"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: cviuo

ahcviuo | meat pulp, mashed meat cooked with soybean sauce | 鴨掌
chiacviuo | conductress, conductor of a bus | 車掌
chiwcviuo | palm of the hand | 手掌
cviuo | the palm (of a human hand); an oar | 掌; 獎; 槳
cviuo'iuu | soy sauce | 醬油
cviuocviux | muddy | 泥濘; 醬醬
cviuokiaam | pickled vegetables; pickled | 醬菜; 醬類; 醬鹹
cviuokoear | pickle | 醬瓜仔
cviuokoef | pickles; pickled cucumbers | 醬瓜
cviuokviw | pickled ginger | 醬薑
cviuoliau | picked stuff; various sorts of vegetables preserved in bean sauce | 醬料; 醃菜; 醃漬品
cviuoseg | sauce color | 醬色
cviuozhaix | soy sauce pickles; pickled vegetables | 醬菜
himcviuo | metacarpus of bear; bear's paw (as delicacy) | 熊掌
khvoarcviuo | watch palm | 看掌
køeacviuo | over-reward | 過獎
kørcviuo | row a boat | 過槳; 划漿
lawcviuo | for CKS | 老蔣
løsoancviuo | propeller of an airplane | 螺旋槳
pacviuo | hand with open fingers; a palm; a slap | 巴掌
sviusviuu-cviuocviux | softened and spoiled by moisture; growing soft or sticky with moisture | 濕濕黏黏
tauxcviuo'ar | bean paste | 豆醬仔
tauxcviuopoo | beans boiled into a mass and kept till moldy | 豆醬渣
tauxcviuothngf | miso soup | 豆醬湯
thuhcviuo | bald on forehead and crown of head | 額高; 禿額
tngxcviuo | have a line all the way across one's palm | 斷掌
zuncviuo | an oar | 船槳

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