"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: engsu

Hengsu sorsioxnghoad | Criminal Procedure Code | 刑事訴訟法
bagciw tengsuun | double eyelid | 目睭重紋; 雙眼皮
bengsu | reputable person; man of distinction; notable or distinguished person | 名士
bengsuu | noun; noun | 名詞
ciartoafn sengsu | stir up trouble on a pretext or excuse | 藉端生事
cibhap bengsuu | collective noun | 集合名詞
cysi taixbengsuu | indicative pronouns | 指示代名詞
engsu | a matter not of one's concern; matters not of one's concern | 閒事
gibun taixbengsuu | interrogative pronouns | 疑問代名詞
hengsu zhaiphvoax | criminal trial | 刑事裁判
hengsu | criminal case; police detective | 刑事; 行事
hengsu'ee | penal | 刑事的; 刑罰的
hengsu-hoan | a criminal | 刑事犯
hengsubuxntøee | criminal case | 刑事問題
hengsuo | to exercise; use or exercise authority | 行使; 行駛
hengsuo-koaan | the right to exercise powers inherent with one's office | 行使權
hengsuxlek | calendar | 行事曆
hengsuxteeng | criminal court | 刑事庭
hoxngbeng-hengsu | act in the instructions | 奉命行事
jinzhefng taixbengsuu | personal pronoun | 人稱代名詞
kengsuo | classics and history | 經史
khengsud | careless(ly); thoughtless(ly); imprudent(ly) | 輕率
kirmcie hengsuo loxkefng | Don't drive on the shoulder (freeway) | 禁止行駛路肩
koanhe-taixbengsuu | relative pronoun | 關係代名詞
koarn engsu | be a meddler; to be a busy-body; meddle with other's affairs | 管閒事
koriuo-bengsuu | proper noun | 固有名詞; 專有名詞
lengsu | one's specialty; what one can do best | 能事
pengsu | a soldier; an ordinary soldier; foot soldier | 兵士
pengsun | smooth-going; plain sailing; smooth and orderly | 平順
pengsut | generalship | 兵術
sengsu zai thiefn | man proposes; God disposes | 成事在天
sengsu | create trouble; give rise to a disturbance | 生事; 惹事; 滋事
sengsun | obey, obedient | 誠順; 順從
sengsuo cy kaw | deep friendship (implying the sharing of each other's fate) | 生死之交
sengsuo iwbeng | death and life are predetermined | 生死有命
sengsuo koanthiøo | life and death crisis | 生死關頭
sengsuo | life and death | 生死
siawkoarn engsu | Mind your own business | 少管閒事
taixbengsuu | pronoun | 代名詞
tengsuun | double-fold eyelids | 層紋; 徵詢; 雙眼皮
thengsu | sequence; procedure; process; program; order | 程序
thengsurn | stop loss | 停損
thiusiong bengsuu | abstract nouns | 抽象名詞
tøkoarn engsu | be a meddlesome busybody; poke one's nose into other people's business | 多管閒事
zengsu bae | emotionally upset | 心情壞; 情緒壞
zengsu | matters; events; emotion; feeling; mood | 情緒
zengsuo | love story | 情史
zengsuun | unmixed | 精純
zhap'engsu | be a busybody; meddle in others affairs | 管閒事
zhengsuo | annals of history; history | 青史
zhengsuun | clear and pure | 清純
zoan'iuo bengsuu | proper noun | 專有名詞
zoanbuun-bengsuu | technical term | 專門名詞
zøxiaau sengsu | start rumors and incite incidents | 造謠生事

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