"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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chiap'axn | larceny; burglary; theft or larceny case | 竊案
chiap'hoan | a person commit larceny; thief; burglar | 竊犯
chiapaai | license plate on a vehicle | 車牌
chiapaang | garage | 車房
chiapafn | scheduled bus or train; number of runs or flights (of a bus or train) | 車班; 行車班次
chiapafng | run; trip (of bus; train) | 車班
chiapai'ar | bus stop | 車牌仔; 公車招呼站
chiapchiab sugi | discuss something in secret; comment on something in whispers | 竊竊私議
chiapchiab sugie | talk stealthily or in a very low voice; to whisper | 竊竊私語
chiapchiab-suguo | to whisper to each other | 竊竊私語
chiapchiaux | snicker | 竊笑
chiapgiok thauhiofng | indulge in secret relations with women | 竊玉偷香
chiaphaf-liefntao | to turn a somersault | 車拋輪斗; 翻跟斗
chiaphiaam | suspicion | 竊嫌
chiaphiøx | bus or train ticket; train or bus ticket | 車票
chiaphøf | slope | 斜坡
chiapkux | to usurp | 竊據
chiapoah | to struggle | 車跌; 掙扎
chiapoaqperng | repetitiousness; dacapo; redouble; toss restlessly from side to side; be constantly moving from one situation to another | 車跌並; 亂滾; 輾轉翻覆; 換來換去
chiapthefng | wiretapper | 竊聽
chiapthviaf | eavesdrop; eavesdropping | 竊聽
chiapthviakhix | bugging device | 竊聽器
chiapto | steal, pilfer, theft, pilferage | 竊盜
chiaptø | burglar; theft; thief; larceny | 竊盜
chiaptøxkoong | kleptomania | 竊盜狂
chiaptøxzoe | theft; larceny | 竊盜罪
chiapurntao | turn a somersault | 車糞斗; 翻觔斗
chiapviax | (athletic or other) competition; match; struggle | 車拼; 火拼; 血拼; 博鬥
chiapvoaa | argue; conflict; to argue; to debate; to dispute | 爭執; 捙盤; 車搬; 爭論; 爭辯; 多費事
chiapvy | hypotenuse | 斜邊
chiapzhat | thief | 竊賊
hux chiapafng | rush to catch bus; train | 趕車; 赴車班
høefchiaphiøx | train ticket | 火車票
texngkii chiaphiøx | commuter ticket (archaic) | 定期車票

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