"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: chvy

Bogchvy | jupiter | 木星
Gunngg-chvy | the star Altair | 牛郎星
Hayoong-chvy | the planet Neptune | 海王星
Hefchvy | Mars; sparks | 火星
Kimchvy | Venus | 金星
Paktawchitchvy | Big Dipper | 北斗七星
Samchvy | a city in Yilan County | 三星
Thaepegchvy | Venus | 太白星
Thofchvy | the planet Saturn | 土星
Zuychvy | Mercury | 水星
ahnng-chvy | pale blue | 鴨卵青; 淡青色
bawchvy | Pleiades | 昴星
beng'ongchvy | Pluto | 冥王星
bengchvy | celebrities | 明星
bogchvy | the Jupiter | 木星
chitchvy | seven stars of the Big Dipper | 七歲; 七星; 北斗七星
chvichvy | blueish, greenish | 青青
chviie'chvi'chvy | dark blue, strong green | 青青青
chvy | green; star; pale; sickly-looked; clear; the smell of fish; fresh; fresh (food) | 青; 蛆; 悽睛; 星; 悽清; 新鮮; 生; 腥; 鮮; 孑孓; 清
chvy-gulyn | fresh milk | 生牛乳; 鮮奶
chvy-guny | fresh milk | 生牛乳; 生牛奶
chvy-swnsurn | pale | 青恂恂
chvyar | a pigeon; a dove | 鴿仔
chvybak | (n) glamorization | 醒目; 顯眼
chvybiin | not deep sleep | 淺眠
chvychvie | be awaken, be conscious, understanding | 醒醒; 清醒
chvygo | to wake up to reality; to come to one's senses | 醒悟
chvygvo | understanding; awaken to realization | 醒悟
chvykhuix | wake up | 醒氣
chvyzhuix | tasty; to taste good; to wake up; to awaken; to be awake | 珍饈; 醒喙; 開胃; 醒嘴; 爽口
citlwchvy | Vega | 織女星
cybii-chvy | crape myrtle star | 紫薇星
hefchvy | spark(s); live coal; the planet mars | 火花; 火老鴉; 火星
hefkimchvy | sparks; firefly | 螢火蟲; 火金星; 火花
hengchvy | star; the planets | 行星; 恆星; 恒星
hichvy | fishy and gamy smell | 魚腥; 魚鮮
hoafnchvy | turn green | 反青; 變青色
hoanchvy | revive (plants) | 番青; 復甦
hoatchvy | turning green | 發青; 冒新葉; 長新芽
hoefchvy | sparks; the planet Mars | 火花; 火星
hoehchvy | bloody, sanguinary, blood-stained | 血清; 血腥
hongteachvy | king star; emperor star | 皇帝星
huchvy | seafood | 魚鮮
huixchvy | comet | 彗星
høefchvy | the planet Mars | 火星
høefkimchvy | firefly | 火金星; 螢火蟲; 火花
khefbengchvy | the morning star, venus | 啟明星; 晨星
khekchvy | natural enemy | 剋星
kimchvy | golden star | 金星
kiuochvy | savior | 救星
koachvy | a singing star; an accomplished vocalist | 歌星
lamtao-chvy | stars in the constellation of Sagittarius | 南斗星
laosae-chvy | meteor | 落屎星; 流星; 賊星
laosaychvy | meteor | 落屎星
legchvy | pitch; asphalt | 瀝青
liuchvy | a meteor | 流星
ochvy genghuiq | blood stasis | 烏青凝血
ochvy | black and blue (bruised) | 瘀青; 烏青; 紫青
oexchvy | satellite | 衛星
pahjidchvy | Nakai podocarp (tree) | 百日青; 桃板松
pakkek-chvy | Polaris; the North Star | 北極星
paktao-chvy | the Big Dipper; the Plough | 北斗星
phaq-chvybiin | wake up | 打青眠; 吵醒
phvaychvy | bad stars | 歹星
piernchvy | become pale | 變青
pøechvy | meteor | 流星; 飛星
pøfchvy | keep it fresh | 保鮮
saochiwchvy | comet | 掃帚星
siangchvy | two stars | 雙星
sinchvy | new and fresh | 新青; 新鮮
svoachvy | Tsuno-kusa-nemo (grass) | 山青; 田菁草
svoai'afchvy | Taiwanese green mango | 檨仔青
tangchvy | verdigris, copper green | 銅青; 銅綠
taqchvy | picnic | 踏青
thaepegchvy | Venus | 太白星; 金星
thien'ongchvy | uranus | 天王星
thoabøea-chvy | comet | 拖尾星; 彗星
thoabøefchvy | comet | 拖尾星
thochvy | Saturn | 土星
thvichvy | stars of the sky | 天星
tngbefchvy | comet | 長尾星
tngbøefchvy | meteors; falling stars; shooting star | 長尾星; 彗星; 流星
tongchvy | child star | 童星
tongkoachvy | child singer | 童歌星
tveachvy | pretend to be innocent | 佯生
tviechvy | pretend not to know about a matter | 裝青; 佯生
viafchvy | film star; movie star | 影星
zhahchvy | set up green stalks | 插秧; 插艾草
zhamchvy | comet, constellation Orion | 蠶星; 獵戶星座; 蠶戶星座
zhanchvy | between-season plant to improve soil | 田青; 田菁
zhaochvy | fishy taste; fish smell | 臭腥
zhaochvy-kw | Reeve's turtle | 臭腥龜; 臭青龜; 金龜
zhekchvy | immature rice | 粟青
zuychvy | Mercury | 水星

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