"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: gøeq

chitgøeqpvoax | fifteenth of the seventh lunar month; special day for worship of ancestral tablets | 七月半; 中元
cidgøeqjit | one month | 一個月
cviaa gøeqjit | days in January | 成月日
cviagøeqjit | the whole month long | 個把月
gøeqbaai | new moon; crescent; brackets; parenthesis | 月眉; 彎月; 新月; 半月形; 月芽; 括弧; 弦月
gøeqbøea | end of the month | 月尾; 月底
gøeqciofng | end of the month | 月終
gøeqgoaxjit | more than a month | 月外日; 一個多月
gøeqha | moonlight night; under the moon | 月下
gøeqhong | monthly pay; monthly salary | 月俸; 月薪
gøeqhun | a month; monthly | 月份
gøeqjit | months and days; the sun and the moon; time | 月日; 個月
gøeqkefng | menses | 月經
gøeqkhafn | a monthly periodical | 月刊
gøeqkhiim | a four-stringed and moon-shaped guitar; lute | 月琴
gøeqkhør | monthly examination | 月考
gøeqkib | monthly salary; monthly pay | 月給; 月薪
gøeqkiuu | the moon, the spherical moon | 月球
gøeqkngf | moonlight | 月光
gøeqkuix | laurel | 月桂
gøeqlai | within a month after baby bearing | 月內; 月子; 月利; 坐月子
gøeqlaixlaang | mother or woman within a month after baby bearing | 月內人; 坐月子的人
gøeqleng | season of the year | 月令
gøeqniuu | the moon | 月娘; 月亮
gøeqpviar | moon-cake for the mid-Autumn festival | 月餅
gøeqpvoax | about the 15th day of the month | 月半; 一個半月
gøeqseg | moonlight | 月色
gøeqsid | eclipse of the moon | 月蝕
gøeqsixn | menstruation; the menses | 月信; 月經
gøeqsu | menstruation; the menses | 月事; 月經
gøeqsyn | monthly salary; monthly pay | 月薪
gøeqtaai | car or railway or subway platform | 月台; 月臺
gøeqtaai-phiøx | platform ticket | 月台票; 月臺票
gøeqtaiphiøx | a platform ticket | 月臺票
gøeqthaau | beginning of the month | 月頭; 月初
gøeqthøo | a kind of alpinia | 月桃; 玉桃
gøeqtiofng | middle of the month | 月中
gøeqtøea | end of the month | 月底
gøequun | lunar halo, halo of the moon | 月環
gøeqviar | the shadow of the moon | 月影
gøeqvii | full moon | 月圓
gøeqzhof | beginning of the month | 月初
gøeqzhud | moonrise | 月出
gøeqzhøef | the beginning of the month | 月初
gøeqzw | monthly wages, salary | 月資; 月薪
jidzeg-gøeqlui | day after day and month after month; gradual accumulation over a long time; in time | 日積月累
nikuo gøeqchym | for many years; as years go by | 年久月深; 經年累月
niwkørgøeq | two months | 兩個月
pvoargøeqjit | half month | 半個月
zabgøeqtafng | second rice harvest during the tenth month | 二期稻
zøx-gøeqlai | celebrate childbirth | 做月子

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