bøahbøef'ar | toward the end | 尾尾仔
bøefafkviar | youngest son; baby son | 尾仔囝
bøefar | cauda; trail; afterwards; later | 尾仔; 後來; 尾巴
bøefau | after, finally | 尾後; 後面
bøefbin | the last one | 尾面; 末端; 最後
bøefboe | business | 買賣
bøefbøe | deals; trade | 買賣
bøefbøea | at the end | 尾尾; 最終
bøefbøea`leq | quickly buy them | 買買咧
bøefbøefar | the very last one; near the end of line | 尾尾仔; 最後
bøefbøefbøea | at the very bottom | 尾尾尾
bøefchiuo | finally; at last; buyer's | 尾手; 買手; 買主; 後來
bøefgee | the 16th day of the 12th month in the lunar calendar | 尾牙
bøefhofng | vendee; purchaser; buyer's; bull | 買方
bøefiah | the last page; the last butterfly | 尾蝶; 蝴蝶; 尾頁
bøefji-zvae | third finger | 尾二指; 無名指
bøefjip | buying | 買入
bøefjit | the last day | 尾日; 最後一天
bøefjixzvae | last two fingers | 尾二指
bøefjoe | horse black fly | 馬黑蠅
bøefkerng | toward the end of life | 晚景; 尾景
bøefkex | buy price | 買價
bøefkhafng-bøexkhafng | cheating behavior in business | 買空賣空
bøefkheq | customer | 買客
bøefkhøex | sales contract | 買契
bøefkied | no way out | 尾結; 末路
bøefkii | last period | 尾期
bøefkiok | last inning; at the end | 尾局; 終局
bøefkud | coccyx, tail-bone | 尾骨
bøefkuix | buy with a expensive price | 買貴
bøefkux | the last sentence | 尾句; 末句
bøefkviar | last kid in a family | 尾囝; 最小的兒子
bøeflaau | top floor of a building | 尾樓; 頂樓
bøefliw | end; tail | 尾抽; 尾溜; 末尾; 尾端
bøeflo-cvii | tolls; bribery money | 買路錢
bøefmiaa | last rank | 尾名; 最後一名
bøefpafn | last schedule of transportation (car; train; plane) | 尾班; 最後一班
bøefpan | broker | 買辦
bøefsiw | buy off, buy over | 買收; 收買
bøefsym | bottom end | 尾心; 最後
bøefsyn | afterwards; later | 尾身; 後來
bøeftecvii | money for buying tea | 買茶錢
bøeftee | buying tea | 買茶
bøeftng | buy it out | 買斷
bøefui | last seat | 末座
bøefun | last destiny | 尾運; 老運
bøefzam | the last stop, last story | 尾站; 最後一站
bøefzuikud | tailbone | 尾椎骨
bøefzuo | owner | 買主
bøefzuy | butt; buttock; ass | 尾椎
bøefzvae | the little finger | 尾指; 小指頭
bøefzvayar | the little finger | 尾指仔; 小指頭
ciambøeftøf | sharp pointed knife | 尖尾刀
jinsyn-bøefbøe | human traffic; slave trade | 人身買賣
kebøefciuo | cocktails | 雞尾酒
kebøefzuy | the tail of a plucked chicken | 雞屁股; 雞尾椎
khofbøefzhaix | Chinese lettuce; Ixeris chinensis | 苦尾菜
kibøefkhør | final examination | 期末考
korbøeflek | purchasing power | 購買力
køebøefciuo | cocktail | 雞尾酒
laubøefterng | upstairs | 樓尾頂
loxbøefchiuo | afterwards; later | 路尾手; 落尾手; 後來
obøeftafng | black-tailed caesio, mountain bass, round scad | 烏尾冬
siør-bøefbøe | small business | 小買賣
soahbøefafkviar | youngest child | 煞末仔囝; 老么
svoabøefliw | very top of a hill; the extremity of the base of a hill | 山尖上
svoaf-bøefliw | crest or peak of a mountain | 山尾抽; 山尾溜; 山頂
thoabøefchvy | comet | 拖尾星
tngbøefchvy | meteors; falling stars; shooting star | 長尾星; 彗星; 流星
zherngbøeftøf | bayonet | 銃尾刀
zøx-bøefbøe | do business | 做生意; 做買賣
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]