"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ciux

bat-ciuociux | extremely tight | 密喌喌
ciongzhøx ciuxzhøx | accept the consequences of a mistake and try to adapt oneself thereto; make the best of a bad job | 將錯就錯
ciuociux | eaten by worm here and there | 蛀蛀
ciux | to curse; decay; decay; worm eaten; moth eaten; holes made by insects; decayed teeth or wood | 咒; 蛀; 蛀蝕
ciuxafnnef | as a result | 就按呢
ciuxbiin | sleep | 就眠
ciuxciao | a vulture | 鷲鳥
ciuxcid tiefnlea | inaugural ceremony | 就職典禮
ciuxcid | to have a position in office, to take office | 就職
ciuxcirn | to be diagnosed | 就診
ciuxgiap khøfchix | test for prospective employees | 就業考試
ciuxgiap | pursue an occupation; have a job; get employment | 就業
ciuxhak | school enrolment; go to school | 就學
ciuxjim | installation; ingoing; entrance; go to a post | 就任
ciuxkhix | to go at once | 就去
ciuxkin | nearby; from the nearest source | 就近
ciuxkirn | hurry; hasten; make haste | 就緊; 趕忙
ciuxkun | nearby | 就近
ciuxlaai | to come at once | 就來
ciuxlim | take office | 就任
ciuxoar | drew near to, approach | 就倚; 就近
ciuxpien | do something in the course of doing something else more important (the additional task does not involve too much trouble or divert one's attention from his main work); by the way | 就便; 順便; 趁便
ciuxsi | in fact is; it means that; namely; exactly; that is; namely; no other than; videlicet; is | 就是
ciuxsu luxnsu | confine the discussion to the matter at issue | 就事論事
ciuxsu | project under way; take shape; ready | 就緒
ciuxsu-luxnsu | to confine the discussion to the matter at issue | 就事論事
ciuxsuu | to be completed, to be arranged | 就辭
ciuxte kaykoad | settle or solve a problem right on the spot | 就地解決
ciuxte zernghoad | execute right on the spot | 就地正法
ciuxte zhwzaai | acquire necessary material locally; employ local talent | 就地取材
ciuxte-zhwzaai | to obtain material from local sources | 就地取材
ciuxthak | enroll | 就讀
ciuxtøe | on the spot | 就地
ciuxu | then there esists, then there happens, there happens at once | 就有
ciuxui | to take a seat, to take one's seat | 就位
ciuxy | to go to the doctor, to see a doctor | 就醫
ciuxzhuo | then; thereupon; thereafter | 就此
ciuxzø | to take a seat, to take one's seat | 就坐
huciux | spell; incantation; chanted spell or incantation | 符咒
khiebuun-ciuxbuo | quit civilian life and join the army | 棄文就武
liam huciux | recite charms; chantan incantation; mutter spells | 念咒; 念符咒
liaxmciux | recite charms; chant an incantation; mutter spells | 念咒; 念符咒
pixtiong ciuxkhefng | take the easier way out; choose the easier of two alternatives; dwell on the minor points but avoid touching the core of a matter | 避重就輕
sengciuxkarm | sense of accomplishment | 成就感
soansex ciuxcid | be sworn in (said of government officials) | 宣誓就職
tokciux | chick breaking the shell so as to get out | 啄殼; 出殼

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