"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: cied

Baxnserngcied | All Saints Day, Nov. 1 | 萬聖節
Bøfchincied | Mother's Day: the second Sunday in May | 母親節
Goansiaw-cied | the Lantern Festival (on the 15th day of the First Moon in the lunar calendar; marking the end of New Year's festivities) | 元宵節
Gujincied | All Fool's Day | 愚人節
Gvofid løtoxngcied | May day; Labor Day | 五一勞動節
Hoghoadcied | Easter | 復活節
Huxchincied | Father's Day (August 8) | 父親節
Huxlycied | Women's Day (March 8) | 婦女節
Ioghudcied | festival of the bathing of Buddha--8th day of the 4th month | 浴佛節
Juoadcied | Passover (Catholic) | 逾越節
Kafm'uncied | Thanksgiving Day | 感恩節
Konghogcied | Restoration Day; Oct.5th | 光復節
Serngtarncied | Christmas | 聖誕節; 聖誕
Siangsibcied | the Double Tenth; October 10; the National Day of the Republic of China | 雙十節
Sidsuxcied | Arbor Day; March 12; anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's death | 植樹節
Taioaan Konghogcied | Retrocession Day (October5); commemorating the restoration of the island province to Chinese sovereignty in 1945 | 台灣光復節
Thoankaocied | Mission Sunday (Catholic) | 傳教節
Tiongchiucied | seasonal festivals (as New year; May 5th; August 15th of the 8th month etc); according to the lunar calendar | 中秋節
Toangvofcied | seasonal festivals (as New year; May 5th; August 15th of the 8th month etc); according to the lunar calendar | 端午節
Zengjincied | St Valentine's Day | 情人節
Zuserngcied | All Saints; Nov.1 | 諸聖節
bengcied | reputation; honor and integrity | 名節
chicied | holding up one's morale | 持節
chitcied pehkhaux | big discounts in bargain sales; make allowance for inaccuracy; exaggeration in a statement or report | 七折八扣
chitcied | discount of 30 percent | 七折
chitcied-pøehkhaux | various deductions; big discounts | 七折八扣
ciecied | one's aspiration and moral fortitude; moral integrity | 志節
cied | fold; a festival; to sting (as bees or scorpions do); a comb; a pimple; break off; to snap; discount in the price; tear into halves; deduct | 折; 臭味; 蜇; 節; 癤; 櫛; 打折
cied-tuiepvoax | half price off | 折對半
ciedbien | a section | 一面
ciedcie | expiration; to close upon reaching the deadline; close application or registration upon reaching the deadline | 截止
ciedciog sientefng | He who has fast legs will get there first. The early bird catches the worm | 捷足先登
ciedhek | Intercepted | 截獲
ciedjieen | distinctly; markedly; completely; entirely; directly | 截然
ciedkeg | to intercept | 截擊
ciedkek | to intercept | 截極
ciedkexng | shortcut; a snap course | 捷徑
ciedky | to amputate | 截肢
ciedkør | enforce a deadline, last date for sending manuscript | 截稿
ciedliuu | Intercepted to keep | 截留
ciedpøx | report of success in examination; war bulletin announcing victory | 捷報
ciedtioong poftoarn | make up for deficiency in one part by great abundance or excellent in another part | 截長補短
ciedtng | cut into two; cut off | 截斷
ciedtoan | cut into two; cut off | 截斷
ciedun | quick transit | 捷運
cietcied paixthex | suffer one defeat after another | 節節敗退
cietcied serngli | score one victory after another | 節節勝利
cietcied | every class hour | 節節
ciongcied | chapter | 章節
ciucied | complication, trouble, difficulty | 賙折; 周折; [*]; 並發症
cixncied | die in defense of one's chastity | 盡節
hanghaycied | Navigation Day (July 11) | 航海節
haycied | jellyfish | 海蜇
hoghoadcied | Easter | 復活節
honghaycied | Navigation Day (July 11) | 航海節
hoxsuxcied | Nurses Day | 護士節
huncied | analysis, analyze | 分節; 分析
huxlwcied | women's Day; March the 8th | 三八節; 婦女節
iawcied | die young; prematurely | 夭折
imcied | syllable | 音節
itphøf-samcied | meeting repeated difficulties; hitting one snag after another | 一波三折
jitongcied | Children's Day (April 4) | 兒童節
kacied | festival; auspicious occasion | 佳節
kafncied | simple | 簡折; 簡略
kaosucied | teachers' day | 教師節
kawcied | ten percent discount | 九折
kaycied kihøo | analytical geometry | 解析幾何
kaycied | change | 改節
khiecied | moral integrity | 氣節
khiokcied | bending; refraction | 屈折; 曲折
khoaecied | fast, prompt | 快捷; 迅速
khoancied | segment | 環節
khutcied | bending; refraction | 屈折; 曲折
kicied | branches and joints | 枝節
kiwgvor-cied | 5% discount | 九五折
koancied | joint; articulation | 關節
koancied-iam | arthritis, rheumatism | 關節炎
konghoancied | carnival | 狂歡節
kuiecied | a season of a year | 季節
kuiecied-hofng | the konsoon, a seasonal wind | 季節風
kutcied | fracture of bone | 骨節; 骨折
kuycied | ghost festival (July in Lunar calendar) | 鬼節
køcied | high section | 高節
køeacied | festival celebration | 過節
lagcied | forty percent discount | 六折
lefcied | etiquette; formality; etiquette | 禮節
liamcied | sharp sense of integrity; frugal; thrifty; not avaricious | 廉節
liaqcied | to allow a discount | 掠折; 打折
longbincied | Farmer's Day on Februry 4 | 農民節
løtong-cied | Labor Day | 勞動節
løtoxngcied | Labor Day | 勞動節
patcied | eight solar terms of the lunar calendar: beginning spring; spring equinox; beginning summer; summer solstice; beginning autumn; autumn equinox; beginning winter; and winter solstice | 八節
patgvofcied | fifteen percent discount | 八五折
pekcied putlao | unmoved by a hundred difficulties; unflinching; unbending | 百折無撓
phahcied | discount; discount; reduce; minimize | 打折
phøcied | shemozzle; difficulty; twists and turns of a matter; obstruction; obstacles | 波折
piencied | trochanter | 鞭節
pierncied | apostasy; defective; renegade; treachery; desert a cause or principle; to defect; to reform; condescend to an inferior; apostasy | 變節
piet sefng kicied | have new complications | 別生枝節
pwncied | this section | 本節
sampatcied | women's Day; March the 8th | 三八節; 婦女節
seacied | details | 細節
sicied | stanza | 詩節
sijincied | Poets Day; the fifth day of the fifth moon in the lunar calendar | 詩人節
sitcied | lose chastity | 失節
siuhegcied | harvest date | 收獲節
siwcied | remain a widow; remain single after a betrothed husband has died before the wedding | 守節
siøfcied | minor; trivial; unimportant point; a detail; a measure (in music) | 小節
soeacied | details | 細節
suncied | die to protect one's virtue or for the sake of honor | 殉節
suocied | envoy | 使節
swcied | envoy | 使節
tan'imcied | monosyllable | 單音節
thoatcied | dislocation; dislocate a joint; disconnected; irrelevant or incoherent; lose contact | 脫節
tiaucied | to regulate; to adjust; tune up; to moderate | 調節
tiaucied-khix | a controller; a conditioner | 調節器
tionggoancied | Ghost Festival; on the 15th day of the seventh moon | 中元節
toangvofcied | the 5th of the 5th lunar month (a dragon boat regatta is held) | 端陽節; 端午節
toaxcied | matters of principle | 大節
tuiecied | fifty percent discount | 對折
tvafcied | to discount; at a discount | 打折
zengcied | circumstance; chastity; pure; chaste (used of women) | 貞節; 情節
zerngchiuafcied | Arbor Day; March 12; anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's death | 植樹仔節
zhuicied | to break off | 催折; 摧折
zhuncied | lunar new year festival; lunar new year holidays | 春節
zhørcied | discouragement; disappointment; frustration; setback; defeat; failure | 挫折
zoafncied | turning point | 轉折
zoecied | destroy; vandalize | 摧折
zuxcied | be stationed in a country (diplomats) | 駐節

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