"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bagciw nihchiauq nihchiauq | blink in fear; amazement; loss or disappointment; blink back tears | 乾瞪眼; 望巴巴地
bichiaux | give a smile; give a wee smile | 微笑
chiapchiaux | snicker | 竊笑
chiau'iaam | mix with salt | 攪鹽
chiau'imsog huiky | supersonic plane | 超音速飛機
chiau'imsog | supersonic speed | 超音速
chiau'oar | move closer | 移倚; 移靠近
chiau'oat sikhofng | transcend time and space | 超越時空
chiau'oat | transcendency; outreach | 超越
chiau'u | search out | 搜有; 搜出來
chiaubøo | look but not find; to search without result | 搜無; 找無到
chiauchi | supermarket | 超市
chiauchiaau`leq | adjust, move to the proper place | 調調咧
chiauchiaf | overtake a car | 超車
chiauchiaw`leq | search, look for everywhere to find | 搜搜咧
chiaucy | overspend; overdraw | 超支
chiaugiah | exceed a quota or target; excess | 超額
chiauhiexnsit zwgi | surrealism | 超現實主義
chiauhoaan jibsexng | transcend worldliness and attain holiness | 超凡入聖
chiauhoaan | remarkable, unusual, to transcend worldly things | 超凡
chiauhoaf | sybaritic | 超華; 奢侈
chiauhoan | above the average; uncommon | 超凡
chiaui | parking space | 車位
chiauimphøf | ultrasound | 超音波
chiaujieen ee thaito | unconcerned attitude | 超然的態度
chiaujieen | unprejudiced; aloof from; with a detached air | 超然
chiaujiin | Superman; superman | 超人
chiaukef | to search somebody's house and confiscate his property | 搜家; 抄家
chiaukex | to surpass; to exceed; to outstrip; excessive; undue; overly | 移價; 講價
chiaukhvoax | search | 搜看
chiaukib chixtviuu | supermarket | 超級市場
chiaukib | superduty; super; of a special grade; of a special class | 超級
chiaukib-chixtviuu | supermarket | 超級市場
chiaukoex uxsoaxn | exceed the budget | 超過預算
chiaukoex | exceed; be more than; excel; surpass; overtake | 超過
chiaukud | to set a fracture; set a broken bone; replace a dislocated joint | 移骨; 接骨
chiaukuun zoadluun | surpassing all others | 超群絕倫
chiaukuun | (n) predomination; above the average; uncommon | 超群
chiaukvax | mixed yeast | 攪酵; 混合酵母
chiaukøex | outstep; more than; go beyond; on about | 超過
chiauleeng | over the specified age | 超齡
chiaulieen | aloof | 超然
chiauliin | superman | 超人
chiauluun | surpassing; outstanding | 超倫
chiauoat | excel, surpass, transcend, jump over | 超越
chiaupoaq | (v) the exchange of money or items between groups and people; turnover | 移撥; 挪移; 商酌; 週轉
chiaupoat | outstanding; surpassing; transcend | 超拔
chiaupvoaa | repeat tiresomely or endlessly | 超盤; 反覆爭吵
chiauq | make a clicking sound clappers; limp | 一拐一拐的; 敲
chiausefng | get a soul out of hell so as to be born again into the world (Buddhist), commute a death sentence | 超生
chiausexng ee untiern | supernatural benefits | 超聖的恩典
chiausexng | supernatural, transcending the natural power | 超聖; 超性
chiausioong | above the average; uncommon | 超常
chiausiw | receive more funds than needed; collect more tax revenues than expected | 超收
chiausoafui | move things slightly, without much alteration of their position | 移動, 挪移
chiausoar | move; immigrant | 移徙; 移開
chiausog | speeding; exceed the speed limit | 超速
chiausyn | to search somebody | 搜身
chiautafng chiausay | turn over everything in a room | 移東移西; 亂翻東西
chiautang | too heavy; overweight | 過重; 超重
chiauterng | surpass | 超等
chiauthoad | unconventional; transcend worldliness | 超脫
chiauthoo | mix mud or clay into a mass; mix mortar | 攪土
chiautiin poadsiok | transcend the worldly (originally a Buddhist expression) | 超塵拔俗
chiauto | to release souls from purgatory; assist a soul to get deliverance from punishment be born into this world again (Buddhism) | 超度; 超渡
chiauzaix | overload; overloading | 超載
chiauzhe | search | 搜揣
chiauzheg | coordinate; dispose anew | 協調; 重新配置; 搜測
chiauzhek | expression; manner; spirited; vigorous; mediate; accommodate; make peace | 超摵; 撨摵; 大變動; 調解; 活躍
chiauzhoe | (v) search for; meticulously look for; scour; do a search (for); look up; search | 抄找; 搜查; 搜索
chiauzhud | exceed; surpass; overtake | 超出
chiauzhutlaai | search out | 搜出來; 搜到
chiauzhux | search a house | 搜厝; 搜查房子
chiauzhøe | to search | 搜尋
chiauzoat | incomparable; unsurpassed; unequaled; transcendent | 超絕
chiauzuie | mix water with powder; lime or flour | 攪水; 拌水
chiauzuxjieen | supernatural | 超自然
chichiaux | to scoff at; to laugh at; a sneer; silly smile | 痴笑
hamchiaux kiwzoaan | be able to smile in Hades; die with satisfaction | 含笑九泉
hamchiaux | to smile, to grin, with a smile, smilingly | 含笑
hichiaux | mischievous smile | 嬉笑
hoanchiaux | to laugh merrily; make good cheer | 歡笑
hux-cy-itchiaux | laugh it off | 付之一笑
itchiaux | a smile | 一笑
khiawchiaux | smile | 巧笑
khofchiaux | to smile grimly; to force a smile | 苦笑
khokchiaux | to weap and smile | 哭笑
khøfchiaux | absurd; ridiculous; laughable | 可笑
kichiaux | to laugh at; to make fun of; to deride; to ridicule | 譏笑
lwchiaujiin | superwomen | 女超人
maixchiaux | to work as a prostitute; sell laugh | 賣笑
nihchiauq-nihchiauq | with no resource; everything gone | 眨拐眨拐; 乾瞪眼
phychiaux | sneer | 鄙笑
sujip chiaukøex | excess importation | 輸入超過
tamchiaux | talking and joking | 談笑
tauchiaux | sneerat; scoff; ridicule; mock; make fun of | 嘲笑
thechiaux | cry and laugh | 啼笑
thechiaux-kaihuy | neither to cry nor to laugh | 啼笑皆非
thengchiaui | parking space | 停車位
zhwchiaux | tease; play a joke | 取笑

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