bøta'oaa | no other resource; could not be avoided | 無奈何; 無可奈何
bøtaang | indistinguishable | 無同
bøtai'oaa | have no alternative | 無奈何; 無可奈何
bøtai-bøcix | does not have the matter | 無代無誌; 沒事情
bøtaixbøcix | nothing wrong | 無代無誌
bøtaixzaai | frivolous; flighty | 無大才; 輕浮
bøtaoaa | helpless | 無奈何
bøtapsab | not enough | 無答屑; 無夠
bøtatit'oaa | cannot help it; no other recourse | 無奈直何; 無得已
bøtaxng bea | cannot buy it anywhere | 無處買; 買無到
bøtaxng khix | no place to go | 無處去
bøtaxng zhoe | cannot be found | 無處尋; 找無到
bøtaxng | no where | 無處; 沒有地方
kvoay bøtaq | laid to; but still ajar (as folding-doors not quite shut; not ready to be bolted) | 沒關緊
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]