"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: bee

Aubeeng | EU | 歐盟
Giaqthaau svachiøq u sinbeeng | The gods are always near you. (Lit. Raise your head three feet and there is a spirit.) | 舉頭三尺有神明
Hokleeng Tøxbeeng Siulie Hoe | Dominican Sisters of Funing; OP (Catholic) | 福寧道明修女會
Khofngbeeng | most famous tactician in Chinese history | 孔明
Khunbeeng | a Chinese city | 昆明
Moekuix Tøxbeeng Siulie Hoe | OP: Dominican Catech. Srs. of St. Joseph (Catholic) | 玫瑰道明修女會; (瑞士)
Sexng Tøxbeeng Thoankaux Siulie Hoe | OP: Miss Srs of St Dominic (Catholic) | 聖道明傳教修女會
Zhengbeeng | Feast of Tombs; a lunar period during which the Chinese worship at or clean the grave roughly corresponding to Easter time | 清明; 清明節
Zongkaux-bunbeeng | religious culture | 宗教文明
Zukag Khofngbeeng | a fictional character | 諸葛孔明
afmbee | rice porridge; rice gruel | 稀飯; 泔糜
aibeeng | doleful cry | 哀鳴
baibeeng | hide one's name; conceal one's name; live incognito | 埋名
baikud pud baibeeng | intern the bones but not his name | 埋骨無埋名
be hunbeeng | unintelligible; incomprehensible; indistinguishable; indistinct; confusion | 無分明
bebee | feel tempted, seduced | 迷迷
bee | porridge; gruel; congee; tempt; charm; fascinate | 迷; 誘惑; 迷惑; 粥; 稀飯
bee`khix | addict to | 迷去; 迷走了
bee`laang | fascinating; enchanting; charming; tempting | 迷人
bee`tiøh | enamor | 迷著
beea'bebee | deeply charmed to become conciousless | 迷迷迷
beeng boarn thienha | enjoy a world-wide fame; be world-famous | 名滿天下
beeng cirn suohofng | His name was heard on all sides | 名震四方
beeng huu kii sit | name matches reality; be worthy of name | 名符其實
beeng ioong suohae | become famous all over the world | 名揚四海
beeng ioong thienha | name spread all over the world; the name is known far and wide | 名揚天下
beeng køx kii sit | have an exaggerated reputation | 名過其實
beeng liet cienmaau | head the list of successful candidates | 名列前茅
beeng lok sunsafn | fail in examination; the name is not in the list of successful candidates | 名落孫山
beeng pud hithoaan | one's reputation well-deserved | 名無虛傳
beeng suii hiøxsex | hand down a name to posterity | 名垂後世
beeng zexng gieen sun | valid in name and in reasoning; have good reason; deserve; justified | 名正言順
beeng | clear or plain; name; tea; to sprout; covenant; inscription; to sound or ring; solemn declaration before the gods; oath; covenant; alliance; contract; to swear | 明; 銘; 茗; 名; 盟; 鳴; 萌; 清楚
beerng'bengbeeng | so | 明明明
bengbeeng pegpek | clear; clearly; obviously; evidently | 明明白白
bengbeeng | clearly; certainly; obviously; apparently; without a doubt | 明明
bexngbeeng | give a name; nomenclature | 命名
bexngbeeng-hoad | nomenclature | 命名法
bibeeng | twilight | 微明
bogbeeng kibiau | incomprehensible | 莫名其妙
bogbeeng kii biau | very mysterious and abstruse; very strange; peculiar | 莫明其妙
bong-ciebeeng | tombstone inscription giving life record of deceased | 墓誌銘
boxbeeng | attracted by one's fame; be attracted by a person's name | 慕名
boxciebeeng | tombstone inscription giving life record of deceased | 墓誌銘
bubeeng enghioong | unsung hero; unknown soldier | 無名英雄
bubeeng siawzud | nameless soldier; one of the nameless; worthless common people | 無名小卒
bubeeng | nameless; anonymous | 無名
budcid bunbeeng | material civilization | 物質文明
bunbeeng thienha | world-famous | 聞名天下
bunbeeng | civilization; culture; civilization | 文明
buxnbeeng | civilization | 文明; 聞名
bøbeeng-zvae | ring finger | 無名指
chiabee | car fans | 車迷
chibee | infatuated, besotted | 痴迷
chiefnbeeng | unravel; explain; clarify; easy and clear reading or ideas | 闡明; 淺明
chimbeeng taixgi | have a firm grasp of what is right and wrong; able to forget self interest in the face of an event of great significance | 深明大義
chiongbeeng | flourishing; thriving; well-developed; expound and elaborate; bright; glorious | 昌明
chirnbee | cold porridge | 凊糜
ciaobeeng sietpi | illuminating equipment; photo flash equipment | 照明設備
ciaobeeng | lighting; lightening; illumination | 照明
ciaobeeng-tefng | illuminating lamp | 照明燈
ciaobeeng-tvoaa | a flare bomb, an illuminating shell | 照明彈
ciongbeeng | evident, bright, advanced | 鍾明
cipbee putgvo | adhere stubbornly to errors; hold on to wrong beliefs obstinately | 執迷無悟
cipbee | to refuse to come to one's senses | 執迷
ciørbeeng | photographic lighting | 照明
cybeeng | to show clearly; to specify; indicate clearly | 指明
egbeeng | to change a name | 易名
engbeeng | go far; wisdom; fame | 英明; 英名
gagbee | music fan | 樂迷
giambeeng | stern and impartial (administration of law); hard but fair (said of discipline) | 嚴明
giaxmbeeng | to verify by examination; ascertain by a test or examination | 驗明
goadbeeng | a clear moon | 月明
haysafnbee | seafood congee | 海產糜
haysex sanbeeng | vow eternal love | 海誓山盟
heng'uii-putbeeng | unclearly behavior | 行為無明
hexthorng ee zerngbeeng | certificate of ancestry; pedigree | 系統的證明
hiawbeeng | daybreak; make known clearly | 曉明
hiebee | drama fan | 戲迷
hiefnbeeng | phanic; obvious; set forth clearly | 顯明; 顯示
hienbeeng | judiciousness; capable and virtuous | 賢明
hiongbeeng | fierce, brave | 兇鳴
hiuobeeng | notorious reputation. | 臭名; 再興
hoatbeeng | invention; to invent; invent | 發明
hoexbeeng | conference of heads of states for signing treaties | 會盟; 聯盟
hogbeeng | restore someone's eyesight | 復明
hongbeeng | good reputation; your name; your honorable name | 芳名
hubeeng | empty reputation | 虛名
hunbee | coma; lose consciousness | 昏迷
hunbee-zoxngthaix | comatose | 昏迷狀態
hunbeeng | clear; clear; distinct; unambiguous; unmistakable | 分明
hutbeeng-hutbiet | appearing and disappearing like a distant star or a blinking light | 忽明忽滅
huxnbee | in a coma, apoplexy, unconscious | 昏迷
hviukobahbee | minced pork with mushrooms | 香菇肉糜
hvorbeeng | formerly; official honor or rank; love fame | 好名; 喜功名
høbeeng | sound in harmony | 和鳴
iaxbeeng | bright evening | 夜明
iaxbeeng-zw | a legendary pearl that shines at night | 夜明珠
iongbeeng thienha | be known throughout the land; have one's name spread far and wide; become world-famous | 揚名天下
iongbeeng | to become famous | 揚名
irnkaxm-zerngbeeng | certificate for a seal impression | 印鑑証明
itbeeng-kengjiin | become famous overnight; achieve enormous success at the very first try | 一鳴驚人
itkie-sengbeeng | become famous with one move | 一舉成名
iubeeng | hades, hell | 幽冥
iwbeeng | famous; renowned; noted; well-known | 有名
iwbeeng-busit | having the name but no reality; in name only | 有名無實
iwbeeng-iwsit | in name and in fact | 有名有實
ixbeeng | different name | 異名
jibbee | be captivated or fascinated; bewitched; ecstasy | 入迷
jixmbeeng | identify | 認明
jixnbeeng | see clearly; recognize | 認明
kabeeng | join | 加盟
kafnbeeng | laconic; simple; yet terse; short and to the point | 簡明
kafngbeeng | make (a point) clear by explanation | 講明
kaybeeng | explain clearly | 解明; 說明
khaibeeng | liberal; enlightened; enlightened; enlightenment; open-minded | 開明
kheabeeng | allied | 契盟; 締盟
khefbeeng | open eyes | 啟明
khieaxm-taubeeng | forsake darkness and come to the light ─ renounce a bad cause and join the camp of justice | 棄暗投明
khimseg-høbeeng | marital harmony; conjugal bliss | 琴瑟和鳴
khvoax-bøbeeng | did not see clearly | 看無明; 沒看清楚
khvoax-bøexbeeng | cannot see distinctly | 看未明; 看無清楚
khøfbee | thick rice gruel | 濃粥
khøfthaubee | rice porridge with little soup | 洘頭糜
kiambee | salty porridge | 鹹糜
kiebeeng | record clearly | 記憶; 記明
kietbeeng | to form an alliance; to enter into an alliance; alignment | 結盟
kioxngbeeng | (in physics) resonance or sympathetic vibration; (to inspire) the same feeling in others; resonance; sympathetic vibration; the same feeling in others | 共鳴
kioxngtoong sengbeeng | joint statement; joint communique | 共同聲明
kiubee | baseball or soccer fans | 球迷
kiubeeng-kiuli | seek fame and fortune | 求名求利
kiwgiorng taixbeeng | I have long heard of your name | 久仰大名
kngbeeng | brightness; bright | 光明
koabee | lover of song; fan of a singer | 歌迷
kociorng-lanbeeng | one palm cannot clap and make a sound ─ cannot do without assistance; both parties share equally the blame for the quarrel | 孤掌難鳴
koebeeng | cotton caterpillar | 瓜螟
kofng seeng beeng ciu | achieve success and acquire fame; be successful and famous | 功成名就
kofngbeeng | to make (a point) clear by explanation; make (a point) clear by explanation; explain a matter clearly | 講明
kokzex lienbeeng | League of Nations | 國際聯盟
kongbeeng ee tøxlo | the illuminative way | 光明的道路
kongbeeng zerngtai | pure-minded and upright; fair and square; openly | 光明正大
kongbeeng | honest; just and upright; promising; great exploit (achievement) | 光明; 功名
kongbeeng-zerngtai | honest; just and upright | 光明正大
kyle soatbeeng | cite an example by way of explanation | 舉例說明
kysex bunbeeng | be known to the whole world; world-famous | 舉世聞名
købeeng | wise; brilliant; lofty and intelligent ─ said to one whose attainments are high; of excellent quality | 高明
køefbeeng | explain clearly | 解明; 說明
laikhix-hunbeeng | no secret about his movements; everything clear and above board | 來去分明; 光明磊落
lebeeng | twilight; dawning; dawn; dawn; daybreak; early dawn | 黎明
legbeeng | anonymous | 匿名
lexngbeeng | good reputation | 令名
liambeeng | incorruptible and intelligent (of officials); clean handed and clear headed | 廉明
lienbeeng hoexoaan | Members of the League | 聯盟會員
lienbeeng | to form an alliance; a league; alliance; league (as the League of Nations) | 聯盟
lienhap sengbeeng | joint statement; declaration | 聯合聲明
lienhap-sengbeeng | a join declaration | 聯合聲明
liofnggarn sitbeeng | blind in both eyes | 兩眼失明
liubeeng hiøxsex | leave a good name to future generations | 留名後世
liubeeng | leave behind a good reputation | 留名
liwaxm hoabeeng | dense willow trees and bright flowers ─ enchanting sight in spring time | 柳暗花明
logkobee | muddy | 漉糊糜
loxkobee | mud; mire; slush | 路糊糜; 泥漿
moxbeeng | to assume the name of | 冒名
noaxkauafbee | muddy | 爛溝仔糜
noaxkobee | soft mud; mire | 爛糊泥; 爛糊糜; 爛泥
noaxthobee | muddy | 爛塗糜
nybeeng | tinnitus, ringing in the ear | 耳鳴
phebeeng | put marginal notes in a book or letter; write a postscript; to comment on; give clear instructions | 批明
phiaubeeng | mark; indicate; label; mark clearly | 標明
phoebeeng | make it clear | 批明; 註明
phynbeeng | promise formally; make an agreement | 約明
phøebeeng | write an additional clause or explanation | 批明; 註明
piaubeeng | to clearly mark or indicate | 標明
piawbeeng | express; show forth; illustrate; show forth; to manifest | 表明
pibeeng | inscriptional writing on a monument or tombstone | 碑銘
piexnbeeng | explanation; show a matter clearly; show a thing in the right light | 辯明
poarnbeeng poarn'axm | half bright and half shadowy; not very bright | 半明半暗
pofngsiong bubeeng | fail in an examination | 榜上無名
put'kietbeeng | nonalignment | 無結盟; 不結盟
put'thaobeeng | opaque | 無透明; 不透明
putbeeng putpek | be obscure; lack clearness | 無明不白
putbeeng | not clear; unknown; make neither head nor tail of; not clear; nebulous | 無明; 不明
putbeeng-putpek | not clear; unknown | 無明不白
pynbeeng | to explain to a superior or elder; state clearly | 稟明
pørbeeng | to report; state clearly to a higher authority | 報明
safn beeng zuie siux | mountains are bright; and the waters are fair (descriptive of scenic beauty) | 山明水秀
safnte zerngbeeng | certificate of origin | 產地證明
sanbeeng haysex | vow between lovers that their love will last as long as the mountains and the sea | 山盟海誓
sekbee | given up to lust; a sensualist; a Don Juan | 色迷
sengbeeng | announce; declare; issue a statement; announce; declare; make a statement; clarify publicly | 聲明; 成名
serngbeeng | full name of a person; surname and personal name | 姓名
seviuu bunbeeng | Western civilization | 西洋文明
siafbeeng | write clearly | 寫明
siefnbeeng | vividness | 鮮明
sienbeeng | vividness; sharp; distinct; bright colored | 鮮明
siettok sinbeeng | blasphemy; blaspheme the gods | 褻瀆神明
simbee | enraptured, captivated | 心迷; 神迷
simte kongbeeng | clear conscience; upright | 心地光明
simzaitoxbeeng | know well | 心知肚明
sinbeeng | gods; gods; spirits | 神明
siongbeeng | mutually clear | 相明
sitbee | lost; astray; go astray | 迷失; 失迷
sitbeeng | lose one's eyesight; become blind; be blind | 失明
siuxbee | be deceived | 受迷
siøfzhongbeeng | mortal wisdom | 小聰明
siør-zhongbeeng | sharp witted but petty minded | 小聰明
soanbeeng | proclaim clearly | 宣明; 聲明
soatbeeng lyiuu | tell the reason | 說明理由
soatbeeng | illustrate; demonstrate; description; explain; clarify; explanation | 說明
soatbeeng-sw | explanatory statement, directions for use, instructional booklet | 說明書
soehbeeng | explain; clarify; expound | 說明
songbeeng | mulberry moth | 桑蠶蛾; 桑螟; [*]
sorbeeng | make a clear explanation on oneself | 素明; 訴說
syboong zerngbeeng | death certificate | 死亡證明
sym bee ix loan | muddle one's brains | 心迷意亂
sym beeng juu kexng | mind is as clear as a mirror ─ devoid of personal emotions; feelings or sense of gain and loss | 心明如鏡
syn pai beeng liet | lose both fortune and honor | 身敗名裂
søehbeeng | describe; explain | 說明
taixbeeng tefngterng | famous name; a name known far and wide | 大名鼎鼎
taixbeeng | bright | 大明
tauxbeeng | bean moth | 豆螟
tefngterng taixbeeng | renowned; famous; illustrious | 鼎鼎大名
tengbee | riddles written on lanterns (in public contests in which prizes are offered) | 燈謎
tengpøx sengbeeng | make the matter widely known through the press; clarify or announce by a newspaper advertisement | 登報聲明
terngbeeng | make it clear | 定明
texngbeeng | make a treaty; conclude or sign a treaty of alliance | 訂盟
thambee | ensnared by vicious desire | 貪迷
thaobeeng | trasparent; transparency; clarity | 透明
tharmbeeng | to ferret out | 探明
thiahbeeng | explain one's meaning clearly (by speaking more fully of what was merely alluded to) | 分析; 闡明; 說明
thienbeeng | clear sky | 天明
thiøbeeng | explanation, write a supplementary explanation on a document | 提明; 註明
thobee | mud | 土粥; 塗糜; 泥土
thobee-khud | mud puddle | 土粥窟; 泥坑
thviabeeng | listen in detail, hear clearly | 聽明; 聽清楚
thviaf-bøbeeng | not able fully to make it out or understand it | 聽沒清
thviaf-bøexbeeng | unable to hear distinctly or clearly | 聽無清
thørbeeng | transparent, transparency | 透明
tiabeeng | written clear statement on one's case | 喋明
timbee putzhvea | coma; apoplexy; deeply addicted to; infatuated with (vice; sinful ways) | 沉迷無醒
timbee | addict; to indulge; to wallow in | 沉迷
toaxlienbeeng | big alliance | 大聯盟
tongbeeng | a league; an alliance; union; alliance; league; confederacy; allied by treaty | 同盟
tongbeeng-kog | allied nations | 同盟國
tuobeeng | distinguished, well-known | 著明; 著名
tviabeeng | written clear statement on one's case | 呈明
uibeeng | prestige | 威名
uixbeeng-uixli | for fame and wealth | 為名為利
viafbee | movie fan | 影迷
wnbeeng | conceal one's name | 隱名
wnsexng-baibeeng | conceal one's real name; live as a hermit | 隱姓埋名
zabeeng | investigate and clarify; examine; search into | 查明
zaibee | person who craves money | 財迷
zaibeeng | know clearly | 知明; 確知
zaxbeeng | grasshopper; locust | 蚱蜢
zengbeeng toadli | contest for fame and riches | 爭名奪利
zengbeeng | artful; canny; heady; prudent; clever and smart | 精明
zerngbeeng | prove; certify; evidence; authenticate; testify; certify; proof; testimonial | 證明
zerngbeeng-sw | certificate, testimonial | 證明書
zerngtai kongbeeng | fair and frank; just and pure of mind | 正大光明
zhabeeng | find out | 查明
zhai sinbeeng | erect the idol | 豎神像; 立神像
zhaibee | guess a riddle; guess a riddle | 猜謎
zhambeeng | clarity by additional information | 參明; 查明
zhay tengbee | guess; solve an enigma | 猜燈謎
zhengbee | congee | 清糜
zhengbeeng | Tomb-sweeping Day | 清明
zhongbeeng zoadterng | extremely clever or intelligent | 聰明絕頂
zhongbeeng zuxgo | too smart (Lit. ruined by one's own cleverness.) | 聰明自誤
zhongbeeng | wise; clever; intelligent; clever; bright; quick of comprehension | 聰明
zhongbeeng-zaitix | cleverness and intelligence | 聰明才智
zhutsvef zerngbeeng | birth certificate | 出生證明
zoeasyn hoatbeeng | the latest invention | 最新發明
zunkhoarn zerngbeeng | deposit receipt | 存款證明
zunsexng taixbeeng | your full name (honorific term) | 尊姓大名
zuobeeng | describe and display explicitly; explain or state clearly in writing; make a footnote; make out | 註明
zuxbeeng tek'ix | be very pleased with what one has done or achieved | 自鳴得意
zuxbeeng zhengkøf | consider oneself morally superior to others; look down on all others as vulgar or dishonest | 自鳴清高
zuxbeeng | self-evident, self-explanatory | 自明; 不解自明的
zuxzog-zhongbeeng | pretending to be wise; act on one's own judgment; act as if one were an expert; presumptuous; pretentious | 自作聰明
zørbee | do puzzle, riddle | 做謎
zøxiuxbeeng | motto | 座右銘

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