Satboxnykie siong | title of imperial princes; name given to a great many idols | 撒慕爾紀上; 撒上
Texboxteg Cieen Ho Sw | The First and Second Epistle of Paul to Timothy (Catholic) | 弟茂德前後書 (弟前; 後)
bengboxngkaf | renown | 名望家
binsw boxngsiorng | think day and night | 眠思夢想
borngborngboxng | quite irresponsible, careless | 罔罔罔
borngboxng | irresponsible; careless; careless; paid it no attention; careless; irresponsible | 罔罔; 不負責任的馬虎; 漫無經心的; 做事滿不在乎
boxau kangzokciar | behind-the-scenes workers | 幕後工作者
boxau | off-stage, behind the scenes | 幕後
boxbeeng | attracted by one's fame; be attracted by a person's name | 慕名
boxciebeeng | tombstone inscription giving life record of deceased | 墓誌銘
boxcip | gather; collect; levy; invite; enlist; enroll; raise; invite; collect; to appeal for subscriptions | 募集; 招募
boxeg-siofng | an importer or exporter, a trader | 貿易商
boxegkarng | trading port; commercial port | 貿易港
boxegsiofng | business of trade or exchange; trader; import export business | 貿易商
boxek kongsy | trading company or firm | 貿易公司
boxek tiongsym | trade center | 貿易中心
boxek zeazhaai | trade sanction | 貿易制裁
boxek | trade with foreign countries, international trade | 貿易
boxhiø jinbut | behind-the-scenes personalities; string pullers | 幕後人物
boxhiø sinbuun | behind-the-scenes news; inside story | 幕後新聞
boxhorng | to imitate, to copy | 模仿; 摹倣
boxkhix | apiritless, apathetic airs | 無氣
boxkhoarn | collect money; ask for donation | 募款
boxkoafn | collect money; appel for subscriptions; raise money; collect contributions | 募捐
boxkw | grave mound | 墓龜
boxliaau | staffs; secretaries; advisors | 幕僚
boxlieen | old age; closing years of one's life; last days of one's life; declining years | 暮年
boxng | lose one's mind; frustrated; disappointed | 惘
boxng'iong | inordinate use; make improper use of | 妄用; 濫用
boxng'iupve | somnambulism; sleep-walking | 夢遊病; 夢遊症
boxng'iuu | sleepwalk; somnambulate; dream of traveling | 夢遊
boxng'iuu-pve | sleepwalking; somnambulism | 夢遊病
boxng'iuzexng | somnambulism; sleepwalking | 夢遊症
boxng'iuzhao | nepenthe | 忘憂草
boxng'iw | forget about things that make you sad | 忘憂
boxng'oafnkviax | telescope | 望遠鏡
boxng'uii | wet dream | 夢遺
boxng'wn poexgi | ungrateful; ingrate | 忘恩背義
boxng'wn | ungrateful; ingrate | 忘恩
boxngbii | dream of | 夢寐
boxngciøh | gravestone; tombstone | 墓石; 墓碑
boxnggieen | speak recklessly or without forethought; wild tall; a lie | 妄言
boxnggoat | staring at moon | 望月
boxnghiet | grave | 墓穴
boxnghiofng | asleep; dreamland; sleep; slumber | 夢鄉
boxnghoaxn | illusory, visional | 夢幻
boxnghuix | to waste, to lavish | 妄費
boxngkaociar | catechumen (Catholic) | 望教者
boxngkerng | dreamland | 夢境
boxngkhao | mouth of a grave | 墓口
boxngkhoxng | rough opening of a grave | 墓壙; 墓穴
boxngkhud | rough opening of a grave | 墓窪; 墓穴
boxngkoea | rice offerings at the grave on Ching Ming Festival | 墓粿; 清明掃墓之祭品
boxngkw | grave mound | 墓龜
boxngkøx | make false accusation | 妄告; 誣告
boxngpaai | grave marker; tombstone; tombstone | 墓碑; 墓牌
boxngsied | wet dream | 夢洩; 夢遺
boxngsiorng | day dream; an irrational attempt; daydreaming; a daydream; absurd desire; desire wildly | 妄想; 夢想
boxngsiorng-zexng | paranoia | 妄想症
boxngsorngkheq | local rich bourgeois without any eduction or knowledge | 妄宋客; 鄉下遊豪
boxngte | site of a grave or tomb; cemetery | 墓地
boxngteg | act of hope; virtue of hope (Catholic) | 望德
boxngtngg | appendix | 盲腸
boxngtoaxn | misjudgement, indiscreet judgement | 盲斷; 妄斷
boxngtong | reckless or rash actions; act recklessly or rashly | 妄動
boxngtoo | to attempt vainly, to make a vain attempt | 妄圖
boxngtviaa | cemetery; level place just in front of a grave | 墓埕; 墓地; 墓庭
boxngtøe | graveyard | 墓地
boxngtøq | graveyard's table | 墓桌
boxngzexng | false witness; perjury | 妄證
boxngzoar | gold-colored funeral paper for placing on top of tomb on Ching Ming Festival | 墓紙; 掃墓時放置墓上之黃色金紙
boxngzok | respected clan; respected family in a community; family of renown | 望族
boxngzong | light-minded; cursory; offhand | 輕率
boxpaai | monument | 墓碑; 墓牌
boxpefng | enlist soldiers; to enlist troops | 募兵
boxpurn | a facsimile | 模本; 摹本; 傳真
boxpy | gravestone; tombstone | 墓碑
boxsefng | grow luxuriantly | 茂生
boxseg | dusk | 暮色
boxseng | luxelient; luxuriant; exuberant; lush; flourishing | 茂盛
boxsiar | to copy | 模寫; 摹寫
boxtoe | cemetery | 墓地
boxtviaa | cemetery | 墓埕
boxtø | intend to worship | 慕道
boxtø-iuo | worshiper, inquirer, seeker, catechumen | 慕道友
boxzhwn | last month of spring | 暮春
chijiin-boxngsiorng | to think idiotic nonsense | 痴人妄想
chisw-boxngsiorng | to think idiotic nonsense | 痴思妄想
chisym boxngsiorng | silly and fantastic notions; daydreaming | 癡心妄想
ciamboxngkviax | periscope | 潛望鏡
cirnkhao boxek | import trade | 進口貿易
huxgi-boxng'wn | ungrateful; ingrate | 負義忘恩
hyzhud-boxnggoa | joy over unexpected good luck; unexpected joy | 喜出望外
ipboxkea | rice cake for poor boys after cemetery ceremony | 挹墓粿
ipboxngkoea | rice cake for poor boys after cemetery ceremony | 挹墓粿
kekborngboxng | has no sense of responsibility for the family | 激蒙蒙; 無家庭責任感
khengkuo-boxngtong | heedless (reckless) undertaking; commit a rash act | 輕舉妄動
khoatai-boxngsiofngkoong | delusions of grandeur | 誇大妄想狂
khongsw-boxngsiorng | fantasy; daydream | 空思夢想
kokzex boxek | international trade | 國際貿易
liauboxngsvoaf | lookout mountain | 瞭望山
liauboxngtaai | look out post; watch tower | 瞭望台
phaq boxngpaai | engrave a tomb stone | 刻墓碑
pixhai boxngsiofngkoong | persecution mania | 被害妄想狂
pixhai boxngsiofngzexng | persecution complex (psychology); paranoia | 被害妄想症
saiguboxnggoeh | rhino staring at moon | 犀牛望月
sirnboxng'aix | faith, hope and love | 信望愛
tehboxngzoar | put tomb paper under stones | 硩墓紙
tehboxzoar | put tomb paper under stones | 硩墓紙
teq boxngzoar | to hold paper slips in place on a grave by putting small stones on them | 置墓紙
texha boxngte | catacombs | 地下墓地
tharmboxngzhux | exploring the tomb | 探墓厝
tharmboxzhux | exploring the tomb | 探墓厝
thienbuun boxng'oafnkviax | astronomical telescope | 天文望遠鏡
tiausafm boxsux | to swindle by a clever trick; inconsistent; whimsical; freakish (Lit. three in the morning and four in the evening ─ This expression refers to the story of a man who promised his monkeys three chestnuts in the morning and four in the evening. They object | 朝三暮四
tiautiauboxbo | day and night | 朝朝暮暮
tionglip koanboxngciar | neutral onlooker | 中立觀望者
toaxboxkofng | grave for unknown | 大墓公
toaxboxngkofng | grave for unknown | 大墓公
zengboxngkhoxng | elbow one's way; barge about | 撞妄控; 亂闖; 橫衝直撞
zhutkhao boxek | export trade | 出口貿易
zuiesefng-boxngsuo | lead a befuddled life (as if drunk or in a dream) | 醉生夢死
zuxiuu boxek | free trade | 自由貿易
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