"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: chiux

Ciah koefcie bøo paix chiuxthaau | ungrateful to the benefactors | 吃果子無拜樹頭; 忘本
aang-chiuxmm | strawberry tree | 紅樹梅; 楊梅
chiux | wrinkles; crape; to construct with bricks | 皺; 縐; 甃
chiuxbak | tree; arbor; trees (in general) | 樹木
chiuxbea | treetops | 樹尾
chiuxboea | top of tree | 樹尾
chiuxbøea | top of tree | 樹尾
chiuxciab | sap | 樹汁
chiuxcichiafm | shredded tapioca | 樹薯籤
chiuxcie | resin; resin | 樹子; 樹脂
chiuxcihurn | cassava; tapioca | 樹薯粉
chiuxcii | tropical plant | 樹薯
chiuxe | under the tree | 樹下
chiuxgee | tree bud | 樹芽
chiuxhiøh | leaf; leaves | 樹葉
chiuxhiøqar | leaves | 樹葉仔
chiuxkaf | resin; resin; gum | 樹膠; 樹脂
chiuxkhaf | under a tree | 樹腳; 樹跤; 樹下
chiuxkhag | tree peel | 樹殼
chiuxkhii | a tree frog | 樹蛙
chiuxkvoae | the trunk of a tree | 樹桿; 樹幹
chiuxkwn | root; rootage | 樹根
chiuxky | branch; ramification | 樹枝
chiuxkyn | root; tree root | 樹根
chiuxlah | tree wax | 樹臘
chiuxleeng | age of a tree | 樹齡
chiuxlef | branches | 樹絡
chiuxlefng chit'ar | eraser | 樹乳拭仔; 橡皮擦子
chiuxlefng phiag'ar | slingshot | 樹乳甓仔; 彈弓
chiuxlefng sok'ar | rubber band | 樹乳束仔; 橡皮圈
chiuxlefng | rubber | 樹乳; 樹奶; 橡膠
chiuxleng'ee | rubber shoes or boots | 樹乳鞋; 橡皮鞋
chiuxlengkoo | gum arabic; mucilage | 樹乳糊; 橡皮膠
chiuxlengkorng | rubber tube | 樹乳管; 橡皮管
chiuxlengpox | rubber sheet | 樹乳布; 橡皮布
chiuxlengtea | rubber soled shoes | 樹乳底; 橡皮底 (鞋)
chiuxlengthngg | chewing gum | 樹奶糖
chiuxliuu | tree tumor | 樹瘤
chiuxlyn | gum; rubber | 樹乳; 橡膠; 橡皮
chiuxmm | strawberry tree, basysherry | 樹梅; 楊梅
chiuxnaa | forest, wood | 樹林
chiuxnaa-lai | in the forest | 樹林內
chiuxngr | the shade of a tree; a leafy shade | 樹蔭
chiuxnithngg | chewing gum | 樹奶糖
chiuxny | rubber | 樹乳; 樹奶; 橡膠
chiuxny-kefng | a slingshot | 橡乳弓; 彈弓
chiuxny-khof | rubber ring | 樹乳箍; 橡皮圈
chiuxny-kngr | rubber tube | 樹乳管
chiuxny-koo | rubber cement | 樹乳糊; 樹奶糊; 漿糊
chiuxny-korng | rubber tube | 樹乳管; 橡皮管
chiuxny-liern | rubber tire | 樹乳輪; 輪胎
chiuxny-thaau | rubber tree holes for gathering rubber ring | 樹乳頭
chiuxny-thngg | gum | 樹乳糖; 橡皮糖
chiuxny-toax | rubber belt | 樹乳帶
chiuxny-øee | rubber shoes | 樹乳鞋; 橡膠鞋
chiuxoef | branches or limbs of a tree | 樹萵; 樹枝
chiuxpag | (n) tree trunk | 樹腹; 樹幹
chiuxphoee | bark of a tree | 樹皮
chiuxphøee | rind; bark | 樹皮
chiuxpvy | around a tree | 樹邊
chiuxsiaw | the tip of a tree; a treetop | 樹梢
chiuxsieen | cicadas | 樹蟬
chiuxsiin | a tree became God | 樹神
chiuxsym | heart of tree-trunk | 樹心
chiuxsyn | (n) tree trunk; trunk of a tree | 樹身; 樹幹
chiuxtau | pigeon pea | 樹豆
chiuxterng | top of a tree | 樹頂
chiuxthaau | bottom of a bole; stump; trunk | 樹頭; 樹椿
chiuxtiin | a climbing fern | 樹藤
chiuxtong | hole of the bole | 樹洞
chiuxviar | shadow | 樹影
chiuxvie | a sapling | 樹苗
chiuxym | tree shadow | 樹陰
chiuxzaang | a tree | 樹叢
chiuxzay | plant and nourish tree seedlings | 樹栽
chiuxzuu | casaba | 樹薯
hahchiux | sneeze | 喝嚏; 打嚏聲
hoat chiuxzay | plant and nourish tree seedlings | 培植樹苗
kvanafchiuxoef | olive branch (symbol of peace) | 橄欖樹萵; 樹枝
lenggefngchiuxkhaf | under logan tree | 龍眼樹跤
liwchiuxky | willow branch | 柳樹枝
liwchiuxlaxm | willow | 柳樹湳
naixcichiuxkhaf | lychee tree bottom | 荔枝樹跤
naixcichiuxterng | lychee tree top | 荔枝樹頂
peklieen chiuxjiin | Education of the people takes a hundred years to bear fruit | 百年樹人
phud chiuxoef | cut off twigs; lop off branches | 砍樹枝
siør-chiuxnaa | grove | 小樹林
tiaq chiuxoef | to snap off twigs | 摘樹枝
toaxchiuxkhaf | under big tree | 大樹跤
zheng'afchiuxkhaf | banyan tree bottom | 榕仔樹跤
zheng'afchiuxkofng | old banyan tree | 榕仔樹公
zheng'afchiuxterng | banyan tree top | 榕仔樹頂
zhengchiuxkhaf | banyan tree bottom | 榕樹跤
zhuiehiøqchiuxpvy | broken leaf tree edge | 碎葉樹邊
zhvechiuxzaang | areca tree | 青樹欉

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