"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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anhiarng boafnlieen | enjoy a happy time in old age | 安享晚年
beeng boarn thienha | enjoy a world-wide fame; be world-famous | 名滿天下
biboarn | full of; impletion; spread all over; flood | 瀰漫
biboat | trifling, unimportant | 微末
boa'ar | grinder | 磨仔; 磨子
boaa hof ciafm | sharpen to a point; to point | 磨乎尖
boaa hof kym | polish smooth; brighten; burnish | 磨乎金
boaa hof lai | sharpen to an edge; hone | 磨乎銳; 磨乎利
boaa | labour; toil; grind; toil; labor hard | 磨; 勞; 辛勞
boaa`laang | humiliate a person; put through privations to a person | 磨人; 折磨人
boaan | hide; walk with limp; thoughtless | 瞞; 蹣; 顢
boabak | grind Chin; inkcake on slab; prepare liquid ink from an ink stick | 磨墨
boabiet | obliterate | 磨滅
boaboaa`leq | polish them a bit | 磨磨咧
boaciøh | millstone | 磨石
boaciøqar | terrazzo | 磨石仔
boad | plaster; wipe; rub; mop; smear; apply to | 抹
boadcioxng | the last general; the last general from previous dynasty | 末將
boadjit | the last day of the world; last day; the end of | 末日
boadkiab | the last disaster | 末劫
boadkii | the last stage; last stage; final phase | 末期
boadkog | the last nation | 末國
boadli | little profit | 末利; 薄利
boadlo | the end of the rope; end of the way; end of life; miserable end; dead end; impasse | 末路
boadsek | lower position | 末席
boadsex | last or declining years; latter part; latter days; the last years of a dynasty | 末世
boadsiaw sinkefng | peripheral nervous system | 末稍神經
boadsiaw | tip (of a branch), end (of banana); peripheral nervous system | 末稍; 末梢
boadsiok | modern customs; latter-day fashions or fads; decadent ways; bad customs | 末俗; 惡俗
boadsiw | to confiscate | 沒收
boadthaxn | little profit | 末賺; 薄賺
boadtiaau | the last dynasty | 末朝
boafn'afn | good night!; good evening!; Good evening! Good night! | 晚安
boafn'an | expire | 滿限; 滿期
boafn'ix | satisfied; satisfactory | 滿意
boafn'oaan | full house; filled to capacity with people | 滿員; 客滿; 額滿
boafn'un | a man's circumstances in old age; spell of good luck; full load | 晚運; 滿運
boafnbin | full face; whole face; all over the face | 滿面; 滿臉
boafnboafnboarn | completely fill to overflow | 滿滿滿
boafnboarn | impletion; fullness | 滿滿
boafnchid | the seven times seven days after death; forty-nine days after death; seventh day memorial for the dead | 滿七; 滿旬
boafnchiw | late autumn | 晚秋
boafnciofng | evening bells | 晚鐘
boafnciog | satisfied; satisfactory; be satisfied | 滿足
boafngiah | filled to capacity; places all taken | 滿額
boafngoat | full month; baby's completed first month | 滿月
boafnhaa | sunglow at dusk, afterglow, the glow of sunset | 滿霞; 晚霞
boafnhak | late learning | 晚學
boafnhaxn | banquet | 滿漢
boafnhoaai | heart full of enthusiasm; sorrow | 滿懷
boafnhoe | evening party; evening party; soiree | 晚會
boafnhwn | marry late in life | 晚婚
boafnjim | completion of a term | 滿任; 任滿
boafnkafn | at night | 晚間
boafnkerng | a man's circumstances in old age | 晚景
boafnkhøx | night prayers (Catholic) | 晚課; 晚禱
boafnkii | full; top full; completion of a term; expiration date; expiration of a given period | 滿盈; 滿期
boafnkoaf | elegy; funeral hymn; elegy | 輓歌
boafnkuix | late season | 晚季
boafnkvii | full up to the edge; filled up to the rim (said of any liquid) | 滿墘; 滿至上限; 盈滿
boafnlefhok | formal evening dress | 晚禮服
boafnlieen bøo zuo | three greatest misfortunes in youth to lose one's father; in middle age to lose one's wife; in old age to have no son | 三無幸; 少年喪父; 中年喪妻; 晚年無子
boafnlieen | one's old-age; old; late in life | 晚年; 輓聯
boafnluie | bases-loaded; full base; bases full | 滿壘
boafnpoex | the younger generation; younger generation | 晚輩
boafnpvoaa | overall | 全盤
boafnpøx | evening paper; afternoon paper | 晚報
boafnsefng | self-reference of student | 晚生
boafnsien | evening meal; supper | 晚膳
boafnsiong | evening | 晚上
boafnsoex | person's later years in life | 晚歲; 晚年
boafnsyn | all over body; whole body | 滿身
boafntaai | full | 滿台; 客滿
boafnthiensefng | a plant of the lettuce family, Lactuca indica | 滿天星
boafntiaau | high tide; at full sea; high tide | 滿潮
boafntiarm | full point | 滿點
boafntiu | a late crop of rice | 晚稻
boafntoong | full house | 滿堂
boafntviuu | whole assemblage; be full of people; draw a full house | 滿場
boafnzaix | full load; fully laden | 滿載
boafnzex | evening sacrifice | 晚祭
boafnzhafn | evening meal; dinner; supper | 晚餐
boafnzhud | brim over; to overflow | 溢出
boafnzhwn | late spring | 晚春
boafnzø | a packed house; full house | 滿座
boagee | grind one's teeth; be too talkative; indulge in arguments | 磨牙
boah | fine powder; powdered or small broken particles | 末; 抓; 粉末
boah'iuu | apply oil; anoint; smear with oil or grease; baste; to grease | 抹油; 敷油
boah'iøh | apply ointment to skin | 抹藥; 擦藥
boah'of | to defame, to discredit | 抹黑; 抹烏
boahbin | makeup | 抹面
boahboaq`leq | apply roughly | 抹抹咧
boahhoad | method of applying 'cream, ointment, etc' | 塗法
boahhoef | plastering | 抹灰
boahhurn | apply make-up; powder; powder one's face | 抹粉
boahkoo | smear | 抹糊
boahpiaq | paint wall; plaster a wall | 抹壁; 塗牆
boahsiaw | erase; erase; to strike off; inform the authorities of cessation of a right | 抹消; 洗滌; 擦掉
boahtaf | wipe to dry | 抹乾
boahtiaau | apply on the surface | 抹住
boahtøf | spatula(used for mixing and spreading); trowel | 抹刀; 泥水匠用之抹刀
boahzhao | a herb | 抹草; 草本植物
boakhvaf | grinding bowl | 磨坩
boakviax | polish bronze mirror | 磨鏡; 磨光銅鏡
boalat | grind | 磨力
boalien | trials and hardships for strengthening character | 磨鍊; 磨練
boan | spate for applying plaster; plaster; pave | 墁
boaq bag'iøh | apply eye ointment | 擦目藥
boaq iaam | rub salt | 抹鹽
boaq iøqar | apply a plaster (medicine) | 抹藥仔; 擦藥
boaq serng'iuu | anointing | 抹聖油; 塗聖油
boaq | apply on the surface; apply; rub on; smear; anoint; to plaster a wall | 抹; 塗; 敷
boaqar | alligator, crocodile | 鱷魚; 鰐魚
boaqboah | very fine (powder) | 末末
boaqzhao | jasmine | 茉草
boarn thienha | all over the world; everywhere | 滿天下
boarn | fill to overflow, brimful | 滿
boat | not yet; foam; jasmine; fodder; feed animals; stockings; socks; end; the last; small; mean; unimportant; finally | 末; 茉; 靺; 少; 沫; 秣
boatøf | sharpened knife; sharpen a knife; hone a knife | 磨刀
boaxnii | next year | 明年
byboarn | beautiful and harmonious | 美滿
chiongboarn | full | 充滿
chiuboat | end of autumn | 秋末
cietboaa | molestation; molest; affict; agonize; faze; submit to an ordeal; trials and afflictions; grillings; privations; hardships; persecutions | 折磨
ciuboat lyheeng | weekend trip | 週末旅行
ciuboat | week end; on the weekend; week end | 週末
enghioong boadlo | end of a hero | 英雄末路
gefngboah | grind into powder | 研末
gvofhiangboah | the powder of the mixture of various spices | 五香末
hongboarn | plentiful; well-rounded; describe woman's breast; rich | 豐滿
hunboah | the tobacco plant; leaf tobacco. | 煙末; 粉煙草
hunboarn | lie in; to give birth; childbirth; labor; obstetrics | 分娩
hviuboah | ashes from incense | 香末
hwnboah | powder apply; fine dust; powder | 粉末
hwnboat | powder (medicine) | 粉末
imgak-boafnhoe | evening concert | 音樂晚會
itpid-boahsiaw | undo something by a single stroke; all cancelled; settle an account once for all | 一筆抹消
iuoboaqboah | very fine (powder) | 粉細的; 細嫩
iøqboah | drug powder | 藥末
jwhviuboah | powdered incense | 乳香末; 香末
kaboaqzhaix | thick sharp mustard | 厚茉菜; 加茉菜
kaeboah | mustard | 芥末; 山葵末
kaeboarn | expire (of a term) | 屆滿
kaeboat | mustard | 芥末; 山葵末
kauxboaqafzhaix | thick mustard vegetable | 厚茉菜
kauxboaqzhaix | thick leaved beet | 茉仔菜
khangboaa | waste effort | 空磨
khatea boah'iuu | slip away | 腳底抹油; 溜走
khawboat | spittle, saliva | 口沫
kiboadkhør | final examination of a school term; semester exam | 期末考
kiboat-khøfchix | final examination of a school term; semester exam | 期末考試
kimgiok-boafntoong | have one's house filled with riches | 金玉滿堂
koarnboarn | to pour water to the rim | 灌滿
kviuboah | powdered ginger | 薑末; 薑粉
køeaboaa | already grounded | 磨過; 過磨
liapboaan | Nirvana | 涅槃
liboat | tiny amount | 釐末; 極少份
lienboat | end of year | 年末
loxioong boafnbin | face flushed with rage | 怒容滿面
miboarn | filled full | 彌滿
oanboarn | completed; finished; harmonious; rounded out amicable; satisfactory; harmonious; peaceful | 完滿; 圓滿
paukwn boafn'ix | let everyone satisfied (pleased) | 包君滿意
pawboarn | replete; satiation | 飽滿
phahboachiog | play mahjong | 拍麻雀
phauboat | bubble, foam, froth | 泡沫
phek'hied boafnte | dark blood covered the ground | 碧血滿地
phofngsae boahbin | put shit on face; humiliation | 捧屎抹面
phokboarn | cover completely | 撲滿
piawsi boafn'ix | express or indicate satisfaction | 表示滿意
pongboarn | evening; dusk; nightfall | 傍晚
porboarn | full of | 佈滿
putboarn | discontent; dissatisfaction | 無滿; 不滿
pwnboat | first and last; essential and nonessential | 本末
seaboat | end of the world | 世末; 末日
seakaix boadjit | the Last Day; Doomsday | 世界末日
siuxboaa | humiliate | 受磨
soarnboah | crushed garlic | 蒜泥
sym boarn ix ciog | be fully contented complacent | 心滿意足
taixkhix boafnseeng | great man will take time to shape and mature | 大器晚成
teboah | tea powder | 茶抹
teboat | tea dust | 茶抹
thienboarn | fill; cover in; cram; pack out; fill up level | 填滿
thoaboaa | to toil; to labor very hard | 拖磨; 勞苦; 辛勞
thorboat | saliva, spit, spittle | 吐沫
thølie boarn thienha | His students have spread throughout the land | 桃李滿天下
tiøqboaa | toil, toilsome | 得磨; 勞碌
toboad | to erase; to obliterate; to scribble | 塗抹
tokboaa | to cut and polish; to study and improve; to mold | 琢磨
tonglok boafnhoe | evening party (held within an organization; school) | 同樂晚會
tvixboafnboarn | fill full | 滇滿滿
zafzhud-boafnkuy | go out early and return late (often said of a busy person) | 早出晚歸
zhangboah | scallion powder | 蔥末
zoafn'oafn boahkag | talk in a roundabout way | 轉彎抹角
zuxboarn | pat oneself on the back; pride; self-complacency; be satisfied with oneself | 自滿

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