"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Kongboexkiok | Public Sales Bureau | 公賣局
boexbae | not bad | 袂䆀
boexbiefntid | cannot avoid, is the natural result, 'it' follows | 未免得; 難免
boexciaqboexkhuxn | no appetite and unable to fall to sleep | 袂食袂睏
boexcviabiin | could not, unable to 'sleep' | 未成眠; 睡不好
boexeng`teq | cannot use | 未用得; 無能用
boexexngtid | not allow to | 袂用得
boexhiao | unable to | 袂曉
boexhiarng | unable to sound loud; ; will not; be unable to; be incapable to | 未響; 無會
boexhiongkefng | sperm whale, Physeter catodon | 抹香鯨
boexhux | unable to make it | 袂赴
boexjixntid | cannot recognize, cannot be recognized, do not recognize | 未認得
boexkex | selling price | 賣價
boexkhamtid | cannot bear it | 袂堪得
boexkhie | cannot unable to 'lift, carry, climb, etc’; unable to carry | 未起; 不起
boexkhix | will not go 'simple future' | 未去
boexkhuy | cannot open, unable to open | 未開
boexkiernsiaux | shameless | 袂見笑; 不要臉
boexkietid | don’t remember | 袂記得
boexkirmtid | cannot keep from 'laughing, crying, etc', cannot stop 'sthg which is happening' | 未禁得 ; 情不自禁
boexkofngtid | won’t accept criticism | 袂講得
boexkokloo | traitor | 賣國奴
boexkox`tid | be unable to | 未顧得
boexlaai | not able to, cannot 'because of intrinsic difficulty <[thak boe7-lai5]: cannot read 'because too difficult'> 'cf ' | 未來; 不會來
boexli | cannot, unable to | 不了
boexliao | cannot 'because of excessive quantity' | 未了; 不完
boexlwntid | be unbearable 'pain, cold, sorrow, etc' | 未忍得; 受不住
boexsae | not allow to | 袂使
boexsaix | brother-in-law 'younger sister's husband' | 妹婿
boexsaytid | not allow to | 袂使得
boexseeng | cannot 'do something one wishes to do' | 未成
boexsexngtid | should not be spoiled, indulged, allowed to do as he pleases | 不可溺愛
boexsiaw | cannot 'see [chiah8]' | 未消
boexsorng | unhappy | 袂爽
boexsukorng | as if | 袂輸講
boexsw | as if | 袂輸
boexsyn | prostitution | 賣身; 賣淫
boextaxng | unable to | 袂當
boexthofng | cannot pass, cannot evacuate 'bowel, bladder' | 未通
boextiaau | cannot, unable to | 未住; 不會
boextiau | sold | 賣掉
boextit | endless | 袂直
boextitkhix | cannot, unable to 'because of excessive quantity' | 賣得去; 賣不完
boextitthafng | unable to go through | 袂得通
boextiøh | cannot 'achieve a desired objective' | 未到; 買不到
boextng | sell 'without retaining any right or interest in what is sold' | 賣斷
boextviuu | market | 賣場
boextøh | cannot 'kindle a light' | 未燃
boexzeng | never before; before | 未曾
boexzexngboe | acting without waiting for something which should precede (same as boe-cheng) | 未曾未; 還未
boexzhud | sold | 賣出
boexzhunchiaf | unable to convince | 袂伸捙
boexzuo | seller | 賣主
cviuxsiapboexliab | over the hill | 上卌袂攝
hoeboextiauky | habitual abortion | 花袂牢枝
jirm-boextiaau | cannot stand it | 忍無著
khvoarboexkhie | look down | 看袂起
liauxsiofngboexkaux | unexpectedly | 料想袂到
parngboexkieeq | forget; let go | 放袂記得
phaq-boexsie | still alive after a hard beating; try in vain to beat to death; invulnerable | 打無死
siuxboexkhie | cannot accept it | 受袂起
siuxtngboexkhie | cannot bear it; cannot accept it | 受當袂起
siuxtongboexkhie | cannot bear it; cannot accept it | 受當袂起
sngrboexhøo | not worthy | 算袂和
toaxboextviuu | hypermarket like Costco | 大賣場
zawboexkhuikhaf | unable to get away | 走袂開跤
zawboexli | unable to get away | 走袂離

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