"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: engbo

bengbok | reputable; name; designation | 名目
bengbong | fame; high reputation; honor; high reputation; popularity | 名望
bengboxngkaf | renown | 名望家
bøbengbok | unclear 'meaning' | 不明目
engbo | screen | 螢幕
engbor | acre | 英畝
hengboo | model; mould; matrix; pattern | 型模; 模型
hengboong | the rise and fall; the prosperity and adversity; rise and fall of a nation | 興亡
kamsym-bengbok | die without dissatisfaction; die happy | 甘心瞑目
kengbo | economic and trade | 經貿
kengbok | tilling and pasturing | 耕牧
khengbo | admire; admiration | 傾慕
lengbo | emperor's mausoleum | 陵墓
lengboee | spiritualistic medium | 靈煤
lengbok | Suzuki | 鈴木
lengboong | lemon | 檸檬
lengborng | lemon | 檸檬
lengborng-ciab | lemon juice | 檸檬汁
lengborng-sngf | citric acid | 檸檬酸
lengborng-zuie | lemonade | 檸檬水
sengbok | eye-catching | 醒目
sengbong | fame; reputation; prestige | 聲望
sengboong | be obliged; much indebted to...; much obliged | 承蒙
sie pud bengbok | be unwilling to die (because of some unfinished tasks; unfulfilled wishes; intensive grudge) | 死無瞑目
suo pud bengbok | be unwilling to die (because of some unfinished tasks; unfulfilled wishes; intensive grudge) | 死無瞑目
u-bengbok | clear | 有名目; 清楚
zengbo | to enlist, to conscript | 精募; 徵募
zengbor | former wife; former wife of a man who has remarried | 前妻; 前某
zengboxngkhoxng | elbow one's way; barge about | 撞妄控; 亂闖; 橫衝直撞

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