"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bafnbarn`leq | pluck (those flowers) | 拔起來
barn hoef | defloration | 挽花
barn koefcie | pick fruits | 挽果子; 摘水果
barn onglaai | to pick pineapples | 摘鳳梨
barn tee | picking | 挽茶
barn zhaix | to pick vegetables | 摘菜
barn zhao | pulling grass | 挽草
barn zhuiekhie | extract a tooth | 挽嘴齒; 拔牙
barn | pluck; pick; clench; pull or draw out nail or tooth; pluck fruit or flower | 挽; 摘; 採; 拔
barn`khylaai | pull out | 拔起來
barng | mosquito; small boat; boa; python; mosquito | 蚊; 蠓; 蟒; 艋
barnggaq | comic strip; cartoons; the funnies; comic books | 卡通
chixbarng | feed mosquitoes, let mosquitoes bite | 飼蚊; 被蚊子咬; house; (imply; empty); a; leaving
hiexnbarn`ee | produce; fresh fruits and vegetables | 現採的
hunbarng | burn incense for driving away mosquitors; smoke out mosquitoes | 燻蚊; 燻蚊子
khanbarn | last for along time; lasting; durable | 牽挽; 能持久的
khangbarng | kanban- business sign | 看板; 招牌
khyn-bafngbarng | very light | 輕艋艋; 很輕
kiongbarn | to pull violently | 強挽; 硬挽
kvoafbarng | chase away mosquito | 趕蚊
kvoar barng | to expel the mosquitos | 趕蚊子
lørkhabarng | tall person (Lit. long legged mosquito) | 長腳蚊; 高個子
obarsaxng | an old woman, an aunt | 歐巴樣
obui'afbarng | mosquito | 烏蝛仔蚊
phahbarng | to swat a mosquito | 打蚊; 拍蠓
pviebarng | messing around; beginning a bad course of life; use finesse; devise schemes | 搞鬼; 搞小花樣
pviebøbarng | ran out of tricks | 變無魍
pviesvafbarng | what's up | 變啥魍
pviesviafbarng | what's up | 變啥魍
pvix-bøbarng | cannot be obtained; cannot be done; impracticable; at one's wit's end; in a dilemma | 變無蚊; 搞無出名堂
pvoaxbarng | drive out mosquitoes | 拂蚊
thaubarn | steal by picking from the tree | 偷挽; 偷摘
thihtengbarn | claw hammer | 鐵釘挽
tngxciaq barng | not a single mosquito | 斷隻蚊; 一子蚊也沒有
toaxbarng | overcoat | 大衣
zhawbarng | mosquito | 草蚊

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