"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ciefn

bidciefn | fruit preserved in sugar | 蜜餞
ciefn hii | fry fish | 煎魚
ciefn kea | fry steamed cakes | 煎糕
ciefn koea | fry steamed cakes | 煎糕
ciefn nng | fry eggs | 煎蛋
ciefn | frying; notepaper; felt; to tremble; small; woolen fabrics; fry in a little fat or oil | 煎; 箋; 氈; 顫; 戔; 旃
ciefn'ar | a clothes moth; shears; clippers | 蟫仔; 蛀蟲; 剪髮器; 剪子
ciefnciab | edit or cut a film; film editing | 剪接
ciefnciern`leq | make hair-cut as usual | 剪剪咧
ciefncip | clip | 剪輯
ciefnheeng | farewell dinner | 餞行
ciefnhii | clothes moth, silverfish | 剪魚; 蝕書虫; 蠹魚
ciefnhoad | cut hair | 剪髮
ciefnliuo | thief; pickpocket; cutpurse | 剪扭; 扒手
ciefnliw'ar | pickpocket | 剪鈕仔; 剪綹仔; 扒手
ciefnliwar | pickpocket | 剪鈕仔; 扒手
ciefnphiøx | punch the ticket | 剪票
ciefnpiedhoe | farewell party | 餞別會
ciefnpiet | a dinner party for saying goodby; give a farewell party; a parting farewell gift | 餞別; 餞行
ciefnpox | to buy clothes | 剪布; 買布
ciefnthaang | clothes moth, silverfish | 剪蟲; 蠧書蟲
ciefnthaumof | get a haircut | 剪頭毛; 理髮
ciefntiau | cut it off | 剪掉
ciefntii | remove; exterminate; cut off | 剪除
ciefntiuu | to buy silk fabric | 剪綢; 買綢布
ciefntng | clipping; nip; snip; cut off with scissors | 剪斷
ciefntøf | scissor; scissors; shears | 剪刀
ciefnzhaai | to cut out a garment | 剪裁
ciefnzhae | cut the ribbon to inaugurate a building | 剪綵
ciefnzhao tikyn | exterminate completely; eradicate branch and root (Lit. cut the grass and remove the root.) | 剪草除根
ciefnzhao | mow or cut grass | 剪草
ciefnzhawky | lawn mower | 剪草機
ciefnzoar | paper-cut | 剪紙
ciefnzoex | cut | 剪做
ciefnzøee | cut evenly | 剪齊
kaciefn'ar | moth that eats books and clothes | 鉸剪仔
mociefn | coarse woven cloth | 毛煎; 毛氈
nngxciefn | fried egg | 卵煎
texciefn | a carpet | 地氈
tøexciefn | grass carpet, grass rug | 地氈
zuykiawciefn | fried dumplings | 水餃煎
ø'afciefn | fried egg and oyster confection | 蚵仔煎
øafciefn | fried egg and oyster confection | 蚵仔煎
øar-ciefn | oyster omelette; a Taiwanese stir fry oyster dish | 蚵仔煎

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