"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ciaw

armciaw | submerged reef; unseen obstruction beneath the water's surface like a shelf of rock or reef; unseen obstacle | 暗礁
bang ciawar | catch birds with a net | 網鳥仔
chiokciaw | to strike a reef | 觸礁
ciauciaw | clear and plain | 招招; 昭昭
ciaw | to recruit; clear or obvious; pepper; charred; the banana; a reef; beckon with the hand; to summon; raise an army or capital; confess; signboard; admit; poster; notice; to cause; to effect; incite; entice; induce; to welcome; receive | 招; 昭; 椒; 焦; 蕉; 礁
ciawafkhaf | bird's leg (said also of a person whose legs have skinny calves) | 鳥仔腳; 腿細
ciawafnng | bird's eggs | 鳥仔蛋
ciawafsiu | bird's nest | 鳥仔巢
ciawaftah | bird trap | 鳥仔踏
ciawar | jay; fowl; bird; birds | 鳥仔; 小鳥
ciawar-bak | bird's eyes | 鳥仔目
ciawar-tvar | cowardice; timid | 鳥仔膽; 膽小
ciawbør | female birds | 母鳥
ciawciaq | birds; birds | 鳥隻; 鳥類
ciawkhaf | bird's feet | 鳥腳
ciawkien | bird's kidney; something very small | 鳥腱; 比喻東西很小
ciawlafm | cage for birds | 鳥籠
ciawlai'ar | wild pear | 鳥梨仔; 梨的一種
ciawlam'ar | cage for birds | 鳥籠仔
ciawlarng | a birdcage; birdcage | 鳥籠
ciawlui | bird family (as distinct from animals; fish; etc); birds | 鳥類
ciawluixhak | ornithology | 鳥類學
ciawmngg | plume; feather; pinion | 鳥毛
ciawnng | bird's egg | 鳥蛋
ciawphiag'ar | slingshot | 鳥擗仔
ciawsae | bird's shit | 鳥屎
ciawsaybin | freckles; freckle faced | 鳥仔斑; 雀斑
ciawsit | bird's wing; bird's wing | 鳥翼
ciawsiu | bird's nest | 鳥巢
ciawzhexng | fowling piece | 鳥槍
ciawzhiux | beak | 鳥嘴
cvyciawar | young birds | 嫩鳥子
gusayciawar | wagtail | 牛屎鳥仔
hoanciaw | deny what has been confessed | 翻招
hwnciawtiaau | pigeon house | 粉鳥巢; 鴿棚
hwnciawtuu | pigeon house | 粉鳥棚; 鴿棚
khuttvar-sengciaw | confess under torture to a crime one hasn't committed | 屈打成招
laxnciawthaau | glans; the head (of the penis) | 陰莖頭; 龜頭
lienciaw | red flowering arum | 蓮蕉
lørkhaciawar | long feet bird | 躼跤鳥仔
niauthauciawkog | owl | 貓頭鳥國
otoxciawar | dark stomach birdy | 烏肚鳥仔
paciaw | plantains; banana | 芭蕉
phahciaw'ar | shoot birds | 打鳥仔
phahciawbø | shoot birds | 打鳥無
phahciawbør | shoot birds | 打鳥母
phahciawkeng'ar | birdbow | 拍鳥弓仔
piag ciawafpaf | dehydrate a bird over a slow fire | 烤鳥
piernciaw | burnt | 變焦
pokciawkoax | divine by having a bird pick out one lot from several | 卜鳥卦
san'ociaw | coral reefs | 珊瑚礁
simciaw | vexed. anxious, worried | 心焦
sinciaw | new and fresh | 新鮮
sviwciawkhw | bird watching area | 賞鳥區
tengciaw | to draft, to conscript, to be enlisted | 登招; 徵召
teq ciawafkoax | prognosticate by having a bird pick out one or other lot out of several | 卜鳥卦
thienlie ciauciaw | Heaven's justice is manifested (in calamities coming on the wicked); The law of heaven always prevails | 天理昭昭
tngf ciawar | set a trap for birds | 設陷阱捕鳥
tuieciaw | focus | 對焦
zhaeciawar | rookie | 菜鳥仔
zhekciawar | sparrow | 雀鳥仔; 粟鳥仔; 麻雀
zhuociaw'ar | sparrow | 麻雀仔
zhuociawar | sparrow | 厝鳥仔
zhuokakciaw'ar | sparrow | 厝角鳥仔
zhuokakciawar | sparrow | 厝角鳥仔
zhutciaw | begin to fight | 出招
zoadciaw | unique skill | 絕招
zuxciaw | confess; confession | 自招

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