"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: gafn

Kunzuo putciah gafncienkhuy | One who overlooks a slight | 君子無吃眼前虧。
gafn'ab | intraocular pressure | 眼壓
gafnbak | the eye; spy who reports to someone what he sees | 眼目
gafnbok | eyes; serve as the eyes of another; a spy; essential points or parts | 眼目
gafncid | eye's disease | 眼疾
gafncieen | at the present time; before the eyes | 眼前
gafnha | at present; within survey | 眼下
gafnhog | lucky to see; feast for the eyes | 眼福
gafnkaix koaan | have one's standards set high | 眼界高
gafnkaix | ken; scope; one's field of vision | 眼界; 視界
gafnkhof | the eye socket | 眼眶
gafnkhø'y | ophthalmologist | 眼科醫; 眼科醫師
gafnkhøf ivi | ophthalmic hospital | 眼科醫院
gafnkhøf zoankaf | oculist | 眼科專家
gafnkhøf | ophthalmology | 眼科
gafnkhøivi | an eye clinic | 眼科醫院
gafnkhøy | eye doctor (surgeon) | 眼科醫
gafnkiuu | eyeball | 眼球
gafnkofng oafntai | foresight | 眼光遠大
gafnkofng | foresight; vision; discernment; power of judgment | 眼光
gafnkviarhaang | optician's shop | 眼鏡行
gafnkviax | glasses; spectacles | 眼鏡
gafnlek | eyesight | 眼力; 視力
gafnliarm | eyelid | 眼斂; 眼皮
gafnlui | tear | 眼淚
gafnphøee | eyelid | 眼皮
gafnpve | eye disease | 眼病; 眼疾
gafnpvi | eye disease | 眼病; 眼疾
gafnseg | eye sign | 眼色
gafnsiin | expression of the eyes; gleam in one's eye | 眼神
gafnsvoax | police informer leading to culprit's hide-out; eye line; in crime investigation | 眼線
gafntiofng-bujiin | supercilious; take no notice of others; arrogant | 眼中無人
gafntiongchix | the most hated person (Lit. thorn (nail) in the eye) | 眼中刺
gafntiongjiin | one greatly desired and esteemed; the apple of one's eye | 眼中人
gafntiongtefng | thorn on one's side; person hated; thorn in one's side | 眼中釘
gafntøea | the mind's eye; the eye ground | 眼中; 眼底
gafntøea-bujiin | expressions of pride and haughtiness | 目中無人; 眼底無人
gafnzeeng | present, before our eyes | 眼前; 目前
gafnzw | eye pupil; eyeball; eyeballs | 眼珠
honggafnzoar | paper with squares for calligraphy practice | 方格紙; 方眼紙
hør gafnlek | good eyesight | 好眼力
hør-gafnlek | good eyesight; good judgment | 好眼力
hør-gafnseg | good eyesigh | 好眼色
hør-gafnsiin | good eyesigh | 好眼神
khay gafnkaix | enlarge the field of vision; see new things | 開眼界
khvoarputzai gafnlai | make light of | 看不在眼內
khvoarputzaixgafnlai | make light of | 看不起眼
phuu zai gafncieen | floating before the eyes | 砍眼前
sianggafnkviax | two eyes | 雙眼鏡
taixkhaigafnkaix | eye-opener | 大開眼界
tan'gafnphøee | oriental eyelids; which do not have a distinct fold along the edges | 單眼皮
toggafnlioong | somebody blind in one eye | 獨眼龍
tor-gafnlek | exert one's power of sight; as in examining an article before buying; to scrutinize | 賭眼力
u-gafnkofng | far-seeing, far-sighted, sagacious | 有眼光

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