Auciexn | World War I, the European War | 歐戰
Hanciexn | Korean War (1950-1953) | 韓戰
Khorngciexn | War of Resistance, the war against Japan from 1937-1945 | 抗戰
Oadciexn | Vietnam war | 越戰
Texjixzhux Seakaix taixciexn | the Second World War; World War II | 第二次世界大戰
armzhaw ciexngiap | engage in unlicensed prostitution | 暗操賤業
bidciexn | confections made of candied or salted fruit, salted dried plum, tightly joined | 蜜餞
biefnciexn-paai | signal for truce(like white flag) | 免戰牌
chialunciexn | fight an enemy by turns in order to wear him down | 車輪戰
chikiwciexn | protracted drawn out struggle | 持久戰
ciexn buu hihoad | excellent marksmanship (Lit. No arrow is wasted.) | 箭無虛發
ciexn | combat | 戰
ciexnbea ciexnbe | buy and sell at low prices | 賤買賤賣
ciexnbøe | cheap sale | 賤賣
ciexnchiuo | elfish | 濺手; 調皮的; 好撥弄的手
ciexng | cope | 支應
ciexngiap | despicable business; lowly or mean occupation (now usually referring to prostitution) | 賤業
ciexnhoea | play with fire | 玩火
ciexnhoex | bad woman; a mean woman | 賤貨; (罵壞女人)
ciexnhu | whore; bad woman; a mean woman | 賤婦
ciexnhøex | inferior goods, cheap goods | 賤貨
ciexnjiin | despicable woman; slut or tramp (term of revilement much used in old novels) | 賤人
ciexnkhaf ciexnchiuo | teasing others | 弄腳弄手
ciexnkud | bad bones | 賤骨
ciexnloe | my humble wife | 賤內
ciexnpi | cheap girl servant | 賤婢; (罵人)
ciexnthaang | said in scolding a child (Lit. troublesome insect) | 頑皮; 淘氣鬼
ciexnzuie | play with water | 弄水; 濺水
erngciexn | to accept a challenge; to take up the challenge; to accept a battle; accept a challenge; meet the enemy on the battlefield | 應戰
gengciexn | meet the enemy in battle; to engage enemy forces; to meet a visiting team | 迎戰
gvexciexn | a desperate combat, a stiff fight | 硬戰
gvixciexn | a desperate combat, a stiff fight | 硬戰
hanciexn | tremble caused by cold | 寒戰
haxngciexn | a street fight; a street battle; a street skirmish | 巷戰
hayciexn | naval battle; sea encounter | 海戰
hietciexn | blood battle | 血戰
hiuciexn | truce | 休戰
hoarhagciexn | chemical warfare | 化學戰
hoehciexn | bloody war | 血戰
hoexciexn | meet for great battle | 會戰
hong'oexciexn | defensive war; defensive operation | 防禦戰; 防衛戰
honggixciexn | defensive war, defensive operation | 防禦戰, 防衛戰
hongguxciexn | defensive war; defensive operation | 防禦戰; 防衛戰
huihciexn | bloody war | 血戰
hurnciexn | (v) fight courageously; desperate fight | 奮戰
huxnciexn | tangled warfare | 混戰
hvorciexn | bellicose; hawkish; sabre-rattling; warmongering; warlike | 好戰
iafciexn | field operations; field operations (warfare); a battle in the open | 野戰
iafciexn-poxtui | combat troops | 野戰部隊
iafciexn-pvixvi | field hospital | 野戰醫院
iarmciexn | war-weariness, war fatigue | 厭煩; 厭戰
iaxciexn | night fighting, a night battle | 夜戰
ientiongciexn | extra innings | 延長戰
itciexn | a battle | 一戰
iukegciexn | guerilla (partisan) warfare | 游擊戰
iukekciexn | guerilla warfare | 游擊戰
jiedciexn | hot war; shooting war (as distinct from cold war) | 熱戰
kauciexn | wage war against each other; war; a battle; fight with | 交戰
kekciexn | fierce battle; bloody battle; desperate fight; hotly contested (game; election) | 激戰
khaiciexn | start a war; outbreak of war; make war | 開戰
khofciexn | to fight against heavy odds; to have a tough game; struggle with; desperate battle; have a tough game | 苦戰
khongciexn | air war; air battle | 空戰
khorngciexn taotea | fight an invading enemy to the last man | 抗戰到底
khorngciexn-sikii | period of the War of Resistance (especially the one against Japan 1937-1945) | 抗戰時期
koad-syciexn | a fight to the death | 決死戰
koanciexn | witness a battle, observe a military operation | 觀戰
koatciexn | fight a decisive battle | 決戰
koatsyciexn | life-and-death war | 決死戰
kwciexn | recommend, recommendation | 舉薦; 舉荐
kyciexn | recommend a competent person for a post | 薦舉; 舉荐; 舉薦
laixciexn | civil war | 內戰
lakieciexn | a see-saw battle; a see-saw game; stalemate | 拉鋸戰
lakuociexn | a seesaw battle | 拉鋸戰
lefngciexn | cold war | 冷戰
legciexn | fight with all one's might; highly recommend (someone) | 力戰; 力薦
lengciexn | spiritual warfare | 靈戰
lienciexn-liensexng | win battle after battle | 連戰連勝
liofngbin zokciexn | fight on two fronts | 兩面作戰
liogciexn | land battle; pitched battle; (military) land operations | 陸戰
loaxnciexn | trembling and upset; start a confused fight; engage in a scuffle; have a melee | 亂戰
loexciexn | civil war | 內戰
luxnciexn | a war of wars; controversy; debate; a argument; battle of words; polemics | 論戰
okciexn | a desperate fight; a hard battle; hard fighting; desperate fight | 惡戰
paixciexn | defeated in battle | 敗戰; 敗陣
paxciexn | withdraw soldiers and stop fighting | 罷戰
pekciexn peksexng | ever victorious | 百戰百勝
phaociexn | artillery duel | 砲戰
pitciexn | a paper battle; a war of words | 筆戰
pixciexn | prepare for action; prepare for war | 備戰
pøfciexn | recommends; recommend (somebody for a job) and stand guarantee (cf.; thui-chian; ki-chian) | 保薦
seakhwnciexn | bacteriological warfare | 細菌戰
serngciexn | holly war | 聖戰
sidciexn | practice, to practise | 實踐
siedciexn | war of words | 舌戰
siexnciexn | brave and skilful in fighting | 善戰
simlie-ciexn | psychological warfare | 心理戰
simlyciexn | psychological warfare | 心理戰
sinkengciexn | war of nerves; psychological warfare | 神經戰
siøciexn | engage in warfare; fight with | 相戰; 作戰
soafnciexn | election | 選戰
soanciexn | dig up the hatchet; declare war; declaration of war | 宣戰
sokciexn-sokkoad | blitzkrieg strategy; military strategy that calls for speedy decision and applying overwhelming forces against the enemy | 速戰速決
susiofngciexn | ideological warfare; the battle for people's minds | 思想戰
syciexn | fight to the finish | 死戰
taixciexn | a big battle | 大戰
tengliogciexn | landing operation | 登陸戰
thengciexn hiabteng | truce; armistice | 停戰協定
thengciexn | armistice; suspension of hostilities; cease fire | 停戰
thiauciexn heng'uii | provocative actions | 挑戰行為
thiauciexn | challenge; defiance; defiant; to challenge to battle; provoke a fight | 挑戰
thiauciexn-ciar | a challenger | 挑戰者
thiauciexn-sw | a letter of challenge | 挑戰書
thienjinkauciexn | celestial war | 天人交戰
thofngciexn | united front | 統戰
thuiciexn | recommendation; recommend (somebody for a job) | 推薦
thøfciexn | to challenge to battle | 討戰
tngkii khorngciexn | long term war of resistance | 長期抗戰
toaxciexn | the Great War | 大戰
tuieciexn | join in battle | 對戰; 應戰
uieciexn | condolences | 慰薦
ynciexn | recommend | 引薦
zengciexn | fight in battle | 征戰; 爭戰
zengtoadciexn | battle over a city; strategic point | 爭奪戰
zerngciexn | political war | 政戰
zerngseg soanciexn | formal declaration of war | 正式宣戰
zhamciexn | participation in war; enter or join a war | 參戰
zherngciexn | gun battle; exchange of rifle or pistol fire | 鎗戰
zhuiciexn | recommend; recommendation; recommend a proposition; propose | 推薦
zhutciexn | going out to fight a battle; to make war | 出戰
zoafnciexn | fight in one place after another | 轉戰
zofngthefciexn | all out war; total war | 總體戰
zokciexn | make war; military operations; strategy | 作戰
zoxciexn | help in battle | 助戰
zuxciexn | introduce or recommend oneself; to volunteer | 自薦
zuyciexn | battle on the water; naval warfare | 水戰; 海戰
zwciexn | main battle | 主戰
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
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If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
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