"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bidbea | secret code | 密碼
bidboo | intrigue; plot; polt; plan secretly; to plot; secret scheme | 密謀
bidbu | heavy fog; thick mist | 密霧
bidchied | closely connected; close; intimate | 密切
bidciab | tightly joined, close | 密接
bidcie | secret command | 密旨
bidciefn | fruit preserved in sugar | 蜜餞
bidciexn | confections made of candied or salted fruit, salted dried plum, tightly joined | 蜜餞
bidcip | to cluster together | 密集
bidgi | secret plan; secret discussion | 密議
bidgoat lyheeng | honeymoon trip | 蜜月旅行
bidgoat | honeymoon; honeymoon | 蜜月
bidguo | small talk; sweet or pleasant words | 蜜語; 密語
bidhaam | secret or confidential letter | 密函
bidhoad | charm, spell | 密法; 符咒
bidhoe | secret meeting | 密會
bidhofng | seal tightly or securely | 密封
bidhorng | secret visit | 密訪
bidiog | a secret promise, a secret treaty, a secret agreement, a covenant, a treaty | 密約
bidiu | a sort of pumelo | 蜜柚
bidju | secret order | 密諭
bidkafm | citrus; tangerine. | 蜜柑
bidkøf | dried and candied fruits | 蜜膏; 蜜糕
bidkøx | secret information; blow the gaff to the police; inform secretly against a suspicious person | 密告
bidlah | beeswax; a kind of semiprecious stone; beeswax | 蜜蠟; 蜂蠟
bidliau | honey material; sweet material | 蜜料
bidliim | dense forest | 密林
bidlo | honey material; sweet material; honey dew | 蜜料; 蜜露
bidmar | secret code; secret code | 密碼
bidngg-seg | honey yellow | 蜜黃色
bidpaang | secret room | 密房; 蜂房
bidphafng | honey bee; honey bee | 蜜蜂
bidpox | spread closely; closely or densely spread over; densely covered by clouds or with secret agents and guards everywhere | 密布
bidputkhøfhwn | intimate, close | 密不可分
bidpviar | honey wafer | 蜜餅
bidpøo | bat | 蝙蝠; 密婆
bidsaix | secret emissary; envoy | 密使
bidseg | secret chamber; hidden room | 密室
bidsox | secret accuse | 密訴
bidsu | secret | 密事
bidsujip | secret input | 密輸入
bidsuzhud | exported secretly | 密輸出
bidsw | secret book | 密書
bidtaam | commune; private discussion; hold a confidential talk or conference; have a secret or close conversation; secret conversation; talk; conference | 密談
bidtefng | secret or private detective or agent | 密偵; 祕密偵探
bidthaxm | secret detective; secret agent; spy | 密探
bidthngg | honey; honey sugar; honey | 蜜糖; 蜂蜜
bidthofng | secretly communicate | 密通
bidto | density; density | 密度
bidtoxkex | densimeter | 密度計
bidtøzefng | Buddhist monk | 彌陀僧
bidy | unlicensed doctor | 密醫
bidzaf | secretly investigate | 密查
bidzaux | secret memorial | 密奏
bidzhaa | a secret inquiry | 密查
bidzuie | syrup | 蜜水
longhuun bidpox | dark clouds stretch all over the sky ─ sign of impending storm | 濃雲密佈
longzeeng-bidix | strong affection and deep love | 濃情蜜意
piebidseg | secret room | 祕密室
sngkambidtvy | sweet and sour | 酸甘蜜甜
thngkafm-bidtvy | sweet, happy | 甜甘蜜甜, 親密
thngkambidtvy | sweet | 糖甘蜜甜
tvibidbit | as sweet as honey | 甜蜜蜜
tvigieen bidguo | honeyed words; flattery | 甜言蜜語
tvikam'afbidtvy | fruit sweet | 甜甘仔蜜甜
tvitvibidbit | sweet sweet | 甜甜蜜蜜
tvizeeng-bidix | tender affection or love between a man and a woman | 甜情蜜意
zengbidto | precision | 精密度
zuybidthøo | succulent peach; Lisan or Wushe peach; Mountain peach | 水蜜桃

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