"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Sioxngzuo ee taixgienjiin | person of foresight or forethought (Note: The prophets in the Scriptures are translated as Siong-chu e tai-gian-jin (上主的代言人) spokesman of God.) | 先知; (上主的代言人)
bøo lie ee taixcix | It's none of your business | 無你的代誌; 少管閒事
hiao ie taixgi | persuade someone to follow the right path by telling him what is right | 曉以大義
huxnlai ee taixcix | one's due task; duty | 份內之事
koeakhix ee taixcix | past events; things of the past; things that have come to pass | 過去的事
kycie taixhofng | one's behavior is exemplary; have a dignified air | 舉止大方
seasiok ee taixcix | worldly affairs | 世俗的事情
siawtee taixzog | great fuss about a small matter ─ making mountains out of molehills | 小題大作
siøftøee taixzog | make great trouble out of a trifling matter; make much of a trifle; make a mountain out of a molehill | 小題大做
soafnbie taixhoe | beauty pageant | 選美大會

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