"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Teg cieen | The First and Second Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians (Catholic) | 德撒洛尼 (德。前; 後)
Zwcieen | B.C. (before Christ) | 主前
bagciw-cieen | now; present | 目睭前; 眼前
bixncieen | in front of | 面前
bogcieen | presently; now | 目前
bøo kuyjit-cieen | not many days ago | 無幾天前
ciamcieen korhiø | very cautious (Lit. look forward and backward) | 瞻前顧後
cicieen | before that | 之前
cieen chixtviuo | ex mayor | 前市長
cieen sor bixkiexn | never seen before | 前所未見
cieen zofngthorng | ex-president | 前總統
cieen | former | 前
ciongcieen | previously; before; in the past; of old; formerly; in; once upon a time; a long time ago; some time ago; formerly; in the past | 從前
gafncieen | at the present time; before the eyes | 眼前
goancieen | before; previously | 原前; 先前
gvofcieen | forenoon; A.M | 上午; 午前
hiorngcieen | straight ahead | 向前
huncieen | before marriage | 婚前
høxcieen | of great mind? | 賀前; 昊前; 浩?
iofng'orng-tidcieen | march fearlessly onward; go straight ahead | 勇往直前
it'orng-tidcieen | go ahead bravely without looking back | 一往直前
jidcieen | few days ago; recently | 日前
khongcieen | unprecedented; unexampled; record-breaking | 空前
khongcieen-zoadhiø | be the first and probably the last | 空前絕後
khvoarcieen-khvoarau | to look at front and back | 看前看後
kuncieen | front; side; or presence (of a person) | 跟前
kuyjit-cieen | How many days ago? | 幾天前
lengcieen | before the tablet of the dead; in front of a tablet honoring the dead | 靈前
nicieen | before the end of the year | 年前
oadcieen | turn in the front | 越前
ofngcieen | go forward; procoexthamin | 往前
phuu zai gafncieen | floating before the eyes | 砍眼前
saecieen | before competition | 賽前
safncieen oexsefng | prenatal (hygiene) care | 產前衛生
safncieen | before childbirth | 產前
sengcieen | during one's lifetime; before one's death | 生前; 在世
siencieen | formerly | 先前; 原先
suxcieen | before an event; beforehand | 事前; 事先
svicieen | before death | 生前
swcieen sitai | prehistoric age | 史前時代
swcieen | prehistoric | 史前
taicieen | Your Honor; conventional phrase used before the seat of justice | 臺前
thecieen | in advance ahead of schedule | 提前
thengcie-putcieen | stagnant | 停止無前
tiexncieen | in front of the temple | 殿前
tongcieen | present, current | 當前
wcieen | before the rains | 雨前
ycieen | before, formerly | 以前
zaixcieen | ahead, in front, before | 在前
zhongcieen | before bed | 床前
zoeacieen | foremost, first | 最前
zwcieen | B.C. (before Christ) | 主前; 公元前
zøxcieen | conventional phrase placed after the salutation in a letter addressed to one's senior | 座前

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