"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: boah

boah | fine powder; powdered or small broken particles | 末; 抓; 粉末
boah'iuu | apply oil; anoint; smear with oil or grease; baste; to grease | 抹油; 敷油
boah'iøh | apply ointment to skin | 抹藥; 擦藥
boah'of | to defame, to discredit | 抹黑; 抹烏
boahbin | makeup | 抹面
boahboaq`leq | apply roughly | 抹抹咧
boahhoad | method of applying 'cream, ointment, etc' | 塗法
boahhoef | plastering | 抹灰
boahhurn | apply make-up; powder; powder one's face | 抹粉
boahkoo | smear | 抹糊
boahpiaq | paint wall; plaster a wall | 抹壁; 塗牆
boahsiaw | erase; erase; to strike off; inform the authorities of cessation of a right | 抹消; 洗滌; 擦掉
boahtaf | wipe to dry | 抹乾
boahtiaau | apply on the surface | 抹住
boahtøf | spatula(used for mixing and spreading); trowel | 抹刀; 泥水匠用之抹刀
boahzhao | a herb | 抹草; 草本植物
boaqboah | very fine (powder) | 末末
gefngboah | grind into powder | 研末
gvofhiangboah | the powder of the mixture of various spices | 五香末
hunboah | the tobacco plant; leaf tobacco. | 煙末; 粉煙草
hviuboah | ashes from incense | 香末
hwnboah | powder apply; fine dust; powder | 粉末
itpid-boahsiaw | undo something by a single stroke; all cancelled; settle an account once for all | 一筆抹消
iuoboaqboah | very fine (powder) | 粉細的; 細嫩
iøqboah | drug powder | 藥末
jwhviuboah | powdered incense | 乳香末; 香末
kaeboah | mustard | 芥末; 山葵末
khatea boah'iuu | slip away | 腳底抹油; 溜走
kviuboah | powdered ginger | 薑末; 薑粉
phofngsae boahbin | put shit on face; humiliation | 捧屎抹面
soarnboah | crushed garlic | 蒜泥
teboah | tea powder | 茶抹
zhangboah | scallion powder | 蔥末
zoafn'oafn boahkag | talk in a roundabout way | 轉彎抹角

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