Pielor | Peru | 秘魯
aeloaan | affection, attachment | 愛戀
anzoankhieloong | air bag for car; sometimes referred to as ke-kui-a; balloon) | 安全氣囊
belo | go astray; maze; lose; wrong path; path of error; lose one's way; be at fault; in error | 迷路
beloaan | to be infatuated with; to indulge in; be madly in love with; be a slave of; unable to shake off | 迷戀
beloan | confusing; perplexity; perplexed | 迷亂
boehoelok | kind of deer with white spots | 梅花鹿
ciaqiøh bøo tuielo | taking improper medicine | 沒吃對藥; 吃藥無對路
cvielo | frying technique | 煎路; 油炸技術; 煎的食物
gipelo | diluted loquat extract (used as a medicine) | 枇杷露
hoelok | God of fire | 火神; 花鹿; 回祿
hoeloklog | very colorfully decorated to the point of distracting the eye; a person talks so much and so fast that the listener becomes confused | 花碌碌; 無懂; 不清楚; 很吵; 衣服很花
hoeloong | a winding corridor | 迴廊
hoexgi-kielok | proceedings, minutes | 會議記錄
huiheeng kielogkhix | airplane black box | 飛行記錄器; (黑盒子)
hunzhelo | fork of a road | 分叉路; 分岔路
høelok | the god of fire, a fire | 回祿
jiogzeeng ee khoaelok | carnal pleasure | 肉情的快樂
kaeloah | mustard; mustard | 芥末; 芥辣; 芥子泥; 芥子
kaeloaqhurn | powdered mustard | 芥子粉
khielo | application; way of escape; a way out | 用途; 去路
khieloo | a steam radiator | 氣爐
khieloong | air bladder (of fish); air sac (of birds or plants); gas bag or envelope (of a dirigible) | 氣囊
khoaelok | pleasure; happiness; delightfulness; joyful; enjoyment; pleasing; cheerfulness; happy | 快樂
khoaelok-zwgi | hedonism | 快樂主義
kielogphvix | a documentary, a documentary film, news reel | 記錄片
kielok | to make or set a record; keep minutes; record; minutes | 記錄
koeakelo | cross the street | 過街路
koelo | street; thoroughfare ─ (doesn't include the shops on both sides) | 街路
køelo | street; road | 街路; 街道
melorng | Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon) | 香瓜; 源自日語メロン(meron)
moekhieloo | gas stove (coal) | 煤氣爐
muikhieloo | gas stove (coal) | 煤氣爐
peqzhaelor | cabbage marinade | 白菜滷
pheloong | envelope | 信封
phoax kielok | break a record; record shattering; record breaking | 破記錄
phoelofng | an envelope | 批囊
phoelog | an envelope | 信囊; 批囊
phoelok'ar | an envelope | 信橐仔; 信盒
phoelong'ar | an envelope | 批囊仔
phoeloong | an envelope | 信封; 郵筒
phøeloong | envelope | 信封; 皮囊; 批囊
pielo | secret road | 秘路
pielo-tiexnsi | closed circuit TV; cable TV | 閉路電視
pipelo | diluted loquat extract (used as a medicine) | 枇杷露
pvelo | even road; without up and downs; good road | 平路; 坦途
samzhelo | junction of three roads | 三岔路
siangzhelo | branching roads; forked road | 雙叉路; 交叉路
siangzheloxkhao | double junction | 雙叉路口
svazhelo | junction of three roads | 三叉路
svazheloxkhao | junction where three roads meet | 三叉路口
svelo | way out | 生路
syn kielok | new record | 新記錄
teloong | tea farmer | 茶農
thaeloong | Taro | 太郎
toa-køelo | big streets | 大街路
toaxkelo | big street | 大街路
tuielo | proper, suitable (medicine) | 對路; 對症
uieloah | fear of heat | 畏熱
zhuielo | good taste | 嘴路; 吃興
zhuielofm | animal's snout; muzzle | 口罩; (動物用)
zoxjiin uii khoaelok-cy-purn | Happiness lies in rendering help to others. Service begets happiness | 助人為快樂之本。
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