"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Bøfchincied | Mother's Day: the second Sunday in May | 母親節
Huxchincied | Father's Day (August 8) | 父親節
chin'afng | one's own husband | 親翁; 親夫
chin'aix | dear; beloved; love; affection; dear | 親愛
chin'aix`ee | My dear | 親愛的
chin'iuo | intimate friend, close friend | 親友
chin'oong | hereditary prince | 親王
chinbak | with one's own eyes; personally; with one's own eyes | 親眼; 親目
chinbit | intimate; intimate; intimacy | 親密
chinbok | harmonious | 親睦
chinbuo | one's own mother | 親母; 母親
chinchied | cordial; friendly; goodwill; kindness; hospitable; kind; kindness; cordially | 親切
chinchietkarm | sense of friendliness; the feeling of kindness | 親切感
chinchiuo zøx | do personally | 親手做
chinchiuo | personally; with one's hands; by one's own hands | 親手
chinchiwpid | written in one's own hand; one's own handwriting | 親手筆
chinchviu | like; similar to; namely; for example; such as; just like; like as if; similar to; in the same manner or way; a likeness; resemble | 親像; 好像; 相似
chinchyn | in person, by himself | 親親
chincviaa | relatives; relative by marriage | 親成; 親戚;
chincviagoxzap | relatives and friends | 親情五十
chincviakafn | among one's relatives | 親戚間
chingarn | with one's own eyes; personally | 親眼
chingeeng | receive bride personally; to go to the bride's home to bring her to the groom's home | 親迎; 親自迎娶
chinhorhox | very friendly | 親戽戽; 很親
chinhvi | personally with one's own ears | 親耳
chinhviaf | real elder brother | 親兄
chinhw | one's own husband | 親夫
chinhølek | affinity; appetence | 親和力
chinhøo | kind; friendly | 親和
chinhøo-lek | affinity | 親和力
chinjiet | warm, cordial, intimate | 親熱
chinjiin | close relatives like parents; brothers; spouse or children | 親人
chinjim | personal appointment | 親任
chinkaw | deliver a letter or message personally; intimate friendship | 親交
chinkef | brother or sister's father-in-law; honorific title given to the fathers of married couple (used by the families of the couple) | 親家; 親家翁
chinkekofng | father-in-law | 親家公
chinkhao | talk to someone directly | 親口
chinkhea | something opened personally like a letter; confidential | 親啟; 親展
chinkin | close; intimate; familiar; intimate; to approach; draw near; bring about better relationships | 親近
chinkoaan | the right to assume guardianship for one's own children before they come of age | 親權
chinkoaxn | family members | 親眷
chinkun | approach with good-will; approach, seaw near (relationship) | 親近
chinkutjiok | relationship between parents and children (Lit. one's own flesh and blood) | 親骨肉
chinkutliok | flesh and blood - children | 親骨肉
chinlaang | relatives; close relatives- as parents; brothers; spouse; children | 親人
chinlek | very intimate | 親暱
chinlie | in person | 親臨
chinliim | to come in person; someone like a superior or elder attend or come in person | 親臨
chinlip | establish something in person | 親立
chinpe | the real father | 親父
chinpeeng hvofiuo | relatives and friends | 親朋好友
chinpeeng | relatives and friends | 親朋
chinpid ee phoef | letter in one's own handwriting | 親筆的信
chinpid | personally; written by one's own hand; write with one's own hand | 親筆
chinpitsixn | letter in one's own handwriting | 親筆信
chinsiar | personally; written by one's own hand | 親寫
chinsien | mutually friendly; friendship or goodwill | 親善
chinsiok | kinsfolk; relatives | 親屬
chinsiong kachyn | add relationship to relationship; to marry a relative; to be doubly connected like by marrying a cousin | 親上加親
chinsiw | receive in person | 親收
chinsixn | confidant; trusted subordinate | 親信
chinsof | intimacy | 親疏
chinsu | affair of a marriage; marriage | 親事
chinsvef pexbør | one's own parents as distinct from foster parents or step parents | 親生爸母
chinsvef | one's own children | 親生
chinsvekviar | one's own real child | 親生囝
chinsvikviar | one's own real child | 親生囝
chinsvy | one's own (children; parents) | 親生
chinsyn | personally; in person; in person; personally | 親身; 親自
chintiern | confidential | 親展
chintiorng | elders | 親長
chintongchiwciog | intimate friendship | 親同手足
chintoong | cousins of father's side | 親堂
chinzeeng | affection; good feeling among relatives; natural affection of one's family | 親情
chinzefng | personal enlistment | 親征
chinzexng | governed personally | 親政
chinzheg | relatives; relatives on the father's side | 親戚
chinzhuix | kiss; spoken right from one's own mouth; to state personally; straight from the horse's mouth | 親嘴; 親喙; 親口
chinzok | clansmen; cognation; sib; relatives on the father's side | 親族
chinzu zhutmar | go out and take care of something in person; to confront the enemy personally | 親自出馬
chinzu | oneself; personally; in person; for oneself; personally; in person | 親自
chinzuo | father and son | 親子
høfchinchviu | to resemble, to seem, to look like, as if | 好親像
khafn-chincviaa | act as a go-between | 牽親戚; 做媒
khwnchinhoe | social gathering; a social | 懇親會
kofngchincviaa | propose a marriage as a matchmaker | 說親成
nafchinchviu | as if | 若親像
nar chinchviu | it looks like; just as if | 好像; 正如
nar-chinchviu | be somewhat like | 哪親像; 若親像; 像是
oanchinzeazuo | grievance creditor | 冤親債主
simkvoaf chinchviu tøf teq koaq | heart feels like it is being cut by a knife ─ heart broken | 心如刀割
siøf-chinchviu | resemble; seem to be alike | 相親像
svachinchviu | alike | 相親像
svaf-chinchviu | be mutually like, be mutually similar | 相親像; 相像
tidhe chinzok | direct or linear relation (as opposed to a collateral relation) | 直系親族
zhoaxchincviaa | children get married | 娶親成
zoeachincviaa | become relatives | 做親成
zoex-chincviaa | became relatives | 做親成
zongchinhoe | clan association | 宗親會
zørchincviaa | become relatives | 做親成

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