"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: chiok

chiok | to shock; to rely on; to mold; knead flour; to work clay | 撼; 浞; 揉搗; 搓; 捏; 摶; 揉扞
chiok'hoad | triggering; trigger; touch off; touch off a war or dispute; to touch one's feelings | 觸發
chiok'hoan | touch a sore spot, offend unintentionally | 觸犯
chiok'hø | nickname | 綽號
chiok'iok | to leap with joy | 雀躍
chiokbak | eye-catching, attractive | 觸目; 醒目
chiokboezef | catalyst | 觸媒劑
chiokboezok'iong | catalysis | 觸媒作用
chiokbok siongsym | see something which brings someone's sorrowful memory to mind | 觸目傷心
chiokchiog | enough; plenty | 綽綽
chiokciaw | to strike a reef | 觸礁
chiokciog | enough to say | 綽足
chiokcixn | to promote; to advance; to encourage; press forward; accelerate; promote; promotion | 促進
chiokkag | the sense of touch; the tactile sense; feelers; tentacles; antennae | 觸角; 觸覺
chiokkerng sengzeeng | scenes or circumstances arouse a sense of joy or sorrow | 觸景生情
chiokkerng siongzeeng | see an object which brings a person to mind with sorrow | 觸景傷情
chiokkerng | in the scene | 觸景
chiokky | touch | 觸機
chioklo | to arouse the anger of | 觸怒
chioklong | play a trick on; make a monkey of; poke fun at | 捉弄
chioklui | by previous knowledge of similar objects | 觸類
chiokluii | hit a floating mine; step on a land mine | 觸雷
chiokløo | to grapple | 觸搏; 捉牢
chiokmuii | accelerant; catalyst | 觸媒
chioknar | catch | 捉拿
chiokpafn | freckles | 雀斑
chiokpeg | urge; to hurry along | 促迫
chiokseeng | facilitate; effect; help realize (project; success) | 促成
chioksiaw | promotion | 促銷
chioksiuo | tentacle | 觸手
chioksuo | prompt | 促使
chioktien | to get an electric shock; electric shock; get an electric shock | 觸電
chioktong | to stir up someone's feeling; move one's heart; be touched emotionally | 觸動; 推動
chioktøf | to ghostwrite | 捉刀
chiokzhat | Japanese sparrow-hawk | 雀漆; 雀鷹
chiokzu | caught | 捉住
chiokzø | sit up | 促坐
moachiokjyar | sparrow | 麻雀子仔
moachioklyar | a type of majon | 麻雀子仔
pofhofng chiok'erng | chase the wind and catch the shadow ─ talk that is not substantiated by any evidence or proof; to grasp at shadows; trump up a story | 補風捉影
tuiechiok | oppose face to face | 對觸; 對抗

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