Lienhabkog hiernciofng | U.N. Charter | 聯合國憲章
Liie Hongciofng | Li Hung-Chang | 李鴻章
Limciofng Serngthea | Sacrament of Holy Eucharist administered to dying or those in danger of death; Viaticum | 臨終聖體
Limciofng taixsiax | plenary indulgence received at the hour of death | 臨終大赦
Pauciofngtee | Pouchong tea | 包種茶
angciofnglaang | native born American; American Indian | 紅種人
boafnciofng | evening bells | 晚鐘
buciofng | endless | 無終
bucit jii ciofng | die without any apparent ailment or disease | 無疾而終
bunciofng | armory; blazon; heraldry; sentence; article; essay; composition; writing; composition; an essay | 紋章; 文章
busie buciofng | without beginning without end; eternal | 無始無終
bøxciofng | logo or trademark on hat or cap or bonnet; hat badge; badge for a cap | 帽章
ciaociofng paxnlie | carry on; operate; or manage according to rules; regulations | 照章辦理
ciaociofng | according to regulations | 照章
ciauciofng | manifested, plainly shown | 招章
ciofng kex ciu kex | adapt one's scheme to that of the opponent; deal with an opponent by taking advantage of his plan | 將計就計
ciofng kofng por zoe | make up for faults by one's merits | 將功補罪
ciofng kofng siok zoe | atone for mistakes by meritorious service | 將功贖罪
ciofng sym pie sym | judge another's feelings by your own; compare your feelings with his; empathize | 將心比心
ciofng | to use; the end; a chapter; a camphor tree; thick liquid; a jade tablet; a roach; a cup without handle; a clock; ; end; come to the end; conclusion; death; die; finally; at last; in the end; after all; in the long run; whole; all | 將; 終; 章; 樟; 漿; 璋; 蟑; 鍾; 鐘
ciofng'ag | in one's grasp; within one's power; at the mercy of | 掌握
ciofng'ixn | have charge of the official seal the man in charge | 掌印
ciofng-citzun | just this time | 正這陣
ciofng-putjieen | otherwise | 將無然
ciofngciofng | medal | 獎章
ciofngciorng | different kinds; many kinds; variedness; sundry; diverseness; various kinds; all sorts of; etcetera | 種種
ciofnghagkym | scholarship; a fellowship | 獎學金
ciofnghak | education encouragement | 獎學
ciofnghak-kym | scholarship, fellowship | 獎學金
ciofnghang | awards | 獎項
ciofngkhoaan | take power | 掌權
ciofngkngrhaang | lottery store | 獎券行
ciofngkngx | lottery | 獎券
ciofngkoaan | be in power or authority | 掌權
ciofngkoarn | take charge of; supervise; manage | 掌管
ciofngkoaxn | lottery; lottery or raffle ticket | 獎券
ciofngkud | metacarpal bones | 掌骨
ciofngkui`ee | manager; shopkeeper (respectful term of address) | 掌櫃的
ciofngkym | bonus; prize; premium; prize money; bounty; bonus | 獎金
ciofngle | put a premium on; encouragement; hortation; encourage by rewards | 獎勵
ciofnglie | supervise; take charge of | 掌理
ciofnglui | kind; class; category; variety; variety; class; kinds | 種類
ciofngpaai | medal | 獎牌
ciofngphirn | prize; award; spoil; trophy; prizes or rewards | 獎品
ciofngpiet | classify; classification | 種別
ciofngpoef | a plate, a prize cup | 獎杯
ciofngsefng juu luii | thunderous applause | 掌聲如雷
ciofngsiong bengzw | beloved daughter | 掌上明珠
ciofngsiorng | to reward | 獎賞
ciofngsviaf | applause | 掌聲
ciofngsviuo | to reward | 獎賞
ciofngtø | steer a ship; the man in charge | 掌舵
ciofngzng | certificate of merit; citation for meritorious service | 獎狀
ciofngzo | awards | 獎助
ciofngzok kehli | racial segregation; apartheid | 種族隔離
ciofngzok kekbeng | racial revolution | 種族革命
ciofngzok khinsi | racial discrimination | 種族歧視
ciofngzok pengterng | racial equality | 種族平等
ciofngzok | tribe; strips; race; phyle; race or tribe of people | 種族
ciofngzoxkym | scholarship | 獎助金
ciong'id jii ciofng | be faithful to one husband all her life even after she is divorced or in widowhood | 從一而終
ciongciofng | evident, obvious | 將將; 彰彰
ciorngbok ciauciofng | stare or watchful eyes of the public | 眾目昭彰
ciøsefng kafnciofng | brochure sent on request listing the essential points a student needs to know before taking the entrance examination of a school | 招生簡章
gagciofng | movement | 樂章
giabciofng | burden of sin which is obstacle to one's life (Buddhism) | 業障
gøeqciofng | end of the month | 月終
hexpid-sengciofng | write quickly and skillfully | 下筆成章
hiernciofng | charter; orders issued by the authorities | 憲章
hietciofng | blood plasma | 血漿
hiongciofng | medal of honor in ranking | 胸章; 慌張
hoeasiu kay ciofng | fated time of life having come to an end; one must die | 壽數該盡
hoexciofng | the charter of an association; by laws or rules of a society | 會章
huiciofng | badge; insignia; an emblem; medal; insight | 徽章
hunciofng | honor; medal; insignia; decoration or order conferred on a meritorious person | 勳章
huolimciofng | anoint extreme unction (Catholic) | 傅臨終
iokciofng | charter | 約章
irnciofng | seal; a stamp; a chop | 圖章; 印章
iwsie iwciofng | carry out an undertaking from start to finish; not give up halfway | 有始有終
iwsie-iwciofng | to carry out an undertaking from start to finish | 有始有終
jinciofnghak | ethnology | 人種學
kaeciofng | seal; to stamp (a document) | 蓋章
kafnciofng | brief and concise statement of regulations; procedures; abridged regulations | 簡章
kienciofng | epaulets | 肩章
koarnthied syciofng | remain consistent from the start to the very end | 貫徹始終
kofciofng | be out of order, go wrong, hindrance, hitch, breakdown | 故障
kopud-jiciofng | to have to; must | 孤無而終; 不得已
koputciofng | cannot but; have no choice but; cannot help but; having no alternative but to do it; unavoidably; be compelled to do | 姑不將; 不得已; 無得不
korciofng | a bug or breakdown (of a machine); malfunction; failure | 故障
kuiciofng | rules and regulations | 規章
kyliam-ciofng | memorial badge, memorial pina | 紀念章
kyliaxmciofng | commemorative badge; medal | 紀念章
lienciofng ciofngkym | annual bonus | 年終獎金
lienciofng khøfzeg | grading of an employee's performance at the end of the year; year end evaluation | 年終考績
lienciofng koatsoaxn | settlement of accounts at the year end | 年終決算
lienciofng | close of the year; end of the year | 年終
limciofng | one's last moments; extreme unction; be on the point of dying; just before dying; about to breathe one's last; at deathbed; in articulo mortis | 臨終
loxngciofng | play with jade; birth of a boy | 弄璋
niafciofng | insignia on the collar of military uniforms | 領章
niar limciofng Serngsu | receive Extreme Unction (the new Catholic term for this Sacrament is Anointing of the Sick; but you may still hear the term; Extreme Unction) | 領臨終聖事
niciofng | close of the year; end of the year | 年終
pauciofngtee | half fermented tea | 包種茶
phiauciofng | badge | 標章
phienciofng | chapter | 篇章
piawciofng | award; give a commendation; commendation; show forth clearly; reward (a person in recognition of his service); to honor | 表彰
pinciofng | barrier | 屏障
piøfciofng | rubber stamp | 表章
pøfciofng | guarantee; security; to safeguard; protect; for the preservation of | 保障
pørciofng | newspaper | 報章
sarngciofng | be present at the deathbed of.. | 送終
siexnciofng | peaceful death | 善終
siuxciofng | die in old age | 壽終
songciofng | a symbol of mourning | 喪終; 孝布
suciofng | personal seal; private chop | 私章
syciofng ju'id | same from beginning to end ─ consistent | 始終如一
syciofng | always; consistent; from the beginning to the end | 始終
tiefnciofng | constitution of an organization, regulations | 典章
titciofngjiin | prize winner | 得獎人
tociofng | seal; chop (usually personal) | 圖章; 印章; 圖章,印章
tofngciofng | the constitution of a political party | 黨章
uiciofng kierntiog | buildings erected without a license or against the provisions of the building code; illegal structures | 違章建築; 違建
uiciofng | disobey regulations | 違章
wn ciofng kiuu pøx | return evil for good; ungrateful | 恩將仇報
wn ciofng siuu pøx | return evil for good | 恩將仇報
zabloan-buciofng | untidy | 雜亂無章; 亂七八糟
zaociofng | memorial to the throne | 奏章
zerngciofng | badge | 證章
zhutkhawsengciofng | quick thinking, and excellent eloquence | 出口成章
zoeaciofng | last one; the end | 最終
zu suo cix ciofng | from the beginning to end | 自始至終
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If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
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