"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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ahbwtee | even foot; flat feet | 鴨母蹄; 扁平足
ahbwtøee | even foot; flat feet | 鴨母蹄; 扁平足
auxbwbin | harsh face lik stepmother | 後母面
babwnchiøx | smile | 麻微笑
bahbwn'chiøx | smile enigmatically | 肉吻仔
bunbwkvoaf | civil and military officers | 文武官
bw'aix | mother-love, unconditional love | 母愛
bw'ii | maternal aunt | 母姨; 姨母
bw'iorng | nourish, nurture, take care of | 撫養
bwafkviar | mother and son; mother and child | 母仔囝
bwaix | motherhood; mother; maternal love | 母愛
bwban | insult; blaspheme | 侮慢; 侮辱
bwbiø | temple to military heroes | 武廟
bwbuo`leq | do a task irresponsibly or wieldy | 舞舞咧
bwchi | whole sale | 武市
bwchyn | mother | 母親
bwchyn-zøeq | mother's day | 母親節
bwcid | mother's responsibility; military's responsibility | 母職; 武職
bwcie-hoe | women's auxiliary of a primary school | 母姐會; 母姊會
bwcioxng | military general; military commander; general | 武將
bwcioxnggoaan | the No.1 of the national military examinations | 武狀元
bwcirnsu | milltary official | 武進士
bwcvii | capital; principal | 母錢; 本錢; 本金
bwge | martial arts; technique; military art or accomplishments | 武藝
bwgie | mother tongue | 母語
bwgiin | capital; principal | 母銀
bwguo | native language; mother tongue | 母語
bwguun | capital money, principal | 母銀; 本金
bwgøe | martial arts | 武藝
bwhak | study for martial arts | 武學
bwhau | alma mater | 母校
bwheeng | womanly man | 母形; 女樣的
bwhoad | basical law; original law | 母法; 原始法律條項
bwhoe | dancing party; dancing party | 舞會; 母會
bwhoef | female flower | 母花; 雌花
bwiarng | bring up; rear; bring to maturity; only about humans; raise children | 撫育; 撫養
bwii | mother's sister; maternal aunt; child's governess | 母姨; 姨母; 姨媽
bwiok | bring up; rear; bring to maturity; only about humans; raise children | 撫育
bwiorng | martial spirit; bring to maturity; bring up to maturity | 武勇; 撫養
bwjiin | military man | 武人
bwjiok | insult; abuse; slight; insult | 侮辱
bwkheg | dance music; dance tune | 舞曲
bwkheq | dance hall customer | 舞客
bwkhix | weapons; arms; a weapon | 武器
bwkhox | armory | 武庫
bwkiab siawsoad | novels about chivalry | 武俠小說
bwkiab | romantic or fabulous; chivalrous | 武俠
bwkiapphvix | motion pictures depicting the chivalry and prowess of ancient swordsmen | 武俠片
bwkiaxm | practise fencing | 舞劍
bwkii | Chinese chess | 武棋; 象棋
bwkim | mother's brother's wife; maternal uncle's wife | 母妗; 舅母
bwkioong | firm and uncompromising; powerful and brutal | 武強
bwkipvoaa | Chinese chess board | 武棋盤
bwkofng | martial arts; military achievements; fighting skills | 武功
bwkog | homeland; motherland | 母國; 祖國
bwku | mother's brother; maternal uncle | 母舅; 娘舅; 舅舅; 舅父
bwkuxkofng | uncle on the mother side | 母舅公
bwkviafie | high chair | 母囝椅
bwkviar | mother and son; mother and child | 母囝
bwkvoaf | military officer; military official; a military attache in a embassy | 武官
bwkwn | major root; the biggest root | 母根; 最大的根
bwky | a female dancer | 舞妓
bwlaam | male dance | 舞男
bwlai | interst with principal | 母利; 本利
bwlang | toy with; to romp; play jokes on | 撫弄; 侮弄; 玩弄
bwlek kansiap | interfere by use of force | 武力干涉
bwlek | military power; armed might; force; military power; by force | 武力
bwlie | dancing-girls; taxi dancer | 舞女
bwliim | the world or circle of boxers | 武林
bwliok | insult | 侮辱
bwlong | ridicule; make fun with; make a fool of | 舞弄; 侮弄
bwluo | dance-hostess | 舞女
bwnburn | give a wee smile | 吻吻; 微笑; 笑笑的
bwnbwn'chiøx | smile | 吻吻笑; 微笑
bwnchiøx | give a wee smile; smile | 吻笑; 微笑
bwnhap | dovetail | 吻合; 脗合
bwnpiet | kiss goodbye | 吻別
bwpea'axn | corruption case (legal) | 舞弊案
bwpex | fraud; corruption; manage a matter unfairly without the knowledge of a superior; indulge in malpractices especially officials | 舞弊
bwphafng | queen bee | 母蜂; 女王蜂; 蜂王
bwphvoa | dancing partner | 舞伴
bwpi | military preparedness | 武備
bwpo | dance step | 舞步
bwsefng | man playing martial role; formerly; a cadet | 武生
bwsexng | sages of martial arts | 武聖
bwsiin | the God of martial arts | 武神
bwsiuozaai | military official | 武秀才
bwsu | a cavalier; heroic fighter; warrior | 武士
bwsud | relieve | 撫恤
bwsut | military practice; skills in boxing; fencing; etc; fighting skill or feat | 武術
bwsutkym | pension | 撫恤金
bwsuxtø | Samurai spirit; Bushido warrior code | 武士道
bwsuxtøf | knight's sword | 武士刀
bwsyn | woman's figure; stalwart and strong figure; knight | 母身; 身材粗; 武身
bwtaai | stage for performances; stage | 舞台; 舞臺
bwtaikiok | stage play | 舞台劇
bwthay | mother's womb | 母胎
bwthea | mother's body | 母體
bwthoaan | dance troupe | 舞團
bwthviaf | night-club; dance-hall; dance hall | 舞廳
bwtii | dancing floor; dance floor | 舞池
bwtoaxn | jump to conclusions without regard to reason; logic; propriety; etc; decide arbitrarily | 武斷
bwtong | to brandish, to flourish | 舞動; 繁榮
bwtox | to wage a struggle by force | 舞動; 武鬥
bwturn bwturn | short and stout | 武頓武頓; 肥矮的
bwturn | short and stout | 武頓; 肥短
bwtviuu | dance hall | 舞場
bwtvoax | actress playing martial role; actors who take the parts of female warriors; character of a female warrior | 武旦
bwtø | dance | 舞蹈
bwtøf | practise sword | 舞刀
bwym | vowel | 母音
bwzaai | martial talent | 武才
bwzofng chimliok | armed aggression | 武裝侵略
bwzofng kaytii | disarmament | 武裝解除
bwzofng poxtui | armed forces | 武裝部隊
bwzofng | armor; armament; arm oneself with | 武裝
bwzok | mother's clan; the paternal clan | 母族
bwzw | dancing pose | 舞姿
bøbwkviar | no mother and child | 無母囝
chibwchiqzhu | soke softly, as if he was afraid of being heard | 嗤舞嗤呲
chiqbwchiqzhuh | whisper; murmur | 細聲說話; 耳語
chixbwchixzhuh | whisper | 交頭接耳
chiøx bwnburn | be all smiles; beaming | 笑吻吻; 笑瞇瞇
cybwsw | typhoid | 傷寒 [*]
eng bwlek | employ forcible means | 用武力
hegzuo-bwkhix | nuclear weapon | 核子武器
hudzuo bwkhix | nuclear weapons | 核子武器
hudzuo hongkhfong-bwkaxm | nuclear aircraft carrier | 核子航空母艦
iefnbwtviuu | martial arts field | 演武場
iong bwlek | resort to force of arms; use violence | 用武; 用武力
kebwphoee | goose flesh (skin); goose-pimples | 雞母皮; 雞皮疙瘩
kebwphøee | goose bumps | 雞母皮; 雞皮疙瘩
khongkwn-bwkvoaf | air attache | 空軍武官
koabwkiok | musical; operetta | 歌舞劇
koabwthoaan | song and dance ensemble | 歌舞團
lengbwchiaf | stroller | 奶母車
linbwchiaf | milk cart | 奶母車
nibwchiaf | milk cart | 奶母車
oanbwkheg | waltz | 圓舞曲
oanbwkhiog | waltz | 圓舞曲
palea-bwluo | ballerina | 芭蕾舞女
pexbwhoe | parents meeting | 爸母會
pexbwkvoaf | officers who care of people (like parents) | 爸母官; 縣官
pexbwoe | parents' words | 爸母話
pexbwsym | parents' hearts | 爸母心
suicioong bwkvoaf | an aide-de-camp | 隨從武官
texha bwthviaf | unlicensed cabarets | 地下舞廳
thiaobwhoe | dancing party | 跳舞會
thiaobwphvoa | dancing partner | 跳舞伴
thiutibwsoex | Taiwanese custom to have some children carry mom's last name | 抽豬母稅
thiutubwsex | Taiwanese custom to have some children carry mom's last name | 抽豬母稅
tibwleng'ar | sow tax | 豬母奶仔
tibwlyn | Hauil fig tree, Harland fig | 豬母乳; 豬母奶
tibwtiefn | sow seizure | 豬母癲
tibwzhaix | Portulaca oleracea (grass) | 豬母菜; 馬齒莧
tibwzhao | Portulaca oleracea (grass) | 豬母草; 馬齒莧
toaxbwlaang-toaxbwzerng | grown up | 大武人大武種
tubwni'ar | sow milk | 豬母奶仔
tubwtiefn | sow epilepsy | 豬母癲
tubwzhaix | sow vegetable | 豬母菜
tubwzuie | sow water | 豬母水
zarbwzhao | motherwort | 醡母草
zefngthaubwkofng | thumb | 指頭拇公
zngfthaubwkofng | thumb | 指頭拇公
zoanhux bwzofng | be armed to the teeth; with all the equipment issued to a soldier such as rifle; ammunition; sack; shovel | 全副武裝

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