"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ciet

bynciet | quick in action; quick; nimble; alert; quick witted; smart; sharp; agile | 敏捷
bøo cietzex | without self-control | 無節制
ciet | quick; to cut; win; to triumph; swift; quick; rapid | 捷; 截
ciet'ao | to fold together (in the middle) | 折拗
ciet'ay suxnpiexn | restrain grief and accept the change (common advice to the bereaved) | 節哀順變
ciet'ay | restrain grief (common advice to the bereaved) | 節哀
ciet'hap | equivalent to… (said of two currencies) | 折合
ciet'hoee | to turn back halfway; turn back half way | 折回
ciet'hok | to be convinced of by someone else with superior wisdom; logic; integrity; etc. | 折服
ciet'hu | widow of chastity | 節婦; 貞節婦
ciet'iaw | to be subservient | 折腰
ciet'iog | thrift; go easy with; economize; cut corner; save; economize; use frugally | 節約
ciet'iok | birth control; birth control; practice birth control | 節育
ciet'iong | to economize the use of | 節用
ciet'khaux | discount; cut rate; allowance | 折扣
cietai ciekofng | greatest and most unbending | 至大至剛
cietai | greatest; extremely large | 至大
cietbi | tainted smell | 節味; 油腥味; 臭味
cietboaa | molestation; molest; affict; agonize; faze; submit to an ordeal; trials and afflictions; grillings; privations; hardships; persecutions | 折磨
cietbogpiør | program of a concert or show | 節目表
cietbogtvoaf | program of a concert or show | 節目單
cietbok | program; pregram; acts of an entertainment; items on a program; program | 節目
cietcied paixthex | suffer one defeat after another | 節節敗退
cietcied serngli | score one victory after another | 節節勝利
cietcied | every class hour | 節節
cietcvii | equivalent to so many dollars... (said of an article used in repaying a debt) | 折錢
cieteg | to censure, to blame, to find falt with | 至德
cietgi | justice or righteousness; integrity; fidelity; constancy; chastity | 節義
cietgoa sengky | bring about extra complications; run into unexpected difficulty; hit a snag | 節外生枝
cietgoa-sengky | to cause complications | 節外生枝
cieti | annoy, bother, trouble | 打擾; 捉弄
cietjit | festival; holiday | 節日
cietkex | to discount | 折價
cietkhaux | discount; cut rate; allowance; discount in price; discount rate | 折扣
cietkhiam | frugality; economise; prudence; be frugal; practice austerity; economize | 節儉
cietkhix | solar term | 節氣
cietkiarm | discount | 折減
cietkngf | refraction | 折光
cietku | depreciation (especially said of machinery in use) | 折舊
cietlie | refusing to marry because of the death of her betrothed or for another good reason | 節女
cietliok | outline; summary | 節略
cietliuu | curtail expenditures | 節流
cietluo | high standard female | 節女
cietlut | rhythm, beat | 節律; 韻律
cietoa | the biggest | 至大
cietphang | crease | 折縫; 摺痕
cietphaq | rhythm | 節拍
cietpoax | break into half; 50% off | 折半
cietpurn | lose money in business | 折本
cietpvoax | to reduce (in price) by half; reduce by one half; reduce to half | 折半
cietserng huieiong | cut down on expenses; practice economy; economize; be thrifty | 節省費用
cietserng sikafn | save time | 節省時間
cietserng | stint; save on; dispense; economize; go east with; economize; save; use with thrift | 節省
cietsex | tax saving | 節稅
cietsia | to refract, refraction | 折射
cietsiaux | discount | 折數
cietsit | on diet; go on a diet; to diet in order to reduce one's weight | 節食
cietsngx | calculate a proportion | 節算; 折算
cietsoaxn | calculated at; equivalent to (said of the value of property or possession | 折算
cietsoex | tax saving | 節稅
cietsvoax | broken line (in Math) | 折線
cietteg | temperance (Catholic) | 節德
cietthaau | discount | 折頭; 折扣
cietthah | to fold up, to double up | 折疊
ciettiofng | to compromise | 折衷
ciettiofng-zwgi | eclecticism | 折衷主義
ciettng | to break into two | 折斷
ciettoan | to break | 折斷
cietzaux | rhythm | 節奏; 上奏
cietzex | temperateness; deny oneself; selfcontrol; limits to expenditure; to control; temperate; moderate | 節制
cietzhøx | moral integrity | 節操
cietø | The way | 至道
cietøf | at the most | 至多
hiekek-cietbok | programme, repertoire | 戲劇節目
jidkofng-ciet'iog-sikafn | daylight saving time | 日光節約時間
jitoong-cietbok | children's programs | 兒童節目
kafnciet | fast and simple | 簡捷; 敏捷
khaigoaan-cietliuu | open the fountains and restrict the outflow ─ study ways to profit and limit expenditure | 開源節流
khoaeciet | express; quick; speedy; fast | 快捷
koanciet'iam | arthritis | 關節炎
kofngpøx-cietbok | radio program; a broadcast; television program; a telecast | 廣播節目
kuieciet'hofng | monsoon; seasonal wind | 季節風
liawciet | straightforward; clear-cut; might as well | 了捷; 利落; 直捷了當; 乾脆
lienciet | score one victory after another | 連捷
phanhoaf cietliuo | injure flowers and willows ─ lead a life of debauchery | 攀花折柳
phaq-cietkhaux | to give a discount | 拍折扣
piexnciet | conveninent and fast | 便捷
pørciet | to report a victory; to announce a success | 報捷
suocietthoaan | diplomatic mission; diplomatic corps | 使節團
tiaucietkhix | controller; regulator; tuner | 調節器
tiexnsi cietbok | TV program | 電視節目
tionghaocietgi | loyalty and filial piety | 忠孝節義
tofciet | to stop; to block up; to cut off an approach to | 堵截; 截堵
tvoaimciet'suu | single syllable vocabulary | 單音節詞
tvoaimcietsuu | single syllable vocabulary | 單音節詞
u-cietzaux | rhythmic, rhythmical | 有節奏
zuxjieen ciet'iok | natural birth control | 自然節育
zwchii cietbok | to MC (emcee) a program (TV; radio) | 主持節目

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