去
sutbagbea | wink | 捽目尾
sutbagboea | wink | 捽目尾
sutbak | wink with eyes | 摔目; 霎眼
suthiab | private post | 私帖; 私貼
suun khvoarbai | go about and inspect | 巡查一下; 巡看覓
suun-budcid | pure substance | 純物質
suxbo | prologue; opening scene or act; the beginning | 序幕
suxbu koafnlie | office administration (management) | 事務管理
suxbu | office affairs; office business; business; general affairs (of an office; organization) | 事務
suxbut | affair; matter; thing; affairs and things | 事物
suxbuun | a preface | 序文
suxbuxkvoaf | administrative official; commissioner | 事務官
suxbuxoaan | clerk; office worker | 事務員
suxbuxseg | office (especially of a lawyer; accountant; | 事務室
suxbuxsor | office (especially of a lawyer; accountant; political candidate) | 事務所
suxbuxtviuo | head of office | 事務長
suxbuxtøq | office desk | 事務桌; 辦公桌
suxbuxzhux | business office | 事務處
suxgiabkaf | enterprising man; man of enterprising spirit | 事業家
suxgiabkaix | business (enterprising; industrial) world | 事業界
suxhong huxbiør | serve one's parents | 侍奉父母
suxnbeng | obey command, obey orders | 順命
suxnbiin | citizens that obey orders | 順民
suxsuxbuun | narration | 敘事文
suybae | the beautiful and ugly, the good and bad | 美醜
suybin | pretty face | 媠面
suybor | pretty wife | 媠某
svabad | be acquainted with, know | 相識
svabøea | three (fish) | 三尾
svaciab | adjoining, connected, in close succession | 相接; 連續
svaf-kviebin | meet face to face | 相見面
svaf-lienciab | be connected, be linked together | 相連接; 相連(接)
svahab'vi | a triple, triangle building | 三合院
svakab | put together to share (food; the same house); collaborate with; (to work) together | 相合; 相佮; 合夥; 一起
svakag-bø | biretta | 三角帽
svakhab | mutual respect | 相磕
svakhabea | tripod; a saw horse | 三腳馬; 三腳架
svakib thiao'oarn | hop skip and a jump (athletic event) | 三級跳遠
svakib | (3-kib) the third class, tertiary | 三級
svasviaf bønai | helpless; without choice unfortunately | 三聲無奈
svathab | fit together closely | 相凹; 摞起來
svazabji khay | thirty-two mo (printing) | 三十二開; (紙張)
sveamia kab y teq phahpøq | engage in mortal combat with him; do or die; risk one's life | 冒生命之險; 賭命
svebagciafm | eye disease | 生目針
svebagciw | has eyes | 生目睭
svebaq | new skin growing over and closing a wound | 長肉; 生肉
svebør | one's own real mother | 生母
svef liab'ar | have a boil or swelling | 生粒仔; 生瘡疔
svef-bøexzhud`laai | unable to bring to birth | 生無出來
sveliab'ar | inflammation | 生粒仔
svesienbin | rusted | 生鉎面
svesykiab | life and death | 生死劫
svethauhoatboea | toxin efflux | 生頭發尾
svi kiambaq | salt pork | 醃鹹肉
sviabong | reputation | 聲望
sviabuo | consonant | 聲母
sviabøea | ending | 聲尾
sviabør | consonant | 聲母
svibagciafm | pink eye; conjunctivitis | 生目針
svibagsayciafm | pink eye; conjunctivitis | 生目屎針
svibak | born | 生目; 生來
svibaq | raw meat; injury recoved | 生肉
svibuo | one's own real mother | 生母
sviebin | fan face | 扇面
sviliab'ar | inflammation | 生粒仔
sviu khvoarbai`leq | try to call to mind; think over again | 想想看
sviu-bøe khie`laai | unable to call to mind; cannot remember | 想未出來
sviu-bøe zhud`laai | unable to call to mind; cannot remember | 想未出來
sviu-bøe-khylaai | unable to call to mind | 想袂起來
sviu-bøexkaux | cannot reach a conclusion; cannot presumed; one's surprise; unexpectedly | 想未到; 想袂到; 想不出來
sviu-bøexkhuy | unable to take a resigned attitude; take some misfortune too seriously | 想未開; 想袂開; 想不開
sviu-bøexthofng | can't figure it out; beyond comprehension | 想未通; 想袂通
sviu-bøexzhud | be unable to think the plan, fail to anticipate | 想未出; 想袂出
sviu-bølo | in dire straits, unable to figure out | 想無路
sviu-bøpo | run out of idea | 想無步; 想不出辦法
sviuxbeq | want to | 想欲
sviuxbexhiao | cannot figure out | 想袂曉
sviuxbexkaux | unexpected | 想袂到
sviuxboeq | intend; be desirous to; wish; want for; be want to | 想要
sviuxbøeq sie | long for death | 想死
sviuxbøeq | wanting | 想要; 想欲
sviuxbøexkaux | unexpected | 想無到
sviuxbøkaux | to one's surprise; unexpected; think about without coming to a conclusion | 想沒到; 沒想到
sviuxbøo | cannot figure out | 想無
sviuxbøpo | cannot think of a method or plan | 想無步
sviwkib | give a reward | 賞給
svixbaq | marinate meat | 醬肉
svoabaa | wildcat | 山貓
svoabefliw | end of mountain | 山尾溜
svoaboefliw | end of mountain | 山尾溜
svoaboong | mountain fog | 山雺
svoabu | mountain fog | 山霧
svoabøea | end of mountain (top) | 山尾; 山頂
svoabøefliw | very top of a hill; the extremity of the base of a hill | 山尖上
svoaf-bøefliw | crest or peak of a mountain | 山尾抽; 山尾溜; 山頂
svoaf-tibaq | Ceylon ardisia | 山豬肉
svoafbe | sell retail | 散賣
svoafboe | retail | 散賣
svoai'afciab | Taiwanese green mango juice | 檨仔汁
svoakiab | a ravine | 山峽
svoarbe | sell individual item | 散賣
svoarboe | sell individual item | 散賣
svoarbuun | prose | 散文
svoarbøe | sell retail | 零售
svoasafnbut | mountain grown agricultural products | 山產品; 山產物; 山產
svoati'afbaq | wild boar meat | 山豬仔肉
svoatibaq | wild boar meat | 山豬肉
svoaty-baq | boar's meat | 山豬肉
svy-liab'ar | have a boil | 生瘡仔; 生粒仔; 長瘡
swbeng | errand; mission | 使命
swbexngkarm | sense of mission | 使命感
swnbag'ar | the joints in a bamboo stick | 筍節仔; 較長的竹筍長出的每一個節
sybak | bad eyesight; dead person’s eyes | 死目
sybaq | Lit. dead flesh ─ callosity | 死肉; 胼胝
sybea zøx oaqbea y | hopeless but still try | 死馬當活馬醫
sybonglut | death rate | 死亡率
sybongtin | dead | 死亡陣
syboong zerngbeeng | death certificate | 死亡證明
syboong zerngsw | death certificate | 死亡證書
syboong | death; die | 死亡
syboong-lut | death rate | 死亡律; 死亡率
sybut | dead objeCT | 死物
sybuun | dead language | 死文; 已廢的語言
sybølaang | dead | 死無人
sybøo | death | 死無; 死亡
sylangbin | dead face | 死人面
syliau-bixkib | unexpected | 始料未急
sym bee ix loan | muddle one's brains | 心迷意亂
sym beeng juu kexng | mind is as clear as a mirror ─ devoid of personal emotions; feelings or sense of gain and loss | 心明如鏡
sym boarn ix ciog | be fully contented complacent | 心滿意足
sym kviaf baq thiaux | terribly frightened | 心驚肉跳
symbie | beauty contest; appreciation of the beautiful; be artistic or esthetic | 審美
symbun | interrogate (in court) | 審問
syn kiogbin | new situation; new aspect of affairs | 新局面
syn pai beeng liet | lose both fortune and honor | 身敗名裂
syn-bunhoax | new culture | 新文化
syzabofkuyar | bad girl | 死查某鬼仔
syzabor | bad girl | 死查某
søbok | sappan wood, a red dye-wood | 疏木; 蘇木
søeabok | detail, items, particulars | 細目
søeabu | customs affair | 稅務
søeabu-sy | commissioner of customs | 稅務司
søeabøea | little; tiny | 細細; 小小
søefbin | wash face | 洗面
søehbeeng | describe; explain | 說明
søjiblaai | snek in | 趖入來
søq`jibkhix | suck in | 吸入去
sørkib | hasty, quick-tempered | 訴急; 急燥
sørsiab | dry | 燥澀
sørsib | dam | 燥濕
tab | answer; to answer; to reply; respond to; to return (a salute); to recompense | 答
tab`laang | answer people | 答人
tabjip | step in | 踏入
taboflaang | women | 查某人
tabor | woman; female | 女人
tabtabtihtiq | loose ends | 沓沓滴滴
tabtap-tihtiq | minute details | 零零碎碎; 囉囉嗦嗦
tabtiq | naughty; mischievous | 頑皮; 零星雜事; 小生意
tadbøo | worthless | 值無
tadtiøh bogteg | reach the goal aimed at | 達到目的
tafm khvoarbai | to taste by licking; have a taste; take up on the tip of the finger so as to see what an substance is like; especially by tasting it | 銜看覓
tafmkhiab | mush; shyness; timidity; eeriness; quail | 膽怯
tafnbøo | wait for nothing | 等無
tagbin | every face | 逐面
tagbiør | every second | 逐秒
tagbøea | every fish | 逐尾
tahba | stick tight | 貼峇
tahsimbaq | intimate | 貼心肉
taibin | on the table | 檯面
taibunlo | Taiwanese literary career | 台文路
taibunsor | Taiwanese literary | 台文所
taigybunkaix | Taiwanese Language and Literature Circle | 台語文界
taigybuun | Taiwanese literary | 台語文
taixban | disrespectful, rude, careless, lazy, negligent | 怠慢
taixbe | sell for someone else | 代賣
taixbea | code | 代碼
taixbeeng tefngterng | famous name; a name known far and wide | 大名鼎鼎
taixbeeng | bright | 大明
taixbengsuu | pronoun | 代名詞
taixbør | female sponsor in Baptism or Confirmation; godmother (Catholic) | 代母
taixciorngbiø | public temple | 大眾廟
taixcioxng bunhak | literature for the masses | 大眾文學
taixgi biedchyn | unmitigated punishment for offenders; even of their blood relations | 大義滅親
taixhuxbør | sponsors at Baptism (Catholic) | 代父母
taixjinbut | important personage; great man; man of great caliber | 大人物
taixkahbø | famous hat made in Taixkaq | 大甲帽
taixkhie'ab | atmospheric pressure | 大氣壓
taixkhix boafnseeng | great man will take time to shape and mature | 大器晚成
taixkiab | great integrity; high principles; heroic personality | 大俠
taixkofng busw | just; without partiality; all for the public; without selfish considerations; fair and square | 大公無私
taixsid sofbong | to be greatly disappointed; to be greatly discouraged | 大失所望
taixsw suxbuxsor | an attorney's office | 代書事務所
taixtheabut | a substitute commodity; ersatz | 代替物
tambagkii | red eye (eyes red; swollen and itchy) | 紅眼眶病; (一種眼疾)
tambi | to taste | 嘗味; 啖味
tamsib | moist; damp; gathering moisture; dampen | 潮濕
tamthab | gotoruin; fallintoruins; cavein; fall into decay | 坍塌
tan'ab | dragoon | 彈壓; 鎮壓
tang'afbykøf | Taiwanese food with rice in a bamboo | 筒仔米糕
tang'ar-bykøf | glutinous rice preparation steamed in casserole | 筒仔米糕
tang'bøea | end of the year, end of the harvest | 冬尾
tangbang | copper netm brass or bronze grill or screen | 銅網
tangbea | end of year | 冬尾
tangbiin | hibernate | 冬眠
tangbin | east, east side | 東面; 東邊
tangboea | end of year | 冬尾
tangboefsi'ar | end of year | 冬尾時仔
tangboefthvy | end of year | 冬尾天
tangboo | mold for casting copper, brass, bronze | 銅網; 銅模; 共謀; 同謀
tangbøea | end of harvest; end of the year | 年底; 冬尾; 年尾; 年末
tangsym hiablek | with one mind and united strength | 同心協力
tanhiongbok | common sandalwood | 檀香木
taoberng | contend (gymnastics or conflict) | 鬥衡; 猛鬥
taoboong | help, lend a hand | 鬥蒙; 幫忙
taobøeeng | making more trouble by helping | 鬥無閒
taobøexba | not identical; unanimous | 接無合; 合不來
taopangbaang | help | 鬥幫忙
tapsab | small amount | 答屑; 量少
taqlab | collapse | 踏塌
tarbat | cover thickly | 貼密; 密佈
tarbin | cover the face, veil the face | 貼面; 罩面
tarbongbu | foggy | 罩雺霧
tarbongbu'uo | foggy | 罩霧雺雨
tarboong | be foggy, misty | 霧深的
tarbu | the fog gathers | 罩霧; 有霧籠罩
tarnbøo | throw nothing | 擲無
tauviafbo | projection screen | 投影幕
taux-bøextiaau | the parts not keeping well together | 鬥無著; 連接無上
taux-bøo høfsex | parts of an instrument or machine) not fitting well together | 沒接好; 沒套好
tauxbeeng | bean moth | 豆螟
taxngbiin | deep sleep; care about sleep | 重眠
taxngbu | heavy fog | 重霧
taxngbuo | to resort to violence; use force | 動武
tebak | the subject or title of a composition or speech; theme; heading; question; problem (especially in a test) | 題目
tebie koarn'ar | tea leaf container; tea caddy | 茶米罐仔
tebie | tea; tealeaf; tea leaves | 茶葉; 茶米
tebie-tee | tea (beverage) | 茶米茶
teboah | tea powder | 茶抹
teboat | tea dust | 茶抹
tebok | topic; subject | 題目
tebykoarn | tea rice shop | 茶米館
tebyphøq | used tea leaves | 茶滓子
tebytee | real tea (as opposed to plain boiled water) | 茶米茶
tebytiaxm | tea dealer's shop | 茶米店; 茶行
tefboeqar | socks | 短襪仔
tefbuun | essay | 短文
tefkhieab | low atmospheric pressure; atmospheric depression | 低氣壓
tefngbin | upside; the top; the upper part; as opposed to the bottom; top or upper surface | 上面; 頂面
tefngkib | class (of quality) | 等級
tefngterng taixbeeng | renowned; famous; illustrious | 鼎鼎大名
teg'afboea | bamboo ends | 特仔尾
teg-binzhngg | bamboo bed | 竹眠床
tegbeng | extraordinary | 特命
tegbu | secret agent | 特務
tegkib sioxngcioxng | five-star general or admiral | 特級上將
tegkib | special class; special grade (of quality) | 特級
tegkoaan kaikib | privileged class | 特權階級
tehboeq | be about to; be going to; be on the point of | 將要; 快要
tehboxngzoar | put tomb paper under stones | 硩墓紙
tehboxzoar | put tomb paper under stones | 硩墓紙
tehbøeq | be about to | 正要; 咧欲; 將要
tek'afboea | end of bamboo | 竹仔尾
tekbagzhao | Egyptian grass | 竹目草
tekbak | bamboo joints | 竹節
tekbea | bamboo hobbyhorse | 竹馬
tekbih | thin; flat bamboo strips used for weaving baskets | 竹篾
tekbiqafterng | top of bamboo strips | 竹篾仔頂
tekbiqar | bamboo strips | 竹篾仔
tekbong | virtuous conduct and high prestige | 德望
tekbøea | top of the bamboo | 竹尾; 竹枝末
teng zabcix | subscribe to a magazine | 訂雜誌
tengbee | riddles written on lanterns (in public contests in which prizes are offered) | 燈謎
tengbi | lantern riddles | 燈謎
tengbunzhefngzoe | pay a special visit to another's house for forgiveness | 登門請罪
tengbuun paehorng | make a special call on another; at his home | 登門拜訪
tengbuun tapsia | make a special call on another at his home to express gratitude | 登門答謝
tengbuun | enter a house; pay a special visit to another's house | 登門
tengkaix biefncid | dismiss an official | 懲戒免職
tengpøx sengbeeng | make the matter widely known through the press; clarify or announce by a newspaper advertisement | 登報聲明
tengsafn hiabhoe | alpinist club or association | 登山協會
tengteeng tiabtiap | piled on one another; crowded together densely | 重重疊疊; 累累
tengtoong jibseg | reach the inner hall (of some branch of learning); master a learning or skill | 登堂入室
teq boxngzoar | to hold paper slips in place on a grave by putting small stones on them | 置墓紙
terngbeeng | make it clear | 定明
texbak | classification of land | 地目
texbin | surface of the earth; region; territory | 地面
texbixnsiong | on the ground | 地面上
texbok | classification of land | 地目
texha boxngte | catacombs | 地下墓地
texha bwthviaf | unlicensed cabarets | 地下舞廳
texhngf sinbuun | local news | 地方新聞
texng sibjixkex | crucify | 釘十字架
texng-bøexaan | the nail will not hold; impossible to nail it | 釘無住
texng-bøextiaau | the nail will not hold; impossible to nail it | 釘無住
texngbeeng | make a treaty; conclude or sign a treaty of alliance | 訂盟
texngbie | hard rice | 硬米
texzong'ongbiø | | 地藏王廟
thaau kaux bøea | from the beginning to the end | 從頭到尾
thab cidkhafng | soil) settles; making a depression | 凹一洞
thab | sink down; fall into ruins; to collapse; step unintentionally into a hole; fall into danger; a trap; or evil; to delude another; a dent | 塌; 凹; 坍塌
thab`løqlaai | old roof sinks down; making hollows | 塌下來
thad-hof ba | block up; stuff tight; hermetically seal | 塞緊
thad-hof bat | stop up tight | 塞密
thafnkhab | invert so as to have the face or concave side down | 伏臥
thagbøo | unable to read | 讀無
thah ti tefngbin | placed on top of another object | 疊在上面
thahbie | buy rice with containers during the old days in Taiwan | 塔米
thai'ui bøcviax | Transverse Position Presentation (obstetrics) | 胎位無正
thaibahtviuu | chop shop | 宰肉場
thaibie | sift rice | 篩米
thaisefng toxngbut | viviparous animals | 胎生動物
thaix-bø'eeng | too busy | 太無閒
thaixbeng | await orders | 待命
thaixjiin ciapbut | the way one treats people; one's personality | 待人接物
thak zeabuun | read sacrificial prayers | 讀祭文
thak-bøo zheq | not making progress in study | 讀無成冊
tham'aix zaibut | covet and love wealth | 貪愛財物
thambee | ensnared by vicious desire | 貪迷
thambiin | covetous of sleep | 貪睡
thamzaai haixbeng | to kill for money; commit murder for money; to lose one's life through the pursuit of wealth | 貪財害命
thao-bøe khie`laai | unable to untie | 解無開
thao-bøexkhuy | cannot loosen or untie it; cannot settle (a dispute) | 解無開
thaobea | to the end | 透尾
thaobeeng | trasparent; transparency; clarity | 透明
thaobengthea | transparent body | 透明體
thaoboea | to the end | 透尾
thaobøea | end; be completed | 透尾; 到終
thapbak | sunken eyes | 塌目; 凹眼
thapthab | concave, sunken | 凹凹; 塌的
tharmbea | mounted scout; spy | 探馬
tharmbeeng | to ferret out | 探明
tharmbong | to visit | 探望; 探墓; 省墓
tharmboxngzhux | exploring the tomb | 探墓厝
tharmboxzhux | exploring the tomb | 探墓厝
tharmbun | inquiry; to inquire about or after | 探問
tharmkhvoarbai | seeking out | 探探看
tharmloong zhwbut | as easy as taking things out of one's own pocket | 探曩取物
tharnbøextør | does not have the ability or faculty to make money to full potential | 賺未倒
tharnbøo | earned nothing | 趁無
tharnciah-zabor | prostitute | 賺食查某; 妓女
tharnciaqzabor | prostitute | 趁食查某
tharnsuie hoarhabbut | carbohydrates | 碳水化合物
thatbat | stop up tight | 塞密; 塞緊
thau bixnthaang | eliminate intestinal parasites with medicine | 驅蛔蟲
thau'iab | take stealthily and conceal behind the back or in one's clothing | 偷掩; 掩藏
thaubagciao | chief bird | 頭目鳥
thaubak | a chief; a leader; chief; headman | 頭目
thaubarn | steal by picking from the tree | 偷挽; 偷摘
thaubii | to peep | 偷窺
thaubin | facial expression, in front, head of a line | 頭面; 面子
thaubixnterng | on top of head | 頭面頂
thauboea | beginning and end; first and last | 頭尾; 始終
thaubøea | head and tail; beginning and end; total | 頭尾; 前後
thauhiin bag'axm | dizzy head and dimmed vision | 頭昏眼花
thauhinbag'axm | dizzy | 頭眩目暗
thauhø sinbuun | headline news; lead story in a paper | 頭號新聞
thauiab | take stealthily and conceal behind the back or in one's clothing | 偷揜
thaukhakboefterng | on top of head | 頭殼尾頂
thaulaiboefkhix | from head to tail- expose the whole story | 頭來尾去
thaumngbirn | hair brush | 頭髮刡; 梳子
thaumoboea | back part of hair | 頭髮尾
thaux`jibkhix | road; passage leading right in or right through; penetrate or pierce | 透進去
thauzangbea | head mane tail | 頭鬃尾
thauzangboea | end of queue; pigtail | 頭鬃尾; 辮子
thauzangboefar | head mane tail | 頭鬃尾仔
thaxn y bøextør | his work is too heavy or difficult for his strength or ability | 趁伊未倒; 賺無了; 幹不了
thaxn-bøo ciah | not making a living; not making ends meet | 趁沒食; 無法謀生
thaxn-bøo ho | take advantage of a lull in the rain to do something | 趁沒有下雨
thaxng`jibkhix | road; passage leading right in or right through; penetrate or pierce | 透進去
thebun | ask questions | 提問
thebøexkhix | excuses of no avail; unable to get out of; unable to shirk; unable to decline (an invitation) | 推無掉
thefbien | honor; dignity; face | 體面; 面子
thefbin | have a sense of honor | 體面
thefthiab | thoughtfulness; considerate; have sympathy with; show appreciation of; to act in conformity with; show solicitude or consideration for | 體貼
thefthiab-sym | show appreciation of | 體貼心
theh-bøe tyntang | cannot lift it | 提無動
theh-bøexkhix | unable to carry (from want of strength or because things too many) | 拿無了
theh-bøextiaau | unable to retain (hold) | 拿無住
thekbaq | cut flesh from bones | 提肉; 剔肉
thekbeng | imperial decree | 提命; 命令
thengbea | stop a horse | 停馬
thengbuun | official letter to a higher agency (from a lower agency or from the people); petition; appeal | 呈文
thengciexn hiabteng | truce; armistice | 停戰協定
thenghuun-karbu | mount the clouds; as gods do | 騰雲駕霧
thenglui-hoarhabbut | hydrocarbons (chemistry) | 停留化合物; 烴類化合物; 碳氫化合物
thengthiefn iubeng | We can only submit to the decree of Heaven | 聽天由命]
thiab haghuix | subsidize tuition fee | 補貼學費
thiab hoefsit | subsidize mess; food | 補貼伙食
thiab laang ciah | pay for one's board | 搭伙
thiab lie ee lixseg | to give some interest when borrowing from a friend | 貼你利息
thiab taxmpøh | give a small tip; make up a little deficiency | 貼淡薄; 貼一點
thiab | paste on; to stick up; attached; close to | 貼; 帖; 緊緊的
thiabhoex | stacking | 疊貨
thiabkhie | stacking | 疊起
thiabkoaan | stack; supraposition | 疊高
thiabløhaxn | stacking people | 疊羅漢
thiabseeng | stack | 疊成
thiabsit | neatly put up, compact | 堆實; 塞緊
thiabzhao | pile straw up into stacks | 堆草
thiabzngf | lay brick | 堆磚; 砌磚
thiabzoex | stack | 疊做
thiabzøx | stack | 疊做
thiafmbi | flattery; blandish; adulate; bootlick; gloze | 諂媚
thiahbeeng | explain one's meaning clearly (by speaking more fully of what was merely alluded to) | 分析; 闡明; 說明
thiahciaqjibpag | ear or rip body to pieces to eat | 拆食入腹
thiahphoarbin | face torn, negotiation broke | 拆破面
thiaobuo | dance; dancing | 跳舞
thiaobwhoe | dancing party | 跳舞會
thiaobwphvoa | dancing partner | 跳舞伴
thiaokib | be promoted two or more grades at once | 跳級
thiaubaan | obstinate | 挑蠻; 刁難
thiawbong | overlook; survey; view | 眺望
thichiøx busioong | hysteria | 啼笑無常
thiefn buu zoat jiin cy lo | God will not close all doors. Heaven will always leave a door open | 天無絕人之路
thien'gøbaq | swan meat | 天鵝肉
thien'y buhoong | perfect (secret); flawless (workmanship) | 天衣無縫
thienbeeng | clear sky | 天明
thienbeng | heavenly mandate; fate; destiny; will or decree of Heaven | 天命
thienbie | beautiful sky | 天美
thienbo | skynet | 天網; 帳篷
thienboarn | fill; cover in; cram; pack out; fill up level | 填滿
thienborng khoekhoef | The net of Heaven stretches everywhere (its meshes are large; but nothing escapes) ─ Nobody escapes the judgment of Heaven The mills of the gods grind exceedingly slow; but they grind exceedingly fine | 天網恢恢
thienbunhagkaf | astronomers | 天文學家
thienbunhak | astronomy | 天文學
thienbuntaai | astronomical observatory; observatory | 天文台; 天文臺
thienbuntoo | star atlas; map of the stars | 天文圖
thienbuun boxng'oafnkviax | astronomical telescope | 天文望遠鏡
thienbuun sorji | an astronomical figure | 天文數字
thienbuun texlie | astronomy and geography; astrology and geometry | 天文地理
thienbuun | astronomy; heavenly bodies; heavenly bodies; astronomy | 天文
thienbuun-hak | astronomy | 天文學
thiencyn loxngban | innocent and carefree (child) ─ lovely; honest and without affectation (like a child); simple hearted; unsophisticated | 天真浪漫
thienha baxnbut | the 10,000 things under heaven ─ nature generally; all creation | 天下萬物
thienha busiafng | unequalled in all the world | 天下無雙
thienkofng pud zokbie | Heaven is not cooperative ─ Weather turns foul when some activity requiring fine weather is scheduled | 天公無作美
thienløo texborng | nets in the air and on the ground ─ heaven and earth are a net which wicked men cannot escape; their wickedness will surely be punished | 天羅地網
thiensefng iubut | born siren; sex-kitten | 天生尤物
thiensefng zengbiin | Heaven produced all people | 天生蒸民
thientw-texbiet | to be damned by heaven and earth (usually used in swearing) | 天誅地滅
thietbin | razor mustache | 撤面
thih'voafbøar | iron ball shape hat, imply life time job | 鐵碗帽仔
thihbang | Iron net | 鐵網
thihbang'ar | Iron net | 鐵網仔
thihbea | bicycle | 鐵馬; 自行車; 腳踏車
thihbefterng | bicycle top | 鐵馬頂
thihbeftø | bicycle lanes | 鐵馬道
thihbin busw | inflexibly just and fair; strictly impartial | 鐵面無私
thihbo | the Iron Curtain; communistic country; Iron Curtain | 鐵幕
thihloxbang | railway network | 鐵路網
thihsienbi | iron smell | 鐵鉎味
thihsvoarbang | barbed wire entanglements | 鐵絲網
thihsvoax-bang | barbed wire entanglement | 鐵絲網
thihsy-bang | iron wire screen | 鐵絲網
thihtengbarn | claw hammer | 鐵釘挽
thihtiaau-bang | barbed wire entanglement | 鐵條網; 鐵絲網
thiofngbut | pet | 寵物
thiokboghak | animal husbandry; zootechny | 畜牧學
thiokbogkhøf | animal husbandry | 畜牧科
thiokbogkhøkoarn | animal husbandry museum | 畜牧科館
thiokbogtviuu | livestock farm; range; grazing ground | 畜牧場
thiokbok sitai | pastoral age | 畜牧時代
thiokbok | animal husbandry; pastoral; pasturage; raise domestic animals; livestock industry | 畜牧
thiokbok-giap | animal husbandry (industry) | 畜牧業
thitthøo-zabor | commit fornication | 拭桃查某
thiubøo | extract none | 抽無
thiusiong bengsuu | abstract nouns | 抽象名詞
thiutibwsoex | Taiwanese custom to have some children carry mom's last name | 抽豬母稅
thiutibøfsoex | Taiwanese custom to have some children carry mom's last name | 抽豬母稅
thiutubwsex | Taiwanese custom to have some children carry mom's last name | 抽豬母稅
thiutubøfsex | Taiwanese custom to have some children carry mom's last name | 抽豬母稅
thiuzuie beftharng | flush toilet; western style toilet bowl; commode | 抽水馬桶
thiw tibøfsoex | an agreement whereby a married daughter gives one of her children her own family name rather than the family name of her husband | 女兒嫁後言明所生之子一人歸家姓
thiøbeeng | explanation, write a supplementary explanation on a document | 提明; 註明
thiørbie | sell rice | 糴米; 糶米
thnghuxnbi | sugar flavor | 糖份味
thngkambidtvy | sweet | 糖甘蜜甜
thngrbaktheq | upper body naked | 褪腹裼
thngrbattheq | upper body naked | 褪腹裼
thoabang | a dragnet, a townet | 傳網
thoabang-hizuun | trawler | 拖網魚船
thoaboaa | to toil; to labor very hard | 拖磨; 勞苦; 辛勞
thoabøea-chvy | comet | 拖尾星; 彗星
thoabøefchvy | comet | 拖尾星
thoaf bagbøea | long tip of brow | 拖目尾
thoahbak | strabismus, squint | 拖目; 斜眼
thoanbeng | proclaim, transmit an order | 傳命
thoanbuun | rumor | 傳聞
thoanciab | hand on to one's posterity | 傳接
thoanthorng-sibsiok | mores | 傳統習俗
thoat'ibuo | strip tease (dance) | 脫衣舞
thoatbang | tone's dream; (a spirit or deity) conveys a message to a mortal through a dream | 託夢
thoatbiern | to escape; free from; flee from | 脫免
thoatboo | torture | 脫模
thoatnibuo | strip dance | 脫奶舞
thoaxbie | clean rice before cook | 汰米; 清洗(米); 洗米
thobagsay | handy man | 土木司
thobaq sarn | the soil is sterile | 土壤瘠
thobaq | soil; mould | 土壤; 塗肉
thobee | mud | 土粥; 塗糜; 泥土
thobee-khud | mud puddle | 土粥窟; 泥坑
thobin | surface soil | 土面; 地面
thobysoaf | sand and clay | 土米沙; 土沙
thofbagthofbak | eyes popped | 吐目吐目
thofbahcvix | scar | 吐肉箭
thofbak | protruding eyeball | 凸目
thofbi | earthy | 土味
thofbogkhøf | civil engineering | 土木科
thofbok kangtheeng | civil engineering; construction projects | 土木工程
thofbok kangthengsw | civil engineer | 土木工程師
thofbok | civil; construction; building | 土木
thofbok-he | civil engineering dept. | 土木系
thofhongbuo | folk dance; folk dance | 土風舞
thofngti kaikib | ruling class | 統治階級
thoftixkongbiø | temple for land god | 土地公廟
thoftixkongbiø'ar | temple for land god | 土地公廟仔
thogbut | reading matter; reading material | 讀物
thogciar bunteg | Reader's Digest | 讀者文摘
thokaubear | muddy | 塗溝糜仔
thokbang | give instruction in the dream; appear in a dream | 託夢
thokbe | sell on consignment | 託賣
thokbea | ask a person to buy | 託買
thokhabin | ground | 塗跤面
thongboo | conspire | 通謀
thongbøo | conspire | 通謀
thongchib | order the arrest of (a criminal) by circular order; issue a warrant for arrest | 通緝
thongcibhoan | criminal wanted by the law | 通緝犯
thongcibleng | warrant for the arrest of a criminal | 通緝令
thonglek habzog | to join forces; cooperate for a common cause; to work in concert | 通力合作
thongsiok bunhak | light (popular) literature | 通俗文學
thongsirnbang | communication network | 通信網
thongsixn-bang | network of communication | 通信網; 通訊網
thorafbea | rabbit tail | 兔仔尾
thorafboea | rabbit tail | 兔仔尾
thorbak | have protruding eyes | 凸眼; 吐目
thorboat | saliva, spit, spittle | 吐沫
thorbuo | female rabbit | 兔母; 母兔
thorbør | female rabbit | 兔母; 母兔
thorkhuix iongbii | got over his temper and smoothed out his frown | 吐氣揚眉
thothvoax-sab | cinders, clinkers | 土炭屑; 熔渣
thui'afbin | stupid looking; stupid | 癡呆相; 傻
thui'afbin-thui'afbin | stupid looking; stupid | 槌仔面槌仔面; 癡呆相
thuibin | stupid looking; stupid | 槌面; 癡呆相
thuikorng biexnzeg | extend the area | 推廣面積
thun-bøextvi | cannot be filled up | 填無滿
thunbiet | destroy by devouring | 吞滅
thunhuun-thorbu | swallowing clouds and breathing out mists ─ magical tricks | 吞雲吐霧
thuq chiwboea | try each other's strength by pressing against one another's palms | 比手力
thuxbiin | neglect sleep | 脫眠; 廢寢
thuxnbat | fill in, fill ahole | 鋤密; 填
thuybaq | the rump; the ham; the dark meat | 腿肉
thvex-bøextiaau | prop or one's hand unable to sustain the weight | 頂無住
thviabeeng | listen in detail, hear clearly | 聽明; 聽清楚
thviabeng | to obey, to submit to, to be doclie | 聽命
thviabin | follow orders; accept a command; accept one's fate | 聽命
thviaboefsviaf | listen respectfully then will know the true meaning | 聽尾聲
thviabøo | listen; but find that there is nothing to be heard or that nothing is heard; could not understand | 聽無
thviaf-bøbeeng | not able fully to make it out or understand it | 聽沒清
thviaf-bøcyn | make a mistake in hearing | 聽無真
thviaf-bøe bengpek | I don't quite understand; I did not hear clearly; cannot understand (what the other is talking about); cannot hear well or comprehend | 聽無明白
thviaf-bøexbeeng | unable to hear distinctly or clearly | 聽無清
thviaf-bøexhiao | hear; but be unable to make out the meaning | 聽無懂
thviaf-bøextiøh | cannot hear (because voice; sound; is too low or far away) | 聽無見
thviaf-jibnie | hear and understand distinctly | 聽入耳
thviarbofzhaix | burdock | 疼某菜
thviax-kaq jibkud | to love very affectionately | 疼得入骨
thviax-kaq toxng-bøextiaau | intolerable pain | 痛得忍無住
thvibat | fill up completely | 添密
thvikongbiø | god temple | 天公廟
thvite boefar | end of heaven and earth ─ said of extraordinary calamities or unexampled crimes; portending the end of the dynasty | 末日
thvite bøo pøx | Heaven and Earth allowing wickedness to go unpunished | 天地無報
thvithaau-thiapboea | get more family livelihood | 貼補家計
thvithiab | make up the deficiency or a deficit | 添貼; 填貼
thvixbat | stitch tightly | 縫密; 密縫
thvoarhoarbut | carbides | 碳化物
thvoarzuie hoarhabbut | carbohydrates | 碳水化合物
thvy bøehkngf | dawn; just day break | 天將亮
thvy bøexkngf | not dawn yet; not day break yet | 天未亮
thvy bøkharm | no flight of stairs in heaven; means never afraid of danger | 天無階梯; (形容無怕危險)
thvy bøo bagciw | Heaven has no eyes (said when great criminals go unpunished and prosper all the more by their crimes) | 皇天無眼
thvy bøo zoadjiin cy lo | unexpectedly rescued from a desperate situation | 天無絕人之路
thvy u bagciw | Heaven's eye sees (as when calamity suddenly overtakes wicked men) | 皇天有眼
thwbogtviuu | A place where timber is stored before transporting to a saw mill | 貯木場
thwn-bøe løh`khix | unable to swallow; unpleasant to swallow; unable to defraud a man as we intended | 吞無落去
thwn-bøe løqaau | difficult to swallow (unpleasant food) | 嚥無下; (喉頭)
thøbin | peach-shaped face | 桃面; 瓜子臉
thøhoebin | face like a peach blossom (said of a young woman whose face looks as if she is fond of licentious pleasure) | 桃花面
thøhoekiab | trouble in affair | 桃花劫
thøhoesimbok | mahogany | 桃花心木
thølie boarn thienha | His students have spread throughout the land | 桃李滿天下
thørbea | harness a horse | 套馬; 備馬
thørbeeng | transparent, transparency | 透明
thørboo | set of molds | 套模
thørthiab | safe, satisfactory | 套貼; 妥貼
thøseg sinbuun | news of illicit love | 桃色新聞
thøtekbiaukhw | northern Taiwan counties that don't include Taipei | 桃竹苗區
tiab | a while; a moment; for some time | 瞬
tiabeeng | written clear statement on one's case | 喋明
tiabhii | butterfly-fish | 喋魚; 蝶魚
tiabkafng | a kind of skate fish | 喋江; 老板鯆
tiabpøx | spy and report | 諜報
tiabtiap laai | coming over and over again | 常常來
tiabtiap | talkative; chatter; to rattle | 喋喋
tiah beqar | buy wheat or barley | 糴麥
tiaobeng | summons, divine calls | 調鳴; 召命
tiaobong | visiting a grave with respect | 吊望
tiaobuun | message of condolence; words of condolence; funeral oration; memorial address | 弔文; 弔唁函
tiaochiabea | hanging at the bottom- score the worst generally | 吊車尾
tiaochiaboea | Hang on to the back (side) of a train; bus (figure of speech) | 吊車尾
tiaqbie | buy rice | 買米; 糴米
tiarm bag'iøh | apply eye lotion | 點眼藥
tiarmbi | skin diving | 站泳; 踮沬; 潛泳; 潛水
tiarmbin | a shop situated on a thoroughfare; shop front | 店面; 舖面
tiarmbu | routine work in a store or shop; matters connected with the shop | 店務
tiaubaan | obstinately disobedient to orders; refusing to pay money due | 刁蠻; 刁難
tiaubak | account; list of articles | 條目
tiaubi | to season foods; to mix flavors; sauce; season foods; mix flavors; blend flavors | 調味
tiaubi-phirn | seasoning | 調味品
tiaubixliau | seasoning | 調味料
tiaubixphirn | seasoning; spice; dressing material | 調味品
tiaubu | morning fog | 朝霧
tiaubuun | text of a treaty; regulation; law | 條文; 條紋
tiausafm boxsux | to swindle by a clever trick; inconsistent; whimsical; freakish (Lit. three in the morning and four in the evening ─ This expression refers to the story of a man who promised his monkeys three chestnuts in the morning and four in the evening. They object | 朝三暮四
tiausib | humid; damp; moist; muggy; wet; wetting | 潮濕
tiautiauboxbo | day and night | 朝朝暮暮
tiaxm-badbat | stay at home; hide very secretly so as to keep out of danger | 隱居著; 無外出
tib | sip | 啜
tibahtiafm | pork anvil | 豬肉砧
tibaq | pork | 豬肉
tibuo | sow | 母豬; 豬母
tibwleng'ar | sow tax | 豬母奶仔
tibwlyn | Hauil fig tree, Harland fig | 豬母乳; 豬母奶
tibwtiefn | sow seizure | 豬母癲
tibwzhaix | Portulaca oleracea (grass) | 豬母菜; 馬齒莧
tibwzhao | Portulaca oleracea (grass) | 豬母草; 馬齒莧
tibøfbahneq | sow pork | 豬母肉呢
tibøfleng'ar | sow milk | 豬母奶仔
tibøflin'ar | sow milk | 豬母奶仔
tibøfoq | sow | 豬母喔
tibøfsoex | sow tax | 豬母稅
tibøftiefn | sow seizure | 豬母癲
tibøfzhaix | sow dish | 豬母菜
tibøfzuie | sow water | 豬母水
tibør | sow | 母豬; 豬母
tid binsym | be popular | 得民心
tid-bøextiøh | unable to obtain it | 得無到
tidbak | stupid eyes | 直目; 笨的眼睛
tidciab hengtong | direct action | 直接行動
tidciab hoarnbe | direct sales | 直接販賣
tidciab kaohaghoad | direct method (in pedagogy) | 直接教學法
tidciab kausiap | direct negotiation | 直接交涉
tidciab | directly; immediate; firsthand | 直接
tidtab | express; nonstop express (train or bus) | 直達
tidtit-bøeq | insist upon with firmness; want resolutely; could not refrain from or resist | 直直欲; 硬要
tiebeng serngjiin | holy martyrs (Catholic) | 致命聖人
tiebeng | mortal wound; weak point; the major cause that makes failure inevitable | 致命
tieboo | shlewdness, strategy | 智謀
tiebø | wear cap | 戴帽
tiebøar | wear a hat | 戴帽仔
tiefnberng | to show off one's power or strength | 展猛; 耀武揚威
tiefnbong | a prospect, an outlook, to look forward, to view | 展望
tiefnhoarbut | iodide | 碘化物
tieseg-kaikib | educated class | 智識階級; 知識階級
tiexn'ab | electric pressure; voltage | 電壓
tiexnsi bengsefng | TV star | 電視明星
tiexnsi cietbok | TV program | 電視節目
tiexnviar bengsefng | movie star | 電影明星
tiexnzuo hiefnbikviax | electronic microscope | 電子顯微鏡
tihboeq | about to | 咧欲
tihtab | tick | 滴答
tikongbaq | pig boar | 豬公肉
tim bykøf | stew rice cake | 燉米糕
timbee putzhvea | coma; apoplexy; deeply addicted to; infatuated with (vice; sinful ways) | 沉迷無醒
timbee | addict; to indulge; to wallow in | 沉迷
timbek kvoafgieen | taciturn | 沉默寡言
timbek | reserved; silent; taciturn; laconic | 沉默
timbun | depressed; dull and heavy; bore; stuffy | 沈悶; 沉悶
timbut | to sink | 沈沒
tin'ab | keep in subjection, suppress | 沉壓; 鎮壓
tinbok | fujiki | 藤木
tinthiab | allowance; pay; pension; subsidize; allowance; to help out with money | 津貼
tintyn-iwbi | mouth watering ─ very tasty; very agreeable to the palate; intensely interesting; more and more enjoyed e.g.; food; stories; books; do something with great relish | 津津有味
tintyn-iwbi`ee | succulent | 津津有味的
tiofngcib | the senior generation; seniority; eldership | 長執; 長輩
tiofngcib-hoe | session of elders and deacons | 長進會
tiong'iofng cibkoaan | centralized government; centralization of authority | 中央集權
tiong'wn kuxbang | revive an old dream; reproduce the good old days; rekindle the old flame of love | 重溫舊夢
tiongbeng huokuix | May you live long and be successful ! | 長命富貴
tiongbunhe | Department of Chinese | 中文系
tionggixbiø | loyalty temple | 忠義廟
tiongkhin'aebiin | loyalty and love for the people | 忠勤愛民
tiongkib | middle grade | 中級
tiongkokbuun | Chinese literature | 中國文
tionglambie | Central South America | 中南美
tionglibhoad | law of neutrality | 中立法
tionglibkhw | neutral zone | 中立區
tionglibkog | neutral nations | 中立國
tionglibphaix | neutral party | 中立派
tionglioxngkib | middle weight (in sports) | 中量級
tionglip koanboxngciar | neutral onlooker | 中立觀望者
tiongsarn kaikib | the middle class; bourgeois | 中產階級
tiongsarn-kaikib | bourgeois | 中產階級
tiongsym jinbut | central figure key figure | 中心人物
tiongterng kaikib | middle class; bourgeois; white collar workers | 中等階級
tioxng'ab | great pressure; heavy load | 重壓
tioxng'iaux jinbut | important man; important figure | 重要人物
tioxng'iaux-buxntøee | important question; weighty matter | 重要問題
tioxngbiin | be very fond of sleeping | 重眠
tioxnghaxiaxbang | midsummer night dream | 仲夏夜夢
tioxnglioxngkib | heavyweight (in boxing) | 重量級
tiq bagsae | drop tears | 流淚
tirn'ab | suppress; to put down; suppression | 鎮壓
tirnbiin | town people | 鎮民
tisaybi | pig shit smell | 豬屎味
titbeq | almost | 得欲
titbiern | to be exempt from | 得免
titbøeq | be about to | 得欲; 將要正要
titthøo-zabor | woman for illicit sexual intercourse | 拭桃查某
titubang | cobweb | 蜘蛛網
titw-bang | cobweb, spider web | 蜘蛛網
tiuafboea | rice tail | 稻仔尾
tiubit | dense; density; thickset; compactedness | 稠密
tiubo | plan to appeal for subscription | 籌募
tiuboo | plot; to scheme | 籌謀
tiuxboea | rice end | 稻尾
tiuxsab | chaff (including fragments of straw) | 稻屑; 稻糠
tiuxzhawbi | straw flavour | 稻草味
tix bøar | wear a cap or a hat | 戴帽子
tix cy putbun | to treat with indifference; not to bother asking | 置之無問
tix jiok bofngbuun | to treat with indifference; act as if one had not heard; turn a deaf ear to | 置若罔聞
tixm khvoarbai`leq | try to weigh by poising on the hand (one thing or comparing the weight of two things) | 量量看; (用手)
tixn-badtat | stacked in tight (goods in a warehouse) | 擋滿滿
tixnboong ciorngsu kyliaxmpy | monument in honor of servicemen killed in action | 陣亡將士紀念碑
tixnboong | die in battle | 陣亡
tiøqbeq | going to | 著欲
tiøqbi | tasteful | 著味
tiøqbixee | tasteful | 著味的
tiøqboaa | toil, toilsome | 得磨; 勞碌
tiøqbøo | no | 著無
tiøqciqboea | lisp in speaking | 結舌尾; 口齒無清
tiøqkib | anxious or worried; in a stew; stew oneself; anxious about; excited; in very great haste; not willing to wait for a moment | 著急
tiørbie | retail rice | 釣米
tngbefchvy | comet | 長尾星
tngbeq | about to | 當欲
tngbin korng | talk in one's presence | 當面講
tngbin | face to face; to the eye; to the teeth | 當面
tngboefkef | phoenix cock | 長尾雞
tngboefzhvef | meteors; falling stars; shooting star | 長尾星; 彗星; 流星
tngbøefchvy | meteors; falling stars; shooting star | 長尾星; 彗星; 流星
tngbøexkhie | unable to bear such honor; You are too polite (kind) to me | 當無起
tngthautuiebin | face to face | 當頭對面
tngthvy-libsex | call Heaven to witness | 當天立誓
tngxciaq barng | not a single mosquito | 斷隻蚊; 一子蚊也沒有
toa-buxntøee | big problem | 大問題
toa-kuiboo | large scale, great scale | 大規模
toadbok | seize one's attention, drizzling | 奪目
toafnpefng-siongciab | fight at close quarters; hand-to-hand combat | 短兵相接
toahbak | big eyes; strabismus, squint | 大目
toahbie | rinse rise | 掇米
toax-bøe løh`khix | cannot accommodate (because of limitation of space) | 住無落下
toax-bøextiaau | can not live with others very long; he must leave a place or a job; can not stay very long | 待無住; 幹不下去
toax`jiblaai | live in | 住進入
toaxbagkhorng | arrogant; excessive | 大目孔
toaxbak | large eyes | 大目
toaxbaktor | pregnant | 大腹肚
toaxbarng | overcoat | 大衣
toaxbattor | pregnant | 大腹肚
toaxbauh | big profit; windfall | 大貿
toaxbe | big sale | 大賣
toaxbea | big guy; hot shot | 大尾
toaxbeh | barley; barley | 大麥; 裸
toaxbexkex | wholesale price | 批發價
toaxbextviuu | hypermarket like Costco | 大賣場
toaxbie | rice | 大面; 大米
toaxbin | large face, large surface, probably | 大面; 大部份
toaxbixnsiin | like to be in the spotlight; pushing; girl wanting in modesty; a girl who is shameless | 大面神; 愛出風頭; 厚臉皮
toaxbiø | big temple | 大廟
toaxboe | big sale | 大賣
toaxboea | big fish; big guy in a gang | 大尾
toaxboextviuu | hypermarket like Costco | 大賣場
toaxbofng | measure of size; a very large volume | 大摸; 體積大
toaxbong | big tomb | 大墓
toaxbor | wife; legal wife | 大某; 元配; 大老婆
toaxboxkofng | grave for unknown | 大墓公
toaxboxngkofng | grave for unknown | 大墓公
toaxbuo | big efforts | 大舞
toaxbuo-haxn | big person | 大拇漢; 高大
toaxbuo-khof | husky person | 大拇公
toaxbuo-kofng | thumb | 大拇公; 大姆指
toaxbuo-luie | large eyes | 大拇蕾; 大眼
toaxbuo-ofng | thumb | 大拇公; 大姆指
toaxbwlaang-toaxbwzerng | grown up | 大武人大武種
toaxbøe | wholesale marketing | 大買; 大賣; 批發
toaxchiwbin | generous | 大手面
toaxhabchviux | chorus sung by a large choir | 大合唱
toaxharnzabofkviar | eldest daughter | 大漢查某囝
toaxhitoaxbaq | big fish big meat- luxury meal | 大魚大肉
toaxkhobuo | thumb | 大箍拇; 大姆指
toaxkuiboo | large scale; on a large scale | 大規模
toaxlefbø | silk top hat | 大禮帽
toaxlienbeeng | big alliance | 大聯盟
toaxnao bapix | cerebral palsy | 大腦痲痺
toaxnbixntoo | section plans; cross section diagram | 斷面圖
toaxphahbe | big sale | 大拍賣
toaxpuxbør | the thumb; the big toe | 大拇指
toaxseabak | eyes of different size; partial | 大小眼; 私偏
toaxsiogbe | big sale | 大俗賣
toaxsoeabak | view others unfairly | 大細目
toaxsviabefaau | speak very loudly; or rudely or with a raucous voice | 大聲尾喉; 大嗓子
toaxsøeabak | view others unfairly | 大細目
toaxtebak | great theme ─ an important matter; a long passage given out as a text | 大題目
toaxthaubuo | thumb | 大頭拇; 大姆指
toaxzabofkviar | eldest daughter | 大查某囝
tobin | plan; drawing; blueprint | 圖面
toboad | to erase; to obliterate; to scribble | 塗抹
toboo | to plot, to plan | 多謀; 圖謀
toeabextiøh | unable to catch up | 綴袂著
toeazhuieboea | repeat a teacher's words in order to learn; repeat a man's words; feign having knowledge (which one just picked from his co-conversationalist) | 綴喙尾; 重複別人的話
toebok | subject; title; topic | 題目
toex zabor | have an illicit connection with a woman; womanize | 隨查某tøex-zhuiebøea
toex-boefau | go along one in back of the other; to trail along behind | 隨尾後; 跟在後面
toex-bøextiøh | stay behind; can not overtake; can not come up | 跟無上
toex-bøtiøh tin | follow people but lose track of them; miss an appointment to go somewhere | 脫節; 脫隊
toexbin | ground | 地面
tofbeng | try to overcome someone else | 賭命
tofbiin | islanders | 島民
tofngbu | party affairs | 黨務
tofngphaix buxntøee | problem of parties | 黨派問題
tog'id buji | the one and only; unique | 獨一無二
tog'itbuji | one and only | 獨一無二
tog'itbuli | one and only | 獨一無二
togbogciw | dug out canoe | 獨木舟
togbogkiøo | single plank bridge | 獨木橋
togbogzuun | dugout canoe | 獨木舟
togbu | poison fog | 毒霧
toglib'ee | independent | 獨立的
toglibkog | independent nation or country | 獨立國
tokbaq | chop or hew meat; to chop meat into pieces | 剁肉
tokbie | to peck rice | 剁美; 啄米
tokboaa | to cut and polish; to study and improve; to mold | 琢磨
tokbogciao | woodpecker | 啄木鳥
tokbok | wood pecking | 啄木
toløo bueg | toil in vain | 徒勞無益
toløo bukofng | work without achieving anything; to labor without success; vain efforts | 徒勞無功
tong'ab | isopiestic (same pressure) | 同壓; 等壓
tong-bølo | get lost on the road | 撞無路; 迷路
tongbeeng | a league; an alliance; union; alliance; league; confederacy; allied by treaty | 同盟
tongbeeng-kog | allied nations | 同盟國
tongbengkog | allied nations; ally; confederated states | 同盟國
tongbieen | to hibernate, winter sleep | 冬眠
tongbiin | to hibernant; hibernation | 冬眠
tongboo | plot together; conspire; coconspirator | 同謀
tongbu cy kib | pressing obligation; business or task of the greatest urgency at present | 當務之急
tongbør-vixhu | having the same mother but different fathers | 同母異父
tonghofng bunhoax | oriental culture | 東方文化
tonghu-vixbuo | same father but not the same mother | 同父異母
tongky libtoaxn | make prompt decisions | 當機立斷
tonglek habzog | cooperation | 同力合作
tongliuu hab'ux | wallow in mire with somebody | 同流合污
tonglok boafnhoe | evening party (held within an organization; school) | 同樂晚會
tongsym hab'ix | of one mind | 同心合意
tongsør bukhy | equally honest with aged and child customers | 童叟無欺; (小孩老人都無欺騙)
tongzhngg-vixbong | have different dreams in the same bed (said of a troubled marriage) | 同床異夢
torngbextiaau | unable to stop; cannot help | 擋袂牢
torngbøextiaau | can not bear something; compelled to do something | 擋無著; 不支; 架不住
toxboea | area below the belly button | 肚尾; (臍下三寸處)
toxbuun siaxkheq | shut out visitors; refuse to see callers | 杜門謝客
toxng-bøexkuo | can't last; be going to die | 耐無久; 命將終; 不長久
toxng-bøextiaau | unable to hinder; cannot be prevented; to try to stop; but fail in the attempt; unable to endure; cannot bear it; intolerable | 擋無住; 耐不了; 忍不住
toxng-bøkuo | can't last; be going to die | 耐無久; 命將終; 不長久
toxngban | comic | 動漫
toxngbeh | artery | 動脈
toxngbudar | animals | 動物仔
toxngbudcid | animal matter | 動物質
toxngbudhak | zoology | 動物學
toxngbudhngg | a zoo; a zoological garden | 動物園
toxngbudkaix | animal kingdom | 動物界
toxngbuo | use force | 動武
toxngbut hunluixhak | systematic zoology | 動物分類學
toxngbut phiaupurn | zoological specimens | 動物標本
toxngbut | an animal; a creature; moving creatures | 動物
toxngbut-hak | zoology | 動物學
toxngbut-kaix | animal kingdom | 動物界
tubaq | pork | 豬肉
tubiet | remove and destroy | 逐滅; 除滅; 減除
tubuo | sow | 豬母
tubwni'ar | sow milk | 豬母奶仔
tubwtiefn | sow epilepsy | 豬母癲
tubwzhaix | sow vegetable | 豬母菜
tubwzuie | sow water | 豬母水
tubøfløqzuie | beach where a sow tried to save her babies | 豬母落水
tubøfni'ar | sow milk | 豬母奶仔
tubøfzhaix | sow vegetable | 豬母菜
tubør | sow | 豬母
tudhuy befngcixn | advance by leaps and bounds; progress rapidly | 突飛猛進
tuhbiin | to nod in sleep; be drowsy; to doze | 打盹
tuicib | stacking together | 堆集; 追緝
tuiebin | cross the street; just opposite in position; on the opposite side; right in front; face to face | 對面
tuiebixn'of | fine-leaved chaste-tree | 對面烏
tuiebixnhoef | spiny randua (flower); spiny randia, Randia spinosa | 對面花; 山石榴
tuiebixnhofng | wind cross over | 對面風
tuiebixnkhim'ar | opposite lapel | 對面襟仔
tuiehø jibzø | to seat according to the designated number indicated on the ticket | 對號入座
tuietab jii liuu | give answers fluently | 對答如流
tuietab | answer; to reply orally | 對答
tuikyn buxntøea | raise one question after another (in order to get to the bottom of a matter) | 追根問底
tuisw sienboong | commemoration of the dead (Catholic) | 追思先亡
tuix laang bøextid køex | offend people; act so that men will blame; unable to justify one's action | 對人無得過
tunbok | friendly, cordial | 親切; 敦睦
tuo-bøtiøh | missed | 遇沒中
tuobeeng | distinguished, well-known | 著明; 著名
tuobøextiaau | cannot resist | 抵無住
tuxnbak | blunt eyes | 鈍目
tuxnbaq | stewed meat; to stew meat | 燉肉
tuy-laixbin | from inside | 從內面
tvaf-bøexkhie | too heavy to lift up on a carrying pole; unable to carry the load; too great a responsibility for some individual of for one person | 挑無起; 擔袂起; 擔不起
tvafab | suppress | 打壓
tvafciab | bile; bilious; bile | 膽汁
tvafciab-pvi | biliousness (sickness) | 膽汁病
tvafkiab | take by force; to plunder; commit robbery or pillage | 打劫
tvaxbak | mistake in looking | 重錯; 看錯
tvazhafng bøexzhaix | to do small business (Lit. carry onion and sell it) | 挑蔥賣菜; 比喻做小生意
tve kunthaubør | clench the fist | 掐拳頭母; 握拳頭母
tveasipsib | assume an unconcerned air; be indifferent to | 裝濕濕; 裝蒜
tvex-bøo khvoax`kvix | pretend not to see | 假裝沒有看到
tvex-bøo thviaf`tiøh | pretend not to hear | 假裝沒有聽見
tvex-mxbad | pretend not to recognize; pretend not to know | 裝無懂; 假裝不認識
tviabeeng | written clear statement on one's case | 呈明
tviabin | field surface | 埕面
tviaboea | end of field | 埕尾
tviabuun | written statement of accusation or defence | 埕文; 呈文; 書面指控或辯護聲明
tvibeh | India wheat, duck wheat | 甜麥; 印度蕎
tvibi | sweet | 甜味
tvibidbit | as sweet as honey | 甜蜜蜜
tvibit | candied; honey; sweet; sweet as honey | 甜蜜
tvibutbud | very sweet | 甜極了
tviebak | to gaze at; to stare at; fasten one's eyes on | 盯目; 盯
tvigieen bidguo | honeyed words; flattery | 甜言蜜語
tvikam'afbidtvy | fruit sweet | 甜甘仔蜜甜
tvitvibidbit | sweet sweet | 甜甜蜜蜜
tviubang | to set a net | 張網
tviubin | a scene; a spectacle; an appearances; scene; stage; pageantry; impressive front; in public | 場面
tviuobang | to set a net | 帳網
tviuobo | tent | 帳幕
tvixboafnboarn | fill full | 滇滿滿
tvizeeng-bidix | tender affection or love between a man and a woman | 甜情蜜意
tvoabin | one-sided; single-sidee | 單面
tvoahongbin | one-sided, unilateral | 單方面
tvy-buobux | sugar sweet | 甜粅粅
twbeq | about to | 拄欲
twboeq | about to | 拄欲
twbøo | just have nothing | 抵無; 剛無
tyab | to pledge; to mortgage; security | 抵押
tøbaq | blade of a knife | 刀目; 刀肉; 刀鋒; 刀刃
tøboong | go into exile; runaway; desertion; run away; to escape; flee; abscond | 逃亡
tøbuun tøkiexn | extensively informed | 多聞多見
tøbuun | well-informed, learned | 多聞
tøeabøea | come after, follow up | 隨尾; 綴尾; 跟在後面
tøebak | topic; problems; subject | 題目
tøebok | subject | 題目
tøefbogtviuu | A place where timber is stored before transporting to a saw mill | 貯木場
tøex-chiwbøea | repeat what was talken | 隨手尾; 綴手尾; 跟著說
tøex-zabor | follow a woman, chase after woman | 隨查某; 綴查某; 與女人私通
tøex-zhuiebøea | repeat what was talken | 綴喙尾
tøexbin | ground; land | 地面
tøexbin-cviu | on the earth | 地面上
tøexkiuu-budlyhak | geophysics | 地球物理學
tøf bøo | not... at all | 就是沒有; 都沒有
tøf-hongbin | many-sided | 多方面
tøfbiin | islanders | 島民
tøfbuun | prayer in a set form or formula; litany (Catholic) | 禱文
tøh'afbin | table surface | 桌仔面
tøhbin | table top; surface of a desk or table | 桌面
tøhbixnparn | desktop board | 桌面板
tøkiexn tøbuun | have seen and heard a lot; have wide experience; well versed | 多見多聞
tønisefng sidbut | perennial plants | 多年生植物
tør-thafnkhab | fall or lie up-side-down; fall face down | 倒坦伏
tørbin | left hand side; wrong or reversed side of anything; left side | 反面; 左面
tørkab | put together improperly | 倒蓋; 倒縫
tørkhab | turn upside down | 倒蓋
tørthiab | pay out of one's own pocket | 倒貼
tøxteg buxntøee | question of morality or ethics | 道德問題
u bixnzuo | have one's face or honor preserved; have one's vanity satisfied | 有面子
u buxntøee | questionable; doubtful; unreliable | 有問題
u hagbun | learned; erudite | 有學問
u hør bøo bae | totally good; very good | 只有好處; 沒有壞處
u kef bøo kiarm | increase steadily; get steadily worse or serious | 有增無減
u-bengbok | clear | 有名目; 清楚
u-bunhoax | cultured | 有文化
u-habseg | fitting, seemly, suitable | 有合適
u-habsit | fitting, seemly, suitable | 有合適
u-hibang | hopeful, promising | 有希望
u-zhuobi | be interested in, like to know | 有趣味
u`bøo | have no not, did or not | 有無
u`ebøo`ee | irrelevant things | 有的無的
u`ee-bøo`ee | stuff | 有的無的
ubi | aftertaste | 餘味
uibeeng | prestige | 威名
uibeng | last will and testament, dying wishes | 遺命; 違命; 遺囑
uiberng | mighty | 威猛
uibiin | survivors | 遺民
uibong | prestige; an imposing reputation | 威望
uiboong | forgotten; blow over; mislay | 遺忘
uibudlun | materialism | 唯物論
uibuo | majestic, brave-looking | 威武
uibut | things left behind by a dead person; personal belongings of a dead person; effects | 遺物
uibut-lun | materialism | 唯物論
uibuun | wrote the article | 為文
uibøea | top of the mast | 桅杆; 桅尾
uiebun | consolation; sympathy; comfort; console; show sympathy by making inquiries consolation; condole with (one on the death of his loved one) | 慰問
uihiabtiøh | threatening | 威脅著
uihiux baxnnii | bad reputation that will be long remembered (Lit. The stench will persist for 10000 years.) | 遺臭萬年
uikhoxng bexngleng | disobey orders | 違抗命令
uikib | critical | 危急
uisitbut | lost articles | 遺失物
uithabeng | vitamin | 維他命
uixbaai | draw eyebrows | 畫眉
uixbeeng-uixli | for fame and wealth | 為名為利
uixciab | gastric juices | 胃汁; 胃液
uixkog tiebeng | risk life for one's country | 為國致命
unhied toxngbut | warm blooded animal | 溫血動物
unkib | gracefully | 恩給; 恩俸
urn-bøo | surely there is none | 穩無; 一定沒有
urnbun | emotionally depressed | 塭悶; 鬱悶; 情緒低落
usu-bupor | of no help; doesn't help for a solution to a problem | 於事無補
utbun | emotionally depressed; have pent up emotions or thoughts; depressed; melancholy | 鬱悶
uxbang | hopeful | 有望; 有希望
uxbaq | there is flesh; fleshy; not very skinny | 有錢; 無那麼瘦
uxbin | reputable | 有面
uxboo | scheme or plan beforehand; premeditated (manslaughter); premeditation | 預謀
uxbouxviu | behave like true | 有模有樣
uxbøeq | is about to; going to | 有要
uxcidbønng | one of a kind | 有一無兩
uxengbøo | are you available? | 有閒無
uxhaang bøchi | have goods on hand but no one wants to buy; supply but no demand | 有行無市
uxhauxbøo | useful? | 有效無
uxhixbøzhuix | no talk just listen | 有耳無喙
uxhvi bøzhuix | listen; don't talk; don't butt in (usually used when talking to children) | 只能聽; 無能說
uxhvixbøzhuix | no talk just listen | 有耳無喙
uxkhafng-bøsurn ee | meaningless; useless | 無意義的
uxkhangbøsurn | there is a but tenon; lacking | 有空無榫
uxlo-bøzhux | said of a wandering vagrant or very poor man; who has no place to live; bum; vagabond | 無家可歸
uxloxbøzhux | a street has no home | 有路無厝
uxmiaa-bøsit | having the name but no reality; in name only | 有名無實
uxn bagzuie | dip (a brush) in ink | 沾墨水
uxnbi | an aroma; aftertaste | 韻味
uxnbuo | simple or compound vowel of a syllable | 韻母
uxnbuun | verse | 韻文
uxnbør | simple or compound vowel of a syllable | 韻母
uxsea'uxbin | powerful and facet | 有勢有面
uxsuie-bøkvoa | not true; no foundation there is no basis | 無實在的; 無根據的
uxthaau-bøbøea | leave a job incomplete or unfinished; quit doing something halfway; a thing given up before it is finished | 有頭無尾
uxthaau-uxbin | power position and good reputation | 有頭有臉; (有地位有名聲)
uxthaau-uxbøea | do a job from beginning to end; it has a beginning and an end | 有頭有尾; 有始有終
uxthauuxbea | through | 有頭有尾
uxthauuxboea | through | 有頭有尾
uxthvy-bøjit | have no idea what time it is | 有天無日; (無時間觀念)
uxviar`bøo | is that true? | 有影無
uxzhud-bøjip | having expenses but no income | 有出無入
uxzhuiebøsym | unintentional | 有喙無心
uybeng | appointed | 委命
uybøe | commission somebody to sell | 委買; 委賣
uybøea | commission somebody to buy | 委賣; 委買
uythog hoarnbe | consignment (commission) sale; sale on commission | 委託販賣
viabin | win; odds-on | 勝算
viabuxseg | camp Office | 營務室
viafbak | conspicuous; showy | 顯眼
viafbee | movie fan | 影迷
viafbo-siong | on the screen | 螢幕上
vibin | rounded face | 圓面
viebøfar | female crab full of roe | 嬰母仔
vii-bixnzeg | area of a circle | 圓面積
viuafbak | eye which does not close completely when the person is asleep | 羊眼目
viubahloo | lamb hot pot | 羊肉爐
viubaq | mutton; lamp | 羊肉
viuboee | arbutus; evergreen shrubs or trees | 楊梅
viubuo | ewe; nanny goat | 母羊; 羊母
viubuun | Western writing | 洋文
viubør | ewe; nanny goat | 母羊; 羊母
viuthøzab | start fruit juice | 楊桃汁
viutøciab | start fruit juice | 楊桃汁
viutøzab | start fruit juice | 楊桃汁
viwbuo | foster mother | 養母
vixbi | peculiar smell | 異味
vixbuun | peculiar news | 異聞
vixkorbut | isomery | 異構物
voa thngf bøo voa iøh | change form but not content (essence) | 換湯無換藥
voa thngf bøo voa liap | change form but not content (essence) | 換湯無換粒; 換湯無換藥
voafbø'ar | skull cap | 碗帽仔; (無邊便帽)
voaxthiab | brotherhood; exchange cards; giving all the particulars of birth; and thus become sworn brothers | 換帖; 結拜
voaxthiab`ee | buddy | 換帖的; 結拜兄弟
wlioxngkib | bantamweight | 羽量級
wnbat | secret | 隱密
wnbeeng | conceal one's name | 隱名
wnbit | secret; hidden | 隱密
wnheeng-bagkviax | contact lens | 隱形目鏡
wnsexng-baibeeng | conceal one's real name; live as a hermit | 隱姓埋名
y jiin bunha | dependent upon others | 依人門下
ybiern | in order to avoid | 以免
ybin | seat | 椅面
yboong | already dead | 已亡
ybut uii piin | take something as a pledge or proof | 以物為憑
yloong libkog | nation having an agricultural economy | 以農立國
ymciuo buto | drink more wine than one can stand | 飲酒無度
ymkhib | cried for grievance | 飲泣
ynbuun | a quotation | 引文; 引述
ynciab | greeting and accommodate | 引接
ynjiin jibsexng | lead one into wonderland--to delight very much; (of books) absorbing | 引人入勝
ynloong jibseg | usher the wolf into the house (Lit. bring in a troublemaker) | 引狼入室
ypi baxn'id | provide against any contingency | 以備萬一
zab'ee | ten | 十個
zab'eg | 1 billion | 十億
zab'iah | chores | 雜役
zab'id | eleven | 十一
zab'id-gøeh | November | 十一月
zab'itgøeh | November | 十一月
zab'itkøf | bachelor | 十一哥
zab'ym | noises; humming or other unwanted sounds in recordings | 雜音
zabban | 100 thousand | 十萬
zabbu | chore; odds and ends; miscellaneous | 雜務
zabbudar | sundries | 雜物仔
zabbut | sundries; dopant | 雜物
zabbøea | ten (fish) | 十尾
zabchid | seventeen | 十七
zabciaq | ten (animal) | 十隻
zabcid | impurity; minor substance in alloy or mixture; of unequal quality | 雜質
zabciog | complete; perfect; sufficient | 十足; 十全
zabcix | magazines | 雜誌
zabcix-sia | magazine publisher | 雜誌社
zabcymoe | ten sisters (bird's name) | 十姊妹
zabeeng | investigate and clarify; examine; search into | 查明
zabgo | fifteen | 十五
zabgo-mii | 15th night of lunar month | 十五暝; 十五夜晚
zabgoaxhea'ar | teen | 十外歲仔
zabgoaxhoea'ar | teen | 十外歲仔
zabgoeh | October | 十月
zabgøeh zhøezap | October 10; the Double Tenth; the National Day of the Republic of China | 十月初十
zabgøeh | October | 十月
zabgøeh-tafng | winter arrived in October | 十月冬
zabgøeqtafng | second rice harvest during the tenth month | 二期稻
zabhang | ten kinds (of sport, i.e. Decathlon) | 十項; 雜項
zabhang-uxntong | decathlon | 十項運動
zabhea'aftiaxm | grocery store | 雜貨仔店
zabhex | groceries | 雜貨
zabhoea'aftiaxm | grocery store | 雜貨仔店
zabhoef-goxseg | multi colored; variegated; variety of designs and colors | 十花五色
zabhoegoxseg | all kinds (of people) | 十花五色
zabhoex | general merchandise; sundries; groceries | 雜貨
zabhuix | incidental expenses; sundry expenses; miscellaneous expenses | 雜費
zabhun kawhun | eight or nine chances out of ten; most probably; nine times out of ten | 十有八九; 十分之九
zabhun | ten shares | 十份; 十分
zabhun-cit | one tenth | 十分一; 十分之一
zabhwn | 10 points; 100% | 十分
zabhøar | something assembled from various manufacturers | 雜牌子
zabhøea'aftiaxm | general grocery store | 雜貨仔店
zabhøea'ar | grocery | 雜貨仔
zabhøex | ten years old; grocery | 十歲; 雜貨
zabji svesviux | the year of the animal in which one was born: (the year of the) rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, lamb, monkey, chicken, dog, pig ─ corresponding to the duodecimal cycle | 十二生相
zabji-kenglo | twelve meridians and collaterals | 十二經絡
zabji-svesviux | the twelve signs of the zodiac. The animals used as the signs for the characters of the cycle of twelve: (chie, guu, hor, thox, leeng, zoaa, bea, viuu, kaau, køef, kao, ty) (rat, cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig) | 十二生肖; (鼠, 牛, 虎, 兔, 龍, 蛇, 馬, 羊, 猴, 雞, 狗, 豬)
zabji-svisioxng | the twelve signs of the zodiac; animal signs of the 12 year cycle | 十二生肖
zabji-svisviux | the twelve signs of the zodiac. see zabji-svesviux | 十二生肖
zabji`gøeh | December | 十二月
zabjixcie-tngg | duodenum | 十二指腸
zabjixcytngg huieioong | duodenal ulcer | 十二指腸潰瘍
zabjixcytngg | duodenum | 十二指腸
zabjixgøeh | December | 十二月
zabjixhwn | fully; in full; more than sufficient; thoroughly; satisfactorily | 十二分; 充分
zabkaix | ten precepts; the Ten Commandments | 十誡
zabkao | nineteen | 十九
zabkaw | crossbreed; cross fertilization; promiscuous friends; additional; extra | 雜交
zabkekhawar | whole family | 十家口仔
zabkhof | ten dollars | 十元
zabkhogiin | ten bucks | 十箍銀
zabkiepho | notebook | 雜記簿; 筆記簿
zabkix | notebook; miscellaneous record | 雜記
zabkog | miscellaneous grain crops like oats and millet as opposed to rice and wheat which are staple foods | 雜穀; 雜糧
zabkuie | How many more than ten? (between eleven to nineteen); Which day of the second decade in the month? | 十幾
zabky | different races or classes of people living together | 雜居
zabkør | berries | 雜果
zablagkhay | sixteen or sextodecimo; the suffix mo refers to book size or paper size resulting from folding a ream sized sheet of paper into sixteen leaves of equal dimension in preparation for printing a book | 十六開
zablak | sixteen | 十六
zabli svisviux | 12-zodiac | 十二生相
zabliam | intrusive thought; nag; incessant complain; speak out of turn; shoot off one's mouth; grumbling; make idle complaints; worldly thoughts | 雜念; 雜唸; 嘮叨; 多嘴
zabliap | ten granular pieces | 十粒
zabliaxmpøo | critical woman | 雜唸婆; 發牢騷的女人
zabliok | notebook, miscellaneous record | 雜錄
zablixhwn | very | 十二分
zabloan | in a mess; in confusion | 雜亂
zabloan-buciofng | untidy | 雜亂無章; 亂七八糟
zablyhiofng | jasmin | 十里香; 月橘
zabmih | miscellaneous articles | 雜物
zabnii | ten years | 十年
zabniuu | not the major grain | 雜糧
zabofgyn'aflaang | girl | 查某囡仔人
zabofgyn'ar | girl | 查某囡仔
zabofho | relief rain- the phenomenon where one side is raining and the other side dry | 查某雨
zabofkafn'ar | female servant | 查某𡢃仔
zabofkafng | female worker | 查某工
zabofkarn | female slave; concubine; (Before 1930 a female slave was traded freely. Today in open society this system is abolished; but in the frivolous society; young girls are still traded under the plea of ion lid; adopted daughters) | 查某丫; 婢女
zabofkefng | brothel | 妓女戶
zabofkhoarn | womanzie | 查某款
zabofkuie | female ghost; demoness | 查某鬼; 女鬼
zabofkviafjit | girls' day | 查某囝日
zabofkviaflit | girls' day | 查某囝日
zabofkviar | daughter | 查某囝; 女兒
zabofkviar-zhat | married daughter returning to the home of her parents and picking up things to take back to the home of her husband | 查某囝賊; 女兒回娘家; 將娘家的東西帶回夫家
zaboflaang | woman | 查某人; 女人
zabofpeng'iuo | girl friend | 查某朋友
zabofphvoa | female accompany | 查某伴
zabofsun'ar | granddaughter | 查某孫仔
zabofswn | granddaughter | 查某孫
zabofthea | femininity | 娘娘腔; 查某體; 女人氣質
zabofthoea | feminine | 查某體
zabofzor | great grandma | 查某祖
zabor gyn'ar | girl | 查某囡仔
zabor | female; mistress; woman; woman; female | 查某; 女人
zabor-gyn'ar | girl | 查某囝仔; 查某囡仔; 女孩子
zabor-karn | domestic slave girl | 查某𡢃
zabor-laang | woman, wife | 查某人; 婦人妻
zabor-peng'iuo | lady friend; girl friend | 查某朋友
zabor-sun'ar | niece | 查某姪仔
zabor-swn | granddaughter | 查某孫; 孫女
zabor`ee | female; feminine | 查某的
zabpaai | something assembled from various manufacturers | 雜牌
zabpai'ar | less known and inferior brand | 雜牌仔
zabpehpiexn | things change | 十八變
zabphiøx | ten dollar bill | 十票; 十元鈔
zabpoehpiexn | change a great deal when a girl turn into 18 years old | 十八變
zabpøe | ten fold | 十倍
zabpøeq | eighteen | 十八
zabpøeq-koniuu | pretty teens (female) | 十八姑娘
zabpøeq-løhaxn | the eighteen saints or disciples of Buddha | 十八羅漢
zabpøeq-texgak | the eighteen hells where the souls of evil persons are tortured (Buddhism) | 十八地獄
zabsefkawsea | wash thoroughly | 十洗九洗
zabseg høex | various commodities | 雜貨
zabseg laang | many kinds of people | 雜色人; 各種人
zabseg | unpure; multicolored; varied; every kind | 雜色; 各類
zabsex | miscellaneous items for women (e.g.; talcum powder; needle; threads) | 雜細; 婦女用之花粉, 針線等
zabsix | fourteen | 十四
zabsixn | noise | 雜訊
zabsoex | miscellaneous taxes; irregular taxes | 雜稅
zabsoree | ten plus | 十多個
zabsornii | little more than ten years | 十多年
zabsu | small odd jobs; chores | 雜事; 雜務
zabsvaf | thirteen | 十三
zabsvatiarm | silly (slang); acting in a stupid manner which evokes delight and laughter rather than disgust; dumb broad | 十三點; 三八
zabsvex | people of different surnames living in the same village | 雜姓
zabsviaa | one hundred percent; one hundred per cent | 十成
zabsviaa-ciog | 10o% full | 十成足
zabsøex | miscellaneous tax | 雜稅
zabtaam | a chat; gossip; desultory conversation | 雜談; 閒談聊天
zabtai kiernsied | ten great establishments | 十大建設
zabtex | ten pieces | 十塊
zabun | make inquiry; look into; investigate | 查問
zabzaai | handyman | 雜才
zabzab'kiøx | make noises of displeasure; make a labial or dental click (in eating or as a sign of displeasure) | 雜雜叫
zabzabkiøx | make noises of displeasure; make a labial or dental click (in eating or as a sign of displeasure) | 咂咂叫
zabzefng'afkviar | half caste; child whose mother is a woman of ill fame | 雜種仔囝; 混血兒
zabzefng'ar | hybrid | 雜種仔
zabzerng | mixed strain; mongrel; hybrid; crossbreed; hybrid; a mongrel; children of a mixed marriage | 雜種
zabzexng | odd kinds of symptom; miscellaneous disease | 雜症
zabzhab | meddlesome; interfere in the affairs of others | 雜插; 管閒事; 多事干涉
zabzhaix | hodgepodge; dish prepared by mixing or cooking the leftovers of a previous dinner feast | 雜菜; 什錦菜
zabzhaix-mi | vegetable noodle soup | 雜菜麵
zabzhao | wild grass; weeds | 雜草
zabzhawar | weed | 雜草仔
zabzhe'ar | girl or office boy hired for miscellaneous duties | 雜叉仔
zabzheafkafng | handyman | 雜差仔工
zabzhear | handyman | 雜謬
zabzhef | general servant, handy-man | 雜差
zabzhuix | miscellaneous, sundry | 雜碎
zabzhørlaang | every kind of people | 各種人
zabzngg | perfect | 十全
zabzoaan | perfect; excellent | 十全
zadbak | very close together (of bamboo or sugar cane) | 塞目; 很密; (有節植物)
zaechiab | remarry (said of a man) | 再娶
zaeciab-zaele | forge ahead disregarding obstructions or failures; make a determined effort; undismayed | 再接再勵
zaekøf-zaebuo | sing and dance at the same time | 載歌載舞
zaesefng ee huxbør | an expression of gratitude for assistance in great difficulties (Lit. You are like my reborn parents.) | 再生的父母
zafban | sooner or later; any time; sooner or later; some day; eventually | 早慢; 遲早; 早晚
zafmbog'ar | sleepers supporting railway track; railway ties; sleepers | 枕木仔
zafmbok | railway tie, mine timber | 枕木
zafzhud-boafnkuy | go out early and return late (often said of a busy person) | 早出晚歸
zaibad | knowledge | 知識
zaibee | person who craves money | 財迷
zaibeeng | know clearly | 知明; 確知
zaibi | gourmet's sense | 知味
zaibiin kiuozeakym | relief fund | 災民救濟金
zaibiin | those suffer from calamity; calamity stricken masses | 災民
zaibu | financial affair | 財務
zaibut | belongings; money; property; personal belongings | 財物
zaikiab | disaster | 災劫
zaiviafbøo | understand ? | 知影無
zaix-bøextiaau | have a load too heavy to be carried; said also of a person in weak health | 載無住; 撐不住
zaixbong | to be in sight, to be within sight | 在望
zaixlaibie | the customary rice; local rice; an inferior quality of rice | 在來米
zaizubi | experienced the advantage of.. | 知滋味; 曾得到好處
zanbin | level | 層面
zankib | level | 層級
zanliubut | vestigial; rinsing; leavings | 殘留物
zao-bøexkhuikhaf | too busy to leave; cannot leave | 走未開腳; 跑無了
zao-bøexli | cannot escape | 跑無了; 走袂離; 逃不及
zao-koeabin | escape or get through without detection | 逃過了
zaobengkhiog | sonata | 奏鳴曲
zapjiblaai | pierce in | 紮入來
zaqbang | sluice next | 閘網
zarbwzhao | motherwort | 醡母草
zarnbie | praise; admire; extol; glorify | 讚美
zarnbie-sy | hymn, songs of praise | 讚美詩
zarnbykoaf | praise song | 讚美歌
zarnbysy | hymn (Protestant) | 讚美詩
zatbe | take the pulse | 節脈
zatbeh | take the pulse | 節脈
zaubaq | pork cooked with a red salt thick sauce condiment made of rice and leaven | 糟肉
zaubiet | exterminate; exterminate or destroy (bandits or rebels) | 剿滅
zaubuo kiamsy | try to suppress a rebellion by military operations as well as inducements to surrender | 剿撫兼施
zawbea-khvoarhoef | to give a hurried glance (Lit. look at the flowers while passing on horseback) | 走馬看花
zawbefloong | walkway hallway | 走馬廊
zawbeftefng | revolving lantern | 走馬燈
zawbexkhuikhaf | unable to get away | 走袂開跤
zawbexli | unable to get away | 走袂離
zawbi | out of taste; turn stale | 走味; 失味
zawboexkhuikhaf | unable to get away | 走袂開跤
zawboexli | unable to get away | 走袂離
zawbøexkhix | too tired to run; cannot escape | 走袂去; 跑無動; 跑不掉
zawbøexli | can't escape | 走無掉
zawbølo | no way of escape; no outlet; no means of fleeing or escaping; no way out; no place to go | 走無路; 無處可去
zawbøo | go without | 走無
zawbøo`khix | unable to leave | 走無去
zawhøea-jibmoo | stand in harm's way | 走火入魔
zawsiarbea | ceremony of the Taoist (or local) religion seeking reconciliation or forgiveness of the sins of a diseased person in which a Taoist priest manipulates the paper figurines a man riding a horse | 走卸馬; 為了赦死者的罪而舉行的儀式
zawsiøjib | chase | 走相逐
zawsiølib | chase | 走相逐
zawsvacib | chase | 走相逐
zawsvalib | chase | 走相逐
zawtaau-bølo | have no one to turn to | 走投無路
zawthaubølo | nowhere to go | 走頭無路
zaxbeeng | grasshopper; locust | 蚱蜢
zay zubi | gourmet's sense | 知滋味
ze-bøexløh | unable to be seated | 坐無下
ze-bøextiaau | be tired of sitting down; cannot sit still; cannot sit idle | 坐無住; 坐煩了
zea'ab | enslave; oppress; tyrannize; subdue; repress; oppression | 壓制; 制壓
zeabaq | meat for worship | 祭肉
zeabong | make offerings at the tombs | 祭墓
zeabu | debt; debt or obligation | 債務
zeabuo | sacrificial dance | 祭舞
zeabut | things offered; offering for sacrifice | 祭物
zeabuun | eulogy; written or printed prayer; read and burned; prayers said at the offering of any sacrifice | 祭文
zeabuxjiin | debtor | 債務人
zeakib | aid in urgent need | 濟急
zebii | foretop | 齊眉; 額髮
zeeng kib tix sefng | Good ideas come at times of crisis | 情急智生
zefng bixnzuo | try to win or excel for the sake of face | 爭面子
zefngbuo | passing maternal temperamen | 種母; 傳母氣質
zefngbykw | swelling foot | 腫米龜
zefngthauafbak | finger joint; knuckle | 指頭仔目; 關節
zefngthauafboea | finger tail | 指頭仔尾
zefngthauafbøea | finger tip | 指頭仔尾; 指尖
zefngthaubuo | thumb | 指頭母; 拇指
zefngthaubwkofng | thumb | 指頭拇公
zefngzok kekbeng | racial revolution | 種族革命
zeg liab'aflaang | squeeze the pus out of a boil | 擠瘡; 擠疔膿
zegbok | lonely (also siokbok, cibbok) | 寂寞
zek'ab | backlogging; in arrears; neglect handling official papers; legal cases | 積壓
zekbok | brick | 積木
zekbun | call to account; bring to account | 責問
zekpehcybe | uncle sister | 叔伯姊妹
zekzuy-toxngbut | vertebrate | 椎骨動物; 脊椎動物
zeng'ix bienbieen | long lasting love expressing itself in a subdued but sweet form | 情意綿綿
zengbang | web of emotion; bonds of love; the tender trap; love's web | 情網
zengbeeng toadli | contest for fame and riches | 爭名奪利
zengbeeng | artful; canny; heady; prudent; clever and smart | 精明
zengbiau | exquisite; exquisiteness; fine; subtle; ingenious; elaborate | 精妙
zengbidto | precision | 精密度
zengbie | pounding rice grain to separate grain shell from rice; delicately pretty; elegant and refined | 舂米; 精美; 搗米
zengbii | subtlety | 精微
zengbin | front; friendship; face; social obligation what is due to a person in view of his social status | 前面; 情面
zengbit ee kiafmzaf | close examination | 精密的檢查
zengbit ee kikhix | precise instrument or machine | 精密的機器
zengbit kanggiap | precision manufacture | 精密工業
zengbit | accurate; delicacy; exact; precision | 精密
zengbo | to enlist, to conscript | 精募; 徵募
zengbor | former wife; former wife of a man who has remarried | 前妻; 前某
zengboxngkhoxng | elbow one's way; barge about | 撞妄控; 亂闖; 橫衝直撞
zengbuun | to solicit for an article or essay, call for a paper | 徵文
zengbøar | the pounding utensil with a sunken middle. | 舂磨仔
zengchib | examine and arrest | 偵緝
zengcib | argument; conflict; disagreement; dispute; feud; embroilment; contest; argue or dispute obstinately; to wrangle | 爭執
zenggogbok | bole tree | 鐘萼木
zenghablie | reasonable | 情合理
zengkiab | lover | 情俠
zengkib | urgent | 征急; ?急
zengpøx-bang | an information system | 情報網
zengsiin budlyhak | psychophysics | 精神物理學
zengsu bae | emotionally upset | 心情壞; 情緒壞
zengthaau khabhiah | hit one's head in frustration or anger | 氣得撞頭; 氣極了; 撞頭磕額
zengzofbuo | great grandmother | 曾祖母
zerngbeeng | prove; certify; evidence; authenticate; testify; certify; proof; testimonial | 證明
zerngbeeng-sw | certificate, testimonial | 證明書
zerngbengsw | certificate | 證明書
zerngbu | official administration; affairs of the government | 政務
zerngbu-uyoaan | minister without portfolio | 政務委員
zerngbut | physical evidence | 證物; 物證
zerngbuun | text | 證文; 正文
zerngkaux hab'id | unification of church and state | 政教合一
zerngtai kongbeeng | fair and frank; just and pure of mind | 正大光明
zerngtixbi | political | 政治味
zerngtixjinbut | politician | 政治人物
zexngbeh | vein (blood) | 靜脈
zexngbek | silence; silent | 靜默
zexngbudoe | still life | 靜物畫
zha'ab'ar | small wooden case or box | 柴盒仔
zhaa-bøe zhud`laai | cannot find out a fact; cannot check out a figure | 查無出來
zhab taixcix | get involved | 插代誌
zhab | offer assistance; interfere with; meddle; associate with; have to do with; mix up or shuffle (cards) | 插; 洗牌; 干涉
zhab-pai'ar | shuffle cards | 插牌仔; 洗牌
zhab`tiøh | plug in | 插著
zhabak | knot in a log or piece of wood | 木節; 柴目; 木節瘤
zhabea | wooden horse used in gymnastics; hobbyhorse | 柴馬
zhabeeng | find out | 查明
zhabiu | error, fault, inaccuracy | 查謬; 差錯
zhabzhabløh | keep raining | 㴙㴙落
zhabzhabniq | blinking | 眨眨𥍉
zhabzhabtiq | raindrops | 眨眨滴; 雨滴
zhabzhap | blinking | 眨眨
zhadafbak | thief | 賊仔目
zhadafbin | thief | 賊仔面
zhadbak | one's eyes look like a thief; sharp eyed; eyes with an evil glint | 賊眼
zhadbin | one's behavior looks like thief | 賊面
zhaebea | leftover | 菜尾
zhaeboea | leftover food; remaining scraps of a feast | 菜尾; 殘餘菜餚
zhaebøea | leftover food | 剩菜; 菜尾
zhaekab | pigeon | 菜鴿; 肉鴿
zhaekapbak | dumbo | 菜鴿目; 痴鈍的人
zhaepofbie | dry shredded radish | 菜脯米
zhaepofkyn borng ka kiaam | make do; put up with | 菜脯根罔咬鹹; 姑且將就
zhaetiarmzabor | prostitute | 菜店查某
zhaetiaxm-zabor | barmaid; bar girl | 菜店查某; 酒家女
zhafbøo-loaxze | there isn't much difference | 差不多
zhagbak | dazzling; blinded by bright light; dazzling; an obstacle to the view; an eyesore | 刺目; 鑿目; 無順眼; 刺眼
zhai sinbeeng | erect the idol | 豎神像; 立神像
zhaibe | guess a riddle | 猜謎
zhaibee | guess a riddle; guess a riddle | 猜謎
zhaibi | guess a riddle | 猜謎
zhaibuun | wooden door | 柴門
zhaihoong pofsibpafn | training class for tailoring | 裁縫補習班
zhaikab | fit | 裁合
zhaiubi | diesel smell | 柴油味
zhambeeng | clarity by additional information | 參明; 查明
zhamboo | the general staff officer; military consulter; official strategist; counselor or advisor | 參謀
zhamthienkofbok | towering ancient tree | 參天古木
zhamzhab | middle in other's business | 參涉; 管閒事
zhan'afboea | farm end | 田仔尾
zhanbaq | upper soil | 田肉; 上層土壤
zhanbin | soil face | 田面
zhangboah | scallion powder | 蔥末
zhankab | frog | 田蛤
zhanthobi | rice farm smell | 田塗味
zhao'iubi | unpleasant oily smell from being kept too long | 臭油味
zhaobagni | fragrant glorybower | 臭目; 臭茉莉; 吹牛
zhaobah'eng'ar | carbuncle | 臭肉癰仔
zhaobaq | meat that is spoiled or putrefied; putrid flesh like in a sore | 臭肉; 腐爛的肉
zhaobi | bad order; stinky; rotten; bad smelling; suppurating | 臭味
zhaobin | unhappy face; sour; ill natured look | 臭臉; 繃著臉
zhaochvibi | rotten smell | 臭腥味
zhaochvibuo | Taiwan stink snake; Stinking Goddess; Stinking Green Snake; keeled Snake | 臭腥母
zhaociab | stinky juice | 臭汁
zhaohoeftabi | burnt smell; taste burnt; burnt taste | 臭火乾味
zhaohongbi | smell of rotten vegetables | 臭風味; 菜類封藏無好而變質之味
zhaoiukaobi | bad as a filthy shirt or pillow | 臭油垢味
zhaokvoaxsngbi | smelly sweat sour | 臭汗酸味
zhaolengtaibi | slur | 臭奶呆味
zhaophoarpox-bi | stingy | 臭破布味
zhaophwbi | smelly | 臭黴味
zhaosngbi | the warm vapor of fermentation; the odor of something turned sour | 醙酸味
zhaotabi | burnt smell; taste burnt; burnt taste | 臭焦味
zhaotaf por bøsek | add insult to injury (Lit. substitute uncooked food for burnt food offered to someone to eat) | 截長補短
zhaothobi | having an unpleasant earthy taste; damp; earthy smell | 臭土味
zhaozhveabuo | Taiwan stink snake; Stinking Goddess; Stinking Green Snake; keeled Snake | 臭仙母; 臭青公 (蛇)
zhaozhøbi | smelly | 臭臊味
zhaozuykorng-bi | has the taste of old bamboo water pipes | 臭水管味
zhapzhab | get involved | 插插
zhaq`jibkhix | stick into; insert | 插入去
zhar byhurn | fry rice noodles; fried rice noodles | 炒米粉
zharm buu jintø | inhuman; brutal | 慘無人道
zharm buu thienjit | said of life under a tyrannical government; so dark; or full of suffering; that it is as if the sun were not in the sky | 慘無天日
zharngbi | dive | 潛泳
zharngbiq | hide | 躲藏; 潛匿
zharngzuybi | dive | 潛水匿
zhat kiab zhat | one robber robbing another of his booty; someone who cheats being cheated in turn | 賊劫賊; 黑吃黑
zhatbin | painting surface; varnish surface | 漆面
zhaubiet | destroy completely | 剿滅
zhaubøextiøh | chase but not catch | 追無到
zhaukef-biedzok | confiscate the property and exterminate the family of an offender | 抄家滅族
zhawafbi | grass taste | 草仔味
zhawbak | grass and trees; vegetation | 草木
zhawbarng | mosquito | 草蚊
zhawbiin | caomin | 草民
zhawboefafzoaa | grass snake | 草尾仔蛇
zhawbogtiofng | in the vegetation | 草木中
zhawbok | grass and tree | 草木
zhawbø | straw hat | 草帽
zhawkunbuo | Hawaiian dance; hula hula | 草裙舞
zhaxng-zuybi | dive underwater | 藏水匿; 藏水沬; 潛水
zhay tengbee | guess; solve an enigma | 猜燈謎
zhay-bøtiøh | failed to guess correctly | 沒猜中
zhaybit | collect honey | 採蜜
zhaybøea | purchase; procurement | 採買; 採購
zhechiab | wife and concubine; wife and concubine(s) | 妻妾
zhefngbeng | solicit; request; ask for instructions or orders | 請命
zhehkiab | loose-leaf binder, a box to contain a series of paper-back books | 冊夾; 書夾
zhekbien | flank; profile; side; aspect | 側面
zhekbin | side view; side | 側面
zhekbin-too | a lateral view, profile | 側面圖
zhekbok | side look | 側目
zhekbun | policy question | 策問
zheng-bøextiaau | cannot wear it any longer (due to rise in temperature) | 穿無住
zhengban | ten millions | 千萬
zhengbee | congee | 清糜
zhengbeeng | Tomb-sweeping Day | 清明
zhenghofng benggoat | aloof (Lit. a soothing wind and the bright moon are my sole companions.) | 清風明月
zhengzhefng-baxnban | huge amount | 千千萬萬
zherngbøea | guntail | 銃尾
zherngbøeftøf | bayonet | 銃尾刀
zhexbøo | unable to find it | 揣無
zhexng'øee tiørboeh | dress up; wear shoes and socks | 打扮斯文
zhexngjibkhix | wear | 穿入去
zhngbuo | Godness to care baby | 床母; 育兒之神; 床母神
zhngbør zøx kiehø | birthmark | 胎痣
zhngbør | female spirits that takes cares for infants shortly before and after birth like nurses | 床婆; 床母
zhngr-bahkud | gnaw flesh and bones | 啃肉骨
zhngrzuybi | dive into water | 鑽水沬
zhoaarbor | get married | 娶某
zhoafbak | oblique eyes | 斜目
zhoafnbøexli | can't catch one's breath | 喘未離; 無過氣來
zhoanbiin | villager | 村民
zhoaqtuiebin | diagonally opposite | 斜對面
zhoaxbofaq | got a wife | 娶某矣
zhoaxbor | marry a wife; take a wife | 娶妻; 娶某
zhoaxbøo | unable to find one to get married | 娶無
zhobeh | coarse grain | 粗糧; 粗麥
zhoexbøo | look for but not find | 揣未; 揣無到
zhof-bypng | rough rice meal | 粗米飯
zhof-kviebin | first meeting or interview | 初見面
zhokib tionghak | junior middle school | 初級中學
zhokib | elementary; first grade | 初級
zhongbaang | hurried, hasty, haste, busily, hastily | 匆忙
zhongbeeng zoadterng | extremely clever or intelligent | 聰明絕頂
zhongbeeng zuxgo | too smart (Lit. ruined by one's own cleverness.) | 聰明自誤
zhongbeeng | wise; clever; intelligent; clever; bright; quick of comprehension | 聰明
zhongbeeng-zaitix | cleverness and intelligence | 聰明才智
zhongbirn | clever and intelligent | 聰敏
zhongboong | a feeling of don't know what to do; hurried; hasty; flurried | 蒼茫; 匆忙
zhongzhofng-bongboong | rush; in a hurry | 蒼蒼茫茫
zhornglibciar | founder; organizer | 創立者
zhosiab | hard to do (Lit. coarse and rough) | 艱辛
zhud bøfthay | newly born infant | 出母胎
zhuhbak | didn't pay attention; did not see it | 覷目
zhuibiin | drowsy; hypnotic; sleepy; hypnosis; hypnotize | 催眠
zhuibin'iøh | hypnotic; hypnotic medicines; sleeping pill | 催眠藥; 安眠藥
zhuibinsut | hypnotism; art of hypnotism; hypnosis | 催眠術
zhuiebaa | numb mouth | 嘴痲
zhuiebaq | meat cut into small pieces | 碎肉
zhuiebat | close mouth | 嘴密
zhuiebea | beak tail; mouth end | 喙尾
zhuiebie | broken rice | 碎米
zhuieboea | good at greeting | 嘴甜; 很會打招呼
zhuiebøea | the last swallow (food) | 嘴尾; 最後一口
zhuiechiørbagchiøx | very happy; joyful or jubilant | 眉開眼笑
zhuiekviebagkvix | eye witness | 喙見目見
zhuiekvix-bagkvix | see often | 經常相見
zhuiephoefbaq | cheek | 喙䫌肉
zhuiesab | detritus | 碎屑
zhuiesy-baxntoan | body broken into pieces; smashed | 碎屍萬斷
zhuix siab | having a bad taste in the mouth and disinclined to eat like a person a little under the weather | 口澀
zhunbang | Spring dream | 春夢
zhunbiin | villager | 村民
zhunbo | end of spring | 春暮
zhunhofng moafbin | smile broadly; cheerful look | 春風滿面
zhunkofng-bengbii | beautiful scenes of spring | 春光明媚
zhunkunbafn'am | stretch tendons | 伸筋挽頷
zhuobefterng | roof | 厝尾頂
zhuobi | interesting; fascinating; amusing; taste; relish; interest; hobby | 趣味; 有趣; 興趣
zhuobin | appearance of a house | 厝面; 房子的門面
zhuobixlaq | interesting | 趣味啦
zhuobixzhuobi | interesting; fun | 趣味趣味
zhuoboefterng | roof | 厝尾頂
zhuobuun | anecdote | 趣聞
zhuokib | sub | 次級
zhuopvithaubea | neighbor | 厝邊頭尾
zhuopvithauboea | neighbor | 厝邊頭尾
zhuopvithauboefar | neighboor | 厝邊頭尾仔
zhuotefngbøea | roof ends | 厝頂尾
zhurnkym lanbøea zhurnkong'ym | an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time | 寸金難買寸光陰
zhutbe | sell; betray; betrayal | 出賣
zhutbea | go out | 出馬
zhutbeng | issue an order | 出命; 下令
zhutbi | taste or flavor comes out like in brewing tea | 味透
zhutbie | grow rice | 出米; 產米
zhutbin | to appear personally; to come forward; to act on one's own capacity or on behalf of an organization; to present oneself; assume the responsibility in mediation or negotiation; act on someone else's behalf; show up; present oneself | 出面
zhutboe | betray | 出賣
zhutboea | do completely | 出尾; 圓滿收局
zhutbut | hunt | 出沒
zhutbøe | sell out | 出賣
zhutciab | juice | 出汁
zhutjibkhao | exit | 出入口
zhutjinbeng | die | 出人命
zhutkhao boxek | export trade | 出口貿易
zhutlab'oaan | cashier | 出納員; 出納
zhutlabzof | cashier group | 出納組
zhutpafnbut | publications | 出版物
zhutsefng-jibsuo | risk one's life; go beyond the call of duty | 出生入死
zhutsefng-zerngbengsw | birth certificate | 出生證明書
zhutsvef zerngbeeng | birth certificate | 出生證明
zhutsvef-jibsie | expose oneself to great danger | 出生入死
zhutthoatbøo | outstanding yet? | 出脫無
zhutzhud-jibjip | constantly going in and out | 進進出出
zhutzhutjibjip | in and out | 出出入入
zhve'ngg putciab | The old grain is used up before the harvest of the new crop A period of insufficiency to tide over | 青黃無接
zhvebeqafciuo | draught beer | 生啤仔酒
zhvebie zwcviaa png`ar | fait accompli; What is done cannot be undone (Lit. The rice has been cooked.) | 生米煮成飯
zhvebin | easy to get angry | 青面; 容易生氣
zhvebin-liaugee | evil looking; coarse looking | 青面獠牙
zhvebixnliaugee | green-faced fangs | 青面獠牙
zhveboee | green plums; unripened plums | 青梅
zhvefbak | easy on the eye; neat and clear | 醒目
zhvekib | star rating | 星級
zhvethauchirnbin | angry; mad | 生頭凊面
zhøe-boo | cannot find | 找無
zhøe-bøextiøh | unable to find, unable to locate | 找無到; 揣袂著
zhøe-bøo | cannot find | 揣無
zhøfbok kaipefng | grass and trees were all troops imaginary fears of a routed army | 草木皆兵
zhøfbok | grass and trees; vegetation | 草木
zhøfbø | straw hat | 草帽; 蓪草帽
zhøfkoafn jinbeng | treat human life as grass attach no importance to human life | 草菅人命
zhørbie | unpolished rice; unpolished rice | 糙米
zhørbiu | wrong | 錯謬
zhørhabthea | complex | 措合體; 錯合體
zng'afboea | village end | 庄仔尾
zngbiin | villager | 庄民; 村民
zngbøea | end of the village | 庄尾; 村的盡頭
zngf-bøe løh`khix | no more space to cram it in; can not hold any more | 裝無下
zngfthaubwkofng | thumb | 指頭拇公
zngkhabi | country taste | 庄跤味
zngkhabin | country face | 庄跤面
zngkhabin'afzngkhabin | country face | 庄跤面仔庄跤面
zngrzuybi | dive | 鑽水沬
zngthauzngboea | everywhere in side the vllage | 庄頭庄尾
zoadbang | despair; be hopeless | 絕望
zoadbeng | die; death | 絕命
zoadbiau | exquisiteness; extremely good or wonderful; exquisite | 絕妙
zoadbong | despair; be hopeless | 絕望
zoafab'ar | carton | 紙盒仔; 紙匣
zoafbin | paper face | 紙面
zoafn'oafn boahkag | talk in a roundabout way | 轉彎抹角
zoafnbøe | resale | 轉賣
zoafnciab | transfer | 轉接
zoafthaau-zoafbøea bøo lie ee miaa | Your name is not on the paper | 紙頭紙尾沒你的名字; 無法證明是你的權
zoafthauzoafboea | paper ends | 紙頭紙尾
zoan'giabkhw | professional area | 專業區
zoan'giabkib | professional level | 專業級
zoan'giabparn | professional edition | 專業版
zoan'iuo bengsuu | proper noun | 專有名詞
zoanbe teghie | all rights reserved | 專賣特許
zoanbe | monopoly (government; state); monopolize | 專賣
zoanbextiaxm | specialty store | 專賣店
zoanbien | the whole | 全面
zoanbiet | utter ruin; annihilation | 全滅; 徹底消滅
zoanbiin kiexnpør | National Health Insurance | 全民健保
zoanbiin uxntong | an activity for everybody to participate in | 全民運動
zoanbiin zerngti | democracy; government by all the people | 全民政治
zoanbiin | all people | 全民
zoanbin ciernzefng | total war | 全面戰爭
zoanbin kongkeg | all out offensive | 全面攻擊
zoanbin | all-around; comprehensive; total; overall | 全面
zoanbixnsexng | comprehensiveness | 全面性
zoanboong | all dead | 全亡
zoanbu | attend with one's whole heart | 專務
zoanbun'ar | specialized | 專門仔
zoanbuun siulie phahjixky | typewriter repair specialist | 專門修理打字機
zoanbuun | specific; special; particular; complete text | 專門; 全文
zoanbuun-bengsuu | technical term | 專門名詞
zoanbuun-kaoiok | technical education | 專門教育
zoanbuun-kileeng | a specialized technique | 專門機能; 專門技能
zoanbuun-uyoaan | senior specialist (a government post) | 專門委員
zoanbøe | monopoly | 專賣
zoanbøexkiok | monopoly bureau | 專賣局; 公賣局
zoanbøexkoaan | patent; monopoly right | 專賣權
zoanhux bwzofng | be armed to the teeth; with all the equipment issued to a soldier such as rifle; ammunition; sack; shovel | 全副武裝
zoankwn-hogbut | the whole army was lost; the army was totally annihilated | 全軍覆沒
zoaqbin | inclined plane | 斜面
zoaxnbuun | to write an essay | 論文; 撰文; 譔文
zoe kay baxnsie | The crime deserves ten thousand deaths | 罪該萬死
zoeabae | the worst | 最惡; 最䆀
zoeabahpviar | make meatloaf | 做肉餅
zoeabak | be a carpenter | 做木
zoeabak`ee | a carpenter | 做木的
zoeabang | dreaming | 做夢
zoeabie`ee | rice seller | 做米的
zoeabixsi | better | 做惟是; 那麼的話; 無如
zoeabor | be a wife | 做某
zoeasioxngkib | highest class; superlative degree | 最上級
zoeasiør konghunbør | least common denominator | 最小公分母
zoeasyn hoatbeeng | the latest invention | 最新發明
zoex tiarmbin | become a storefront | 做店面
zoex-byle | the most beautiful | 最美麗
zoex-bøexkaux | cannot do it | 做無到
zoex-bøexkhie | cannot do it | 做無起
zoex-bøexkhix | cannot do it | 做無去; 做不了
zoex-bøexlaai | cannot do it | 做無來
zoex-bøexliao | cannot finish it | 做無了
zoex-køkib | superlative | 最高級
zoexbiin | sinful people | 罪面; 罪民
zoexkaibaxnsie | guilty of death | 罪該萬死
zofbiø | temple for ancestors | 祖廟
zofbong | ancestral tomb | 祖墓; 祖墳
zofbuo | grandmother | 祖母
zofbør | grandmother | 祖母
zofngbau | total trade | 總貿
zofngbauh | contract or to buy the whole lot | 統括; 全買
zofngbok | general index | 總目
zofngbu | general administration; general affairs | 總務
zofngbu-khørtviuo | General Affairs Section Chief | 總務課長
zofngbuxkhøx | Office of General Affairs | 總務課
zofngbuxtviuo | Officer of General Affairs | 總務長
zofngbuxzhux | Office of General Affairs | 總務處
zofngbøe | whole sale | 總賣
zofngbøo | none | 那有; 難道
zofnghab | sum together | 總合
zofngzhambotviuo | chief of the general staff | 總參謀長
zofsubiø | a Taiwanese temple | 祖師廟
zok'ib | make a low bow with folded hands | 作揖
zokbut | agricultural produces | 作物
zokbuun | composition; write an essay | 作文
zokgiab'oaan | operator | 作業員
zokgiabpho | workbook | 作業簿
zokgiabpho'ar | workbook | 作業簿仔
zongbiø | temple for ancestors; ancestral temple of the ruling family; imperial ancestral temple | 宗廟
zongboo-zok'viu | be pretentious; act with affected manners | 裝模作樣
zongbut | stolen goods; stolen goods; plunder; booty; loot; obtained illicitly | 贓物; 藏物
zonghabhoad | method of synthesis | 綜合法
zonghabparn | comprehensive | 綜合版
zoong`jibkhix | rush in | 衝進去
zorng phiencib | editor in chief | 總編輯
zorngbie | grandeur and serenity; splendor; sublime | 狀美
zorngcix-bixsiuu | die before the fulfillment of his ambition or aspiration; usually said of a martyr or hero | 壯志未酬
zornggiok-baihiofng | bury a beauty; untimely death of a beauty | 葬玉埋香
zoxlie kokbuxkhefng | Undersecretary of State | 助理國務卿
zubi | savour; relish; flavor; smack; the flavor (of food; poetry) taste; flavor | 滋味
zubok | catalog | 書目
zubui'afzubuy | a little bit ? | 滋微仔滋微
zubuo | loving mother | 慈母
zubuun | rich and influential families | 朱門
zubør | my loving mother; my fond mother | 慈母
zudbie | glutinous rice | 糯米; 秫米; 糯稻
zudbie-png | glutinous rice | 糯米飯
zudbyhurn | sticky rice flour | 糯米粉
zudbykoo | glutinous rice glue | 秫米糊
zudbypng | sticky rice | 糯米飯
zudbytngg | glutinous rice soup | 秫米腸
zuie bøexsiaw | poor drainage | 水無通
zuiebanbaang | unconsciously drunk | 醉茫茫
zuiebangbaang | dead drunk | 醉茫茫
zuiebongboong | inebriated; under the influence of alcohol | 醉醺醺
zuiesefng-boxngsuo | lead a befuddled life (as if drunk or in a dream) | 醉生夢死
zunbea | read end of boat | 船尾
zunbeng | respectively follow the instruction; obey orders; follow instructions; (response to an order) All right; Sir Very well; Sir | 遵命
zunbin | deck of a ship | 船面; 舺板
zunboea | stern (of a ship) | 船尾
zunboong | live or death; survive or perish; survival and downfall | 存亡
zunbu | boat stuff | 船物
zunbøea | stern (of a ship) | 船尾
zunkhoarn zerngbeeng | deposit receipt | 存款證明
zunsexng taixbeeng | your full name (honorific term) | 尊姓大名
zuo'ym-jixbuo | phonetic alphabets | 注音字母
zuobak | pay attention eyes | 注目
zuobeeng | describe and display explicitly; explain or state clearly in writing; make a footnote; make out | 註明
zuoboglea | parade salute (military) | 注目禮
zuobok | eye; rivet; attention; fix the attention on; observation; keep an eye on; pay attention to | 注目
zuoboo | mould; mold; to cast (statue) | 鑄模
zuobuun | order (merchandise) | 訂貨; 注文; 訂購; 定購
zuojibseg | education spoon feeding or cramming (as opposed to developmental method) | 注入式
zupurn kaikib | capitalist class | 資本階級
zurnbea | steed | 駿馬
zurnbun | indifferent; unmoved | 無傷; 無動於衷
zurnbøea | the back part of the water canal | 圳尾
zusarn kaikib | bourgeois class | 資產階級
zuxbeeng tek'ix | be very pleased with what one has done or achieved | 自鳴得意
zuxbeeng zhengkøf | consider oneself morally superior to others; look down on all others as vulgar or dishonest | 自鳴清高
zuxbeeng | self-evident, self-explanatory | 自明; 不解自明的
zuxbiet | self-destruction; destroy one's own (career; job) | 自滅
zuxbiin | resident; residents | 住民; 居民
zuxboarn | pat oneself on the back; pride; self-complacency; be satisfied with oneself | 自滿
zuxbofng | self-touch | 自摸
zuxbun | ask oneself | 自問
zuxhabbut | polymer | 聚合物
zuxhabthea | a cluster | 聚合體
zuxiuu boxek | free trade | 自由貿易
zuxjienbie | natural beauty, beauties of nature | 自然美
zuxjienbut | natural objects | 自然物
zuxkib | self sufficient, self supporting, self sufficiency | 自給
zuxkib-zuxciog | self sufficient; self supporting; self sufficiency | 自給自足
zuxkut hunbong | dig one's own grave | 自掘墳墓
zuxlibzuxkioong | self-reliance | 自立自強
zuxsad bixsui | attempted suicide | 自殺未遂
zuxsefng zuxbiet | grow and die without outside interference, stew in his own juice | 自生自滅
zuxtaau-løborng | walk right into a trap; fall into a snare through one's own fault | 自投羅網
zuxthaau-ciebøea | all the way through; from the beginning to the end | 自頭至尾
zuxthaau-kaobøea | from the beginning to the end; all the way through | 自始至終
zuxthaukaobea | from the beginning to the end | 自頭到尾
zuxthaukaoboea | from the beginning to the end | 自頭到尾
zuxtong-hoarnbøexky | vending machine | 自動販賣機
zuxzog-zhongbeeng | pretending to be wise; act on one's own judgment; act as if one were an expert; presumptuous; pretentious | 自作聰明
zuyab | water pressure | 水壓
zuybag'oe | painting done with ink and water | 水墨畫
zuybak | ink | 水墨
zuybidthøo | succulent peach; Lisan or Wushe peach; Mountain peach | 水蜜桃
zuybin | rim; surface water; water surface; water level | 水面
zuybixnsiong | on the water | 水面上
zuybixnterng | top of the water | 水面頂
zuybuo | water dance | 水舞
zuybuun | water pattern | 水紋
zuybø | watermill | 水磨
zuybøea | lower section of a river; lower level | 下游
zuybør | jellyfish | 海蜇; 水母
zuycvibut'ar | crystal | 水晶魩仔
zuygubiø | water buffalo temple | 水牛廟
zuyhiab'ar | manual water pump | 水拹仔
zuyhøea-bøzeeng | water and fire have no feelings | 水火無情
zuyliok liofngzhef-toxngbut | amphibian | 水陸兩棲動物
zuypengbin | level surface | 水平面
zuysefng sidbut | aquatic plants | 水生植物
zuythor bøexhah | fail to acclimate oneself in a new natural environment; a new climate does not agree with one's system | 水土無服
zuyzhaybi | watercolor | 水彩味
zvaftiuafbea | cut ricegrass end | 斬稻仔尾
zvaftiuafboea | cut ricegrass end | 斬稻仔尾
zwbeng | mastermind | 主命
zwbii | a fortune telling mechanism | 紫微
zwbiin | citizens; the people (religious term) (Lit. child or citizen of God) | 子民
zwbociar | prime mover, the mastermind | 主謀者
zwboo | the mastermind, the string puller, head a conspiracy | 主謀
zwbuo | mistress | 子母; 主母
zwbuun | main body of court verdict | 主文
zwbør | mistress | 子母; 主母; 元利
zwchii cietbok | to MC (emcee) a program (TV; radio) | 主持節目
zwliuu-jinbut | very influential person | 主流人物
zøeabak | be a carpenter | 做木; 做木工
zøeabang | dream, daydream | 做夢
zøexbak | many tree knots | 濟目; 濟節的
zøexguu tah-bøo puxn | Many bulls don't make any dung to step in; If there are too many workers nothing gets done | 濟牛踏無糞; 人濟反而成事難
zøhbit | making honey | 作蜜; 釀蜜
zøkiab | meet with disaster | 遭劫
zørbahpviar | make meatloaf | 做肉餅
zørbak | be a carpenter | 做木; 做木工
zørbak`ee | carpenter | 做木的
zørbang | dream; make daydream; to dream | 作夢
zørbee | do puzzle, riddle | 做謎
zørbexkaux | unable to make it | 做袂到
zørbinbang | sleep dream | 做眠夢
zørbor | be a wife | 做某
zørbuun | write a composition, compose an essay | 作文
zørbøo | did nothing | 做無
zørguu zørbea | work hard | 做牛做馬
zøx phvaybang | have a nightmare | 做惡夢
zøx tiarmbin | become a storefront | 做店面
zøx-bixnzuo | put up a pleasant front; do something for the sake of appearance | 做面子
zøx-buncviw | write essays | 作文章
zøx-bøe løqchiuo | cannot bring oneself to do; hindered from doing | 下無了手
zøx-bøefbøe | do business | 做生意; 做買賣
zøx-bøexkaux | cannot be done; can't do it | 做無到
zøx-bøexkhix | can't do it all | 做無了
zøx-bøexlaai | can't do it | 做無來
zøx-bøloxlaai | cannot do it properly | 做不路;來; 無得要領
zøxbak | japann | 塗墨
zøxbiø | establish a temple | 造廟
zøxiuxbeeng | motto | 座右銘
øebin | shoe surface | 鞋面
øebirn | shoe brush | 鞋刷
øh bexhiao | unable to learn | 學無曉; 學不來
øh bexlaai | unable to learn | 學無來; 學不會
øhbuo | not good serves; is difficult to make | 難舞; 無好伺候; 難弄
øqbuo | study calisthenics, study gymnastics | 學舞; 練武
øqbuun | study literature | 學文
ørbiau | mysterious; profound | 奧妙
ørbuo Cinlykaux | Aum Shinrinkyo Sect | 奧姆真理教
Angsiblixhoe | Red Cross | 紅十字會
bafnbeh | Shivering; cramps | 挽脈; 打顫; 抽筋
labsex | pay tax | 納稅
tabjip | step in | 踏入

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