Bisengbudhak | microbiology | 微生物學
Korkiofng-phokbudvi | National Palace Museum (housing China's art treasures) | 故宮博物院
Zøxbudciar | the Creator | 造物者; (主)
Zøxbudzuo | the Creator | 造物者; (主)
budboong | do not forget | 勿忘
budcid bunbeeng | material civilization | 物質文明
budcid kiernsied | physical development or progress of a community or country | 物質建設
budcid putbiedlut | law of conservation of matter | 物質無滅律
budcid seng'oah | physical life; material life | 物質生活
budcid zwgi | materialism | 物質主義
budcid | substance; matter; substance | 物質
budciorng | species | 物種
budcitputbiedlut | law of conservation of matter | 物質不滅律
budcitsiong ee an'uix | material comforts | 物質上的安慰
budcitsiong | material; physically | 物質上
budcitzwgi | materialism | 物質主義
budgi | public criticism | 物議
budgo | do not hurt; no mistake; no error; no misunderstanding | 勿誤
budiok | worldly desires; craving for material things | 物慾
budiuo | do not have; without | 沒有
budiøh | myrrh | 沒藥
budkex cysox | price index | 物價指數
budkex phøtong | price fluctuations | 物價波動
budkex thofngzex | price control | 物價統制
budkex wnteng | stability of commodity prices | 物價穩定
budkex | price index; prices of various articles; commodity prices | 物價
budkhie lanboong | remember a favor as long as one lives | 沒齒難忘
budkhoaan | right of ownership to things; articles or objects | 物權
budkoaan | property rights | 物權
budlek | economic or material strength; one's resources; the value of one's property and estate; personal effects | 物力
budliau | material | 物料
budlie hagciar | physicist | 物理學者
budlie hoarhak | physical chemistry; physics and chemistry | 物理化學
budlie liauhoad | physical therapy | 物理療法
budlie piernhoax | physical changes | 物理變化
budlie tixliaau | physiotherapy | 物理治療
budlie | physics; physics | 物理
budlok | fade; decline; downfallen | 沒落
budlyhagsiong | physical | 物理學上
budlyhak | physics | 物理學
budphirn | commodity; article of trade; article; goods; commodities | 物品
budphynsoex | commodity tax | 物品稅
budsarn | products; product; produce | 物產
budseg | search for; look for; seek out; search for; look for; hunt up | 物色
budsiw | confiscate; expropriate; forfeit; sequestrate; confiscation; seizure; confiscate | 沒收
budthea | object; body; substance; object (physics term) | 物體
budtid | unable; can not do | 勿得
budzexng | material evidence proof | 物証
budzuo | owner of a thing | 物主
budzw honghux | abound (be rich) in natural resources | 物資豐富
budzw khoat'hoat | shortage of materials | 物資缺乏
budzw | materials; products; resources; goods; commodities; materials; resources | 物資
hoeabudchiaf | trucks, freight train | 貨物車
hoeabudsoex | commodity taxes | 貨物稅
huichviar budcixn | Do Not Enter | 非請勿進
høeabudchiaf | cargo truck | 貨物車; 貨車
høeabudzuun | cargo ship; freighter | 貨物船
ibudlun | materialism | 唯物論
ibudluxnciar | materialist | 唯物論者
ibudphaix | materialists | 唯物派
ibudzwgi | materialism | 唯物主義
ibudzwgixciar | materialist | 唯物論者, 唯物主義者
iøqbudhak | pharmacology | 藥物學
jinbudoe | portrait | 人物畫
khorngbudcid | mineral matter | 礦物質
khorngbudhak | mineralogy | 礦物學
khorngbudkaix | mineral kingdom | 礦物界
kiuo'oan-budzw | relief goods (funds) | 救援物資; (資金)
kofbudsiofng | antiquities dealer | 古物商
kofsengbudhak | paleontology | 古生物學
liongky budsid | Don't let the good chance slip. It is now or never; Take the opportunity by the forelock | 良機勿失
longgiap sengbudhak | agrobiology | 農業生物學
longgiap-sengbudhak | agrobiology | 農業生物學
phaubudsvoax | parabola; geometric parabola | 拋物線
phokbudhak | natural history; natural science | 博物學
phokbudkoarn | museum | 博物館; 博物院
phokbudvi | museum | 博物館; 博物院
sengbudcid | biomass | 生物質
sengbudhagciar | biologist | 生物學者
sengbudhak | biology | 生物學
sengbudhoarhak | biochemistry | 生物化學
sengbudkaix | biological world | 生物界
sidbudhak | botany | 植物學
sidbudhngg | botanical garden; vivarium | 植物園
sidbudiuu | vegetable oil | 植物油
sidbudkaix | the vegetable kingdom | 植物界
sidbudsexng | vegetative | 植物性
suobudar | four things- medicine like plans | 四物仔
suun-budcid | pure substance | 純物質
toxngbudar | animals | 動物仔
toxngbudcid | animal matter | 動物質
toxngbudhak | zoology | 動物學
toxngbudhngg | a zoo; a zoological garden | 動物園
toxngbudkaix | animal kingdom | 動物界
tvibutbud | very sweet | 甜極了
tøexkiuu-budlyhak | geophysics | 地球物理學
uibudlun | materialism | 唯物論
zabbudar | sundries | 雜物仔
zengsiin budlyhak | psychophysics | 精神物理學
zexngbudoe | still life | 靜物畫
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