"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: bie

Aubie | Europe and America, Western, the West | 歐美
Byybie-kaohoe | a church name | 美以美教會
Chitbie | a small island in Penghu County | 七美
Engbie | Britain and America; Anglo-American | 英美
Høbie | a city in Changhua County Taiwan | 和美
Ialixbie | Jeremiah (Protestant) | 耶利米
Kibie | reputable enterprise in Tainan | 奇美
Købieen | Cambodia | 高棉
Lambie | Southern America | 南美
Losafn cyn-biexnbok | The real appearance of Lu Shan (which is often shrouded in fog) ─ the real appearance (of a thing or person in disguise) | 廬山真面目
Nihibie | Nehemiah (Protestant) | 尼希米
Pakbie | Northern America; North America | 北美
Thauliah køef iaxtiøh cidpea bie | You have to prime the pump. To do business you need capital. (Lit. To steal chickens you need a handful of rice.) | 偷雞也得一把米。
Tiongbie | China and the United States of America; Central America | 中美
Tionglambie | Central and South America | 中研院
aebie | fond of beauty | 愛美
aibiern | lament | 哀輓
angbie | red rice | 紅米
baibiet | buried | 埋滅
baxnbie | myriameter | 萬米; 慢米; 萬用表
bexbiefntid | cannot avoid, is the natural result, 'it' follows | 未免得
bexbiern`tid | inevitable; essential; can't be shunned or avoided | 未免得; 難免
bexbiet | indestructible; can't be extinguished; perpetual | 未滅; 無滅
bexsie bexbiet`ee | immortal | 未死未滅的; 無死不滅的
bie jii liaam | beautiful and cheap | 美而廉
bie | rice; beauty; hulled rice | 米; 鎂; 美; 公尺
bie-seg | ivory color | 米色
biechiw | constrained | 虌鬚
biedboong | perish; perishing; destroy; destruction; be destroyed | 滅亡
biedbuun | put a whole family to death | 滅門
biedbøo | perish totally; ruin totally; destroy totally | 滅無; 毀滅
biedcin | perish totally; ruin totally; destroy totally | 滅盡; 消滅
biedhøea | extinguish; put out a fire | 滅火
biedhøefkhix | fire extinguisher | 滅火器
biedhøefsoaf | sand for extinguishing fire | 滅火沙
biedimkhix | muffler on an engine | 滅音器; 消音器
biedkhao | kill a person to keep the person quite; silence witness of crime by killing them | 滅口
biedkhiør | kill a person to prevent him from disclosing a secret | 滅口
biedkog | destroy a country | 滅國
biedluun | destroy ethics; destroy human relations; incestuous | 滅倫
biedmngg | put a whole family to death | 滅門
biedsy | destroy remains; destroy corpse; destroy the corpse after a murder to prevent detection | 滅屍
biedterng | be drowned | 滅頂; 沒頂
biedtiaau | destroy dynasty | 滅朝
biedtii | perish | 滅除; 消滅
biedtuu | perish | 滅除
biedzerng | destroy a specie; genocide; exterminate entire race; exterminate an entire race or species; destruction of a whole race | 滅種
biedzoat | extinguish; become extinct; exterminate; annihilate; wipe out | 滅絕; 殲滅
biedzok | destroy a family including the relatives; genocide; wipe out an entire clan | 滅族
bieen | cotton; silk floss; continuous | 棉; 綿
biefn'eghoad | immunization | 免疫法
biefn'eglek | immunity | 免疫力
biefn'egsexng | immunity from infection | 免疫性
biefn'ek | immunity; become immune; immunize | 免疫
biefn'iah | exempt from military service; exempt from conscription | 免役
biefn'ngx | need not hope for | 免望; 甭望
biefn'uix | get rid of fear | 免畏
biefnbang | Don't daydream | 免望
biefnchix | admit without examination | 免試
biefncid | fire; dismiss; dismiss; dismissal | 免職
biefnciexn-paai | signal for truce(like white flag) | 免戰牌
biefncvii | free of charge | 免錢
biefncvipng | free lunch - in jail | 免錢飯
biefnhak | encourage someone to study | 勉學
biefnheeng | exempt from punishment | 免刑
biefnhii | biern fish | 鮸魚
biefnhuix | free of charge; free of charge; gratuitous; gratis | 免費
biefnhuo | official recognition, license | 免許; 官方認可
biefnhuo-zng | written permission, license, official recognition | 免許狀; 執照; 官方認可
biefnhuu | anchovy | 鮸魚
biefnhw | exempt | 免許
biefnkhix | no need to go | 免去; 無必去
biefnkib | no rush | 免急; 無用急
biefnkiorng | work hard; compel; under compulsion; forced; involuntarily; compel; constrain; forced (as an interpretation); to study; diligence; industry | 勉強
biefnkiorng`ee | loath | 勉強的
biefnkorng | not need to say; exempts discussed; indescribable; says nothing of; no need to speak; no need to talk about it; there is nothing that need be said; don't talk about it | 免講; 無用講; 不必說; 免談
biefnkviaf | do not be afraid; don't fear; don't be afraid | 免驚; 無必怕
biefnkvoaf | strip down someone's official rank | 免官
biefnle | exhortation; encouragement; exhort; encourage | 勉勵
biefnlea | be excused from usual courtesy gestures | 免禮
biefnlek | diligent | 勉力
biefnliuu | royal crown | 冕旒
biefnlun | exempts discussed; no discussion | 免論
biefnphiøx | free ticket; free pass; complimentary ticket | 免票
biefnputliao | unavoidable; no help for it | 免無了; 難免
biefnsex | duty free | 免稅
biefnsiuo taixzay | dispensed from fasting; dispensation from fasting (Catholic term) | 免守大齋
biefnsoex | duty free | 免稅
biefnsviu | Don't think about it! | 免想
biefnsøeaphirn | tax-free goods | 免稅品
biefnsøeatiaxm | duty free shop | 免稅店
biefnsøex | tax-free; duty-free | 免稅
biefnsøex-tiaxm | duty free shop | 免稅店
biefnthee | no suggestion; no necessary | 免提
biefntid | lest; so as not to; so as to avoid; save the trouble of doing something; avoid; so as not to | 免得
biefntii | give quittance; relieve from obligations | 免除
biefntuu | get rid of; dispense with | 免除
biefnzng | no petitions or statements. | 免狀
biefnzoe | pardon | 免罪
biefnzof | no lease; no rent | 免租
bieluq | beer | 啤酒
bien iuo lanseg | look reluctant | 面有難色
bien | face of a person | 面
bien'ieen | stretch | 綿延
bien'oarn | lasting, permanent | 綿遠; 永久
bien'viuu | sheep | 綿羊
bienbieen | softly | 綿綿
bienviuu | Shepard; sheep | 綿羊
biern khix | no need to go | 免去
biern siaosviu | don’t ever think about it | 免數想
biern | dismiss, reject, unnecessary to | 免; 不必要
biern`khix | no need to go | 免去
biet | destroy; disdain; clover; thin bamboo strip; perish; be destroyed; destroy; extinguish | 滅; 蔑; 苜; 篾
biet`khix | got destroy | 滅去; 滅掉口
biexnbien siongkoafn | gape at each other 'in danger, etc, unable to move' | 面面相關
biexnbok itsyn | brand new look | 面目一新
biexnbok zoanhuy | everything has changed beyond recognition | 面目全非
biexnbok | feature; facial features; face; look; countenance; appearance | 面目
biexnbuu jinseg | look extremely scared | 面無人色
biexnchix | interview; oral examination | 面試
biexnhiap | meet and talk it over | 面洽
biexnhoe | interview; meet face to face; meet face to face; an interview | 面會
biexnju | order personally; give order personally | 面諭
biexnkhu | mask | 面具
biexnku | mask | 面具
biexnkwn | meet emperor | 面君
biexnliim zoadzerng | extinction of species; i.e | 面臨絕種
biexnliim | encounter; face; meet or face | 面臨
biexnpheg | to face the wall and meditate (Zen Buddhist) | 面壁
biexnsia | thank personally | 面謝
biexntaam | face-to-face talk; interview; talk face-to-face; an interview | 面談
biexntuix | to face a person; situation; direction or object; opposite; facing | 面對
biexnzeg | area; square measure; area; surface; dimensions | 面積
biexnzuo | honor; one's face (in the figurative sense) | 面子
bixbie | delicious, delicacy | 美味; 味美
bixbiern | unavoidable; rather; a bit too; truly; it must be admitted that; necessarily; unavoidably | 未免
boabiet | obliterate | 磨滅
boexbiefntid | cannot avoid, is the natural result, 'it' follows | 未免得; 難免
budcid putbiedlut | law of conservation of matter | 物質無滅律
but bie kex liaam | excellent quality and reasonable price for merchandise | 物美價廉
bøexbiern`tid | hard to avoid | 未免得; 袂免得; 難免
chiambiet | wipe up; annihilation | 殲滅
ciah sybie | loafer sometimes because of physical disability | 吃死米; 只吃無做
ciam'afbie | kind of rice in Taiwan | 占仔米; 在來米之一種
ciaqengbie | live on other people; idler; good for nothing fellow | 吃閒飯; 吃閒米
cidbien | a section | 一面
ciedbien | a section | 一面
cinbiexnbok | real face; real face; true color; true character; the actual thing behind a false front | 真面目
cinsiexnbie | truth; goodness and beauty; true; good; and beautiful | 真善美
citliong putbiedlut | law of conservation of mass | 質量無滅律
cixnsien cixnbie | perfectly satisfactory; perfectly good; flawless; perfect | 盡善盡美
ebie | husk rice | 碾米; (穀)
efngbieen | dead | 永眠
englaang biefncixn | out of bounds to non-authorized persons | 閒人勿進
gengbien | head-on, coming toward one | 迎面
giogbie | Indian corn; maize | 玉米
giogbie-hurn | cornflour | 玉米粉
goaxzaixbie | external beauty | 外在美
hatbiefnkoaan | exempt from | 豁免權
hatbiern | to exempt from | 豁免
hebie | small dried shrimp | 蝦米
hexngbiern | to have escaped through good luck | 倖免
hoabie | beautiful; splendid; luxurious | 華美; 華麗
hoabie-zoadluun | very beautiful or elegant; beyond comparison (people; building; things; etc) | 華美絕倫
hoafnbiet | to melt into nothingness | 幻滅
hoarnbiet | to disillusion | 幻滅
hokbiet | destruction; complete collapse; destroy | 覆滅
hongbie | very full and rich | 豐美
hongbien | an aspect; a dimension | 方面; 體面
honglaibie | improved, good quality rice in Taiwan | 蓬萊米
hongtok biexnkhu | gas mask | 防毒面具
horngbiern | to give an excuse | 放免
hoxnglaai-bie | Formosan rice | 蓬萊米
hoxnglaibie | the exotic rice, the improved rice | 蓬萊米
huixbiet | devastation; complete destruction | 毀滅
hunbiern | lie in; to give birth; childbirth; labor; obstetrics | 分娩
hurnbiern | to give a homily; to urge to be good and brave; exhort and encourage | 訓勉
hutbeeng-hutbiet | appearing and disappearing like a distant star or a blinking light | 忽明忽滅
huxbien | negative side | 負面
huybiet | raze; destroy; consume; exterminate utterly | 毀滅
høbie | mm | 毫米
iafmbien | to cover the face | 掩面
ibie | beautiful | 唯美
iebie | barley | 薏米
ienbiet | destroy; disappeared | 湮滅
itbien | an one-sided thing | 一面
itbien-cy-kaw | have met but once; nodding acquaintance | 一面之交
itbien-cy-suu | one-sided statements | 一面之詞
itbiexntør | excessively dependent upon something somebody; lopsided political alignment with a certain party or country | 一面倒
iubie | elegance; graceful; refined; good | 優美
jinbien | face | 人面
jinbien-siuosym | gentle in appearance but cruel at heart; wolf in sheep's skin | 人面獸心
jiubie | soft | 柔美
kabiern | approbation; encourage; coronation; to crown | 嘉勉; 加冕
kafbie | grinding grains; grind rice | 碾米; 絞米
kafbiexnkhu | mask; false front | 假面具
kambie | sweet and refreshing; delicious; tasty; palatable | 甘美
khahbiern | not so much needed; hardly necessary | 無用; 不到; 較免
khengbiet | slight; scornfulness; misprize; disdain | 輕蔑
khinbiern | diligent; hardworking; industrious | 勤勉
khioksvoarbie | curvaceous | 曲線美
khioksvoax-bie | curvaceous | 曲線美
khoafnbiern | exhort | 勸勉
khoanbiern sernggoan | dispense from a vow (Catholic) | 寬免聖愿
khoanbiern | to exempt (from a tax; penalty; etc.); forgiven; forgive generously; give a dispensation; to exempt (from a tax; penalty) | 寬免
khoarnbiern | advise and encourage; exhort; to urge; exhort to great effort; to urge | 勸勉
khunbiern | industrious; diligent; hard-working; sedulous | 勤勉
kiafmbiern | mitigate; annul (punishment); reduce; remit (taxation.) | 減免
kiexnbie | (said of a man) healthy and handsome; strong and slim; tall; dark and handsome; (said of a woman) healthy and pretty; having a nice figure; beautiful in an athletic way; healthy and handsome; strong and slim | 健美
kiubien-kyhøhak | spherical geometry | 球面幾何學
kiubiern | to seek to avoid to do something; ask for remit (punishment) | 求免; 懇求赦免
kiuu khoanbiern | ask for a dispensation (Catholic) | 求寬免
kiørbie | order rice to be sent to the house | 叫米
koanbiern | elegant; officially; royal crown; official hat; elegant and stately | 冠冕
kok'hongbien | each aspect; every viewpoint; every angle | 各方面
kuxbiern | croaker fish | 黃花魚; 巨鮸
lambiern | difficult to avoid | 難免
lanbiern | inevitable; can hardly avoid; cannot be helped; unavoidable; inescapable | 難免
legbie | green rice | 綠米
lenghuun putbiet lun | theory of the immortality of the soul | 靈魂無滅論
lenghuun putbiet | immortality of the soul; the soul is immortal | 靈魂無滅
lexbie | beauty | 麗美
liafmbien | outward show of honor | 臉面; 體面
libie | centimeter | 釐米
lieen khefng mau bie | young and pretty | 年輕貌美
liefnbien | face; mug | 臉面
lienbieen | continuous; continuous succession of | 連綿
linbie | beautiful person | 人美
liofngzoaan kii bie | profit both parties or attain two objectives by a single act; arrange a matter so that both sides profit | 兩全其美
liogbie | to take credit for what has been done by somebody else | 掠美
liubie | studied in the USA | 留美
loexzaixbie | inner beauty (as contrasted with physical charms) | 內在美
lunbiet | totally lost or ruined; sink into total disintegration | 淪滅
mobiet | deface; defacement; wear out; obliterate | 磨滅
mxbiefnlaq | no need | 毋免啦
mxbiern khix | no need to go | 毋免去
mxbiern | unnecessary; needless; unwanted; not necessary; no need to | 毋免; 不用
naixbie | nanometer | 納米; 奈米
naixbie-khøky | nano technology | 納米科技; 奈米科技
ngbie | yellow rice | 黃米
niafbie | receive rice | 領米
niuu bie | measure (the quantity of) rice | 量米
oaizhuiekef ciah høfbie | A chicken with a crooked mouth eats good rice. A fussy eater eats well | 歪嘴雞吃好米; 雖窮又挑食
oanbie | perfect; exquisite; exquisite | 完美
obie | black rice | 黑米
pafbie | fully ripened grains; full-eared rice plants | 飽米; 飽滿; 穀物熟滿; 飽穗; 飽穀
patbien uihofng | awe inspiring reputation extending in every direction; influential in every quarter | 八面威風
paxbiefnkoaan | right of recalling (incompetent officials) enjoyed by the people specified in the Three principles of the People | 罷免權
paxbiern | to recall; to cancel; to withdraw; to take back; remove from office; recall (officials) | 罷免
paxbiern-koaan | the right of recall | 罷免權
peqbie | white polished rice | 白米
phahbiet | distinguish | 打滅; 撲滅
phiahbiern | avoid; keep from; escape; avoid; forestall; prevent something from happening | 避免
phiefnbien | one-sided | 片面
phiernbien | unilateral; one sided | 片面; 片面,一方面,單方面
phoeakipbie | rationed rice | 配給米
phokbiet | (v) stamp out; dampen out | 撲滅
phorngbie | puffed rice | 膨米
phørbiet | shattered | 破滅
piawbien | surface, external appearance | 表面
piebie | to compare favorably with | 媲美
piedkhay sengbien | introduce a novelty or novel feature | 別開生面
pitbiet | must die | 必滅
pixbiern | to avoid; to shun; to keep off; avoid; to escape from; get clear; prevent something from happening; avert | 避免
poarbie | separate rice from chaff | 撥米; 揚米(去糠)
poxngbie | make puffed rice | 磅米; 爆米
put'thefbien | dishonor, dishonorable, disgrace, disgraceful | 無體面; 不體面
putbiern | unavoidable | 無免
putbiet | immortality; immortal; eternal; everlasting | 無滅; 不滅
pwnlaai biexnbok | the true look; the color | 本來面目
pwntofbie | the customary rice | 在來米; 本島米
saikokbie | sago, powdery starch made from the processed pith found inside the trunks of the sago tree | 西國米
saobiet | sweep away to destruction | 掃滅
seeng jiin cy bie | help fulfill another's cherished hopes; assist others in achieving an objective | 成人之美
sekobie | sago (rice) | 西貢米
sekofbie | sago (rice) | 西貢米
sekokbie | sago (rice) | 西國米; 西貢米
sekorngbie | sago (rice) | 西貢米
siag iambie | toss rice and salt on the floor in order to avert the evil that might result from an unlucky utterance | 摔鹽米; 驅邪
siarbiern | absolve; pardon (an offender) | 赦免
siaubiet | destroy; consume; annihilate; exterminate; destroy; die out | 消滅
siax thefbien | cause our superior to lose respect through our bad conduct | 丟體面
sibbie | perfect | 十美
sibzoaan sibbie | perfect | 十全十美
sid-thefbien | lose face, be humiliated | 失體面
sinbie | fresh rice; newly harvested rice | 新米
sitthefbien | disrespectful | 失體面
siuobie | beautiful | 秀美
siuxbiet | be destroyed | 受滅; 遭毀滅
siøbiet | destroy by fire | 燒滅; 燒燬
siøfbie | millet | 小米
soafnbie taixhoe | beauty pageant | 選美大會
soafnbie | beauty contest | 選美
suixbieen | sleep; sleeping | 睡眠
sunbie | mellifluence | 醇美
suobien | all around, on all sides | 賜面
symbie | beauty contest; appreciation of the beautiful; be artistic or esthetic | 審美
taixgi biedchyn | unmitigated punishment for offenders; even of their blood relations | 大義滅親
tebie koarn'ar | tea leaf container; tea caddy | 茶米罐仔
tebie | tea; tealeaf; tea leaves | 茶葉; 茶米
tebie-tee | tea (beverage) | 茶米茶
tengkaix biefncid | dismiss an official | 懲戒免職
texngbie | hard rice | 硬米
thahbie | buy rice with containers during the old days in Taiwan | 塔米
thaibie | sift rice | 篩米
thefbien | honor; dignity; face | 體面; 面子
thienbie | beautiful sky | 天美
thienkofng pud zokbie | Heaven is not cooperative ─ Weather turns foul when some activity requiring fine weather is scheduled | 天公無作美
thientw-texbiet | to be damned by heaven and earth (usually used in swearing) | 天誅地滅
thiørbie | sell rice | 糴米; 糶米
thoatbiern | to escape; free from; flee from | 脫免
thoaxbie | clean rice before cook | 汰米; 清洗(米); 洗米
thuikorng biexnzeg | extend the area | 推廣面積
thunbiet | destroy by devouring | 吞滅
tiaqbie | buy rice | 買米; 糴米
tionglambie | Central South America | 中南美
titbiern | to be exempt from | 得免
tiørbie | retail rice | 釣米
toahbie | rinse rise | 掇米
toaxbie | rice | 大面; 大米
tokbie | to peck rice | 剁美; 啄米
tongbieen | to hibernate, winter sleep | 冬眠
tubiet | remove and destroy | 逐滅; 除滅; 減除
ybiern | in order to avoid | 以免
zaixlaibie | the customary rice; local rice; an inferior quality of rice | 在來米
zarnbie | praise; admire; extol; glorify | 讚美
zarnbie-sy | hymn, songs of praise | 讚美詩
zaubiet | exterminate; exterminate or destroy (bandits or rebels) | 剿滅
zeng'ix bienbieen | long lasting love expressing itself in a subdued but sweet form | 情意綿綿
zengbie | pounding rice grain to separate grain shell from rice; delicately pretty; elegant and refined | 舂米; 精美; 搗米
zhaepofbie | dry shredded radish | 菜脯米
zhaubiet | destroy completely | 剿滅
zhaukef-biedzok | confiscate the property and exterminate the family of an offender | 抄家滅族
zhekbien | flank; profile; side; aspect | 側面
zhuiebie | broken rice | 碎米
zhutbie | grow rice | 出米; 產米
zhvebie zwcviaa png`ar | fait accompli; What is done cannot be undone (Lit. The rice has been cooked.) | 生米煮成飯
zhørbie | unpolished rice; unpolished rice | 糙米
zoanbien | the whole | 全面
zoanbiet | utter ruin; annihilation | 全滅; 徹底消滅
zoeabie`ee | rice seller | 做米的
zorngbie | grandeur and serenity; splendor; sublime | 狀美
zudbie | glutinous rice | 糯米; 秫米; 糯稻
zudbie-png | glutinous rice | 糯米飯
zuxbiet | self-destruction; destroy one's own (career; job) | 自滅
zuxjienbie | natural beauty, beauties of nature | 自然美
zuxsefng zuxbiet | grow and die without outside interference, stew in his own juice | 自生自滅

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Checking Exact will only show the specific term "zab". e.g. "zabor and "apzab" When input type is non-MTL, exact match is forced.
Checking Front with the search term "zab" will show all the vocabularies start with with "zab" such as "zabor".

The following example will get all the words start with a


Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".

If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or back match.

Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]

Search Term:

"Hiexntai-buun" to

Unlike the above form, this form allows you specify number of spelling error.
Select '1' will show you those words with one spelling error.
For wildcard matching, use regular expression described in the above form with '0' spelling error.

Match Error #:

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