"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Paktawchitchvy | Big Dipper | 北斗七星
Serngbør chitkhor | The Seven Dolors (Catholic) | 聖母七苦
Serngsiin chit'wn | seven gifts of Holy Ghost (Catholic) | 聖神七恩
chit'afkhoef | drug store cowboy; girl watcher; stagedoor Johnny; gigolo | 七仔花; 喜歡玩弄女人的人
chit'ar | eraser | 七仔; 拭仔; 板擦; 橡皮
chit'ee | seven items | 七個
chit'hieen-khiim | zither | 七弦琴
chit'hienkhiim | seven-stringed Chinese musical instrument | 七弦琴
chit'hioong | 7 heros | 七雄
chit'høex | seven years old | 七歲
chit'iaa | a god worshiped in Taiwan | 七爺
chit'iau | seven magnificent | 七曜
chitbin | dry the face | 擦臉
chitbøea | seven fish | 七尾
chitchid | seventy seven | 七七
chitchvy | seven stars of the Big Dipper | 七歲; 七星; 北斗七星
chitciaq | seven | 七隻
chitcied pehkhaux | big discounts in bargain sales; make allowance for inaccuracy; exaggeration in a statement or report | 七折八扣
chitcied | discount of 30 percent | 七折
chitcied-pøehkhaux | various deductions; big discounts | 七折八扣
chitcymoe | seven sisters | 七姐妹
chitgeh | July; the seventh month of lunar year; when the spirits of the dead are let out of the underworld and are specially worshipped | 七月
chitgieen | verses of seven-character lines | 七言
chitgieen-patguo | all talking at once; lively discussion with everybody trying to get a word in | 七言八語
chitgieen-sy | verses of seven-character lines | 七言詩
chitgiensy | an eight-line poem with seven characters to a line; verses with seven characters to a line | 七言詩
chitgoeqpvoax | fifteenth of the seventh lunar month, special day for worship of ancestral tablets | 七月十五, 中元
chitgøeh | July | 七月
chitgøeh-pvoax | a festival on the seventh full moon in a lunar year | 七月半; 中元
chitgøeqpvoax | fifteenth of the seventh lunar month; special day for worship of ancestral tablets | 七月半; 中元
chitiong | prudent; cautious | 持重
chitji'ar | Taiwanese drama tune with 7 words | 七字仔
chitjit | seven days | 七日
chitkhab pehtør | everything going wrong; topsy-turvy; in great confusion | 一塌糊塗; 七顛八倒
chitkhafng | seven holes | 七孔
chitkharpafng | a seven-piece puzzle; a Chinese puzzle | 七巧板
chitkhaux pehtii | various discounts; deductions; run up a heavy list of deductions and countercharges, making out that there is very little, if anything, to be paid | 七扣八除
chitkhaux-pøehtuu | not much left after various deductions | 七扣八除
chitkhazhngf | wipe the bottom (of a baby or old person), to deal with a failure situation | 擦屁股, 收拾殘局
chitkhiaux | the seven apertures in the human head; seven apertures in human head; eyes; ears; nostrils; mouth | 七竅
chitkhix | to wipe off | 拭去
chitkhof | seven dollars | 七箍; 七元
chitkhorng | two eyes; two ear holes; two nostrils and one mouth in human face; the seven apertures in the human head; eyes; ears; nose and mouth | 七孔; 七竅
chitlau pehlau | very old | 七老八老; 年事太高
chitlauxpehlau | very old | 七老八老
chitlauxpoehlau | very old | 七老八老
chitli'ar | Taiwanese drama tune with 7 words | 七字仔
chitliap | seven (circular objects; such as balls or oranges) | 七粒
chitloong pehpoe | very troubled; distressed | 七狼八狽; 亂七八糟
chitlut | an eight-line poem with seven characters to a line | 七律
chitlyhiofng | rutaceae | 七里香
chitniumafsvy | a goddess birthday | 七娘媽生
chitniumar | a woman weaver; goddess of the Pleiades; the seven daughters of Atlas placed among the stars to save them from Orion. The invisible one hides either from grief or shame; the stars in the constellation Taurus | 七娘媽; 織女
chitpaq | seven hundred | 七百
chitpheg | seven inferior souls (Taoism) | 七魄
chitphirn | seventh grade; seventh step in schema of (Catholic) Holy Orders; a deacon | 七品
chitpo-sengsy | | 七步成詩
chitpoxzoaa | cobra | 七步蛇
chitpør | seven treasures | 七寶
chitseg | seven color of the spectrum | 七色
chitsek | the seventh evening of July in a lunar year; the seventh night of the seventh moon; when the legendary Cowherd and Weaving Maid meet each other for their once a year tryst over a bridge formed by sympathetic magpies over the Milky Way (the day is a festival for girls and young lovers) | 七夕
chitsekpaai | seven colors porkers | 七色牌
chitsiah | lunar 7/7 night | 七夕
chitsuun | seventy years; seventy days; the seven periods of seven days in the mourning period for parents | 七旬
chittaf | drying up | 擦乾
chittex | seven blocks | 七塊
chitthofng pattat | very erudite; know everything; with facilities of communication; accessible from all directions | 七通八達
chitthofng-pattat | well developed transportation system; very convenient | 七通八達
chitthø'ar | playboy; man of pleasure | 拭桃仔; 流氓
chitthølaang | playboy; man of pleasure | 拭桃人; 流氓
chitthømih | toy, plaything | 拭桃物; 𨑨迌物; 玩具
chitthømih'ar | toys | 𨑨迌物仔
chitthømiqar | a plaything, a toy | 玩具
chitthømngh | toys | 𨑨迌物
chitthøo | play; have fun; doing for pleasure and amusement | 玩耍; 𨑨迌; 拭桃
chitthøo-gyn'ar | playboy | 拭桃囝仔; 𨑨迌囡仔
chitthøo-laang | playboy | 拭桃人; 𨑨迌人; 遊盪人
chitthøo-zabor | loose woman, prostitute | 拭桃查某; 𨑨迌查某; 玩女人
chitthøzabor | prostitute | 𨑨迌查某
chittiau | rub out | 拭掉; 擦掉
chittiefn pehtør | constantly stumbling and falling; in constant trouble and calamity; topsy-turvy; all in confusion | 七顛八倒
chittiet | seventy years of age | 七秩
chittøq | mop table | 拭桌
chitun | dull; imbecile; stupid | 癡鈍
chitzafpehzar | early in the morning | 七早八早
chitzafpoehzar | early in the morning | 七早八早
chitzap | seventy | 七十
chitzar pehzar | very early in the morning | 七早八早; 一大早
chitzarnthaq | seven storied pagoda | 七層塔
chitzeeng liog'iok | Buddhism: the seven emotions-happiness (喜); anger (怒); sorrow (哀); joy (樂); love (愛); hate (恨); and desire (慾)--and the six sensory pleasures derived from the eyes; ears; nose; tongue; body and mind | 七情六慾
chitzeeng | seven passions; seven passions: joy; anger; sorrow; fear; love; hate; desire | 七情
chitzhae | colorful | 七彩
chitzhuix | to wipe mouth clean; wipe mouth | 擦嘴; 擦嘴巴
chitzhuix-pøehcih | all talking at once | 七嘴八舌
chitzhvef | the seven principal stars which form the Great Dipper in the constellation Ursa Major | 七星
chitzoat | a verse of four lines with seven characters to a line | 七絕
chitzøx peq mxtiøh | make a mess of things (Lit. Do seven things; eight are wrong.) | 七做八無對; 屢做屢錯
chiuxlefng chit'ar | eraser | 樹乳拭仔; 橡皮擦子
lixpoxchit'ar | skillful | 二步七仔
nngxpoxchit'ar | skillful person | 兩步七仔
opangchit'ar | chalkboard eraser | 烏枋拭仔
peqzhat-chit'ar | lier | 白賊七仔
poah-chitthøo | play a game of chance for amusement or for very small stakes | 賭拭桃
samchit'ar | rapporteur | 三七仔
samchitgvor kiafmzof | 375% rental reduction policy: the first step taken in Taiwan's land reform program; under which the ceiling of farm rental was fixed 375 of the yield | 三七五減租
samhuun chitpheg | three spirits and seven animal souls which a human possesses | 三魂七魄
tahchittahpeq | stick everywhere | 貼七貼八
zoeachitlit | perform 7th day memorial rites after his death | 做七日

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