"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Habcioxng Kokzeasia | United Press International; UPI | 合眾國際社
Itcioxng kofng seeng baxnkud kof | general achieves renown over the dead bodies of 10,000 soldiers--The achievements of a general cost thousands of lives | 一將功成萬骨枯。
baxncioxng itsym | all for one and one for all; with one aspiration in their heart; solidarity | 萬眾一心
befngcioxng | brave general; fierce general | 猛將
bengcioxng | famous general | 名將
bincioxng | populace; the people; the multitude | 民眾
boadcioxng | the last general; the last general from previous dynasty | 末將
bwcioxng | military general; military commander; general | 武將
bwcioxnggoaan | the No.1 of the national military examinations | 武狀元
chiwha paixcioxng | one who has suffered defeat at my or your hands | 手下敗將
cierncioxng | a war general | 戰將
cioxng sor ciuty | universally known; known by all | 眾所週知
cioxng | to hit (a target); a general; a crowd; to hinder; any thick sauce; separate; to screen; to shield; defend; to guard; a screen | 中; 將; 眾; 障; 醬
cioxnggoaan | champion; kemp; highest degree given to the applicant who passed the final imperial examination (ancient system); today this title is given to the applicant who passed an entrance examination with honor | 狀元
cioxnghoan | an accessory (criminal) | 從犯
gvofsefng sioxngcioxng | five-star general or admiral | 五星上將
habcioxng | gather a crowd | 合眾
hegcioxng | delude or confuse the people | 惑眾
hengswtoxngcioxng | mobilize troops and stir up the people | 興師動眾
hipcioxng | fainthearted; shy on public | 怯場; 翕眾
hoexcioxng | audience, congregation | 會眾
hofcioxng | a brave general | 虎將
huocioxng | a deputy general | 副將
høcioxng | amiable (disposition); easy-going | 和眾; 隨和
iaugieen hegcioxng | arouse people with wild talk; deceive people with sensational speeches | 妖言惑眾
iofngcioxng | a fearless general; fearless general | 勇將
itpvoaf bincioxng | people in general | 一般民眾
karncioxng | a capable or daring man | 幹將; 大膽的人
kekcioxng | agitate | 激將
kekcioxng-hoad | aggressive method | 激將法
khiefncioxng | send generals (to battle) | 遣將
khongkwn-siawcioxng | major general in the air force | 空軍少將
khongkwn-sioxngcioxng | general in the air force | 空軍上將
khongkwn-tiongcioxng | lieutenant general in the air force | 空軍中將
kierncioxng | one who plays a leading role in an activity (such a movement; a campaign; etc.); one who is good at a sport or sports | 健將
kiexncioxng | one who plays a leading role in an activity (such as a movement; a campaign; etc.); one who is good at a sport or sports | 健將
koancioxng | the audience or spectators | 觀眾
koarncioxng | tree fern, fern (osmunda) | 灌蕨; 貫眾
kofcioxng | be out of order, go wrong, hindrance, hitch, breakdown | 故障
kongcioxng | the public; the community | 公眾
korcioxng | hindrance; obstacle; difficulty; trouble; to break down | 故障
kuncioxng simlie | mob (mass) psychology; the group mind | 群眾心理
kuncioxng | a crowd; a large mass of people; the public; crowd (of people); multitude; throng | 群眾
kvoar puttek cioxng | the few cannot withstand the many; a single individual cannot withstand the multitude; to be overpowered by the enemy's larger number; You can't beat city hall | 寡無敵眾
laixcioxng | cataract; cataract in the eye(s) | 內障
lauxcioxng | old general; a veteran | 老將
lawcioxng | an old officer; a veteran | 老將
leglaixcioxng | glaucoma | 綠內障; 青光眼
legloexcioxng | glaucoma | 綠內障; 青光眼
liogkwn sioxngcioxng | camp marshall; field marshal | 陸軍上將
liongcioxng | brilliant general | 良將
lwcioxng | female warrior, strong woman | 女將; 女傑
lycioxng | female warrior; Amazon | 女將
løfcioxng | an old officer; a veteran | 老將
nofcioxng | old officer | 老將
o'hap-cy-cioxng | undisciplined mob (Lit. people assembled like crows) | 烏合之眾
ohap cy-cioxng | a rabble, a mob | 烏合之眾
ohap-cicioxng | a rabble, a mob | 烏合之眾
paixcioxng | defeated enemy general; a loser in a contest | 敗將
patkacioxng | Taiwanese religion with 8 generals in the front of parade | 八家將
pengcioxng | a protective screen; a shield; a shelter; a barrier | 屏障; 兵將
peqlaixcioxng | cataract | 白內障
poaxncioxng | turncoat general; mutinous general | 叛將
poxcioxng | general | 部將
pøfcioxng løkafng ee seng'oah | safeguard the livelihood of the workers | 保障勞工的生活
pøfcioxng | guarantee; security; to safeguard; protect; for the preservation of | 保障
siaocioxng | army; air force and marine corps major general; (navy) rear admiral | 少將
sioxngcioxng | full general; general; admiral | 上將
sirncioxng | believers | 信眾
siwcioxng | commanding general in charge of the defense of a city or strategic point | 守將
sixcioxng | show to the public as a warning for the future | 示眾
taixcioxng bunhak | literature for the masses | 大眾文學
taixcioxng | the masses; the crowd; general; admiral | 大眾; 大將
taixcioxng-hoax | to popularize, popularization | 大眾化
tegkib sioxngcioxng | five-star general or admiral | 特級上將
thefngcioxng | audience | 聽眾
thengcioxng | hard of hearing, hearing impaired | 聽障
thiencioxng | sky general | 天將
thviacioxng | audience; auditory; listeners | 聽眾; 聽障
tiongcioxng | lieutenant-general; vice-admiral; air marshal; lieutenant general; vice admiral | 中將
tioxng cioxnggoaan | obtain the highest degree | 中狀元
tongcioxng soanpox | announce before a crowd; announce publicly | 當眾宣佈
tongcioxng | in the presence of all | 當眾
ycioxng puttoong | different from other people; extraordinary; unlike others | 與眾無同
ykvoar tegcioxng | fight a numerically superior enemy | 以寡敵眾
zafmcioxng | behead | 斬將
zafmsiuo sixcioxng | behead a criminal and exhibit the severed head to the public as a warning to would be offenders | 斬首示眾
zaihoaa zhutcioxng | uncommon brilliance | 才華出眾
zancioxng | physical disabilities | 殘障
zhutcioxng | outstanding; stand out; be foremost | 出眾
zuxcioxng | gather a mob | 聚眾
zwcioxng | primary general; commanding general; the captain (of an athletic team) | 主將
zwncioxng | brigadier general | 准將
zøxiaau hegcioxng | cheat, swindle or mislead the people with lies or rumors | 造謠惑眾

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