"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: chix

biefnchix | admit without examination | 免試
biexnchix | interview; oral examination | 面試
bixnchix | interview | 面試
bongthvy chirnchixn | not to know any obstacles; not to be intimidated | 無知天高地厚
bunchixpo | retail section | 門市部
bøkaux chixn | weigh anything lighter than it should be | 無夠秤
chiaukib chixtviuu | supermarket | 超級市場
chiaukib-chixtviuu | supermarket | 超級市場
chienkinchixn | crane | 千斤秤
chienkunchixn | srane | 千斤秤
chirnchixn | chilly | 凊凊
chirnchixn`leq | take a weight | 秤秤咧
chiuchixn | pleasantly cool weather; wind or place | 秋凊; 納涼; 涼爽
chix khvoarbai`leq | just try it | 試看覓咧
chix kiamcviar | taste the flavor; test | 試鹹淡; 考驗
chix zubi | taste test | 試滋味
chix | a thorn; wings; test; ; try; to test; to experiment; a test; examine; an examination | 刺; 螯; 試; 翅
chix`sie | stab to death | 刺死
chixbarng | feed mosquitoes, let mosquitoes bite | 飼蚊; 被蚊子咬; house; (imply; empty); a; leaving
chixbiin taixhoe | mass meeting of citizens | 市民大會
chixbiin | city-dweller; citizen; residents of a city; citizens | 市民
chixbin | market; downtown; shopping area; business situation; market conditions | 市面
chixbuo-chixzha | boisterously | 吵吵鬧鬧
chixbwchixzhuh | whisper | 交頭接耳
chixeeng bahsuq | city bus | 市營公共汽車
chixeeng | municipalization; city management enterprise or undertaking | 市營
chixgixhoe | municipal assembly | 市議會
chixgixoaan | municipal assemblyman | 市議員
chixgoa | extramural; outskirts of a city | 市外
chixguu | graze cattle | 放牛
chixhor | dangerous automobile | 市虎
chixioong | outlook of a city; appearance of a city (including buildings; roads; environmental sanitation) | 市容
chixiorng | live a comfortable well-fed life; to raise a child; rear | 養育
chixkao | raise dog | 飼狗
chixkaw | suburb; outskirts of a city | 市郊
chixkex | market price; market prices; current price | 市價
chixkhw | cantonal; downtown; area within the city limits; downtown area | 市區
chixkimhii | support good-looking young man | 飼金魚; 養小白臉
chixkongsor | city administration office | 市公所
chixkviar | bring up the children | 飼囝; 養育子女
chixkyn | catty equaling 500 grams | 市斤
chixkøef | streets of a city | 市街
chixlai | downtown; in the city; inside the city | 市內
chixlai-chiaf | city bus | 市內車
chixlai-laang | oppidan | 市內人
chixlefng | feed with one's milk; as mother or nurse; to suckle | 餵乳
chixliau | fodder; provender for animals; animal feeds; fodder; forage | 飼料
chixliau-lenghurn | milk for feeding animals | 飼料奶粉
chixlip haghau | Schools established by City; municipal schools | 市立學校
chixlip | established by city government; established with city government funds; operated by or under the jurisdiction of a city government | 市立
chixm | to falsely charge; to slander | 譖
chixn | for the time being; to weigh; to serve as background; chilly; ; weighing scale; a steelyard; weigh | 且; 凊; 秤; 稱; 冷; 襯
chixny | milk feeding | 飼奶
chixphafng | raise bees | 養蜂
chixpøx | city newspaper | 市報
chixtixn | cities and towns | 市鎮
chixtviuo | mayor; mayor | 市長
chixtviuu | marketplace; domestic or world market; market place | 市場
chixviuu | let the sheep go to pasture; to pasture goats and sheep | 放羊; 飼羊
chixzabor | keep a mistress | 飼查某
chixzeeng | market trend | 市情
chixzernghuo | city government | 市政府
chixzex | municipal bonds | 市債
chixzexng | civicism; municipal administration | 市政
chixzha | noisily | 吵鬧
chixzhao | situation; circumstances of market | 市草; 市場狀況
chixzw | cultured pearl | 飼珠
chiøchixn | cool oneself | 冷靜; 涼快
chvichixn | chilling, creepy | 青凊; 生凊
ciamchix | pin; needle; thorn; sting | 針刺
ciamchix-hoad | acupuncture | 針刺法
cieen chixtviuo | ex mayor | 前市長
cienjim chixtviuo | former mayor | 前任市長
cinchix | screening | 甄試
ciuxgiap khøfchix | test for prospective employees | 就業考試
cyn-chiuchixn | very cool | 真秋凊
eng'u chixbinzexng | certificate of honorary citizenship | 榮譽市民證
erngchix | participate in an examination; sit for an examination | 應試; 應考
gafntiongchix | the most hated person (Lit. thorn (nail) in the eye) | 眼中刺
giaq chix | picking thorns | 撠刺
gutøf siøfchix | waste of energy (Lit. use a large butcher knife to cut a little thing) | 牛刀小試
gviawchix | pick a thorn out | 挑刺
hagnii khøfchix | annual or final exam | 學年考試
hengchix | to assassinate | 行剌; 行刺
hichix | shark's fins (food); shark fin prepared to eat | 背鰭; 魚刺; 魚骨; 魚翅
hichixtviuu | fish market | 魚市場
hoexchix | formerly; national examination | 會試
hofngchix | ridicule, satirize, lampoon | 彷笑; 諷刺; 嘲笑
hongchix siawsoad | satirical novel | 諷刺小說
hongchix | satirize; irony; to ridicule | 諷刺; 風刺
honghwn-chixtviuu | evening market | 黃昏市場
huchix | fish bone | 魚刺
huochix | go to an examination | 赴試
hwnchix | pimples; acne | 粉刺
høchix | (literary) no less than | 何啻
jibhak-khøfchix | entrance examination of a school | 入學考試
karmchix | proctor an examination | 監試
kauxchix | thorny; prickly; full of thorns or fish bones | 多刺; 多刺的; 厚刺
kazawchixtviuu | flea market | 跳蚤市場
kekchix | earwigs, dermaptera (insect) | 激刺; 革翅目
khawchix | an oral examination | 口試
khinchixn | thing which weighs lighter than its appearance | 輕秤; 重量輕
khøfchix | examination; test; to test | 考試
khøfchix-vi | Examination Yuan | 考試院
kiboat-khøfchix | final examination of a school term; semester exam | 期末考試
kibøea-khøfchix | final examination | 期尾考試
kichix | to taunt | 譏刺; 譏諷
kitiofng-khøfchix | mid-term examination | 期中考試
kofphiøx chixtviuu | stock market | 股票市場
kofy chixtviuu | second hand clothing market | 估衣市場
kvoachixn | cold (climate); frigid; very cold | 寒凊; 寒冷
køfzhaix-chixtviuu | fruit | 果菜市場
køkib-chixtviuu | high class market | 高級市場
køterng-khøfchix | the Higher Civil Service Examination (the higher of the two grades of civil service examinations in the Republic of China) | 高等考試
laqchix | coast spinifex | 臘刺; 老鼠刺
loan-chixzha | (idiom) in a mess | 亂七糟
mngchixpo | retail section | 門市部
oaikøf-chixzhoah | all a hideous mess; in a state of confusion: | 歪三倒四; 亂七八糟
phangchix | bee's sting | 蜂刺
phiauchix | mark; label; sign; distinguishing sign | 標幟
phoatchix | splash | 潑刺
phofthofng khøfchix | junior grade civil service examination | 普通考試
pitchix | written examination | 筆試
pitgiap khøfchix | graduation examination | 畢業考試
pixchix | be assassinated | 被刺
poatchix | poke | 撥刺
purnsørchixtviuu | dung market | 糞埽市場
putchix | as in | 無啻
seakaix chixtviuu | world markets | 世界市場
senghak khøfchix | entrance exam for a higher school | 升學考試
sinpakchixtiorng | New Taiepe City Mayor | 新北市長
siongchix | attempt; take a hack at; tryout | 嘗試
siuxchix | be tempted | 受試; 受試探
soahichix | shark's fins | 鯊魚刺
soahii-chix | shark's fins | 鯊魚翅
tawchixn | peck and steelyard; weights and measures | 斗秤
taxngchixn | heavier; having a greater specific gravity | 重秤; (果菜)
tefngchix | termite, white ants | 上刺; 等翅目
tekchix | long thin bamboo branch or thorn | 竹刺
texngkii khøfchix | periodic examinations | 定期考試
thaumoo chix høea | to rush into evident danger; throw an egg into the electric fan (Lit. see if fire will burn my hair) | 以髮試火; 跳進火坑
thihchix | iron goad | 鐵刺
tngf chixtviuo | be a mayor | 當市長
toaxchixn | big scales | 大秤
tochixhoax | urbanize; urbanized; urbanization | 都市化
tochixlaang | city people | 都市人
tochixlai | inside city | 都市內
tochixpvi | endemic disease among city dwellers | 都市病
togchix | poisonous thorn | 毒刺
uxchix | pretest | 預試
vixchix | a special academic exam | 院試
zerngkoaxn chixtviuu | stock market | 證券市場
zhawchix | thorn, brier | 草刺; 荊棘
zhochix | first trial or experience | 初試
zhuiechixn | feel sick or nauseous and have no appetite | 嘴凊; 淡澀
zhvechixn | chilly | 青凊; 生凊; 陰冷的; 悽涼
zuychixn | water level | 水秤; 水準器

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