"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Akinteeng | Argentina | 阿根廷
Anpeeng kofpør | Fort Zeelandia in Tainan; built by the Dutch in the 17th century | 安平古堡
Anpeeng | Anping; Fort Anping; place in Tainan; Tailaam city | 安平
Athaix kengzex habzog hoexgi | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation | 亞太經濟合作會議
Aubeeng | EU | 歐盟
Baxn'eeng | a city in Hualien County | 萬榮
Beng | surname Meng; Meng | 孟
Beng'ongzhvef | the planet Pluto | 冥王星
Bengti | Meiji Period | 明治
Bengtiaau | Ming Dynasty (1386-1644 AD) | 明朝
Bisengbudhak | microbiology | 微生物學
Ciawzheeng | a city in Kaohsiung County | 鳥榕; 鳥松
Cirntngg eng | Entrance Song of the Mass (Catholic) | 進堂詠
Ciøqteng | a village in Taipei County | 石碇
Efngzeng | a city in Changhua County | 永靖
Giaqthaau svachiøq u sinbeeng | The gods are always near you. (Lit. Raise your head three feet and there is a spirit.) | 舉頭三尺有神明
Hayleng'oong | the dragon king; god of the ocean and rain; Neptune | 海龍王
Heeng | surname | 邢
Hengsafn | a city in Hsinchu County Taiwan | 橫山
Hengsu sorsioxnghoad | Criminal Procedure Code | 刑事訴訟法
Hengzerng'vixtviuo | premier | 行政院長
Hengzex Siongtiern | Canon of Mass (Catholic) | 行祭常典
Hengzhwn | a city in Pingtung County Taiwan | 恆春
Hokleeng Tøxbeeng Siulie Hoe | Dominican Sisters of Funing; OP (Catholic) | 福寧道明修女會
Hor løh peng'viuu pi khiern khy | hero or brave man can be bullied by a bunch of weaklings when he is down on his luck. (A tiger out of his natural environment can be bullied by a dog.) | 虎落平陽被犬欺
Huienaixbeng Sw | The Epistle of Paul to Philemon (Catholic) | 費賴孟書
Huixleeng | people's name | 慧玲
Høpeeng cy Ho | Queen of Peace (Catholic) | 和平之后
Høpeeng | a city in Taichung County Taiwan | 和平
Id sitciog seeng chienkor-hin | A moment's error will bring about sorrow for a thousand years | 一失足成千古恨
Ienpeeng | a city in Taitung County | 延平
Ienpengkun-oong | temple; a landmark in Tainan | 延平郡王
Ienpengkuxn'oong-suu | temple; a landmark in Tainan | 延平郡王祠
Iongbengsafn | a resort in suburban Taipei; Taiwan (Yangmingshan) | 陽明山
Itcioxng kofng seeng baxnkud kof | general achieves renown over the dead bodies of 10,000 soldiers--The achievements of a general cost thousands of lives | 一將功成萬骨枯。
Kaoteeng | Holy See | 教廷
Kaoteeng-kongsaekoarn | Apostolic Delegation | 教廷公使館
Kaoteeng-kongsaix | Apostolic Internuncio (Catholic) | 教廷公使
Kaoteeng-sinbunzhux | Holy See Information Service (H.S.I.S.) (Catholic) | 教廷新聞處
Kaoteeng-taixsaix | nuncio | 教廷大使
Kengkhøf | a fictional character | 矜軻
Kengsw | Missal (Catholic) | 經書
Kengtoong | a city in Yunlin County | 荊桐
Kengzeapo | Ministry of Economic Affairs | 經濟部
Khengnaa | a city in Hsinchu County | 芎林
Khofngbeeng | most famous tactician in Chinese history | 孔明
Khofngbeng | Confucius and Mencius | 孔孟
Khunbeeng | a Chinese city | 昆明
Kiencirn zerngbengsw | Certificate of Confirmation (Catholic) | 堅振證明書
Kimleeng | a city in Kinmen County | 金寧
Kitokkaux Lyzuo Zhenglienhoe | Young Women's Christian Association (Protestant); Y.W.C.A | 基督教女子青年會
Kitokkaux Zhenglienhoe | Young Men's Christian Association (Protestant); Y.M.C.A | 基督教青年會
Kong'engkefng | the Gloria (Catholic); The lesser doxology | 光榮經
Kong'engsiong | Gloria of the Mass (Catholic) | 光榮頌
Konggoaan-zeeng | before the Christ era, B.C | 公元前
Kongkaux Citkafng Zhenglienhoe | Y.C.W. (J.O.C.); Young Catholic Workers Association | 公教職工青年會
Kongkaux Kangzhenghoe | Y.C.W. (J.O.C.); Young Catholic Workers Association | 公教工青會
Kongkaux Zhenglienhoe | C.Y.O.; Catholic Youth Organization | 公教青年會
Laam-Peng'viuu | Antarctic Ocean | 南冰洋
Latenggie | Latin (language) | 拉丁語
Latengguo | Latin language | 拉丁語
Latengji | Latin | 拉丁字
Leeng | surname Long; Lung | 龍
Leng'oong | the God of Ocean, dragon king | 龍王
Leng'y Hoe | MI: Ministri Infirmorum (Miss. Camil.) (Catholic) | 靈醫會
Leng'y Siulyhoe | MI: Ministri Infirmorum (Miss. Camil.) (Catholic) | 靈醫修女會
Lengha | Ninghsia; a province in northwest China | 寧夏
Lengphøf | Ningpo; a port city in Chekiang Province | 寧波
Liedleeng | Leonard | 烈寧
Liexnleeng Misad | Mass for the Holy Souls (Catholic) | 煉靈彌撒
Luo-Zhenglienhoe | YWCA ─ Young Women's Christian Association | 女青年會
Misad Kengpurn | Missal (Catholic) | 彌撒經本; (經書)
Moekuix Tøxbeeng Siulie Hoe | OP: Dominican Catech. Srs. of St. Joseph (Catholic) | 玫瑰道明修女會; (瑞士)
Ociebengchi | Ho Chi Minh City | 胡志明市
Oexseng'vi | Bureau of Public Health | 衛生院
Oexsengkiok | Bureau of Public Health | 衛生局
Pag peng'viuu | Arctic Ocean; arctic icecap | 北冰洋
Pakpeeng | Beijing | 北平
Peklixheeng | Bethlehem; town in Palestine where Jesus Christ was born (Protestant) | 伯利恆
Pengkek | Peking opera | 平劇
Pengkhoef | a city in Taipei County | 平溪
Pengtør | Iceland | 冰島
Sarmsw jihiø heeng | Think thrice before you act | 三思而行
Senghong'iaa | the city god | 城隍爺
Senghongbiø | temple of the city god | 城隍廟
Senghoong | the guardian deity of a city | 城隍
Sengki'go | Friday | 星期五
Sengki'id | Monday | 星期一
Sengki'ji | Tuesday | 星期二
Sengki'lak | Saturday | 星期六
Sengki'six | Thursday | 星期四
Sengki'svaf | Wednesday | 星期三
Sengkijit | Sunday | 星期日; 主日
Sengkofng | a city in Taitung County | 成功
Sengkongniar | Mt. Seng-kong ─ an army camp between Taichung and Changhua | 成功嶺
Sengtai | National Cheng Kung University | 成大
Serng Oexsengzhux | Provincial Health Department | 省衛生處
Serng'eng | Hymn (Catholic) | 聖詠
Serngbør bongtiaux sengthiefn | Mary is assumed into Heaven (Catholic) | 聖母蒙召升天
Serngleeng karngliim | the coming of the Holy Spirit; Pentecost | 聖靈降臨; 聖神降臨
Serngleeng | the Holy Spirit; the Holy Ghost | 聖靈
Serngtaxn zeng'ia | Christmas Eve | 聖誕夜; 聖誕前夜
Serngthea iuheeng | Procession of the Blessed Sacrament | 聖體遊行
Sexng Bixzengciok'hoe | Vincentians (Catholic) | 聖味增爵會
Sexng Tøbenggvor Hoe | Order of St Dominic (Catholic) | 聖多明我會
Sexng Tøxbeeng Thoankaux Siulie Hoe | OP: Miss Srs of St Dominic (Catholic) | 聖道明傳教修女會
Sexng Tøxbenghoe | OP: Ordo Praedicat Stil Dominici (Catholic) | 聖道明會
Sexng ørsuteng Hoe | CR: Canonici Reg Sti Aug (Catholic) | 聖奧斯定會
Sinhai kekbeng | the Revolution of 1911 (year of 辛亥); which led to he overthrow of the Manchu Dynasty | 辛亥革命
Sitpai uii sengkofng cy bør | Failure begets success If at first you don't succeed; try; try again | 失敗為成功之母。
Suotoo Hengtoan | Acts of the Apostles (Protestant) | 使徒行傳
Svatengpof | a city in Taipei | 三重埔
Taixseng-pudkaux | Buddhism | 大成佛教
Teng | surname Deng; Teng | 鄧
Tengzhefng-Oo | Lake in Kaohsiung | 澄清湖
Tengzheng'oo | a famous lake in Kaohsiung | 澄清湖
Thaepeeng | a city in Taichung County | 太平
Thaepeng'viuu | Pacific Ocean | 太平洋
Thaepengsafn | Victoria Peak is a hill on the western half of Hong Kong | 太平山
Tøbenggvor Hoe 大 | The religious order of St. Dominic; Dominicans; OP | 多明我會
Zengjincied | St Valentine's Day | 情人節
Zhengbeeng | Feast of Tombs; a lunar period during which the Chinese worship at or clean the grave roughly corresponding to Easter time | 清明; 清明節
Zhengbengzeq | Feast of Tombs; a lunar period during which the Chinese worship at or clean the grave roughly corresponding to Easter time | 清明節; 清明
Zhengcinkaux | Mohammedanism or Islamism | 清真教; 回教
Zhengkaotoo | Puritans | 清教徒
Zhengsafn | Aoyama | 青山
Zhengtai | Ching dynasty | 清代
Zhengteakog | Qing Empire | 清帝國
Zhengtiaau | Ching o Manchu Dynasty (1644-1911) | 清朝
Zhengzuie | a city in Taichung County | 清水
Zongkaux-bunbeeng | religious culture | 宗教文明
Zukag Khofngbeeng | a fictional character | 諸葛孔明
Zwzeeng | B.C. (before Christ) | 主前
aemai heng'uii | scandal (especially an illicit affair) | 曖昧行為
aezeeng putzoafn | changeable or unstable in love; fickle | 愛情無專
aezeeng zoan'id | steadfast in love; constant in love | 愛情專一
aezeeng | affection; love; love; affection | 愛情
ahheng'ar | little male duck | 鴨雄仔
aibeeng | doleful cry | 哀鳴
aix hieeng | vainglorious | 愛虛榮
aleeng | dumbbell | 啞鈴
an'afn zexngzeng | peaceful and serene | 安安靜靜
angbofzeeng | feelings that exist between a husband and a wife | 翁某情; 夫妻情份
angheng zhutchviuu | commit adultery (in case of a married woman) | 紅杏出牆
angleeng | red cloth with a dragon on it; used in weddings | 紅彩; 八仙彩
angtholeeng | swamp eel, true eel, Anguilla marmorata | 紅土龍; 鱸鰻
anhuithvabeng | amphetamine; stimulants | 安非他命
anleeng | quiet and peace; peace; repose; calm; tranquility | 安寧
anteng | equilibrium, be stable | 安定
anzeng | quiet; silent; tranquil; calm; quiet; in repose | 安靜
apengkøf | soldier | 阿兵哥
armheeng | walking in the dark | 暗行
armheng | cunning; crafty; deceitful | 暗行; 內心陰險
armkeng'ar | unlicensed brothel | 暗間仔; 私娼寮
arnleeng | press the button of a buzzer | 按鈴
arnzeeng | circumstances of a lawsuit; law case; circumstances of a judicial case; details of a case | 案情
auxpeeng | back; rear | 後爿; 後邊
bad laang ee jinzeeng | know or understand the value of being grateful; know how to show gratitude | 識人的人情; 知恩
bagciuzeeng | before the eyes; in sight; at present | 目睭前; 眼前
bagciw tengsuun | double eyelid | 目睭重紋; 雙眼皮
bagciw-zeeng | in front of eyes | 目睭前
bagzeeng | currently | 目前; 眼前
baibeeng | hide one's name; conceal one's name; live incognito | 埋名
baikud pud baibeeng | intern the bones but not his name | 埋骨無埋名
banheeng | daringness; outrageousness | 蠻橫
banput'heng | unfortunate | 萬無幸
baxnbut cy leeng | man (Lit. Wisest of all creatures) | 萬物之靈
baxnheng | luckily; very lucky (Lit. myriad felicities) | 萬幸; 幸運; 僥倖
baxnkengcie | simple-leaf chaste-tree, Vitex rotundifolia | 蔓荊子
baxnleeng phoksu | Mr. know-it-all | 萬能博士
baxnleeng | almighty; all-powerful; omnipotent; almighty; serving all purposes | 萬能
baxnleng'iøh | cure-all; wonder drug | 萬靈藥
baxnlengsør | skeleton key | 萬能鎖
baxnlie phengtheeng | an expression used to congratulate someone or give him your best wishes; (Lit. very promising; future unlimited) | 萬里鵬程
baxnpheeng | rambling comments | 漫評
baxnput'heng | unfortunate | 萬不幸
baxnputleeng | most impossible of all impossibilities; a metaphysical impossibility | 萬無能
baxnseng | ten thousand chariots; numerous chariots | 萬乘
baxnsiong kengsyn | all things change from old to new; a new year; (ever ancient; ever new) | 萬象更新
be bengpek | incomprehensible; cannot understand | 無明白
be eng`tid | improper, not alright | 不行; 不能用的
be hunbeeng | unintelligible; incomprehensible; indistinguishable; indistinct; confusion | 無分明
be jinzeeng | curry favor; do someone a favor for personal consideration | 賣人情
be sengkofng | it will fail (not be successful) | 袂成功
be zhengzhør | cannot see distinctly | 未清楚
bea bexseeng | not to buy something because of a disagreement about the price | 買無成
beeng boarn thienha | enjoy a world-wide fame; be world-famous | 名滿天下
beeng cirn suohofng | His name was heard on all sides | 名震四方
beeng huu kii sit | name matches reality; be worthy of name | 名符其實
beeng ioong suohae | become famous all over the world | 名揚四海
beeng ioong thienha | name spread all over the world; the name is known far and wide | 名揚天下
beeng køx kii sit | have an exaggerated reputation | 名過其實
beeng liet cienmaau | head the list of successful candidates | 名列前茅
beeng lok sunsafn | fail in examination; the name is not in the list of successful candidates | 名落孫山
beeng pud hithoaan | one's reputation well-deserved | 名無虛傳
beeng suii hiøxsex | hand down a name to posterity | 名垂後世
beeng zexng gieen sun | valid in name and in reasoning; have good reason; deserve; justified | 名正言順
beeng | clear or plain; name; tea; to sprout; covenant; inscription; to sound or ring; solemn declaration before the gods; oath; covenant; alliance; contract; to swear | 明; 銘; 茗; 名; 盟; 鳴; 萌; 清楚
beerng'bengbeeng | so | 明明明
befheeng | horse shape | 馬形
begsiuo sengkuy | stick to old rules; conservative | 墨守成規
beng kay juzhuo | It is ordained | 命該如此
beng putkay zoat | not destined to die (said of one who has had a narrow escape from death) | 命無該絕
beng zai tarnsek | death may come to a person any minute; dying | 命在旦夕
beng | life; fate; destiny; one's lot | 命
beng'axn | famous case | 名案
beng'ia | bright night; brilliant night; shining night | 明夜
beng'iog | treaty of alliance; promise; a pledge; a covenant | 明約; 盟約
beng'iuo | ally | 盟友
beng'mvoaa armphiexn | deceive and cheat | 明瞞暗騙
beng'oafn | make known that one is being falsely charged; redress a grievance | 伸冤; 鳴冤
beng'oe | famous painting | 名畫
beng'ongchvy | Pluto | 冥王星
beng'u | honor | 名譽
beng'ucid | honorary post | 名譽職
beng'ui | famous painting | 名畫
beng'usym | desire for fame; ambition | 名譽心
beng'uu | honor; fame; reputation | 名譽
beng'uu-hag'ui | honorary degree | 名譽學位
beng'uu-hoexoaan | honorary member (honorary president) | 名譽會員
beng'uu-phoksu | honorary doctor | 名譽博士
beng'y sokchiuo | famed physicians are powerless (said of grave illness or strange ailments) | 名醫束手; 無策
beng'y | honorable doctor | 名醫
bengbeeng pegpek | clear; clearly; obviously; evidently | 明明白白
bengbeeng | clearly; certainly; obviously; apparently; without a doubt | 明明
bengbek | clear clues | 明脈
bengbengtiofng | imperceptible but inexorably (said of divine influence) | 冥冥中
bengbi | charming, fascinating | 明媚
bengbirn | agile; clever and nimble; sharp; smart | 明敏
bengbok | reputable; name; designation | 名目
bengbong | fame; high reputation; honor; high reputation; popularity | 名望
bengboxngkaf | renown | 名望家
bengbuun kuisiux | daughter of an illustrious family | 名門閨秀
bengbuun | eminent family; world-famous; an express statement or provision; a clear statement | 名門; 名聞; 明文
bengchviuo armthaw | rob openly; to steal secretly | 明搶暗偷
bengchvy | celebrities | 明星
bengcied | reputation; honor and integrity | 名節
bengcioxng | famous general | 名將
bengcix | business card; name card; record or commemorate with an engraved inscription | 名片; 名誌; 銘誌
benggaa | bud; burgeon; germinate; sprout out | 萌芽
benggi | one's name; the name as opposed to reality or substance; the outward reason for doing something | 名義
benggieen | assert; state clearly | 明言
benggoat | bright moonlight; bright moon | 明月
benggvo | reason; intelligence or intellect (Catholic) | 明悟
benghaam | official title of a person | 名銜
benghee | shrimp | 明蝦; 斑節蝦
benghiern | obvious; prominent; evident; clearly; manifest | 明顯
benghoaan | Potassium alum | 明礬
benghoaf iuo zuo | the beauty has already been won by someone | 名花有主
benghoaf | well-known woman | 名花
benghof | promise plainly; to make a verbal bargain | 明呼; 明言; 名約
benghog | bliss in the next world (used by pagans) | 冥福
benghun | a person's obligations; duties and respect due; a person's social status; fame; reputation | 名分; 名份
benghuo | underworld; Hades | 冥府
benghux kisit | It lives up to its reputation | 明符其實
benghwn | marriage ceremony for persons already dead marriage ceremony for a couple; one of whom has already died | 冥婚
benghø | pen-name, pseudonym | 名號; 筆名
bengji | name | 名字
bengjiin | notables; an expert; a crack hand; crackerjack; man who is above board in his dealings, an upright person | 名人; 明仁
bengjit | tomorrow | 明日
bengkaf | famous author or artist; noted families; a master in an art | 名家
bengkafn | a city in Nantou County | 名間
bengkaix | underworld | 冥界
bengkarm | to inscribe indelibly; keep in the heart; remember with gratitude; remember with gratitude | 銘感
bengkaxm | clear example of history; a proof | 明鑑
bengkhae | clear and gentle | 明愷
bengkhag | clear and accurate; clear and definite; precise | 明確
bengkheg | great musical composition; masterpiece in music | 名曲
bengkhix | fame; reputation | 名氣
bengki | famous prostitute or geisha | 名妓
bengkiofng Serngthea | exposition of Blessed Sacrament (Catholic) | 明供聖體
bengkiofng | heavenly mansion | 明宮
bengkix | impress or engrave on one's mind; bear in mind | 銘記
bengkizay | obviously knew; knew perfectly well; know previously | 明知道; 早已知; 明知
bengkoaf | famous song | 名歌
bengkog | allies; united countries; allied nations | 盟國
bengkorng | states clearly; brings to light says | 明講
bengkuix | precious; valuable and rare; valuable; precious; rare | 名貴
bengkux | famous sentence; famous line of verse | 名句
bengkvoaf | officer | 明官
bengkwn | an enlightened monarch; allied armies; allied troops; allied forces | 明君; 盟軍
benglaai armkhix | secretly have a paramour (married woman) | 明來暗去
benglarng | bright and cheerful | 明朗
benglea | understand the rules of propriety; courtesy | 明禮
bengli siangsiw | achieve both fame and wealth | 名利雙收
bengli | fame and wealth | 名利
bengliaau | understand clearly; clear; distinct; perspicuous | 明瞭
bengliang | bright; clear; clear and distinct; bright | 明亮
benglie | understanding; sensible; reasonable | 明理
bengliuu | celebrity; celebrity | 名流; 社會名流
benglo | evident way | 明路
benglorng | distinct; bright and clear; bright and cheerful; sunny | 明朗
bengløo | strike a gong; strike the gong | 鳴鑼
bengmar | clear code | 明碼; 電碼
bengmoee zerngzhuo | formal wedding or marriage | 明媒正娶
bengpaai | lucky number in gambling | 名牌; 大家樂
bengpafng | allies; allied country; allies | 盟邦
bengpek ee laang | reasonable person; considerate person | 明白的人; 明理的人
bengpek | understand; clear; distinct; explicit; plain; evident; obvious | 明白; 了解
bengphaux | set off firecrackers; fire cannons | 鳴炮
bengphiexn | calling card | 名片
bengphirn | state explicitly; promise plainly; to make a verbal bargain | 明約; 明品; 明言; 明白口約
bengphvix | business card; name card | 名片
bengpien sixhuy | know distinctly what is right and what is wrong | 明辨是非
bengpien | clearly distinguish | 明辨
bengsafn | famous mountain | 名山
bengsarn | specialty and famous product of the area; noted or special product of a place | 名產; 特產
bengseapiør | specification; minute description; detailed statement | 明細表
bengseasw | specification; minute description; detailed statement | 明細書
bengsefng | a star; an impersonator; movie star; famous person | 明星
bengseg | distinct, clear, clearnesse | 明識
bengsex | in detail; swear an oath; oath or covenant | 明細; 盟誓
bengsexng | place of attraction or historic interest; famous sites; famous tourist spot | 名勝
bengsi | clearly show; issue explicit instructions | 明示
bengsia | proclaim of thanks; express thanks | 銘謝; 鳴謝
bengsiin | famous official | 名臣
bengsiorng | meditate, contemplate | 明思; 冥想; 默想
bengsirnphiexn | postal card | 明信片
bengsirnphvix | postcard; postal card | 明信片
bengsiu | birth anniversary of a person already dead | 冥壽; 陰壽; 忌辰
bengsiuo | person who administers an oath; the leader of a confederacy | 盟主; 盟首
bengsixn phiexn | post-card | 明信片
bengsu | reputable person; man of distinction; notable or distinguished person | 名士
bengsuu | noun; noun | 名詞
bengsw zhud køtoo | accomplished disciple owes his accomplishments to his great teacher | 名師出高徒
bengsw | great teacher; master | 名師
bengsym | inscribe on one's mind | 銘心
bengsøex | in detail | 明細
bengtab | wise; bright answer; clear answer | 明答
bengtat | intelligent and broad-minded; gift of knowledge (Catholic) | 明達
bengteg | highest virtue | 明德
bengthofng | Thoroughly understands | 明通
bengtied | wise; discreet; shrewd; wise; educated | 明哲
bengtix | sensible; wise; judicious; sagacious; clear wisdom; intelligence | 明智
bengtoaxn | bright; wise judgment; fair and intelligent judgment; unbiased and wise decision | 明斷
bengtux | masterpiece | 名著
bengty korbun | ask about something one already knows | 明知故問
bengty korhoan | willful offence; break a law purposely | 明知故犯
bengty | already know; know clearly; with knowledge; purposely | 明知
bengzaf armhorng | investigate openly and secretly | 明查暗訪
bengzay | know already, certainly, know clearly | 明知; 確知
bengzefng armtaux | fight covertly (often said of intramural fights) | 明爭暗鬥
bengzexng | evident proof; true testimony | 明證
bengzhad | observe clearly; be sharp and perspicacious; not to be fooled or taken in | 明察
bengzhefng | title; appellation; designation; name | 名稱; 頭銜
bengzhexng | fire rifles into the air as a warning to a mob; rioters | 鳴槍
bengzhux | position in a list of names | 名次
bengzhvef | celebrities | 明星
bengzog | masterpiece | 名作
bengzuo | head of alliance; acknowledged leader of alliance | 盟主
bengzw | bright pearl; bright pearl | 明珠
bexeng`tid | improper; not all right; can't be used | 未用得; 無可; 不行
bexngbeeng | give a name; nomenclature | 命名
bexngbeeng-hoad | nomenclature | 命名法
bexngleng | command; order; command; order; injunction; direction; to command; instruct | 命令
bexngteng | destined | 命定
bexseeng | cannot do something one wishes to do | 未成; 無能成功
bexseng`tid | should not be spoiled; indulged; allowed to do as he pleases | 未盛得; 無可溺愛
bexzeng | too early; prematurely | 還未; 未曾
bexzengbe | too early, prematurely | 未前未; 過早
biauxleeng | young girls | 妙齡
bibeeng | twilight | 微明
bidgoat lyheeng | honeymoon trip | 蜜月旅行
biefnheeng | exempt from punishment | 免刑
biheeng | travel in disguise | 匿行; 微行
bin ee byioong zefngheeng | face-lifting | 臉的美容整形
bin thauzeeng | in front of a person | 面頭前
bin'eeng hoattiexnchiarng | privately owned power station | 民營發電廠
bin'eeng iukiok | private post office | 民營郵局
bin'eeng | privately operated; privately owned | 民營
bin'enghoax | privatization | 民營化
bin-thauzeeng | in someone's presence; now; present; in front | 面頭前; 面前; 前面
binheeng | shape of a face | 面型
binsuxteeng | civil court | 民事庭
binzeeng | how the people live and feel; condition or life situation of the people | 民情
binzok enghioong | national hero | 民族英雄
binzok kekbeng | national revolution | 民族革命
binzok zengsiin | racial spirit | 民族精神
bisengbut | microorganism; microbe; microscopic organisms; germ; microbes; micro-organism | 微生物
bisengthaang | germ, microbe | 微生蟲; 病菌
bixnheeng | face model; facial contour; facial outline; facial appearance; face shape; shape of a face; features | 面形; 面型; 臉形
bixnthauzeeng | in front of; in the presence of | 面頭前
bixnzeeng | in front of; facing; presence | 面前; 前面
bixnzeng'oe | talk in front of person; give a straight talk | 面前話
bixnzengkhia | present a false front | 面前斜; 表面工夫
bixseeng | not completed; not accomplished | 未成
bixsenglieen | under age; minor; not of age | 未成年
bixsengsek | unripe; immature | 未成熟
bixteng | uncertain; not yet settled | 未定
bixteng`ee | undecided | 未定的
bixzeeng | never; never yet; have not yet | 未曾
bixzeng | never before; before | 未曾
bixzeng'iuo | never have; there never was | 未曾有; 未曾有過
bixzeng'iuo`ee | unprecedented, not previously experienced | 未前有的
boexeng`teq | cannot use | 未用得; 無能用
boexseeng | cannot 'do something one wishes to do' | 未成
boexzeng | never before; before | 未曾
bogbeeng kibiau | incomprehensible | 莫名其妙
bogbeeng kii biau | very mysterious and abstruse; very strange; peculiar | 莫明其妙
bogkoekengciøf | plantaion, Musa paradisiaca | 木瓜芎蕉
bogzeeng | now; present | 目前; 眼前
boheeng | shape of a mold; model; model; a pattern | 模型
bok ie seeng ciw | the deed is done (Lit. The wood is already made into a boat.) | 木已成舟
bong jii seng'uix | be awe-stricken by merely looking at it | 望而生畏
bong zuo seeng lioong | hope one's children will have a bright future | 望子成龍
bong-ciebeeng | tombstone inscription giving life record of deceased | 墓誌銘
bongbeng | hegira; decamp; go into exile; escape from crime; flee from one's country; seek refuge | 亡命
bongheeng | be carried away; be beside oneself with joy | 忘形
bongleeng | soul of departed; ghost; departed spirits | 亡靈
boxbeeng | attracted by one's fame; be attracted by a person's name | 慕名
boxciebeeng | tombstone inscription giving life record of deceased | 墓誌銘
boxseng | luxelient; luxuriant; exuberant; lush; flourishing | 茂盛
bozaai-haixbeng | murder or kill for money | 謀財害命
bozaihaixbeng | murder for money | 謀財害命
bubeeng enghioong | unsung hero; unknown soldier | 無名英雄
bubeeng siawzud | nameless soldier; one of the nameless; worthless common people | 無名小卒
bubeeng | nameless; anonymous | 無名
bubengcie | the ring finger | 無名指
bubengsi | anonymous; unknown person; anonymous (a term usually used to indicate a person who contributes to a charitable cause but doesn't want his name revealed) | 無名氏
bubengzvae | ring finger; the fourth finger | 無名指
budcid bunbeeng | material civilization | 物質文明
budcid seng'oah | physical life; material life | 物質生活
budkex wnteng | stability of commodity prices | 物價穩定
buheeng | formless; shapeless; spiritual; moral; invisible; invisibly; formless | 無形
buhengtiofng | imperceptibly; insidiously; unbeknown | 無形中
bukhar putseeng sw | it happened that...; There would have been no story to tell but for that coincidence | 無巧無成書
bukii toheeng | life imprisonment | 無期徒刑
bukii-toheeng | life sentence | 無期徒刑
buleeng uilek | unable to help; can't do anything about it | 無能為力
buleeng | incapable; incompetent; can not do anything; incompetent; inefficient; incapable; without talent | 無能
bunbeeng thienha | world-famous | 聞名天下
bunbeeng | civilization; culture; civilization | 文明
bunhak kekbeng | literary revolution | 文學革命
bunpeeng | certificate | 文憑
bunpheeng | literary criticism | 文評
bunteng | marriage contract | 文定
busiong kong'eeng | matchless honor; the highest honor | 無上光榮
busofputleeng | omnipotent | 無所不能
busor putleeng | omnipotent; almighty | 無所無能
busu senghuy | make trouble out of nothing | 無事生非
buteng | indefinite, uncertain | 無定
butiofng seng'iuo | make something out of nothing; fabricate; invent; to frame up | 無中生有
butiofng-seng'iuo | purely fictitious; fabricated; to make something out of nothing | 無中生有
buu heng'uii lenglek ee laang | person without disposing capacity in law | 無行為能力的人
buu safm putseeng lea | everything comes in threes; omne trinum perfectum | 無三不成禮
buxnbeeng | civilization | 文明; 聞名
buzeeng | heartless; cold shoulder; forget old times | 無情
buzeeng`ee | ruthless | 無情的
bwheeng | womanly man | 母形; 女樣的
bø'eeng chiezhax | very busy; no leisure | 非常忙碌
bø'eeng | busy; no free time | 無閑; 無閒; 忙碌; 無得閒; 沒空忙
bø'engkafng | very busy; no leisure | 無閒工; 非常忙碌
bø'itteng | uncertain; not sure | 無一定
bøbeeng-zvae | ring finger | 無名指
bøbengbok | unclear 'meaning' | 不明目
bøeeng | busy | 無閒
bøengchihchiq | busy | 無閒𩑾𩑾
bøexeng`teq | useless | 無能用; 沒用的
bøexeng`tid | no use; useless | 未用得; 袂用得; 不可以; 沒用得
bøexseeng | won't work; won't make it | 未成; 袂成; 不能成功; 無會成
bøexzeng-bøe | prematurely | 未曾未
bøexzengbøe | never .... then | 未曾未
bøfzuo cy zeeng | love between mother and child | 母子之情
bøheeng | invisible; without leaving a trace; The egg of an animal not fertilized | 無形; 無受孕
bøheng'viar | formless, shapeless | 無形影
bøitteng | uncertain | 無一定
bøkenggiam | inexperienced | 無經驗
bøleeng | disability, incompetent, incapable | 無能
bøleng'exng | inefficacious and powerless 'of a god' | 無靈驗
bøleng'uy | ineffective, powerless 'of a god' | 無靈威
bølengsviax | inefficacious and powerless 'of a god' | 無靈聖
bøloxeng | useless | 無路用
bønaixeng | won't last long | 無耐用
bøo bengkhag | vague | 無明確
bøo hangzeeng | have no market price | 無行情; 沒有市價
bøo itteng | may not; not necessarily; can't say for sure; maybe | 無一定
bøo khøfleeng | impossible | 無可能
bøo kuie jidzeeng | not many days ago. | 前幾天
bøo lenglek | without method, unsable, incapable, without capacity | 無能力
bøo lengsviax | be ineffective; in vain; to pray to god or a saint in vain | 無靈聖
bøo loxeng | no use; no good; unfit for anything; useless; not of any help; not valid; ineffective | 無路用
bøo seng'ix | insincere | 無誠意
bøo texngheeng | amorphous; formless | 無定形
bøo wnteng`ee | precarious | 無穩定的
bøo zeng'ix | cold and unfriendly | 無情意
bøo zenggi | inhumane and unjust | 無爭議
bøo zengsiin | inattentive, unobservant | 無精神
bøo zhengzhør | did not see clearly | 無清楚
bøo-itteng | uncertain, unassuredly, uncertainly | 無一定
bøo-lenglek | without method, unable, incapable, without capacity | 無能力
bøo-loxeng | useless | 無路用
bøo-seng'ix | insincere | 無誠意
bøo-zeng'ix | cold and unfriendly | 無情義
bøo-zenggi | inhumane and unjust | 無情意
bøo-zengsiin | inattentive, unobservant | 無精神
bøseeng | unlike, not well appeared | 無像; 沒結果
bøsiaf putseeng tiaxm | shop won't prosper unless it gives credit | 無賒不成店
bøsimzeeng | not in the mood | 無心情
bøsitheeng | without pause or intermission | 無時停
bøtheeng | without stopping; without pause or intermission | 沒停
bøtoxngzeng | no movement; quiet | 無動靜
bøzeeng | pitiless; ruthless; merciless; heartless | 無情
bøzeeng-bølie | crude and irrational | 無情無理
bøzengzhaf | irrelevant; no differneces | 無精差
chi zengsvef | feed; raise and care for domestic animals | 飼畜生; 養畜生; 餵家畜
chiaheeng | car model | 車型
chiamteeng | to present or submit to a superior | 簽呈
chiamteng | signed | 簽訂
chiamtheeng | office note addressed to a superior | 簽呈
chiauleeng | over the specified age | 超齡
chiazuie-befleeng | an incessant streams of horses and carriages | 車水馬龍
chie'eng | use for experiment; try out | 試用
chiefn-put'heng | just in case; if by any chance; contingency | 千無幸; 萬一
chiefnbeeng | unravel; explain; clarify; easy and clear reading or ideas | 闡明; 淺明
chieheeng | try out, test | 試行
chieheng | thorny amaranth | 刺莧
chiekoarn engjii | test tube baby | 試管嬰兒
chiengieen baxngie | many; many words; million words in my heart but don't know where to begin | 千言萬語
chiengieen-baxnguo | thousands and thousands of words; innumerable words | 千言萬語
chiezheng | to try on; to fit on; try on clothing | 試穿
chih tiexnleeng | press the button of a bell | 按電鈴
chiheeng | hold balance | 持衡
chim'eng | to embezzle; to divert funds | 侵用; 挪用
chimbeeng taixgi | have a firm grasp of what is right and wrong; able to forget self interest in the face of an event of great significance | 深明大義
chimpiao tongzeeng | express deep sympathy | 深表同情
chimzeeng hoxgi | long and close friendship | 深情厚誼
chimzeeng | deep affection or love | 深情
chingeeng | receive bride personally; to go to the bride's home to bring her to the groom's home | 親迎; 親自迎娶
chinpeeng hvofiuo | relatives and friends | 親朋好友
chinpeeng | relatives and friends | 親朋
chinzeeng | affection; good feeling among relatives; natural affection of one's family | 親情
chiokkerng sengzeeng | scenes or circumstances arouse a sense of joy or sorrow | 觸景生情
chiokkerng siongzeeng | see an object which brings a person to mind with sorrow | 觸景傷情
chiokseeng | facilitate; effect; help realize (project; success) | 促成
chiongbeeng | flourishing; thriving; well-developed; expound and elaborate; bright; glorious | 昌明
chiongheeng | cover area; longitudinal and horizontal | 縱橫
chiongseng | prosperous; flourishing; powerful; prosperous; glory; abundant | 昌盛; 茂盛; 豐盛
chiorngheeng | be rampant and widespread; able to move unhindered | 縱橫; 橫行無阻
chiornghengkaf | a person able to move unhindered | 縱橫家
chipeeng | flat | 持平
chitpo-sengsy | | 七步成詩
chitzeeng liog'iok | Buddhism: the seven emotions-happiness (喜); anger (怒); sorrow (哀); joy (樂); love (愛); hate (恨); and desire (慾)--and the six sensory pleasures derived from the eyes; ears; nose; tongue; body and mind | 七情六慾
chitzeeng | seven passions; seven passions: joy; anger; sorrow; fear; love; hate; desire | 七情
chiuxleeng | age of a tree | 樹齡
chiuxleng'ee | rubber shoes or boots | 樹乳鞋; 橡皮鞋
chiuxlengkoo | gum arabic; mucilage | 樹乳糊; 橡皮膠
chiuxlengkorng | rubber tube | 樹乳管; 橡皮管
chiuxlengpox | rubber sheet | 樹乳布; 橡皮布
chiuxlengtea | rubber soled shoes | 樹乳底; 橡皮底 (鞋)
chiuxlengthngg | chewing gum | 樹奶糖
chiwciog zeeng chym | love between brothers is deep; (Lit. Blood is thicker than water.) | 手足情深
chiweeng | free hands | 手閒
chiwha liuzeeng | show leniency or mercy | 手下留情
chiwheeng | check, pointer, shape of hand | 手簿; 手形; 支票
chiwleng | order by superior; order issued personally by a man at the top | 手令
chixeeng bahsuq | city bus | 市營公共汽車
chixeeng | municipalization; city management enterprise or undertaking | 市營
chixliau-lenghurn | milk for feeding animals | 飼料奶粉
chixzeeng | market trend | 市情
chizeeng | blind passion; blind love; blind love; blind passion; infatuation | 痴情; 癡情
chviafleng | please order | 請令
chviheeng | night heron (bird) | 蒼鷺; 夜鶯
chvileeng | green dragon | 青龍
chviuxheeng bunji | hieroglyphics | 象形文字
ciafngsiong bengzw | beloved daughter | 掌上明珠
ciamheeng | stealth; go secretly | 潛行
ciamleeng | potential energy; potentiality | 潛能
ciamzai lenglek | potentiality | 潛在能力
ciamzuytheeng | submarine | 潛水艇
ciaobeeng sietpi | illuminating equipment; photo flash equipment | 照明設備
ciaobeeng | lighting; lightening; illumination | 照明
ciaobeeng-tefng | illuminating lamp | 照明燈
ciaobeeng-tvoaa | a flare bomb, an illuminating shell | 照明彈
ciaobeng | an imperial command | 詔命
ciaobengtvoaa | flare | 照明彈
ciaozeeng | as before,as formerly | 照前; 照以前
ciaqengbie | live on other people; idler; good for nothing fellow | 吃閒飯; 吃閒米
ciaqzheng | the basic necessities of life(clothing and food); food and clothing | 食穿; 衣食
ciaqzhengniafpien | easy life | 食清領便
ciartoafn sengsu | stir up trouble on a pretext or excuse | 藉端生事
ciaux hangzeeng | according to the market price | 照行情
ciaux zenglie | according to common sense | 照情理
ciaxm'eng | temporary use | 暫用
ciaxmheeng | temporary; provisional | 暫行
ciaxmhenghoad | provisional laws; temporary laws | 暫行法
ciaxmteng | tentatively set on; at such and such a time; tentatively fixed at such and such a number; price or place | 暫定
ciaxmtheeng | to suspend (an action or event); to pause; to halt; stop; halt; or suspend temporarily | 暫停
cibhap bengsuu | collective noun | 集合名詞
cibseeng | compile, compilation | 集成; 編纂
cibsiao sengtøf | many drops of water make an ocean | 集少成多
cibthea hengtong | collective action | 集體行動
cibzeng | quiet | 寂靜
cidiaxzeeng | one night stand | 一夜情
cidpeeng | one direction | 一爿
cidzheng'nii | millenium, a thousand years | 一千年
ciefnheeng | farewell dinner | 餞行
cielie benggieen | proverb of lasting value; truthful remark; quotable quote | 至理名言
ciengieen | a preface; previous remarks; words of past thinkers; a foreword; a preface | 前言
ciengøeh | the last month | 前月
ciengøo | to torment | 煎熬
cienteeng | future | 前程
cienteng | preordained | 前定
cientheeng baxnlie | the prospect of a very successful career; May you have a great career | 前程萬里
cientheeng | the future; path ahead; one's career; prospects | 前程
ciernzeeng | pre war; before the war; status of war | 戰前; 戰情
cieseeng | complete sincerity; greatest sincerity | 至誠
cietgoa sengky | bring about extra complications; run into unexpected difficulty; hit a snag | 節外生枝
cietgoa-sengky | to cause complications | 節外生枝
ciezeeng | love | 至情
cin jinzeeng | do what friendship or other human relations dictate | 盡人情
cin kii sor leeng | work to the best of one's ability | 盡其所能
cinbeng | true fate | 真命
cinseeng | sincer; looks real alike | 真誠; 真像
cinzeeng | genuine; actual happening of an incident; true state of affairs; real affections; sincerity | 真情
ciofngsiong bengzw | beloved daughter | 掌上明珠
ciofngzok kekbeng | racial revolution | 種族革命
ciofngzok pengterng | racial equality | 種族平等
ciokteng | discretion | 酌定
ciongbeeng | evident, bright, advanced | 鍾明
ciongleng | follow the order | 從令
ciongtheeng | constitution; regulations; by laws constitution of a society | 章程
ciongzeeng | to be deeply in love; to fall in love | 鍾情; 從前
ciorngleng | an order by a general; orders from the general (military) | 將令
cip'heeng piesw | executive secretary | 執行秘書
cip'heeng syheeng | execute a convict | 執行死刑
cip'heeng uyoaan | administrative officers; persons appointed by a ruling party or an assembly to carry out their decisions; members of an executive committee | 執行委員
cip'heeng | to carry out; to execute; execute an order; carry into effect | 執行
cip'heeng-piesw | executive secretary | 執行秘書; 執行祕書
cip'heeng-uy'oaan | executive committee member | 執行委員
cip'hengkvoaf | executioner | 執行秘; 執行官
cirnheeng | be underway; be in progress; advance; progress; move onward; proceed | 進行
cirnhengkheg | march; martial music | 進行曲
cirnhengseg | progressive tense (in grammar) | 進行式
cirnhengtiofng | progress; in operation; in action; be under way | 進行中
cirntheeng | offer or present something to a superior or an elder | 進呈
cirnzeeng | previously; in the old days; before; in the past; once; advance; go forward | 從前; 進前; 前進
cit'heeng | this style | 這型
citleeng | captaincy | 職能
citpeeng | this way; this side; here; this place; this side; this way; on my or our part | 這爿; 這邊
citpengpvy | this side | 這一邊; 這平邊
citzeeng hurnlien | pre-vocational training | 職前訓練
ciuboat lyheeng | weekend trip | 週末旅行
ciwbaq peng'iuo | drinking buddy; fair weather friend | 酒肉朋友
ciwleeng | keep watch by a corpse | 守靈
ciwleng | wine order | 酒令
ciwzengtefng | alcohol burner | 酒精燈
cixnzeeng khoafnthai | treat with the utmost kindness | 盡情款待
cixnzeeng | to one's heart's content; as much as one likes; one's heart's content | 盡情
ciøh'eng | borrow | 借用
ciøqteng | stone stage at the gate | 石碇
ciøqzengkhu | stone mill | 石舂臼
ciørbeeng | photographic lighting | 照明
cviaa-bø'eeng | very busy | 很無閑; 誠無閒
cviaa-khøfleeng | very likely, most probably | 很可能
cviaheeng | come to have a particular (animal; human; etc) form (of a spirit; a fetus; etc); become a certain form | 成形
cviarchiuo-peeng | right hand side | 右手邊; 正手爿; 右邊
cviarchiwpeeng | right side | 右手邊; 右邊
cviarhofng-heeng | a rhombus | 正方形
cviarhongheeng | exact square shape | 正方形
cviarpeeng | right side | 右旁; 正爿; 右邊
cviazoex efngheeng`ee | perpetuate | 成為永恆的
cybeeng | to show clearly; to specify; indicate clearly | 指明
cyeng | only use | 只用
cyleng | instruction; order; authorization; directive | 指令
cysi heng'iongsuu | indicative adjectives | 指示形容詞
cysi taixbengsuu | indicative pronouns | 指示代名詞
cyteng ymsit | give a diet | 指定飲食
cyteng | appoint; designate; ; appoint | 指定
eeng ee cvii | spare money; idle money | 餘錢
eeng | leisure; spare time | 閑; 閒
eeng-kaq liah satbør siøka | Have time to catch lice and watch them fight each other--don't know what to do with my leisure | 閒甲捉虱母相咬; 無所事事; 閒得無聊
eeng-siensiefn | freely and idle like angels | 閒仙仙
eerng'eng'eeng | nothing to do at all, quite in leisure, free | 閑閑閑; 閒閒閒
efngheeng | eternity; eternal | 永恆
efngkiuo høpeeng | everlasting peace | 永久和平
efngpør thaepeeng | remain peaceful for all time | 永保太平
efngpør zhengzhwn | remain youthful forever | 永保青春
egbeeng | to change a name | 易名
egkeng'ar | bathroom | 浴間仔
egzeeng | pandemic | 疫情
eng bwlek | employ forcible means | 用武力
eng chiuo thvar`khix | carry away on the open palm; a sharp pushing blow delivered with the open palm(s) (Chinese boxing) | 用手推去; 用手頂去
eng hviw ux | cauterize with burning incense | 用香灼; (灸)
eng siaq liaam | to solder | 銲錫; 用錫黏
eng | use; spend; with (an instrument) | 用
eng'afhoef | Taiwanese rose | 鷹仔花; 小金英
eng'afoe | digression; gossip | 閒仔話; 閒話
eng'afphvi | hawk-nosed | 鷹仔鼻
eng'ar | eagle; falcon; a hawk | 鷹仔
eng'armsii | in night | 今暗時; 晚上; 今晚
eng'axm | tonight | 今晚
eng'eeng | at leisure | 閒著; 閒閒
eng'efng | dusty | 煙煙; 坱坱; 灰塵
eng'iaf | dust | 塵埃; 坱埃; 灰塵
eng'iau | glory; honor; splendor | 榮耀
eng'iofnghak | dietetics | 營養學
eng'iofngphirn | nutriment; nutritious food | 營養品
eng'iofngsox | nutrients (a collective term for protein; carbohydrates; fat; vitamins; and minerals) | 營養素
eng'iofngsw | dietician | 營養師
eng'iorng liauhoad | dietary cure | 營養療法
eng'iorng putlioong | malnutrition; undernourishment | 營養無良
eng'iorng | brave; courageous; heroic; gallant | 英勇; 營養
eng'oe | idle talk; chat; gossip | 閒話; 閒談
eng'u chixbinzexng | certificate of honorary citizenship | 榮譽市民證
eng'u hag'ui | honorary degree | 榮譽學位
eng'u hoextviuo | honorary chairman | 榮譽會長
eng'u kunjiin | servicemen wounded in action | 榮譽軍人
eng'u phoksu | honorary doctor (PhD) | 榮譽博士
eng'u | honor; honorary; credit; glory; luster | 榮譽
eng'un | operations | 營運
eng'uu | a balance remaining; surplus; profit | 盈餘
eng'uy | brilliant and dignified | 英威
eng-bøexliao | inexhaustible | 用未了; 用袂了
eng-kanghw | make effort | 用工夫
engbeeng | go far; wisdom; fame | 英明; 英名
engbiin | honor citizen; retired servicemen | 榮民
engbo | screen | 螢幕
engbor | acre | 英畝
engbuo | a parrot or parakeet; brave and strong | 鸚鵡; 英武
engbuun | written English | 英文
engbøkaux | insufficient for use | 無夠用; 用無夠
engchiu | cherry tree | 櫻樹
engchiuo | idle hand | 閒手
engchiøq | foot; feet; foot (as a measure of length) | 英尺; 英呎
engciao | a warbler; an oriole | 鷹鳥
engcvii | spare money; idle money | 餘錢; 閒錢
enggiabciar | business manager | 營業者
enggiabhuix | business expenses; operating costs | 營業費
enggiabsor | business office; place of business | 營業所
enggiabsøex | business tax | 營業稅
enggiap cipciaux | business license | 營業執照
enggiap nito | fiscal year | 營業年度
enggiap pørkøx | business reports | 營業報告
enggiap sikafn | business hours | 營業時間
enggiap | business; engage in business | 營業
enggiap-paai | business license | 營業牌
enggiap-søex | a business tax | 營業稅
enggie | English language | 英語
enggvo | bright clever, intelligent | 英悟
enghaai | baby; infant | 嬰孩; 嬰兒
enghaai-sikii | boyhood | 嬰孩時機; 嬰孩時期
engheeng | honor | 榮幸
engheng | to be honored; honored | 榮幸
enghiaw | brown hawk owl | 鷹梟; 青葉鴞
enghiern | to manifest; honor and high position | 榮顯
enghioong boadlo | end of a hero | 英雄末路
enghioong zongpaix | hero worship | 英雄崇拜
enghioong zwgi | heroism | 英雄主義
enghioong | hero; a great man | 英雄
enghoaa huokuix | splendor; wealth and honor | 榮華富貴
enghoaa | honor and splendor | 榮華
enghoaa-huokuix | glory; honor; and riches; splendor | 榮華富貴
enghoechiu | cherry tree | 櫻花樹
enghoef | cherry blossom | 櫻花
enghøea | fluorescence or fluorescent light | 螢火
enghøefthaang | firefly | 螢火蟲
engjii | baby; infant | 嬰兒
engjim | to take a post in honor; have the honor of being appointed (to a post) | 榮任
engjiok | honor and disgrace | 榮辱
engjiseg | nursery | 嬰兒室
engkafng | leisure; leisure time work | 閒工; 閒工夫; 閒暇
engkaijieen | it should be | 應該然
engkailieen | it should be | 應該然
engkay | ought; ought to be | 應該
engkefng | empty room | 閒間
engkeng'ar | empty room | 閒間仔; 空房間
engkex | scaffolding for construction | 鷹架
engkhuy | profit and loss | 盈虧
engkied | outstanding; great man; hero | 英傑
engkiexn | manage or handle the construction of | 營建
engkiux | rescue; salvage; rescue or deliver | 營救
engkngf | gloria; halo; glory | 榮光; 螢光
engkoafn | crown | 榮冠
engkoarnsix | idiomatical | 用慣勢; 用慣
engkof | flourish and withered | 榮枯
engkofng | gloria; halo; glory | 螢光
engkongbo | fluorescent screen; luminescent screen | 螢光幕
engkongthea | fluorescent object | 螢光體
engkuy | to return to one's native place with honor; retire in glory (said of a high official) | 榮歸
engkøf | parrot; popinjay; parrot | 鸚鵡; 鸚哥
engkøf-phvi | a parrot's like protruded nose | 鸚哥鼻; 高突的鼻子
engkøhii | parrotfish | 鸚哥魚
engkøphvi | hawk-nosed | 鸚哥鼻
englaang biefncixn | out of bounds to non-authorized persons | 閒人勿進
englaang | a mere spectator; person without important matter; idlers; persons with nothing to do | 閒人
englee | spiral shells | 榮螺
engleeng | spirit of a martyr; noble spirit | 英靈
engli suxgiap | profit making enterprise | 營利事業
engli zwgi | commercialism | 營利主義
engli | business; engage in profit making | 營利
englie | mile | 英哩
englieen | prime age | 英年
engliet | brave; heroic | 英烈
engmai | young and old | 英邁
engmih | idle object; things not in use | 閒物
engmoar | to be filled; to be full | 盈滿
engphoxngphong | dirty and dusty | 塵蓬蓬; 灰塵滿天飛
engpng | food eating without labored | 閒飯
engpong | pound sterling | 英鎊
engsefng | express congratulations; best wishes for.. | 榮升
engsiensiefn | entirely at leisure; not a thing to do | 閒仙仙
engsinhoe | orientation | 迎新會
engsiw | devotion, spiritual nurture (Protestant) | 營收
engsu | a matter not of one's concern; matters not of one's concern | 閒事
engsviaf-iernguo | the pleasant effect of a woman's voice (Lit. like an oriole singing and a swallow talking) | 鶯聲燕語
engsw | feather one's nest | 營私
engsyn suown | qualities of the glorified body (Catholic) | 榮身四恩
engsyn | person of leisure (rich; elderly; or occupying an honorary position) | 閒身; (涼身)
engthøo | cherry; cherry (fruit) | 櫻桃
engtiaux | your promotion (to another place); new appointment; reassignment; departure; return | 榮調
engtiern | a ceremony for honorary award | 榮典
engtoaxn | brilliant and decisive | 英斷; 英明果斷
engzaai | a genius; persons of outstanding ability | 英才
engzheg | poppy; including opium poppy | 罌粟
engzhuix gex køekhaf | nothing to do but lick chicken bones | 閒著啃雞腳
engzhuix | to talk casually about | 閒嘴
engzhuxn | inch | 英寸; 英吋
engzofng iauxzor | bring glory to one's family and ancestors | 榮宗耀祖
engzuxn | handsome (male) | 英俊
engzw | dashing appearance | 英姿
engzø | construction; construct | 營造
engzø-giap | construction business | 營造業
engzøxchviuo | construction firm; building contractor | 營造廠; 營造商
engzøxsiofng | construction firm; building contractor | 營造廠; 營造商
erng buu lengjit | We will never have peace | 永無寧日
erngheeng | reciprocal | 應行
erngseeng | to assent; to consent | 應承; 承諾
exeng`tid | can be used; be ok; useful or serviceable | 可用的; 可以; 行
exng'eng`leq | after using | 用用咧
expeeng | downside; lower or inferior part | 下爿; 下邊
expvoaa senglie | retail business | 下盤生意; 零售
exseeng | will succeed | 會成; (功)
gafnzeeng | present, before our eyes | 眼前; 目前
ganbin sinkengthviax | facial neuralgia | 顏面神經痛
geeng | go out to receive ceremoniously; go in procession | 迎; 凝; 氣悶
geeng`kaotea | very depressed; very melancholy; frightfully bored | 凝到底; 心悶至極
geeng`sie | very depressed; very melancholy; frightfully bored | 凝死; 心悶至極
gegbeng | disobey order | 逆命; 違背命令
gegheeng | movement in an opposite direction; conduct contrary to normal rules; proceed in the opposite direction | 逆行
gegsuie hengciw | boat going against the stream; sail a boat against the current | 逆水行舟
geng | to face or meet; vigor; stiff | 迎; 勁; 硬
gengbien | head-on, coming toward one | 迎面
gengbin | head-on; coming toward one; face to face; headlong | 迎面
gengchyn | bridegroom goes to bride's family to escort her to wedding; go to escort one's bride from her home to one's own for the wedding | 迎親; 迎娶
gengciab | receive a visitor ceremoniously | 迎接
gengciexn | meet the enemy in battle; to engage enemy forces; to meet a visiting team | 迎戰
genggeeng | feeling unhappy | 凝凝
genggerng | longan | 龍眼
genghap | pander; to cater to another's wishes | 迎合
genghoeq | blood blister; contusion; bruise | 瘀血; 凝血
genghuiq | extravasated blood; blood clot | 瘀血; 凝血
gengkeg | to make frontal attack; to meet enemy; intercept (an advancing enemy) | 迎擊
gengkied | coagulate | 凝結
gengkox | clot; coagulate; solidify; solidification; become solid | 凝固
gengpyn | to receive a guest | 迎賓
gengsaxng | greet (new arrivals) and see off (the departing); hail-and-farewell | 迎送
gengsi | to stare at; look intently; look steadily; watch intently | 凝視
gengsiin | to welcome spirits after ceremony | 迎神
gengsw | meditate | 凝思
gengsym | cold hear; concentrate | 心冷; 凝心; 無甘心; 鬱悶
gengsyn khieku | forsake the old for the new; fickle-minded | 迎新棄舊
gengsyn sarngku | usher in the new and send off the old; (a dinner party held) to greet a new boss; fellow students; etc and bid good-bye to those departing | 迎新送舊
gengsyn | welcome newcomers | 迎新
gengtaxng | coagulate, congeal, solidify | 凝凍
gengtek | meet the enemy; to go out and challenge enemy; meet the enemy in battle | 迎敵
gengzhwn | the jasmine; celebrating the spring festival; welcome spring; ceremony of greeting the new year | 迎春
giambeeng | stern and impartial (administration of law); hard but fair (said of discipline) | 嚴明
giambeng | a stern order; father's command | 嚴命
giamheeng | harsh punishments; tortures; inflexible administration of justice; severe punishment | 嚴刑
giamleng | strict order; strictly order; severe order | 嚴令; 嚴格命令
giaxmbeeng | to verify by examination; ascertain by a test or examination | 驗明
gibun taixbengsuu | interrogative pronouns | 疑問代名詞
gieen zhud pid heeng | He's as good as his word. If you promised; do it | 言出必行
giefnzeeng | at present | 眼前
giengie hagciar | linguist; philologist | 言語學者
giengie | speech; words; language | 言語; 語言
giengoa | the meaning between the lines; between the lines | 言外
giengoa-cy-ix | overtones; hidden meaning between the lines; innuendo | 言外之意
giengoe | the meaning between the lines; between the lines | 言外
gienguo | language; dialect | 言語
gienguo-hak | philology | 言語學
giengwhak | philology; linguistics | 言語學; 語言學
gienheeng ittix | conformity of one's action to one's word | 言行一致
gienheeng | words and deed; speech and behavior; words and actions | 言行
gienheeng-lok | sayings and personal stories of eminent men; a form of biography. | 言行錄
gienhenglok | chronicle of one's sayings and deeds | 言行錄
gim'eng | to sing; to hum; chant or intone (a verse) | 吟詠
ginhaang kenglie | manager of a bank | 銀行經理
ginheng | ginkgo | 銀杏
giogseeng | to help to accomplish | 玉成
giwsenglie | solicit or attract business | 拉生意
gixheeng | act of justice; chivalrous act | 義行
gixkiab heng'uii | chivalrous conduct | 義俠行為
gixlie jinzeeng | duty and love | 義理人情
gixsu jidtheeng | agenda | 議事日程
gixteeng | agenda | 議程
gixteng | to conclude agreement; arrive at a decision after discussion or negotiation | 議定
gixtheeng | agenda; program | 議程
goadbeeng | a clear moon | 月明
goanheeng ee | archetypal | 原型的
goanheeng pitlo | completely unmasked or exposed; reveal the true nature or colors (of a person) completely | 原形畢露
goanheeng pøxlo | completely unmasked or exposed; reveal the true nature or colors (of a person) completely | 原形暴露
goanheeng | original shape; original form or shape | 原形
goansenggiaam | primary rocks (geology) | 原成岩
goansie seng'oah | primitive life | 原始生活
goanteng | original order | 原訂
goanzeeng | to excuse; to forgive; to pardon; forgiveness | 原情
goanzoe thoanseeng lun | theory that the soul as well as the body is passed on to the offspring or inherited from parents; Traducianism | 原罪傳承論; 靈魂遺傳說
goanzuo-leeng | atomic power, atomic energy | 原子能
goanzwleeng | atomic energy | 原子能
goaxheeng | external form; outside shape; appearance or features | 外形
goaxkaw suleng | diplomatic language-tactful remarks (literally); euphemisms; circumlocutions | 外交辭令
goaxpeeng | outside; exterior surface; place other than one's home town | 外爿; 外邊; 外面
goaxteeng | outer layer | 外層
goeqkefng thengcie | cessation of menses | 月經停止
goeqkengtoax | sanitary napkin | 月經帶
goexseng'ar | the sons of a sister | 外甥仔
goexsenghu | nephew's wife (sister's daughter in law) | 外甥婦
goexsenglie | niece; sister's daughter(s) | 外甥女
goexsengluo | niece (sister's daughter) | 外甥女
goxeng | misuse | 誤用
goxkak'heeng | pentagon | 五角形
goxpviheeng | a pentagon | 五邊形
guiheeng | cautious conduct | 危行
guleng'iuu | cream | 牛乳油; 奶油
gulenghurn | powdered milk | 牛乳粉; 奶粉
gulengkoarn'ar | baby's (nursing) bottle | 牛乳罐仔; 奶瓶
gulengpviar | biscuits | 牛乳餅; 牛奶餅乾
gulengseg | milk color | 牛乳色
gulengthngg | caramel | 牛乳糖; 牛奶糖
gulengzhuie'ar | pacifier; nipple | 牛乳嘴仔; 奶嘴
gulengzhuiear | pacifier, nipple | 牛奶喙仔
gvexsexng kuiteng | rigid and inflexible ruling | 硬性規定
gviao thihteng'ar | pull out a nail with pincers or nail puller | 掏鐵釘仔; 拔鐵釘
gvofheeng | he five elements (metal | 五行; 五刑; 五官; 神色
gyleeng sorngsitzexng | aphasia; impairment or loss of faculty of using or understanding spoken or written language | 語能喪失症
gyteng | block in; block out; protocol; to propose; to plan to do something; draw up or map out (a plan) | 擬定
gøeqleng | season of the year | 月令
hab'eeng | run a business in partnership with someone | 合營
habseeng | to synthesize; synthesis; chemistry synthesis | 合成
habseeng-chiam'uii | synthetic fibers | 合成纖維
habzeeng | reasonable, proper, right | 合情; 合情理
habzeeng-hablie | fair and reasonable | 合情合理
habzw-keng'eeng | pool capital for a business | 合資經營
hag sinzheng | buy cloth | 購身穿; 買衣服
hagleeng jitoong | children of school age | 學齡兒童
hagleeng | school-age | 學齡
hagsengthoaan | student body | 學生團
hagzeeng | pre-school | 學前
haixbeng | murder | 害命
hak juu gegsuie hengciw | Move ahead or be pushed backwards. (Learning is like sailing a boat up stream.) | 學如逆水行舟
hamleeng | small harness bell | 銜鈴; 鈴噹
hancileeng | long raised bed of potatoes | 甘薯行; 蕃薯龍
hangheeng | sail or fly in travel | 航行
hangteeng | voyage | 航程
hangtheeng | distance of an air or sea trip | 航程
hangzeeng | market price; current price; quotation; market prices of a commodity | 行情
hanzeeng | a peaceful mood | 閒情
hanzeng | peaceful and calm at mind | 閑靜
haoheeng | filial piety; filial devotion | 孝行
haoheng | filial deed, filial piety | 孝行
haoleeng | coffin and scaffold support by bereaved family | 孝靈
haqeng | fit for the purpose; fit for use | 合用; 適合
hatbeng | to risk one's life | 豁命
hatleng | to shout an order | 喝令
hauxbeng | to obey order; devote one's life to | 效命
hauxchiateeng | bus stop with an eave like roof; pavilion or kiosk | 候車亭
hauxleeng | effect; efficacy | 效能
hauxseeng | to be sincere | 效誠
haxbeng | send down an order | 下命; 下命令
haxheeng | train traveling away from the starting point of a line usually southward | 下行
haxleng haghau | summer school | 夏令學校
haxleng oexsefng | summer sanitation; public health in summer months | 夏令衛生
haxleng sikafn | Daylight Saving Time | 夏令時間
haxleng | to give orders (command); summer time | 下令; 夏令
haxleng-hoe | summer conference, retreat | 夏令會
haxleng-viaa | summer camp | 夏令營
haxnteng | limitation; restriction; set limit to | 限定
haxzeeng | continuous status; opinion of the masses | 下情
haykag-thiengaai | farthest ends of the earth | 海角天涯
hayleeng | sea dragon | 海龍
hayleng'oong | the Dragon King | 海龍王
hayoaan hoatteeng | marine court | 海員法庭
haypof sinsengte | reclaimed land | 海埔新生地
haysex sanbeeng | vow eternal love | 海誓山盟
haytheeng | sea voyage | 海行; 海程
he peng'afn | pray for peace | 求平安
heeng aikefng | corporal works of mercy (Catholic) | 行哀矜
heeng cvii | back the money | 還錢
heeng siaux | back the money | 還數
heeng | cross grained; perverse; presumptuous and unreasonable | 橫; 行; 恆; 型; 衡; 刑; 還; 形
hegleeng | nuclear energy | 核能
hegteng | approve | 核定
heng | lucky; fortune; happiness | 杏; 幸; 倖; 贈; 脛
heng'axn | criminal case | 刑案
heng'iog | do as agreed, keep a promise | 行約; 守信
heng'iongsuu | adjective | 形容詞
heng'ioong | describe; appearance; form; shape | 形容
heng'ioong-suu | adjective | 形容詞
heng'iu | bribe | 行賄
heng'ong | prosperous; flourishing; thriving | 興旺
heng'uihoan | criminal caught in the act | 行為犯
heng'uii | conduct; behavior; deportment; an act; action; conduct; deed | 行為; 胸圍
heng'uii-putbeeng | unclearly behavior | 行為無明
heng'via | foundation in fact, foundation and substance | 行顯
heng'viaa | field headquarters | 行營
heng'viar putli | inseparable; like a person and his shadow (usually said of lovers and devoted couples) | 形影無離
heng'viar siongsuii | follow somebody like a shadow; inseparable; very intimate like husband and wife | 形影相隨
heng'viar | shadow | 形影
heng'wn | constant temperature | 恒溫; 恆溫
heng'y | to practice medicine | 行醫
hengboo | model; mould; matrix; pattern | 型模; 模型
hengboong | the rise and fall; the prosperity and adversity; rise and fall of a nation | 興亡
hengbuun | to send a despatch | 行文
hengbuxsor | prosecution bureau | 刑務所
hengchiaf cipciaux | car license | 行車執照
hengchiaf sikanpiør | train schedule or timetable | 行車時間表
hengchiaf | movement of vehicles | 行車
hengchix | to assassinate | 行剌; 行刺
hengchvy | star; the planets | 行星; 恆星; 恒星
hengcie | whereabouts of a person | 行止
hengciw | to sail or steer a boat | 行舟
hengcixn | military term meaning to move forward; to march | 行進
hengcvii | repay; refund; compensate; return money | 還錢
henggee | second teeth, permanent teeth | 行牙; 永久齒
henggek | rebellious | 橫逆; 蠻橫
henggiap | to launch a business | 興業
henggii | behavior; morality | 行儀; 品行
henggoan | thank God for answering one's prayer | 還願
henghaai | bones and skeleton; one's frame | 形骸; 外形; 骨骼
henghak | set up a school | 興學
henghaux | be a good dutiful child | 行孝
hengheeng | to bully around; to overrun; execute criminals | 橫行
hengheeng-sekseg | of all shapes and colors; great variety and diversity | 形形色色
hengheeng`leq | return it obligingly | 還還咧
henghiofng | to commit killing or murder; commit murder | 行兇
henghoaai | ambition; aspiration; feeling the mind | 胸懷
henghoad | criminal or penal law | 刑法
henghoat | punish; punishment; penalty | 刑罰
henghoea | to bribe, to corrupt | 行賄
henghoex | prosperity and abrogation | 興廢
henghofng-zoklong | cause unrest; stir up trouble | 興風作浪
henghurnzef | stimulants; drugs; excitant | 興奮劑
henghuxn | excitation; excitement; go wild; stimulation | 興奮
henghuxn-zef | stimulant, cordial | 興奮劑
henghø | unexpected calamity; sudden misfortune | 橫禍
henghøo | Ganges | 恆河
hengjiin | a passer-by; a walker; pedestrian | 行人
hengkafng | start construction work | 興工
hengkaq | the breast-plate | 胸膈; 護胸甲
hengkefng | menstruate | 行經
hengkefngtui | criminal police section | 刑警隊
hengkehmoh | diaphragm | 胸膈膜; 橫隔膜
hengkeq | chest | 胸膈
hengkerng | police handling criminal matters | 刑警
hengkerng-toaxtui | the criminal police unit | 刑警大隊
hengkerng-tui | detective squad | 刑警隊
hengkexng | one's conduct or behavior | 行徑
hengkhafmkud | chest bone; breast bone | 胸坎骨; 肋骨
hengkhafmmngg | chest hair | 胸坎毛; 胸毛
hengkhao | the breast, the chest | 胸口
hengkharm | chest; thorax; chest | 胸坎; 胸膛
hengkhid | beg; be a beggar | 行乞
hengkhie | flourish; rise; gain power | 興起; 恆齒; 永久齒
hengkhix | blood circulation | 行氣; 血流循環
hengkhoarn | shape | 行款; 形像
hengkhu | instrument of torture or punishment | 刑具
hengkhym | the breadth of mind; bosom | 胸襟
hengkiab | rob | 行劫
hengkiab-tioxnggi | put emphasis on righteousness | 行俠仗義
hengkiab-zokgi | put emphasis on righteousness | 行俠仗義
hengkiexn | start building | 興建
hengkii | term of imprisonment | 刑期; 行期
hengkiofng | the abode of an emperor on tour | 行宮
hengkioong | act by force | 行強
hengkiuo | forever | 恆久; 永久
hengkiuu | to exact confession by means of torture; exact confession by torture | 刑求
hengkoarkud | clavicle | 胸掛骨
hengkoarn | high official's home away from home | 行館
hengku | instrument of torture or punishment | 刑具
hengkud zhoanchiesut | sternal puncture | 胸骨穿刺術
hengkud | the breast bones | 胸骨
hengkwn | march (army) | 行軍
henglea | to salute, salutation | 行禮
henglie | baggage; luggage | 行李
henglie-paang | baggage room | 行李房
henglieen | aged (40) | 行年; (40)
hengliet | rank, file | 行列
hengliok | penalty by slay | 刑戮
hengliong | measure; to ponder | 衡量
henglioong | prosperous; thriving; flourishing; prosper | 興隆
henglok | to make merry; make merry | 行樂
henglu | travelers to faraway lands | 行旅
hengluo | to travel | 行旅
henglut | the criminal law | 刑律
henglychiaf | baggage car; baggage coach | 行李車
henglypaang | baggage room | 行李房
henglyphiøx | ticket for baggage transportation | 行李票
henglysviw | suitcase | 行李箱
hengmau | appearance of a person; countenance | 形貌; 外貌
hengmngg | chest hair | 胸毛
hengmoh-iam | pleurisy | 胸膜炎
hengpaang | to have sexal relation with one's legal spouse | 行房; 監房
hengpai | prosperity and adversity; success and failure | 興敗
hengpan | start (an enterprise) | 興辦; 開辦
hengpefng | to despatch the arm force | 興兵
hengphiexn | to cheat; to deceive | 行騙
hengpo | chest | 胸部
hengpø | brutal; perverse and violent | 橫暴
hengsarn | permanent property; immovable property | 恒產; 恆產
hengseeng | be comprised of; consist of; result from; formation | 形成
hengsefng | Fixed stars | 恆星; 行星
hengseg zhonghoong | look anxious and tense; be in a big hurry like a fugitive | 形色倉皇
hengseg zwgi | formalism | 形式主義
hengseg | form; format; formality; outward appearance | 形式
hengseg-hoax | become perfunctory, become mere form | 形式化
hengseg-siong | nominally; for formality's sake | 形式上
hengseksiong | nominally; for formality's sake | 形式上
hengseng | prosperous; thriving; vigorous; flourishing | 興盛
hengsex | physical feature; situation; the state of affairs | 形勢
hengsiaux | pay a bill | 還數; 還債
hengsiaw | to sell; to effect sales | 行銷
hengsien | to do good deeds; perform meritorious acts | 行善
hengsiofng | go into business; be a traveling businessman | 行商
hengsiong | form; appearance; physical description of a person; form as contrasted to substance | 形上; 形象; 形像
hengsioong | permanent, constant | 恆常
hengsit | one's life story | 行實
hengsixn | to exact confession through torture | 刑訊
hengsoef | prosperity and adversity; rise and fall | 興衰
hengsox | constant, permanent constant, universal value | 恆數
hengsu zhaiphvoax | criminal trial | 刑事裁判
hengsu | criminal case; police detective | 刑事; 行事
hengsu'ee | penal | 刑事的; 刑罰的
hengsu-hoan | a criminal | 刑事犯
hengsubuxntøee | criminal case | 刑事問題
hengsuo | to exercise; use or exercise authority | 行使; 行駛
hengsuo-koaan | the right to exercise powers inherent with one's office | 行使權
hengsuxlek | calendar | 行事曆
hengsuxteeng | criminal court | 刑事庭
hengsvoax | thymus gland | 胸腺
hengsw | the running style of Chinese calligraphy; less contracted form of hand writing | 行書
hengswbuxnzoe | mobilize troops to chastise rebels | 興師問罪
hengswkoaan | right to exercise powers inherent with one's office | 行使權
hengswtoxngcioxng | mobilize troops and stir up the people | 興師動眾
hengsym | perseverance; determination; constant mind | 恆心
hengtaai | elder brother | 兄臺; 刑臺
hengte juu chiwciog | brothers are like hands and feet | 兄弟如手足
hengte | brothers | 兄弟
hengteeng | criminal court | 刑庭; 刑(事)庭
hengtefngseg | identical equation, identity (math.) | 刑庭式; 恆等式
hengterng | always equal | 恆等
hengthaehak | morphology | 形態學
hengthaix | shape; form; appearance; state | 形態
hengthaix-hak | morphology | 形態學
hengthea | style; the human form | 形體
hengtheeng | traveler's route or itinerary | 行程
hengthofng | prosper; succeed | 亨通; 興通
hengtiorng | a respectful form of address for an elder brother or a man friend; senior | 兄長
hengtoan | biographical material | 行傳
hengtong putpien | bodily mobility impaired | 行動無便
hengtong zuxiuu | freedom of movement | 行動自由
hengtong zuxjuu | move freely or without impairment | 行動自如
hengtong | action; movement; behavior | 行動
hengtoxngtiexn'oe | cellular-phone | 行動電話; (大哥大)
hengtviuu | execution ground; execution ground | 刑場
hengzax | to cheat; to deceive | 行詐
hengzeeng | before the breast; bosom; on the chest | 胸前
hengzeg khøfgii | behavior or manner that arouses suspicion | 行跡可疑
hengzeg | one's behavior or conduct; traces | 形跡; 刑責; 痕跡; 行跡
hengzerng'vi | the Executive or Administrative Yuan | 行政院
hengzernghoad | administrative law | 行政法
hengzerngkhuhek | political division of an area for administrative purposes | 行政區域
hengzerngkikoafn | administrative organizations | 行政機關
hengzerngkoaan | administrative power; executive authority | 行政權
hengzerngkvoaf | administrative officials | 行政官
hengzerngtviwkvoaf | top administrator in an area or region | 行政長官
hengzerngzhwhwn | disciplinary measures taken against an official guilty of abuse of administrative powers as opposed to punishment meted out by a court of law | 行政處分
hengzex | pay a debt | 還債
hengzexng khuoe | political division of an area for administrative purposes | 行政區劃
hengzexng | administration | 行政
hengzexng-kikoafn | administrative organization | 行政機關
hengzexng-koaan | executive authority | 行政權
hengzexng-kvoaf | executive or administrative officer | 行政官
hengzexng-vi | the Executive Yuan | 行政院
hengzhefng | repay entirely | 還還; 還清
hengzhvef | planet | 行星
hengzofng | whereabouts of a person; baggage or luggage; traces or tracks of a person | 行裝; 行蹤; 形蹤
hengzofngkuypix | secretive movements; said of a person of dubious background; of many secrets and of doubtful character | 形蹤詭秘
hengzofngputteng | have no fixed residence; wander here and there unpredictably | 行蹤無定
hengzong | outward form; appearance | 形狀
hengzøo | chest or breast | 胸部; 胸槽; 胸部中央之凹部
heteeng | return trip | 回程
hexpid-sengciofng | write quickly and skillfully | 下筆成章
hexthorng ee zerngbeeng | certificate of ancestry; pedigree | 系統的證明
hi'eeng | empty glory; vanity | 虛榮
hi'engsym | desire for glory and wealth; vanity | 虛榮心
hiabteng | protocol; entente; concert; agreement; convention | 協定
hiafngsiu zheng'eeng | enjoy an easy and comfortable life | 享受清閒
hiaqzeeng | (n) forehead | 額前; 額頭
hiarng'eeng | on the road to prosperity; making progress | 向榮
hiarngzeeng | go forward | 向前
hiauheng | unethical | 梟行; 僥倖; 無道德
hiauheng-cvii | ill-gotten wealth or gains | 僥倖錢; 橫財
hiawbeeng | daybreak; make known clearly | 曉明
hiefn'eeng | successful; important; powerful | 顯榮; 顯榮耀
hiefnbeeng | phanic; obvious; set forth clearly | 顯明; 顯示
hiefnleeng | display divine power (said of an idol) | 顯靈
hienbeeng | judiciousness; capable and virtuous | 賢明
hiengaai legmar | rein in the horse on the brink of the precipice; reform before it is too late | 懸崖勒馬
hiengaai | cliff | 懸崖
hiengagkhix | string instruments | 絃樂器
hiengagtui | string band | 絃樂隊
hiengak | string music | 絃樂; 弦樂
hiengoat | mososeries | 弦月
hienguu | wise and foolish | 賢愚
hienleeng | sage; talented and virtuous | 賢能
hiernpengtui | gendarmerie | 憲兵隊
hiet'heeng | blood-type | 血型
hietthorng zerngbengsw | certificate of pets | 血統證明書
hiexnheeng tiauiog | treaty in force | 現行條約
hiexnheeng | existing; presently valid or effective | 現行
hiexnhenghoad | existing law | 現行法
hiexnhenghoan | flagrant offense | 現行犯
hiexnseeng | ready-to-wear | 現成
hiexntai-pengji | modern spelling, modern spelling system | 現代拼字
hiexntai-phengji | modern spelling, modern spelling system | 現代拼字
hiexnzai oansengseg | present perfect tense in English grammar | 現在完成式
hiexnzeeng | at present | 現時
himhym-hiorng'eeng | blooming like flowers in spring; (said of business; financial; situation prospering; flourishing | 欣欣向榮
hiongbeeng | fierce, brave | 兇鳴
hiorng'eeng | glory of a private home | 宅榮; 向榮
hiorngzeeng | go forward | 向前
hisengphirn | bargain items; goods sold at sacrifice; a very low price | 犧牲品
hitpeeng | over there; the other; the other party; the other side; that side | 那爿; 彼旁
hiuobeeng | notorious reputation. | 臭名; 再興
hizeeng-kefix | hypocrisy; insincerity; pretended friendship or affection | 虛情假意
hoafnbin buzeeng | fight; to squabble (with a change of facial expression old friendship is completely forgotten) | 反面無情
hoafnheeng | to change behavior | 反形; 行動性格轉變; 變壞
hoan'eeng | thrive; flourish; thrift; prosperity | 繁榮
hoang'eeng | welcome; to greet with joy; to welcome | 歡迎
hoang'eeng-hoe | reception (welcome) | 歡迎會
hoang'eeng-mngg | a welcome gate | 歡迎門
hoangeeng | welcome | 歡迎
hoangeeng-hoe | reception (welcome) | 歡迎會
hoangeeng-mngg | a welcome gate | 彩牌
hoaq høxleng | shout slogans | 喊號令
hoarhak hongthengseg | chemical equation; chemical formula | 化學方程式
hoarhak kangtheeng | chemical engineering | 化學工程
hoarhak pengheeng | chemical equilibrium | 化學平衡
hoarhak-pengheeng | chemical equilibrium | 化學平衡
hoarn kekbeng | counter revolution | 反革命
hoarn-zengpøx | counter intelligence | 反情報
hoarseeng | transformed into; transform | 化成
hoat'heeng | issuance; publish; publication | 發行
hoat'hengciar | publisher | 發行者
hoat'hoee kengsirm | order a lower court to hold a new trial | 發回更審
hoatbeeng | invention; to invent; invent | 發明
hoatbengkaf | inventor | 發明家
hoatleng | statutes; ordinance; law and regulation; laws and ordinances; decree | 法令; 發令
hoatteeng | courtroom; forum; law court | 法庭
hoatteng ee gixbu | lawful obligation | 法定的義務
hoatteng hoeapex | legal tender | 法定貨幣
hoatteng lienleeng | legal age | 法定年齡
hoatteng taixlyjiin | legal representative | 法定代理人
hoatteng | statutory; legal | 法定
hoatzeeng | human sexual excitement | 發情
hoaxnzoe heng'uii | criminal act | 犯罪行為
hoe-jinzeeng | to return a favor; to express one's thanks | 回人情; 答謝
hoee jinzeeng | return favor; in appreciate | 回人情; 謝恩
hoefheeng | death by fire; be burned at the stake | 火刑
hoefthuie sambengti | ham sandwich | 火腿三明治
hoehheeng karmteng | blood grouping | 血型鑑定
hoehheeng | blood type; blood group | 血型
hoelengky | airplane | 飛靈機; 飛行機; 飛機
hoeteeng | return journey | 回程
hoetheeng | return trip; carriage return | 回程
hoexbeeng | conference of heads of states for signing treaties | 會盟; 聯盟
hofng peeng long zeng | calm and unruffled sea | 風平浪靜
hofng-tefngpeeng | wind brow from top | 風上爿; 上方風
hofteng | to negate, negation, to deny, refuse, reject, negative | 否定
hogbeeng | restore someone's eyesight | 復明
hogbeng | to report on completion of a task | 復命
hogheeng | serve a prison term | 服刑
hogleeng | Poria cocos; Tuckahoe | 茯苓
hoglengkøf | type of sweet cake made with Chinese root | 茯苓糕
hoheeng | a crescent-shape, an arc, bow-shaped, spherical | 葫形; 弧形
hok peng'ek | undergo military training; do military service | 服兵役
hok peng'iah | undergo military training; do military service | 服兵役
hokbeng | report on the results of what one has been ordered to do | 覆命; 復命
hoksia-leeng | radiation energy | 輻射能
hoksiaxleeng | radiant energy | 輻射能
holoheeng | bottle gourd shaped or guitar shaped | 葫蘆形
hong'eeng | full and rich; plump | 豐盈
hongbeeng | good reputation; your name; your honorable name | 芳名
honggaan pogbeng | beauty doesn't guarantee health and good fortune (Beautiful women are often ill fated.) | 紅顏薄命
honggeeng | to meet and greet | 逢迎
honghai beng'u | libel; to slander | 妨害名譽
honghai kateeng | wreck or hurt a family | 妨害家庭
honghai peng'iah | draft dodging; undermine the draft law of a nation | 妨害兵役
hongheeng | rectangle | 方形
hongheeng-koat'oo | square brackets | 方形括弧
hongkhofng kangthenghak | aeronautic engineering | 航空工程學
hongleeng | am imperial mausoleum; age of a young lady | 皇陵; 芳齡
hongpheeng | what people judged; reputation | 風評; 諷
hongseng | sumptuous; flourishing; luxuriant; prosperous or abundant | 豐盛
hongtheeng | distance of an air or sea trip | 航程
hongtheeng-seg | an equation | 方程式
hongthengseg | a formula; equation | 方程式
hongthor jinzeeng | local customs and practices | 風土人情
hongthor-jinzeeng | local customs and practices | 風土人情
hongzeeng | romantic feelings | 風情
hongzeng | quiet; no wind | 風靜
hongzuie-kangtheeng | waterproof engineering | 防水工程
hopeeng-kawiuo | bunch of rogues | 狐朋狗友
horngheeng | let go; let pass | 放行
hornghengtvoaf | clearance permit | 放行單
horngsiaxleeng ciernzefng | radioactive or radiological warfare | 放射能戰爭
horngsiaxleeng ciornghai | radiation sickness syndrome | 放射能障害
horngsiaxleeng ee efnghiorng | radiation effects from nuclear tests | 放射能的影響
horngsiaxleeng ee uojiarm | radioactive contamination | 放射能的污染
horngsiaxleeng | radioactivity | 放射能
horteng | deny; negate; negation; negative | 否定
hoxkhao thengpurn | copy or abstract of one's census register | 戶口謄本
hoxkhao-thengpurn | a copy of the registered residence | 戶口謄本
hoxleeng | wings built on to the original house so as to form a U-shape building | 廂房; 護龍
hoxngbeng | under orders; receive orders or commands from above | 奉命
hoxngbeng-hengsu | act in the instructions | 奉命行事
hoxnggeeng | adulate | 奉迎
hoxngheeng | act or do something as ordered | 奉行
hoxngseeng | to respectfully receive; treat a superior or a visitor with much attention | 奉承
hoxteng | a doorsill; door railing separate from outside; threshold | 戶閬; 戶橂; 門檻; 閾
hoxzeeng | thick affection | 厚情
hu'eeng | vanity; empty glory | 虛榮
hu-sengtiorng | negative grow | 負成長
hubeeng | empty reputation | 虛名
hudleeng | nuclear power; atomic energy | 核能
hudteng | decide after examination; fix or approve a sum or budget for a project | 核定
hudzwleeng | nuclear energy | 核子能
hui'eeng | firefly | 飛螢
huibeng | tragic; unnatural death; death by accident or violence | 非命
huie'eng | use all; consumed everything | 費用; 用掉
huihan-seng'uo | drops of perspiration falling down like a shower | 揮汗成雨
huiheeng kielogkhix | airplane black box | 飛行記錄器; (黑盒子)
huiheeng | V: make a flight, go by air. N: flying, aviation | 飛行
huiheng'oaan | pilot of a plane | 飛行員
huihengkaf | flyer | 飛行家
huihengkahparn | flight deck | 飛行甲板
huihengky | airplane | 飛行機; 飛機
huihengzuun | air ship | 飛行船
huihheeng | blood type; blood group | 血型
huihoong-thengtat | period of great accomplishment | 輝煌騰達
huikipheeng | hangar | 飛機棚
huilengky | airplane | 飛龍機; 飛機
huitheeng | a dirigible; an airship; soar; mount of heaven | 飛艇; 飛騰
huixgarn seg enghioong | Discerning eyes can tell greatness from mediocrity | 慧眼識英雄
huixzeng | to present kindly | 惠贈
huleng | tally | 神符; 符令
hunbeeng | clear; clear; distinct; unambiguous; unmistakable | 分明
hunhuy thiengoa | frightened out of one's wits; completely carried away by passion; infatuated | 魂飛天外
hunpeeng | divide or discriminate parts | 分爿; 分邊
hunsengzuo | legal children | 婚生子; 依法結婚所生之子
hunthiengii | celestial globe | 渾天儀
hunzeeng | before the marriage | 婚情; 婚前
huozofngsuleng | deputy commander-in-chief | 副總司令
hurnhuxn-putpeeng | resentful or indignant because of injustice | 憤憤無平
hurnleng | order; instruction; instructions from a superior office | 訓令
hutbeeng-hutbiet | appearing and disappearing like a distant star or a blinking light | 忽明忽滅
huttheeng | simmer over; boiling; bubble | 沸謄
huxngengthoo | concrete | 混凝土
huxnseeng | hybridization | 雜交; 混成
huxnseeng-khuyhek | hybrid orbital | 混合軌道; 混成軌域
huypoxng heng'uii | act of libel or slander; libel | 誹謗行為
hviafzeeng | to fall down face up | 向前; 傾倒到前方
hviax thauzeeng | leaning forwards | 傾向前面
hvoa-kengthaau | hang on | 掛肩頭
hvoaiheeng partø | bully; behave in total disregard of law | 橫行霸道
hvoaiheeng | proceed on ways other than proper usually evil; move sideways like crabs | 橫行
hvofteng | denial | 否定
hvorbeeng | formerly; official honor or rank; love fame | 好名; 喜功名
hvorkied-sengpheg | morbid preoccupation with cleanliness | 好潔成癖
hvorzeng | having a preference for quiet places | 好靜
hø pud tanheeng | Misfortunes never come one at a time | 禍無單行
høbeeng | sound in harmony | 和鳴
høe-jinzeeng | to return a favor; to express one's thanks | 回人情
høefheeng | burning at the stake (punishment for rebellion) | 火形; 火刑
høfbin zengkhia | put on an appearance of diligence; obedience; or very good behavior in the presence of a master or of some one whom we wish to please | 表面裝好
høfeng | easy to use | 好用
høfheng | good deeds | 好行
høfpheeng | favorable comment; high opinion | 好評; 好聲譽
høfsimheng | virtuous; kind hearted | 好心行
høfsym-høfheng | good in heart and conduct | 好心好行
høfzeeng | good affection; good sentiment | 好情; 好意
hølengtau | snow pea | 荷蘭豆; (豆名)
høpeeng hoexgi | peace conference | 和平會議
høpeeng kaykoad | amicable settlement | 和平解決
høpeeng tiauiog | peace treaty | 和平條約
høpeeng zwgi | pacifism | 和平主義
høpeeng | a city in Taichung County | 和平
høpengciorng | Nobel peace prize | 和平獎
hør-cientheeng | good future before him | 好前程
hør-khanseeng | implicated, involved | 好牽成; 連累
hør-khehzeeng | (adj) to enjoy having guests | 好客情; 好客
hør-phynheng | correct conduct; | 好品行
hør-siuseeng | good harvest | 好收成
hør-zeng'ix | affectionate | 好情意
høxkheq engbuun | house is crowded with well wishers (on a happy occasion) | 賀客盈門
høxleng juu safn | Military orders are as inviolable as a mountain | 號令如山
høxleng | an order; a command | 號令
iafeeng | a camp, camping | 野營
iafgoa-lwheeng | outing; excursion | 野外旅行
iafmnie tøxleeng | cover one's ears when he steals a bell--to deceive oneself (literally) | 掩耳盜鈴
iangzeeng | central love | 央情
iaxbeeng | bright evening | 夜明
iaxbeeng-zw | a legendary pearl that shines at night | 夜明珠
iaxchym-jinzeng | in the quiet of the night; deep in the night | 夜深人靜
iaxheeng | night train | 夜車; 麻鷺
iaxhengkwn | night march | 夜行軍
iaxzeng | dead of night; still of the night | 夜靜
ibeng-sixcioong | always do as told | 唯命是從
ichii kateeng | support a family | 維持家庭
ichii seakaix høpeeng | maintain or preserve world peace | 維持世界和平
iedpengseg | military parade before the commander-in-chief or commanding officer | 閱兵式
iedpengtaai | stand for reviewing troops | 閱兵台
iengo | fail because of procrastination | 延誤
iengoaan | origin; source; source | 淵源
iengvo | inure loss through delay | 延誤
ieseg-hengthaix | ideology, ideological situation | 意識態學; 意識形態
imheeng | immoral sexual conduct | 淫行
imtheeng | musical interval | 音停; 音程
iofng'orng-tidzeeng | march fearlessly onward; go straight ahead | 勇往直前
iofngseeng | to cultivate; to train; to develop a habit; training; educate; develop | 養成
iofngzeng | private time | 養靜
iog'engseg | nursery | 育嬰室
iogzeeng | carnal appetite | 慾情; 情慾
iokteng kihan | stipulated duration | 約定期限
iokteng sikafn | appointed time; agree upon a time (for doing something) | 約定時間
iokteng textiarm | appointed place; place agreed upon | 約定地點
iokteng | to agree on; agree upon; agree to | 約定
iongbeeng thienha | be known throughout the land; have one's name spread far and wide; become world-famous | 揚名天下
iongbeeng | to become famous | 揚名
ioxngheeng | torture | 用刑
irnkaxm-zerngbeeng | certificate for a seal impression | 印鑑証明
isengkoarn | private hospital; doctor's office; clinic | 醫生館; 私人醫院; 診所
isengniuu | Madam, doctor's wife | 醫生娘; 醫生太太
isengsox | vitamin | 維生素
it'heeng | a group, a party | 一行
it'ix-koheeng | do something against the advice of the others | 一意孤行
it'orng zeeng chym | fall deeply in love; head-over-heels in love | 一往情深
itbeeng-kengjiin | become famous overnight; achieve enormous success at the very first try | 一鳴驚人
itgieen-uiteng | reach a binding agreement verbally; It's a deal | 一言為定
itkie-sengbeeng | become famous with one move | 一舉成名
itkiexn-ciongzeeng | fall in love at first sight | 一見鍾情
itlo-peng'afn | May you enjoy peace all the way! Bon voyage | 一路平安
itpeng'itzud | one soldier or one servant | 一兵一卒
itphøf bixpeeng itphøf iuxkhie | one trouble after another | 一波未平一波又起
itpo-tengthiefn | meteoric rise or fast advancement (in one's career) | 一步登天
itsu-buseeng | accomplish nothing; get nowhere | 一事無成
itteng | definite; certainly; definitely | 一定
itzhengjixzhør | very clear | 一清二楚
iubeeng | hades, hell | 幽冥
iubok-seng'oah | nomadic life; pastoral life-style | 遊牧生活
iuheeng | hold a procession | 遊街; 遊行
iuleeng | spirits of the departed | 幽靈
iusenghak | eugenics | 優生學
iuteeng | simple post office (as in a park or on campus); postal kiosk | 郵亭
iuxheeng | right movement | 右行
iuxpeeng | right (as opposed to left) | 右爿; 右邊
iuzeng | idyllic, lonesome, quiet, secluded | 優靜; 幽靜
iuzheeng | Taiwan hemlock (tree) | 油榕; 臺灣鐵杉
iwbeeng | famous; renowned; noted; well-known | 有名
iwbeeng-busit | having the name but no reality; in name only | 有名無實
iwbeeng-iwsit | in name and in fact | 有名有實
iwheeng | visible; tangible; concrete | 有形
iwheeng-khøfkiexn | visible | 有形可見
iwheng | lucky | 有幸
iwkii-toheeng | imprisonment for a definite time (as opposed to life imprisonment) | 有期徒刑
iwky-khøfseng | There are loopholes to exploit | 有機可乘
iwleeng | gifted | 有能
iwzeeng | friendship; friendliness | 友情
iwzeeng-iwgi | having affection and faith | 有情有義
iwzeeng-iwlie | reasonable | 有情有理
iwzengjiin ciongseeng koarnsiok | The lovers finally got married | 有情人終成眷屬。
ixbeeng | different name | 異名
ixbiør-hengte | brothers born of different mothers; half brothers | 異母兄弟
ixheeng | abnormal shape; easy to practice; easy to do | 異形; 易行
ixkog-zenglu | foreign sweetheart | 異國情侶
ixkog-zengtiau | exotic touch or mood | 異國情調
ixleeng | remarkable power; remarkable ability | 異能
ixteng | reserve (seats, rooms), set (date), be scheduled, prearrangement, schedule, arrange previously | 預定
izeeng | transfer affection to another person | 移情
izeeng-piedloaan | shift one's love to another person; have a new sweet-heart | 移情別戀
iøleeng | to ring the bell | 搖鈴
jeeng | still; yet | 仍
jengjieen | still; the same as before | 仍然
jengkiu | yet, as usual, as of old | 仍臼; 仍舊
jengzai | still in existence | 仍在
jibzeng | go on retreat (Catholic) | 入靜
jideng | daily use | 日用
jidgoat-sengsiin | sun; moon and stars | 日月星辰
jidkongleeng | solar energy | 日光能
jidteeng | schedule | 日程
jidtheeng | daily schedule; order of the day; a day's program (as the agenda or itinerary) | 日程; 日程(表)
jiedleeng | thermal energy | 熱能
jiedseeng | warm and sincere; cordial; eager devotion; earnestness; enthusiasm; zeal; eager devotion; sincerity | 熱誠
jiedseeng`ee | zealous | 熱誠的
jiedzeeng | ardent; passionate; ardor; zeal; zealous; ardent love; passion | 熱情
jih tiexnleeng | press the (bell) button; ring the doorbell | 按電鈴; 壓電鈴
jiin ui baxnbut-cy-leeng | The human being is the most intelligent among creatures | 人為萬物之靈
jinbeng | a human life | 人命
jinbeng-koanhe | matter (case) of life and death | 人命關係
jinbeng-koanthiefn | Human life is of utmost importance | 人命關天
jinheeng | human form | 人形
jinhengtø | siside-walk; a promenade; pedestrian path | 人行道
jinkafng-sengsit | artificial reproduction | 人工生殖
jinkhao koeaseng | overpopulation | 人口過剩
jinsengkoafn | view (philosophy) of life; outlook on life | 人生觀
jinteng sexng thiefn | Man's determination will conquer Nature.; Human effort will overcome destiny (difficulties) | 人定勝天
jinzeeng lefngloarn | men's feelings are changeable | 人情冷暖
jinzeeng | sensibilities; human sympathy; favor; human kindness; human sentiment; emotion or feeling; favors asked or done; good will (expressed in the form of gifts; invitation to diners) | 人情
jinzengbi | human touch; friendliness; hospitality | 人情味
jinzengseasu | human affairs | 人情世事
jinzengzex | owe someone a favor; a spiritual debt | 人情債
jinzhefng taixbengsuu | personal pronoun | 人稱代名詞
jiog'iok ee aezeeng | carnal love | 肉慾的愛情
jiogzeeng chiongtong | arousal of the carnal appetite | 肉情衝動
jiogzeeng ee khoaelok | carnal pleasure | 肉情的快樂
jiogzeeng | carnal desire | 肉情
jit heeng itsien | do one good deed a day | 日行一善
jit kiuo zeeng sefng | Having been together for a long time; (they) came to have a tender feeling for each other | 日久生情
jiuu leeng kheg kofng | The soft will conquer the hard.--soft and subtle approach can disarm a man of hot temper; a soft answer turns away wrath | 柔能克剛
jiuzeeng | soft and sentimental; tender thoughts or affection | 柔情
jiuzeeng-suxsuie | tender and soft as water | 柔情似水
jixheeng | font; type-face; style of letters or characters; form of a written or printed character | 字形; 字型
jixm'eng | employ | 任用
jixmbeeng | identify | 認明
jixmbeng | to appoint; to designate; to commission; appointment; appoint (nominate) a person to a post | 任命
jixmteng | to establish somebody's identity; to suppose; conclude or decide (with or without adequate proof) | 認定
jixnbeeng | see clearly; recognize | 認明
jixnteng | affirm; to believe firmly; to set one's mind on; conclude or decide (with or without adequate proof) | 認定
jixpeeng | right or left part of a Chinese character; components of a Chinese character; radical of a character | 字爿; 部首
juerng-suiheeng | always go together (said of two persons); inseparable | 如影隨形
juxleng | imperial decree | 如令; 聖諭
kabeeng | join | 加盟
kaebeng | commandments | 誡命
kaegiamleng | martial law | 戒嚴令
kaeteng | define | 界定
kafcip'heeng | false execution (in law); sequestrate | 假執行
kafheeng | garrote; gibbet; gallows; death by hanging or strangulation | 絞刑; 鉸刑
kafmzeeng phørliet | fall out (said of friends; married couple) | 感情破裂
kafmzeeng | sentiment; feeling; affection; heart; feelings; emotion; passion; sentiment; devotion (between friends; relatives) | 感情
kafmzeeng-chiongtut | collision of feelings | 感情衝突
kafn'i-seng'oah | simple life | 簡易生活
kafnbeeng | laconic; simple; yet terse; short and to the point | 簡明
kafngbeeng | make (a point) clear by explanation | 講明
kafngpheeng | review (a literary work; a game; especially in speech); make critical comments on some performance | 講評
kafngzeeng | lobby | 講情
kafteng | assume; suppose; supposition; on the assumption that...; supposing that... | 假定
kagvor-thienseeng | an ideal marriage; divinely arranged | 佳偶天成
kah'eng | be applicable | 合用; 適用
kaiheeng | to walk together | 偕行
kaleng | Formosan crestedmyna | 鵁鴒; 八哥
kam'eng | willing to spend | 甘用; 捨得用
kamsym-bengbok | die without dissatisfaction; die happy | 甘心瞑目
kamsym-zenggoan | heartily willing; thoroughly pleased (to do a work or give a gift) | 甘心情願
kanggiap-kekbeng | Industrial Revolution | 工業革命
kangleeng | working years | 工能
kangteeng | engineering; an engineering project; a construction work | 工程
kangtenghak | engineering | 工程學
kangtengsw | civil engineer | 工程師
kangtheeng | engineering; an engineering project; a construction work | 工程
kangtheeng-leghak | practical dynamics | 工程力學
kangthengsw | engineer | 工程師
kangthengtui | public works corps | 工程隊
kangthengzhux | department of engineering; the engineering department of a huge building project | 工程處
kangzeeng | amount or condition of work | 工情; 工作情況
kanzeeng | fair; circumstances of adultery; the details of an amorous affair | 姦情
kanzeng | clean; entirely; all gone | 乾淨
kao'eng | enough | 夠用
kaoiok-hengzexng | educational executive or administration | 教育行政
kaoiok-thengto | level of education; educational background | 教育程度
kaoleng | command; or order; of a ruler (as distinct from the law) | 教令
kaoteng | to revise, revision | 校訂; 修訂
kaotheeng | a course of study | 教呈; 教程
kapleeng | whistle on pigeons tail | 蛤蚧; 鴿鈴
karbu-thenghuun | ride mist and float on clouds (as immortals do) | 駕霧騰雲; 騰雲駕霧
karmgak bogleeng | prison pastoral work (Catholic) | 監獄牧靈
karmteng | examination; examine and determine; to judge or give an (expert) opinion | 鑑定
karngsengzeeng | before birth | 降生前
kaseeng | addition product, produce by addition | 加成
kateeng | home; family; household | 家庭
kateeng-buxntøee | domestic troubles | 家庭問題
kateeng-ioxngphirn | household furnishings; appliances; utensils | 家庭用品
kateeng-kanggiap | domestic (cottage) industries | 家庭工業
kateeng-kaosw | tutor | 家庭教師
kateeng-kea'oe | family planning | 家庭計劃
kateeng-kengzex | domestic economy | 家庭經濟
kateeng-liauhoad | home treatment | 家庭療法
kateeng-seng'oah | home (family) life | 家庭生活
kateeng-zwhu | housewife | 家庭主婦
katengpøe | retainers | 加重倍
katøpeeng | reamer | 鉸刀爿
kauheeng | to return, to give back | 交還; 交?
kauleeng | a dragon | 蛟龍
kauxheng | crafty; cunning; sly; have some plot in mind; one who cannot have a heart-to-heart talk | 厚行; 工心計; 多心; 奸詐; 狡猾; 陰沉; 多疑心
kauzeeng | friendship; intimacy | 交情
kaw peng'iuo | make friends | 交朋友
kaxngpeeng | on the same board; on the same side | 同爿邊
kaxteng | insist (that someone did such-and-such) | 咬定
kaybeeng | explain clearly | 解明; 說明
kayheeng | change one's appearance; style etc | 改形
kea'ek-sengsarn | planned parenthood; production according to plan | 計劃生產
keaseeng | to inherit; inherit; succeed to; inheritance | 繼承; 承襲
keasengjiin | heir, successor | 繼承人
keateeng | process | 過程
keathengchiaf | taxi; meter taxi | 計程車; 出租車
keathengpiør | taxi meter | 計程表
keeng | If the family is harmonious, everything will be successful, if the family is a mess, all will be in poor shape. | 窮
kefcip'heeng | false execution (in law); sequestrate | 假執行
kefngleeng | warning bell; alarm bell | 警鈴
kefzeeng | pretence of affection | 假情
keg-sinzheng | vanity; e.g. in dress | 激身穿; 講究衣著
kegheeng | extreme punishment; death penalty; death penalty; capital punishment | 極刑
kegkhao zhengzaxn | speak in the highest terms; praise lavishly | 極口稱讚
kegzeeng | plot (of a play) | 劇情
kek'heng | be unwilling to do | 激幸; 不情願做; 無願意做
kek'hoad-leeng | excitation energy | 激發能
kekbeng | revolution; revolutionary (politics) | 革命
kekbeng-ciernzefng | revolutionary war | 革命戰爭
kekbeng-susiorng | revolutionary idea | 革命思想
kekbeng-zernghuo | revolutionary government | 革命政府
kekkhie-leeng | excitation energy | 機器能; 激起能
kekzeeng | passion | 激情
keleeng | quinine | 奎寧
keng | compete; strive; struggle for; to quarrel. Many people read keng by mistake | 競; 楗; 擋; 撐,; 勁
keng'ar | coil spring in machine | 弓仔; 彈簧
keng'eeng longtviuu | run a form | 經營農場
keng'eeng suxgiap | do (transact) business | 經營事業
keng'eeng | manage; administration; carry on | 經營
keng'ek | change, alter | 更異; 換手
keng'engciar | manager; proprietor; operator | 經營者
keng'enghoad | management | 經營法
keng'i | be surprised; be amazed; to marvel | 驚異
keng'iseg | locker room; toilet | 更衣室
keng'iuu | pass through; go by way of | 經由
keng'unky | power tiller | 耕耘機
keng'uun | till and weed; cultivate | 耕耘
keng'vi | be surprised | 驚異
keng'voa | replace; to substitute | 更換
keng'y | change clothes | 更衣; 壽衣
keng'y-seg | changing room | 更衣室
kengbiø | temple | 經廟; 宮廟
kengbo | economic and trade | 經貿
kengbok | tilling and pasturing | 耕牧
kengbuun | scripture; written prayers; classical text | 經文
kengbuun-huixbuo | map and execute government policies and military affairs | 經文緯武
kengchiaq | poverty-stricken | 貧窮; 赤貧
kengchiuo | handle; deal with; pass through the hand so | 經手
kengciar iuo kii tieen | land to the tiller (final phase of the land reform program on Taiwan) | 耕者有其田
kengciøf | banana | 香蕉; 弓蕉
kengciøiuu | banana oil | 弓蕉油
kengciølarng | banana basket | 香蕉籠
kengcvix | bows and arrows | 弓箭
kengga | to be amazed, surprised | 驚奇
kenggiam honghux | rich in experience | 經驗豐富
kenggiam | experience | 經驗
kenggiam-simlyhak | empirical psychology | 經驗心理學
kenggiap | doing business | 經業
kenggiaxmciar | man of experience; veteran | 經驗者
kenggiaxmtaam | story of one's experiences | 經驗談
kenghae | to be astonished, terrified | 驚訝; 驚駭
kenghagsu | lawyer, scribe | 經學士
kenghak | Confucianism | 經學
kengheeng | bow shaped | 張形; 弓形
kengheg | to scare, frighten, panic, fear, terror | 驚嚇
kenghieen | bow string | 驚弦; 弓弦
kenghii | whale | 鯨魚
kenghoan | change | 更換
kenghoeq | menses; menstruation | 經血
kenghofng | have convulsion or spasms | 經風; 驚風
kenghoong | lose head from terror; be frightened and confused; to panic | 驚惶
kenghui | longitude and latitude; warp and the woof; logical planning; main points of something | 經緯
kenghuix | budget; expenditure; expenses; ; expense; outlay; expenditure | 經費
kengjiin | striking, shocking, surprising | 驚睨
kengkae | alter; change; alter; to correct | 更改
kengkaf | much more; all the more | 更加
kengkag | shocking | 驚覺
kengkahkud | scapula | 肩胛骨
kengkahthaau | shoulder; shoulder | 肩胛頭; 肩頭; 肩膀
kengkaq | shoulder blade; whole region of the shoulder | 肩胛; 肩胛頭
kengkaq-kud | shoulder blade, scapula | 肩甲骨; 肩胛骨
kengkaq-thaau | top of shoulders | 肩胛頭; 肩頭
kengkaw | whale shark; six gilled shark | 鯨鮫; 鯨鉤; 魚叉
kengkeq | compartment; design; arrangement (laying out) or rooms; floor plan of a house | 間格; 格局; 隔間
kengkhiorng | frightened, scared | 驚恐
kengkhix | hydrogen | 氫氣
kengkhoaf | boast | 誇口; 矜誇
kengkhuy | open or widen (mouth; nose; ear etc.) with surgical instruments; spread washing with bamboo sticks or any other rack | 張開; 繃開
kengkie | managing | 經紀
kengkie-jiin | agent, broker | 經紀人
kengkiernhoe | Economic Development Council | 經建會
kengkii | surprise; amazement; surprise; menstrual period | 驚奇; 經期
kengkiuo-naixiong | durable (goods); sturdy | 經久耐用
kengkoex | go through; by way of; progress (of an affair or illness); lapse (of time) | 經過
kengkof-sutkoar | have compassion on the orphan and the widow | 矜孤恤寡
kengkuie | extremely poor person | 矜鬼; 窮光蛋
kengkøex | pass by; pass through; transit | 經過
kenglek | experience; go through; career; record; personal history (experience) | 經歷
kenglie | manager; management; manage | 經理
kenglie-seg | managers office | 經理室
kenglieen | for a whole year; for years | 經年
kenglieen-luygoat | for months and years | 經年累月
kenglienkii | change of life; the critical age; menopause; climacteric | 更年期
kengliin | pity | 矜憐
kengliok | economic strategy | 經略
kenglok | meridian | 經絡
kengloong | farmer; agriculture; farming; tillage | 耕農; 務農
kengluun | principles and policies in government administration | 經綸
kengmiaa | accept with respect | 更名
kengmngg | palace gateway | 經門; 宮門
kengmoaf | cape, veil, benediction veil | 經披; 披肩; 祝福語
kengpurn | classical books | 經本; 經書
kengsafnhu | multipara | 經參數; 經產婦
kengsefng | start life anew, have a new life, turn over a new leaf | 更生
kengserng | wake someone up with a start | 驚醒
kengsex cy zaai | great ability; statesmanship | 經世之才
kengsex | manage affairs; for a generation | 經世
kengsiaw | sell as a consignee | 經銷
kengsiofng | to be in business; do commerce; do business; to trade | 經商
kengsioong | often; usually; sometimes; what is regular and necessary; moral basis of society; frequently | 經常
kengsioong-huix | normal operating expenses | 經商費; 經常費
kengsirm | ask again as in court; retrial | 更審
kengsuo | classics and history | 經史
kengsvoax | meridian or longitude | 經度; 經線
kengsw | Confucian classics; classical books | 經書; 京師
kengsym | heart-stricken, frightening | 驚心
kengsym-toxngpheg | heart-shaking; soul-stirring | 驚心動魄
kengsyn | to renew, to renovate, renewal, renovation | 更新
kengte | cultivated land | 耕地
kengtexng | revise | 更訂
kengthaau | shoulder; upper part of the shoulder | 肩頭; 肩膀
kengthaau-kyn | scarf | 肩頭巾
kengtharnhø | exclamation mark | 驚嘆號
kengthaxn | to express amazement, wonder; to exclaim with admiration; to gasp in wonder | 驚歎; 驚嘆
kengthaxn-hø | the exclamation mark | 驚歎號
kengthea | speak sarcastically or ironically | 供體; 挖苦; 諷刺
kengthøea | gossip, jeer at | 驚體; 供體; 毀謗
kengtieen | plough the fields; cultivated fields or land | 耕田
kengtien | imperial palace | 京殿; 宮殿
kengtiern | classics; religious scriptures; Chinese classics | 經典
kengto | longitude | 經度
kengtoan | classical books | 經傳
kengtof | capital city | 京都
kengtong | shift; to switch; to change | 更動; 驚動
kengtviaa | temple courtyard | 經埕; 禪院
kengzad | Bible verse | 經文; 經節
kengzeahagciar | economist | 經濟學者
kengzeahak | economics; political economy | 經濟學
kengzeahe | department of economics | 經濟系
kengzeakaix | financial circles; economic world | 經濟界
kengzeakhøf | department of economics | 經濟科
kengzeasuo | history of economics | 經濟史
kengzex chiongju | free from financial difficulties | 經濟充裕
kengzex | economy; finance; thrifty; economical | 經濟; 節儉
kengzex-goanlie | economic | 經濟原理
kengzex-hak | economics | 經濟學
kengzex-hogsof | restoration of financial conditions | 經濟復酥
kengzex-kaix | the financial world | 經濟學; 經濟界
kengzexng | to correct, correction | 更正; 耕種
kengzhaan | farms | 耕田
kengzheq | classical books | 經冊; 經本,經書
kengzw | classical book, sacred book | 經書
kengzøhky | farm tractor | 耕作機
kengzøq | farming; cultivate | 耕作
kerngseeng | unexpectedly become | 竟成
kerngteeng | respectfully presented (used at the end of a letter) | 敬呈
kerngzeng | cordially presented by | 敬贈
kerngzengciar | rival; competitor; contestant | 競爭者
keteeng | home; family; household | 家庭
kexngzengciar | rival; competitor; contestant | 競爭者
kexngzenglek | competitiveness | 競爭力
khahtheeng | wait a moment | 較停; 待會兒; 等一下
khahtheng'ar | in a very short time | 較停仔; 待一會兒; 過一會兒
khaibeeng | liberal; enlightened; enlightened; enlightenment; open-minded | 開明
khaibengkog | enlightened nation | 開明國
khaieng | expense | 開用
khaipenghofng | extraction of the square root | 開平方
khaiteeng | start a court trial; hold a court session | 開庭
khakteng | confirm; definite and sure; decision; make a definite decision | 確定
khamteng | put down or suppress (a rebellion); subdue (barbarian tribes) | 戡定
khang'eng | unused | 空用
khanheeng | print for publication | 刊行; 刊印
khanseeng | guide and help; assist; patronize | 牽成; 提拔; 提攜; 栽培
khaq-uxeeng | have more free time | 較有空; 較有閒
khasaukeng'ar | brothel | 跤梢間仔
khasaw-keng'ar | brothel | 跤梢間仔; 娼館
khawleng | military; password; verbal instruction; (word of) command | 口令
kheabeeng | allied | 契盟; 締盟
kheeng zaixkhox | take stock; inventory | 查庫存; 集財庫
kheeng zhaebøea | gather up the leavings after a meal | 吃光剩菜; 集菜尾
kheeng | exhausted; poor; investigate fully; gather up (leavings) | 窮; 收集; 集東西在一起
khefbeeng | open eyes | 啟明
khefbengchvy | the morning star, venus | 啟明星; 晨星
khefbengzhvef | morning star; Venus | 啟明星; 晨星
khefheeng | to start on journey | 啟行
khefngteng | certainty; be sure to; affirmation; affirm; acknowledge | 肯定
kheftheeng | depart; start on a journey | 啟程
khekkie-hengsien | overcome self and do good | 克己行善
khekkud-bengsym | permanently imprint (another's favor) on the mind; remember with gratitude constantly and forever | 刻骨銘心
kheng | rainbow | 虹; 彩虹
kheng'ar | a crate | 筐仔; 桕仔
kheng'i | easy; facile; effortless; lightness; reckless | 輕易
kheng'iuu | light oil | 輕油
khengban | treat with disrespect | 輕慢; 輕蔑
khengbiet | slight; scornfulness; misprize; disdain | 輕蔑
khengbii | slight; unimportant; trifling; insignificant | 輕微
khengbo | admire; admiration | 傾慕
khengbuun-tioxngbuo | put the sword above the pen | 輕文重武
khengcyn | be strict in dealing with matters | 傾真; 窮真; 從嚴處事; 嚴密
khenggieen | lightly | 輕言
khenghioxng | tendency; predisposition; aptness; inclined towards; tendency; trend; inclination | 傾向
khenghoef | epiphany | 曇花; 瓊花
khenghoo | frivolous | 輕浮
khenghud | neglect; to slight; ignore | 輕忽
khenghwn | complain about unfair treatment | 窮分; 計較; 歧視
khengjuu | intelligensie slaughter | 坑儒
khengkaf-toxngsarn | dissipate one's fortune | 傾家蕩產
khengkanggiap | light industry | 輕工業
khengkhag | envelope; framework; (n) outline; silhouette | 輪廓
khengkheeng`leq | tidy up, put in order (room) | 傾傾咧; 集集咧
khengkhefng | my dear | 卿卿
khengkhiao | agile; skillful; delicate | 輕巧
khengkhiekiuu | gas balloon | 輕氣球
khengkhix | hydrogen | 輕氣; 氫氣
khengkhoaix | agility; springiness; volatility | 輕快
khengkhofng | empty | 傾空
khengkimsiok | light metals | 輕金屬
khengkog | cause the downfall of a city or an entire country | 傾國
khengkuo | heedless (reckless) undertaking; rash action | 輕舉
khengkuo-boxngtong | heedless (reckless) undertaking; commit a rash act | 輕舉妄動
khengkyn-sngrniuo | be calculating and unwilling to make the smallest sacrifice; esp. in monetary matters | 斤斤計較; 窮斤算兩
khenglioxngkib | lightweight (in boxing) | 輕量級
khengloong | empty pocket | 傾囊
khengmoh | iris of eyes | 傾膜
khengphiaw | buoyant | 輕飄
khengphuu | flippant; frivolous; playful | 輕浮
khengphuun | overturn a bowl | 傾盆
khengpien | (adj) lightweight and portable; handy; convenient | 輕便
khengpien-chiaf | push-car on a narrow track | 輕便車; 手推車
khengpiet | despise, disdain, contempt | 輕別; 輕視
khengpiexnchiaf | narrow-gauge hand-car | 輕便車
khengpok | take liberty with a girl; get fresh; fickle; flippant; disdain; contempt; frivolity; levity; frivolity; insincere; fickle | 輕薄
khengsefng | risk one's life; regard life lightly; commit suicide | 輕生
khengsi | slight over; mis prize; make slight of; look down on; esteem lightly; despise; neglect; ignore | 輕視
khengsiaa | tilt; stant; fall away; declension; slant; slope; inclination | 傾斜
khengsiaux | to square an account; to clear an account; to liquidate an account; adjust (examine) accounts (at night; as a businessman or a housewife) | 清數; 結帳; 窮帳
khengsiaw | to dump (goods; products); dumping | 傾銷
khengsixn | believe whatever one is told; believe without consideration | 輕信
khengsud | careless(ly); thoughtless(ly); imprudent(ly) | 輕率
khengsviaa-khengkog | exceptionally beautiful woman for whose sake a city is ruined or a country lost | 傾城傾國
khengsviaf-seasoeq | speak softly; talk in a soft voice | 輕聲細語
khengsym | to fall in love | 傾心
khengsyn | light body | 輕身
khengtaan | hydrogen bomb | 氫彈
khengtek | underestimate the enemy | 輕敵
khengthiaw | skittish | 輕佻
khengthox | pour forth; pour out | 傾吐
khengthviaf | listen carefully; be all ears | 傾聽
khengtvoaa | hydrogen bomb | 氫彈
khengtør | pouring; empty out; dump; dump out | 傾倒
khengzofng | with light equipment | 輕裝
khengzux | pour into; inject into | 傾注
kherngheng | rejoice | 慶幸
kherngsenghoe | birthday party | 慶生會
khiarm'eng | require or be in need of | 缺用; 欠用; 需要
khiarmzeeng | owe favors; favors not returned or repaid | 欠情; 欠人情
khiaxjinpeeng | the ninth radical | 騎字爿; 人部; (部首)
khiaxleeng | set up ancients symbol; deceased tablet | 豎靈; 徛靈; 立靈位; 燔祭
khiaxm'eng | frugal; provident | 儉用
khiaxmciah-liafmzheng | economize on clothing and food; live a frugal life | 儉吃儉穿
khiaxmkhiam'ar eng | frugal | 儉儉仔用
khiaxmzheng | save money on clothes | 儉穿; 穿得省儉
khiaxsietheeng | stand upside down | 豎死挺; 倒立
khiaxtengkøf | setup bamboo lantern for lunar July ceremony | 徛燈篙
khiaxtheeng | stand erect | 站挺; 倒立; 豎直
khiaxthengtheeng | stand up straight | 徛騰騰
khie kekbeng | bring about a revolution | 起革命
khieaxm-taubeeng | forsake darkness and come to the light ─ renounce a bad cause and join the camp of justice | 棄暗投明
khienseeng | piety; piousness; religiosity; sincere and devout | 虔誠
khileeng | to bully and humiliate | 欺凌
khimbeng | imperial order; imperial emissary | 欽命
khimseg-høbeeng | marital harmony; conjugal bliss | 琴瑟和鳴
khimteng | granted; ordered; approved by His Majesty; compiled and published by imperial order (books); (books) complied or edited by the emperor | 欽定
khinheeng | light punishment | 輕刑
khiokseeng | bend as | 曲成
khipeeng | incline; lean; slant; slope; tilt | 敧爿; 傾斜
khiuleeng | hill; knap | 丘陵
khiuo hengkharm | seize a man by his clothes at the neck or the breast | 揪衣襟; 揪胸坎
khiøhheng | had a plan to do so | 蓄意
khiøq tengcvii | collect money for village purposes; plays; at so much a head | 募集丁錢; 拾丁錢
khoaetheeng | speetboat; mosquito boat; power boat | 快艇
khoankiuu-lyheeng | travel around the world | 環球旅行
khoantør-lyheeng | make a tour of the island | 環島旅行
khoarn henglie | prepare the baggage | 收拾行李
khofheeng | cruelty; torture; torture; penance | 苦刑; 酷刑
khofleng | Chinaberry | 苦楝
khofleng'ar | pity | 苦苓仔; 苦楝仔
khofngbengchiaf | bike | 孔明車
khofngbengtefng | sky lantern | 孔明燈
khofngkhaix-sengjiin | sacrifice one's life heroically for justice; die heroically in battle | 慷慨成仁
khofzeeng | tragedy; painful circumstances; hardship | 苦情; 苦景
khok'heeng | inhuman punishment; cruel; unreasonable; violent; torture | 酷刑; 殘忍; 痞情; 無講理
khoksengky | amplifier (of a radio or record-player) | 擴聲機; 擴音器
khongleeng | healthy and undisturbed | 康寧
khorngbeng | to resit an order; disobey orders | 抗命
khorngheeng | contend | 抗衡
khorngsengsox | wonder drugs; antibiotics | 抗生素
khuipenghofng | extraction of the square root | 開平方
khuiteeng | start a court trial; hold a court session | 開庭
khurnkeeng | poverty, very poor | 困窮
khurntiaxmzeng | quiet after sleep | 睡恬靜; 睡得靜悄悄的
khuttvar-sengciaw | confess under torture to a crime one hasn't committed | 屈打成招
khvoarzeeng-khvoarau | anytime (anything) be carefully | 看前看後
khvoarzengheeng | depending on circumstances | 看情形
khvoax-bøbeeng | did not see clearly | 看無明; 沒看清楚
khvoax-bøexbeeng | cannot see distinctly | 看未明; 看無清楚
khytheeng | to start on a journey; to set out | 起程; 出發
khøfheeng | feasible, practicable | 可行
khøfleeng | probably; can; possible; possibility | 可能
khøflengsexng | possibility; probability | 可能性
khøfzhad-lyheeng | inspection tour | 考察旅行
khørteeng | course | 課程
khørtheeng | curriculum, schedule | 課程
khørtheeng-piør | schedule of classes | 課程表
kiafm'eng | to reduce the usage; lack of usage | 減用
kiafmheeng | to shorten or commute (judicial) sentence; commute a sentence; mitigate punishment | 減刑
kiafmteng | to inspect and approve or sanction; inspection; official approval; official sanction; authorization | 檢定
kiamheeng | to manage or handle simultaneously | 兼行
kiamtheeng | to proceed on one's trip on the double | 兼程
kiarsengthaang | parasite; a parasitic insects | 寄生蟲
kiarzeng | to mail and send a gift or present | 寄贈
kiawleng | accomplish assignment | 繳令; 任務完交還命令
kiawtheeng | to submit or handle (to higher authority) | 繳呈
kiebeeng | record clearly | 記憶; 記明
kiengvi | hard; solid; incompressible | 堅硬
kienteng | strong; durable; firm; solid; fixed; decided; firm of purpose; unshakable | 堅碇; 堅固; 堅硬; 堅定
kiernkerng-siongzeeng | look at a scene and bring to mind some sorrowful thing | 見景傷情; 觸景傷情
kiernky-jiheeng | act according to circumstances | 見機而行
kiernpheeng | floor space of a building measured in ping (equivalent to 36 square feet); floorage | 建坪
kiernsied kangtheeng | construction work | 建設工程
kierntiog-kangtheeng | construction work | 建築工程
kieseeng | already accomplished; completed; existing | 既成
kiesengthaang | a parasite | 寄生蟲
kiet'hap-leeng | bond energy | 結合能
kietbeeng | to form an alliance; to enter into an alliance; alignment | 結盟
kieteng | already decided or fixed; (said of a rebellion; etc.) already quelled; set; fixed; established | 既定
kietkaw peng'iuo | form a friendship; become friends | 結交朋友
kietteng | to form a hard surface | 結硬
kiettorng-sengkuun | form a gang and gather a group | 結黨成群
kietzeng | clean; spotless; purity; pure and undefiled; untainted; stainless | 潔淨
kiexnkhofng-zerngbengsw | bill of health; health certificate | 健康證明書
kiexnkied-leeng | bond energy | 鍵結能
kiezeng | to mail a gift | 寄贈
kihaai-kangtheeng | mechanical engineering | 機械工程
kiheeng | deformity; malformation; deformities of a person (when an organ or limb is abnormally developed) | 畸形
kiheeng-koaezong | strange; uncommon form | 奇形怪狀
kihengjii | deformed child | 畸形兒
kileeng sorngsid | malfunction | 機能喪失
kileeng | function; functional (ailment; etc.); skill; ability; capacity; talent | 技能; 機能
kileeng-ky | functional group | 機能機; 機能基
kilengte | tiny lot | 奇零地
kilengtøe | a small piece of land which can not be utilized efficiently | 畸零地
kinkog-enghioong | heroine | 巾幗英雄
kiofngheeng | arched | 拱形
kiogzeeng | plot (of a play) | 劇情
kionggeeng | to welcome respectfully; welcome respectfully | 恭迎
kiongheeng | castration | 宮刑
kiongkexng putjuu ciongbeng | respectful demeanor does not equal obedience | 恭敬無如從命
kiongseng | (of a nation; dynasty; etc) strong and prosperous; powerful and flourishing (nation) | 強盛
kiongteeng | palace | 宮庭
kiongzex-cip'heeng | compulsory action (legal); forcible execution | 強制執行
kioxngbeeng | (in physics) resonance or sympathetic vibration; (to inspire) the same feeling in others; resonance; sympathetic vibration; the same feeling in others | 共鳴
kioxngbengciar | sympathizer | 共鳴者
kioxngleg-siangteeng-kiexnkied | conjugated double bond | 共力雙重鍵結; 共軛雙重鍵結
kioxngtoong keng'eeng | joint operation; operate jointly (business) | 共同經營
kioxngtoong seng'oah | collective life; community life; live together | 共同生活
kioxngtoong sengbeeng | joint statement; joint communique | 共同聲明
kioxngzuun-kioxng'eeng | mutual well-being and prosperity | 共存共榮
kip'eng | (for) urgent use or need | 急用
kip'heeng | to walk hurriedly; to start doing something immediately | 急行
kip'heeng-chiaf | express train | 急行車; 快車
kip'heeng-kwn | rapid march, forced march | 急行軍
kip'hengchiaf | express train | 急行車
kip'hengkwn | forced march | 急行軍
kirmbeng | prohibition | 禁命; 禁令
kirmcie chialiorng thongheeng | No vehicles allowed. No thoroughfare | 禁止車輛通行
kirmcie hengsuo loxkefng | Don't drive on the shoulder (freeway) | 禁止行駛路肩
kirmcie thengchiaf | No parking! | 禁止停車
kirmheeng | forbidden to walk | 禁行
kirmleng | prohibition; ban; interdict; ban; an interdict | 禁令
kiubeeng-kiuli | seek fame and fortune | 求名求利
kiuheeng | spheroid; spherical | 球形
kiuoseng'oaan | lifeguard | 救生員
kiuoseng'y | life-jacket | 救生衣
kiuosengkhoaan | lifesaver; life belt (buoy); lifesaver | 救生圈
kiuosengzuun | lifeboat | 救生船
kiuzeeng | to ask for mercy or leniency; to ask for a favor; implore mercy; pardon | 求情
kiwgiorng taixbeeng | I have long heard of your name | 久仰大名
kiwlien-sengkngx | Mastery is the result of long practice (training) | 久鍊成鋼
kiwpve seeng liong'y | long illness makes one a good doctor ─ long experience makes a man skilful at what he never formally learned | 久病成良醫
kix-bøo zhengzhør | have no clear recollection; did not remember clearly | 記無清楚
kixnzeeng | approach, draw near, come to meet | 近前
kizeeng-khøfbirn | deserving sympathetic understanding or compassion (said of one's conduct; actions) | 其情可憫
kiøx-zengsiin | awaken someone by calling him | 叫精神; 叫醒
kngbeeng | brightness; bright | 光明
kngleeng | the functions of light | 光能
koa'eng | sing hymns; sing praises of (Catholic) | 歌詠
koaeheeng | strange appearance | 怪形
koafnhiengak | orchestral music | 管絃樂
koan'imteeng | temple of Kwan-yin | 觀音亭
koanhe-taixbengsuu | relative pronoun | 關係代名詞
koankofng-lyheeng | sight-seeing tour | 觀光旅行
koanleeng | authority; power; (in law) exercise of one's rights; power; authority; competence | 權能; 權力
koanleeng-ky | (hoarhak) a functional group | 權能機; 官能基
koanzeeng-korau | to hesitate to make a move | 觀前顧後
koanzeng | to contribute, to subscribe, to donate | 捐贈
koanzengkorau | cautious and thoughtful | 觀前顧後
koarleeng | odd (as; 50-odd); more than (used after a round figure; as 一千掛零) | 掛零
koarn engsu | be a meddler; to be a busy-body; meddle with other's affairs | 管閒事
koatteng | decide; determine; settle; determination; decision | 決定
koatteng-tek | decisive, crucial | 決定得; 決定性的
kociorng-lanbeeng | one palm cannot clap and make a sound ─ cannot do without assistance; both parties share equally the blame for the quarrel | 孤掌難鳴
koeakhix-oansengseg | past perfect tense | 過去完成式
koeaseng | surplus | 過剩
koeateeng | process | 過程
koeatheeng | in the process; in the course of | 過程
koebeeng | cotton caterpillar | 瓜螟
kofng seeng beeng ciu | achieve success and acquire fame; be successful and famous | 功成名就
kofngbeeng | to make (a point) clear by explanation; make (a point) clear by explanation; explain a matter clearly | 講明
kofngheeng siexnsu | perform good deeds extensively; be philanthropic; widespread benevolence | 廣行善事
kofngzeeng | to ask for leniency for someone else; to intercede for; ask for leniency for someone else; intercede; conciliate; make an appeal | 講情; 傳情
kofsengbudhak | paleontology | 古生物學
kofsengbut | extinct plants and animals | 古生物
kofsengtai | Paleozoic era | 古生代
kofteeng | ancient pavilion | 古亭
kofteng | determine (a price), value | 估定
koftengpun | large rice-storage vessel built up of wattled bamboo on a cartwheel foundation | 竹製穀倉
kok'eeng suxgiap | government enterprise | 國營事業
kok'eeng | government operation; state operated (company) | 國營
kokbiin kengzex | national economy | 國民經濟
kokbiin pengkyn-softeg | per capita income | 國民平均所得
kokbiin seng'oah | national life | 國民生活
kokbiin zengsiin | national spirit | 國民精神
kokcin sofleeng | each does the best he can | 各盡所
kokteng karjit | national holiday | 國定假日
kokteng kyliaxmjit | national commemoration or memorial day | 國定紀念日
kokzeeng | circumstances of a nation; current condition or situation of a country and its people | 國情
kokzex hoatteeng | international court of justice | 國際法庭
kokzex lienbeeng | League of Nations | 國際聯盟
koleeng | forlorn, desolate | 荒涼; 孤零; 絕望
kong'eeng suxgiap | public enterprises; government-owned businesses | 公營事業
kong'eeng | glory; honor; glory; honored | 光榮
kongbeeng ee tøxlo | the illuminative way | 光明的道路
kongbeeng zerngtai | pure-minded and upright; fair and square; openly | 光明正大
kongbeeng | honest; just and upright; promising; great exploit (achievement) | 光明; 功名
kongbeeng-zerngtai | honest; just and upright | 光明正大
kongkiong tiexn'oexteeng | public telephone booth | 公共電話亭
kongleeng | function; use; effect; use | 功能
kongpeeng | just; fair | 公平
kongpheeng | open comment; public comment; to criticize in public | 公評
kongsw hab'eeng | state and private joint ownership | 公私合營
kongteng | to conclude or sign (a contract; agreement; treaty; etc) openly; determined by the public | 公訂; 公定
kongtheeng | civil engineering | 工程
kongthengsw | civil engineer | 工程師
koriuo-bengsuu | proper noun | 固有名詞; 專有名詞
korng-putpeeng | complain of unfairness, grumble | 講無平; 發牢騷
korseeng | form; compose; constitute; organize; organization; construction; to form | 構成
korteng zupurn | fixed capital | 固定資本
korteng | to fix; to make immovable; unfluctuating; fixed; firm; not movable; fixed; stationary; regular | 固定
korteng-parn | splint | 固定板; 夾板
kox zeeng bøo kox au | Take care of what is in front of you but not what is behind you. ─ Not to consider consequences | 顧前無顧後
kuiheeng | return to the original owner | 貴還; 歸還
kuileeng | bride's visit to her parents after wedding | 歸寧
kuipeeng | the whole half | 規爿
kuisengkhw | the whole body; all over the body | 全身軀
kuiteng | provision; stipulate; prescription; regulation; provide; stipulations; prescribe; ordain | 規定
kuitheeng | regulations and rules | 規程
kuixzeng | gift | 餽贈
kuizhengban | thousands | 規千萬
kunbeng | sovereign fate; sovereign destiny; sovereign command | 君命
kunheeng | equality; balance (of power; etc.); equilibrium | 均衡
kunheeng-lun | theory of equilibrium | 均衡論
kunhoatteeng | court martial | 軍法庭; 軍法裁判
kunjiin seng'oah | military life | 軍人生活
kunjiin zengsiin | military spirit | 軍人精神
kunleng | military orders; military command | 軍令
kunleng-zng | a written pledge to do something; the failing of which would subject one to military punishment | 軍令狀
kunsu hengtong | military action | 軍事行動
kunzeeng | military's information; situation; circumstances; military situation at the front | 軍情
kunzuo hiabteng | gentlemen's agreement | 君子協定
kuoheeng | pattern sentences | 句型
kupheeng | according to | 據憑
kutiofng-tiautheeng | mediate (between two quarrelling parties) | 居中調停
kutjiok cy zeeng | ties of blood; family feeling | 骨肉之情
kuxheeng | old style | 舊型; 舊式
kuxseg-kateeng | old-fashioned household; old style family | 舊式家庭
kuxzeeng | former friendship; affection | 舊情
kuy kong'eeng ho .. | give glory to...; glorify | 歸光榮給 …
kuyheeng | the shape of ghosts; demons | 鬼形
kuyteeng | how many lyers | 幾層
kvafeng | dare to use; using money lavishly | 敢用
kvoabeng | Chinese miscanthus | 官芒
kvoateng | official rule | 官定
kwheeng | to hold (examinations; rallies; parties; etc.); to take place | 舉行
kycie-hengtong | deportment; conduct; manner; air | 舉止行動
kyciog-khengtiong | play decisive role | 舉足輕重
kygoaan-zeeng | before Christ, B.C | 紀元前
kyheeng Misad | celebrate Mass | 舉行彌撒
kyheeng tiefnlea | hold a ceremony | 舉行典禮
kyheeng | hold (a meeting or celebration) | 舉行
kyle soatbeeng | cite an example by way of explanation | 舉例說明
kynkib-bexngleng | urgent order | 緊急命令
kyntheeng | presented respectfully by...(conventional phrase placed after the writer's signature in a formal letter); respectfully yours | 謹呈
kysex bunbeeng | be known to the whole world; world-famous | 舉世聞名
købeeng | wise; brilliant; lofty and intelligent ─ said to one whose attainments are high; of excellent quality | 高明
køeapheeng | weigh | 過秤
køeaseng | excess | 過剩
køeatheeng | a stage or step in a process; procedures; process | 過程
køefbeeng | explain clearly | 解明; 說明
køeng | sing praises; to sing | 歌詠
køhteeng | heavier | 更重
køkengtui | a Church choir | 歌經隊
køleeng | aged; ripe old age | 高齡
kørjiin-beng'u | personal reputation | 個人名譽
kørseeng | announce completion of something important | 告成; 告承?
kørtheeng | course, procedure, process | 個程; 過程
laam sengkhw | pour water on one's self while bathing | 淋浴
laan juu tengthiefn | as difficult as going to heaven | 難如登天
laan-uixzeeng | shy | 難為情
lagkak'heeng | hexagon; hexagonal | 六角形
lagkakheeng | a hexagon | 六角行
lagpviheeng | a hexagon | 六邊形
laikhix-hunbeeng | no secret about his movements; everything clear and above board | 來去分明; 光明磊落
laileeng | a hill exerting a decisive influence (in selecting a site for a building or grave) | 來龍
laixpeeng | inside | 內爿; 內旁
laixteeng | inner layer | 內層
laixzeeng | inside story | 內情
lamlie pengterng | equal rights for both sexes | 男女平等
lampeeng | (n) location to the south; south | 南爿; 南邊
lampeng'iuo | boyfriend | 男朋友
lan'uixzeeng | be shy | 難為情
lan'uizeeng | feel ashamed; uneasy; embarrassed; bashful | 難為情
langheeng | human form | 人形
langkhehkeng'ar | guest room | 人客間仔
lansan'eng | for everyday expenses of a non-descriptive nature; miscellaneous | 零星用
lanseeng | difficult to accomplish or succeed; hard to bring about; difficult to accomplish | 難成
latenggyhe | Latin language | 拉丁語系
lauxkauzeeng | old friendship | 老交情
lauxpeng'iuo | old friend | 老朋友
lawseeng | well-experienced and steady | 老成
laxngleeng | dragon dance; dragon dance (a team of men dancing with a cloth dragon on Chinese festivals); to play the dragon in the procession | 弄龍; 舞龍; 舞籠
lebeeng | twilight; dawning; dawn; dawn; daybreak; early dawn | 黎明
leeng hvi'ar | pull by the ear | 擰耳仔
leeng suo putjiok | prefer death to disgrace | 寧死無辱
leeng | dragon (associated with rain; floods; and geomancy); an emblem of imperialism; imperial; royal | 龍; 零; 扛; 拎; 靈
leeng`ciar tøløo | capable are usually the busy ones (compliment to a busy person) | 能者多勞
lefngbeng | to receive orders | 領命
lefnglerng-zhengzhefng | deserted and quiet (said of a place) | 冷冷清清
lefngsiern zerngbengsw | certificate of Baptism (Catholic) | 領洗證明書
lefngzeeng | to accept with thanks | 領情
lefngzeng | clear (mind; thinking); calm or composed; calmness; coolness; presence of mind; composedly; serenely | 冷靜
lefngzeng'ar | calm down | 冷靜仔
lefngzhengzhefng | deserted | 冷清清
lefseeng | ceremony is over; the end | 禮成
legbeeng | anonymous | 匿名
legheeng | proceed with determination; act vigorously; practice; perform energetically; to act with might | 力行
legleng | an imperial decree; edict; command; or ordinance | 勒令
legtengho | red-light district | 綠燈戶
legtheeng | process; course; process; step; stage | 歷程
lekleng | loosen up | 慄鬆
leng chienkym | your daughter | 令媛; 令愛; 令千金
leng | to order; loosen up; law; rule; order; to command; to cause; to render; good; honorable (a term of respect) | 令; 冗; 鬆
leng'afsviaf | ringing | 鈴仔聲
leng'afthaau | nipple | 奶仔頭
leng'aq | eastern scaup duck | 靈鴨; 鈴鴨
leng'ar | breast; bell | 奶仔; 鈴仔; 乳房
leng'i | mysterios | 靈異
leng'ie | emperor's chair | 龍椅
leng'iong | for everyday expenses of a non-descriptive nature; miscellaneous | 零用
leng'ioong | antelope | 羚羊
leng'ioxngcvii | pocket money | 零用錢
leng'iuu | butter | 奶油
leng'iøh | efficacious medicine | 靈藥
leng'oah | energetic; active and clever; quick-minded | 靈活
leng'oong | Dragon King (of the seas and lakes) | 龍王
leng'ui | memorial tablet | 靈位; 牌位
leng'uii | able; resourceful | 能為
leng'vi | strange; mysterious; occult | 靈異
leng'viuu | antelope | 羚羊
leng-cyhw | your brother-in-law | 令姊夫
leng-sientoong | your deceased mother | 令先堂
leng-sienzwn | your parents | 令先尊
leng`ciar | the other; in addition | 另者
lengbirn | clever; skillful; active; ingenious; clever; skilful; active; nimble | 靈敏
lengbiø | mausoleum temple | 陵廟; 靈廟
lengbo | emperor's mausoleum | 陵墓
lengboee | spiritualistic medium | 靈煤
lengbok | Suzuki | 鈴木
lengboong | lemon | 檸檬
lengborng | lemon | 檸檬
lengborng-ciab | lemon juice | 檸檬汁
lengborng-sngf | citric acid | 檸檬酸
lengborng-zuie | lemonade | 檸檬水
lengbuo | a wet nurse | 乳母; 奶母; 奶媽
lengbuo-chiaf | baby-carriage | 乳母車; 奶母車; 嬰兒車
lengbuo-lat | with whole strength | 乳母力; 全力
lengbuun lengbuo | can compose and perform military exercises; gifted in both intellectual and martial arts; efficient in both brainy and brawny activities | 能文能武
lengbwchiaf | stroller | 奶母車
lengbynto | sensitivity | 靈敏度
lengbøfchiaf | baby carriage; baby buggy | 嬰兒車
lengbør | wet nurse | 奶母; 奶媽
lengbør-chiaf | baby-carriage | 奶母車; 嬰兒車
lengchiaf | motor hearse; funeral car | 靈車; 靈柩車
lengchirm | a coffin containing a corpse | 靈寢
lengchiuo | expert; capable; competent person | 能手
lengchiw | a kind of edible seaweed; grown on rocks | 龍鬚
lengciab | (human) milk | 乳汁
lengcieen | before the tablet of the dead; in front of a tablet honoring the dead | 靈前
lengciexn | spiritual warfare | 靈戰
lengcih | the dragon's tongue | 龍舌
lengcih-laan | a kind of orchid | 龍舌蘭
lengcizhao | a mythic plant of long life | 靈芝草
lengcy | lingzhi mushroom; kind of dark brownish; hard fungus which is supposed to possess supernatural powers | 靈芝
lenggaam | breast cancer; cancer of the breast; mammary cancer | 奶癌; 乳癌
lenggarn | spiritual eyes | 龍眼; 靈眼
lenggefngchiu | logan tree | 龍眼樹
lenggefngchiuxkhaf | under logan tree | 龍眼樹跤
lenggefngkvoaf | dried dragon eye fruit | 龍眼乾
lenggefngzaang | logan tree | 龍眼欉
lenggerng | logan; dragon eye fruit | 龍眼
lenggiam | prediction; (said of a prediction)to come true; medicine); charm; (a drug) with uncanny or unbelievable efficacy; prophecy come true; with unbelievable accuracy; efficacious protection (attributed to an idol | 靈驗
lenggiang'ar | bell | 鈴鈃仔
lenggiern | the longan | 龍眼
lenggiok | persecute | 凌虐
lenggoaan | energy resource; source of energy; source of power | 能原; 能源
lenggoan | would rather; better; I had rather; I prefer | 寧願
lengguu | milk cow | 奶牛
lengguun | silver dollar | 龍眼; 銀元
lenggvau | the lotus root | 蓮藕
lengha | subzero | 零下
lenghau | (said of drugs; etc.) with unbelievable efficacy or curing power; drugs with unbelievable efficacy or curative power | 靈效
lenghee | lobster; prawn | 龍蝦
lengheeng | a rhomb; rhombic | 菱形
lenghiet | ideal site for a grave | 龍穴
lenghngg | tomb garden | 陵園
lenghoat | quick in response; alert; energetic; active and clever; quick minded; flexible; nimble | 靈活
lenghong thengsioong | prosperity brought by the dragon and phoenix ─ excellent good fortune | 龍鳳呈祥
lenghong thiab | betrothal cards; wedding invitation cards | 龍鳳帖
lenghong | fine offspring; excellent children | 龍鳳
lenghong-pviar | engagement-cake | 龍鳳餅; 訂婚禮餅
lenghor siøthin | it is lucky for persons born in the year of the dragon and the year of the tiger to marry each other | 龍虎相配
lenghor | dragon tiger; abscess in the female breast | 龍虎; 奶虎; 乳濃瘡; 乳瘡瘍
lenghoxngpviar | cakes used at betrothal (with figures of dragons and phoenixes) | 龍鳳餅
lenghunhak | pneumatology | 靈魂學
lenghunlun | animism | 靈魂論
lenghuo | the source of one's spirit – the mind; or brain | 靈府
lenghurn | milk powder | 奶粉
lenghuu | eastern scaup dick | 靈魂; 鈴鴨
lenghuun putbiet lun | theory of the immortality of the soul | 靈魂無滅論
lenghuun putbiet | immortality of the soul; the soul is immortal | 靈魂無滅
lenghuun samsw | three qualities of the rational soul; faculties of the soul | 靈魂三司
lenghuun sengsit soad | theory that the soul as well as the body is propagated; Traducianism | 靈魂生殖說
lenghuun uithoaan soad | theory that the soul as well as the body is passed on to the offspring or inherited from parents; Traducianism | 靈魂遺傳說
lenghuun zhorngzø soad | theory of the creation of a soul for every person at birth | 靈魂創造說
lenghuun | soul; spirit | 靈魂; 凌雲
lenghuy | a woman immortal | 靈妃
lenghwn | zero; no marks; scoreless; in grading examination paper zero (in grading examination paper); no mark; (in sports) scoreless | 零分
lengjiao | dragon's claws | 龍爪
lengjii | a sucking child; suckling; infant; baby | 乳兒
lengjiin | actor; actress | 伶人
lengjiok | to insult; to put to shame; insult; maltreat; disgrace; assault | 凌辱
lengjit | peaceful day | 寧日
lengkag | the water caltrop; water chestnut | 菱角; ?角; 直角; 龍角
lengkaix | (in Buddhism) the realm of departed spirits; realm of departed spirits; spiritual world (in Buddhism) | 靈界
lengkarm | inspiration; the faculty of telepathy | 靈感
lengkaw | spiritual fellowship | 靈交
lengkax | to overtake | 凌駕
lengkaxn | capable; competent; capable | 能幹
lengkay | energy level | 能階
lengkerng | longan; dragon eye fruit | 龍眼
lengkhar | clever; bright; cute; lovable | 靈巧
lengkhiao | very intelligent | 靈竅; 靈巧
lengkhiaux | wit; intelligence | 靈竅; 伶敏
lengkhie | baby teeth; milk teeth | 乳齒; 奶齒; 龍齒; 爬蟲類齒化石
lengkhix | spiritual influence or atmosphere | 靈氣
lengkhoad | it's better to leave a vacancy | 寧缺
lengkhør | rather; would rather; it is better; had better.. | 寧可; 還是
lengkii | emperor's flag | 龍旗
lengkiofng | kristal palace of Dragon King | 龍宮
lengkiu chiaf | motor hearse; funeral car | 靈車; 靈柩車
lengkiu | a casket; a bier; a coffin; coffin containing a corpse | 靈柩
lengkiø | carry a sedan chair; Litter on which is carried the death tablet of the deceased when he is buried | 靈轎; 抬轎
lengkoaf | spiritual song | 靈歌
lengkoafn | emperor's crown | 龍冠
lengkofng | natural inclination for goodness in a person (in Buddhism); strange light; divine light | 靈光
lengkor | ring and drump | 鈴鼓
lengkoxng | big guns | 龍槓; 大砲
lengkud | (n) spinal column; back bone | 龍骨; 脊椎骨
lengkutthaq | columbarium | 靈骨塔
lengkutzhoea | spinal cord | 龍骨骨; 脊髓
lengkutzhøea | spinal cord | 龍骨髓; 脊髓
lengkvia | component parts; spare parts(of machines) | 零件
lengkvoaf-hoxngzhøea | rare delicacies | 龍肝鳳髓
lengkw | leathery turtle | 靈龜; 綾龜
lengky ittong | have a brainstorm; to dawn on one suddenly | 靈機一動
lengky | sudden inspiration; ingenuity | 靈機
lengkøf siexnbuo | skilled in both singing and dancing (usually said of a woman) | 能歌善舞
lenglai | skillful; clever | 伶俐; 靈利; 靈巧
lengleeng | spirit | 靈靈
lengleg | give (s.o)hard time | 凌勒; 出難題; 凌辱
lenglek | ability; capacities; power; power; ability; energy; faculty; potency; capacity | 能力
lengliong | (in physics)energy | 能量
lenglioong | delicate; pleasing; cute; bright | 玲瓏
lengliuu | breast tumor | 乳瘤
lengloan | disorderly; in confusion | 零亂; 凌亂
lenglok | junket; cheese | 乳酪
lengloong | delicate; pleasing; cute; bright; elegant; fine and regular; open work; splendid; tinkling of jades | 玲瓏
lenglut | efficiency | 能率
lengløtiutoan | luxurious clothes | 綾羅綢緞
lengmeh | winding mountain range | 龍脈
lengmia | spiritual life | 龍命; 靈命
lengmiaa | pet name given to children | 乳名
lengmngg | dragon gate ─ the attainment of success is described as entering the dragon gate | 龍門
lengnai | patience; endurance | 能耐
lengnao | dragon's brain; Borneo camphor; pieces of ice | 龍腦
lengnii | the year of dragon | 龍年
lengpaang | udder; breasts | 乳房
lengphaux | imperial robe | 龍袍
lengphea'ar | brassiere; bra | 胸罩仔
lengpien | able to discern | 能辯
lengsefng | fragmented; fractional; not as a whole | 零星
lengsexng | spirituality; spiritual nature; intelligent and talented | 靈性
lengsiaw | to soar to the skies | 凌霄
lengsiaw-pøftien | a treasure palace to ride the clouds; a treasure palace to rise up to the skies | 凌霄寶殿
lengsii | zero hour | 零時
lengsiin | early in the morning; wee hours; very early in the morning | 凌晨
lengsit | snacks; refreshments; clip the wings of a bird | 零食; 剪翼毛
lengsiu | retail | 零售
lengsiuhoe | retreat | 靈修會
lengsiutiaxm | fragments; odds and ends; miscellaneous; fractions | 零碎店
lengsiuu | retail sales | 零售
lengsiux | comeliness | 靈秀
lengsiw | meditation; spirit training; devotion; spiritual nurture (Protestant) | 靈修
lengsngf | lactic acid | 奶酸; 乳酸
lengsox | oddment; odd numbers; fractions | 零數
lengsu | one's specialty; what one can do best | 能事
lengsviax | holy; sacred; saint; sage; efficacious and powerful (god; saint) | 靈聖
lengsvoariam | mastitis | 乳腺炎
lengsvoax | mammary gland | 乳腺
lengtaai | the source of one's spirit – the mind or brain | 靈台
lengtafn | a drug with high efficacy; elixir of immortality; wonder drug | 靈丹
lengtee | milktea | 奶茶
lengtefng | alone without relatives | 伶仃; 零丁
lengteng'afkhaf | under pavilion | 涼亭仔跤
lengthaau | nipple; head of any group; esp. of gangsters; teat | 奶頭; 龍頭
lengthaq | pacifier | 奶塞
lengthay | tire | 車胎; 輪胎
lengtheeng | spiritual progress | 靈騰; 靈程
lengthiau | pillars having dragons carved on them | 龍柱
lengthngg | lactose; milk sugar | 乳糖; 奶糖
lengthofng | (n) agility; intelligent; bright; smart; clever; be well versed in; be well acquainted with; have a thorough knowledge of; communicating with each other; (news; messages) spread fast; to pass with great speed | 靈通
lengthviaf | listen to | 聆聽
lengti | to bully; annoy; treat harshly; to tease | 凌治; 凌虐; 欺負
lengtii | persecute; torment; (v) turn from side to side; (v) cause to feel depressed; (v) repeatedly do over | 凌遲; 苦刑至死
lengtin | group of dragon dance | 龍陣
lengtiuu | a fine silk fabric | 龍綢; 綾綢
lengtngg | a hall where the body of the deceased is placed during funeral service; hall where the body of the deceased is placed during funeral service | 靈堂
lengto | zero degree; nullity | 零度
lengtvar | dragon's bile; the gentian | 龍膽
lengtøq | table placed before a coffin or corpse | 靈桌
lengzeeng | before the tablet of the dead; in front of a tablet honoring the dead | 靈前
lengzef | emulsion | 乳劑
lengzeng | quiet; peaceful; tranquil; quiet; tranquil; serene; calm; placid | 寧靜
lengzhefng | milkfish | 乳鯖
lengzhngf | orifice of a teat | 乳孔; 乳頭孔
lengzhngg | the emperor's bed | 龍床
lengzhuiear | nipple; papilla | 乳嘴仔
lengzhuix | fragments; odds and ends | 零碎; 零碎,零星
lengzhux | paper house (burned for the dead) | 靈厝; 紙屋
lengzoong-hoad | refrigeration method | 冷藏法
lengzuie | milk | 乳水; 奶水
lengzun | when mother's milk flows well; the breasts swell | 乳潮
lengzunpee | row the dragon boats | 龍船扒
lengzuun | dragon boats (used on the 5th of the 5th lunar month for races) | 龍船
lengzvoakvii | | 龍泉墘
lengzw | nipple | 奶珠; 乳頭
lexcix sidheeng | determined to put it into operation | 勵志實行
lexheeng | to enforce or practice with determination; enforce or practice with determination; strict (rigid) enforcement | 勵行; 例行
lexkhie-leeng | excitation energy | 勵起能
lexngbeeng | good reputation | 令名
lexngheeng | later on, after-wards | 另行; 令行
lexngleng | extraneous; plenty; enough; go easy; unhurried | 冗冗; 充裕; 從容
liafsuxsenghuy | make trouble | 惹事生非
liambeeng | incorruptible and intelligent (of officials); clean handed and clear headed | 廉明
liangtaizeeng | In front of the terrace | 涼台前
liangteeng | awning spread for coolness; summer house; arbor; bower; gazebo | 涼亭
liangteng'afkhaf | arcade (covered avenue); passageway; corridor | 涼亭仔腳; 騎樓
liangteng'ar | pavilion | 涼亭仔
liangtengthiau | pavilion column | 涼亭柱
liangtheeng | pavilion; traveler's sheltered station | 涼亭
liap'heeng | to act for another; to act in some capacity | 攝行
liaqleeng | massage; to massage | 按摩; 掠龍
liaqleeng`ee | masseur; masseuse | 按摩師
liaqlengcide | massage | 掠龍一下
liauteeng | course of treatment | 療程
liautheeng | course of treatment | 療程
liauzhakeng'ar | timber room | 撩柴間仔
liaxmzeeng | passionate | 念情
libbeng | to be content with one's lot | 立令
libhongheeng`ee | cuboid | 立方形的
libsuu sengkex | adopt an heir | 立嗣承繼
libteng simcix | resolve | 立定心志
libteng zwix | make a resolve; make up one's mind; make a decision | 立定主意
libteng | fix upon and draw up | 立定
lidteeng | schedule | 日程
liedseeng | enthusiasm | 熱誠
liedzeeng | enthusiasm | 熱情
lien'eeng | (of two or more business setups) joint operation | 聯營
lienbeeng hoexoaan | Members of the League | 聯盟會員
lienbeeng | to form an alliance; a league; alliance; league (as the League of Nations) | 聯盟
liengi | united friendship | 聯誼
liengii | social gathering | 聯誼
liengii-hoe | a fellowship meeting | 聯誼會
liengixhoe | social center | 聯誼會
liengoat | condition of the times | 年月
liengvau | the lotus root; lotus stalk | 蓮藕
liengøeh | month after month | 累月
lienhap sengbeeng | joint statement; declaration | 聯合聲明
lienhap-sengbeeng | a join declaration | 聯合聲明
lienleeng haxnzex | age limit | 年齡限制
lienleeng | age of a person | 年齡
lienlip hongthengseg | simultaneous equation | 聯立方程式
lienlip-hongthengseg | simultaneous equations | 聯立方程式
liexngak lenghuun | souls in Purgatory | 煉獄靈魂
liexnleeng | poor Souls (in purgatory) (Catholic) | 煉靈
liexnseeng | practiced successfully | 練成
liexnzeng lenghuun | purify the soul | 煉淨靈魂
limheeng | at parting | 臨行
limsii kenghuix | extraordinary expenses | 臨時經費
limzhngg kenggiam | clinical experience | 臨床經驗
linzeeng | favor, kindness | 人情
linzengsea'su | human affairs | 人情世事
linzengseasu | human affairs | 人情世事
liofnggarn sitbeeng | blind in both eyes | 兩眼失明
liofnghioong putleeng pexnglip | Two heroes cannot stand side by side | 兩雄無能並立
liofngpeeng | both sides | 兩爿; 兩邊
liofngsiux zhenghofng | honest public servants attain high official rank without money in the bank | 兩袖清風
liogkyn-zhengzeng | the purification of the six indriyas or sense-organs; free from human desions | 六根清淨
liogte hengciw | sail a boat on dry land ─ attempt the impossible or the ridiculous | 陸地行舟
liogzeeng | the six emotions or feelings of a person – joy; anger; sorrow; happiness; love; and hatred; six emotions or feelings of a person (joy; anger; sorrow; happiness; love; hatred) | 六情
lionghong tengsioong | prosperity brought by the dragon and the phoenix ─ excellent good fortune | 龍鳳呈祥
liongleeng | inborn ability; instinct | 良能
liongseng | abundance; booming; flourishing; prosperous; abundant; prosperous; in abundance; with prodigality; flourishing | 隆盛; 興旺
liongsw hengkog | Good teachers can help bring a nation to power | 良師興國
liongteeng | imperial court | 龍庭
liongzeeng | your great cordiality; hospitality | 隆情
liongzeeng-hoxgi | great kindness; hospitality and friendship | 隆情厚誼
lioxngseng | plenty; sufficient; remainder; surplus; exceedingly abundant (money; crops) | 量剩; 興隆; 多餘; 有剩餘
lioxngzeeng | forgive; show forbearance; forgive; to act with gentleness or forbearance | 諒情; 原諒; 寬恕
lip ciongtheeng | draw up rules and regulation | 立章程
liubeeng hiøxsex | leave a good name to future generations | 留名後世
liubeeng | leave behind a good reputation | 留名
liucid thengsyn | temporary release without pay; layoff | 留職停薪
liuheeng | be in fashion; fashionable; much in vogue (style; customs); be widely circulated or accepted | 流行; 慣行
liuheeng-sexng kafmmo | influenza; flu | 流行性感冒
liuhengkoa'ar | pop songs | 流行歌仔
liuhengkoaf | popular song | 流行歌
liuhengpve | epidemic | 流行病
liuhengpvi | epidemic | 流行病
liuhengsexng kafmmo | influenza; flu | 流行性感冒
liuhengsexng | popularity | 流行性
liupeng'ee | skating shoes; roller skates; ice skates | 溜冰鞋
liupengtviuu | skating rink | 溜冰場
liusengky | phonograph (archaic) | 留聲機
liusvoarheeng | streamlined; sleek | 流線型
liusvoax-heeng | streamlined | 流線型
liuteeng | process | 流程
liutheeng | process | 流程
liuzeeng | to show mercy; to relent; make allowance for | 留情
liwaxm hoabeeng | dense willow trees and bright flowers ─ enchanting sight in spring time | 柳暗花明
liwtengciab | orange juice | 柳丁汁
lixeng | make use of, take advantage of | 利用
lixheeng | to enforce; rigorous enforcement | 厲行
lixmbeng | appointment | 任命
lixnteng | identify | 認定
lixpeeng | part of a harnji | 字爿
lixzeeng | divorce | 離情
lo tvar putpeeng | indignant at injustice toward others | 路抱無平
loanzeeng | love affair | 戀情
loaxn'eng | make improper use of; to abuse | 濫用
loaxnbeng | orders given when the giver is not in a healthy state of mind due to illness; etc. | 亂命
loaxnsex enghioong | hero in a turbulent age | 亂世英雄
loaxnzeeng | romance love | 戀情
loaxnzeng'ar | alarm clock | 亂鐘仔
loexzeeng | inside information; inside affairs; the internal condition | 內情
loflek hengsien | do good with all one's energies | 努力行善
logseeng tiefnlea | dedication ceremony (for a building) | 落成典禮
logseeng | finish; complete; completion (of a building); house warming | 落成
logseeng-seg | dedication ceremony for new construction | 落成式
logthiefn tibeng | accord with the decree of Heaven; be content with what one is | 樂天知命
lole seng'oah | life of slavery | 奴隸生活
longbiin seng'oah | peasant life | 農民生活
longgiap kengzex | agricultural economy | 農業經濟
longgiap sengbudhak | agrobiology | 農業生物學
longgiap sengsarn | farm production | 農業生產
longgiap-sengbudhak | agrobiology | 農業生物學
longkengkii | farming period | 農耕期
longkengtui | agricultural demonstration team (particularly referring to those teams dispatched to work abroad) | 農耕隊
longpoe tongheeng | in collusion; banded together for evil purposes | 狼狽同行
longsym kawheng | heartless and cruel; rotten to the core | 狼心狗肺
longzeeng-bidix | strong affection and deep love | 濃情蜜意
loxeng | useful | 路用
loxteeng | distance | 路程
loxteng'ar | street lights | 路燈仔
loxtengkhaf | under the street lights | 路燈跤
loxtengkngf | street lights | 路燈光
loxtheeng | a journey; traveling distance; distance to be traveled; traveling distance; a stage | 路程
ludleng | laws and regulations; command; order | 律令
luiteeng | thunder; crash of thunder; symbolic of anger; great wrath or fury; rage; overwhelming; overpowering | 雷霆
luixheeng | similar form | 雷形; 類形
luo-bengsefng | female star; actress | 女明星
luo-enghioong | heroine | 女英雄
luxnkofng hengsviuo | reward according merits; evaluate services and grant rewards accordingly | 論功行賞
luxnkofng-hengsviuo | to evaluate services and grant rewards accordingly | 論功行賞
luygoat kenglieen | month after month and year after year; for months and years; for a long time | 累月經年
luyhenghoan | a repeat offender (of laws) | 累行犯
lwheeng | a trip; to travel; journey | 旅行
lwheeng-ciphiøx | a traveler's check | 旅行支票
lwheeng-sia | travel agency | 旅行社
lwheeng-thoaan | group or party of travellers | 旅行團
lwhengsia | tourism agency | 旅行社
lwhengte | travelling | 旅行地
lwhengthoaan | a traveling party | 旅行團
lwleeng | an actress | 女伶
lwtheeng | the route a traveler takes from one place to another; a journey | 旅程
lwtheeng-py | milestone | 旅程碑
lyheeng chiwzheq | travelers guidebook; an itinerary | 旅行手冊
lyheeng ciphiøx | traveler's check | 旅行支票
lyheeng gixbu | carry out obligations | 履行義務
lyheeng | travel; fulfill; carry out (a promise; pledge;); discharge (an obligation; a responsibility); perform (a duty); observe (a treaty) | 旅行; 履行
lyheeng-sia | travel agency | 旅行社
lyheeng-thoaan | group or party of travellers | 旅行團
lyhengchiaf | station wagon | 旅行車
lyhengciar | traveller | 旅行者
lyhengsia | travel service agency; tourism agency | 旅行社
lyhengte | traveling bag | 旅行袋
lyhengthoaan | tourist group | 旅行團
lytheeng | a milestone; a landmark; plan of one's journey; an itinerary; distance to be covered; a traveler's route from one place to another | 里程; 旅程
lythengpiør | mileage meter; odometer | 里程錶
lythengpy | milestone; landmark; milestone; milepost | 里程碑
løfmai-buleeng | old and powerless; aged and impotent | 老邁無能
løfpang-sengzw | a pearl from an old oyster; a son born in one's old age | 老蚌生珠
løfpeng | a chronic ailment; an inveterate habit | 老病
løfseeng | (adj) experienced; trained | 老成
løpeng | tuberculosis | 癆病
løqjidteeng | sunset booth | 落日亭
løqleng | drop the order | 落令
løqtøe-sengkwn | born; take root | 落地生根
maflengcicvix | French fries | 馬鈴薯糋
maflengcii | potatoes | 馬鈴薯
maflengcitiaau | French fries | 馬鈴薯條
maflengzuu | potato | 馬鈴薯; 洋芋
maftøx-sengkofng | to win success immediately upon arrival; to gain an immediate victory; to win instant success | 馬到成功
mafzofkengkhao | Matsu temple front | 媽祖宮口
mafzofkengpvy | Matsu temple side | 媽祖宮邊
mar puttheeng tee | travel on horseback without stop; do something without stop | 馬無停蹄
maupeeng | a thatched shed | 茅棚
maupeng | defect, fault | 毛病
mngleeng | door knob | 門拎; 門把; 門鈴
mngteng | threshold (below the door) | 門碇; 門檻
mngzeeng | in front of door (gate) | 門前
moar-sengkhw | whole body | 滿身軀
moxbeeng | to assume the name of | 冒名
moxhiarm ee zengsiin | spirit of adventure | 冒險的精神
muypeeng | every direction | 每平; 每爿
mxzeng'mxgoan | unwilling to | 毋情毋願
mxzenggoan | unwilling | 毋情願
na'auleng'ar | Adam's apple | 嚨喉鈴仔
na'auzeng'ar | adam's apple | 嚨喉鐘仔
naixeng | durable | 耐用
naixzheng | durable | 耐穿
nauxzeng'ar | alarm clock | 鬧鐘仔
nawkyn lengbirn | Man's brain is very sharp | 腦筋靈敏
nawsiw senglo | feel anger from embarrassment | 惱羞成怒
nglenghvoa | | 黃龍岸
ngrzeeng | onward; ahead; forward | 向前
ngx hauxsvef ciaqzheng | rely on one's son for support | 望後生食穿; 依靠兒子奉養
niafbeng | receive commands | 領命
niafzeeng | feel grateful to somebody; appreciate the kindness; feel grateful to somebody | 領情
nileeng | one's age | 年齡
niuteeng | pavilion | 樑亭; 涼亭
nizeeng | years ago | 年前
nngxpeeng | two slices | 兩爿
nofseeng | (adj) experienced; trained; sophisticated; experienced and accomplished | 老成
nybeeng | tinnitus, ringing in the ear | 耳鳴
nyseeng | dyed | 染成
oad citpeeng | take the road turning off on this side | 轉這爿; 轉這邊
oafnheeng | travel to a distant place; journey to a distant place | 遠行
oafnzengtui | expeditionary force; visiting team | 遠征隊
oafpheng | to lean on; to rely on | 倚並; 倚靠
oanleeng | an imperial tomb | 圓靈; 園陵
oanseeng | accomplish; fulfill; finish; completion; perfection; to complete; be finished (completed) | 完成
oanseng'aq | completed | 完成矣
oanteeng | pavilion | 園亭
oanzeeng | feeling of being wronged; injustice done | 冤情
oaqeng | make flexible use of | 活用
oaqlengleeng | very active | 活龍龍
oaqoaqbea pak ti sie-zhengchiu | A live horse tied to a dead banyan tree--to tie up resources and (personnel) in a useless project | 活馬綁在死榕樹; 埋沒人才
oar toaxpeeng | choose the best cuts; align oneself with the strongest or biggest group | 依靠勢力大的一邊
oaxnheeng | probation; reprieve; respite; to suspend a sentence; reprieve; be placed on probation | 緩刑
oay cidpeeng | one side projecting more than the other; tend (slant) toward one side | 歪一邊; 斜一邊
ochvy genghuiq | blood stasis | 烏青凝血
oe korng-bøextheeng | chatterbox | 雜念; 喋喋無休
oexseng'vi | public health clinic and administrative office | 衛生院
oexseng'voar | sanitary bowls | 衛生碗
oexseng'y | form fitting cotton or woolen underwear | 衛生衣
oexsenghak | hygienics | 衛生學
oexsengmii | sanitary napkin | 衛生棉
oexsengsor | public health clinic; clinic; public health clinic | 衛生所
oexsengti | sanitary chopsticks | 衛生箸
oexsengtoax | sanitary belt (for women during menstruation) | 衛生帶
oexsengtu | sanitary chopsticks | 衛生箸
oexsengtui | sanitation squad | 衛生隊
oexsengzhux | department of public health | 衛生處
oexsengzoar | toilet paper; toilet tissue | 衛生紙
ok'heeng | looks vicious and despicable | 惡形
ok'heng | a wicked conduct; a malpractice; evil; wicked conduct | 惡行
okpheeng | defamation, censure | 惡行; 惡評
oksym-togheng | cruel hearted; with injurious conduct | 惡心毒行; 狠毒心腸
oleng'ar | cricket | 蟋蟀仔
oxngseng | flourishing; blooming; prosperous; excellent; prosperous; prolific; productive | 旺盛
ozheeng | small-leaved banyan tree | 黑榕; 烏榕
paai-zenglie | to mediate with reasoning | 排情理
paeleeng | to make a courtesy call to the body or memorial service with respect | 拜靈
pagkengkoaan | rights of tenant farmer | 租耕權
paibin zengkhia | put on an appearance of diligence; obedience; or very good behavior in the presence of a master or of someone whom we wish to please | 表面裝好
paiseeng | arranged | 排成
paitui iuheeng | parade in demonstration; form a procession | 排隊遊行
paklengciao | lark | 百靈鳥
pakpeeng | northward | 北邊
pan-bøexseeng | unable to be accomplished | 辦無成
pangkeng'aflai | in the bedroom | 房間仔內
pangkeng'ar | bedroom | 房間仔
pangkenggoa | outside of bedroom | 房間外
pangkengkhao | in front of bedroom | 房間口
pangkenglai | in the bedroom | 房間內
pangkengmngg | bedroom door | 房間門
panheeng | to issue for enforcement | 頒行
pankeng-khiw | Formosan spotted-neck dove | 斑鴿; 斑頸鳩; 臺灣斑頸鳩
panteng hiernhoad | promulgate the constitution | 頒定憲法
parngleeng jibhae | release a dragon into the sea ─ give a man an opportunity to show what he can do | 放龍入海
parngleng | to make loose; loosen; slacken | 放寬; 放冗; 放鬆
parngleng'ar | use one kind of long net to surrounding fish | 放鈴仔; 用一種長網圍魚仔
patji-heeng | figure eight | 八字形
pau'eng | guarantee for use | 包用
pauhengte | brothers by the same parents | 胞兄弟
paypeeng | to put down something, to make someone satisfied | 擺平
pee-lengzuun | row a dragon boat; used on the 5th of the 5th lunar month for races | 扒龍船; 划龍船
peeng thienha | tranquilize the empire | 平天下
peeng | level; even; equal; equity; equality; peaceful; satisfactory; amity; conquer; quell; calm down; to control; regulate; (prices) go back to normal after sharp rises | 平l 爿
peeng-sirntoo | layman (compared to clergy) | 平信徒; 普通信徒
pefngkøeapeeng | to trun over | 反過爿; 反過來
pefngpeeng | to flip over; turn inside out; turn upside down | 翻邊; 反爿; 翻面; 翻轉
pefngpengbin | reverse | 反爿面
pehkak'heeng | octagonal (figure) | 八角形
pek'heeng | torture | 迫刑
pekleeng-ciao | Formosan skylark | 百靈鳥
peklengciao | a lark having a sustained; melodious song | 百靈鳥
peklien sengkngx | Mastery comes from long training Expertise is the result of long and hard practice | 百練成鋼
peleeng | spinach | 菠薐
peleng'afzhaix | spinach | 菠薐仔菜
peleng'ar | spinach | 菠薐仔
pelengzhaix | spinach | 菠薐菜
pelengzuun | dragon boat | 扒龍船
peng | sickness; illness; disease; fault; defect; vice; injure; to harm; incapable weak | 病
peng'afkag | ice cube | 冰仔角; 冰塊; 冰仔塊
peng'afn busu | perfect tranquility; in peace; freedom from anxiety; safe and without any mishaps | 平安無事
peng'afn toxjit | lead a peaceful life | 平安度日
peng'afn | peaceful; peace; a greeting | 平安
peng'afn-huo | in peace | 平安撫
peng'afn-zex | peace offering | 平安祭
peng'afsvaf | soldier shirt | 兵仔衫
peng'afviaa | barracks | 兵仔營
peng'afzuie | carbonated cold drink | 冰仔水; 汽水
peng'anciøx | rites to ward off calamity and get prosperity | 平安蘸
peng'anhiarm | safety insurance | 平安險
peng'anhuu | peace sign | 平安符
peng'ar | soldier | 兵仔
peng'ee | skates | 冰鞋
peng'ek | military service | 兵役
peng'iah | military service | 兵役
peng'ioong | mediocre; indifferent; commonplace | 平庸
peng'iuo | friends | 朋友
peng'iwlagzap | all the friends | 朋友六十
peng'oaan | military personnel | 兵員
peng'urn | calm; quiet; tranquil; steady and smooth (bus ride; driving) | 平穩
peng'vi | calm | 平易
peng'vi-kixnjiin | easy to approach; easy to get along with (said of one's personality) | 平易近人
peng'viaa | a military camp | 兵營
peng'viuu | a plain; an open country | 平原
peng'ym | phonetical spelling of words | 拼音
peng'ym-hoax | alphabetization | 拼音化
peng'øee | ice skate | 冰鞋
pengbea | warriors and horses; soldiers and their horses; troops | 兵馬
pengbiin zerngti | popular government; democracy | 平民政治
pengbiin | civilian; the common people; commoner; plebeian; common people; civilian | 平民
pengbiin-zerngti | democracy | 平民政治
pengbin kyhøo | plane geometry | 平面幾何
pengbin svakag | plane trigonometry | 平面三角
pengbin | plane; plane surface | 平面
pengbin-kyhøo | plane geometry | 平面幾何
pengbin-too | a plain chart, a plane figure | 平面圖
pengbixnkviax | plane mirror | 平面鏡
pengbixntoo | floor plan; two dimensional plan | 平面圖
pengchiaf | sleigh on snow, soldier's vehicle | 冰車; 雪撬
pengchiuo | tie another (in competition); come out with even scores | 平手
pengchviuo | ice plant | 冰廠
pengciorng | intra-service classification of military units according to their equipment and functions | 兵種
pengcioxng | a protective screen; a shield; a shelter; a barrier | 屏障; 兵將
pengcirm | cold pack; ice pillow | 冰枕
penggoaan | moor; plain; prairie; manpower as a source of conscription | 平原; 兵源
penghaang | ice store | 冰行
penghak | military science | 兵學
pengheeng siepviheeng | parallelogram | 平行四邊形
pengheeng | balanced; equalized; equilibrium; parallel; run parallel; on the same footing | 平衡; 平行
pengheeng-svoax | parallel lines | 平行線
pengheengg-svoax | parallel lines | 平形線
penghenglek | equilibrant | 平衡力
penghengsvoax | parallel lines | 平行線
penghia | a soldier ant | 兵蟻
penghii | frozen fish | 冰魚
penghioxng | the pay for soldiers | 兵餉
penghoaan | ordinary; routine; commonplace; common; ordinary; usual; not outstanding or remarkable | 平凡
penghoad | military strategy | 兵法
penghoarn | redress; rehabilitate (a mishandled case) | 平反
penghoatzexng | a complication | 併發症
penghofng englie | square miles | 平方英里
penghofng | square; square of a number; square (meter) | 平方
penghok | to return to normal; subjugate; reduce to order; peaceful; steady; tranquil | 平復; 平服
penghongkwn | square root | 平方根
penghongkyn | square root | 平方根
penghwn chiuseg | two sides share (top honors; fame); equal each other in (achievement; scores) | 平分秋色
penghwn | to divide equally; equal distribution; equal share; divide equally; bisect; equinox | 平分
penghøkii | ice age | 冰河期
penghøo sitai | glacial period; ice age | 冰河時代
penghøo | gentle; glacier; peace, harmony, peaceful, mild, harmonious, mildly | 平和; 冰河
pengji | spelling, word of spelling | 拼字
pengjit Misad | Daily Mass (Catholic) | 平日彌撒
pengjit | everyday; usually; daily; ordinarily; constantly; commonly; on usual days | 平日
pengkae | to bring to an end by or as if by breaking up; erminate | 冰解
pengkaf | a military strategist; a military commander; person specialized in military operations | 兵家
pengkafng | military ordnance | 兵工
pengkag | ice cube; lumps of ice | 冰塊; 冰角
pengkangchviuo | arsenal | 兵工廠
pengkaq | military armor | 兵甲
pengkar | ice twist | 冰絞
pengkautø | railway crossing; level crossing; the intersection between a railroad and a roadway; grade crossing | 平交道
pengkek | Beijing Opera; Peking Opera; Chinese Opera | 平劇
pengkex | sell price; fair price; par | 平價
pengkhiaw | ice sledge | 冰橇
pengkhix | weapons; armament; military weapons; arms | 兵器
pengkhoaix | ordinary express | 平快; 平快車
pengkhox | icehouse; ice box | 冰庫
pengkhylaai | ice up | 冰起來
pengkiliim | icecream | 冰淇淋
pengkiliin | icecream; ice cream | 冰淇淋
pengkinsox | the mean; average; average number | 平均數
pengkinzhea | on an average | 平均制
pengkiok | Beijing Opera; Peking Opera; Chinese Opera | 平劇
pengkoaan | military leadership; military power; authority to make military decisions | 兵權; 平權
pengkofng-bagkviax | flat light glasses | 平光目鏡
pengkongkviax | flat light mirror | 平光鏡
pengkui | freezer | 冰櫃
pengkut | level and smooth | 平滑
pengkwn | an average; find the average; on an average | 平均
pengkwn-sox | average, mean, average value | 平均數
pengky | popsicle | 冰枝
pengkyn hoeasiu | life expectancy | 平均歲壽
pengkyn keasoaxn | general average; on the average | 平均計算
pengkyn sokto | average speed; mean velocity | 平均速度
pengkyn texkoaan | equalization of land rights (envisaged by Dr Sun Yat-sen; with a three-fold measure ─ purchase of private land at the values declared; levy of land tax at the land value assessed and government takeover of increment of land value) | 平均地權
pengkyn | an average; find the average; on an average | 平均
pengkøfseg | ice store | 冰果室
pengkøftiaxm | Ice fruit shop | 冰果店
penglat | military strength; armed forces | 兵力
penglaxmgiaam | warship rock | 兵艦岩
penglek | military strength; military force | 兵力
penglerng | icy cold; cold as ice | 冰冷
penglerng`ee | iced; ice-cold; frozen; icy | 冰冷的
pengliaang | icy cold | 冰涼
pengliok | military strategy and tactics | 兵略
penglit | usually | 平日
pengloan | use military force to keep in peace; suppress a rebellion; revolt | 平亂; 兵亂
penglok | peace and joy | 平樂
pengmar | warriors and horses; military resources | 兵馬
pengniuu | military food supply; soldiers rations | 兵糧
pengpaang | ice room; military camps | 冰房; 兵房
pengpeeng | sure and steady; average; mediocre; very so-so (in answer to a question as to one's health) | 平平; 馬馬虎虎
pengpefng | cold fish; cool; detached | 冰冰
pengpeh | plain | 平白
pengpeng'an'afn | safe and sound | 平平安安
pengpeng'ar | so so | 平平仔; 馬馬虎虎
pengpengliangliaang | icy cold | 冰冰涼涼
pengpengphengphefng | bing bang- kind of rush | 兵兵砰砰
pengphauh | hail (storm) | 冰雹
pengphaux | hail; hailstone | 冰雹
pengphvix | borneol | 冰片
pengpiexn | mutiny; troops in mutiny | 兵變
pengpo | troops | 兵部
pengpoex | of the same generation | 平輩
pengpoxzwsu | chief of war department | 兵部主事
pengsef | borax; borax from Tibet; borax powder | 硼砂
pengsefng | in all one's life; usually; ordinarily; during one's whole past life; in all one's life; throughout one's life; life long | 平生
pengseg honglong | quiet the strong wind and waves | 平息風浪
pengseg | to quell, to calm down, peaceful, quiet, make quiet | 平息
pengsex | military strengh | 兵勢
pengsi'ar | usually | 平時仔
pengsiaw | to melt away | 冰消
pengsii | usually; peacetime; at ordinary times; in time of peace; ordinarily | 平時
pengsiongsi'ar | usually | 平常時仔
pengsiongsii | usually | 平常時
pengsiongsym | ordinary heart | 平常心
pengsioong | ordinarily; usually; common; ordinal; at ordinary times; always; daily; commonly; constantly; normal; as usual | 平常
pengsioong-laang | the average people | 平常人
pengsixn | surface mail; ordinary mail | 平信
pengsngf | icy and frosty | 冰霜
pengsorsii | usually | 平素時
pengsox | ordinarily; usually; military number | 平素; 兵數
pengsu | a soldier; an ordinary soldier; foot soldier | 兵士
pengsun | smooth-going; plain sailing; smooth and orderly | 平順
pengsut | generalship | 兵術
pengsviaf | (of Chinese phonetics) the 1st and 2nd tones taken together as a single category in | 平聲
pengsviumngg | refrigerator door | 冰箱門
pengsviw | refrigerator; ice box | 冰箱
pengsvoaf | an iceberg; iceberg | 冰山
pengsw | a book on the art of war; a book on military strategy; books on tactics | 兵書
pengsym | calm of mind | 冰心
pengsyn | stand up after kneeling | 平身
pengtaai | flat-top building; stadium-like building; balcony; open porch; portico | 平台; 平臺
pengtaiterng | platform top | 平台頂
pengtam | plain | 平淡
pengte | level ground; cold pack; ice-bag | 平地; 冰袋
pengteng | to calm down; to suppress; to put down; subjugate; conquer; quell; to arrive at a just settlement; settled | 平定
pengterng hoxhui | reciprocal favored treatment | 平等互惠
pengterng thaixgu | equal treatment | 平等待遇
pengterng zwgi | egalitarianism | 平等主義
pengterng | equal; equality; without difference; equality; of equal rank; equally; evenly | 平等
pengtex | a lump of ice; an ice cube; an ice block | 冰塊
pengthaau | commander, commanding officer | 兵頭; 指揮官
pengtharn | even, level, plain, flat | 平躺
pengthiefn | icy weather | 冰天
pengthiefn-soatte | land of ice and snow; a frozen land | 冰天雪地
pengthngg | crystal sugar; rock candy; crystal sugar in lumps of irregular size and shape | 冰糖
pengthngzuie | sweet ice water | 冰糖水
pengthoaan | regulars and militia | 兵團
pengthwn | annex; mediatize | 併吞
pengtiarm | freezing point; zero | 冰點
pengtiaxm | a store that sells ice; ice shop | 冰店
pengtixn | a city in Taoyuan County | 平鎮
pengtoafn | hostilities; beginning of hostilities | 兵端
pengtoo | jigsaw puzzle | 拼圖
pengtoong | equanimity | 平同
pengtoxng | frozen; to freeze; frozen hard | 冰凍
pengtui | troop | 兵隊; 軍隊
pengtulai | in the refrigerator | 冰櫥內
pengtuu | a refrigerator | 冰廚; 冰箱
pengtvax | a streetcar that sells ice | 冰擔; 賣冰的
pengtvia | peaceful | 平定
pengtviuu | soldier's parade ground | 兵場; 閱兵場
pengtvoaf | draft soldier list | 兵單
pengtøe | ice bag | 冰袋; 平地
pengzam | a military depot; an army service station | 兵站
pengzay | suffering caused by soldiers | 兵災
pengzek | military register | 兵籍
pengzeng | quiet; equanimity; tranquil; calm; tranquility; serenity; equable | 平靜
pengzex | military service system | 兵制
pengzhefng giogkied | incorruptible (said of one's character) | 冰清玉潔
pengzhngg | permafrost | 冰床
pengzhoaq | ice shaving machine | 冰刨; 冰礤; 刨冰機
pengzud | soldiers | 兵卒
pengzuie | ice water | 冰水
pengzuun | warship | 兵船; 軍艦
peqbahzheeng | white fig (tree) | 白肉榕
peqbøeeng | busy oneself to no purpose | 白無忙
peqchiuo sengkaf | built up fortune from scratch | 白手成家
peqkheng | Taiwan sapium | 白無花果; 白樁
peqleeng | wagtail | 白靈
peqlengsy | egret; egret; white heron | 白鷺鷥
peqzheeng | white fig tree | 白榕
perngheeng | go side by side; go abreast of; keep pace with; in parallel with; to walk abreast | 並行
perngkiefn jii heeng | walk abreast | 並肩而行
pexngheeng | in parallel [development; implementation; etc] | 並行
pexpeng | blemish, fault | 缺陷; 弊病
phaeleng | deputed; order of appointment in written form | 派令
phahciawkeng'ar | birdbow | 拍鳥弓仔
phahheeng | mating; copulation; mating; a service; to mate; copulate; to pair | 交配; 受精; 鳥類交尾
phahpeeng | even | 打平
phahphog'ar hoangeeng | receive a person with applause; clap one's hands in applause | 打拍仔; 手歡迎
phahzengsiin | woke up | 拍精神
phaq hengkharm | pound one's chest (to show confidence; defiance; acceptance of a challenge or responsibility) | 拍胸脯; 保證
phaq-tengbi | holding a riddle competition event | 打燈謎
phaq-zengsiin | wake (someone) up | 打精醒; 叫醒
phau-putpeeng | speak up for the injustice | 抱無平
phauxputpeeng | bear a grudge for a wrong; indignant at injustice | 抱無平
phebeeng | put marginal notes in a book or letter; write a postscript; to comment on; give clear instructions | 批明
pheeng | longevity; big; a surname; proud | 彭
phek'hae zhengthiefn | blue ocean under a blue sky | 碧海青天
phekzeng | quiet; out of the way; secluded; lonely | 僻靜
pheleng | instructions (usually given in reply to inquiries) | 批令
pheng khvoarbai | compare; make a comparison | 比比看
pheng | limb; and; to combine; compare; liken; to compete | 并; 並; 併; 比
pheng'iet | review | 評閱
pheng'ym | phonetical spelling of words | 拼音
pheng'ym-hoax | alphabetization | 拼音化
phenggi | deliberation; deliberate; discuss; judge the right or wrong of a matter; arbitrate | 評議
phenggie | critical comment; remarks | 評語
phenggixhoe | Senate of a University; arbitration board; tribunal of censors | 評議會
phenggixoaan | officers in an organization responsible for discussing and drafting the rules and operations of the organization | 評議員
phengguo | a statement of judgment | 評語
phenghoad | spelling | 拼法
phenghoai | molder | 崩壞
phenghuix | collapse; break down; fall to pieces; cave in | 崩潰
phenghwn | to grade (students papers); to score; marks or points given by a judge | 評分
phengji | spelling, word of spelling | 拼字
phengjirm | cuisine; culinary; cooking; to cook | 烹飪
phengjymhoad | culinary art; cookery; recipe | 烹飪法
phengjympafn | cooking class | 烹飪班
phengkae | disintegrate, disintegration | 崩解
phengkaw | scale hook | 秤鉤
phengkaxm | evaluation | 評鑑
phengkex | to evaluate; to assess; appraise; evaluate; to estimate; assess; an objective assessment of the worth; merit (of a person; writing) | 評價
phengkor | estimate; evaluate | 評估
phenglie | ask a third party to judge which side is right | 評理
phenglioong | evaluation | 評量
phenglun | comment; criticise; criticism; comment; deliberate on | 評論
phengluxnciar | critic | 評論者
phengluxnkaf | critic | 評論家
phengphenglie | comment | 評評理
phengphvoaroaan | judge or umpire in a debate or contest; juror | 評判員
phengphvoax teksid | critically decide the merits and demerits of a case | 評判得失
phengphvoax | to judge; criticize; to judge; decide (in a beauty contest) | 評判
phengpie | appraisal | 評比
phengsef | zala; borax | 硼砂
phengsirm | review | 評審
phengsoarn | selection | 評選
phengtaix | bandage | 繃帶
phengtang | judge | 評重
phengteng | to pass judgment on; to appraise; examine; judge and decide; to deliberate | 評定
phengtheeng baxnlie | the ROC's journey of 10,000 li ─ said of those who early attain office; years of great promise | 鵬程萬里
phengthuii | weight | 秤錘
phengtiaw | cook; prepare (food); cooking | 烹調
phengtiornglek | power of expansion | 膨脹力
phengtioxng hexsox | coefficient of expansion | 膨脹係數
phengtoax | bandage | 繃帶
phengtoaxn | decide; arbitrate | 評斷
phengtoo | jigsaw puzzle | 拼圖
phengzhøx | misspelled | 拼錯
phengzuie cy kaw | short acquaintanceship | 萍水之交
phengzuie sionghoong | patches of duckweed meeting ─ unexpected meeting of friends abroad; to meet by accident | 萍水相逢
phengzux | annotate; annotation; commentary; remark | 評註
phepheeng | criticisms; critique; criticize; to censure | 批評
phephengkaf | critics; censors | 批評家
phiahzeng | retired and quiet | 僻靜
phiaubeeng | mark; indicate; label; mark clearly | 標明
phiauliuu buteng | drift about; wander aimlessly | 漂流無定
phied cviarpeeng | stroke to the left and another to the right | 撇正爿; 撇右
phied tørpeeng | stroke to the left and another to the right | 撇左爿
phienseeng | became; compile; compose; to form; organize | 編成
phienzeeng | passions | 偏情
phoah toax kengthaau | hang on the shoulder | 披在肩上
phoarpeeng | cut to half-and-half; cut; split into two halves | 剖爿; 剖成兩半; 劈成兩半
phoarpengzuun | an icebreaker; a boat of ship that busts the surface ice so other ships can pass | 破冰船
phoarsvix irn zhenghofng | broken fan can make a cool breeze ─ everything has a use | 破扇引清風; 各有所用
phoax zøx nngxpeeng | cut; split into two halves | 劈成兩爿; 劈成兩半
phoebeeng | make it clear | 批明; 註明
phoepheeng | to criticize | 批評
phu'iuu sengbut | plankton | 浮游生物
phupheeng | duckweed | 浮萍
phvae-heng'uii | bad behavior | 歹行為
phvae-phynheng | bad moral character | 歹品行
phvae-sengkhix | feeling of awkwardness and shame (as at being rebuked by a superior; or having to speak against a relative; friend; benefactor) | 歹成器; 無好意思
phvae-siuseeng | bad cropping | 歹收成
phvai henglie | carry baggage on the back | 背行李
phvarkheng | Taiwan sapium | 無花果; 冇臼
phvay'eng | inconvenient to use, not useful | 歹用; 不好用
phvayeng | hard to use; not suitable for use | 歹用; 無好用
phvaysex-eng | excuse me | 歹舒用; 無好意思
phvaysimheng | evil spirits | 歹心行
phvaysym togheng | wicked; cruel; injurious heart and conduct | 壞心毒行; 狼心狗肺
phveheeng | pay by installments; to return in portions; installment plan | 攤還
phvixleeng | ridge of the nose; sinusitis | 鼻龍; 鼻樑; 鼻竇炎
phvoarheeng | to pass sentence on someone | 判刑
phvoarteng | decide judgment | 判定
phynbeeng | promise formally; make an agreement | 約明
phynheng toanzexng | correct conduct; well behaved; walk the straight and narrow | 品行端正
phynheng | behavior; conduct; moral character; one's moral character and performance; disposition; conduct | 品行
phynpheeng | determine the quality or worth of; appraise; to rate; criticize | 品評
phynphenghoe | competitive show; exhibition; a fair | 品評會
phøebeeng | write an additional clause or explanation | 批明; 註明
phøepheeng | criticize; criticism | 批評
phørhai beng'u | ruin one's reputation; to slander | 破壞名譽
phøtong-hongthengseg | wave equation | 波動方程式
phøxputpeeng | be outraged by an injustice (done to somebody else) | 抱無平
phøxsimpeeng | 61st radical; written at the side | 漢字部首之一
piaubeeng | to clearly mark or indicate | 標明
piawbeeng | express; show forth; illustrate; show forth; to manifest | 表明
piawioong siexnheeng | publish a man's good deeds | 表揚善行
piawzeeng | emotional expression; expression of emotion; facial expression | 表情
pibeeng | inscriptional writing on a monument or tombstone | 碑銘
piedkhay sengbien | introduce a novelty or novel feature | 別開生面
piengii | advantage, convenience | 便宜
pienheeng | flogging | 鞭刑
piernheeng | to change shape; to become deformed; transfigure; transform; deformation | 變形
piernseeng | to become; to turn into; become; change into; convert into | 變成
piexn goanheeng | change back to original form; shape or face | 變原形
piexnbeeng | explanation; show a matter clearly; show a thing in the right light | 辯明
piexnluxnteeng | debate court | 辯論庭
pit'ha liuzeeng | have some restraint when attacking others in writing; be merciful in writing | 筆下留情
pitbeng | strokes | 筆畫
pitgiabzeeng | before graduation | 畢業前
pitgiap zerngbengsw | certificate of graduation; diploma | 畢業證明書
pitkieheeng tiexnnao | notebook computer; laptop computer | 筆記型電腦
pitpeeng | crack into multi (2) pices | 裂爿
pitteng | most certainly; must | 必定
pixseng-sox | multiplicand | 被乘數
pixsengsox | multiplicand (mathematics) | 被乘數
pixzeng | retire to a quiet place; a spiritual retreat | 避靜
pizeeng | sadness | 悲情
pngxzeeng | before the meal; before a meal | 飯前
pngxzengciuo | pre-dinner wine | 飯前酒
poafngoat-heeng | crescent-shaped | 半月型
poahcvii heeng laang | make an effort to get money to pay a debt; e.g.; taking money that was set aside for some less urgent purpose | 撥款還人
poaqkafmzeeng | emotions | 跋感情
poarnbeeng poarn'axm | half bright and half shadowy; not very bright | 半明半暗
poarngoat-heeng | half moon shape | 半月形
poarnlefpeeng | the 113th radical (written at the side) | 示; (部首)
poarnpengsafn | banping mountain | 半屏山
poaxnbeng | defy an order | 叛命; 抗命
poe hancileeng | set up potato beds with the plough | 培蕃薯畦
poe kamciarleeng | set up sugarcane beds with the plough | 培甘蔗畦
poeajixpeeng | the 154th radical at the bottom | 貝; 部首
poee jinbeng | make restitution for a murder; pay compensation for a death | 賠人命
poeleeng | spinach | 菠菱; 培靈
poeleng'afzhaix | spinach | 菠薐仔菜
poeleng'ar | spinach | 菠薐仔
poelengky | plane | 飛行機
poelengzhaix | spinach | 菠薐菜
poesioong beng'u | indemnity for defamation | 賠償名譽
poexbeng | disobey orders | 背命
pofeng | supplement | 補用
pofngsiong bubeeng | fail in an examination | 榜上無名
pogbeng | ill-fated; short-lived; star crossed; ill fated (usually referring to young and beautiful girls); unfortunate in life | 薄命
pogheng | inconstant in love; fickle; heartlessness (especially concerning love) | 薄倖; 薄情; 薄幸
pogteeng | light punishment | 薄懲
pogzeeng | unfaithful (in love); heartless; heartless; ungrateful; no sense of gratitude; destitute of right feelings; ungrateful to a friend; grown cold in friendship | 薄情
pogzengloong | heartless lover; unfaithful husband; man who abandons a woman with whom he has cohabited | 薄情郎
porleng | burling | 布令; 修布
poxheeng | to walk; to go on foot | 步行
poxkengzuun | whale boat | 捕鯨船
pud penghoaan | uncommon | 無平凡
pud pengterng tiauiog | unequal treaties | 無平等條約
pud senglip | failure; miscarriage; fail; fall through | 無成立
pudtngzeeng | In front of the Buddha hall | 佛堂前
punpeeng | divided into half; divide into two parts | 分邊; 分割成半
purn-sengkii | this week | 本星期
put'anteng | lack of stability; instability; unstable; insecure; shaky; precarious | 無安定; 不安定
put'beng'u | disgraceful, disreputable | 無明譽; 不名譽
put'bengkhag | indefinite, unclear | 無明確; 不明確
put'bengty | unwise, ill-advised | 無明知; 不明知
put'engkay | should not | 無應該
put'hap-kuiteng | not conform to the rules | 無合規定; 不合規定
put'heeng | impracticable, no good | 無幸
put'heng ee laang | misfortune people | 無幸的人
put'heng suxkvia | unfortunate incident | 無幸事件
put'heng | unfortunately; misfortune; unhappiness | 無幸; 不幸
put'khienseeng | ungodly | 無虔誠; 不虔誠
put'khøfleeng | impossible | 無可能; 不可能
put'kienteng | unsteady | 無堅定; 不堅定
put'kietbeeng | nonalignment | 無結盟; 不結盟
put'liuheeng | not in fashion | 無流行; 不流行
put'lixheeng | to breach, a breach | 無厲行; 不厲行
put'pengheeng | unbalanced, out of equilibrium | 無平行; 不平衡
put'pengsioong | unusual, extraordinary | 無平常; 不平常
put'pengterng | unequal, inequality | 無平等; 不平等
put'sengjim | to deny, to refuse to acknowledge | 無成認; 不勝任
put'sengkhix | worthless, good-for-nothing, cannot grow to become a person | 無成器; 不成器
put'thaobeeng | opaque | 無透明; 不透明
putbeeng putpek | be obscure; lack clearness | 無明不白
putbeeng | not clear; unknown; make neither head nor tail of; not clear; nebulous | 無明; 不明
putbeeng-putpek | not clear; unknown | 無明不白
putbeng'u | dishonor; disreputable; scandalous | 無名譽
putbengsox | unclear variable | 無明數; 不明素
putkhøfleeng | impossible | 無可能
putkin jinzeeng | unreasonable; inconsiderate; disregarding others feelings | 無近人情
putleeng jintø | impotence (male) | 無能人道
putleeng zuxpoat | cannot free oneself from evil or a bad habit | 無能自拔
putleeng | unable | 無能; 不能
putpeeng | discontented; dissatisfied; complaint; indignant at injustice done to another; complaint; grievance; grumble; complain | 無平; 不平
putseeng-buxntee | out of the question | 無成問題
putseeng-thefthorng | wildly (acting or talking); without regard to common practice or propriety | 無成體統
putsengbut | nothing | 無成物
putsengjiin | under age | 無成人
putsengkhix | without promise of achievement, good-for-nothing | 無成器
putsengsoaxn | not count | 無成算
putsiu hoangeeng ee laang | unwelcome visitor; persona non grata | 無受歡迎的人
putteng | uncertain; uncertain; not yet settled | 無定; 不定
puttheeng | incessantly; unceasingly; without stop | 無停
putzarnseeng | to disapprove; disapproval | 無贊成; 不贊成
putzeeng | feelingless, unreasonable | 無情
putzexng heng'uii | wrong action | 無正行為
pvepeng'an'afn | peaceful | 平平安安
pvexzeeng | patient's condition | 病情
pviarsenglie | compete business | 拚生理
pviax-hof zhengkhix | clean up (a room; house) | 拼乎清氣; 打掃乾淨
pviezheng | change dress | 變穿
pvixzeeng | patient's condition | 病情
pvoa sengkhw | whisk or shake one's clothes gently to remove the dust | 拂身體
pvoargoadheeng | half moon shape | 半月型
pvoarnizeeng | half year ago | 半年前
pvoarpeeng | half side | 半爿; 半邊
pvoarpengsvoaf | banyan mountain | 半爿山
pvoarsveseeng | born; inborn; innate | 天生的
pvoax sengphirn | semi-finished products; half-finished products | 半成品
pvoax thaobengthea | translucent; partially transparent | 半透明體
pwnleeng | instinct; faculty; innate powers | 本能
pynbeeng | to explain to a superior or elder; state clearly | 稟明
pypheng | compare; liken; compare; liken | 比並; 比對; 比較; 相比
pøeleeng-zhaix | spinach | 菠苓菜; 菠薐菜; 波菜
pøelengzhaix | spinach | 菠苓菜
pøexleeng | retreat | 培靈
pøexleeng-hoe | revival meeting; retreat | 培靈會
pøfcioxng løkafng ee seng'oah | safeguard the livelihood of the workers | 保障勞工的生活
pøfleeng kiutviuu | bowling alley | 保齡球場
pøfleeng | bowling | 保齡
pøfleeng-kiutviuu | bowling alley | 保齡球場
pøflengkiuu | bowling ball; bowling | 保齡球
pøfsengtaixtex | a respectful Dr. who became a god | 保生大帝
pørbeeng | to report; state clearly to a higher authority | 報明
pørpeng'afn | report safety | 報平安
pøxheeng | act of violence; an outrage; an assault; violent conduct; savage act; atrocities | 暴行
saeteeng | competition schedule | 賽程
saetheeng | competition schedule | 賽程
safm put'heng | three greatest misfortunes in youth to lose one's father; in middle age to lose one's wife; in old age to have no son | 三無幸; 少年喪父; 中年喪妻; 晚年無子
safn beeng zuie siux | mountains are bright; and the waters are fair (descriptive of scenic beauty) | 山明水秀
safngiap kekbeng | Industrial Revolution | 產業革命
safnleeng | production capacity | 產能
safnte zerngbeeng | certificate of origin | 產地證明
safnzeeng | before child-birth, before confinement | 產前
safnzeeng-kiafmzaf | pregnancy examination | 產前檢查
safnzeeng-thviax | premature labor | 產前痛; 產前疼
saipakpeeng | northwestern side | 西北爿
saipeeng | west-side; west (Lit. west side) | 西旁; 西爿; 西邊; 西方
saipengbin | west side | 西爿面
saipenghvoa | west coast | 西爿岸
sambengti | sandwich | 三明治
samgvor sengkuun | in groups of three or five | 三五成群
samleeng-kviax | a prism | 三棱鏡; 三菱鏡
samleng gvofsyn | repeated orders and injunctions | 三令五申
samsefng iwheng | greatest fortune in three incarnations: to make friends with worthy persons or to marry a virtuous and beautiful wife | 三生有幸
samsyn-gvofleng | give repeated orders | 三申五令
sanbeeng haysex | vow between lovers that their love will last as long as the mountains and the sea | 山盟海誓
sanbenghaysex | the sincerity of love is solid as mountain and ocean | 山盟海誓
sanphek'engtaai | | 山伯英台
sarngheeng | see somebody off | 送行
sarngku gengsyn | bid farewell to those departing; and greet the arrival of new comers; send off the old year and usher in the new | 送舊迎新
sarnhenglaang | poor people | 散凶人
sarnpengsvoax | open skirmish line (military) | 散兵線
satenghii | sardine fish | 沙丁魚
satsyn sengjiin | fulfill justice at the cost of one's own life; sacrifice one's own life for justice | 殺身成仁
se'engkhexngkiøo | | 西瀛虹橋
sea sengkhw | take a bath | 洗澡; 沐浴
sea-bøexzhengkhix | cannot be washed clean | 洗無乾淨
seaheeng | small sized; miniature | 小型
seakaix høpeeng | world peace | 世界和平
seapheeng | world Review | 世評
seaseakeng'ar | little room | 細細間仔
seazeeng | ways of the people of the world; especially. prevailing character and customs of the people of a place | 世情; 世故
seeng Serngthea | consecrate the Blessed Sacrament (Catholic) | 成聖體
seeng jiin cy bie | help fulfill another's cherished hopes; assist others in achieving an objective | 成人之美
seeng | fly; house fly | 蠅; 承; 成
sefng'eng | use sparingly | 省用
sefsengkhw | take a bath | 洗身軀
sefzeng | purify; cleanse | 洗淨
segseeng | cooked | 熟成
sekleeng | suitable or right age; the required age (for schooling; military service; marriage) | 適齡
seksu lengjiin | settle disputes and bring peace | 息事寧人
sekzeeng | sexual passion; lust | 色情
sekzengkoong | sexual insanity; erotica | 色情狂
selampeeng | southwest side | 西南爿
seng haixkhix | spoil (a child) | 寵壞了
seng | ride; to mount; avail oneself of; take advantage of; seize an opportunity or a chance; multiply | 乘; 盛; 寵; 倖
seng'axn | case | 成案
seng'ioglek | fertility | 生育力
seng'ioglut | birth rate | 生育率
seng'iok haxnzex | birth control | 生育限制
seng'iok | beget a child; give birth; childbirth; bear; to rear | 生育
seng'iorng | bear and raise | 生養
seng'ix | sincerity; faith; sincere; true | 誠意
seng'iøh | patent medicine | 成藥
seng'oaan | a member | 生員; 成員
seng'oah anteng | stability of life | 生活安定
seng'oah buxntøee | problems of livelihood | 生活問題
seng'oah chiachie | live luxuriously | 生活奢侈
seng'oah hongseg | way of life; mode of living | 生活方式
seng'oah kileeng | vital functions | 生活機能
seng'oah pitsuphirn | necessaries of life | 生活必需品
seng'oah thengto | standard of living | 生活程度
seng'oah zoxnghorng | living conditions | 生活狀況; (態)
seng'oah zuyzurn | standard of living | 生活水準
seng'oah | life; existence; living | 生活
seng'oah-huix | cost of living | 生活費
seng'oan | give moral support; to cheer; encouragement | 聲援
seng'oaqhuix | living expenses | 生活費
seng'oaqkhoanlai | in the life circle | 生活圈內
seng'oaqlo | way of life | 生活路
seng'oaqlok | life record | 生活錄
seng'oaqsiong | way of life | 生活上
seng'oaqtiofng | way of life | 生活中
seng'uii | to become | 成為
seng'un | success | 成運
seng'urn | stable | 成穩
seng'y | ready made clothes; factory made clothes | 成衣
seng'yn | cause | 成因
sengbeeng | announce; declare; issue a statement; announce; declare; make a statement; clarify publicly | 聲明; 成名
sengbeng | accept an invitation; life | 生命; 承命; 從命
sengbexnglek | vitality | 生命力
sengbi | a mystery | 成謎
sengbok | eye-catching | 醒目
sengbong | fame; reputation; prestige | 聲望
sengboong | be obliged; much indebted to...; much obliged | 承蒙
sengbudcid | biomass | 生物質
sengbudhagciar | biologist | 生物學者
sengbudhak | biology | 生物學
sengbudhoarhak | biochemistry | 生物化學
sengbudkaix | biological world | 生物界
sengbut | creature; living thing; organism; creature; biology | 生物
sengbut-cid | animal matter | 生物質; 生物物質
sengbut-hak | biology | 生物學
sengbut-lui | animals | 生物類
sengbøea | buy | 承買; 承購
sengchiefn sengban | hundreds and thousands; countless; numerous | 成千成萬
sengchiefn | promotion; preferment | 升遷
sengchiuo | novice | 生手
sengchyn | get married | 成親
sengciab | to inherit, to accept, acceptance | 成接; 承接; 繼承
sengcid | natural constitution, properties | 成質; 生質
sengcieen | during one's lifetime; before one's death | 生前; 在世
sengciog | chalice | 成足
sengciu | accomplish; accomplishment; achievement; fulfillment | 成就
sengciuxkarm | sense of accomplishment | 成就感
sengcyn | com true; be reality | 成真
senggaai | lifetime; career; career; life; one's lifetime | 生涯
senggagkaf | vocalist; singer | 聲樂家
senggak | vocal music | 聲樂
senggiap | accomplishment | 成業
senggie | set phrase; idiom | 成語
senggoaan | member | 成員
sengguo | an idiom, a phrase | 成語
senghaglut | enrollment rate | 升學率
senghak khøfchix | entrance exam for a higher school | 升學考試
senghak | to advance to a higher school; advance to a higher school | 升學; 星學
senghau | be effective or valid | 生效
sengheeng | fulfill; carry out | 承行
senghefng | prosperity | 成興
senghieen | capable | 承賢
senghoaa | subliming; sublimation; (in chemistry) to sublime | 昇華
senghoaan | alive; come back alive; survive | 生還
senghoad | multiplication; multiplication (arithmetic) | 乘法
senghoat | livelihood, life | 生活
senghoax | biochemical | 生化
senghoe | grand event | 盛會
senghofng | to become a common practice | 生風
senghong | bichloride of mercury, corrosive sublimate | 城隍
senghongbiø | temple of the city god | 城隍廟
senghongjiet | scarlet fever | 猩紅熱
senghoong | the guardian deity of a city | 城隍
senghun | ingredients | 成份
senghut | become Buddha | 成佛
senghuun | vegetative soul | 生魂; 星雲
senghwn | constituent; ingredient; element; get married | 成分; 成婚
senghy jii jip | gain an advantage over somebody through his inattention; to catch someone napping | 乘虛而入
senghøo | milk way | 星河
sengjieen | indeed | 誠然
sengjii ioglie | give birth to children and rear them | 生兒育女
sengjiin | an adult | 成人
sengjim | acknowledge; admit; recognize | 承認; 就任
sengjin | confess; admit; recognize (a nation; a new regime) | 承認
sengkaf libgiap | get married and start a business (said of a man reaching adulthood) | 成家立業
sengkaf | marry; establish a family | 成家
sengkarngky | elevator | 升降機; 電梯
sengkaw | to strike a bargain; conclude a transaction; consummation of a business transaction | 成交
sengkaxng | hoist and lower; to rise and fall; ascend and descend; promotion and degradation | 升降
sengkefng | birthdate | 生庚; 生年月
sengkeq | elevate status; elevation of status | 升格
sengkex | means of livelihood; livelihood; living | 生計; 承繼
sengkexng | sincerely | 誠敬
sengkheq | passenger | 乘客
sengkhie | rise | 升起
sengkhiim | take alive; bring em back alive | 生擒
sengkhix | become a useful person | 成器
sengkhofng | starfield | 星空
sengkhoxng | grave prepared while alive | 生礦; 假墳; 生前準備的墳墓
sengkhurn | sincere; sincere; true hearted; cordial | 誠懇
sengkhw bøo pvoarsiern | I have not a bit of a cash on me | 身上一毛錢也沒有。
sengkhw lorng si siefn | the body covered with hardened dust | 全身都是體垢
sengkhw tngxpvoarsiern | I have not a bit of a cash on me | 身上一毛錢也沒有。
sengkhw tngxtaang | I have no money with me at all | 身上沒錢
sengkhw | one's body | 身軀; 身體
sengkhw-pvy | body side | 身軀邊
sengkhw-terng | body top | 身軀頂
sengkib | promote; promotion; be promoted; have one's salary increased | 升級
sengkiexn | preconceived views; bias; impression; prejudice | 成見
sengkii | to raise a flag; hoist the flag | 升旗; 星期
sengkii-pøx | weekly newspaper | 星期報; 週報
sengkijit | Sunday | 星期日
sengkiok | irrevocable situation; become fixed or irrevocable | 成局
sengkiuu | planets; stars | 星球
sengkoaan | ascend | 升高; 升懸
sengkofng | succeed; successful | 成功; 星光
sengkofng`ee | successful | 成功的
sengkongciar | successful person, a man of success | 成功者
sengkonggoadhien | clear sky with stars and bright moon | 星光月現
sengkuo | grand event | 盛舉
sengkuun kiettui | gather in groups | 成群結隊
sengkuun | form into groups | 成群; 星群
sengkux | sentence | 成句
sengkviaa | go before the others; go first; die first | 先走; 先死
sengkvoaai | promote, elevate, rise in rank | 升官; 升懸; 升高
sengkvoaf hoatzaai | attain higher rank and acquire great wealth | 升官發財
sengkvoaf | promote in official rank | 升官
sengkwn | root | 生根
sengky | vitality; life | 生機
sengkør | achievements | 成果
senglaai | come first | 先來
senglarm | manage or undertake a task; project | 承攬
senglea | immolation; meat offerings; offerings of flesh to the dead or the gods | 牲禮; 牲醴; 葷祭
sengleeng | living being | 生靈
senglegkwn | fresh troops | 生力軍
senglie hagciar | physiologist | 生理學者
senglie oexsefng | physiology and hygienics | 生理衛生
senglie | physiology; business; trade | 生理; 生意
senglie-hak | physiology | 生理學
senglie-oexsefng | physiology and hygiene | 生理衛生
senglie-tviuu | place of business | 生意場; 生理場; 商場
senglieen luygoat | year after year; month after month | 成年累月
senglieen | become an adult; grow up; adult; come of age; to reach adulthood | 成年
senglieen-laang | adult | 生年人; 成年人
senglienlea | coming-of-age ceremony | 成年禮
senglii-swpiet | separation in life and parting at death ─ the bitterest of sorrows to man | 生離死別
sengliin | adult | 成人
senglin | admit | 承認
senglip taixhoe | inaugural meeting (of an organization) | 成立大會
senglip | establish; found; establish; found; come into existence (e.g.; an organization or society) | 成立
senglo | rage | 盛怒
senglogsw | written agreement | 承諾書; 同意書
senglok | promise; agree to...; to consent | 承諾
senglok-sw | written consent | 承諾書
sengluo | gave birth to a daughter | 生女
senglybin | business | 生意面
senglyhak | physiology | 生理學
senglyhor | business oriented person | 生理虎
senglykaix | business | 生理界
senglylaang | business man; businessman | 生意人; 商人
senglysiong | physiologically | 生理上
senglytviuu | business world; affairs of trade; the business district | 生意場
senglyzhuix | tricks of the trade: saying what is not exactly true | 生意嘴
sengpai | success or failure | 成敗
sengpan | handle (a case); be responsible for (a task) | 承辦
sengpaw | undertake to do a job; undertake a construction job under contract | 承包
sengpaxnjiin | officials in charge of a specific task | 承辦人
sengpeeng | one's brief biographical sketch; in one's course of life | 生平
sengphirn | finished products | 成品
sengpurn koeakex | cost accounting | 成本會計
sengpurn | capitalized cost; wholesale price | 成本
sengsad cy koaan | power of life and death | 生殺之權
sengsafnciar | producers | 生產者
sengsafnhuieiong | cost of production | 生產費用
sengsafnkii | production period | 生產期
sengsafnlek | productivity | 生產力
sengsafnliong | production | 生產量
sengsafnte | production place | 生產地
sengsarn habzoksia | producers guild (cooperative) | 生產合作社
sengsarn koeaseng | overproduction | 生產過剩
sengsarn | produce; production; childbirth | 生產
sengsarn-lek | productive capacity | 生產力
sengseeng | natural, by birth; produce, production | 生成; 天生
sengseeng-but | product | 生成物
sengsefng seasex | from generation to generation; without end | 生生世世
sengsefng | an orangutan | 猩猩
sengsefng-bok | poinsettia | 生生木; 猩猩木
sengseg kuxle | speak in a harsh tone and with a severe expression | 聲色俱厲
sengseg | bear interest, be profitable, profitable | 聲色; 生利息
sengsek | mature; ripe | 成熟
sengsenglo | Indian cattle egret (bird) | 聲聲鷺; 黃鷺
sengsengput'seg | endless | 生生無息
sengsengputseg | endless | 生生無息
sengsex | fame; influence; power | 聲勢
sengsexng | become habitual; become second nature | 成性
sengsiafng | form a pair; to match | 成雙
sengsiaujiin | consignee | 承銷人
sengsidkhix | sexual organs; reproductive organs | 生殖器
sengsidlek | reproductive powers | 生殖力
sengsidsvoax | gonads | 生死線; 生殖腺
sengsie | live or dead | 生死
sengsiefn | become a genie; to die | 成仙
sengsiin | stars; planets | 星辰
sengsiog | constellations | 星宿
sengsiok | mature; ripen | 成熟
sengsiong | appearance of the stars | 星像
sengsioxng | prime minister | 丞相
sengsioxnghak | astrology | 星象學
sengsit kileeng | reproductive functions | 生殖機能
sengsit seapaw | generative cell | 生殖細胞
sengsit | reproduction; breeding; procreation; upright; trustworthy; honest(ly); faithful(ly) | 生殖; 誠實
sengsiu | accept; receive | 承受
sengsiux | starts | 星宿
sengsu zai thiefn | man proposes; God disposes | 成事在天
sengsu | create trouble; give rise to a disturbance | 生事; 惹事; 滋事
sengsun | obey, obedient | 誠順; 順從
sengsuo cy kaw | deep friendship (implying the sharing of each other's fate) | 生死之交
sengsuo iwbeng | death and life are predetermined | 生死有命
sengsuo koanthiøo | life and death crisis | 生死關頭
sengsuo | life and death | 生死
sengsvef | Mr. | 先生
sengsykiab | life and death | 生死劫
sengsym | earnest; faithful; sincerity | 誠心
sengtafm | accept responsibility of | 承擔
sengtaix | vocal cord | 聲帶
sengterng | upgrade | 升等
sengthaesiong | ecologically | 生態上
sengthaetii | ecological pool | 生態池
sengthaix | zoology | 生態
sengthiefn | ascend to heaven | 上升; 昇天; 升天
sengthioong | adult insect | 成蟲
sengtiaukii | the flag of stars and stripes ─ the national flag of the United States | 星條旗
sengtiern | ceremony | 盛典
sengtiofng | announce | 聲張
sengtiofngkii | growth period | 生長期
sengtiofnglut | growth rate | 成長率
sengtiorng køeatheeng | adolesce | 成長過程
sengtiorng | live; grow up; growth | 成長; 生長
sengtit | appreciation | 升值
sengtiøh | rise | 升著
sengtngg | rise to ... | 升堂
sengtoafn | accident | 生端
sengtofng keksef | Lit. make noise in the east while striking in the west ─ feigning tactics | 聲東擊西
sengtong | vivid; lively; lifelike | 生動
sengtuix | provincial headquarters of KMT | 成對
sengtvoaf | accident | 生端; 生事端
sengzaai iwtø | expert in making money | 生財有道
sengzaai | become a useful person | 成材
sengzeg | grade; results (of work or study); records established or set; results; achievement; marks gained; average marks | 成績
sengzeg-tvoaf | school report card | 成績單
sengzekpiør | reported card | 成績表
sengzektvoaf | report card; transcript of a student's scholastic record | 成績單; 成績表
sengzex | interplanetary, interstellar | 星際
sengzhefng | claim | 聲稱
sengzoaan | help (others) accomplish something | 成全
sengzof | rent | 承租
sengzunciar | survivors | 生存者
sengzunkoaan | right to exist; the right to life | 生存權
sengzuun kexngzefng | the struggle for existence | 生存競爭
sengzuun | exist; live; existence; life; survival; existence; to live; survive | 生存
sengzø | constellation; a star and its satellites | 星座
sengzøx | promote | 升做
sepeeng | west side | 西爿
serngbeeng | full name of a person; surname and personal name | 姓名
serngbeng | person's life | 性命
serngkarm bengsefng | movie queen; sex kitten; sex goddess | 性感明星
serngkengkux | Bible sentence | 聖經句
serngleeng | efficiency; performance; qualities and capabilities of machinery | 性能
serngpai bixteng | uncertain issue of the battle or game | 勝敗未定
serngpai pengkaf cy sioong | alternate victory and defeat is the common lot of soldiers; win one; lose one | 勝敗兵家之常
serngseng'oah | sex life | 性生活
serngzeeng | disposition; disposition; personality | 性情
seviuu bunbeeng | Western civilization | 西洋文明
sexng-heng'uii | sexual intercourse | 性行為
sexngheeng | popular; widespread | 盛行
sexngzeeng | hospitalitybevel | 盛情
si zaai juu beng | regard wealth as one's life | 視財如命
siafbeeng | write clearly | 寫明
sialeeng | evil spirit, demon | 邪靈; 魔鬼
siangchiuo baxnleeng | with these two hands one can work miracles | 雙手萬能
siangpeeng | both sides | 雙爿; 雙邊; 雙方; 雙旁
siangpvy hiabteng | bilateral agreement | 雙邊協定
siangteeng jinkeq | dual personality; split personality | 雙重人格
siangteeng kokzek | dual nationality | 雙重國籍
siangteeng | double layer; made with two plies or thicknesses material | 相重; 雙重; 雙層
siangteeng-kiexnkied | double-bond | 雙重鍵結
siangteeng-mngg | duality | 雙重門
siangtengsexng | duality | 雙重性
siaolieen hoatteeng | juvenile court | 少年法庭
siaolieen løfseeng | young but competent; accomplished though young | 少年老成
siausid lengthofng | well informed | 消息靈通
siauxhengciuo | a kind of liquor | 紹興酒
siawkhao lengloong | delicate and fragile; small; trim; and lovely (woman); small and exquisite (decorative item) | 小巧玲瓏
siawkoarn engsu | Mind your own business | 少管閒事
siaxhoe kengzex | social economics | 社會經濟
siaxhoe seng'oah | social life; community life | 社會生活
siaxhoe zengheeng | social conditions | 社會情形
siaxpeng'afn | thanksgiving | 謝平安
siaxteeng | range | 射程
siaxtheeng | range; cannon-shot; gunshot; range (of a projectile) | 射程
sibeng | customary | 習用
sibjixheeng | cross character shape | 十字刑
sibkoaxn seeng zuxjieen | Habit is second nature | 習慣成自然
sid beng'u | lose reputation or good name | 失名譽
sidbut senglyhak | physiological botany | 植物生理學
sidbut sengthaehak | vegetable ecology | 植物生態學
sideng | use, useful | 實用
sidheeng | carry out; implement; put into practice; practice (a principle); put (a plan) into practice; performance; fulfillment | 實行
sidioxngheeng | practical | 實用型
sidzai zengheeng | actual state of affairs | 實在情形
sidzeeng | fact; real (actual) condition (state; circumstances); actual facts of the case | 實情
sidzex ee kenggiam | practical experience | 實際經驗
sidzex zengheeng | actual state of affairs | 實際情形
sie pud bengbok | be unwilling to die (because of some unfinished tasks; unfulfilled wishes; intensive grudge) | 死無瞑目
siefnbeeng | vividness | 鮮明
siekak'heeng | quadrangular | 四角形
siekhatoxteng | | 四跤杜定
sienbeeng | vividness; sharp; distinct; bright colored | 鮮明
siengiaam | my late father | 先父; 先嚴
siepeeng | 4 sides | 四爿
siepviheeng | 4 sides | 四邊形
siet'heeng | cuneiform | 楔形
sietteng | set up; establish; institute; establish legal relationship (in law) | 設定
siettok sinbeeng | blasphemy; blaspheme the gods | 褻瀆神明
siexnheeng | good deed | 善行
siezap siøfsii bengkiofng Serngthea | forty hours devotion (Catholic) | 四十小時明供聖體
siheeng Serngsu | administer the Sacraments | 施行聖事
siheeng | enforce; come into force (in law); enforcement; put into operation | 施行; 辭還
sihenghoad | enforcement law | 施行法
sikoef oar toaxpeeng | people like the larger half of a watermelon ─ favor the winning side; be on the stronger side | 趨炎附勢; 勢利眼
siky sengsiok | Lit. The opportunity is ripe. ─ The right time has come | 時機成熟
sileng | season, time | 時令
sim'afheeng | heart shape | 心仔型
simheeng | heart shape | 心形
simheng | intentions | 居心; 心行; 心性
simleeng | spirit; mind; mind; spirit; spiritual; mental | 心靈
simlenghak | psychics; spiritualism | 心靈學
simlengsiong | spiritual | 心靈上
simpag ee peng'iuo | trustworthy friend | 心腹之朋友
simte kongbeeng | clear conscience; upright | 心地光明
simthautengteeng | thoughtful | 心頭重重
simzaitoxbeeng | know well | 心知肚明
simzeeng bae | emotionally upset | 心情壞; 情緒壞
simzeeng | feeling; mood; mind; emotional state; affection | 心情
sinbeeng | gods; gods; spirits | 神明
sinheeng | new form; new style | 新型; 新形
sinhengzhwn | new prosperous village | 新興村
sinhwn lyheeng | honeymoon trip | 新婚旅行
sinkaf zhengpek | of respectable descent or parentage | 身家清白
sinkefng koanlengpve | neurosis | 神經官能病
sinkengcid | neurotic; nervous temperament; nervousness | 神經質
sinkengciexn | war of nerves; psychological warfare | 神經戰
sinkengpvi | mental disease | 神經病
sinkengsvoax | nerves | 神經線
sinkengthviax | neuralgia | 神經痛
sinky logseeng | the completion of a new house | 新居落成
sinleeng | gods; spirits | 神靈
sinleeng-kaix | spiritual world | 神靈界
sinsengjii | newborn | 新生兒
sinsengtai | new generation | 新生代
sinsengte | reclaimed land; tidal land | 新生地
sinsiw seng'oah | spiritual life (Catholic) | 神修生活
sinthea legheeng | practice what one preaches | 身體力行
sinzeeng | spirit; mind | 神情
sinzheng | dress and personal adornment | 身穿; 服飾; 衣著
siofng kafmzeeng | hurt the feelings | 傷感情
siogbeng | save one from the death penalty by a payment | 贖命
siogleeng | spiritual | 俗靈; 屬靈的
siokbeng | fatalism | 宿命
siokbeng-lun | fatalism | 宿命論
siokbeng-luxnciar | fatalist | 宿命論者
siokzeng | hush; quiet; solemn silence; peaceful | 肅靜
siong'y uibeng | rely upon each other for life | 相依為命
siongbeeng | mutually clear | 相明
siongbeng | fate | 相命
sionggiap tengkix | commercial registration | 商業登記
siongseng | spoiled | 相寵
siongzeeng | man's natural action or reaction under certain circumstances | 常情; 商情
sioxng'eeng | doxology | 頌榮
sioxngheeng | pictograph; go up north | 象形; 上行
sioxngheeng-bunji | pictograph | 象形文字
sioxnghengji | pictograph | 象形字
sioxngtengsexng | as a token; a token (gift) | 象徵性
sioxngzeeng | very front | 上前
sirn'giorng-seng'oah | faithful life | 信仰生活
sirngiorng-seng'oah | faithful life | 信仰生活
sisu phenglun | editorial commentary; news analysis | 時事評論
sitbeeng | lose one's eyesight; become blind; be blind | 失明
siteeng | resign | 辭呈
sitgeeng | Excuse me for not having greeted you I am sorry that I was out when you called | 失迎
sitleeng | fail to operate properly, fail to work | 失能; 失靈
siu hoangeeng | be welcomed; be received or treated graciously; find favor in one's eyes | 受歡迎
siucy pengheeng | accounts are balanced | 收支平衡
siuheng | stylite; ascetic practices; practice Buddhist or Taoist rules (often strict and ascetic in nature) | 修行
siuseeng | harvest a crop; harvest; a yield; a crop; croping; harvest | 收成
siusip henglie | make preparations for a trip; get the baggage ready | 收拾行李
siuteng | revision | 修訂
siutø-seng'oah | monastic life | 修道生活
siuxbeng | receive an order | 受命; 壽命
siuxheeng | be tortured; be punished (by law) | 受刑
siuxhengjiin | prisoner | 受刑人
siuxhenglaang | prisoner | 受刑人
siuxhengliin | prisoner | 受刑人
siuxzengkii | fertile period | 受精期
siw tek'heng | practice virtue | 修德行
siwheeng | conservation | 守恆
siwkaebeng | to observe the Commandments | 守誡命
siwleeng | keep watch by a corpse | 守靈
siwseeng | take care of one's property, be well-behaved | 收成; 守產業
sixngieen-sixnheeng | exercise caution in speech and conduct | 慎言慎行
sixuy iuheeng | protest march; demonstration parade | 示威遊行
siøfheeng | small type (of), a miniature | 小型
siøfkateeng | nuclear family; separate home set up by a young couple | 小家庭
siøfpeeng | left side, less honorable side | 小平; 左邊
siøfpurn senglie | business with a small capital | 小本生意
siøfpvoaa senglie | retail business | 小盤生意; 零售
siøfseeng | small accomplishment | 小成
siøfseeng-pudkaux | Theravada Buddhism | 小乘佛教
siøfsengsefng | little ape | 小猩猩
siøftheeng | stop a while, wait a while; small boat | 小艇; 稍停一下; 小停
siøfzhongbeeng | mortal wisdom | 小聰明
siøfzhongbeng'ar | mortal wisdom | 小聰明仔
siøhzeeng | care; passionate | 惜情
siøkeng | support or assist mutually | 相楗; 互助
siøpypheng | compare | 相比並
siør-peng'iuo | little friends; children (a term expressing goodwill) | 小朋友
siør-senglie | small business | 小生意; 小生理
siør-zhongbeeng | sharp witted but petty minded | 小聰明
soafnteng | chosen | 選定
soafnzeeng | election polls | 選情
soanbeeng | proclaim clearly | 宣明; 聲明
soanphvoax syheeng | sentence to death | 宣判死刑
soatbeeng lyiuu | tell the reason | 說明理由
soatbeeng | illustrate; demonstrate; description; explain; clarify; explanation | 說明
soatbeeng-sw | explanatory statement, directions for use, instructional booklet | 說明書
soatbenghoe | seminar | 說明會
soatbengsw | written explanation; written instructions attached to merchandise | 說明書
soatzeeng | to apologize, intercede, solicit a favor, ask a favor for someone else | 說情
soeakoafn khefzengzhux | tax office | 稅捐稽徵處
soefsengkhutharng | shower water bucket | 洗身軀桶
soefzeng | clean | 洗淨
soehbeeng | explain; clarify; expound | 說明
sofzheng | whatever one wears | 所穿
sokseeng | crash; speed-up; attain goals within a short time; to complete rapidly | 速成
soksengpafn | training class for quick mastery of a subject; course; a crash course | 速成班
songbeeng | mulberry moth | 桑蠶蛾; 桑螟; [*]
sorbeeng | make a clear explanation on oneself | 素明; 訴說
sorheeng | daily conduct or behavior; general behavior | 素行
sorngbeng | lose one's life; die | 喪命
sorngheeng | send-off; give a send off | 送行
sorngheeng-hoe | farewell service (encouraging a person who is undertaking a difficult assignment) | 送行會
su'eng | private use | 私用
su'iok phienzeeng | passion and concupiscence | 私慾偏情
su'iong kenghuix | necessary expenses | 需用經費
sueeng | privately operated; private run | 私營
suheeng | lynching | 私刑
suhoad hengzerngkoaan | judicial administrative authority | 司法行政權
suhoad hengzerngpo | the Ministry of Justice | 司法行政部
suiheeng | entourage; retinue; follow or accompany someone on a trip | 隨行
suiphvix tengtaai | movie stars appear on stage in person at the premiere of a movie | 隨片登台
suleng | commander | 司令; 辭令; 司令官
suleng-kvoaf | prefect | 司令官
suntø zengsiin | martyrdom | 殉道精神
sunzeeng | die for love | 殉情
sunzeng | chosen; net; purity | 純淨
sunzengkheg | pure love songs | 純情曲
sunzwpenghoad | The Art of War | 孫子兵法
suo pud bengbok | be unwilling to die (because of some unfinished tasks; unfulfilled wishes; intensive grudge) | 死無瞑目
suobeng | errand, mission, message | 賜命; 使命
suopienheeng | a quadrilateral | 四邊行
suozhux hongthengseg | quartic equation; equation of the fourth degree (mathematics) | 四次方程式
supheeng | book review | 書評
suseeng | teacher | 師承
suseng'oah | one's private life | 私生活
susengjii | bastard | 私生兒
susengkviar | bastard | 私生囝
susengzuo | love child; a natural child | 私生子
suxnbeng | obey command, obey orders | 順命
suxnzeeng | obsequious | 順情; 順意
suxnzuie hengciw | sailing with the tide (literally); all going on well | 順水行舟
suxseng | inheritance | 嗣承
suxzeeng | circumstances; details; situation; matter; business; event; affair; incident | 事情
suxzengsy | lyric poetry | 抒情詩; 敘情詩
suzeeng | personal affair | 私情
suzengkoarn kietzad | vasectomy; male sterilization | 輸精管結紮
suzengkoarn | deferent duct; spermatic cord | 輸精管
svakag-heeng | triangular shape | 三角行; 三角形
svakak'heeng | triangle | 三角形
svakeng | compete | 相勁
svakeng'ar | shirt bow | 衫弓仔
svatengthah | overlap | 相重疊
svef phvixleeng | have a sinus condition | 生鼻龍; 鼻竇炎
sveseeng | borned with; grow to be...; inborn; by nature; second nature | 生成; 天生的; 自然的
sveteng'ar | have a carbuncle | 生疔仔
svezeeng | during one's lifetime; before one's death; while one was alive | 生前
svie'heeng | a sector of a circle | 生形
svieheeng | fan shape | 扇形
svieng'ar | carbuncle | 生癰仔
sviseeng | natural; naturally; borned with | 生成
sviusizeeng | lovesickness | 相思情
svizeeng | during lifetime | 生前
svoaenghoef | mountain cherry | 山櫻花
svoaf-enghoef | Taiwan cherry | 山櫻花; 緋櫻
svoaf-genggerng | mountain longan | 山龍眼
svoaf-khofleng | Asia bell-tree, Formosan ash, Hocker beggartick | 山苦楝
svoaheeng | mountain shape | 山行
svoarheeng | careless and sloppy | 散形
svoarhengsvoarheeng | forgetful, lazy, careless | 散形散形
svoazheeng | large-leaved baryan | 山榕; 雀榕
swbeng | errand; mission | 使命
syboong zerngbeeng | death certificate | 死亡證明
syheeng | capital punishmentd; capital penalty; death sentence | 死刑
syhengzoe | death penalty | 死刑罪
sym beeng juu kexng | mind is as clear as a mirror ─ devoid of personal emotions; feelings or sense of gain and loss | 心明如鏡
sym kafm zeeng goan | be totally willing; willingly | 心甘情願
sym peeng khix høo | be in a calm mood | 心平氣和
symteng | authorize after examination; authorization of a book; authorize (a publication) | 審定
syn pai beeng liet | lose both fortune and honor | 身敗名裂
syn-jinsengkoafn | new view of life | 新人生觀
sytengtefng | rigid; inflexible; unprogressive (trade); not active; not brisk; unlively; depressed; low spirited | 死板的; 無會變通
syzeeng | before death; before one dies | 死前
søea sengkhw | take a bath | 洗身軀
søea-zhengkhix | wash clean | 洗清氣
søefsengkhw | take a bath | 洗身軀; 洗澡
søehbeeng | describe; explain | 說明
søehzeeng | persuade | 說情
søfteng | lock in | 鎖定
tadseeng | reach | 達成
tagpeeng | everey direction | 每邊; 逐爿
tah cirnzeeng | go in advance | 踏進前; 步向前
tahhengkharm | bang on chest | 搭胸坎
taixbeeng tefngterng | famous name; a name known far and wide | 大名鼎鼎
taixbeeng | bright | 大明
taixbengsuu | pronoun | 代名詞
taixheng | lucky | 大幸
taixhoad luiteeng | become very angry | 大發雷霆
taixix sid Kengciw | suffer a major setback due to carelessness | 大意失荊州
taixkhix boafnseeng | great man will take time to shape and mature | 大器晚成
taixkongkørseeng | | 大功告成
taixleeng | great power | 大能
taixliong sengsarn | production on a large scale; mass production | 大量生產
taixphengciao | an enormous (legendary) bird | 大鵬鳥
taixseeng | a master stroke | 大成
taixsengcieserngsiensw | | 大成至聖先師
taixtø sengzaai | the right way produces wealth | 大道生財
tamseeng | undertake | 擔承
tamzeeng soat'aix | couple in love; chat intimately; talk love | 談情說愛
tamzeeng | fall in love | 談情
tanglampeeng | southeast side | 東南爿
tangleeng | brass bell | 銅鈴
tangpakpeeng | northeast side | 東北爿
tangpeeng | east; eastern; eastern side | 東邊; 東爿; 東方
tangzeeng | sympathy, sympathize | 同情
tanheeng | to act alone; independent action | 單行
tanheeng-purn | a separate volume; in book form | 單行本
tanhengpurn | books published singly ─ as opposed to those published in sets; a separate volume | 單行本
tanhengtø | one-way street; one-way road | 單行道
tansengjii | single child | 單生兒
tantheeng | one way (ticket) | 單程
tantok heng'uii | unilateral action (legal) | 單獨行為
tantok hengtong | independent action | 單獨行動
taobøeeng | making more trouble by helping | 鬥無閒
taosiøkeng | co-operate | 鬥相楗
taq kengthaau | pat (a person) on the shoulder | 拍肩膀
tarnsengte | birthplace | 誕生地
tateng | edibles or soil too dry and hard | 乾硬
tauafleeng | long raised bed of beans | 豆子畦
tauky senglie | speculative business | 投機生意
tauseeng | enemy troops; bandits voluntarily surrender to government forces; to return to allegiance | 投誠
tauxbeeng | bean moth | 豆螟
taxngheeng | severe punishment; heavy penalty | 重刑
taxngkhipeeng | unbalance; two sides are different weight | 一邊重; 一邊輕; 無平衡
teazengtea'au | follow closely | 綴前綴後
teeng køq siar | to rewrite | 重擱寫; 再寫
teeng køq zøx | do over again | 再做做
teeng køq | a second time; over again | 重擱; 再次
teeng | layer; submit; present; or hand in (to a superior); to show (a manifest; expose); a petition or appeal | 層; 重; 呈; 懲; 亭
teeng-phahkhie | start all over | 重拍起
teerng'texngteng | very hard | 硬硬硬
teflengjii | mentally retarded child | 低能兒
tefngkag svakak'heeng | equiangular triangle | 等角三角形
tefngpvy svakak'heeng | equilateral triangle | 等邊三角形
tefngseng | heyday | 鼎盛
tefngterng taixbeeng | renowned; famous; illustrious | 鼎鼎大名
teg'vi-kongleeng | special nature; unusual powers | 特異功能
tegbeng | extraordinary | 特命
tegciorng enggiap | special business operations (such as cabarets; bars; wine houses) | 特種營業
tegpiet zengheeng | special conditions | 特別情形
tegteng | speciallt designated; specific; specified | 特定
tegtuix heng'uii | hostile act; hostility | 敵對行為
tegzeeng | intelligence about the enemy; situation of the enemy | 敵情
tek'heeng | virtue; principle | 德行
tek'heng | morality and conduct; upright conduct; behavior; mannerisms | 德行
tekleeng | virtue and ability | 德能
teng hongciafm | to plan and act; adjust one's method of procedure; to shape one's course | 定方針
teng pangkefng | make a room reservation | 訂房間
teng syzoe | condemn to death | 定死罪
teng zabcix | subscribe to a magazine | 訂雜誌
teng | draw up or conclude (a contract; treaty; agreement); subscribe to (a magazine; newspaper); edit; collate; settle; arrange; to fix; make reservations (for a hotel; theater; restaurant) | 訂; 定; 堅奠有
teng'afciafm | pin | 釘仔針; 大頭針
teng'afee | spike shoes | 釘仔鞋
teng'afhea | lights | 燈仔火
teng'afhoea | lights | 燈仔火
teng'afhoef | lantern flower | 燈仔花
teng'afhuun | nail hole; nail marks | 釘仔痕
teng'afkhaf | sidewalk; arcade; covered way | 亭仔腳; 騎樓
teng'afkhvii | nail pliers | 釘仔鉗
teng'aføee | track shoes; shoes with spikes | 釘仔鞋
teng'ar | arbor; rest house; pavilion; booth | 亭仔; 釘仔; 釘子; 燈仔
teng'ar-hoef | fringed hibiscus (flower) | 亭仔花; 燈仔花; 裂瓣朱槿
teng'ar-khaf | arcade | 亭仔跤; 騎樓
teng'ar-thuii | hammer for driving nails or tacks | 釘仔鎚; 釘仔槌; 鎚子
teng'ar-zhao | corchorifolia (grass) | 亭仔草; 燈仔草
teng'e | in the evening; beneath the lamp light; by night | 燈下
teng'iong | to expropriate, to requisition | 登用; 徵用
teng'iuu | lamp oil | 燈油
teng'iw | be in mourning for parents or grandparents | 登悼; 丁憂
teng'ui | ascend the throne; begin a reign | 登位
teng'voa | to change over again (after a previous change) | 重換
teng-khokkhog | very hard and strong; so hard as to give a clear ringing sound when struck; stingy; stupid | 硬幫幫
tengbee | riddles written on lanterns (in public contests in which prizes are offered) | 燈謎
tengbi | lantern riddles | 燈謎
tengbunzhefngzoe | pay a special visit to another's house for forgiveness | 登門請罪
tengbuun paehorng | make a special call on another; at his home | 登門拜訪
tengbuun tapsia | make a special call on another at his home to express gratitude | 登門答謝
tengbuun | enter a house; pay a special visit to another's house | 登門
tengciaw | to draft, to conscript, to be enlisted | 登招; 徵召
tengcip | collect, gather together | 登集; 徵集
tengciøx | light | 燈照
tengcvii | the money for village purposes; plays to be collected at so much a head | 丁錢
tenggoa | outside courtroom | 庭外
tenggoo | any moth of the tiger moth family | 燈蛾
tenggøo | any moth of the tiger moth family | 燈蛾
tengha | in the evening; beneath the lamp light; by night | 燈下
tenghae | sea of lights | 燈海
tenghea | light | 燈火
tenghien | exhibit; present; reveal; assume | 呈現
tenghiern | exhibit; present; reveal; assume | 呈顯
tenghiofng | cloves (seasoning) | 丁香
tenghoat | punish; chastise; to deal out punishment | 懲罰
tenghoe | lantern festival | 燈會
tenghoea koafnzex | blackout or dim out (against air raids) | 燈火管制
tenghoea | lamplight; lights; illumination; oil lamp; lantern | 燈火
tenghoeftaux | a lamp shade | 燈罩
tenghofng zøxkek | reach the summit ─ to attain perfection | 登峰造極
tenghuun | nail mark, scar of a nail, nail-print | 釘痕; 指甲印
tenghuxn | paternal instruction; exhortation or admonition from one's father | 庭訓
tenghviu'iuu | oil of cloves | 丁香油
tenghviuhoef | lilac | 丁香花
tenghviw | cloves (seasoning) | 丁香
tenghøea | lamplight; lights | 燈火
tenghøea-tax | lampshade | 燈火罩; 燈罩
tengji-chiøq | a T-square | 丁字尺
tengji-soaf | hammerhead shark | 丫髻鮫
tengji-tuo | T-shaped prop to keep door shut | 丁字拄; 丁型支撐
tengjiaq | nail-print | 丁字; 釘跡
tengjip | login | 登入
tengjixhang | t-shape ally | 丁字巷
tengjixkef | a street which ends in another at right angles to the latter | 丁字街
tengjixkhox | thong | 丁字褲
tengkaix biefncid | dismiss an official | 懲戒免職
tengkaix uyoanhoe | Board of Punishment dealing with officials | 懲戒委員會
tengkaix zhwhwn | disciplinary action (against government officials) ranging from reprimand to dismissal; punishment of officials | 懲戒處分
tengkaix | to reprimand; to discipline; punish | 懲戒
tengkarm | second cold | 重感; 重感冒; 二度感冒
tengkek | become supreme, become an emperor | 登極; 登基
tengkhao | people; population | 丁口
tengkhiaxw | heliotrope | 燈徛杇; 天芥菜
tengkhu | lamps | 燈具
tengkhuy | re open; anew open; inaugurate raise curtain (meeting) | 重開; 重新開幕
tengkhøf | pass the civil service examination under the (imperial) system | 登科
tengkhør | repeat the test for entering school or getting a job with an organization | 重考
tengkiehuix | registration fee (general use); expenses of registration | 登記費
tengkiepho | registration book | 登記簿
tengkiesor | registry; registration office | 登記所
tengkiexn | rebuild | 重建
tengkimngg | boarding gate | 登機門
tengkiuu hoexoaan | recruit or enlist members; to canvass for members | 徵求會員
tengkiuu iekiexn | ask for opinions; solicit; others views; seek the opinion of | 徵求意見
tengkiuu | seek; solicit (answers); to want (an office clerk); to request | 徵求
tengkix | to registrate; to check in; booking; registration | 登記
tengkix-pho | book for registration | 登記簿
tengkix-piør | registration table | 登記表
tengkizexng | boarding pass | 登機證
tengkngf | lamp-light, candle light | 燈光
tengkofng | lights | 燈光
tengkorng | light tube | 燈管
tengkox | requisition | 徵購
tengku | lamps | 燈具
tengkud | (anatomy) stapes or stirrup bone of middle ear | 鐙骨
tengkux | repeated sentence | 重句
tengky | ascend the throne | 登基
tenglaai | again | 重來
tenglaan | Macaranga tanarius (orchid) | 登蘭; 橙欄
tenglarng-zhao | Chinese lantern plant; Physalis angulata | 登籠草; 燈籠草
tengleeng | remind; repeat an order; reiterate; enjoin on; repetition | 叮嚀
tengliogciexn | landing operation | 登陸戰
tengliogpoxtui | assault troops; amphibious military forces | 登陸部隊
tengliogtherng | landing craft; landing ship tanks | 登陸艇
tengliok | landing; to go ashore; take the ground; to land | 登陸
tenglok | log in; log on; to register | 登錄; 註冊
tengloong | a lantern; glim | 燈籠
tengmngg | enter a house; pay a special visit to another's house | 登門
tengniuu | measure again; re-measure; weigh again; to levy grains | 徵糧; 重量
tengpefng | draft able-bodied male citizens for military service; enlist under conscription | 徵兵
tengpengzex | conscription system (as distinct from the volunteer system) | 徵兵制
tengphahkhie | begin again; start again | 重打始
tengpoe | twofold; twice the amount or number | 雙倍
tengpox | repetition of a television news item; repetition of a television commercial; instant replay | 重播
tengpvii | lighthouse | 燈棚
tengpøe | twice, twice as much, in double | 重倍; 雙倍
tengpøx sengbeeng | make the matter widely known through the press; clarify or announce by a newspaper advertisement | 登報聲明
tengpøx | published on the paper; make an announcement in the newspaper | 登報
tengsafn hiabhoe | alpinist club or association | 登山協會
tengsafn | mountaineer; mountain climb | 登山
tengsantui | mountaineering party | 登山隊
tengsaxng | send in; introduce | 呈送
tengseg | program | 程式
tengsiar | write again | 重寫
tengsimzø | wick holder | 燈芯座
tengsiofng | wound by a nail | 釘傷
tengsioong-zoxngthaix | stationary state | 靜常狀態
tengsirnliok | financial report; statement of income and expenditure (of a foundation; charity organization) | 徵信錄
tengsirnsia | credit information office | 徵信社
tengsiw | collect (taxes; duty); levy and collect | 徵收
tengsixn | a credit information | 徵信
tengsoarn | solicit | 徵選
tengsuun | double-fold eyelids | 層紋; 徵詢; 雙眼皮
tengsym | lamp wick; wick | 燈心
tengsyn | anew | 重身; 重新
tengsøex | levy and collect taxes | 徵稅; 丁稅; 人口稅
tengtaai | lamp stand; lamp stand; lighthouse (archaic) | 臺燈; 燈臺; 登臺
tengtaang | lamp chimney | 燈銅; 燈罩
tengtax | lamp shade | 燈罩
tengteeng gioglip | slim and graceful (said of women; especially young women) | 亭亭玉立
tengteeng thaqthah | piled on one another; crowded together densely | 重重疊疊; 累累
tengteeng tiabtiap | piled on one another; crowded together densely | 重重疊疊; 累累
tengtengtangtafng | jingle | 叮叮噹噹
tengthaau phahkhie | do it all over again from the beginning | 從頭做起
tengthaau | over again | 從頭; 重新
tengthah | overlap; super position | 重疊
tengthaq | pharos; lighthouse | 燈塔
tengthaulaai | start over | 重頭來
tengthausvy | be born again | 從頭生; 重生
tengthiap | to overlap | 重疊
tengthiau | pavilion | 亭柱
tengthiefn | climbing to heaven ─ something very difficult | 登天
tengti | punish | 懲治
tengtiau | symptom; omen | 徵兆
tengtiaux | draft the capable and virtuous for public service | 徵召
tengtoong jibseg | reach the inner hall (of some branch of learning); master a learning or skill | 登堂入室
tengtoong | go to the house, to visit | 登堂
tengtvaa | mistake; error; bug; miscue; making a mistake (in an account); repeating a story over again either by mistake or deceitfully; commit an error | 錯誤; 重耽; 重錯
tengtviuo | chief justice; superintendent | 庭長
tengtviuu | on stage | 豋場
tengzaix | to carry; to publish; be inserted (in a newspaper); carry an article (in a periodical newspaper); publish (a news story) | 登載; 重再; 重新
tengzef | tincture | 酊劑
tengzexng | to revise; to correct | 訂正
tengzhay | riddles put on transparent lanterns at the doors of scholars; puzzles written on lanterns | 燈猜
tengzhefng | defecation; clarify; clarification; muddy water settles | 澄清
tengzherng | submit an accusation, appeal, petition | 重請; 呈請
tengzhud | publish | 登出
tengzhutsix | be born again | 重出世
tengzhøe | try to find it back | 重尋
tengzvoar | small saucer lamp | 燈盞
tengzø | table lamp’s base | 燈座
terngbeeng | make it clear | 定明
terngheng | sulky and resentful (child; refusing to obey because it has been beaten) | 賭氣; 慍怒
texheeng | terrain; topography; E26494lay of the land | 地形
texhngf hengzexng | local administration | 地方行政
texleeng | earth spirit | 地靈
texng teng'ar | drive a nail; nail a nail; fix in place with a nail | 釘釘仔
texngbeeng | make a treaty; conclude or sign a treaty of alliance | 訂盟
texngheeng | fix a pattern, establish a pattern | 定形
texngteng | hard | 硬硬
texpengsvoax | horizon | 地平線
thaeiongleeng | solar energy | 太陽能
thaepeeng | peace; peaceful | 太平
thaepeeng-kefng | morgue, mortuary | 太平間
thaepeng'mngg | an exit | 太平門
thaepeng'viuterng | on the Pacific Ocean | 太平洋頂
thaepengkefng | morgue | 太平間
thaepengmngg | exit; exit in public buildings; especially those leading to fire escapes | 太平門
thaepengsvoaf | peaceful mountain | 太平山
thaikef nar tiøh eng gutøf | Why use a cattle knife to kill a chicken? ─ Great talent can be used for better purpose or for greater results | 殺雞焉用牛刀
thaikoaan tengkix | registration of a loan | 抵押權登記
thaisenghak | embryology | 胎生學
thaix-bø'eeng | too busy | 太無閒
thaixbeng | await orders | 待命
thamzaai haixbeng | to kill for money; commit murder for money; to lose one's life through the pursuit of wealth | 貪財害命
thang'afzeeng | in the front of the window | 窗仔前
thaobeeng | trasparent; transparency; clarity | 透明
thaobengthea | transparent body | 透明體
tharmbeeng | to ferret out | 探明
tharn'eeng | take advantage of leisure time | 賺閒; 趁閒
tharnciaqkeng'ar | brothel | 趁食間仔
thaukhag teng | robust and vigorous (child); a child's robust state of health; conferred through the protective care of the idols | 健康聰明; (祝賀詞)
thaukhag thviax cidpeeng | migraine headache | 偏頭痛
thaukhak'heeng | head shape | 頭殼型
thaumngheeng | hair style | 頭毛形
thauseng'ee | in the front | 頭先的
thauzeeng | ahead; front; previous; in front | 前面; 頭前; 前頭
thauzengkhie | front teeth | 頭前齒
thauzengmngg | front door or gate | 頭前門
thauzengpaai | front row | 頭前排
thauzengthafng | front window | 頭前窗
thauzengtviaa | front yard | 頭前埕
thaxn-uxeeng | avail oneself of the leisure time | 趁有空
theaheeng | retrun | 退還
theateeng | retire from the courtroom | 退庭
theeng cidkheg | wait a moment | 停一刻
theeng | stop; submit; present; or hand in (to a superior); to show (a manifest; expose); a petition or appeal | 停; 呈
theeng-khapo | stop walking | 停腳步; 止步
theeng`cide | wait a second | 停一下
theerng'thengtheeng | extremely straight | 挺挺挺
thefheeng | body shape | 體形
thefleeng | physical agility; stamina | 體能
thefngseng | indulge and spoil (a child); let an inferior have too much of his own way | 寵倖; 放縱; 寵溺
thekbeng | imperial decree | 提命; 命令
theng'ar | shortly | 停仔; 停一會兒; 無久; 等一會兒
theng'iet | hand in for inspection; submit (to a superior or higher agency) for perusal | 呈閱
theng'iong | deactivate | 停用
theng'oan | defer; put off | 停緩
theng'øh | stop learning | 停學
thengbea | stop a horse | 停馬
thengbuun | official letter to a higher agency (from a lower agency or from the people); petition; appeal | 呈文
thengchiaf | park; pull up a car; parking; stop a vehicle; park a carbelay; breakup; cease; desist; discontinue; cease; to stop | 停車
thengchiaf-tviuu | parking area, parking lot | 停車場
thengchiaf-zam | bus stop | 停車站
thengchiahuix | parking fee | 停車費
thengchiatviuu | parking lot | 停車場
thengchiaui | parking space | 停車位
thengchiuo | stop working; writing; fighting | 停手; 住手
thengcid | suspension from office (duty); be suspended from one's office | 停職
thengcie kunsu hengtong | cease military operations | 停止軍事行動
thengcie paxnkofng | suspend public business on an occasion of celebration | 停止辦公
thengcie | balk; baulk; cease; to stop; belay; breakup; cease; desist; discontinue; cease; to stop | 停止
thengcie-putcieen | stagnant | 停止無前
thengciexn hiabteng | truce; armistice | 停戰協定
thengciexn | armistice; suspension of hostilities; cease fire | 停戰
thengcioxng | hard of hearing, hearing impaired | 聽障
thengcy | suspend payments | 停支
thenggiap | give up a business | 停業
thenghak | to drop out of school temporarily (for a year or more) | 停學
thenghea | cease fire | 停火
thenghefng | throw out one's chest | 挺胸
thenghien | to appear, to present, to show | 停現
thenghiexn | to present (to a superior) | 呈獻
thenghiøq | stop work, rest | 停歇
thenghoe | suspend a meeting | 停會
thenghoea | Cease fire! | 停火
thenghong | stop; suspend the salary of an employee | 停俸
thenghuun | fly | 騰雲
thenghuun-karbu | mount the clouds; as gods do | 騰雲駕霧
thenghux | refuse advances; suspend payment | 停付
thengkafng | stop work for a time | 停工
thengkhaf | rest for a short time | 歇腳; 停跤; 停腳
thengkhafn | suspend publication temporarily | 停刊
thengkhie | rise (mist, etc.) | 停起; 騰起
thengkhofng | to fly in the sky; soar; mount up high in the sky | 騰空
thengkhuix | hold one's breath | 停氣; 停止呼吸
thengkhuxn | recess; repose; rest; relaxation; take a break; to pause for a short time | 停睏; 休息
thengkhøx | suspend classes; have a holiday | 停課
thengkiao | to submit, to hand in | 呈繳
thengkiu | coffin containing a corpse awaiting interment; keep a coffin unburied | 停柩
thengkiø | stop the sedan | 停轎
thengkoaan | stop the power | 停權
thengkoafn | keep a coffin unburied; waiting till an auspicious site or day be found | 停棺
thengkud | thigh bone | 大腿骨; 股骨
thenglek | hearing; audition; ear | 聽力
thengliuu | stay; lay over; make a stop; to stop (at a certain stage); to delay | 停留
thenglui-hoarhabbut | hydrocarbons (chemistry) | 停留化合物; 烴類化合物; 碳氫化合物
thengløqlaai | stop here | 停落來
thengpan | suspend (business or school); suspend handling something | 停辦
thengparn | suspend publication | 停版
thengpid | stop writing | 停筆
thengpo | stop | 停步
thengpok | berth; moor; cast anchor; in port | 停泊
thengpox | close down | 停播
thengpurn | tenor; transcript; copy; official copy of a document | 謄本
thengpøx | to (submit a) report | 呈報
thengsaxng | to send up, to submit to | 呈送
thengseg | process; program; formula; standard form or pattern; standard procedures | 程式
thengsiafparn | duplicator, silk screen duplicator | 謄寫板; 油印機
thengsinkefng | auditory nerve | 聽神經
thengsiong | submit | 呈上
thengsoaq | stop, cease | 停煞
thengsu | sequence; procedure; process; program; order | 程序
thengsurn | stop loss | 停損
thengsyn jii zhud | thrust oneself out to face a challenge | 挺身而出
thengsyn | stop or suspend payment to an employee; stop payment of salary | 停薪; 挺身
thengtheeng | straighten | 挺挺
thengthiefn iubeng | We can only submit to the decree of Heaven | 聽天由命]
thengthix | deadlock; rust; slacken; stagnate; stand | 停滯
thengtien | power failure; blackout; cut off the power supply | 停電
thengtit | straighten | 挺直
thengtiøh | heard | 聽著
thengto | degree; tune; grade; extent; stage; state; condition; standard; required qualification; attainments | 程度
thengtuxn | caesura; paralysis; standstill; to pause; to stop; wait a while; setback; stagnation; deadlock | 停頓
thengzaux | performance | 呈奏
thengzherng | it is requested that...; apply for an appointment or position (a phrase used in official communication to a higher agency to introduce a request); petition | 呈請
thengzuie | out of water | 停水
thengzun'afhuix | ship parking fee | 停船仔費
thetefng iuheeng | torch light procession | 提燈遊行
thezeeng | in advance | 提前
thiabseeng | stack | 疊成
thiahbeeng | explain one's meaning clearly (by speaking more fully of what was merely alluded to) | 分析; 闡明; 說明
thiamzeng | quiet and reserved | 添靜; 恬靜
thiauciexn heng'uii | provocative actions | 挑戰行為
thiaux pheng koaan | try who can jump highest | 比跳高
thiauxpeeng | pilaster, half-pillar | 柱半; 捱壁柱
thienbeeng | clear sky | 天明
thienbeng | heavenly mandate; fate; destiny; will or decree of Heaven | 天命
thiengaai haykag | faraway; distant or remote places; the ends of the earth | 天涯海角
thiengaai | skyline; the horizon; the ends of the earth | 天涯
thiengoa iwthiefn | Outer space is infinite. (a reproach toward a person claiming to be perfect) | 天外有天
thiengoa | firmament; outer space | 天外
thiengøjioong | velvet; velvety | 天鵝絨
thiengøo | swan; wild swan | 天鵝; 鵠
thienha thaepeeng | universal peace | 天下太平
thienhux zaileeng | natural ability | 天賦才能
thienkengtexgi | justified | 天經地義
thienpeeng | balance; scale; forehead | 天平; 前額
thienpengzhvehø | Libra asterisk | 天秤星號
thienpheeng | scales such as are used for weighing gold; silver | 天秤
thiensefng zengbiin | Heaven produced all people | 天生蒸民
thienseng'ar | born | 天生仔
thienteeng | palace of God; heaven | 天庭; 天廷
thiettea tengzhefng | clarify a matter thoroughly; make a thorough investigation of (a case) | 徹底澄清
thiheeng | flogging, lushing | 鐵刑; 笞刑
thihteng'ar | nails | 鐵釘仔
thihtengbarn | claw hammer | 鐵釘挽
thihtenggveq | claw hammer | 鐵釘夾
thiofngseng | to bring up a child indulgently, to spoil | 寵壞; 寵倖
thiongzeeng | heartfelt emotion | 衷情
thiusiong bengsuu | abstract nouns | 抽象名詞
thiuzuyzaxmzeeng | in front of pumping station | 抽水站前
thiøbeeng | explanation, write a supplementary explanation on a document | 提明; 註明
thiøchiwpeeng | the 64th radical (the hand); written at the side | 提手旁; (部首)
thoanbeng | proclaim, transmit an order | 傳命
thoanleng | to deliver or give orders; command convection; deliver or give orders; a dispatcher | 傳令
thoanseeng | inherited | 傳承
thoanthea hengtong | collective action | 團體行動
thoanthea lyheeng | traveling in a party | 團體旅行
thoanthea seng'oah | group life | 團體生活
thoanthea zengsiin | team spirit | 團體精神
thofbok kangtheeng | civil engineering; construction projects | 土木工程
thofbok kangthengsw | civil engineer | 土木工程師
thofngzex kengzex | planned economy; controlled economy (archaic) | 統制經濟
thofte zengtadsøex | land value increment tax; tax levied on increment of land value | 土地增值稅
tholangkeng'ar | place of hand mill for cleaning rice; separating husk and kernel room | 碾米間仔
tholeeng | a species of marine eel | 土龍
thong'eng | be current, in general use | 通用; 通用的
thong'hag'seng | day pupils | 通學生
thongchipleng | warrant for the arrest of a criminal | 通緝令
thongcibleng | warrant for the arrest of a criminal | 通緝令
thongheeng hoeapex | current currency | 通行貨幣
thongheeng | passing; transit; traffic; commonly practiced | 通行
thongheeng-zexng | a pass, a safe-conduct, traveling permit | 通行證
thonghengkoaan | the right to travel; freedom of movement | 通行權
thonghengsøex | a toll | 通行稅
thonghengzexng | pass | 通行證
thonghoex phengtioxng | inflation (in economics) | 通貨膨脹
thongleng | communicate orders; issue a circular order | 通令
thorzhud cinzeeng | speak out the exact truth; say just what one thinks or the straight facts of the case | 吐出真情
thotauxpeeng | peanut | 塗豆爿
thuiheeng kokgie | to advocate the use of the national language (Mandarin) | 推行國語
thuiheeng | push; promote (a scheme); carry into operation what has already been decided | 推行
thuihengjiin | promoter | 推行人
thuiteng | to conclude | 推定
thviabeeng | listen in detail, hear clearly | 聽明; 聽清楚
thviabeng | to obey, to submit to, to be doclie | 聽命
thviaf-bøbeeng | not able fully to make it out or understand it | 聽沒清
thviaf-bøe bengpek | I don't quite understand; I did not hear clearly; cannot understand (what the other is talking about); cannot hear well or comprehend | 聽無明白
thviaf-bøexbeeng | unable to hear distinctly or clearly | 聽無清
thvoaheeng | pay by installments; to return in portions; installment plan | 攤還
thvy zhengzhefng | clear sky; a cloudless sky | 天清清
thwzeeng | to express one's feeling | 抒情
thwzeeng-sy | lyric poetry, a lyric | 敘情詩; 抒情詩
thwzengsy | lyric poetry | 抒情詩; 敘情詩
thøafheeng | peech shape | 桃仔形
thøeaheeng | reimbursement | 退還
thøfseng'oah | make a living | 討生活
thøfzeeng | ask for a favor or kindness for another; ask for forgiveness | 求情; 討人情
thør jinzeeng | request a favor or kindness for another; (a person who has some influence or claim on the person asked) makes a request | 討人情
thørbeeng | transparent, transparency | 透明
tiabeeng | written clear statement on one's case | 喋明
tiafmgoaxzengkuo | over an hour | 點外鐘久
tiafmtengkatzhae | light up | 點燈結綵
tiafmthiq sengkym | transform common metal into gold ─ make a poor writing into a literary masterpiece by skillful retouching | 點鐵成金
tiafmzeng | hour | 點鐘
tiafmzeng'ar | an hour | 點鐘仔
tiaobeng | summons, divine calls | 調鳴; 召命
tiaoteng'afhoef | chandelier | 吊燈仔花
tiarmteng'ar | shop | 店亭仔
tiaukae hoatteeng | court arbitrator | 調解法庭
tiaukeng'iøh | emmenagogues; medicines that promote the menstrual flow | 調經藥
tiauleng segkae | issue an order in the morning and change it in the evening ─ change rules very frequently | 朝令夕改
tiauteeng | ancient government; court (of a sovereign); imperial court | 朝廷; 朝庭
tiautheeng | mediate; to compromise; reconcile; adjust; instigate a quarrel | 調停
tiauzateeng | investigation chamber | 調查庭
tiauzeeng | flirt; to play at love; dally with | 調情
tiaxmtiaxmzexngzeng | quite | 恬恬靜靜
tiaxmzeng | quiet; still; silent; calm; placid; serene; peaceful; tranquil; not fond of gaiety or amusement | 恬靜; 安靜
tiaxmzeng'ar | very quiet | 恬靜仔
tiaxmzexngzeng | very quiet | 恬靜靜
tibwleng'ar | sow tax | 豬母奶仔
tibøfleng'ar | sow milk | 豬母奶仔
tidciab hengtong | direct action | 直接行動
tidkag svakak'heeng | right angled triangle | 直角三角形
tidsengkvoaf | officer on duty for the week | 值星官
tidsengky | helicopter | 直升機
tidsvoax-heeng | linear | 直線形
tiebeng serngjiin | holy martyrs (Catholic) | 致命聖人
tiebeng | mortal wound; weak point; the major cause that makes failure inevitable | 致命
tiefnheeng | model; pattern; typical example | 典型
tiehuixheeng | smart style | 智慧型
tieleeng ke | mental retardation | 智能低
tieleeng zhekgiam | IQ test; intelligence test | 智能測驗
tieleeng | intellect; intelligence; brain power; intelligence and capability; knowledge and ability | 智能; 知能
tielenghoan | an intellectual crime | 智能犯
tiexn'oe-teeng | telephone booth | 電話亭
tiexn'oexteeng | telephone booth | 電話亭
tiexnky kangtheeng | electrical engineering | 電機工程
tiexnleeng | a buzzer; teleseme; an electric bell; door bell | 電鈴
tiexnpengsviw | refrigerator | 電冰箱
tiexnsi bengsefng | TV star | 電視明星
tiexnteng | bottom; set up; lay a foundation and consolidate it; to settle | 奠定
tiexnviar bengsefng | movie star | 電影明星
tiexnzengthea | transistor | 電晶體
tihteng | titrate; titration | 滴定
tikawzengsvef | pigs, dogs, and beasts | 豬狗精牲
tikie ee peng'iuo | very intimate friends | 知己的朋友
timzeng | quiet; calm | 沈靜
tinpengzex | conscription system (as distinct from the volunteer system) | 徵兵制
tinzeeng | petition; give a full statement or account of a situation; petition; appeal | 陳情
tinzeeng-sw | appeal (document) | 陳述書; 陳情書
tinzengpiør | sentiment table | 陳情表
tinzengsw | document explaining state of affairs (when wronged; or putting forward new proposals) | 陳情書
tiofngseeng | to grow to manhood; to grow into; grown; development; grow into | 長成; 成長
tiofngtai sengjiin | be grown up | 長大成人
tiofngzuo keasengkoaan | right of inheritance (of the eldest son); primogeniture | 長子繼承權
tiongbeng huokuix | May you live long and be successful ! | 長命富貴
tiongheeng | medium | 中型
tiongseeng | faithful and sincere | 忠誠
tiongsengtai | Mesozoic | 中生代
tioxnglaam khengluo | honoring men and despising women | 重男輕女
tioxngzeeng | passionate | 重情
tioxngzheng | care appearance | 重穿
tirnteng | self-composed; calm; cool; presence of mind; to soothe; to calm; settle down | 鎮定
tirnzeng | imperturbable; composed; calm; cool; collected; self-possessed | 鎮靜
tirnzeng-zef | tranquilizer | 鎮靜劑
tithaupeeng | mumps | 腮腺炎
tiuo'ia penghwn | equinox | 晝夜平分
tixnzeeng | front of a battle, front line | 陣前
tizeeng | be aware of (usually referring to a secret; plot); be in the know | 知情
tiøqeng | use it | 著用
tng'eeng | long prosperity | 長榮
tngf zhengzhwn | in one's youth; in young adulthood | 正青春時
tnghongheeng | rectangle; an oblong; rectangular | 長方形
tngkøheeng | long rod shape | 長篙形
tngliauheeng | long strip | 長條形
tngrhengkharm | beat the breast | 頓胸坎
tngtoo-huiheeng | long distance flight | 長途飛行
tngtoo-lyheeng | long journey; long distance travel | 長途旅行
tngtuheeng | long strip | 長株形
tngzeeng | in front of hall | 堂前
toa-koanleeng | almighty, all-powerful | 大權能
toa-tek'heng | virtue | 大德行
toa-unzeeng | debt of gratitude | 大恩情
toa-zhengsaux | great clearance; general cleaning; clean the whole house | 大清掃
toarnteng | to conclude; to judge; to decide; determine; decide; settle; conclude; to judge; draw a conclusion | 斷定
toaxheeng | large scale | 大型
toaxkateeng | big family | 大家庭
toaxlienbeeng | big alliance | 大聯盟
toaxnteng | to judge, to determine, to decide, to conclude | 斷定
toaxpeeng | side of honor; the right hand side; the larger half | 大邊; 大爿; 右邊
toaxpvoaa-senglie | wholesale business | 大盤生意; 批發生意
toaxsengsefng | gorilla | 大猩猩
toaxzhengchiu | large banyan | 大榕樹
toeazeeng-toea'au | follow about everywhere; a small child following closely before and after its mother | 跟前跟後; 孩子硬纏著母親
toeazengtoea'au | follow closely | 綴前綴後
toex laang liuheeng | follow new fashions | 趕時髦
toexheeng | terrain | 地形
tofbeng | try to overcome someone else | 賭命
togheeng | malicious conduct | 毒行
togkaf keng'eeng | engage in a line of business without competition | 獨家經營
toglip zengsiin | spirit of independence; independent minded | 獨立精神
togsengzuo | only son (of a family); the Only begotten Son | 獨生子
togtoaxn-togheeng | decide and act on one's own; act arbitrarily | 獨斷獨行
toheeng | figure; logo; graphics; plane (solid; geometrical) figure; sketch; contour; outline | 圖形; 徒刑
tong'eeng | East ocean | 東瀛
tongbeeng | a league; an alliance; union; alliance; league; confederacy; allied by treaty | 同盟
tongbeeng-kog | allied nations | 同盟國
tongbengkog | allied nations; ally; confederated states | 同盟國
tongheeng | accompany | 同行
tongleng kiuozex | relief of the poor during winter months | 冬令救濟
tongleng | winter time; winter months | 冬令
tongzeeng | to sympathize; to be in sympathy with; feel pity for; compassion; sympathize; be in sympathy with; have sympathy for | 同情
tongzengluo | virginity; a virgin | 童貞女
tongzengsym | sympathy; compassion; pity | 同情心
totheeng | a totem | 圖騰
toxlioxngheeng | weights and measures, lengths, capacity and weight | 度量橫
toxng'goanleng | order for mobilization | 動員令
toxngzeng | sign of action; in motion or at rest; movement and repose; action | 動靜
toxteng | very confident; assured; determinately; species of lizard | 杜定; 篤定; 蜥蜴
tuiepeeng | opposite side | 對反
tuiheeng | recover (what has been taken away illicitly) | 追還
tuii hengkharm | beat one's breast with the fist in grief or displeasure; especially grief for one's own folly or on failing to use a good opportunity | 搥胸坎
tuixheeng | formation | 隊形
tukawzengsvy | pig and dog animal | 豬狗精牲
tuobeeng | distinguished, well-known | 著明; 著名
tuthaupeeng | pig head | 豬頭爿
tuxnheeng | to become invisible; to vanish; hide | 遁形
tvafphau putpeeng | help victims of injustice; try to redress an injustice to the weak | 打抱無平
tvarzeeng | carry the front | 擔前
tviabeeng | written clear statement on one's case | 呈明
tviuzheng | to dress a deceased person in the clothes prepared for burial | 張穿; (為死者穿壽衣)
tvizeeng-bidix | tender affection or love between a man and a woman | 甜情蜜意
tvoateeng | of one fold or thickness of material; one ply | 單層
tvoatheeng | one-way | 單停; 單程
tvoazeeng | before the altar | 壇前
tøeazeeng-tøea'au | follow closely | 隨前隨後
tøex-liuheeng | follow the fashion | 隨流行; 綴流行; 學時髦
tøexheeng | topography; geography | 地形
tøexpengsvoax | the horizon | 地平線
tøhzeeng | in front of desk | 桌前
tøkak'heeng | polygon | 多角形
tøkoarn engsu | be a meddlesome busybody; poke one's nose into other people's business | 多管閒事
tøpvy-heeng | a polygon | 多邊形
tørchiuo-peeng | left side | 左手邊; 倒手爿; 左邊
tørchiwpeeng | left hand side | 倒手邊
tørpeeng | left hand side | 左邊; 倒爿
tøsengmngg | emergency exit | 逃生門
tøsox zarnseeng | majority approved | 多數贊成
tøteeng | multiple | 多層; 多重
tøxheng | capability | 道行
tøzeeng | to relieve one's feeling; affectionate; emotional | 多情; 熱情
u hengthea`ee | corporeal | 有形體的
u kenggiam | experienced; have had the experience of | 有經驗
u-bengbok | clear | 有名目; 清楚
u-heng'viar | having form or shape, material or physical | 有形影
u-kenggiam | experienced | 有經驗
u-leng'exng | efficacious and powerful (god) | 有靈應; 有靈驗
u-leng'uy | majestic and powerful (god) | 有靈威
u-lenglek | capable, able | 有能力
u-lengsviax | efficacious and powerful (god) | 有靈聖; 有靈驗
u-loxeng | useful | 有路用; 有用
u-sideng | useful | 有實用
u-zaileeng | gifted | 有才能
ud laang ee jinzeeng | put on value on other's kindness | 抹殺人的好意
uibeeng | prestige | 威名
uibeng | last will and testament, dying wishes | 遺命; 違命; 遺囑
uiheeng | majestic manner | 威形; 態度威嚴; 威行
uikhoxng bexngleng | disobey orders | 違抗命令
uileeng | prestige | 威靈
uileng | disobey orders | 違令
uilengtien | prestige hall | 威靈殿
uisengsox | vitamin; vitamin | 維生素
uithabeng | vitamin | 維他命
uixbeeng-uixli | for fame and wealth | 為名為利
uixkog tiebeng | risk life for one's country | 為國致命
uixsengti | sanitary chopsticks | 衛生箸
un'ar thvoaheeng | pay a debt gradually by installments | 勻仔攤還; 慢慢的攤還
unzeeng | favor; grace; debt of gratitude | 恩情
unzenglaang | benefactor | 恩情人
uxeeng | have leisure time, have free time | 有閒; 有空
uxeng | useful | 有用
uxengbøo | are you available? | 有閒無
uxheeng | impregnated; capable of being fertilized | 有形; 已受精
uxloxeng | useful | 有路用
uxnheeng | to function; circulation; revolves around; (a planet or satellite) moves in orbit | 運行
uxntong-zengsiin | sportsmanship | 運動精神
uxseeng | look like, similar in appearance | 有成
uxteng | subscribe or order in advance | 預訂; 預定
uxzeeng | affected by love; have a tender feeling for one of the opposite sex; sympathetic; benevolent; merciful | 有情
uxzeeng-uxgi | having affection and faith | 有情有義
uxzengjiin | passionate | 有情人
uxzenglaang | passionate | 有情人
uybeng | appointed | 委命
uzeeng | public Opinion | 輿情
viafpheeng | film criticism or evaluation; movie reviews | 影評
viheeng | circular shape; spherical shape; circular; round in shape | 圓形
vikho'afheeng | round shape | 圓箍仔形
vixleeng | talent | 異能
voa lengkhie | change baby teeth for the permanent set | 換牙; 換乳齒
voaxpeeng | change sides, turn inside out | 換爿; 換邊
wnbeeng | conceal one's name | 隱名
wnheeng | invisible | 隱形
wnheeng-bagkviax | contact lens | 隱形目鏡
wnkengciøf | a type of banana | 隱弓蕉
wnsexng-baibeeng | conceal one's real name; live as a hermit | 隱姓埋名
wnteng | stable; stabilize; firm; stable | 穩定
wnzeeng | secrets; secret feelings; hidden matters; things which cannot be revealed to others | 隱情
wtiu-huiheeng-oaan | an astronaut, a cosmonaut, a spaceman | 宇宙飛行員
y-sit-zu-heeng | clothing; food; housing; and transportation | 衣食住行
yseeng ee suxsit | accomplished fact; fait accompli | 已成的事實
ysi kongpeeng | show fairness or impartiality | 以示公平
yteng | settle | 已定
yzeeng | before; previously; formerly; ago; ago; before; previous to; formerly; in former times | 以前
zabeeng | investigate and clarify; examine; search into | 查明
zabji-kenglo | twelve meridians and collaterals | 十二經絡
zabofpeng'iuo | girl friend | 查某朋友
zabor-peng'iuo | lady friend; girl friend | 查某朋友
zad teq eng | economize | 省著用
zaesengphirn | reproduction; reclamation | 再生品
zafmtng zengsy | put an end to a love affair or relationship (Lit. cut off the threads of love) | 斬斷情絲
zafzeeng | formerly; long ago; formerly; in early times; previously | 早前; 從前; 以前
zaibeeng | know clearly | 知明; 確知
zaileeng | ability; capability; talent; capacities | 才能
zaixthiefn-cy-leeng | in the heaven | 在天之靈
zaizeeng zhafmtiong | situation in an afflicted area is serious; a lot of heavy damage | 災情慘重
zaizeeng | ability; talent; extent of a disaster or calamity | 才幹; 才情; 才能; 災情
zakengpafn | Bible class | 查經班
zaobengkhiog | sonata | 奏鳴曲
zaokhazeeng | in front of kitchen | 灶跤前
zaozeeng | in front of stove | 灶前
zapopeng'iuo | male friend | 查埔朋友
zarnkenglai | in the warehouse | 棧間內
zarnseeng | approve; support; approbation; support; approval; agree with | 贊成
zarnsengciar | pros | 贊成者
zarnsengphaix | pros | 贊成派
zaupeeng | succeed in suppressing a rebellion | 剿平
zawheeng | out of shape; lose shape | 走形; 走樣; 變型
zaxbeeng | grasshopper; locust | 蚱蜢
zeaseeng | production | 製成
zeateeng | production process | 製程
zeateng hoatlut | institute laws | 制定法律
zeateng kuizeg | institute regulations | 制定規則
zeateng | establish; enact; draft; enact; institute; enactment | 制定
zeeng chym su hae | Love is as deep as the sea (usually said of parental love) | 情深似海
zeeng iuo khøfgoan | pardonable; excusable; under extenuating circumstances | 情有可原
zeeng kib tix sefng | Good ideas come at times of crisis | 情急智生
zeeng pud zuxkixm | seized with an impulse; feel an irresistible impulse | 情無自禁
zeeng taau ix hap | be congenial; agree in tastes and temperament | 情投意合
zeeng toong chiwciog | be attached to each other like brothers | 情同手足
zeeng | front; forward; previous; former; preceding; future; to advance; proceed; to progress; precede | 前; 以前; 情
zeeng-cidaxm | previous night | 前一晚
zeeng-cidjit | previous day | 前一日
zeeng-kaotvaf | up to present, until now | 前至今; 從到今; 目前為止
zeeng-kuyjit | several days ago | 前幾日
zeeng-lefpaix | last week | 前禮拜
zeeng-mimii | passionately in love | 情綿綿
zeeng`sii | in the past | 前時; 以前
zefngheeng goaxkhøf | plastic surgery | 整形外科
zefngheeng | improve the shape or appearance | 整形; 整型
zefngzok kekbeng | racial revolution | 種族革命
zefngzok pengterng | equality of all races | 種族平等
zegzeng | quite | 寂靜
zekløo sengcit | fall sick from persistent overwork | 積勞成疾
zekseeng | blame; responsibility; accumulation of virtue or good character; instruct | 責成; 責任
zeksiao sengtøf | Saving little by little will ensure abundance. (Lit. Many a pickle (little) makes a mickle (much) | 積少成多
zekzuie sengtii | The ocean is made up of many drops of water | 積水成池
zeng ie zex tong | beat action by inaction | 靜以制動
zeng | add to; to increase | 增; 靜; 阱; 淨; 贈; 靖
zeng'afng | former husband | 前夫
zeng'afsviaf | bell sound | 鐘仔聲
zeng'aix | love between man and woman | 情愛; 愛情
zeng'aq | former | 前啊
zeng'ar | hand bell | 鐘仔; 小的鈴
zeng'au | about certain date; fore and after | 前後
zeng'axm | last night | 前夜; 前晚
zeng'e | ago | 前下; 從前
zeng'eeng | crystal | 晶瑩
zeng'efng | elite | 菁英; 精英
zeng'ek | sperm; animal semen | 精液
zeng'ia | eve; night before last | 前夜
zeng'iaam | refined salt; table salt | 精鹽
zeng'iah | front station | 前驛
zeng'iaux | essentials; fundamentals | 精要
zeng'ieen | predestined ties | 前緣
zeng'iog | old commitment | 前約
zeng'iok | sensual desire; lust; carnal appetite | 情慾
zeng'iong | to requisition | 徵用
zeng'irn | to cite | 徵引
zeng'iuu | essential oil; to refine oil | 精油; 情由
zeng'ix bienbieen | long lasting love expressing itself in a subdued but sweet form | 情意綿綿
zeng'ix | affection | 情意
zeng'oaan | increase of the personnel or staff | 增員
zeng'oan | send reinforcements; build up troop level | 增援
zeng'oaxn | grievances | 情怨
zeng'oe | romantic word | 情話
zeng'vi | front yard; monk institute | 前院; 僧院
zeng'viaa | fort in the frontier | 前營
zeng'vii | pound rounded | 舂圓
zeng-kaotvaf | until now | 從到今; 迄今
zengbang | web of emotion; bonds of love; the tender trap; love's web | 情網
zengbeeng toadli | contest for fame and riches | 爭名奪利
zengbeeng | artful; canny; heady; prudent; clever and smart | 精明
zengbiau | exquisite; exquisiteness; fine; subtle; ingenious; elaborate | 精妙
zengbidto | precision | 精密度
zengbie | pounding rice grain to separate grain shell from rice; delicately pretty; elegant and refined | 舂米; 精美; 搗米
zengbii | subtlety | 精微
zengbin | front; friendship; face; social obligation what is due to a person in view of his social status | 前面; 情面
zengbit ee kiafmzaf | close examination | 精密的檢查
zengbit ee kikhix | precise instrument or machine | 精密的機器
zengbit kanggiap | precision manufacture | 精密工業
zengbit | accurate; delicacy; exact; precision | 精密
zengbo | to enlist, to conscript | 精募; 徵募
zengbor | former wife; former wife of a man who has remarried | 前妻; 前某
zengboxngkhoxng | elbow one's way; barge about | 撞妄控; 亂闖; 橫衝直撞
zengbuun | to solicit for an article or essay, call for a paper | 徵文
zengbøar | the pounding utensil with a sunken middle. | 舂磨仔
zengchib | examine and arrest | 偵緝
zengchiuo | front claws | 前手
zengchym | strong affection; warm hearted; affectionate; loving; tender; kindly; deeply attached | 情深
zengciar | former | 前者
zengcib | argument; conflict; disagreement; dispute; feud; embroilment; contest; argue or dispute obstinately; to wrangle | 爭執
zengcied | circumstance; chastity; pure; chaste (used of women) | 貞節; 情節
zengciexn | fight in battle | 征戰; 爭戰
zengcixn | increment; further; improve; dedicate oneself to progress; devote oneself to improvement | 增進; 前進; 精進
zenggi | disputable; dispute; argue | 爭議; 情義
zenggiah | increase | 增額
zenggieen | preface | 贈言; 前言
zenggiern | comminution | 精研
zenggii | friendly sentiments | 情誼
zenggoan | perfectly willing; voluntarily | 情願
zenggogbok | bole tree | 鐘萼木
zenghablie | reasonable | 情合理
zenghae | deep love | 情海
zengheeng | condition; circumstances; situation; the state of affairs (things) | 情形
zenghengha | situation | 情形下
zenghied | enrich blood | 精血
zenghioong | strive for supremacy | 爭雄
zenghoaa | quintessence; essential and ornamental; the cream or choicest parts of literature; the essence; the flower of scholarship; chivalry | 精華
zenghoaai | feeling | 情懷
zenghoad | vaporization; evaporeate | 蒸發
zenghoat | crusade against; battle; a punitive military action | 征伐
zenghoattiau | evaporate | 蒸發掉
zenghoee | last time; the previous time | 前回
zenghofng | fight for the appearance | 爭風
zenghog | increase | 增幅
zenghogciar | conqueror | 征服者
zenghok zuxjieen | conquer nature | 征服自然
zenghok | conquer; conquest; crush; subjugate; subjugation | 征服
zenghok-ciar | a conqueror | 征服者
zenghongciaqzhox | jealous | 爭風食醋
zenghongtaoiam | fight for beauty | 爭芳鬥豔
zenghorng | condition; circumstances; situation; the state of affairs (things) | 情況
zenghu | mistress; kept woman; mistress | 情婦
zenghun | friendly feelings; good intention | 情份
zenghw | paramour of a married woman | 情夫
zenghwn kieliam | crystal (the 15th) wedding anniversary | 晶婚紀念
zenghør | pound well | 舂好
zengjiao | front claws | 前爪
zengjiin | predecessor; lover; sweat heart; sweetheart; lover | 前人; 情人
zengjim | former; predecessor in office | 前任
zengjin'oo | lover lake | 情人湖
zengjinkiøo | lover bridge | 情人橋
zengjit | a few days before; the other day; several days ago | 前日; 前幾天
zengkad | complex | 情結
zengkaf sengsarn | increase of production | 增加生產; 增產
zengkaf | increase; add; enhance; increase; add to | 增加; 僧伽; 和尚
zengkalut | rate of increase | 增加率
zengkarm chiongtong | emotional impulse; outburst of emotion | 情感衝動
zengkarm | feelings; emotions; sensibility; emotion; sensibility; affection | 情感
zengkefng | previously; in the past | 曾經
zengkerng | scene; scene; a sight | 情景; 情境
zengkhaf | front hoof; front paw | 前腳
zengkhafn | supplement of a newspaper; an expanded edition on holidays or Sundays | 增刊
zengkhag | precise | 精確
zengkhar | exquisite; exquisiteness; fine; subtle; ingenious; elaborate | 精巧
zengkhie | front teeth; incisors | 前齒; 門牙
zengkhiesiin | spirit | 精氣神
zengkhix siautok | disinfect with steam | 蒸汽消毒
zengkhix | steam; vapor; strive to excel | 蒸氣; 爭氣
zengkhofng | blue sky | 晴空
zengkhog | forehead | 前酷; 前額高突
zengkhog-auxkhog | protruding forehead and black of the head | 前酷後酷; 前額後額都突出
zengkhu | cup shape device used to pounder grain; mortar for pounding rice or dough; cotyle | 舂臼; 春臼
zengkhuafkviar | mortar | 舂臼仔囝
zengkhuar | mortar | 舂臼仔
zengkhuxthuii | pestle for a large rice mortar worked by hand | 舂臼錘; 舂杵; 舂槌
zengkhuy | to get free with force | 征開; 爭開
zengkhw | forerunner, vanguard, precursor | 前驅
zengkhøx | previous lesson | 前課; 前一課
zengkiab | lover | 情俠
zengkiarm | increase or decrease | 增減
zengkib | urgent | 征急; ?急
zengkied | chaste, pure, chastity, purity | 貞節; 貞潔
zengkietgoan | vow of chastity (Catholic) | 貞節願
zengkiexn | make additional structures | 增建
zengkii | former period | 前期
zengkioong torsexng | desire to excel over others; fight for the leading role | 爭強鬥勝
zengkioong | reinforce; strengthen | 增強
zengkoaan toadli | fight for selfish gains; scramble for personal gains | 爭權奪利
zengkoaan | struggle for power | 爭權
zengkoaf | love (amorous) song | 情歌
zengkofng | pricise work | 精工; 增光; 爭光
zengkor | bell and drum | 鐘鼓
zengkuix | last season | 前季
zengkwn | Front Army | 前軍
zengkøex | last time | 前過; 上次
zengkøf | to raise, to heighten | 爭高
zengkør | to solicit contribution of articles | 爭稿; 徵稿
zenglaai | come | 前來
zenglaang | ex lovers | 前人; 情人
zenglaau | bell tower | 鐘樓; 鐘塔
zenglangkviar | stepchild; wife's son by former husband; husband's son by former wife | 前人囝; 前妻或前夫之子女
zengle | precedent | 前例
zengleeng | goblins; ghosts; spirits | 精靈
zenglek oxngseng | very energetic and vigorous; full of vitality | 精力旺盛
zenglek | energy; vigor; stamina; vitality | 精力
zengli | scramble for wealth | 爭利
zenglie lan'ioong | contrary to reason or common sense; absurd | 情理難容
zenglie | sense; chaste woman; a virgin | 情理; 貞女
zengliedsvoax | prostate gland | 前列腺
zenglien | fine; fining; extract; soldiers well drilled in marching procedures; refine oil or metal | 精煉; 精練
zengliet | honest; straightforward; courageous and virtuous; maintain chastity even unto death | 貞烈
zengliin | lover | 情人
zenglim | ex | 前任
zenglioong | very high quality; exquisite; excellent | 精良
zenglit | some days ago | 前日
zengliukhix | a still; a distiller | 蒸溜器
zengliuu | distillation; distill; distillation; distil | 蒸溜; 蒸餾
zengliuzuie | distilled water | 蒸溜水; 蒸餾水
zenglo | front road | 前路
zengloaan | love | 情戀
zengloong | a man being loved by a woman; seminal vesicles | 情郎; 精囊
zenglorng | clearness; fine; shiny; unclouded | 晴朗
zenglu | monk | 僧侶
zenglun | wrangle; dispute; argument; argue | 爭論
zengluo | virgin lady | 貞女
zengløh | front part of a house | 前屋; 前院; 前落; 前房
zengmiaa | to strive for fame, to compete for honor | 爭名
zengmii | last night | 前夜; 前暝
zengmngg | front door or gate | 前門
zengnii | previous year; former year; the previous year | 前年
zengpaai | front row | 前排
zengpae | last time; on a former occasion; last time | 前次; 上一次
zengpafng | last time | 前幫; 前次; 前回
zengpan | investigation | 偵辦
zengpax | vie; stack up against; compete for hegemony among states | 爭霸
zengpefng | high quality soldier; reinforcements | 精兵; 徵兵; 增兵
zengpefng-leng | draft call | 征兵令; 徵兵令
zengpefng-zex | military conscription system | 征兵制; 徵兵制
zengpeh | pure and clean | 精白
zengphexng | to give public notice of vacancies to be filled | 徵聘
zengphirn | exquisite article; article of top quality | 精品
zengphoax | break through | 衝破
zengphoef | love letter | 情批
zengphoex | former wife | 前配
zengphvix | chip | 晶片
zengphvoa | love partner | 情伴
zengphvy | previour article | 前篇
zengphøef | previous letter; love letter | 前批; 情書
zengpien | argue; to debate; to dispute | 爭辯
zengpiet | farewell | 贈別
zengpiøftiaxm | watchmaker's shop | 鐘錶店
zengpiør | clock | 鐘錶
zengpiør-tiam | clock and watch shop | 鐘錶店
zengpo | front part, first part | 前部
zengpoex | a senior; a superior; an elder; an older graduate; elder; senior; eldership; antecessor | 前輩
zengpor | subjoin; enlargement; fill out; supplement; supplementation | 增補
zengputtek'ie | have no alternative | 情無得已
zengpviax | fight for, struggle for, struggle, conflict | 爭拼; 爭奪
zengpvoarjit | forenoon; morning | 前半天
zengpvoarsefng | first half of life | 前半生
zengpvoax | front half, first half | 前半
zengpørkiok | Department of Information | 情報局
zengpøroaan | secret agent | 情報員
zengpøx | information; intelligence; information; intelligence reports | 情報
zengpøx-bang | an information system | 情報網
zengpøx-kiok | the intelligence bureau | 情報局
zengpøx-oaan | an intelligence officer, a secret agent | 情報員
zengsad | murder caused by love entanglement | 情殺
zengsarn | increase product | 增產
zengsaux | outpost | 前哨
zengsaxng | give a present to | 贈送
zengseeng | earnest and sincere | 精誠
zengsefng | hyperplasia | 增生
zengsex | situation; status; condition; fine material; delicate and painstaking workmanship or handicraft; very careful and attentive; thorough | 情勢; 精細
zengsia | thanks in advance | 前謝
zengsiax | small elegant villa | 精舍
zengsid | proliferation | 增殖
zengsie | love to death | 情死
zengsied | add to, increase an organization or instrument | 增設
zengsiefn khiofnghiø | anxious to be ahead of others; afraid to fall behind | 爭先恐後
zengsiefn | strive to be the first; strive to be foremost | 爭先
zengsielaang | past life | 前世人
zengsiin budlyhak | psychophysics | 精神物理學
zengsiin hiexnsiong | mental state; moral condition or attitude | 精神現象
zengsiin hunliedzexng | schizophrenia | 精神分裂症
zengsiin hunseg | phychoanalysis | 精神分析
zengsiin kaoiok | mental training; moral education | 精神教育
zengsiin khie`laai | wake up | 精神起來; 醒過來
zengsiin khoat'ham | mental defect | 精神缺陷
zengsiin khøhak | mental science | 精神科學
zengsiin koanlengpvi | neurosis | 精神官能病
zengsiin liauhoad | psycho therapy | 精神療法
zengsiin løtoxngciar | white collar worker | 精神勞動者
zengsiin pafmoar | in high spirit; vigorous and energetic; full of spirit and energy | 精神飽滿
zengsiin putsorng | out of sorts; not well | 精神無爽
zengsiin pvixvi | mental hospital; insane asylum | 精神醫院
zengsiin seng'oah | spiritual or the inner life | 精神生活
zengsiin sitsioong | mental disorder; out of one's mind | 精神失常
zengsiin thofng'id | concentration of mind | 精神統一
zengsiin tixliaau | psychological therapy | 精神治療
zengsiin zerngsioong | sane | 精神正常
zengsiin zhørloan | dementia; mental derangement; insanity; paranoia | 精神錯亂
zengsiin zok'iong | psychological origin; caused by one's psychic state; psycho somatic | 精神作用
zengsiin zoxngthaix | mental state; moral condition or attitude | 精神狀態
zengsiin | espy; mental; mentality; mind; morale; animal spirits; vitality; the spiritual part of man that has an existence apart from the body; the spirit of; mental faculty | 精神; 醒了
zengsin'aq | spirit | 精神矣
zengsinkhøf | psychiatric | 精神科
zengsinpve | mental disorder | 精神病
zengsinpvi | mental disease | 精神病
zengsinpvi-hak | psychiatry | 精神病學
zengsinpvixhak | psychiatry | 精神病學
zengsinpvixkhøf | psychiatry | 精神病科
zengsinsiong | psychological | 精神上
zengsiong | litigation | 爭訟
zengsiu | have a longer span of life; enjoy longevity | 增壽
zengsiuciar | Confessor for the Faith (Catholic) | 精修者
zengsiuu | past grudge | 前仇
zengsiw | additional income; increase of receipts; crop increase | 增收; 徵收; 征收
zengsix | the previous generation; the previous life in the reincarnation cycle | 前世
zengsoafnphirn | choice goods | 精選品
zengsoarn | choice; chosen; well-chosen; select with care | 精選
zengsoex | to levy taxes, to collect taxes | 增稅
zengsu bae | emotionally upset | 心情壞; 情緒壞
zengsu | matters; events; emotion; feeling; mood | 情緒
zengsuo | love story | 情史
zengsuun | unmixed | 精純
zengsvear | domestic animal; livestock | 牲畜仔; 家畜
zengsvef | animal; brute; cattle | 畜生
zengsviaf | bell sound; toll of a bell | 鐘聲
zengsvoaf | front mountain | 前山
zengsvy | animal; brute; cattle | 畜生; 精牲; 禽獸
zengsw | love letter | 情書
zengswn | great grandchild | 曾孫
zengsy | love poem; ties of affection | 情詩; 情絲
zengsym kiedzog | masterpiece | 精心傑作
zengsym | careful; whole heartedly; with all one's mind | 精心
zengsøex | minute and precise | 增稅; 精細; 徵稅
zengsøq | spermatic cord | 精子; 精索
zengtadsøex | tax on increased value of land | 增值稅
zengtai | last generation | 前代
zengtang | increase weight | 增重
zengtat | increase the value; value increment | 增值
zengtaux | quarrel, make a disturbance | 爭鬥
zengtek | rival in love affair | 情敵
zengterngpurn | revised and enlarged edition | 增訂本
zengtexng | revise and enlarge; revised and enlarged book | 增訂
zengthaang | spermatozoa | 精蟲; 精子
zengthaau khabhiah | hit one's head in frustration or anger | 氣得撞頭; 氣極了; 撞頭磕額
zengthaq | bell tower | 鐘塔
zengthaxm siawsoad | detective story | 偵探小說
zengthaxm | detective; spy | 偵探
zengthea | crystal in a radio | 晶體
zengtheeng | prospect | 前程
zengthiafm | add on | 增添
zengthiefn | fine day, fine weather | 晴天
zengthoad | to break away with force | 爭脫; 掙脫
zengthofng | conversance; conversant; master; be skilled in; be versed in; have a thorough knowledge of; be familiar or acquainted with | 精通
zengthuie | fore quarter or fore leg of an animal like a cut of meat; fore leg | 前腿
zengthuii | clapper or tongue of a bell; striker for a bell; hammer or mallet of mortar; an instrument to ring a bell | 鐘搥; 鐘舌
zengthuo | a wooden stick to smash and separate grain shell out grain | 舂杵
zengthør | to subjugate, go on a punitive expedition | 征討
zengti | intelligent | 情治
zengtiafmhuix | remuneration for teaching paid by the hour | 鐘點費
zengtiarm | (by) hour; hours | 鐘點
zengtiau | emotional appeal; feeling; affection; mood | 情調
zengtiaux | enlist, conscrict, call up, recruit | 徵召
zengtien | front hall of a temple | 前殿
zengtiofng pørkog | serve one's fatherland with unreserved loyalty | 精忠報國
zengtiofng | loyalty | 精忠
zengtiog | additional building | 增築
zengtiok | extend or enlarge | 增築; 擴建
zengtiorng | grow; growth; increases and advances | 增長
zengtit | increase in value | 增值
zengtix | fine; delicate handicraft | 精緻
zengtiøh | run against a person or thing | 撞到
zengtoadciexn | battle over a city; strategic point | 爭奪戰
zengtoafn | cause of dispute; quarrel or fight | 爭端
zengtoat | to contend for; struggle for; contend for; to fight for | 爭奪
zengtox | combat | 爭鬥
zengtuu | to attack and exterminate (cf [[ciefntuu]]) | 爭除
zengtviaa | front courtyard; outer court | 前埕; 前院
zengtviuu sit'ix | frustrated in love | 情場失意
zengtviuu | the arena of love; romance | 情場; 前場
zengtw | to attack and exterminate | 掙誅
zengtøee | front hoof | 前蹄
zengtør | knock down in a collision; to overthrow | 衝倒; 撞倒
zengzaau | testicles | 精巢
zengzad | struggle, make an effort | 情節; 掙扎
zengzaf | secret inquiries; inquire secretly | 偵查
zengzam | last bus stop; the front side of the railway station | 前站
zengzea'iaam | refined (table) salt | 精製鹽; 細鹽
zengzeahoad | refining process | 精製法
zengzeaphirn | refined article | 精製品
zengzefng | accurately; clearly; witty | 精精; 準
zengzeng'auxau | back and forth | 前前後後
zengzex kangchviuo | refinery | 精製工廠
zengzex | prepared; manufactured with special care; refining; refine | 精製
zengzhad | spy into; scout out; detection; scouting; to reconnoiter | 偵察
zengzhae | colorful; splendidness; brilliance; vividness; brilliant; high lights | 精彩; 精采
zengzhaf | to be different or difference From what is right or standard | 精差; 相差
zengzhar put'hiw | quarrel endlessly | 爭吵無休
zengzhar | to quarrel; to wrangle | 爭吵
zengzhatky | reconnaissance plane; scouting plane | 偵察機
zengzhaw | chastity; virginity; purity; moral rectitude | 貞操; 情操
zengzhef | former wife | 前妻
zengzheg | detect | 偵測
zengzhud | pound | 舂出
zengzhuix | pound to crash | 舂碎
zengzhuo pofzoxkym | endeavor to get a subsidy | 爭取補助金
zengzhuo sikafn | endeavor to avoid wasting time; act quickly; stall for time | 爭取時間
zengzhuo | try to get; strive for; compete for | 爭取
zengzhux | interesting point or aspect; what is intriguing or fascinating | 情趣; 前次; 上次
zengzhwtiøh | strive for | 爭取著
zengzhøx | chastity; virginity; purity; moral rectitude | 貞操
zengzoah | alter, change, difference | 爭差; 差別
zengzofbuo | great grandmother | 曾祖母
zengzofhu | great grandfather | 曾祖父
zengzofng | hardcover | 精裝
zengzor | grand grandfather | 曾祖
zengzuie | spermatozoa | 精水
zengzuo | spermatozoa | 精子
zengzw | increase capitalization | 增資
zengzø | front seat | 前座
zerngbeeng | prove; certify; evidence; authenticate; testify; certify; proof; testimonial | 證明
zerngbeeng-sw | certificate, testimonial | 證明書
zerngbengsw | certificate | 證明書
zernghofng-heeng | a square | 正方形
zernghongheeng | square (in geometry) | 正方形
zerngleng | a government order; laws or regulations; government ordinance or decree | 政令
zerngtai kongbeeng | fair and frank; just and pure of mind | 正大光明
zerngti texui pengterng | equal standing in politics | 政治地位平等
zerngtixsiong pengterng | political equality | 政治上平等
zerngtofng ee heng'uii | correct behavior | 正當的行為
zexkud sinkengthviax | sciatica | 坐骨神經痛
zexngzeng | whist; calm; quiet; silence; quiet(ly); calm(ly); silent(ly) | 靜靜
zexngzeng'ar | quite | 靜靜仔
zhabeeng | find out | 查明
zhadheeng | thief like | 賊形
zhafmheeng | atrocity, dreadful deed | 慘行; 暴行
zhahzheeng | set up banyan stalks | 插榕; 插蓉樹枝
zhai sinbeeng | erect the idol | 豎神像; 立神像
zhaiteng | adjudicate; judge; bring in a verdict; arbitration; adjudication; decision; arbitrate; adjudicate upon | 裁定
zhaixterngheng | become angry don't like to move | 豎頂行; 使性子坐著無動
zhakeng'ar | firewood room | 柴間仔
zhambeeng | clarity by additional information | 參明; 查明
zhanzheng'ar | rice farm green | 田青仔
zhaobah'eng'ar | carbuncle | 臭肉癰仔
zhaoheng | vile objectionable conduct | 臭行; 卑鄙行為
zhaolenghiexn | very young and inexperienced like a sucking child; the smell of a sucking child | 乳臭味; 乳臭未乾
zhaolengtaibi | slur | 臭奶呆味
zhaolengtay | speak with a lisp; baby talk | 臭奶呆; 齒語音無正
zhap'engsu | be a busybody; meddle in others affairs | 管閒事
zhapeeng | wooden panel | 柴爿
zhateng'ar | wooden peg | 柴釘仔
zhay tengbee | guess; solve an enigma | 猜燈謎
zhayteng | to make decision | 裁定
zhe'eng`ee | houseboy; maid of all work; handy man; servant | 吹佣的
zheeng | banyan tree | 榕
zhefngbeng | solicit; request; ask for instructions or orders | 請命
zhefngleng | apply for permission; ask for guidance | 請令
zhekseeng | absolute sincerity | 赤誠
zhekteng | determination; determine; quantitative | 測定
zheng | wear or put on like clothes; but not a hat; cap or glasses | 穿
zheng'aang | clear red | 清紅
zheng'afchiu | banyan | 榕仔樹
zheng'afchiuxkhaf | banyan tree bottom | 榕仔樹跤
zheng'afchiuxkofng | old banyan tree | 榕仔樹公
zheng'afchiuxterng | banyan tree top | 榕仔樹頂
zheng'afkhaf | banyan tree bottom | 榕仔跤
zheng'afkofng | banyan | 榕仔公
zheng'afkør | banyan fruit | 榕仔果
zheng'ar | banyan | 榕仔; 榕樹
zheng'eeng | in easy circumstances; free from care; anxiety; or need of toiling | 清閒
zheng'id | eleven hundred | 千一; 一千一百
zheng'itseg | uniformly | 清一色
zheng'iuar | lustration and concinnity | 清幽仔
zheng'iw | lustration and concinnity | 清幽
zheng'un | clearance | 清運
zheng'viu | thousands of styles | 千樣
zheng'ym | clear tone | 清音
zheng-bøextiaau | cannot wear it any longer (due to rise in temperature) | 穿無住
zhengban | ten millions | 千萬
zhengbee | congee | 清糜
zhengbeeng | Tomb-sweeping Day | 清明
zhengchiu | banyan | 榕樹
zhengchiuxkhaf | banyan tree bottom | 榕樹跤
zhengchvie | clear-headed; sober; sobriety; disenchantment | 清醒
zhengcid | competent; suitable or equal to the job one is doing | 稱職
zhengcinkoarn | Mohammedan restaurant; where no pork is served | 清真館
zhengcinsi | mosque | 清真寺
zhengciuo | a kind of rice wine; kind of rice wine; sake | 清酒
zhenggutoo | pornography | 春牛圖
zhenggvar | elegant; neat; graceful; neat and refined like in taste or adornment | 清雅
zhenghaan zwte | child of a poor person | 清寒子弟
zhenghaan | poor but clean and honest; cold and crisp weather; cold and bright moonlight | 清寒
zhenghae | blue sea | 青海
zhenghea | eliminate body inflammation | 清火
zhenghiarng | reverberant | 清響
zhenghioong | claim leadership; occupy dominating position | 稱雄
zhenghoea | eliminate body inflammation | 清火
zhenghof | a form of address; appellation; name; designate; address by an honorable designation; to style; a designation | 稱呼
zhenghofng benggoat | aloof (Lit. a soothing wind and the bright moon are my sole companions.) | 清風明月
zhenghofng | refreshing breeze; soothing wind or breezes | 清風
zhenghog | happiness without worries and cares | 清福
zhenghuun | light cloud | 青雲
zhenghø | a title; designation | 稱號
zhenghøea | annealing | 清火; 退火
zhengkaotoo | Puritanism | 清教徒
zhengkerng | quite, and clear environment | 清境
zhengkhieafzhengkhix | clean | 清氣仔清氣
zhengkhiekhoarn | clean | 清氣款
zhengkhieliuliw | very clean | 清氣溜溜
zhengkhiesviux | a morbid fear of getting dirty; mysophobia; morbid preoccupation with cleanliness | 清氣癖; 潔癖
zhengkhietangtafng | very clean | 清氣噹噹
zhengkhiezhengkhix | very clean | 清氣清氣
zhengkhix | cleanness; clean | 清氣; 乾淨
zhengkhor | poor but clean and honest | 清苦
zhengkhøx | simple; pure; plain; unmixed; few member in the family | 單純; 家庭成員少
zhengkied | clean; cleaning; cleanly; clean; neat; cleanliness; sanitary | 清潔
zhengkiettui | cleaning team | 清潔隊
zhengkietzef | detergent | 清潔劑
zhengkonggarn | glaucoma | 青光眼
zhengkvoaf | honest officials | 清官
zhengkøf | aloof from politics and material pursuits; morally lofty or upright; not interested in politics or other worldly things | 清高
zhengkør | fresh fruits | 青果
zhenglerng | cold | 清冷
zhengliaam | incorrectness; rectitude; upright; incorruptible; integrity | 清廉
zhengliaang ymliau | cool beverage or drink; soft drink | 清涼飲料
zhengliaang | cool; pure and cool; refreshing | 清涼
zhengliamkvoaf | an official of integrity | 清廉官
zhengliangzef | refrigerant | 清涼劑
zhenglie | put in order; check up; clear; liquidation; sort out; liquidate debts; settle accounts; arrange; tidy up; clearance sale | 清理
zhenglieen | youth | 青年
zhenglienhoe | YMCA or YWCA | 青年會
zhenglienkii | puberty; adolescence | 青年期
zhenglienlaang | young people | 青年人
zhenglienthoaan | youth corps | 青年團
zhenglioong | very strong dragon | 青龍
zhengliuu | clear stream | 清流
zhenglo | clear dew | 清露
zhenglorng | loud and clear like a sound or voice; clear and crisp like the weather | 清朗
zhengmoaai | congee | 清糜
zhengmoee | thin rice gruel | 清粥
zhengmuii tekmar | innocent affection between a boy and a girl in their childhood | 青梅竹馬
zhengmuii | green plums; unripened plums | 青梅
zhengnaa | clear blue | 清藍
zhengnii | a thousand years | 千年
zhengpax | become the most powerful nation in the world or part of the world; hold an undisputed position of strength; occupy the leading position in certain field of sports | 稱霸
zhengpeeng | peace and justice; (said of disposition) pure; honest and peace loving | 清平
zhengpefng | fresh clean scraped ice | 清清; 清冰
zhengpeh | clean; innocence; pure; unblemished | 清白
zhengpeh'afchiu | banyan | 榕柏仔樹
zhengpeh'ar | pine tree | 松柏仔
zhengpehniar | pine; fir; | 松柏嶺
zhengpek | said of a person's character or family background; clean; unsoiled; innocent; unimpeachable | 清白
zhengpeq | pine; fir; conifers | 松柏
zhengphafng | refreshing fragrance; gently and pleasantly fragrant; not too strong | 清香
zhengphiin | poor | 清貧
zhengpiin | poor and virtuous | 清貧
zhengpng | rice | 清飯
zhengsafn legsuie | beautiful charming natural scene (Lit. blue mountains and green water) | 青山綠水
zhengsafn | put on coat or shirt | 青山
zhengsaux | clearing; clean up; scavenge; cleaning; to clean | 清掃
zhengsea | wash; to bathe | 清洗
zhengsia | express thanks | 稱謝
zhengsiaolieen | adolescent; juvenile; teen-ager; youngsters and young adults | 青少年
zhengsiaux | pay bill; pay off all one's debt; settle all one's accounts | 清數
zhengsien | praise and admire | 稱羨
zhengsiin | declare oneself a vassal; be subjugated; concede defeat; submit to the victor | 稱臣
zhengsiong | praise; extol | 稱頌
zhengsionghoe | Youth Chamber of Commerce | 青商會
zhengsioong | pay back | 清償
zhengsiux | handsome; comeliness; good looking; with clear cut features; handsome without the aid of cosmetics | 清秀
zhengsiw | lead a life of few wants and ambitions | 清修
zhengsixn | clear letter | 清信
zhengsngx | purge; liquidation, balance accounts | 清算
zhengsoaxn | liquidate; liquidation | 清算
zhengsoea | clean | 清洗
zhengsorng | cleanlily; quiet and comfortable | 清爽
zhengsuo | annals of history; history | 青史
zhengsuun | clear and pure | 清純
zhengsym kvoafiok | purge one's mind of desires and ambitions | 清心寡慾
zhengsym | very gratifying and no pressure; obligation | 清心
zhengsyn | refreshing style or fashion | 清新
zhengtaam | an empty talk | 清談
zhengtam | insipidity; insipidness; dull or sluggish market; food without vegetable oil or heavy seasoning | 清淡
zhengtee | green tea; green tea; to entertain with only tea and nothing else | 清茶
zhengteeng | government of Ching Dynasty | 清廷
zhengthaam | clear up phlegm | 清痰
zhengthiefn pheklek | sudden and unexpected (Lit. a bolt from the blue) | 青天霹靂
zhengthiefn | blue sky | 青天
zhengthienpegjidkii | Chinese National flag (Lit. flag of blue sky and bright sun) | 青天白日旗
zhengthngf | clear soup; consomme; broth | 清湯
zhengtiau | clear out | 清掉
zhengtii | eliminate; be rid of; liquidate; purge; remove; clean or tidy up a house | 清除
zhengtun | boil or stew without soy sauce or anything that would color the soup; stew or steam meat without seasoning | 清燉
zhengtuu | clean out; clear away; decontaminate; climinate; get rid of; clear | 清除
zhengtvi'ar | sweet | 清甜仔
zhengtviuu | get every movie goer out before the next show starts (said of theaters) | 清場
zhengtvoaf | bill; list; listing; checklist; inventory; detailed list of items which serves as a receipt; statement; statement of account | 清單
zhengtvy | lightly sweet | 清甜; 甜而爽口
zhengtø | sweeping the streets | 清道
zhengtøxhw | street sweeper | 清道夫
zhengzaf | check; investigate; survey thoroughly; thorough checkup | 清查
zhengzai | since | 既然
zhengzar | early in the morning; dawn | 清早; 清晨
zhengzaxn | compliment; applaud; extoll; give credit for; praise; admiration | 稱讚
zhengzeng | clean and quiet; quiet like in a house or surroundings | 清靜
zhengzhae | energetic | 清彩; 即爽
zhengzhaykhylaai | energetic | 清彩起來
zhengzhefng | clean | 清清
zhengzhefng-baxnban | huge amount | 千千萬萬
zhengzhengkhiekhix | clean | 清清氣氣
zhengzhengpeqpeh | innocent | 清清白白
zhengzhengzhøfzhør | clear; without ambiguity; know thoroughly | 清清楚楚; 清楚
zhengzheq | inventory; list containing in detail all items or records to be handed over to a successor to an office; inventory | 清冊
zhengzhunkii | adolescence | 青春期
zhengzhunniafterng | youth ridge top | 青春嶺頂
zhengzhunniar | youth ridge | 青春嶺
zhengzhuntau | adolescent pimples | 青春痘
zhengzhuo | attempt to secure | 清取
zhengzhvea | wide awake; clear-minded; sober | 清醒
zhengzhwn | youth; youthful; adolescence; springtime of life | 青春
zhengzhør | clear; without ambiguity; know thoroughly | 清楚; 清清楚楚
zhengzhør`aq | understood | 清楚矣
zhengzuie | clear or freshwater | 清水
zhengzvoaa | crystal clear fountain | 清泉
zherng'zhengzhefng | extremely clan | 清清清
zho'eng | casual use | 粗用
zhoahpengki'ar | ice crusher | 礤冰機仔
zhohoat'heeng | first issue (of postage stamps) | 初發行
zhongbeeng zoadterng | extremely clever or intelligent | 聰明絕頂
zhongbeeng zuxgo | too smart (Lit. ruined by one's own cleverness.) | 聰明自誤
zhongbeeng | wise; clever; intelligent; clever; bright; quick of comprehension | 聰明
zhongbeeng-zaitix | cleverness and intelligence | 聰明才智
zhorhae sengphøf | disturbance due to jealousy; martial trouble arising from infidelity | 醋海生波
zhorngseeng | established | 創成
zhozheng | mufti; dishabille; civvies; negligee; everyday clothes; to wear every day | 便服; 便裝
zhuheeng | mold; prototype | 雛型
zhuieheeng | mouth shape | 嘴形; 喙形
zhuiekhie zefngheeng | othodonatry | 嘴齒整形
zhuiheeng | carry into operation what has already been decided; implement | 推行
zhuiteng | illation; constructive; presume; putative | 推定
zhunkofng-bengbii | beautiful scenes of spring | 春光明媚
zhunleng | spring weather | 春令
zhunzeeng | sexual desire; the longing for the opposite sex | 春情
zhunzeeng-hoattoxngkii | puberty | 春情發動期
zhuozeeng | house front | 厝前
zhuozeeng'auxpiaq | the front and back of the house | 厝前後壁
zhurnpo lanheeng | difficult to advance even an inch | 寸步難行
zhut'heeng | travel | 出行; 往旅行
zhutbeng | issue an order | 出命; 下令
zhutjinbeng | die | 出人命
zhutkhawsengciofng | quick thinking, and excellent eloquence | 出口成章
zhutkheng | when there is a rainbow | 出虹; 現虹
zhutleng | issue or publish an order | 下令; 出命令
zhutsefng-zerngbengsw | birth certificate | 出生證明書
zhutsenglut | birth rate | 出生率
zhutsvef zerngbeeng | birth certificate | 出生證明
zhutteeng | appear in court | 出庭
zhutzeng | come off retreat (Catholic) | 出靜
zhveangtengkhaf | under traffic light | 青紅燈跤
zhvelengtøf | large sword of ancient Chinese | 青龍刀
zhwheeng | inflict punishment; punish; execute; mete out a sentence | 處刑
zhøfheng | conduct; behavior; deportment (as in school) | 操行
zhøfkannafheeng | oliver shape | 草橄欖形
zhøfkoafn jinbeng | treat human life as grass attach no importance to human life | 草菅人命
zhørheeng | conduct; behavior; deportment (as in school) | 操行
zoaan-zengsiin | whole mind | 全精神
zoadbeng | die; death | 絕命
zoadtuix anzeng | complete bed rest | 絕對安靜
zoadzeeng | cease relationship | 絕情; 寡情
zoafhuilengky | paper airplane | 紙飛行機
zoafngarn sengkhofng | in the twinkling of an eye it is gone the vanity of life | 轉眼成空
zoafnheeng | transformation | 轉形
zoafnhengtiofng | in transition | 轉型中
zoafnteeng | To petition; present or communicate to superior | 轉呈
zoaheeng | serpentine | 蛇形
zoan'iuo bengsuu | proper noun | 專有名詞
zoanbuun-bengsuu | technical term | 專門名詞
zoanbuun-kileeng | a specialized technique | 專門機能; 專門技能
zoangiap-zengsiin | dedication to a job | 專業精神
zoanleeng | almighty; omnipotent; almighty; all round athlete | 全能
zoanleeng-uxntong | decathlon for men; pentathlon for women | 全能運動
zoanseng | in full bloom, at the high | 全乘; 極盛
zoanseng-sitai | heyday; zenith; prime | 全盛時代
zoanteeng | special-purpose trip | 專程
zoanthea zarnseeng | unanimous approval | 全體贊成
zoantheeng | special trip | 專程
zoantix-zoanleeng | omniscient and almighty | 全智全能
zoanzeeng | dedicated | 專情
zoeaheeng | make shape | 做形
zoealinzeeng | do someone a favor | 做人情
zoeaseeng | finished | 做成
zoeasenglie | do business | 做生理
zoeasyn hoatbeeng | the latest invention | 最新發明
zoeazeeng | first, at first | 做情
zoex-senglie | do business | 做生理
zoexheeng | criminal acts; atrocities | 罪行
zoexheng | sinful deed, criminal act | 罪行
zofleeng | ancestral spirits | 祖靈
zofngkenglie | president | 總經理
zofngpengkyn | overall average | 總平均
zofngsuleng | commander in chief | 總司令
zofngthofnghwzeeng | in front of the presidential palace | 總統府前
zofseeng | be made up of, be composed of, be organized by | 組成
zokseeng | made | 作成
zorng kangthengsw | chief engineer | 總工程師
zorng kenglie | general manager | 總經理
zorng-kenglie | general manager | 總經理
zorng-suleng | commander-in-chief | 總司令
zorngcix-lenghuun | soaring ambition or aspiration | 壯志凌雲
zoseeng | constitute; form; constitution; compose; composition; form; compose; constitute; organize | 組成
zoxseeng | assist or help accomplish something | 助成; 幫助
zuie-zengkhix | steam, steam vapor | 水蒸氣; 水蒸汽
zuix-zengsiin | wake up drunk | 醉精神; 醉醒過來
zun'eeng | dignity and honor; glory | 尊榮
zunbeng | respectively follow the instruction; obey orders; follow instructions; (response to an order) All right; Sir Very well; Sir | 遵命
zunheeng | act in accordance with (a principle); put into practice (an idea; principle) | 遵行
zunkhoarn zerngbeeng | deposit receipt | 存款證明
zunleeng | age of a ship | 船齡
zunsexng taixbeeng | your full name (honorific term) | 尊姓大名
zuobeeng | describe and display explicitly; explain or state clearly in writing; make a footnote; make out | 註明
zuoseeng taixzhøx | commit a serious mistake | 鑄成大錯
zuoteng | destined; predestined; to ordain (as Heaven or fate) | 註定
zuxbeeng tek'ix | be very pleased with what one has done or achieved | 自鳴得意
zuxbeeng zhengkøf | consider oneself morally superior to others; look down on all others as vulgar or dishonest | 自鳴清高
zuxbeeng | self-evident, self-explanatory | 自明; 不解自明的
zuxciog kengzex | self sufficient or self sustaining economy (within a family; clan; nation) | 自足經濟
zuxgvor phoepheeng | self criticism; criticize oneself | 自我批評
zuxheeng | individually; by oneself | 自行
zuxhengchiaf | bicycle | 自行車
zuxiuu hengtong | free movement; a free hand; free action | 自由行動
zuxjieen-sengthai | natural ecology | 自然生態
zuxkengloong | owner farmers | 自耕農
zuxlek kengsefng | achieve self renewal through one's own effort, attain or develop a new way of life all by oneself, stand on one's own two feet | 自力更生
zuxnleng | loosen the screw | 轉鬆
zuxseeng itkaf | create a school or style of one's own (said of a creative writer, painter) | 自成一家
zuxti hengzexng | self-government (of villages; counties; cities) | 自治行政
zuxzog-tøzeeng | imagine oneself as the favorite of one of the opposite sex; be under the hallucination that the other party is willing | 自作多情
zuxzog-zhongbeeng | pretending to be wise; act on one's own judgment; act as if one were an expert; presumptuous; pretentious | 自作聰明
zuyhøea-bøzeeng | water and fire have no feelings | 水火無情
zuyleeng | a fire engine | 水龍; 水蛇
zuylengchiaf | fire-engine | 水龍車; 救火車
zuyli-kangtheeng | hydraulic engineering | 水利工程
zuypeeng | estate; horizontal; level | 水平
zuypengbin | level surface | 水平面
zuypenggii | leveling instrument | 水平儀
zuypengsvoax | horizontal line | 水平線
zuypengtø | stabilizer | 水平舵
zuysenggiaam | sedimentary rock, marine rock | 水成岩
zuytengchiaf | water lamp car | 水燈車
zuyzengkhix | vapor; steam; steam; vapor | 水蒸氣
zuyzhenghihien | clear water showing fishes | 水清魚現
zuyzhenghihiexn | clear water showing fishes | 水清魚現
zwbeng | mastermind | 主命
zwkoafn ee phøepheeng | subjective criticism | 主觀的批評
zwleng | master order | 主令
zwnseeng | criterion | 準繩
zwseeng | commit a serious mistake | 煮成
zøeazeeng | do a favor for | 做前; 做情; 先走; 做人情
zøex-senglie | engage in merchandising | 做生理
zøexteeng | multiple, many-layered | 濟重
zøfheeng | walk on the left – implies not following the norm | 左行
zøfkheeng | left leaning | 左傾
zørjinzeeng | do a favor for someone | 送人情
zørpeeng | divide in half | 做爿; 成半
zørpeng'afphvoa | comrade in military | 做兵仔伴
zørsenglie | eloquence in business speech | 做生理
zørsenglyzhuix | eloquence in business speech | 做生理喙
zørzeeng | lead; go first; lead the way | 在前; 帶頭; 領先; 先走
zøx-exseeng | do a somewhat improper thing successfully (unsuccessfully) | 做得成; 做無成
zøx-senglie | do business | 做生意; 做生理; 做買賣
zøxheeng | model | 造型
zøxiaau sengsu | start rumors and incite incidents | 造謠生事
zøxiuxbeeng | motto | 座右銘
zøxseeng | create; give occasion to; lend itself to; make; complete; build up; compose; result in; cause to happen | 造成
øexeng-tid | OK! Can do! may | 會用得; 可以; 可行
øexeng`tid | usable | 會用得; 可以; 可行
øexseeng | able to, can (do sthg one wishes to do) | 會成

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