"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: boef

angboeftafng | Taiwanese red-tailed fish | 紅尾冬
auxboefmngg | back door | 後尾門
boef'mvia | ransom a criminal | 買命; 贖出罪犯
boefafkviar | youngest kid in a family | 尾仔囝
boefar | at the end; at last | 尾仔; 後來
boefau | in the end; at the end; at the rear | 尾後; 後面
boefbin | afterwards; later | 尾面; 後來
boefboe | buy and sell; trade; business | 買賣
boefchiuo | the last hand in ownership; e.g. second hand; third hand; last hand | 尾手; 買手; 最後
boefciorng | last prize | 尾獎
boefcixn | buy | 買進
boefgee | year-end dinner for employees; 16th day of 12th month in the lunar calendar; year-end dinner given by a shop owner to entertain his employees on the 16th of the twelfth moon; during which an employee would know that he will not be hired for the coming year if the head of a cooked chicken is pointed at his seat | 尾牙
boefhoe | last member of a private lending association in which each member puts in a deposited amount of money each month and they bid on who will get the money each month. The one with the lowest bid gets the money that month | 尾會
boefiah | butterfly | 尾蝶
boefiuu | buy edible oil | 買油; 沽油
boefjit | The last day | 尾日; 最後一天
boefjixzvae | ring finger | 尾二指
boefkerng | the last setting for a dramatic production | 晚景
boefkex | purchasing price | 買價
boefkhoex | sales contract, agreement of sale | 買契
boefkhvoar | the final payment on a debt | 尾款
boefkii | final phase; last stage | 末期
boefkud | tail-bone | 尾骨
boefliw | the tail end; the end; the tip | 尾端; 尾鰍
boefpan | a comprador | 買辦
boefpangchiaf | last bus | 尾幫車
boefphiøx | buy votes | 買票
boefsiw | bribe | 買收
boefsox | odd sum; odd change; balance of an account | 尾數
boefsuii | follow close behind; to tail; to shadow | 尾隨
boefsviaf | final tone of a piece of music; final or closing stage of an activity or event | 尾聲
boefsyn | afterwards; later | 尾身; 後來
boeftangkud | tail bone; coccyx | 尾椎骨
boeftvax | final gift in a wedding procession | 尾攤; 嫁粧排列於最後之物
boefzam | last part of a story; of an episode; of a long poem (thau-cham; tiong-cham); last part of a trip; last stop on a scheduled route; after | 尾站; 終站; 後來
boefzefngzvae | the little finger | 尾種指; 小指頭
boefzngfzvae | the little finger | 尾庄指; 小指頭
boefzuo | customer; buyer | 買主
boefzuy | part of a domestic fowl where the tail feathers of attached | 尾椎
boefzvae | the little finger | 尾指; 小指
bøboefhang | dead end | 無尾巷
bøboefhiim | koala | 無尾熊
chiwboefcvii | money in the hands or possessions of a deceased person | 手尾錢
chiwboeflat | strength in one's arm | 手尾力; 腕力
hiafngboefzoaa | rattle snake | 響尾蛇
hiboefliw | fish's tail | 魚尾鰍
hiboefzhef | shaped like a fish's forked tail | 魚尾叉
iapboefkao | dog with tail between legs meaning fled in defeat | 揜尾狗
iernboefhok | swallow-tailed coat; dress coat | 燕尾服
keboefciuo | cocktail | 雞尾酒
keboefciwhoe | cocktail party | 雞尾酒會
keboefzuy | chicken butt | 雞尾脽
khaboefcvii | silver paper burned at the foot of dead people as money | 跤尾錢
khaboefpng | rice placed at the foot of dead people | 跤尾飯
kviaauxboefmngg | back door; under table | 行後尾門
lauboefkefng | top floor rooms | 樓尾間
lauboefterng | upstairs | 樓尾頂
lauzhuoboefterng | top floor | 樓厝尾頂
liawboefafkviar | prodigal son | 了尾 囝; 敗家子
liawboefar | useless kids | 了尾仔
loxboefar | in the end | 路尾仔
loxboefchiuo | in the end | 落尾手
løqboefar | las;at the end | 落尾仔
løqboefchiuo | las;at the end | 落尾手
mngboefar | hairy tail | 毛尾仔
nngxboefar | not much | 兩尾仔
siaxboefkef | | 社尾街
sioxngboefar | the last | 上尾仔
siuboefym | Closing note | 收尾音
soahboefafkviar | last kid | 煞尾仔囝
soahboefar cidtiarfmar | the youngest (latest, smallest) child. | 小尾仔囝
soahboefar | last one | 煞尾仔
soahboefzvae | pinky | 煞尾指
soeboefbin | bad luck face | 衰尾面
soeboeftøxjiin | person who tends to have bad lucks | 衰尾道人
soeboefun | bad luck | 衰尾運
svoaboefliw | end of mountain | 山尾溜
tangboefsi'ar | end of year | 冬尾時仔
tangboefthvy | end of year | 冬尾天
thaukhakboefterng | on top of head | 頭殼尾頂
thaulaiboefkhix | from head to tail- expose the whole story | 頭來尾去
thauzangboefar | head mane tail | 頭鬃尾仔
thviaboefsviaf | listen respectfully then will know the true meaning | 聽尾聲
thvite boefar | end of heaven and earth ─ said of extraordinary calamities or unexampled crimes; portending the end of the dynasty | 末日
tngboefkef | phoenix cock | 長尾雞
tngboefzhvef | meteors; falling stars; shooting star | 長尾星; 彗星; 流星
toex-boefau | go along one in back of the other; to trail along behind | 隨尾後; 跟在後面
zhawboefafzoaa | grass snake | 草尾仔蛇
zhuoboefterng | roof | 厝尾頂
zhuopvithauboefar | neighboor | 厝邊頭尾仔

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