"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Hokchviar | Fuqing; Fu-ching (a city near Fuzhou) | 福清
angheng zhutchviuu | commit adultery (in case of a married woman) | 紅杏出牆
bagchviu | carpenter; carpenter; carpentry | 木匠
bagchviu-saihu | a carpenter | 木匠
bagchviuxsaihu | carpenter | 木匠
bagchviuxtiaxm | carpenter's shop; cabinet maker's store or establishment | 木匠店
baxnchviafkorng | don't speak just now | 慢且講; 先別說
baxnchviafsi | Wait a minute! Don't do it right now | 慢且是; 慢著
baxnchviar | wait | 慢且
bengchviuo armthaw | rob openly; to steal secretly | 明搶暗偷
bexchviux | street minstrel; sing along the streets for a living | 賣唱
bixnchviw | complexion; facial expression; countenance; appearance; shape or features of the face; the outline or contours of a face | 面腔; 面貌; 相貌; 面相; 臉相; 臉色
bofngchviar | temporarily | 罔且; 姑且; 從權; 暫且
bogkangchviuo | woodworking plant or shop | 木工廠
chiachviuo | car factory | 車廠
chiaochviu | comedian | 笑匠
chinchviu | like; similar to; namely; for example; such as; just like; like as if; similar to; in the same manner or way; a likeness; resemble | 親像; 好像; 相似
chvi'afzaang | a rash fellow; a reckless guy; a daredevil | 冒失鬼; 青仔欉
chvi'angtefng | traffic light | 青紅燈; 紅綠燈
chvi'ar | indigo plant, betel-nut palm | 青仔; 菁仔; 木藍
chvi'ar-chiu | areca | 青仔樹; 檳榔樹
chvi'ar-zaang | palm-tree, romping girl, flapper | 青仔叢; 菁仔欉
chvi'iaw | very hungry | 青飢; 饑餓
chvi'miguu | an illiterate | 青瞑牛; 文盲
chvi'mr | brother or sister's mother-in-law | 親姆; 親家母
chvi'ngg | pale and yellowish (looking) | 青黃; 黃膽病
chvi'nng | raw egg | 生卵
chvi'ofng | eastern blue-tail robin | 青翁; 籃尾唧
chvi'øo | raw oyster | 生蚵
chvia'iorng | foster; rear | 成養; 養育
chvia'oe | twist the meaning; change what someone said | 成話; 改歪他人的話
chviaa | finish; complete; accomplish; become; turn into; win; succeed; one tenth; foster; rear; take care of; manage properly; rear and educate; help out | 成; 晟; 撫養; 照顧; 養育
chviaboea | complete properly what has been unfinished | 成尾; 最後修正
chviaf | clear; distinct; complete; pure; egg white; protein; albumen | 清
chviafban | avast; wait a moment; Hold it! Not so fast! | 且慢; 等一下
chviafcidpvy | this way, please | 請一邊
chviafciuo | treat with alcohol; invite guests to a banquet | 請酒; 請喝酒
chviafhwn | treat with cigarette | 敬煙
chviafiong | please help yourself | 請用
chviafkheq | entertain; feast; treat; invite guests; give a party | 請客
chviaflangkheq | banquet | 請人客
chviafleng | please order | 請令
chviafmng | May I ask; would you please tell me; May I ask you?; Please tell me… | 請問
chviafpien | do as you like; make yourself at home | 請便
chviafput | ask buddha | 請佛
chviafsiin | carry an idol in procession | 請神
chviaftarn | just a second | 且等
chviaftee | please drink tea; offer tea to a person | 請茶
chviafthiab | invitation; an invitation card | 請帖
chviaftoq | invite to a feast | 請桌
chviaftvoaf | invitation card | 請單
chviaftøq | entertain; feast; treat | 請桌; 擺桌宴客; 請赴宴會
chviafze | Please take your seat.; Please have a seat. | 請坐
chviafzhud | please go out | 請出
chviaiorng | nurture | 晟養
chviakeg | Decoration | 成革; 裝潢
chviamia | fatal; mortal; deadly; to sacrifice one's life | 成命; 致命
chviar be khie | cannot afford to hire a teacher; cannot afford to invite a guest to a restaurant because of the expense | 請無起
chviar be laai | unable to make someone come by invitation | 請無來
chviar cidpvy | put aside temporarily | 請一邊; 暫時放一邊
chviar isefng | send for a doctor | 請醫生
chviar | and; to request; request with great earnestness ─ (used in an application) | 且; 請
chviar`lie | please | 請你
chviarchiaf | hire a cab or truck together with its driver | 雇車
chviarchviax`leq | after hired people | 請請咧; 僱僱咧
chviarkafng | to hire worker; hired laborer; hire a workman | 僱工; 雇工
chviarlaang | hire someone to do something; hire; engage (servant; official help; laborer) | 僱人; 雇人
chviarzuun | charter or hire a boat | 雇船
chviatii | to foster; to bring up; to raise | 扶養; 撫養
chviax be khie | cannot afford to hire | 雇無起
chviax | to hire | 僱; 倩; 僱用
chviax`ee | employee | 倩的; 佣人; 雇之人
chvibak | unfamiliarly eyes ? | 生目
chvibin | unfamiliarly face | 生面; 怒顏
chvibin-liaugee | green-faced and long-toothed; terrifying in appearance | 青面獠牙
chvibixnhor | a bad-tempered or a crabby person | 青面虎; 易怒者
chvibixnliaugee | green-faced fangs - horrible face | 青面獠牙
chvichiuo | an inexperienced hand | 生手
chvichixn | chilling, creepy | 青凊; 生凊
chvichiøq | fresh | 新鮮
chvichvy | blueish, greenish | 青青
chvie | to wake up | 醒
chvie`khylaai | come to sense; come round | 醒起來
chviebak | strike the eye; markedness; spotlight | 醒目
chvigek | emerald | 青玉; 翡翠
chvigii | feel nauseated, become dubious and suspicious | 青疑; 起疑心; 噁心的
chvigoaxsvoax | ultraviolet ray | 青外線; 紫外線
chvihee | shrimp | 生蝦; 青蝦
chviheeng | night heron (bird) | 蒼鷺; 夜鶯
chvihii | raw fish | 生魚
chvihiphvix | sashimi | 生魚片
chvihoaan | alum | 生礬; 綠礬
chvihoafn | barbarian | 生番
chvihoef | fresh flowers | 鮮花; 青花
chvihoef-hii | a kind of sardine | 青花魚
chvihuii | porcelain produced in the period of Ming dynasty | 青磁
chvihun | not familiar | 生份; 陌生
chvihurn | powder | 菁粉
chvihuxnlaang | a stranger | 生份人; 陌生人
chvihzhva-kiøx | gongs and drums | 鑼鼓聲
chvihøef | raw ash | 生灰
chvii | to anxiously run | 急跑而來
chviie'chvi'chvy | dark blue, strong green | 青青青
chviji | new words | 生字
chvikaau | rude | 生猴
chvikhaf | (adj) unfamiliar; strange; (adj) unaccustomed; out of practice | 外行; 新人; 青腳
chvikhuix | raw-tasting | 豆腥氣
chvikii | rhizome - plant for medicine | 青耆
chvikoef | frog | 青蛙
chvikonggarn | glaucoma | 青光眼
chvikoong | (adj) flustered; (adj) in a difficult situation; hasty; hurried; impatient; short-tempered | 青狂; 生狂; 冒冒失失; 性急; 慌張
chvikviaf | frightened; startled | 青驚; 生驚; 吃驚; 受驚
chvikviw | ginger | 鮮薑; 生姜
chvikwn | vein | 青筋; 靜脈
chvikøf | a person behaves like a stalker usually with sensual motives | 青哥
chvikør | fresh fruit | 青果; 鮮果
chvilaan | sardine | 青蘭
chvilaan-hii | fresh sarmon | 青鱗魚
chvilai | profit | 生利
chvilee | fresh spiral shells | 青螺
chvileeng | green dragon | 青龍
chvilerng | chilly; cold | 生冷; 寒冷
chvilernglexng | green vegetation | 青蘢蘢
chviliin-hii | a kind of herring; any number of the genus Herklotsichthys | 青麟魚
chvilin'ar | smooth sardine, golden sardine | 青麟仔; 黃砂䰳
chviliongtøf | large sword of ancient Chinese warriors | 青麟刀; 青龍刀
chvimfpøo | mother-in-law | 親姆婆
chvimiguu | illiterate | 青盲牛; 文盲
chvimii | blind | 青瞑; 青盲; 瞎眼; 盲目; 盲人
chvimr | honorific title given to the mothers of married couple; which term is used by the families of the couple | 親姆; 親家母
chvimr-mar | mom | 親姆媽
chvimr-pøo | in-laws grandmother | 親姆婆
chvipeh | pale; wan | 青白; 蒼白
chviphiøo | an aquatic herb; duckweed | 青萍; 青浮萍
chvipof | wilderness | 青埔; 草地; 野地; 無毛之地; 荒地; 荒野
chviqzhngr | nasal tone | 擤聲; 鼻腔聲
chviseg | green color; blue color; blue color | 青色
chvisek | half raw half ripe | 生熟
chvisiin | stars | 星辰
chvisiux | a constellation | 星宿
chvisiøf | burn | 生燒
chvisof | unfamiliar and strange | 生疏
chviswnsurn | pale | 青恂恂
chvitaang | bronze | 青銅
chvitao | stars in the sky | 星斗
chvitau | a green soybean; a lima bean | 青豆
chviteg | a green bamboo | 青竹
chviteksy | green mamba | 青竹絲
chvitharng | green bucket | 青桶
chvithii | green moss | 青苔
chvithvoax | coal | 生炭; 石炭
chviti'ar | small bird | 青苔仔
chvitien | (n) indigo | 菁靛; 靛藍
chvito | fresh | 青度; 新鮮度
chvitoong | Chinese parasol tree | 青桐
chviu tangsiefn | verdigris forming on a thing; get covered with corrosion | 生銅銹
chviu zhvethii | get covered with green moss | 生青苔
chviu | a craftsman; to draw water or liquid; livestock; an elephant; to resemble; oak tree; get a spot; stain or blot | 匠; 上; 生; 橡; 汲; 像; 象
chviu'afkhaf | wall worker | 牆仔腳
chviu'ar | wall; fence | 牆仔; 尖翅燕魚
chviu'ar-khaf | foot of a wall | 牆仔跤
chviu'ar-piaq | wall of fence | 牆仔壁
chviu'uii | a fence; a wall | 牆圍; 圍牆
chviuar | wall | 牆仔
chviubaq | spearhead | 矛頭; 鎗尖
chviubii | rose | 薔薇
chviubii-hoef | tea-rose | 薔薇花
chviuchiuo | gunman; sharpshooter; somebody who takes an exam for somebody else | 槍手
chviugee | ivory | 象牙
chviukvoae | a rifle | 槍桿; 鎗桿
chviuky | foundation of a wall | 牆枝; 牆基
chviuo kviarthaau | fight for vantage point in taking news picture | 搶鏡頭
chviuo | to get; to rob; a factory; take away by force; to snatch; rob | 搶; 廠
chviuo`khix | to wrest, to snatch | 搶去
chviuo`laang | rob people, overcharge people | 搶人; 索價過高
chviuochviux`leq | after singing a song | 唱唱咧
chviuohoad | singing method | 唱法
chviuokheg | sing a Taiwanese song; to sing; sing songs | 唱曲; 唱小曲; 唱歌
chviuokoaf laxkheg | sing songs and become happy | 唱歌拉曲; 歡唱
chviuokoaf | to sing; sing songs | 唱歌
chviuoky | a gramophone, a phonograph, a record player | 唱機
chviuoliam | rap | 唱念
chviuophiøx | count votes | 唱票
chviuophvix | disc; record; phonogram; phonograph record | 唱片
chviuopvoaa | disc; record; phonogram | 唱盤
chviuosy-pafn | church choir | 唱詩班
chviuozhud | sang | 唱出
chviuphøee | elephant's skin | 象皮
chviuphøee-zexng | elephantiasis | 象皮症
chviupiaq | wall | 牆壁
chviupvex | shaft of a spear | 牆片; 槍柄
chviupvix | shaft of a spear | 牆片; 槍柄; 鎗桿
chviuthaau | top of wall | 牆頭
chviuthau'ar | wall around the house | 牆頭仔; 圍牆
chviuu | a fence; a wall; wall; fence; winnow grain | 牆; 颺; 墻
chviuuii | wall around the house | 牆圍
chviux hoafntiau | air an opposing view | 唱反調
chviux laxnthaan | sing mountain song | 唱亂彈; 唱山歌
chviux | to sing; sneezing | 唱; 嚏
chviux-hoafntiau | to harp on a discordant tune, to sing a different tone | 唱反調
chviux-koantiau | to make high sounding speech | 唱高調; 唱懸調
chviuxbong | go up to a grave (to make memorial offerings); go up to the grave | 象墓; 上墓; 掃墓
chviuxchvithii | moss growing | 上青苔
chviuxgee | ivory; ivory; elephant tusk | 象牙
chviuxheeng bunji | hieroglyphics | 象形文字
chviuxhii | doctor fish | 象魚; 臭都魚
chviuxiuu | rubber oil | 橡油
chviuxkaf | rubber; rubber | 橡膠
chviuxkii | Chinese chess; Chinese chess | 象棋
chviuxkngr | elephant's nose | 象鼻; 象管
chviuxopafn | get a spot on one's clothes; get moldy spots on cloth | 生烏斑
chviuxpafn | get a spot on one's clothes; get moldy spots on cloth | 生斑
chviuxphoepox | rubberized fabric | 象皮布
chviuxphoepve | elephantiasis | 象皮病
chviuxphoezoar | thick and strong paper for drawing | 象皮紙
chviuxphuo | become slightly moldy | 發霉
chviuxphvi | a trunk of an elephant; trunk of an elephant | 象鼻
chviuxphvixthaang | curculio | 象鼻蟲
chviuxphøee | elephant's skin | 象皮
chviuxphøee-zexng | elephantiasis | 象皮症
chviuxsoaf | basking shark | 象鯊; 象鮫
chviuxthaau | elephant's head, bride's wedding hair | 象頭; 上頭; 帶鳳冠
chviuxzhvethii | moss growing | 上青苔
chviuxzuie | to draw water; draw water | 汲水
chviuzheg | winnow rice | 颺粟
chviuzhek'ar | winnow rice | 颺穀子
chviw | small arms; a calamus; rifle; gun; a spear; a lance | 鎗; 鯧; 槍; 菖
chviw'un | to rush transport | 搶運
chviwaxn | robbery; robbery (law) | 搶案; 劫案
chviwbøea | shopping rush | 搶買
chviwciah | get ravenously to eat | 搶吃; 搶食
chviwcie | factory site; location | 廠址
chviwhoan | a person commits robbery; robber | 搶犯
chviwkiab | pillage; rob; robbery | 搶劫
chviwkiap'axn | robbery case | 搶劫案
chviwkiux | rush to save | 搶救
chviwkof | Taiwanese folklore competing to grab an award on a stage built by bamboo | 搶孤
chviwkofng | steal credit for | 搶功
chviwkox | try to beat others in making purchases like in time of war; shopping rush | 搶購
chviwngtefng | rush through the yellow light | 闖黃燈
chviwpaai | brand | 廠牌
chviwpaang | shop; plant | 廠房
chviwpag | harry; plunder; raven; robbery | 搶剝; 掠奪
chviwsiefn | rush ahead; try to be the first; try to beat others in performance | 搶先
chviwsiofng | manufacturer | 廠商
chviwsiw | do rush repairs | 搶修; 搶收
chviwsyn | steal something new | 搶新
chviwthauhviw | compete for putting the first incense stick | 搶頭香; 爭取上第一柱香
chviwthaupiøf | grab the first label | 搶頭標
chviwtheh | grab | 搶拿
chviwtoat | sack; rob; to loot; to plunder; robbery | 搶奪
chviwtviuo | directory of a factory; head of a factory | 廠長
chviwviaa si siaux | To the victor belong the spoils; Possession is nine points of the law; Possession is proof of ownership | 搶贏算數
chviwzao | take away by force | 搶走
chviwzexng | to rush-plant | 搶種
chvizhaix | vegetable; salad | 生菜; 青菜
chvizhao | green grass | 青草
chvizhar | fresh stir fried | 生炒
chvizharm | wretched; miserable | 悽慘
chvizharm-logpheg | wretched; miserable | 悽慘落魄
chvizhaw | Sumptuous meal food | 青抄; 腥臊; 豐盛餐食; 盛餐
chvizhaw'ar | medical herbs | 青草仔; 草藥
chvizhawaftee | herbal medicine tea | 青草仔茶
chvizhawaftiaxm | herbal medicine tea shop | 青草仔店
chvizhawpof | green pasture | 青草埔
chvizhoaq | health switch | 生掣
chvizhuix | green; jade color | 青翠
chvizhøf | fishy | 腥葷
chvizoaa | Taiwan green snake. Green vine snake | 青蛇
chvizuie | unboiled water | 生水
chvizøh | in hurry, in a rush, flustered | 青慌; 匆忙
chvychvie | be awaken, be conscious, understanding | 醒醒; 清醒
ciaxmchviar | temporary; provisional; for the time being | 暫且; 姑且; 暫時
citporchviuo | weaving mill | 織布廠
citpox-chviuo | textile mill | 織布廠; 紡織廠
citzøxchviuo | weaving mill | 織造廠
ciwchviuo | brewery; distillery | 酒廠
ciøchviar | invite | 招請; 邀請
ciøqchviu | a stonemason | 石匠
ciøqchviuu | stone wall | 石墻
ebychviuo | rice-husking mill | 碾米廠
engzøxchviuo | construction firm; building contractor | 營造廠; 營造商
gimchviux | chant | 吟唱
ginchviu | silversmith | 銀匠
goanchviuo | original factory | 原廠
goxchvikib | five star | 五星級
gve chviuo`khix | snatch away | 硬搶去
gvexchviuo | force to rob; importunity to loot | 硬搶
gviachviar | welcome courteously | 迎請
gvixchviuo | hard hand | 硬手
habchviuothoaan | chorus | 合唱團
habchviux | sing in harmony; chorus | 合唱
habchviux-thoaan | a choir | 合唱團
hahchviux | sneeze | 喝嚏; 哈啾; 打噴嚏
hatchviux | sneeze | 哈啾; 打嚏聲
haychviu | walrus; sea elephant | 海象
hichviw | fishing spear | 魚槍
hoafnchvie | (v) realize; dawn upon; become aware of some sort of cheating | 反醒; 復甦; 覺醒
hoanchviar | Will you please…; Please be so kind as to… | 煩請
hoanchviux | cover (version/song) | 翻唱
hoansoaf-chviuo | a foundry | 翻砂廠
hoarnchvie | waken; wake-up; awoken; awaken; roust up | 喚醒
hochviar | call a spirit for taking offering | 呼請
hoeflek hoattiexnchviuo | thermoelectric plant; thermal power plant | 火力發電廠
hofngchviar | besides; furthermore | 況且
horngchviar | furthermore | 況且
huichviar budcixn | Do Not Enter | 非請勿進
huiliauxchviuo | fertilizer factory | 肥料廠
hunchviuo | tobacco factory | 煙廠; 薰廠; 分廠
høfchinchviu | to resemble, to seem, to look like, as if | 好親像
høfiangchviar | willing to help people or do things for people | 好揚請; 肯為人代勞
hør-bixnchviw | favorable face | 好面像; 予人好感的臉
iauchviar | to invite; invitation | 邀請
iefnchviux | to sing in a performance; sing before an audience; sing on stage | 演唱
ienchviar | to invite; appoint; send for | 延請
iernchviar | to invite to a banquet, to entertain | 宴請
irnsoatchviuo | printing plant; printing house; printer; a press | 印刷廠
iuchviuo | oil refinery; oil extracting mill | 油廠; 煉油廠
iuxchviar | also, in addition, besides | 又且; 而且
iøchvie | awaken by shaking | 搖醒
iøqchviuo | pharmaceutical factory | 藥廠
jiafmchviuo | dye-works | 染廠
jichviar | also; in addition; moreover; but also; moreover; besides | 而且
jixchviar | also, in addition, moreover, but also | 而且
kachviux | sneeze | 加嚏; 噴嚏
kakchvie | rouse; disillusion; awakening | 覺醒
kangchviu | an artisan, a skilled worker | 工匠
kangchviuo | factory; mill; plant; manufactory; workshop | 工廠; 工場
kefngchvie | be awake, be alert | 驚醒; 警醒
kehchviuu iuo nie | There are ears on the other side of the wall. ─ It's difficult to keep a secret. The walls have ears | 隔牆有耳
kekbixnchviw | displaced face | 激面腔
kerngchviar | invite or request respectfully | 敬請
khachviux | sneeze | 加嚏; 噴嚏
khaochviuu | Wailing Wall in Jerusalem | 哭牆
khurnchvie | waken up | 睡醒; 睏醒
khwnchviar | to ask earnestly; to implore; to plead | 懇請
kimchviu | goldsmith, gold craftsman | 金匠
kimchviw-hii | bluefin tuna | 金菖魚; 金槍魚; 鮪
kiongchviuo | rob with violence | 強搶; 強搶,強劫; 強劫
kiongchviuu | wall of the imperial palace | 宮牆
kirmchviux | forbidden to sing | 禁唱
kiørchvie | to awaken; to arouse | 叫醒; 喊醒; 喚醒
kngchviuu | bright (lamp), cheery (room) | 光牆; 明朗
koachviux | to sing; to chant | 歌唱
koarnchviuophvix | to cut a phonograph record | 灌唱片
koarnthaau-kangchviuo | cannery | 罐頭工廠
kochviar | for the time being; in the meantime; to let be | 姑且
koechviw | Japanese butterfish, silver carp, Psenopsis anomala | 瓜鯧
kofchviar | against principle | 苟且
korchviax | to employ or to hire | 僱請
kviachvie | to cause to wake up with a startle | 驚醒
kwnchviar | to petition, to beseech | 懇求
lauchviuu | wall around a building | 樓牆
liauchviar | just; temporary | 聊且; 暫時
liaxmchviux | rap | 唸唱
lichviar | besides | 而且
lie chviar | goodbye; so long | 你請 再見
lie-chviar | Goodbye, go ahead | 你請
liexn'iuchviuo | oil refinery; oil extracting mill | 煉油廠; 油廠
liexnchviux | rehearsal | 練唱
liexnkngx-chviuo | steel mill | 煉鋼廠
liexnthihchviuo | iron refinery | 鍊鐵廠
liuchviho | meteor | 流星雨
long'iøqchviuo | pesticide factory | 農藥廠
lunchviux | to troll; circular (perpetual) song; round; sing a song in a round | 輪唱
luxchviuo | aluminium plant | 鋁廠
mefchvie | wake up | 猛醒
mixhwnchviuo | flour mill | 麵粉廠
mxzay chvie | soundly asleep (Lit. do not know to wake up) | 毋醒; 睡沉了
nafchinchviu | as if | 若親像
nafchviu | (adv) like; seemingly as if | 若像; 好像; 彷彿; 猶如
nafzhanchviu | as if | 若親像
nar chinchviu | it looks like; just as if | 好像; 正如
nar-chinchviu | be somewhat like | 哪親像; 若親像; 像是
ochviu | black pomfret | 黑鯧
ochviw | black pomfret | 黑鯧; 烏鯧
paechviar | give a ceremonial invitation; invite | 拜請
pekchviar | urge an invitation on | 迫請; 逼請
pengchviuo | ice plant | 冰廠
pengkangchviuo | arsenal | 兵工廠
peqchviu | whiate oak tree | 白橡
peqchviw | white pomfret, white butterfish | 白菖; 白鯧
perngchviar | moreover; furthermore; and; in addition; to boot | 並且; 幷且
pexngchviar | and; both | 並且
phafngcid kangchviuo | textile factory | 紡織工廠
phafngcid-chviuo | textile mill, weaving mill | 紡織廠
phafngcitchviuo | spinning and weaving mill; textile mill | 紡織廠
phahchvie | wake up | 打醒; 拍醒; 吵醒
phahchvikviaf | scare; shocked | 拍生驚
phahchviuo | plunder | 掠奪; 搶
phahkachviux | sneezes; sternutation | 打噴嚏
phahkhachviux | sneeze | 打噴嚏
phaochviuu | artillery wall | 炮墻
phaq-chvikviaf | to be frightened | 打青驚; 受驚
phaq-kachviux | sneeze | 打噴嚏; 拍咳啾
phaq-khachviux | to sneeze | 打噴嚏; 拍咳啾
pherngchviar | to engage; to invite; to employ; invite for service; invite by sending presents; engage (a teacher) | 聘請
phiauchviw | javelin | 標槍
phiernchviar haixgø | deceitfully invite someone so as to starve him ─ deceitfully breaking a promise | 騙請害餓
phvae-bixnchviw | annoyed; serious face; frowning; supercilious look; malicious face; grim; gruff | 歹面腔; 臉色難看
phvaybixnchviw | bad face | 歹面腔
phviechviuo | studio | 片廠
phvoaxchviuoky | audio-video amplifier for sing along activities | 伴唱機
phvoaxchviuotoax | audio-video sing along tape | 伴唱帶
phvoaxchviux | accompany singing | 伴唱
piauchviw | javelin | 標槍
pixchviar | be invited | 被請
piøchviw | javelin; spear; lance; throw a javelin | 標槍
puiliauxchviuo | fertilizer plant | 肥料廠
purnchviar | dust-pan | 糞車; 畚箕
pvix-chvibin | change one's countenance | 變青面
pvoachviar | invite | 邀請; 搬請; 接(父母)同位
pvoachviuu | to climb over the wall; climb a wall; go in and out by climbing a wall or fence | 越牆; 翻牆
pvoarchvie | half awake | 半醒
pvoarchvisek | half-cooked | 半生熟; 半熟
pvoax-chviuar | lower wall | 半牆仔
saechviux | compete in singing | 賽唱
saichviu | lion and elephant | 獅象
siepo habchviux | vocal quartet | 四部合唱
sietchviuo | set up a factory | 設廠
simkvoaf chinchviu tøf teq koaq | heart feels like it is being cut by a knife ─ heart broken | 心如刀割
sioxngchviar | still; yet; yet; still; even | 尚且
siuxchviar | be invited, receive an invitation | 受請; 被邀
siuxchviuo | be plundered | 受搶; 被搶
siøchviuo | scramble (struggle) for a thing | 相搶
siøf-chinchviu | resemble; seem to be alike | 相親像
soatchviux | rap | 說唱
sochvie | regain consciousness; revive | 甦醒
soehchviux | rap | 說唱
suxnhofng saktør chviuu | Lit. take advantage of the wind and push down the wall ─ best a person by taking advantage of his adversity | 趁風勢推倒牆; 順水推舟
svachinchviu | alike | 相親像
svachviar | treat meal each other | 相請
svachviuo | grabbing | 相搶
svaf-chinchviu | be mutually like, be mutually similar | 相親像; 相像
sviachviuu | city walls | 城牆
tanchviw-phitmar | single handed alone | 單槍匹馬
tangchviu | coppersmith | 銅匠
tangchviuu thihpiaq | extremely sturdy structure; tight (siege); strong (fortress; defense); impregnable; like walls of brass and iron | 銅牆鐵壁
techviuo | a tea processing factory | 茶廠
thechvie | remind; awoke; to call attention to | 提醒
thiahchviuu | tear down a wall | 拆牆
thiaochviuu | jump over a wall | 跳牆
thichvie | awaken notice, bring to the attention | 啼醒; 提醒
thihchviu | blacksmith | 鐵匠
thihchviuu | iron wall | 鐵牆
thihchviw | iron spear | 鐵漿; 鐵槍
thihkangchviuo | ironworks; ironmongery | 鐵工廠; 鐵工場
thiq-kangchviuo | iron handcuffs | 鐵工廠
thngchviuo | sugar refinery | 糖廠
thozuie-chviu | master mason | 塗水匠
tiafmchvie | to point out someone's errors and make him realize; awaken | 點醒; 警告
tiafmchviux | select one's desired numbers or songs for the performers to sing or play; request a song | 點唱
tiexnchviuo | a power plant | 電廠
tiexnchviuoky | record player; electric phonograph | 電唱機
tiokchviuu | build walls | 築牆
tiøqchvikviaf | frightened | 得青驚; 受驚
tngchviw | spear; rifle | 長槍
toarnchvie | to arouse, to awaken, to wake up | 斷醒
toaxhabchviux | chorus sung by a large choir | 大合唱
togchviux | sing a solo; vocal recital | 獨唱
tornghongchviuu | windshield | 擋風牆
tunchviar | to invite sincerely, to employ | 墩邀; 敦請; 聘用
tuzunchviuo | storage plant | 儲存廠
tvoachviux | sing and play (the piano; guitar) at the same time | 彈唱
tøefchviw | short spear, dart | 短搶; 短槍
uichviuafterng | wall top | 圍牆仔頂
uichviugoa | outside the wall | 圍牆外
uichviuu | enclosing wall; fence | 圍牆
uixchviw | painter | 畫匠
zaw'chviuo' | wandering minstrel or singer | 賣唱 (的)
zawchviux | walking sing | 走唱
zawchviux`ee | wandering minstrel or singer | 走唱的; 賣唱的
zea'iøh-chviuo | pharmaceutical factory | 製藥廠
zea'iøqchviuo | pharmacy | 製藥廠
zeaiøqchviuo | pharmaceutical | 製藥廠
zeakekchviuo | tannery | 製革廠
zeaphviechviuo | movie studio | 製片廠
zeathngg kangchviuo | sugar refinery | 製糖工廠; 糖廠
zeazø-chviuo | manufacture, factory, plant | 製造廠; 製造場
zeazøxchviuo | factory; mill | 製造廠
zengzex kangchviuo | refinery | 精製工廠
zhachviuo | lumber mill | 柴廠; 木材廠
zhafchvie | awaken with noise | 吵醒
zhaihoong-chviu | tailor | 裁縫匠
zhanchviu | be like; similar to; such as; looks as if; it appears like; look like | 好像; 相似
zhaochvibi | rotten smell | 臭腥味
zhaochvibuo | Taiwan stink snake; Stinking Goddess; Stinking Green Snake; keeled Snake | 臭腥母
zhaochviebuo | Taiwan stink snake, Stinking Goddess, Stinking Green Snake, keeled Snake | 臭仙母, 臭青公 (蛇)
zhaochviekuar | stinky bug | 臭腥龜仔
zhaochvikofng | Taiwan stink snake; Stinking God; Stinking Green Snake; keeled Snake | 臭腥公
zhaochvix | The vegetation is luxuriant. | 臭腥
zhengchvie | clear-headed; sober; sobriety; disenchantment | 清醒
zhunchviaf | very clear | 明白; 清楚
zhutchviuo | product coming out of the factory | 出廠
zoafchviuo | paper mill | 紙廠
zofngchviuo | industrial complex (all snatched) | 總廠; (統統搶光)
zongphoex-chviuo | an assembly plant | 裝配廠
zongphøex-chviuo | an assembly plant | 裝配廠
zuiechvie | wake up from drunken | 醉醒
zunchviuo | shipyard; dockyard | 船廠
zuxchviux-zuxtvoaa | praise one's own effort or achievement; do something all by oneself | 自彈自唱
zuxlaizuychviuo | waterworks | 自來水廠
zuychviuo | waterworks | 水廠
zuylek hoattiexnchviuo | hydro electric power plant | 水力發電廠
zwchviux | prime singer; main singer | 主唱
zøxchviuu | build walls | 築牆
zøxpeachviuo | mint money | 造幣廠
zøxzoafchviuo | paper mill | 造紙廠
zøxzunchviuo | ship yard | 造船廠

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