"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: chym

bogzheg køchym | unfathomable; inscrutable | 莫測高深
chiirm'chimchym | deeply | 深深深; 潛潛潛
chimchym | deeply; extremely; rather deeply; very deeply | 深深
chiwciog zeeng chym | love between brothers is deep; (Lit. Blood is thicker than water.) | 手足情深
chym hokhib | deep breathing | 深呼吸
chym putkhøfzheg | immeasurable depth or profundity; extremely abstruse | 深無可測
chym | take over, occupy illegally | 侵; 侵吞; 深; 佔領
chymchirm | just now | 剛剛
chymciaq laai | just arrived | 剛來
chymkaux | just arrived | 剛到
chymkhix aokud | just barely left | 剛去
chymkhu | bedding | 寢具
chymku | bedding | 寢具
chymlaai | just arrived | 剛來
chymseg | bedroom | 寢室
chymsit ku hoex | unable to eat or sleep because of deep worries or sorrow | 寢食俱廢
chymsit lanboong | constantly in one's mind | 寢食難忘
chymsit put'afn | restless due to deep worries | 寢食無安
chymtaai | a sleep carriage in a train | 寢台
chymzhvee | cymbals | 鐃鈸
høqchym | needlefish, soundfish | 河魚
iaxchym-jinzeng | in the quiet of the night; deep in the night | 夜深人靜
it'orng zeeng chym | fall deeply in love; head-over-heels in love | 一往情深
iuu chiern jip chym | from shallow to profound--of progressive studies | 由淺入深
jibchym | to invade | 入侵
kachym | deepen; to worsen; to make more severe | 加深
kunchym-tiekox | deep-rooted; time-honored; firmly established; deeply entrenched | 根深蒂固
kvechym | far on in the night | 更深
kvichym | late at night | 深更
kvy-chym | late at night | 更深
køchym | lofty and deep (knowledge) | 高深
libchym | to invade | 入侵
lieen chym jidkiuo | after a long lapse of time | 年深日久
michym | very late at night | 暝深; 夜闌; 深夜
nikuo gøeqchym | for many years; as years go by | 年久月深; 經年累月
nikwgeqchym | over time | 年久月深
nikwgoeqchym | over time | 年久月深
thaechym | much too; far too | 太深
thaix-chym | much too; far too | 太深
tølo chym | doctors asking high fees; the charges are exorbitant | 刀路深; 索價昂(醫生)
wn chym gi tiong | The spiritual debt is deep and great | 恩深義重
zeeng chym su hae | Love is as deep as the sea (usually said of parental love) | 情深似海
zengchym | strong affection; warm hearted; affectionate; loving; tender; kindly; deeply attached | 情深
zuchym | senior; seniority | 資深
zuychym hoefjiet | misery caused by government oppression | 水深火熱
zuychym | depth of water | 水深

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