"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bexbiefntid | cannot avoid, is the natural result, 'it' follows | 未免得
biefn'eghoad | immunization | 免疫法
biefn'eglek | immunity | 免疫力
biefn'egsexng | immunity from infection | 免疫性
biefn'ek | immunity; become immune; immunize | 免疫
biefn'iah | exempt from military service; exempt from conscription | 免役
biefn'ngx | need not hope for | 免望; 甭望
biefn'uix | get rid of fear | 免畏
biefnbang | Don't daydream | 免望
biefnchix | admit without examination | 免試
biefncid | fire; dismiss; dismiss; dismissal | 免職
biefnciexn-paai | signal for truce(like white flag) | 免戰牌
biefncvii | free of charge | 免錢
biefncvipng | free lunch - in jail | 免錢飯
biefnhak | encourage someone to study | 勉學
biefnheeng | exempt from punishment | 免刑
biefnhii | biern fish | 鮸魚
biefnhuix | free of charge; free of charge; gratuitous; gratis | 免費
biefnhuo | official recognition, license | 免許; 官方認可
biefnhuo-zng | written permission, license, official recognition | 免許狀; 執照; 官方認可
biefnhuu | anchovy | 鮸魚
biefnhw | exempt | 免許
biefnkhix | no need to go | 免去; 無必去
biefnkib | no rush | 免急; 無用急
biefnkiorng | work hard; compel; under compulsion; forced; involuntarily; compel; constrain; forced (as an interpretation); to study; diligence; industry | 勉強
biefnkiorng`ee | loath | 勉強的
biefnkorng | not need to say; exempts discussed; indescribable; says nothing of; no need to speak; no need to talk about it; there is nothing that need be said; don't talk about it | 免講; 無用講; 不必說; 免談
biefnkviaf | do not be afraid; don't fear; don't be afraid | 免驚; 無必怕
biefnkvoaf | strip down someone's official rank | 免官
biefnle | exhortation; encouragement; exhort; encourage | 勉勵
biefnlea | be excused from usual courtesy gestures | 免禮
biefnlek | diligent | 勉力
biefnliuu | royal crown | 冕旒
biefnlun | exempts discussed; no discussion | 免論
biefnphiøx | free ticket; free pass; complimentary ticket | 免票
biefnputliao | unavoidable; no help for it | 免無了; 難免
biefnsex | duty free | 免稅
biefnsiuo taixzay | dispensed from fasting; dispensation from fasting (Catholic term) | 免守大齋
biefnsoex | duty free | 免稅
biefnsviu | Don't think about it! | 免想
biefnsøeaphirn | tax-free goods | 免稅品
biefnsøeatiaxm | duty free shop | 免稅店
biefnsøex | tax-free; duty-free | 免稅
biefnsøex-tiaxm | duty free shop | 免稅店
biefnthee | no suggestion; no necessary | 免提
biefntid | lest; so as not to; so as to avoid; save the trouble of doing something; avoid; so as not to | 免得
biefntii | give quittance; relieve from obligations | 免除
biefntuu | get rid of; dispense with | 免除
biefnzng | no petitions or statements. | 免狀
biefnzoe | pardon | 免罪
biefnzof | no lease; no rent | 免租
boexbiefntid | cannot avoid, is the natural result, 'it' follows | 未免得; 難免
englaang biefncixn | out of bounds to non-authorized persons | 閒人勿進
hatbiefnkoaan | exempt from | 豁免權
mxbiefnlaq | no need | 毋免啦
paxbiefnkoaan | right of recalling (incompetent officials) enjoyed by the people specified in the Three principles of the People | 罷免權
tengkaix biefncid | dismiss an official | 懲戒免職

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