"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Lienciauhoe | Taiwan Joint Admissions Association | 日商
arnciaux | according to | 按照
ciau'iaau toxngphiexn | swindle or cheat by posing as a VIP or claiming to be related to a VIP | 招搖撞騙
ciau'iaau | to show off | 招搖
ciau'irn | invite troubles; incur; to cause | 招引
ciau'uun | regularly | 齊勻; 源源不斷
ciaubo | to enlist, to recruit | 招募
ciaubuo | call to surrender; pacify | 招撫
ciauciaau | complete | 齊齊; 齊齊全全
ciauciauaf | all of them are equal | 均勻, 平均
ciauciaw | clear and plain | 招招; 昭昭
ciauciofng | manifested, plainly shown | 招章
ciaucip | invite to an assembly; call to military service; to get together; to call (people) together; summon; gather together | 招集; 召集
ciauciøh | reef | 礁石
ciauhaang | call for surrender of the enemy | 招降
ciauhoaan | anguish | 焦煩; 煩悶
ciauhoaf jiafzhao | lascivious (usually said of a male); wolfish; a seducer of women | 招花惹草
ciauhof | salutation; hello; salute | 招呼
ciauhofng yntiap | act the habitual flirt (said of a woman); make passes at men without discrimination | 招蜂引蝶
ciauhunsut | spiritism | 招魂術
ciauhuun | to call back the soul of the dead | 招魂
ciauhw | logger; axeman; woodsman | 樵夫
ciauhør | all of them are good | 都好
ciaujiar | to incur | 招惹
ciaujim | to confess | 招認
ciaujin | confess to a certain crime; a confession | 招認
ciaukaux | all have arrived | 全到; 到齊
ciaukex | to resist, to ward off | 招擋; 招架
ciaukhay | convene (a conference or meeting); to convoke; to call together | 召開
ciaukhør | to publicly and selectively (through exams) recruit new employees; students; etc. | 招考
ciaukib | anxiety | 焦急
ciaukiofng | to make a confession of one's crime; confess to a crime; confession by a criminal | 招供
ciaulaai | all have come; all are present | 全來
ciaulap | paid off | 齊納
ciaularm | collect; gather together; (in commerce) induce or solicit customers | 招攬
ciaulerng | advertise for claimant or legal owner of a lost article; public notice for lost and found | 招領
ciaulin | plead guilty | 招認
ciauniar | take home by presenting oneself as the owner; advertise for owner of lost thing | 招領
ciaupaai | signboard; facia; sign; shop sign; signboard | 招牌
ciauphexng | advertise for office vacancies | 招聘; 聘請
ciaupi | everything ready; all complete; as a number of articles | 齊備
ciausefng | to enroll new students; to recruit students | 招生
ciausiw | to enroll, to accept, to admit | 招收
ciausoad | to prove innocence | 招雪; 招說
ciausw | deeply worried | 焦思
ciausym | (adj) anxious | 焦心; 焦慮
ciautai | entertain | 招待
ciautaixsor | guest house | 招待所
ciautaq | a poster | 蹧躂; 招貼
ciautek | swamp; morass; marsh; bog; dismal; slough | 沼澤
ciauthad | tease; bait; bully; rag | 欺負; 糟塌; 蹧躂
ciauthai | invitation; give a reception to; host to; serve; receive; to welcome; reception | 招待
ciauthai-hoe | reception party | 招待會
ciauthai-kngx | complimentary ticket, courtesy card | 招待券
ciauthai-oaan | usher, receptionist | 招待員
ciauthaixkoaxn | free ticket | 招待券
ciauthaixoaan | receptionist; touring guide; steward or usher | 招待員
ciauthaixseg | reception room | 招待室
ciauthaixsor | hostel; guest house; hostel | 招待所
ciauthaux | through and through | 齊透; 透徹
ciautiarm | focus; center of attraction; focus | 焦點
ciautiern | said of a banner; flowers or girl swaying and enticing | 招展
ciautix | bring losses or misfortunes upon oneself; to summon; invite; induce | 招致
ciauuun | in good and sufficient measure, in constant regular succession, as rain or work | 齊勻
ciaux hangzeeng | according to the market price | 照行情
ciaux khykafng | follow the rules, SOP | 照紀綱
ciaux kuikie | according to regulations or reason | 照規矩
ciaux kuizeg | according to regulations or reason | 照規則
ciaux lie ee iesux | according to your idea | 照你的意思
ciaux pørzoar | according to the paper | 照報紙
ciaux sikafn | according to the determined time | 照時間; 按時
ciaux svatngx | at every meal | 照三頓; 照三餐
ciaux thvilie | according to the laws of Heaven; right; proper | 照天理
ciaux zenglie | according to common sense | 照情理
ciaux zhuosu | follow the order | 照次序
ciaux | to admonish; in accordance with; to dip in (sauce; etc.) | 詔; 詔書; 照; 醮
ciauzaai cirnpør | collect a fortune | 招財進寶
ciauzaai-cirnpør | to bring in wealth and treasure | 招財進寶
ciauzngg | complete with nothing missing; complete; perfect | 齊全
ciauzof | to let | 招租
ciauzui | languish; consumption; pine; wilt; emaciation | 憔悴
ciorngbok ciauciofng | stare or watchful eyes of the public | 眾目昭彰
cipciaux | a licence; a permit; a charter; certificate; a pass; a license | 執照
ciqciauh-kiøx | bird chirping | 鳥叫聲
enggiap cipciaux | business license | 營業執照
giogciaux | your photo or picture | 玉照
hengchiaf cipciaux | car license | 行車執照
hoafnciaux | be reflected like a light | 返照; 反照
hoaky ciautiern | beautifully dressed women (a flowering branch attracting people's attention) | 花枝招展
hoekonghoafnciaux | momentary return to consciousness before death | 迴光反照
hofngciaux | after the pattern of; after the example of | 仿照
hoxciaux | passport | 護照
iciaux | in accordance with; in compliance with | 依照
karciaux | driver's license | 駕照; 駕駛執照
karngciaux | issue a proclamation or decree | 降照; 下詔書
karsuo cipciaux | driver's license | 駕駛執照; 駕照
kieciar-ciauthaixhoe | press conference | 記者招待會
kiernciaux | construction permit | 建照
koanciaux | to notify; to inform; to take care of; to look after | 關照
koax ciaupaai | hang up a sign-board | 掛招牌
kongciaux | shine; illumine | 光照
lanciauhoef | lotus flower | 蓮蕉花
lienciauhoef | lotus banana flower | 蓮蕉花
limsii-cipciaux | provisional charter; provisional license | 臨時執照
niafciaux | get a license | 領照
paciausvix | large leaf-shaped fan (used by the ancients and the genie) | 芭蕉扇
paiciaux | tag; license plate; business license | 牌照
panciaux | to proclaim an emperor's edict; imperial proclamation; edict published by ruler; emperor; king; publish an imperial decree | 頒詔
phaq-ciauhof | greeting | 打招呼
phofciaux | illuminate all things; shed light on; shine upon all (said of sunshine; God's grace) | 普照
pyciaux | handle according to set case law; contrasting; according to; analogous | 比照
siafciaux | portrayal | 寫照
siarciaux | imperial pardon, royal pardon | 赦車; 赦詔
siongciaux | reflection | 相照
soan'ociaugiaam | coral | 珊瑚礁岩
su tai ciauhofng | High trees attract the wind. ─ Famous persons attract criticisms easily | 樹大招風
taiciaux | form used after the name in the salutation of a business letter; for your Honor's inspection (opening phrase in letters) | 台照
tetiarm ciauthai | entertain with refreshments | 茶點招待
thienlie ciauciaw | Heaven's justice is manifested (in calamities coming on the wicked); The law of heaven always prevails | 天理昭昭
thoanciaux | proclaim a decree | 傳照; 傳詔
tiaosiaw cipciaux | revoke a license | 吊銷執照
ticiaux | to notify; to tell; acknowledgement | 知照
tuieciaux | to compare; to contrast; cross reference; contrast; comparison; compare; to contrast | 對照
tvar-ciauhof | greetings | 打招呼
twciaux | exactly according to | 抵照; 拄照
ynciaux | follow suite | 引照
zaciaux | for your information; to investigate; to check | 查照
zerngciaux | license | 證照
zhamciaux | reference; please refer to; in accordance with; with reference to | 參照
zhoanciaukaux | prepare thoroughly | 攢齊到
zhutciaux | issue a decree | 出照; 頒佈聖旨
zunciaux | act in accordance with; obey the command; follow; observe; obey | 遵照

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